2 THE SCHANTON TBIBUjSrE TUESDAY MOTWTING. JUNE 26, 1594. ASE BALL Scranton, by Heavy Hitting, Takes a Game from the State league Leaders. WON OUT IN THE NINTH INNING Easton Stumbles Into a Hornet's Nest at Pottsvillo and Suffers Two Disas trous Defeats AHentown Too Much for Reading Various Base Ball, Bi cycle and Sporting News in General Entertainingly Recorded. Pjss CRANTON'S victory I , V, club lowered the :.. '-'(ItlJ1 P"contaB of the -' J ' WA '.-T lfladr somewhat, M 'Vj out it will not de. V hti.1 oar them from fin Jt isbiuc as loaders iu tho first State league jj 1 ?uanipionship series Jyl by a good margin. Pottsville, by her two victories over EsstOO, added sev eral points to her credit to the percent age column, passing Altoonu aud Koinsr into fifth place. Heading was uot ahlo to maintain her winning streak and went down before Allentowu. The Kiuue scheduled at Altoona between the club from that pluce and Hazleton was postponed ou account of rain. 'i he following table gives the per centages of the clubs, together with the number of games won and lest by each, ami their standing in the championship taco: Won. Lost. Per Ct. Ilnrrisburg 81 t) .775 Bailstou in lti ,M8 Allen town 8 18 .6B0 K.-diug S3 88 .500 PottWUM 17 18 .47:2 .itooun 16 18 .7 Beranton is 22 .450 Easton 7 UO .ISA SCUKDULE FOR TODAY. BL-ranton at Harrlsbnrg. Alleutowu at Uuadmg. Quleton at Altoona. Kaston at rottsville. WON OUT IN THE NINTH. Goranton Difaata Harrtsburg by Heavy Hi'ting- in tho Ninth I:ini. Special tu tlie Scranton Tribune. HAXBI8BUR0, June 85. Carpenter. local pitcher, occupied tho bos for Harrisbnrg today iu tluir game with Scranton, mid held tho heavy hitters from the electric city down to six hits up to the ninth inning, when singles ty Patterson, Hogers, Stnltz and Phe lan, and u two base hit by Massey, biou'ht in the winning runs, with no one out. Score : HABBISBUBGh u. n. pa a. e. Eng(n, If. l a 5 o o Huston, sb a l o 3 a Meensy. rf 1 1 8 0 0 Hamburg, lb 0 1 18 1 0 Bales, 2b l o o 2 l Wrlgut,ct 0220 i) Moss, s o o o 4 I Ueme.c O 0 9 0 0 t'arpeutor, p 2 1 8 3 0 Total 7 6 84 12 4 Winning run scored with no ouo out. BCRANTON. u. h. ro. a. c. llogan, c. f I 0 8 U 0 WstseL sa 110 4 0 Patchen, c l 2 2 o l Rogers, rf 9 2 o o 8 Btsits, L f 12 7 0 0 Phelan, 2b 111X1 Massey, lb 0 2 10 0 0 Westlake, 3b o 2 8 2 o Uodsou, v 1 0 o 8 0 Total 8 13 Sfl 9 4 Sales out, dropped infield fly. Harrisburg. ...0 020038 0 O-T Bcrnntou l o o o o l 3 o 3 8 Earned runs Harrisbnrg, 4; Scranton.S. Left on bases Harrlsburg, 0; Bcranton, 10. Ease oa balls Harrisbnrg, 5; Scranton, 4, Struc'c nut Carpenter, Hodson, Three i ase bits Wright. Two base hits Wright, Wetzi-1, M assay. Sacrifice bit Wetzel, Hogsn, Pateben, Hodson, Stolen baaos Huston:!, Hamburg, Pbelan. Double piny Ma'sey, Time 1.45. Umpire MitooelL OTHER STVTS LEAGUE RESULTS. At Pottsvillo Flnt game, 7 iuuiuga PottSVllls 4 1 2 0 0 12 10-29 Easton 0 0 5 0 0 3 4-U Hits Pottsvill. '-9; Easton, 12. Erron Pottsville, !: Easton, 4. Batteries Wilson and Digginsi Ciirr, Delaney aud Banb. Game mum to start second. S.icond game Pottsville 0 1 030020 2-8 F.as-tou 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Hits Pottsvillo. 15: E;vton, 5. Errors Pottsville. 1; Easton, 4. Batteries Fox and itiggins; Kimball and Eaveilo. At Reading Beading 2 0 3 2 0 0 0 3 2-11 Allentown.,..l 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 6-'j Bits RcadinSj Ml Allontown, 25. Ei rors Heading, 0; AHentown, 7. Batter ies ))bo:d and Fox; Baldwin, Jhliigau and Kelly. At Altoona Altoona Vi. Hazloton game postpuutd ou account of rain. NATIONAL LEAGUE At. Pltlhbjrg Pittsburg 0 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 x- 8 Washington.. OOOCOOOo l Hits Plttsbnrg, ii; Washington 10. Er rors Pittsburg, I): Washington, 1. Bat f cries Killen ami Morritt; Esoor and Alc-Cit-.ir.'