THE FCflANTON TRIBUNE TIT E S DAY MORNim, JUNE 26, 1894. JUNE SHOPPING THAT summer is In onr midst and its X imperative demands confront n. does r.ot in the leuRt ombarais na. It is our buiinsM to bo prepared for gaoii emorgonoies and to provide the com forts for our patrons who mako us wlmt wo are Public Benefactors. Dress Goods Thoio re ftnv siiEmtions which the ibopper will appreciate and aid mate rially in Bi'loctitj summer gowns. Buy the Stylish Goods (let those piitterns whicb are most auiteil to your figure and station. Ami by nil niuana buy what will make you comfortable during tho hot Bummer days. Come with whatever m purse you ran commund and your most refined tasted will be satisfied. Covert Cloth Serge, Cheviot Serge, Colored Suitings French Novelty liess Goods in two toue effects checks and stripes. All wool Twills in Tans, (trays. Browns. Blues, Heliotropes and Changeable" Effects. Challies and Organdies We are showing tho finest Assortment of Imported Challies and Organdies that can bo found to coniain all that can bo asked for in this most popular fabric. Summer Silks Economical ladies of good tastn will find it a most advantageous ocensiou. An inspection of the various styles is certain to prove of more than ordi nary mt rest. Lyons Checked Taffeta, Pontilla and Zephyr Crepes, Printed Japanese .Silks, Fancy Hair-line and Flgurod Silks. Every yard of those goods are desirable qualities and were ordered for the season's trade. Cool, Fashionable and Beautiful, Shirt Waists Percale and Lawn, Printed China Silk Waists, ( hamliry Waists, Full Laun dried Waists, Luuiidried Waisls in Linen I ftYcts. All the Novelties of the senon. Pretty Design, Exclusive 1 leslgns and the richest for tho money that can be had. French Sateens Como with the regularity of tho seas ons. Lovely as ever. Always new in deagna and soft effects. Brocaded, figured, plain and fancy colors, suita ble for the old, enchanting for the young, at prices where competition has forced them. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT HONESDALE. Twelve members of the Carbondale Bicycle club rode over to Honesdale Sunday, going by way of Canaan and llawlev. and arriving at Honesdale about 1 p. m. The following regis tered at the Allan House: G. M. Pat terson, Barney Rolson, Frank Carpen ter, Frank Hubbarn, John Matey and John Abbott. William H. Reichenbakor has jnst reoeived Borne flagging for laying in front of bis place, near the Delaware and Hudson depot, that will be one of tho finest walks in Honesdale. Miss Louise Hardenbergh attendod Mies Hardenbergh's piano forte recital at Scranton Monday afternoon. E. D. Hoffman, of Scranton, regis tered at the Allen I louse Monday. Rev. V. H. Berghaus, who has offici ated temporarily in Grace chnrch since tho resignation of Rev. Qeorge C. Hall in December, bade farewell to the con gregation Sunday. He left for hie home at Harrisburg Monday. Meade I. Schenck is home from school Mrs. Stone and daughter, Miss Stone, of New York, are in Honesdale. Tbey will pass the summer at Grace chnroh rectory. Tbe congregation of the German Luthern church had Intended holding u pionic at Bellevue park. Tha rector of tbe church, Rev. William Schmidt, Is opposed to the church picnic, princi pally on account of the selling of beer and dancing.' When he learned Sun day morning of the decision of the trustees he was very indignant, He did not preach his regular sermon but took for his text Luke 19:45-48. and exhorted his people to give up the bureh picnio on account of the ex tremes to which it Is carried. The con gregation is divided in regard to the matter. He did not preach Snnday evening, the pulpit being occupied by a clerical studont. Mr. Schmidt meets the trustees Fri day evening and the congregation July 8, in regard to tbe picnio. PECKVIHE. Miss Mattle Toms, of Green Ridss, was the guost of her eonsin, Miss Adie Swingle, ovr Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hovt, of Green Ridge, spent Sunday with the later'a mother, Mrs. Jennie Fresr. Mr. and Mrs. John Sampson, of Prlceburg, was calling here last Hun day. Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes, of Plains, visited with their parents hero over Sunday. Tha Welsh Calvanistio Methodist chnrch on the Ridge will hold ieo crmm festival on the grounds on the Fourth. Mrs. William Gilchrist and three children, of Avoca, is visiting ber brother. James Graham. John Lantz called on his mother in Bcntt Inst Saturday. Mrs. J. Megurgel and dnughter Eva, of Scranton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Megargel over Sunday. Willard Wllmot, of Hirford, is vis iting Mr. and Mra. E. T. Harding. Mrs. Stephen Parry is very ill nt tbe home of her daughter, Mrs. James Note. John Jane, of Nnntlcoke, spent Sun day as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swales. Gustave Bowman, of Bill Place, can boast of the best vegetable garden In the borough. Rumahkkd by R. C. Joiner, of Allen P. O , Hillsdale, Mich.: "Nothing gave my rheumatism auch quick relief aa Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil believe It infallible (or rheumatics." CARBONDALE. The following officers ntnl commit tees were elected Sunday evening by the Baptist Christian Kiidoavor society to serve during tho coming six months: President, Dr. Lowry vice president, Freeman Tallman; recording secre tary, Charles Avery; organist, Lillian Jones; lookout committee, Carrie Geary, Enla Carev, 0. E Snodeker. Charles Bailey, Louis Davie; prayer meeting committee, W. Smith, Arthur Lewslay, Miss Nettio Burdick, Jennie Fluellen; Sunday school commit tee, Mrs. G. Nicholson, Mrs. .lames Smith, Juinea Smith, T. Davis; Miss Mary J. Evans ; missionary com mittoe, Port Hall, Elwin Illy, George Whitfield. Mrs ('. Cirlton, Miss Eu genie Smith, Miss Jennie Fluellen; social committee, Miss Lola Purdy, Miss Nora Purdy, Miss Helen Shields, W. F. Nye, Fred Wilson, G. A. Hod son; junior work, Mrs. A. Lwwsley, ils Ella Pnrdy, Miss Lsna Rhodes, Miss Lillinn Jones, Miss Allie Price and W. F. Nye; miisio committee, Mrs. Charles Avery, Miss Sarah Davis, Miss Minnio Tallman, Miss A. Price, G. W. lily; flower committee, Miss May Avery, Miss May Belle Fuller, Miss Sadie L'wis, Charles Snedeker, Charles Perkins, The high sobool alumni banquet will occur this evening (Tuesday) and not Thursday. a was misprinted in yester day's TltlllL'NK. During the absence of Miss Hena Daly, organist at the Baptist taber nacle, Mrs Lowery presides at the or gan, Mrs" Grant Nicholson has returned home from a visit with her parents in Sidney, N. Y. Mies Lottie Ellis Bpent Sunday with Pittston friends. Mrs. 0, F. Rose aud son, Clarence, are visiting friends at Elkdale. 15. L. Peck will return to Elk Grove tomorrow, after a few days' visit with his Carbondale friends. Yesterday morning occurred the fnn ral of Hugh Gerrity. Services were held in St. Rose church at 1) o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. J. Tbe pall bearers were Messrs. Michael Walsh, John Casey, John Muran, Pat rick Sweeney, John McDonald, James Biggins, William drier and William Jlalloy. Tho Catholic Knights of America and St. Patrick's Temperance society, of which organizations the deceased was a member, were iu at tendance in a bodv. Interment was made in St. Roe cemetery. Charlps Drak", of Ballbrook stroet, and an employe in Wyllio's blacksmith shop, met with a painful accident yes terday afternoon about I o'clock while at work in the shop A I ir;:o piece of iron, weighing about 200 ponnds, fell from nn anvil, striking Air. Drake on the left foot, crushing it bml;y. Dr. J S. Nilos was summoned, who dressed the wound, after which tho unfortu nate man was removod to his home to await