The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 26, 1894, Image 1

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    ND whatever they are,
whether pleasant or the
reverse, The Tribune will, as first to report them.
-to5T - "
N eye fixer! attentively
on the local political
situation will soon see inter
esting developments.
Tte Soranton Lledcrkranz Sang in the Indi
vidual Societies' Competition.
The Third Day of the Great National
Snengerfcst In Madison Square
Garden Is Brought to a Close by a
Grand Concert in Which the Soloists
Were Mine. Olauvelt, Mme. Tavary,
Etnil Fischer and Arthur Friedham.
Today Ends the Carnival.
Ni'v V(kk, June SB,
THE third day of the Saen'i-feat
waa occupied by the out of town
dwlejjates by sightseeing In the
furonoon, oompetitira prize
siiixing In the afternoon and oonoln lad
with h monster eoaoert in tha evening.
This completed the uinnlciil pro
gramme. About fi.OOO people in nil
listened to the tinging of the comput
ing; choruses. Th music lovers pres
ent were rewarded tiy the most attiit
knlly rendered singing of the entire
festival. The town federations with
their well trained voices in different
Sections gave a diversity to the pro
gramme which the Sunday afternoon
concert lacked. The twenty individual
societies, wlliah sang in competition in
the MOOfld oluss, also firous-'d consi-
dersble enthusiasm.
The first prize competed for by the
town fedarationi is a massive bronz
bust of Betthoven, double life aizo, and
which is expected to bo placed in the
park of the eity where singers did the
best work. The second priz" is iv mag
nihr.ijtit banner. Tho lire t prize for the
individual societies ia a Stein way grand
piano, tho second a solid silver cup
tnirtv iuches hifa, and tho third a sil
ver wreath. Those societies were rated
in tho Second class, tho first nud third
clnsij having sung yesterday.
toiuy's com petitions.
The selection today was "Serbst
nacht," by Mai Von WeinzUrl. The
competitors wore: Colombia, Phila
delphia; Concordia, Bridgeport, Conn;
Deatsaher Saengerbnnd, Buffalo; Oer
liinnia, Newark ; Saengerbund, Wash
ington i Arheiter Saengerbnnd, Phila
delphia; WUliamborg Saengerbund,
Hermonia, Philadelphia; Orpheus,
Pittshnrc; Harmoni", Newark) Leider
kranz, Scranlou ; Bayuriduher Sa el Ig r
blind, Newark; Anon Q lartette
club, Brooklyn; Tantonia Maenner
chor, Allegneuy City; Concordia, Phil
adelphia; Arion, Jersey City; (resang
V.rein Liberty, Newark; Eintraoht,
Allegheny; iirooklmer Saengerbnnd
Arion, New Haven. Tiie Cvrmania,
of Newark; the Arbeitera Saengerbnnd,
of Philadelphia, and the Arion Quar
tette club, of Brooklyn, received the
greatest applause.
It was 1 ISO p. in. when tho individ
ual societies tiniahed and town federa
tions beg;in. The federations of New
ark, Philadelphia and Brooklyn com
peted for the Beethoven bust and those
of the other cities for the banner.
Juduing by popular applause, the bnst
v.ill go to Newark, but the awards
will not be announced until 3 o'clock
tomorrnw afternoon. The executive
committee met this afternoon and de
cided to hold the next saengerfejit in
Philadelphia in 1897.
There wni nnother big crowd of lis
teners an wpII as singers at the concert
this evening, The soloists were Alias
Lillian Blauvelt. soprano; Mme, Ta
vary, soprano; Emil Fischer, basse,
and Arthur Friedheiin, pianist. The
orchestra waa composed of 150 pieces,
1 d by Heinrich Znellner, mimical di
rector of tho Liaderkranz society of
this city. The chorus contained abont
8,000 voiot-a comprising the United
BingeM of New York and vicinity.
After the concert the sinjers worecon
vivally entertained at the Arion, Lid
erkranz. Germania and other club
rooms. Tomorrow tho saengerfest
will be concluded with a picnic and
summer night';! festival at rjltner park,
Gran ''send beach.
Delegates R'jpfdseniina; Centtel Penney!
vnnla Mlnere Cannot .;.,..