. Umpire Powers. At Louisville Louisville 0 000010001 EOOton 3 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 X 'J Hits Louisville, 4: Boston. 12. Er ran Louisville, 4: Boston, 4. Batteries Kntll imrt Barlei -Nichols and Rvau. Um pire (Jaffuey. At Bt. LquIs St. Louis 0 31 00000 0-3 New York.... 0 u 2 o 0 o 0 o 08 HHh St. Lonll, 7: New York, (i Errors St. LouK 4; Ni-w York, 1. Batteries Clarkson and I'eiti; Kusio aud Wilsou. Unit, ire Hurst. At Chicago Chicago 8 0 3 4 0 4 0 0 1-15 Baltimore 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 4 0-8 Hits Chicngo, 17: Baltimore, 17. Errors Chicago, 0; Baltimore, 8. Batteries Batcblnion and BoBrivar; Unllann and BuOtnbOn and Clarke. Umpire Lynch. At Clcvflaud-Cleveland-Brooklyn game postpoued on acoouut of raiu. At Cincinnati Cinciunati-Philadelphia gaum postponed on account of wet grouuas. EASTERN LttG'.IE. At Sorlngneld Springfield, 4 : Buffalo, 8. (First game.) Springfield, 5; Buffalo, 20. (Second game.) At Erie Erio, D; Providence, 8, At Binghamton Biughamton, 4; Syra- CUbO, 7. B.'SE BALL BRIEFS. A number of the college ball players who live or uro visiting in this city, will go to Ciirbonflale today, to play a gnmo witn the crweonts. MtQaatd and Armstrong, of Harris burg, have been released to Easton. The Phillios have imrciianud the release ot Short Stop Bullivau nom tue vvasuing ton club. The Uuions, of Hyde Park, will play the Electrics, of Taylor, on Thursday aftor uoun at 4 p. m. The Scranton club will play a postponed game in this city tomorrow with Altoona, when Hodson will pitch his farewell gamo for Scranton. On Thursday Altoona will probably play two games in this city. The James Boys challenge tho Olyphant Browns or the Morning Glories, of Dun more, to a game of ball on the James Boys grounds Thursday, June 28, at 3 o'clock, for 110 to (25 a side. J. Mullarlcy, captniu. First como first served. Manager Soelee, of tho Boston club, yes terday wired to Treasurer Rogers, of tho Philadelphia club, offering to trade Staloy aud Banssl for Taylor. Of course the of fer will not be accepted, unless the Phila delphia club officials ure "rattled," and do not know what they are doing in their present demoralize J condition. Philadelphia U after Jueenoy and Moss. They will have to offer considerable more money, as President Meyers yill not let them go for (SOU each. Bostou and Pitts burg are both after Meeuey, tho former offering $W0 for him. This offer was ro fused, and President Meyers said ho thought he would have to raise the price of Meeuey to $1,5(J0. Uarrisburg ludo pendent. There is talk of bringing tostother the crack college players of this city and vi cinity to play the Scrnuton's aud povBibly make a short tour. There is excellent ma terial for a club among the, collegeates nnd up doubt if tho plan Is carried out boiuo good games can bo looked for. Hero is a club that would bo ablo to face any league aggregation. Catcher, Williams, Princeton) pitcher, Carmody, (Towandu) Georgetown; shult stop, Brooks, Prince ton; first base, Ooeckel, (Wilkes-Barre) University of Pennsylvania: second base, Murphv, Ucorgotowu: third base, Gun ster, University of Pennsylvania; field, (ielhert, University of Pennsylvania; Cawley, Niagara; Harleigh, Georgetown. OUR