results. Mrs. W. J. Reck died yesterday morning at her home on Clark avenue after a live week's illness at tho age of 1'4 years. Funeral will be held on Wednerday. Interment will be made in Mnplewood cmetery, Mrs. Waltor Kriok an i sons loft yes terday morning for Lewisburg, where they will visit the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Connor, of Dun luff street, are mourning the death of their (i-months-old son William, wiio died on Saturday. Burt it. Wickwore, Carbondale's fasteat wheelman, will represent this city at tho r ice meet to bo held in Scranton on Jniy 4. Mrs. Horace F ox, of Niagara Falls, is the guest of her son, Frank M. Fox, of the Anthracite. Tke hour of evening service nt Trin ity church will bechenged from 7 !10 to fi o'clock, beginning with next Sunday and continuing through July and August. JERMYN. Mrs. A. W. Cooper, of Hyde Park, is the guest of Mrs. C. V. Nicholson. Tho Nineteenth Century club will hold a social at the "Windsor" tomor row evening. A large number of invi tations havs been issued. Today at 10 :!0 a. in. in the Windsor hotel ball tho Democratic convention lor the Fourth district will convene. It seems strange that a progressive place like Jermyn should depend on outside towns to supply us with ice, es pecially when the ice man only comes three times a week. On Sunday morning the Rev. A. C. Sanford tendered his resignation as pastor of tho First Baptist church of Jermyn. Mrs. Harriet Russell, of Fifth street, is visiting friends in Carbondale. The office of tbe Postal Telegraph company in this plnce will be closed on and after July 1. F. M. Graves returned from New York yesterday. On Sunday evening during tho storm the house of Henry Sanford wag struck by lightning. The bolt passed through tbe roof, thence through a hallway and the parlor into the cellar, and tearing a hole in the wall, entered the ground outside. The papor on tho wall and a number of pictures were burned, but the damage was not very serions. Cue of the children, a young lady, was slightly shocked. Mr. nod Mrs. San ford had just arisen from the table, and Mrs. Sanford was on hor way to the cellar when the house was struck. Thoy felt only a slight shock. Burdock Blood Bittirs taken after eating will relievo any feeling of weight or over fullness of the stomach. Sold everywhere. OLYPHANT. A Hungarian employed as a loader at the Johnson colliery wag fatally in jured Saturday morning by being struck by sn engine. Ha was removed to his boarding house on River street, where Dr. Kelly attondod the injnriea. The unfortunate man died lated in the day. P. J. Honan, of Sernnton, was a visitor in town oa Sunday. James and Michnnl Hilfcnllon, of Newark, N. J., are visiting relatives iu town. The Browns, of this place, will play the Sunsets, of Archbald, this after noon on tbe Olyphant grounds. Frank Lynch, n student of Yale col lege, Is home for the summer vaoation. William Lloyd, of Bingbamton, is visiting his many friends in town. William Kennedy, of Oneonta, N.Y., is visiting his parents in Blitkely. Dr. Murphy and wife, of Dnnmore, were the guests of Mrs. John Fergu son, on Lackawanna street, yesterday. The Adonis club defoated the Young Men's Christian Association team yes terday afternoon. Score Adonis, 1!!; Young Men's Christian association, 8. John Jordan, of Scranton, was a visitor In town last evening. Miss Sirah Jones spent the past week visiting friends at Wyoming. George Prokopovits. a bottler living on Jones street, met with a painful ac cident Saturday night by being thrown from a wagon. The team was fright ened by a passing engine near the Ontario and( Western depot nnd be came unmanngenblo, throwing him against the Iron braces of tbe bridge. Hi" log wag lacerated ill A hnrrllle manner. He was i IlluVeil to L iV l' drug store where medical aid was Mini monod. He was taken to his home