Altoona, Pa., Jnne 2o. The sixty
edd delegates who are htre represent
ing tho miners of the Central Pennsyl
vania distrlet iiavebeen having a warm
National President MoBride is pre
siding, and both he and District Pres
ident T. A. Bradley have been untiring
in their advocacy of the acceptance
by the miners of the district of the
40 cent net ton rate. The majority of
the delegates here, however, have been
sent instructed to vote for nothing tint
the 00 cent ton rate demanded wh.iii
tho striko was inangurated, and thus
the hands of the convention were tied.
Finally, as a way out, ono of the del
egates offered a resolution to allow All
individual miners who so wished to o
to work at the 40-cent ton rate. This
was vigorously fought by the Clearfield
delegates, who claim that it will leave
them out in the cold, and at !). 110 o'clock
tonight the resolution is still bolng
discussed with but little prospect of a
settlement being reached tonight
At 11.45 tho miners convention
adopted a resolution allowing the oper
ators who will pay tho compromise
price (40 cents net) to resume opera
tions, this to Include nil concessions
euch as check weighmen to deal where
they please and no discrimination to be
made against any who have taken part
in the strike. Boll, Lewis and Yates
were notified of the acceptance of their
offer. The convention then adjourned
until 8 o'clock tomorrow morning,
when the business will be finished up.
Ooke Strfkore Attempt Mischief at Con-
Conni;u.svim,k, Pa., June 25 Strik
ing coke workers attempted to destroy
tho Possum Run railroad bridge on the
outskirts of New Haven last night with
dynamite. The explosive was placed
gainst tb abutments of the bri w
and did considerable dumago to the
heuvy maaonry.
The road is a branch of the South -west
Penn railroad over which the coke
from the Trotter works, recently put
in operation, is transported to.
For th First Time a Pisa of this Nature
Ie Henri In Allegheny.
Pitts n nut, Pa., Juuo i.'5 Patrick
Rowan, charged with tho murder of
Thomas E. Connors on Saturday,
March 111 last, pleaded guilty when ar
raigned iu the erimiuol court this
morning. Rowan and Connors wore
very good friends. The murder was
tho result of ovor-indulgrnceiu liquor
Rowan is a pleasant looking, smooth
faced Irishman with iron grey hair and
about 50 yoars of age.
District Attorney Burleigh said this
was the first time in his recollection
that a pi a of guilty was entered in a
murder case In Allegheny county.
Under the act of assembly, when
such plea is entered, the court fixes
the degree. Witnesses wore called to
enable tho court to learn the facts
All Stamford Turns Out to See the
Popular Prima Donna Wed
ded to Francis Wellman.
Stamford, Oonn., June 25 At B
o'clock thisafternoon Alisn Emma Jncb.
the famons operatic ortist.wits married
to Assistant District Attorney Francis
L Wellman, of New York city. Tho
iloral decorations were surpassingly
The bride was met at tho ehurch
door by a choir of forty surplicsd t oys,
who escorted the bricli l procession to
the altar front, singing as they march
ed the sweet bird song from "Lohen
grin." At the altar she was mot. by the
groom and his best man, ex-District
Attorney De Lancey Nicoll. "Toe
Voice That Came O'er Eden'" and
"Perfect Love" were sun g during and
after the ceremony. St. Andrew's
being very 'high church," the Rev.
Dr, P'ter Mefarlane, who offloitated,
conducted the ceremony according to
that beautiful and Impressive ritual.
Organic Dudley Buck played the
bridal music from "Lohengrin," In
cluding the "Grand March."
After the wedding there was a re
ception in the bride's residence, and
fifteen musicians from Ssidl's orchestra
furnished the music. Later there was
a dainty supper aervod by Sherry. The
hriile's gown wns made by Worth a
heavy white satin, hiuli neck and court
train, draped completely with point
lace and she wore diamonds. It is
hot possible that sweet-faced Emma
.Inch ever looked moro charming than
alio did this, her Wedding day.