COLLEGE YOUNG MEN. They Take Hiuh Pluca Among the Ama teur Alhlotos of the Country. Whilo no native of Bcrnntou has ever achieved any great amount of fame as u professional buee ball player, in col lege base bsll circles the young men of this city cut u very wide swath. Three of the foremost players of the Prince ton llsse Ball clnb are residents of SVranton. They are: Brooke, ihort stop; Gnnsler. third base; and Wil li, ms, catcher. Biair, of this city, al though not a regular member of the l'tinoetod team this season, takes high rank among college first basemen, Obarlei Gilbert is one of the most popular as v.'j'l us one of the best piny ere ou tho Uuivesliy of Pennsylvania club and Johu J Murphy has this sea son been doing eome brilliant work with tho (Jeorgotown Collage club at third base. Ilo led the club iu holding uud hsttitig. P. J. Mauly, of Duo more, is the catcher and captain of the tsecoud team ut Georgetown for wbioh he has done s" Undid work during this h 'sson. lie bus aiso playea ou lite urst team. Matthew Cawley is one of the hard est hitting of college fielder, lie is a terror to the average college pltober. lie covers centre fluid for tho Niagara University club iu splendid stylo. Harry Peek is nuother hard hitter and flue Adder. Ho Ii looked upon an one of the moat valuable moil ou tho Lehigh university team. Another fine fielder is Jam-s George, who is a member of 1st. Uomiventure college, of Allegheny county, N. Y. Mr, Miller, of Arohbald, is short stop fur the tutuw clnb. One of the best batteries of the Georgetown College club is composed of Carmody. piloher, aud Sullivan, catcher, who reside at Towauda. In G .orkle and Higglns Wilkes Brrre has two young men who have done splen did work for the University of Penn sylvania club. In other forms of college athletics young men from this end of the state have taken high pluoe. Msckoy, Gil bert and Thome! aud Otto Wagon hur?t have won faro on the Univer sity of Pennsylvania foot ball t :mhu ' Murpby was tor a portion of list sea son captain of the eleven (if George town. Otto Wagonhurst, who resiled near (louldshoro, was the captain of tbe University of Pennsylvania boat crew this year and his hrother James und Arthur Bull, of Wilkei-Eirre, wore uito members of th crew, Cum for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to ho the very best. It effects a permanent euro and tho most dreaded habitual sick headaches, yield to Its influence. We org" nil who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv ing the needed tone to th? bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents ul Matthews Bros', drug store, WHIHLS OF BICYCLE WHEEL3. About fifteen well known racrrs will competo at the meet to be held In tbl.t city on Jnly 4. Banger being n had terms with John son, refers to tho riders on Johnson's team oh "tho yellow dogi, " paraphrasing the name ot tlie wueoi Inoy use. Thore will be an intei national bicycle tournament at Homo ou June 28 and 80 nnd July 1. The Amsriean wheelmen BOW in Europe are expected to take part. John H. Johnson will make an attorant. to bent two minutes from a standing start mile at tlie Walt nam cycle track f u.iy and will be psoet by five tandem tcaiu.t. There are 111 entries for tiio longdis tance birycio race arranged at Berlin. Among the contestants will bo the witmers of the Bsriin-Vienna and Milan-Mnnlcb races. Arrangements have been eompleted by the tdcycle clubs of Brooklyn to bold an annual century run. The first of the lerjes Will ho held on July 15. At 0 