latter in the evening. Prof. Davenport, of Scranton, preached an interesting and Instruct ive sermon in th Presbyterian church last evening to a large audience, Miss Lizzie Gallagher, of Dunniore, is visiting relatives on Dan more street. Mrs. Crippen and children left Sih nrday for derrick Center, on a short visit. At a regular meeting of tho Young Men's Debating society too following ofliiere were elected: President, El ward Ferguson; vice president, John O'Boyle; secretary, Lo Lynch; finan cial secretary, A. Frank HoNnlty; treasurer, John Liwler. WAVERIY. Miss Cora Relph visited the Electric City last Saturday. A. H. Fuller, from Lafayette college, is spending a few days with tho family of Mr. W. Bliss, jr. B. B. Pettebone, of Wilkes-Barre, is visiting at the residence of Thomas Kennedy, Miss Grace Ballsy, daughter of G, J. Bailey, is home on her vacation from school. Mrs. Charles Oliallls, who is visiting friends in England, will not return un til the latt-r part of August. Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Speicber, of Scranton, is visit ing Iho family of Andrew Mahoney Misa Bertha Bold and Miss Kate Fauning.of the "Little D-dnionico, " re lumed homo on Saturday from a visit to friends in Scranton The following from hero attended the commencement exercises at the Keystone Academy at F.ietoryville last week: Harry Miller, Graorge Biilev, William Hall, B. E. Parker, J. M. Conrtiight, John Perrv, Barry Ken nedy, Blanche Kennedy, Mrs, John Miller, Maud Miller, Lester Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Millo Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey. Rev. J. E Perry preoched morning and evening at the Baptist church to a very largo Congregation, Rev. John Win ton held service nt the Free Methodist chursh last Sunday morning at tu SO a m. Maaler Willie Tyler, son of Postmis tress Tyler, acuidently shot himself in the foot with an air gun. The shot was extracted by Charles Hall and tlie foot ia getting bettor, Henry T. Koehlsr, register of wills, spent Sunday here, the guest of Air. and Mrs George Perry. Tho Women's Christian Temporance union celebrated their seventn anni versary of their organization nt tho boms of their president, Airs. C. E Mahoney, last Friday night. After bearing the reports of the several com mittees, nnd the treasurer, Mrs. John Mershon, tho company was enter tained with songs by Mis Fannie Sherman ami recitations by others. Refreshments were served. The fol lowing were present: Mrs. and Mrs. J. P. Coult. Mr. and Mra Edward Armstrong, Air. Bud Mrs. J. W. Mer shon. Mr. and Airs George Steeg. Mr. and Airs. George Sherman, Airs. E. J. Stone and daughter, Misses Harriet F. Goon, Ella Alutuford, Lizzie Stone, Fannie Sherman, B rtha Squire, Clara squire Eileu Mahoney, P. D. Relph, Leapble Mershon, Nellie Mershon, Grace Siono, Stella Bail ty, Mrs, Esther Stone, Mr. and Mra. E S. Calkin, Mr. aud Mrs Win. Rice, Aliss Flora Tink hnm, Aliss Abide Slone, Aliss Sarah Northup, Mrs. S Tyler; Alesrs P. B, Stone. S. H. Bailey, A M. Coon, James Pass, N, Nichols, Shelp. B. F. link ham, Batumi) Hall. ARCHBALD. Mrs. W. H, Campbell, of Olyphant, spent Sunday at her former homo here, Nellie, the S -year old daughter of Air. and Mrs. Micbasl L ine, of Ceme tery street, died on Sou lay evening after a short illness. Death was due to scarlet fever. Mr. Jameil Feeler, of Main street, was in Scranton yesterday. .Toliu MoAudrew, of Salem street, visited friends in Scranton yesterday. The Democratic primaries for tho legislative convention w hich convenes In Jermyn today resulted in the elec tion of James J. Gilgallon from tho First district of tho First ward, Thomas Walton from the Second district of the same ward, T. F. O'lloro and John J. Farroll from the Second wsrd and Ed ward F. Blake from tho Third ward. As predicted, each of the three Arch balu candidates