Among the guests were William
Steinway, Judge George C. Barrett,
Judge George P. , Androws, Judge
Joseph Daly, Mr. and Mrs De Lancey
Nicoll, Mr and Mrs. William Hoes,
Mr. and .Airs. James Brown Lord, Dr
and Mrs. Thomas Rainey, District At
torney Follows, Assistant District At
torneys Mclntyre, McDonn, Weeks and
Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keene,
Dr. II. Cortif, Captain Fozwell, Will
iam S. Wheelwright, Mrs. J. Kennedy
Smyth, Mr. nd Mrs. Alfred Nelson,
Miss Virginia Ogden and Mr. and Mrs,
Darling, all of New York.
The bridal presents were not dis
played, but Mis Jach is said to have
received testimonials of esteem from
friends living in this country and in
European capitals of much value in
the aggregate, i'he groom's gift was u
taira of diamonds.
Ttep ihlio.m Group In tho Chamber of
Deputise Will Support Caslmir Pnrter.
Paris, Jnne ,25 The Republican
groii In the chamber of deputies. 120
in number, have decided to vote for M.
Casimir-Perier for president, The
members of the extreme left held a
meeting this afternoon, M. Oohli pre
siding, and selected M. llriason a their
candidate The socialist group have
decidsd to bar tho wiy of any capital
ist or clerical candidate, The senate
groups are undecided and aro still
i.olding meetings. M. Leonsfty ia men
tioued as a candidate by some of his
President Carnot'a body waa taken to
Paris on a special train this afternoon.
The grand salon iu the Elysee palace
has b?en transformed into a fnnernl
chamber. A military gnard will be
00 duty in tho chamber until the fnni -ral,
which probably will take place ou
The rulers of all civilized countries
have sent telegrams expressing to
Madame Ciirnot their sympathy and
sorrow, The concert halla are closed
and the races have been postponed. In
all places fmpienterl by politicians the
succession to the presidency is dis
cussed constantly.
Oasimir Perier's chancos seem to im
prove steadily. This evening he is a
more conspicnous favorite than ever.
The Comir.B Dtmosratte Candidate for
HaBUSBURO, Pa.. June 25. It now
appears to ba practically agreed that
William M Slngerly, of Philadelphia,
will be the nominee of the Damacratic
state convention on Wednesday, for
governor, It is believed he will not
decline the honor nhonld it be 'endorod
him. The opinion of nil the leaders
now here is that Mr Slngerly will
uiake a moHt acceptable candid ate.
Various names ure suggested for the
other placoa on tho ticket, with W. H.
Hose, of Johnston, for lieutenant gov
ernor; David S. Magee, of Lancaster,
for auditor general and General W.
W. Greenland, of Clarion, for secrotnry
of internal affairs as probabilities. R.
E. Wright, of Alientown, is mentioned
as temporary chairman
Among tho fourth class postmasters ap
pointed yesterday were: Pennsylvania,
Mrs. N. 0), Kunlile, Paupack
The bat manufacturers of Reading have
notified 1 heir ilOO finishers of a contem
plated reduction from 45 to 65 and M Cents
per dozen. Tho men have not yet decided
what to do.
A Bill Introduced to Stamp Out ihe Viper In
Ami flea,
He Prepares a Measure Calculated to
Make the Existence of an Anarchist
Unbearable in the United States
Penalties Imposed for an Attempt
to Destroy Government Properly or
Interfere with Government Ottici i's.
Washington, June 25.
W NE result of the assassination of
I i President Oarnot wastheintro
II I dnotton today by W. A. Stone, of
vi Pennsylvania, of a bill defining
the term "anarchist" and providing
penalties for crimes attempted by an
archists. The Pill provides that any
person or persona appointed, designated
or employed by any society or organi
sation existing in this country or in
.my foreign country which provides In
writing or by verbal agreement, un
derstandlng or countenance, for the
taking of human life uulawfullv.or for
the unlawful destruction of a bnlldlug
or buildings or other property where
the loss of human life is the piohaule
result ol such destruction of property,
shall lie deemed an anarchist.