o'clock on thai ni:;ht tue cyciuru will (alio a moonlight run to Greeap rt, L. I. Chief Consul Holmes, of tlie New Jersey division, L. A. V., and George It. Miller and Ernest Miller have boon appointed a committee by the Atalantn wheelman to confer with the aldermen of Newark about fast riding by cyclists through the city limits. There ITS not ss many bloomer COStnmtS worn by wheelmen in the east as in t uic go. This is due to the cosmopolitan pic gresfliveness of tho Windy city, which adopted the loQSC ktiicliorbockers for men lung before New Yorkers copied that find. ion from English riders. Iu many small cities aud towns iu Illi nois, Indiana and Wisconsin regular bi cycle dealers And it hard to compote with merchant! in almost overy line of busi ness who have taken on bicycles as a side ins and sell machines at profitless prices to attract trade in their other lines. Giluiore, Gardner, Winan nud Newman, of this city, have entered for the two mile handicap race at tho Driving park, July 4, and all the other events except the uovice rac . They have also entered for the one half and one-iiuurtsr mile championsliin races at the State League meet at Wilkes- Barro on July 3. Eddie Bald, the promising Buffalo rider. who is now on the Eastern circuit, ilnishea bis races m a peculiarly ferocious manner when the impulse seizes him. He has re- tionteuly come tin uucjtnected y from the ruck und by digging into his pedals with all his strength, uow sitting up, auu bending ovor his bars and tugging as thongh trying to pull uis machine to pieces. Some of the clubs that have Sign Ins d thoir intention of taking part iu the iar sdo are as follows: Tho West Eud Wheel men. Wilkes-Barre: Contlirv club. Phila delphia; Wilhamsport Wlneimen: Maple wntf vt aeeimen, uoncsus'fi; uaiuinoiuo Wheel club; Great Uciid Cycle club: Au thraclte Wbcolmen, Plttston. Hologaiious WEIGH THE BABY OFTEN A Very Simple and Easy Test of Growth, When the Increase is Slight Put Baby on Laotated Pood. It Has Saved the Lives of Thousands of Babies What Is It. Weighing the baby every week is ( " T au om - lasoioneu WT m-thod of deter mining us ueaiiu, but thero is no sim plc-r way. A healthy baby increases in weight vry eteadlly. Auy decrease is a plain warning that the little one is not properlv nourished; the mother's milk ii insufficient or not healthful ; or if an "artificial" food is used it does not meet the baby'slretiuiroments. The in fant should be put ou luctated food ut once. L touted food is as "natural" as hun ger. In it thii combination of tho necessary elements of pure, healthy mother's milk is accomplished. Using pure milk imgar ai a finals Ihtre is combined with it the richest glutteu 11 itir of wheat and oatfl, which by loug subjection to high steam heat unilur pressure, aud while iu constant motiou, has been perfectly cooked and ready to he eiieily acted upon by tho important addition of the pure malt extract. It is a safe, simple, invaluable food for infants, and they like it and thrive upon it, and grow healthy aud strong. Thousands of thankful testimonials from fund parents are ssut every yeur to the munnfacturers of this food. Hero is oue from Mrs. L. W. Hills, of Kiverslde, It)., the ninth ir of the bovneing boy whoso picture appears above: "Laotated food saved my baby's life. At tho age of five weeks I put him on artificial food. Not being euccessful with the first brand I discontinued that and tried coudensod milk. That did uot seem to contain nourishment enough, and at the age of five months he wus so poor od