for representative will be represented by delegates from here In the convention. The fnneral of the late Patrick Dougher took plaoa from his home on Alain street nt '' o'clock on Sun day afternoon. The remains were taken to St, Thomas' church, where Ri?v. Dr. Lucas conducted funeral sor vicos. The remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery. The p ill-hearers were Hon M. AI. Gllroy, John Gil roy, Thomas K. Mnnley and John Otr don. Tho funeral was very large, for tho deceased was widely known. Miss Maggie C isgrov is home from Mansfield State Normal school to spend her Rummer vacation. in St. Thomas' church on Sunday evening R"V. J. A. MoHugh, of Scran ton, preached an impressive sermon on the objects and aims of the League of tho Sacred Heart. Tho serviojs wore conducted by R-v Dr. Luois. Airs. William Kelly, of Laurel street, is visiting in Pittston. M00SIC Alms Edith Smith is visiling friends in Dnnmore. Aliss Isabella Allen and Mis I'.lsie Main waring, of Dnryss, spent Satur day nt the home of Olive Pearl, on Alain street. Airs. El well and daughter, Prances, of Scranton, are visiting friends in town. Aliss Mau.l Edsalt, of Alinookn ave nue. Is on tbe sick list. Mr. and Airs. William Manners and family accompanied by Aliss Ella Rob bins and Miss Dinkla Greene, nearly lost their lives while out riding Sun day. When returning in the evening tha horses ran away, throwing Air. Manners and breaking his left arm and right hand. He received a deep gash in his head. Mirs Greetin ami Master Harold wero thrown some distance, but received no injuries. Tho rest re ceived no injuries Miss Marion Greene has returned after visiting friouds in New York city. Wlien Tlaliy wnr, slelr, we f,nvo tier fastorta. When she wami ( Uld, she erled EOT OttStOftOi WbSQ she tHvatae Mliw, she elung to I 'sstoria. When she had Children, she guvothwu (Jastn.'a, CLARK'S QUE EN. Air. nnd Airs. ,1 W, Mllllinel visited Friends in Toiupkiiisvitlo on Monday Inst. Jumps Hinckley has contracted with Contractor II. F. Woodward for the erection of his residence in Highland park. Tho Alisses Oram, of Dover. N. J., are stopping with Mrs Phillips A stranger in fins vicinity lost his life on the rail just north of the sta tion here on Thursday hist. The re mains worn placed in charge of the of ficials of the Northern Luitrne Poor district. The lawn social of the Baptist church Was a v -ry pleasant and etlj lyablo and profitable affair. Aliss Jenn Thomas, of West Pittston, will spend a short time hero with her friend, Aliss Lusllu Frace, reonpsrat ing her Impaired health. lire Jane L-fc. of Wilkes-Barre, in spsnding the hot season with her daughter, Ahs. Edward Lutsey, Miss Bertha B-atty and tier friend, Miss Emma Coon, left hereon Satur day for a visit with relatives of tha Former In Newark. N. J. Alilo CoolbllUgh and wife, of Monslc, visited the family ol O, Chapman ou Thursday and Friday last, Lemuel Ainerraan and family, and Mrs. O. F. V in Nor., of Scranton, are visitors nt A. F. Brlgbami Work on the Griffin reservoir has been indefinitely suspended, but will be resumed again HS soon lis the water has been drawn down sufficiently to allow it. Rev, S. C. Swallow arid wife, of Harrisburg, are visitors among rela tives and friends here after an absence of some twenty years. They were formerly residents of this place, but have resided at Harrisburg for the last eight. years; five years us pastor. For three years past Rev. Swallow bus been commoted with tho publishing in terests of the Methodist Episcopal church. Public installation of the newly elected officers of the Epivorth league will occur on Sunday evening, July 1, at H 80 to 7.80 Miss Gene Akerley is now spending her vacation at her home, having closed tho first year's course at Wyo ming seminary, at Kingston. A strawberry mid ice cream social Will be held at the bouse of