4 THE BOB ANTON TH1 HUNK-TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 26, 1894, ;i DAILY IN SCR ANTON, PA. , BY THS Tniouf Publishing Ccmfany. E. P. KINGSBURY, GENfRAL MANAtB I. New Yo.'iR Office i Triiunk Buiioino. MAttK CKTCRKO AT THE POtTOPPtCC AT fCfUNTON, PA., f COND-CLA MAIL MATTER. fcCBAKTOif, JUNE 20, ISM. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor: DAMELU. HA8TINOI, or CBXTIU. For Litutcuctnt (t rrrnor: WAM EH LVOV, Of ALUtOBINT. l or Auditor Qeiurall AMOS H MY LIN, Ol' LASi'ASTHU. l or Secretary of tttrMl A Cnirt: JAMBS W. l.ATTA, or PHILADILPnUa I'or Congre$imttcat-l i OALUSHA A. UUDW. op stfsqviHAHitA, OBOROE P. HUFF, or wkstmohki.and. Mum inn Time, Nov. ; Violations Of the Sunday law, per sisted in in spits of public pontiunnt, are Dfithtr sinnrt nor politic, They re s'mply inleidnl Anarchy's Tap Roots. The youug Itiilwn annrcliist, Casare Si'.nto, who 011 Stimlay ti i bt Blubbed to dfath tht most Inoffensive and censor ative executive offieial that the French republic has ever bad, should of course pay for bis crime with the forfait of his own worthies life. He was un doubtedly insane, at the moment, if not permanently. Only a disensod mind, ortelnatinfl from a rjerverted COntcienoe fed from incendiary and vitiated sources, eonlJ have conceived, planned and prompted tho execution of a crimo so utterly opposed to reason and common sens?, not to speak of or dinary humanity. But Infant or not, his own life hr,s been forfeited. It no longer has value to society. Like the life of the visions wild beast, it mint ho sacrificed to iusnre tho public safety ; nnd the lives of those who helped to plot the afsaesination, if such there were, should also bo stamped out. Uou huniiiu buniKs thii3 corrupted to the point of homicidal mnduess reason, conciliation, ouucntiju, mercy even is wasted. They are as the viper, to be crushed at sight. Leniency in the lis'ati?st decree become! injustice, for it simply eneonragei murder and makes po,8:Wu the othor great tragedies that spread contagion among other men similarly depraved. Yet it ij not to b credited for an in stant that tlie 'oeardleas boy who killod President Carnot is the gr;t9t crimi nal conneoted with the lamentable in cident. Whila he get3 aud denorvea no ympatl y, it is not to bis door that wo dare brinjr the prime burden of re sponsibility. 'JT.fro must be influences back of him that work moro potently and mora broadly than could any de lirioni fancies originating wholly within his own excitable consciousness. Hns there not to tie Obarifed up to the day dream called socialism a great share of blame for this awful deed? Socialism is science's fantasy ; it is tho deceptive recreation that raou take who work hard with brain or brawn in stern practical fields end resort to it as the wearied toiler of the east resorts to his. opium pipe or hie hasheesh. The deluded souls who fondla this pretty dream until it becomes in their mind on easy possibility, forsret utterly that since the world bejau the saino illu sion has drawn the wisest ot men into hopobes bog.i. They dream of socfa'. ism, first purely for sake of pastime; but soon they btcoma to think and plan and work for its realization. Then it is that the influences are started which breed populistio discontent, cause ferment among the vicious and the unfortunate, and finally crtlminata in the awful spasms called Nihilism and anarchy. Without doubt the shocking (tragedy at Lyons is one of the many pricss which soeiety is paying for the gradual solution of one of its most difficult problems. Within tho past fifty years the whole field of human industry has been revolutionised. From a social condition essentially of men as indU viduals, working together harmoni ously in the relationship of employe to employer, we have passed with sur prising celerity to a condition of great centralized influences drawn up against each other in battle array, with individ ualism, particularly in Enropa.all but crushed out. Such a transformation was not to be achieved without its bloodshed and its crimes. We are not yet at lb end of the ovolution. The wisest observers differ in their esti mates as to how it will come out. But it is to be remembered that Iho dagger of the assassin never yet aided the