sickly that I bad no idea I would raino him. Reuding of luctated food I gave it a trial. He began to improve within a few days and has continued to do so. We have net given him u drop of medicine sine uing laotated food. I consider thut it .saved iiia life, uud whenever my boy is praised for hij bright, healthy looks I never fail to tell his admlrori that he is a laotated fool boy." from clubs in Uarrisburg, liinghatnton, Heading, EiSton, Tieutou aud BelRluheui will also be present. On tho evening of July 2, tho Scranton Bicycle olnb Will go to Wilkes-Barro to participate in tho lantern parade of the Wilkes Eurre whe-dnien. The Lawnnoc band will accompany the party. A special train has beeu placed at tho disposal Ot Ihe Bcrautonlans by tho Delaware Ss liudtou Canal company. There has been n rumor clrculatfd that there is an i ff rt on foot to boycott Charlie Murphy for his alleged fouling of Taxis nt I'iniutkid, two weeks ago. It has been leami d from good authority that whoever the guilty person may bo (either Wells or Hurphy) he will receivo tho heaviest penalty ever levied for the offense, when CUairinau Haynjond makis the matter public. A large number of wheelmen and many wheel women are touring on wheels In va rious parts i.f tho country, and n score or more are known to he crossing the conti nent. The number of tourists hits not in creased proportionately with the total number of riders since touring began, but this is explained by the fact that wheels are iu very many ernes used through econ omical motives nowadays. Bneklen's ArxUoa Saiys. 7he best tai'e in the world for Cuts Brnises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Pevor s res, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptiouj, und potl tiv iy cures Piles, or no pay mquirod. It guiU'auteod to giro periect tatisfautiou or money refunded. Prico Uu ccuts per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. GENERIC .( , i 'I .; N0TI1 Sixty-one trotters and pacors have al ready reduced their records this season. The projected Joint race meeting of the lien i Pari; and Brooklyn Jockey clues ou July -1 has been declared off. Obarloi McKeerer outpointed-William H. Dongherty at the American Athletic club ou Saturday .night In a four-round Loxlug bjiit. Ohsrlcs McCarthy oatpotnted o.vsn H, Z igler iu a SiX-rnnnd boxing bout on Batnrday night nt tho Ariel Athletic club, Philadelphia, Joseph Walcott, of Boutin, defeated Michael Harris, of New York, In a boxing bout at Ills pounds, in Bouton, on Saturday nijht. Walcotl had th? best of the con test from tbe beginning, and Busily won iu the sixth round. a cablegram from Paris slates that the decoration of ihe French scsdetuy bs been conferred upon Profersor w. U. Sloanp, of Ptincetown university, Ameri can Commisstooer to the International Athletic congress, which clohud thero ou Batarday, Tbe Coney Island grand national steeple chit so attracted 15, 00) people to tbe Sheep -head Bay track u S:. til I titty. The rai e, which wan over tho lull course, WaSWOU by Uleufullou, who huat H.dm.in by cne long'.bin a driving finish. Thore were ten .starters nud the Winner sold 0 to 1 bcft,ie the Mart wns made. Thn prince of Wales, commodore of the Royal Yacht squadron, na completed ar rangements With G-oree Gould for a pri ValO match race between the Am M icau yacht Vigilant nud his royal bleb uses' yacht Britannia, to be sailed oo Jniy.'