Airs. L. Al Potter on Thursday evening, !2Hth inat., lor the benefit of the AI B church. Air. nnd Mr. II F. Barrett, of Bing hamton, are visiting at the home of his brother-in-law, a. S Davis, here. Alls. Jennie Reich a; and eon Hal will spend a short time at Airs. Jamos S. Wagner's, Baptismal sorvices will ba observed at the M 15 church ou Sunday, July 1, at 'J 80 p. iu. PITTSTON The fnneral ef Kiiz abeth, wife of T. P. Griffiths, of Parsonage street, took place at 2 o'clock yi-sterday afternoon and was largely attended. The fnneral servicer) were conducted by K')v. 15 H Stewart of the Water Street Baptist church. The remains were intorred in I'itiston cemetery. The pull bearers were: John Edmund, Evan ami Wil liam leakln, Thomas Jones and Phiuoas ( libbon, of Plymouth, The regular semi-annual examina tion for the grades of letter carrier and clerk will bo held at the high school building on Saturday, August, 11, 1N91 applications will be ucieepted un to the hour of closing buslneas on Monday. July .';t Air. Benjamin Harding, chairman of the advisory committee, senile for pub lication the following explanation: As there is some doubt iu the minds of some persons as to the manning of the 28 per cent, mentioned in th paper cir culated among the property holders of Alain street by the OOmtnittSe of citi zens, it may be well to eiy through your paper that the "."i per cent, menus one quarter, nfter the nine feet to be paved by the Traction company is do ducted. Gazette. While the explanation of Mr. Hard ing is no doubt well moant, it would amount to little if n law suit between any higner nnd the borough should arise. It must be couuedel that, not withstanding nil the i xplanations that might be made by Air. Hurling or tho advisory committee us a whole tho meaning aa printed "in the paper cir culated" will continue to be binding on just whnt it says until it is moditied. FOREST CITY. i Alias Stella Allen, a student at. tbe Alanslield state normal school, returned home Friday for the summer vacation. Harry Jones, of Hcranton, was n pleasant caller in town Friday evening John Matey, iu company with a party of Carbondale bicyclists, baa started for a trip to tho famous Delaware Water (Jap T. W. Atkinson, of Clifford, one of Susquehanna county's commissioners, was in this borough Saturday. Supremo Secretary F. J. Ojgood, of the Order of Solon, made Carbon dale a business visit Silurdny. Postmaster Frank Cunningham and Ben Eicholser have purchased each a "bike." Afis Alinnio Cowlet, of Carbondale, is visiting relatives is this place. Joseph Lappeus, of Keystone Acad emy, FaCtOryville, arrived home Sit nrday to en joy his vacation. Airs. Edward Tread way, of Middle town, Conn., is the guest of Airs. Ilourv Box, on Railroad street. John (lord is occupying n posilion In Reed's store. Tho Forest City house is being ar tistically repainted. The following have been elected to tench In the Forest City graded son i il for next year: Principal Professor W, G. Trim, Maule 15 Reynolds nnd B F. Mlliey, of Forest City ; Miss Nettio Chamberlain, of Clifford; Aliss Cecelia Linnlng aud Miss Anna Dornn, of Sus quehanna; Misi Ella Fuller, of Lenox. Two teachers are yet to bo chosen. Attorney L P. Wedeinan was pro fessionally engaged in Carbondale yos terdny. Joseph Divis, of Taylor, will opon his drug store iu the Alaxey block in a few days, The Epworth league will elect offi cers tonight. Mr, and Airs, J. D. Caryl were tho guests of Moosie relatives Sunday. I, AI. Gray, of Bingbamton. N. Y., was in town on business yesterday, Air. ami Airs W. H Biggins enter tained as their gtioata SuudnV, Air. and Airs. H, D. Jones and son, of Boranton, and Aliss Mattie Spettigue, of Carbon dale. Presiding Elder VV. L. Thorpe, preached n very instructive and elo quent sermon In the Methodist Episco pal chnrch Sunday evening. Alonttosn Barnard, of Scranton, chief of ths Hillside corps of surveyors, was bnsily engaged In Forest City yester dny. Misses Bnulah nnd Ella Hine spent Snnday very pleasantly with Clifford friends. A large number of trains were run ning on Sunday on the Erie and On tario nnd Wesrern railroad. ThomaS Harris, the gonlnl olerk in J J. L. Morgan & Co.'s store, was rusti cating in thx vicinity of Clifford Sun- d.v. 