cause in which it was uplifted. Hu manity is on the side of the masses and of the man as against the classes and the impersonal aneneie9 that rob nuu of his personal identity. But human ity has nironger inflnsnoes at its com mand than the pistol and the dirk. Al! the murderers in Christendom could not bring about the realization of the elysinm which socialism pic tures before tho imagination of minds disordered. If it is ever to bo approxi muted it will have to be along lines of persoual culture and pacific evolution. Now that even Gerard Brown has declined it looks likn Siogorly or bust I Sheriff Fahey for Senator. The entry of Sherilf Fahey into tho senatorial arena louds interest to what threatened otherwise to be a dull oam- paign. With all the sheriff s personal amiability, his political schooling has been obtained nu.lcr conditions which have caused him to uao the knock-down-nnd-drag-out slyle of tactics rather more frequently than is condu cive to party harmony. His pathway to the nomination will doubtless not be a smooth one; but oven should he win by tho strength of his atrong rignt arm, it will bo another thing to held what ho has wou Agair.st Lieutenant Governor Wat ers, with the prestige which ho cau command by reasou of his former vic tory, and also from the fact of his owu marked popularity, Hberiff Fahey would stand at a distinct disadvuutage despite the apparent plurality in tils favor. There day be uioa in this sec tion of the state who do a vast deal moro shooting and boasting than are indulged in by Mr. Watres; but there is uouo who is more thoroughly at some in mo direction or an aggresaiye campaign, or wno nas suuoiie-r or more zealous friends to help his candid tv along. He has not lost an ino'a of around sines his cflobratd victory In a previous year. On the contrary, hi has since added largely to his repnta non, put'iic usefulness and Knowledge of men aud affairs. Neither Governor Watrss nor Sheriff Fahey is yet in the arena, heuce any extended compurisou of tho men would be premature. It is probably safe to gaeil, however, that of all tho gentle men who have been mentioned from time to timo as possible opponents, Governor Watres would, if h had tho chooslug, prefor the jovial high sher iff, both out of deference to the latter's Innate chivalry and as a token of sulf confidtiuca in his own ability to ooufdr defeat. A tmlateiul flifbt for tho ltupub- licau nomination is liromisud in the Kifth legislative district in Lassrne, the candidates boinir District Chairman Charles B. Smith and Dr.Caarlus J. Bar rett, both of l'ittston.and Michael Wha len, of Avocn. Tbis is tho district that Captain Flaunery twice carried by m ijorities little short of one thousand but his defeat in convention by W. ii Kutledge has left truces of bittern. aud Republicans hope, with the aid of a strong nominee to greatly reduce if not overcome the Democratic prepon aeranoe, menus oi i)r. uarrett say he is not an active caudidate, bat would accept if Obosen with practical unan imity. Ilia largo personal following would, it i believed, cut heavily iuto the Democratic ranks. The Republican Convention. Ihenowspaprtr battle that is waging with reference to the date at which the Uepublican county convention (hall be held is well calculated to add z it to the canvass. Although it Is pretty warm weather for lighting, the Hepub lican party Is fortunately in such good trim that it can doubtless stand a little preliminary "scrappimi" iuside its own lines as pro'iminary exercisi autece dent to the hotter battle that will come later on. Although Tuk Tniac.SK proposes to print tho news of mis little domestic difference, fully an I fairly, it is uot taking Bides. Mayhap for its neutrality ic win ce com peueu to tag a slap or two froui both parties to the tiff That very frequently happen Neverthe less, it conoeivss its duty to bj to bttl band its ammunition for the common enfiiny rather lhau to fire any fr action of it eff where It will hit Republican beads, As a newspaper It views in the outlook an ex;ol!ont opportunity for superior enterprise, in nows gathering; but as an bonnet organ ol true Re publicanism it wants no better tusk than to give to that great bulging friud, tho Democracy, a complete monopoly of its powder and