.i, over the con in of the Royal Yacht clnb, storting nnd fiulsbiug nt Cowee. The victory ol Cbnrlos g. Phillips, Jr.. ot the .Malta Boat chit., in the junl r scull race at tho Bchnylklll Navy regatta on Sa turday, was a moat popular one, Pidiiip. played football, boxed aud wiostlcd all winter to keep hliuttelf iu rondition, ami began rowing iu a working b. at iu tho spring, aud subsequently iu a racing shell, all With a view ot winttiOg tlioJimiur championship ol the navy. Before the candidates for the Yale foit ball eleven left college last weak thoy were called together by Captain fjlnbey and given final directions for summer tralulug. l'weln candidates were ordered to report at Travers Island Sept. IU. The Ysle team will open the seas.ut with n gam with Trinity college on Sept. tl, at thn Yale field. Captain Hhikev awarded jirisi's lor tho contents during the preliminary prac tices as follows i Drop kickiug, Pranks, Betterworth, of Washington, U. and s. BrinkerboS Thome, New Y'ork city; punting, David C. Twitcimll, of Hartford,' and Howard B. Leu. of Louisville, Ky.j place kicking, Davlu C. Twitchell aud t' rank U. Uurte, of Kingttou. Motbersl Uothtril! Kothsrsltl Jlrs. Winslow's Hoothlug Hyrnp has been ie fit lor over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children whilo toothing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays ull pnin; cure wind colic, and Is tho best roniody for di srrlueu. fold by d.iuggists Inevorypart of tho world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. WIuhIow's Soothing Syrup," aud take no no other kind. Tweuty-flye cents a bottle- ONE CENT A Word. Wan.H of all kinds coit that much, ea ttpt i'fuatone iraated,uiiich are inserUi sYJBtt Agents Wanted, ffltTiUU PER MONTH, CITY OK COUNTRY ? to competent wide-nwuko IDSUrattoesoUO' tlnrw; v,ell e:,t:iLU-imjii nuruianeni uusinea.. ,hlmcu In..,. I... ,,1 0,,r Mi I ... i. wnViua ave, Bcrtuiton, r. WANTKD-MAX W ITU 1. 1KB AVI) F1UB insurance exporieucj an rolluitor iu Lackawanna cuunty; pxid lnducomimu to right man. Adoiass USS-tt Betn building, Phlladalphia, Pa, Help Wanted Mole. VV' ASTi.D.' A OOOl) 6UTCHBB, ONE V V who can t ill: Gorman and Kii.lish Pre ferred. Call at once at H12 I'illaton avunue. W ANTKD-IK YOU AUK A CATHOLIC it unomployod and will work for Ms per week. writ.,. M-i.Ci eilii'll llr,)H.. 11 1'ian.lijt stiver, Boston, llass. Wanted To Rent lirANfED- TTiKBlTfuUNISHBL) BOOM8 in i-iMitj-ul ,,iirt nf eltv. Ailtli-ua. T. H.. care Tribuuit Office. for Rent. AUK WINOl.A CUTTAOK, KUKN'ISHEL), J to let with bsro. Il-.l l'euii aveliuu. Special Kotices. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW UOW TO speculate saooeesfuHjr in the Stock and On.in murki.'t. It so. writs for our little manual, miitled Me. Tells all ithout it. 1. bvaus A' Co., Kiulto Blilg., Chlcngu BLANK BOok. i'AMV'HLEl'H. MAGA sines, etc., h mnd or rebound at TBS TttlBOua olliee. Vuiek Work, Kousonahle prices, MKAL 'J 1CKI.TS CAN BE II Al AT HI, corner Bpraea street and Kraukliu avn iiuo. Twenty moM tickets for SH.M. Good tablo board. Boarding. OUMHlilt BOAKDING FOUR BSSPBOT Ll uble persons can liuil li rat class bourd With Kinull family in la go. airy house. Hot nd cold lutths. Free carriage to depot and church Three-qnarters d s mile trom ta- Uon. lli altay loeulity. Addr. SS bus 08,Clarks' Hinntult. tea OST-A GOLU UAIU 1'IN WITH WHITE iirouirs. Finder will bo su.tubly re- arded by retnrnlae the wuue to Colontd E. B. Hippie, 'J'bird National bank bnilding. Legal. TM KK TBAKSFBB OF HOtBL UCBKSB 1 of Johu G. Edward:., ul i ..:!.;!. wunl ot ttorantou to Ana btsvonsi pottcs a besaby given tbat court bss tixd lulyS, Ull, at no. in., iu open court tor the hearing "( thoaboTS traiiHfen. 