'V J. Max 'j' wis in Carbondale yes terdsy. The TRIBUNE scribe returned Friday from a week's sojourn at the Mansfield state normal school. TAYLOR. Thp following officers for Taylor lodge. Loyal Knighis of America, were nominated last week and will hi in stalled nest meeting night: Outside tyler, D, J. D. Thomas; inside tylor, John R, Thomas; assistant conductor, Richard Thomas; oondnotor, Giorge Mnrshj financial secretary. I i. ii iv C. Hood; treasurer, Joha AI. Thomas; as sistant recording secretary, Jam 'all. Howells; recording secretary, William 15. Nichols; worthy deputy master, John Owens; worthy master, John E. Kvuiih; representative, John Franoes. Brother John Frances is also the dis trict deputy grand master and h is running fur a high office in tbe grand lodge. Toe grand lodge nr-ets in Ssrantnii this time. Al ter the grand lodge session is ovr the Loyal Knights ofAmerioS or Taylor will run au ex cursion to make n happy day for all tho members. MIN00KA. Aliss Delia Hallinhaek, a student at Strondsburg Slate Normal school, is spending her vacation with her parents in ( Ireenwood. Division No. 9, Ancient Order Hi 1'oriiians, bell n picnio in Alinookn grove yesterday, which was largely at tended. The funeral of William Dyson took place yesterday. Frank Jennings, a former resident of this place, is visiting his futher on Gil more aven U". Edward Sheridan, of Parsons, visited MinOolta Sunday. .lames Powell nnd William Toole, students at the StrOUdsburg State Nor mal school, returned homo Saturday, Aliss Mamie Comer, of Plnlnsvllle, is visiling Aliss Bridget Higgles, of Alain street. Tim ISqulpiutmi ill u Metllnval Church. As for t he vast numbers actually main tolned by tbe church the single example of St.. Paul's cathedral, of course tbe largest, foundation In the city, will furnish an illustration. In the year 14.M) the socie ty, the cathedral body, includod the fol lowing: The bisbop, the dean, the four archdeacons, the treasurer, tie' precentor, the chancellor, thirty grcatcnuona, twelve lesser canons, about fifty chaplains or chantry priests, and thirty v us. Of inferior rank to these wire the sacrist and three vergers, the SUCCentor, tbe mas ter of the singing school, the master of the grammar school, tha almoner and his four Vergers, the servitors, tho surveyor, tho twelve scribes, the hook transcriber, tho bookbinder, flu-chamberlain, the rent col lector, the baker, the brewer the brewer who brewed In 128667,8H gallons,must have employed a good many; the baker, who ovenea every year 40,000 loaves, or every day more than a hundred, largo and small, employed a good many more; tho servants of all these officers, t he singing men and choir hoys, of whom priests wero made, the bedesmen and poor folk, the sextons, grave diggers, gardeners, bell ringers, makers ami menders of tho eccle Blastlcal robes, cleaners and sweepers, enr- penters, masons, pointers, carvers nnd gilders one can very well understand that the Church of St Paul's alone must have found livelihood for thousands. The same equipment was necessary in every other religious foundation. Not a monastery but had Its greater and lesser officers nnd their servants. In every one there were the Isdl ringers, the singing men and hoys, the vergers, the gardeners, the brewers, bakers, cooks, messengers, scribes, rent collectors, and nil complete as was St. Paul's, t hough on a smaller scalo. It docs not seem too much to esti limto the ecclesiastical