shot, In any event, the gentlemen cora- T -;i:g the active unuagvciont of the purty organization in Lackawanna county are doubtless fully informed of the wishes of the rank mid file, and duly willing to acquiesce in them. Their decision in the matter will be generally respected, until actual proof c::n be given o." its unwisdom One thing at least is sure; whoever is fairly nominated for congress by the Repub licans of Lackawanna county will be triumphantly elected, whether lie be named ty a July convention or ba re served for a later designation. The Pinr.ADiiLPHiA Press has drag ged to the foreground another charac ter in tho Brcckiuridge Pollard drama. The latest f r. ale in the show is said to be a typewriter who, in the orurdoy of Colonel Breckinridge, shadowed Miss Pollard before and during the groat trial. This last creature of fate, ac cording to her own Admissions in let ters published in tho IV , is a liar of greater magnitude than the "Flower of Kentucky" himself. Ia t:i-m sultry it days when all are trying to keep cool seems a display of questionable taste on part of the Pross to bring on that tired feeling by deliberately re opening that porfervid sensation. Finish Grading Mulberry Strcst. A trip to the beginning of the pro posed Nay Aug aud Klmbur.it boule vard at Arthur avenue aud Mulberry street is instructive tor several reasou. In the first place it gives one a new idea of the superb beauties of this pro posed driveway, wliioh will be one of the prettiest, if not in fact the pretti est, atretube of perfect rodwuy:u Northesstnru Pennsylvania. From the inception of the boulevard to its termi nation in picturesque Elmliurst the routo is one-grand p'lrforatna of nature in its most charming phases, with woodland stretching over hills ami into green valleys, nnd with fljwers and fo lisge everyvvh ire, Thero isliule doubt that this drivmw iy upon its completion next month will instantly become, to thoso who are enabled to got to it, the favorite pathway in all this region 'round. It iathe getting to it that bids fair to cause the rub. unless soma enterpris ing city ofiVial shall speedily come to tho rescue. From Webster avenue out to Arthur avenue. Mulberry street is a street of possibilities only. It bad been partially graded by the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company when the granting of a franchise along it to the Scrantpn Traction company threw the burd -n of the struet's-maintenance upon the lat ter company. Soma grading work was done us recently as last fall, but not much. Siuco then, tho road has remained tn a condition that culls for speedy correction if tho approach to the new boulevard is to be made In fitting maimer. Tho whole line needs to be graded and top-dressed; and so urgently is this needed that unless prompt action be taken in the matter tho boulevard will be opened before there is any reasonable approach to It aud the benefits of a splendid drive way will have to bo deferfod for a whole yosr. Although the boulevard is, in one sense, a private enterprise, wo take it that every progressive Scrantonlan has an interest in Seeiug Mulberry street put in fimt-class condition clear out to the boundary of NuyAug park. It would be most t mbarrassiug, wbon taking n friend out to view tho beautiea of the future park, or when showing him the attractions of too boulevard itself, to be compelled to drug him over three or lour squares of ungraded common or across an only partially graded mod road bed to tha driveway, proper. Beat estate In that direction, too, will not rise in vuluo as It should until the grading is completed, and tho approach Biada wor:hy of the roadbed beyond. A word on this snij ct ought lobe sufficient. Thero Is atsolut.ly nothing to bo said in fitvor of tho approach's 1 resent condition It is a cuuious fact, and one not without lignifloanoe, that eimultans- ously wltli tho movement to build a new court house In Lnzsras county, the commisiiouers of that county are forcud to consider tho advisability of iiicroasiiiu the county j ail. It today contains ISO prisoners, and the average number i continually and rapidly in creasing. Luzerne Is a growing oouuty, with respect both to wealth and popu lation; but Luzerne is not grow ing at anywbera nsar the