'i'AYl.Olt iK LEWI8, AttOTUSysfor Petition ora A UDITOB'U NOTIcli - i W VttDKft. V signod. aa auditor appointed by thu Uu phan'S Court at LacbaWanbt ennnty, to pssP up jii vscoDtiooi Blsd to ascoant of slid to iiin trilmte laonuy found ti h i In the IntieU of rraqois B, Sillier, sseontor ot the will of Pi ixlw Amu Miuit 1 , dacesssd. h' reliv gives Uotiee that he will attend tu Ui" cult IM of hut aiipidi.liuvnt ut tlu' bMcb ul Taylbr I etvU, C niiulouwealth Bnddtug, Scrantjn, P$L on W'edncsdtiy, July 25 MMi at U a, in., at which thti.i und place all pu rsoUS having el-iium Msinatuio said instate must press'at thum or he torever tucreutor dabarrsd from coining iu ou said fund liEKlliZKT L. TAYLOK. Auditor. Proposals. CliAIEl) PIf'PoSALS WH.L BE BE SS celved at th office of the City Clurk, Mtr.ni; ou, l'a UatU 7. JII o'clock p. ut. ThUM' day, Julys, ll. to eoattruet lntral eewsrs with the LSOSSSaCy i.e . l aales. lump boles. uxturei and atipliaucss jnSilss.llin oial C'urliun and fjordan ttrt e's in ascordanoo with pJtu, niolliutui u; :d' n'.'n u.. iliod' in Uie office ' f lty Clel It. Each proposal sbali ho sccontpsniad hy cash or certlilv'd chuck in tho 611m ot uno hundred dollnra In ius tho hlddtir to vhum tic Contract siisll BaVS been awarded refuses Ct oinit to ssscnte s em. tract tor thft work In accordance with plan nud spccilliMtii ns Ibarsfors, w.taiu ten days trom date ofawbrd. the unci teure uc BtnnpaaybiR bis proposal sball hof.irf.it d to the tuo ot the city ot Hcrantea. The iiy ro wrves tho right . rsj -ct -:y and all bids. By order o( City Ceunclls. U. T I.' V: LLE, City Clerk. Serunt a. Pa . June . l!St Situations Wanted. CITUATIOX WANTED BY A YdL'.Sfl O iiiri ssanu'ssortodorigbtnoasowork, Adtlr s.. K. E., He North lllmors ;. venue. T ADY WANTS TO !M) iOBUBBIHO, Jj vras'u.uj: or any kiud of uluauiug. Appll to ill Kim street. OITUATlON WANTIH l.Y A YOUNU p lady dsslrabli ef o itsinlng u posiUoo ua book-ktoper, essbier, or at gsnenu other work, Beet rotsrsnota wUt be f urniihsd. ln tiuire Ms Chestnut street I7ANTKU-A POSlTltiN AS K' KK ' keeper, d ililile and ulngle entry, hy a lady who hssgrndnatml Iq ai hranuses; good referanooa Address K. I. M , Duamoro. Pa. Do Yen Need Printing? Conanlt THE TlUnUME JOB DE PARTMBNT, Do Ywr Boo'is M MMI Coninlt 1 Hi ERY, TRIBUNE WNU- " i i n . i p 1 1 t DauKru pi saie oi.mfi i Of New, Fresh Goods at tho store of GROSS, FOSTER & CO. Dress Goods, Silks, White Goods, Muslin Curtains, Ladies' Gents' Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Cloaks, Shirt Waists and Blouses and Several Hun dred Other Articles. These goods were purchased at SHERIFF SALE and the people aro boiieflteil thereby. No merchant in the world can buy goods in the regular way and compete with our prices. The reserved portion of this stock will be placed on sale during this week. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT will be closed out for almoat nothing to mako for other goods. Ko many come in the afternoon that there is scarcely standing room. It would bo much more ant to come iu th6 morning, but if you can't como iu tlie morning, COME ANY TIME! for you will not have anothor chance to get fresh goods for so little money. GROSS, 31 3-31 B onnolly&y "Fin de Siecle." Colored Print They are not likely to be with us CONNOLLY & WALLACE Furniture Upholstered By the most experienced workmen in the city. NO FANCY PRICES. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, E. OBOFUT Susquehanna Co. Proprietor, 'jilis HOJ tE is strictly teuipcranca. Is new ! aid wu tttrulsbaS aad tPEKtD Tu IHE PUBLIC tan xBAB UoCND; Is liicat'vl midway h itweou Moulro.oau I rli ran twit, mi Moatrass aud l.acsnw'auirt IttllnuJ, .'i milej from U., It, Si Vf. Ii It at Alford tatioa,and lieu inllm from ttiatroisi cu ilaelty, (Ighty.flyo; throu iuina;o.s' wa.k I rom it. 14. atafiuu. tiOOU I)AT. li-UINtJ TICKIJ3, 4Sc, FUEE T.) UUE8IB. K AHItado about Sf,noo fast oqualliUf in thin O.S1H.-U wj AMironaaoa uau tatiniu Sloua- tabia I ino grovo-i. alo.ity of .,tuilo u.l bgiuitifnl (cenery, msklltS S. Suiniunr liujort unci- eoilmi uu beauty ai d Daaubll paridon, s.-ui ;n, cr.j U ;t .;f ounds, e ( Li Sprias Aster and plant? ot ill;k Itatei, 7 to SilO per ,ek. tLSO 'jer tiny. Bficurtku Ueksts soli at all station uu D. Li. i: Vr. hues. 1'urt r meets ail traius. Hotel Wayerlv m Eurcpoan Tlan. Firnt-olau Car ttahl I : lor Uerguer A Eugid'e Tajiuhanuor Boor I E Col 15t!i and Filbert PhlllJi ileit drslrahlo forrsslrtents ef N.E. Peun lylTuiila All eoBTeutencss i.-r trnvelere t. and from Eraad Street eUtl ui una the Twelfth nud MnrkSt .Street f-taticu. Ii,, itrnhlu fur visiting derail toi.laiu nud pa He lu the AnthraclUi Xegiou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. N. A. HULBBRT'9 City Music Store, - WVOJIUia AVK. 6CUA.NTO BTEINWA Y ft SON DKCKHJt, BHOTBBBI KitANK'ii & HACK ti'UJVlU liAUEU ASS tint n ;-.r;. etnok of Qrst-olaa MUtllCAIi mi:i;cuanlrs14 MimiC. ETC.. ETU PIANOS ORGANS Dimes Are Like Dollars AT THE OBBAT fompnrey FOSTER 6c CO. Lackawanna Avenue. You Seen Black Grounds with Handsome Work. The latest noveltv nut. PRICE, 16c. A YARD 209 TOM COB. LACKAWANNA AND ADASB Fee our FIFTEliN DOLLAR 9ulid Oak Bedroom Beti We sell Furniture as cheap as any house iu the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull 4 Co 101 MD EC? IHOM and STE NOnWAY IRON lit. it Ii Hl.lMiiM) KiTRA SPKOIATj H.tVDKRSON'8 KNQLISH JKSJBor'S KNUiilSIl CAST bi I I 1 I. uuitsii; tiiio&g TOE CALK flHQ MACHINERY SPRING BO FT STl'.Kli ANVILS BKLLOWS HOH8F. NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS nHOS CUTTING MACHINERY. Bittenbender &Co.,Scranton, Wbolasale and rstull dealers' in Wagonmakers' tUPPLIEri LOUIS B. SMITH Dealer in Choice Confections and Frnits. BREAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouse Avenua a uon and room pleas- 100 blOGK Wallace Tlierax ? oire long. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court Hous9. DM if f f AVENUE. VKClMiG HE. WAGON WHEELS AXLKS fiPRINGS HUBS Sl'UKES niMs STKKL SKEINS It. R. SPIKES SCREW and Elacksmithi' IIMBUM FROM : A.M. TO 11 r.n. IN OIViON TO SUP. WITH UK CUE AM. IHIiHII!!S!l!l! You sre lutereitod in Wedding Preaouts, wa would like to huvo' vou call and txsmina our ctook, If. Impossible as- R hn H sortmentof ifi ods in Gf Vjy' V our line than wa uhvo to rtler, and our cash pyMem (,'uaantei-s you th') best mluiibles pro curable. Oct our uow price list, at imy rate, before you RPb g 0 It will at leis: (jlvo E' 1 1 Xm youiibint ofwbstwe KJkV 'SjS' B are doinK tlirouglmnt tlie etoru iu ersry depsrt mont. Dismouds will prove a profita ble Investment these days. Their rapid rise iu value is sure und certain, end If you want to irot tl'e lowst prieen STfJf touched in I Ibt'sobril- lisuts,buy FREEMAN, Cash Dealer In Plumonds, Watohoi, Jewelry, filo. Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St. niiiiiiimsisii A Handsome Complexion j in one ot tho greatest charms a woman con KljISS. PuUO.-U'a UoMPLSXION POWDOD glvi-iit. , . i IE KTTIffl Qsw 8S5a A Ujy a MaV Sa