Any person being an anarchist ns
defined by the first tojtion ol this act.
who shall attempt thu life of any per
son holding office, olrctivo or ap
pointive, or employed under the con
stitution and laws of the United States,
or who shall attempt the destruction of
any building or buildiuga or other
property where the loss of the life of
any such Tnited Stute4 official or em
ploye would be the probable result of
such a destruction of buildings or Other
property, shall, upon trial and convic
tion of such offense in any circuit or
district court of tho United States, of
the district where such offsnoe was at
tempted, be sen tonced to death by hang
ing, which sentence shall be executed
by the marshal of tbo district in ac
cordance with the sentence of tho judge
uofo'e upon the oas was tried,
Speaking of the bill, Mi. Stone said:
"This country is the natural hiding
place and rendezvous of the anarchist.
There are more of them in this country
today, periiaps, thau in any other. Un
less we can restrict their coining and
impose a severe penalty for thoir cruel
ties here, we may expeet more trcqnent
assassinations in the future.
"The hiil introduced bv ma today is
hastily drawn. Its purpose is to call
public attention to the absence in our
laws of any penally for any attempt to
tako the life of an official other than
that imposed for aggravated assault
witii intent to kill.
''It will give congress nu opportunity
to perffct our laws in this regard. Of
course, congress oan only legislate to
protect United States olllcials. Legis
lation for protection to others must be
passed by theStntes. It may be thought
Man) by soma that the death penalty
should he visited npon an anarchist,
who attempts the life of nn ollicial of
the United States, lint 1 believe such
persons are enemies lo society and the
country and should be exterminated,
and the death penalty ia not n sufficient
punishment for their crime."
BENATBU TRIBUTE of sympathy.
The senate met ut 10 o'clock this
morning and adjourned twenty min
utes later as a tribute of sympathy and
respect to tha French republic in Its
national sorrow. The assassination of
President Car.not was the text of the
prayer offered by the blind ohaplain of
the senate, Mr. MHhurn, in which it
was spok n (if as "a heinous crime al
most unparalleled in history," and in
whioh the divine vengeanoi was in
voked against anarchists.
Then without anv attempt to trans
act business the announcement of the
terrible event was made by Senator
Morgan, Alabama, chairman of the
committee on foreign relations, who
spoke of it us "the saddest announce
ment that could DO made to the Amer
ican people in regard to any event out
side of its own borders," and be offeiod
resolutions declaring that the senate of
the United States unites with the
people in the United States in ex
pressing sorrow and sympathy for
''the cruel blow of an assassin which
was aimed nt the paco of France, and
which fell on tho heart of Prosid int
( larnot."
After further remarks by Senators
Morgan and Sherman, the resulntions
were adopted unanimously, and in pur
suance ol them, the vice-president de
clared the senate adjourned until to
KCIX30Y in riir. HQU8J
The bouse confined itself today to nn
expression of its sorrow over the assas
sination of President Oar not, of France.
A message was received from Presl
dent Cleveland Officially announcing
the Had ovent, and resolutions expres
sive of the sense of tho house, with a
message of sympathy to the govern
ment of the republic and to Madam I
Oarnot, were presented by Mr. Mc
Creary (Kentucky), chairman of the
committee ou foreign aff lirs.
A brief eulogy npon tho dead presi
dent was delivered by Mr. Ilitt (Illinois),
formerly secretary of the United Stat- s
legation at Paris. The resolutions were
unanimously agreed to, and the house
at 19 20 adjourned until tomorrow.
A Larg-n Numbor of Delegate Assemble
nt Harriebura-.
HaRRISBURO, Pa., Juno S5. About
o"i0 delegates are attending the Luth
eran convention which began its sea
llOUl in the Bethlehem Taberuacle at
Green and Cumberland streots this
afternoon. They come from Philadel
phia, Scrnnton, Reading, Lancaster,
Lebanon and other cities. The con
vention is designed to arouse interest
among the yonng people in Lllthoran
ism and will probably behold annually.
The afteruoou programme was prin
cipally social iu its nature
aid only u temporary organ-
ISttion was effected with Riv, Dr.
W. H. Binglay as oh airman and
J, L Sibil oh-, of Philadelphia, as see.
rotary, Committees nn permanent or-
ganiBttlon and other routine work,
were appointed and the convention
will get down to business tomorrow.