paoa whic'i characteriz s the growth of tne jail census and of its criminal dookots. Are the officials of tho county doing all tbay 0111 to dlfleourngo crime? Are they setting deterrent examples before the eyes of the uncultured elements among their constituents? Is the trend of ovsnts plainly In the direction of u constantly bettered and stricter enforcement of law? A:id if not, why not? - WB ROTB with pleasure tho develop ment of a jouruulistlo instinct in oou gress, notably evidenced in R prewn tativu Sloue's prompt "I cat" on the anarchists. More up to-datone&s and letis bombast would make OOngrtM a far more respectable resort. BCBABTOtfa D1BBOTORY census gives Borantoo a population of nearly 105, 000, not counting tliosa who live just beyond the line. Thertf Is nothing small about Scranton. That bill of Congressman Stone to hang all snsrobistl would be a good law if you conl I first catch your anar chists. THB PISTOL aud the dirk are the weapons of barbarism. Thev have no proper place In modern srgnment, KIND WORDS OP FRIENDS. PMtadtlphia 'limes; "The BORABTOB Tiuiu'.nk passes its thud anniversary with (lying colors, and obierves tho event in a souvenir edition of unusual excellence, TBI TBIBDBB was established to provide a Republican advocate in the Lackawanna coat ivgiuus whoso opinion would command respect and whose columns would contain tile news of tbo day Jaft an It came. This it succeeds i In accomplishing (rum the first sue, steadily improving us the work betoro it developed end grew, until today there is no better newsoaper in the state, nor one whose position with an apprecia tive public Is more socure, TsBTuBoaa has a commanding place in the northeast counties, with a circulation of iho rrmst Battering character. The third anniver sary number signalizes a phenomenal suc cess in meeting the demands that brought Tin; TBIBOKK into existence, and Editor Livy S. Richard may, Indeed, fuel a par donable pride as be reviews tho achieve ments ota journal o?er which he so ably preside." Scranton Sandai .Veics: "The anniver sary number of The Tuihunk was a mai;- nificeht specimen reflecuug equal oredit upon tho general manager, Edward P. Kingsbury, and tbo superintendent, Wil liam W. Davis and upon the community Which should be proudof huviug sQiii a wide-awake progressiva ami advanced journal. The half tone cuts showlag Tiia rBIBUHI toilers at work were marvels of excellence and the matter contained in the issue whs cliohe. well writteu. uulnue and characteristic of the men now at tho business end of tho paper." see 77i Jenny Preu: "Tuk Scranton TRIBUNE, though but a youngster, does not hecitate to show that It Is a live news- larer. Its third anniversary was cele brated Wednesday With B splendid illus trated edition, part of which was nriatod ou toned paper ami contained views of (ho several depan m-'iits of Tuk TRIBUNES business. Its idea of Issuiuu an anniver sary edition that shall be attractive and useful without luitiir unwieldlv is cer tainly worthy of imitation, We extend to i us tribune oar eontratulatioM ou it three years u! a t ni.-hing success," Lebanon DaUu Ntutu "Tho Borahtori Tribune on Wednesday celebrated Its third anniversary by Issuing a beautiful edition of twelve pages nnd a handsome cover. I'bo paper gives evld tnce of prosperity such us is rarely inut With by a newspaper in so few years. I nr. ainr.VK Is a Well conducted ami carefully edited paper and deiorves all tho Success it bus so far at- tuiuod." nda&faefon Put; "Tho publishers of the 80RANTON TniBUNl i-sm-u n ba.idsome anniversary euiti :i which is suggestive of progress and prosperity. Tin: TniBUNS jB only a tl.rec-yeai-olil, but It is a Well-con- dueled, well-to-do pewspaper, and we are quite sure it ha- tho good wi-hes of all its con temporal ies." Couritr-Progreu: "Tub Tribune's third anniversary isf ue was a decide d ciolit to that newspaper. It was handsomely got ten up aud was nco iii contents. Tin TmouNB is so all-round good newspaper and deserves the success that it ia enjoy ing." e s (lieiH Jildai lUm: "The annlversar number of '1 he Tribune was a thine of beauty; the success of that paper sjiows bat push can do; tho many tri uds of Tim Tribune wish it many happy retuius of its anniversary, " Piitibttro CommtreittUQattUt! 