establishments of London oa Including a fourth part of t he whole population of the city. Walter Be- sunt in Harper's. John Leech, whose humorous pictures made Punch, was driven out of London by the hand organs and street bands. Their noiss affected bis nerves nnd prevented him from drawing, and though he tried Ogoln nnd again he was unable to silence them. Jl u. Johnson Mornonvlus, fn. Injured Coasting impure Blond Assfirts Itself r.ut Hood's Sarsparltla Cur-m the Plsoaso ftnrl Ro;toroK Horlth. "('. t. Bond Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dining the vlnier of WAS Injured nn one limb vnllsatssUiig, it did not troublo me much at fr.vt. but seen beesnis more uslntnl, my tn iiftli began la ftsrllneaiiil i could nol rest al ;:ight. 1 was attended by several lUfforonl iloo tors but all failed to check tho trouble and I crow rapidly worse. Esrtj in km i hailtoiue nitflhes and nw health was verv isior. having lost my appetite n:ei being reduced In flesh, in tho fall of m I ha-t to take to my bed and It was thought I Would Not Llvo until spiii g. Dating nil this time I hail tried many different medicines bul did gel relief, in the meantime to give mo relief, the several bunches around my knee were laneed and rater every effort made to heal the running ..ires hut all ia vain. Then It WOS, Willie confined to my bell last spring, that my father, having read moh about the merits of Hood'i " -a Ulila, HOOP'S Sarsaparilla ORES decided to have ms give its trial, t have taken it regutoriy, using nanrtj ten bottles. All the seres hut two are healed nnd these un nrly wi ii.oi nave thrown away my crutches ns i can WOlk, go to School and do some work. 1 have a good appetite ami real good health and have llinreasea In weight verv much. Hood's Hiirsnimrllln has been a blessing to mo " VVii mam Johnson, Kbrmanvius, Rnnsylvanlaa 1 Hood'o Plllo re the bOSt family cathartirj, gontlo and effective. Try a hex il cents. and vigor nnlrkly ..I V 1..I.. ' HIiiuuo Remedy. With wrilt inwiie lesew, Siad b U.ililtUWH bUOS., Ln ugglbis, Biauutuu,!'. uiimiiiiiiiiiinioiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiciiiiiipsiiiiiiiiiiiinmgr THE FAIR 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. SALE THIS WEEK ONLY. 1,200 DOZEN Ladies Ribbed Vests EGYPTIAN THREAD Value 25c, SALE 2 for 25c. II til I h h III J 01 Remember, The Fair THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. "mm ''ll''ilUIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllltlllflllllllDlllllllllllllllllH!; RUGS AND ART SQUARES For a Few Days Only FORMER PRICE. NOW. 100 Smyrna Rugs, best quality, 30x60 inches, $4.00 $2.00 b0 Smyrna Mats, best quality, 16x34 inches, .75 IbO Moquette Mats,best quality, 18x36 inches, 1,25 50 Moquette Mats,8" 18x36 inches, 25 Ingrain Rugs, fringed, 36x72 inches, 1,25 75 India Rugs, fringed, 48 Kasmer Rugs, u DtnrpMsed for ART SQUA 23x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain, 3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain, 3x3' yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain, 2x3 yards, all-wool, - 3x3 yards, - 3x3'-- yards, ... 3x4 yards, - ERR 4 SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue. We Have Placed an elegant Quartered Oak Sideboard (with very large French, Bevel-plate M irror in the top, elegantly carved and best workmanship) in our Show Window. Its value is $80. We have decided to reduce tlie price $5 per clay until they are old. Don't con sider too long, as the next day it may be gone. Price Today, $65 Baby Carriages 50C per week or Refrigerators i JT Mattings J $2 Per memtn. An Onyx Finish,! itHf or over. A 100-piece Dinner or over. 0) r m H H I PI 7 .50 .90 .70 .90 1.10 3.00 27x60 inches, 1,50 30x60 inches, p no o,jj $6.00 $4.25 7,20 5.00 8.40 6.75 8.10 6.00 4.75 6.00 9.45 7.00 10,80 8.00 Clock with $80 pnr- Sot with $75 pnrohsses RES