'Tim SCRANTON Tuk NK orlebrutud its third an Dlversary by issuing a very creditable I illustrated spuria! edition Indicntini: Pro gressive prosperity due to cm or prise." I Scranton Republican! 'The Tninmta celebrated in tnlrd anniversary yesterday by Issuing a handsomely Ulunilnati d sui- pietr.ent and cover, tiiu workmanship on wlncu was exceedingly arlistic." Oft THE SEVUNTH DAY, RUST. Bttsofi frM iVtst, The movement to socure a bettor observ ance of the Lord's Day Is one which appeals to the concern of everyone, lor It invoivi not only tho religious importance of tbi day, but its secular importance as wcl . It can bo established by :. otitic reason ing and by practical illustration that rest is iiecissnry and tluu tlie proportion of one day iu seven is the most beuoBelal, It i known that one dily in any oilier number as one iu ten, one In twelve or fourteen, tloes not give similar sat i-factory results'. Practical, B Very -day, rook-bottom experi ence the hardest and mo-t uooontroutot aide teacher has taught that one day in seven devoted to rest and refiainlug from customary pursuits is best lor man, bout and machine. This is domonstvatioD through "scalar im aiis of the wisdom if such a thing could bo donbted-of (ho di vine command to labor fix days and rest on the seventh, it in another Illustration of the result of scientific research confirm ing religious history, as found iu tho bible Tlieso being tho facts, is it not to man's interest, outsido of spiritual welfare to rest this seventh day 1 If for uo other rea son, ought there not bo as coiuplote cessa tion of worn on that day as Is possible We think so. Rest for man, for boast for machinery, Is good it enables better work bix days la a week; it gives bottor results It is sensible. SOME NEW PUBLICATIONS. Oao of the moat valuable features of that excellent picturiai weekly, the Illustrated American, bus for some mouths been its seias ol POrtrlatS and biographies Of noted player.'. The portraits have be a executed Iii the highest style of the art illustrative; and tie letter t.-xt bat been strictly in keeping. This series is now grouped into a handsome portfolio, entitled tho "nai lery of Plaveia," and issued iu quarterly numbers. The first, part, newly at baud, contains twenty-two full page pictures and more than Kit) portraits in cbuiacter. It possesses real Interest to students of the stage. e Turongh all the mutations of fashion able literature, Iletnorost's Family Msgs Bine, which pleased and instructed our mothers aud aunts, remains the favorite household visitor among tho discreet housewives of today. Tha July issue, like its recent predecessors, shows a now corn prehension of tbo diversified needs of modern readers, and caters correspond ingly. 9 e A particularly pleasing magazine for lovers of real literature, Is tho dainty little fortnightly booklet, (.'hap Hook, issued bv Htouo Jfc Kimball, Oambridgo. It is small nnd seiect; but It is dolklously good. As an sasy-ohalr companion wu know of nous better fi r thoBo of its myutil grade. FISHING. How happy thoso hours by tho murmuring stream, Where the branchos camo bonding and swishing! There's nothing that's swoetor.lu all lovo's young dream Thau Uio timo when wo two wont a-Ushing. And all that I caught wero her glance3 so Boft, And a word uow and then, short hut tender, That was whispered, while song birds looked on from aloft, When they swung ou the willows so slender, Unwatched, was tho line anduubaitod the book, And the pole on the bank lav supinely Yet never a lishor who fut by a brook For his time was rewarded so finely; There a curious fact that I lately found out Perhaps I am a minor to blab It But that struum is too shallow, boyond any doubt, For a ouimon-Bized flth to Inhabit. WdMhington Star. Fumiture for Summer Cot tages. Rattan and Reed Parior and Sitting Room Suits, Couches, Rockers and Chairs. Porch Chairs, Rockers and Settees. Lawn Swings and Canopies Baby Carriages and Re frigerators. 131-133 1 W4SHiHGlGN AVE. i-.JS0- - SHA-. iJ'-iTi: mm F ... i-E CRI 41,1 FN' ICE CREAM Do yen make your own Cfeaui If so, buy a TRIPLE MOTION White Mountain Freezar. "FROZEN DAINTIES' -A book of choice ret'nipts for Ico Cream. Sher bet's Water Ices nr packed in every Freezer. ALSO, A FULL LINE OF Refrigerators,WaterCool2rs, Baby Carriages, Hammocks con 8c CO. AYLE3 WORTH'S Meat Market The Finest in the City Tlie latest improved fur nishings and aimrntus (or keuing meat, butter nnd egga. SS3 Wyoming; Ate. BUY THE SUMMER His! & Connell r- npwH ' ,'M 1 m mm 1 -a m CLEMONS MjfooMW Bros For many years this Piano has stood in tho front ranks. It has been admired so much for its puro, rich tone, that it has become a standard for toua quality, nutil it is cousidexod the liighest com pliment that can be paid any Piano to say "it resembles tho WEBER." We now have Uio fall control f tln'a Mm 10 t',r Itliu iitn iu n ull na tiinmr . .' 'wti- flurs Tinirva . - which we aroBOJiing as greany reunceu prices and on easy montlily paymouta. our goods aud get our prices GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE GOLDSMITH'S $ IToix'd Almost Tliink Tliey'd Float SWISSES than the seeds of a grape, and Swisses with the larger dots and floral designs, all in their pure white airiness. Over sixty styles. Np such collection elsewhere. 4m And other Lingerie now found upon our counters at such very low prices and in such a large array of designs. bpecial sale of that are the greatest With the New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDR0NS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels, 1 II Ul 814 Lacka. Av9. A Fall Assortment Letter Copying Books OUR SPECIAL: A 500-page ;0xl2 Hook, bound In cloth, shoep back and corners, guaranteed to give Baflsfaotion, Only 90c. FINE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING. Stalionsrs and Engravurs, 317 Lackawanna Ave. ,1 1. BB 1 nil...,. ., ....., .y , 1 t. Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists ttt toetli, v.; bout not, for eoM cpi ml twlli without platen, callail rruwn i.rul brlik'o work, call tor prioos il reforpnous. TONALQIA. lor rxtructia until without llu. No other. Mo :n .. - KM J uuuviviis ill 224 1 M. C. BUILDING JiDUilSURO BLANK BOOK n u.. Tk 1 OVER FIUST NATIONAL RANK. I 1 WEBER To be sure, real Switzerland-made ones at that. Swisses with clear-cut tiny dots, not much lartrer WASH GOODS Chiffons, Jaconet, Duchesse, Batistes and Sateens. What can buy now at 5 cents per fast colors. NICHT COWMS Uowns at 49(5. anc value we ever offered. IP 1 Imk iiniiiis:iiuiiiiuisiiiiui!uiiiiiiiiiiiieH!!nsMiiiiKzi:i!'sua!iMiHH!!uuiiuin YOU WILL The comfort and convenience of our ALASKA refrigerator nu you have ono 111 your home. They consume very little ice nnd will keep fresh meat for three weeks in the hottest weather. Wo have many styles and sixes. FOOTE & SHEAR CO, Economizers 513 Lackawanna Ave. Berries are arriving in very line condition and prices low. Fancy Teas, 5eans, Squash, Touiatoos, Asparagus, Beets, Cucumbers, cto. Pierce's Market FENN AVE. and Get the Best. t Vi) I LO 1 1 1. 1 LI Jt ' 'I 1 1 V 1 UMU i4 11 J. Dou't buy until you soe WYOMING AVENUE, bUKAJNTUJN, BAZAAR in tKe iLir Ginghams, Dimities, a handsome dress you yard, and warranted SSc. THE COLUMBIA BICYCLE AGENCY, flpp, Tribune ice, ?24 Spruce St Huvin;,' h:i1 VI yoirs' Piporienoo In lbs Bieyolt hual. npss ami thj amney tor leading Wbeeli of u:i sradsSj we art prepared to (fuarauton latUfaeuoa. Thoso la Unilinif to purchnio uio invited to call anil examine tur ojioplstc line. Open e renin ga. Cail or Bind stain (or catalogue. lb 11 NU1 A BEAUTY? I THE GAITER a Globe Shoe Store 227 LACKA. AVE. Evans 8t Powell S FIRST MORTGAGE OF TH3 FORTY FORT COAL A limited number of the abovs bonds are for salo at par and ac crued interest by tho following parties, from whom copies of tho mortgage and full information can be obtained: E.W. Mulligan, Cashior Second National Bank, Wilkes -Barro, W. I,. Watson, Cashier First X;v tioual Bank, rittston, Pa. J. L. Poleu, Cashier People's Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa. A. A. ,Brydcn, President Miners' Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa. And by tho Scranton Saving! Bank and Trust Company, Trustee under Iho Mortgage. T. ft Atherton, Conosel, W1LKES-BAKBE. PA . J' I I il1 " 111 ' . ' .... 1L Wedding Rings The best is none too good. Ours are 18-!-. All sizes and weights. LlOYD.TEWELER 423 Lackawanna Ave. Inserted in THE TlilBUNB at the i ate of ONE CENT A WORD. 1 BONDS