Professor Mayser, the organist of the
church, gave a recital at tbe close of
the afternoon Interesting addresses
wrr made by S. Q Berger, of Gettys
burg; Mist Quau Ejgurs, of Allegheny
mid others
Tots evening R-v. Dr. Blngljy deliv
ered an address of w el corns and Gov
ernor PattisOU also aided a plena-
ant greeting h Aug. Miller, of
Philadelphia, responded There were
addresses by Rev. J. L. Smith, of Pitts
burg, on "The Luthe ran Church Her
Hope in the Young People," mid Rev
A Albert, of Philadelphia, on "The
Worth of Clean Cut Christians." A
reception followed.
They Am DiBailtt.(l with the Action of
i he Ouarit
Members ol the National Cnurd lire
running the pumps at Adrian to sup
ply their cump with water. Tbsolti'
7. "ns are holding an Indignation meet
ing in consequenos toniuht, claiming
that tbe guard have no right to run the
pumps, for while they aro supplying
Water lo the camp they are also pump
Ins out water that accumulates in thu
There is said to be a spring in the
camp and a well not fur distant. Iu
an effort to urrest ft man this morning
who had been endeavoring to cOIIVurse
with the new men nt Anita, a scuiilt
ensued in which a mm received bay
onet thrust in tbe neck. Warrants were
sworn out against IhomuS F, Clark
and four deputies and they will bear
tested iu the morn nig.
Honest Money Still Holds tho Fort in
the Very Citadel of the
Free Silvcritos.
DBKVER, Jnne 86. Twelve bnndred
Republicans are here to attend the
meeting of the National Republican
league. Moro aro expected. Tho at
tendance bids fair to be much greater
thun anticipated. Tho large attend
ance from the silver producing section
indicates thst the friends of the white
uioiel nrc roaily for a vigorous cam
psicn. The Missouri delegation haa
taken possession of the W indsor hotel,
while tho do and Pennsylvania dele
irationa, together with those from New
York and other eustern points, are
quartered at tho Drown Pal-ice.
President W. W. Tracy, president
of tho Nation. il league; the Venerable
ex-Governor Richeftd Oglosby, treas
urer, and Andrew B. Humphrey, tho
indefatigable general secretary, oponed
National lengno headquarters this
morning at the Brown Palac hotel,
ami were bnsily engaged in leceivlng
and certifying to the credentials of the
arriving delegates.
Planks for the platform to be sub
mitted to the convention are as numcr
ens as snow ft tk.'s In midwinter, and
as diversified on many points as the
pronunciainentos of the various state
conventions of the party that have
been hold in the east aud
the weat since the beginning of the
year. It is practically settled, how
ever, that the platform will declare in
favor of honest elections and a fair
count, for protection to American in
dustries temp 'red With reciprocity to
ward friendly nations, for liberal pen
sions to soldiers of tho war, for civil
servloe reform and expurgation of the
spoils from politics, and for America
lor the Americans. On the cuiruticy
question tbe platform will declare for
the u o of both (told and silver as stand
ard money, and for tho equality of the
purchasing and debt paying power of
the dollar, whether of silver, gold or
Telegrams of Cond.-denoo Pent to rremlnr
Liupnv in Name of Klojr Humbert.
PARIS, June 2."i. The prominent
members of the Italian colony ill Paris
uro actively engaged In, appending
their own signature and obtaining
others to an address to tho widow of
the mnrdered president, expressing
their horror at his assassination, and
their sympathy and oondoleuco with
his family and country.
Several Italians were attacked py n
mob on the Qnai Montabello today and
the most strenuous elforls on tho part
of the police was required to savo thoir
livev Subsequently anti-Italian dem
onstrations were made iu front of the
Italian embassy and consulate. Both
were promptly suppressed by the po
Premier Dupuy has received a tele
gram from Baron Plane, Italiam minis
ter of foreign nltsirs, declaring In the
mime of King Humbert, the people of
the kingdom of Italy, ths twoparllamon
tary chambers and the ministry, their
iletestutiou of the horrible crime raid
HSBuiintr him that all shared tho grief
into whioh France had been plunged by
the hand of an anarchist t man with
out a country.
Ono Hundred i.nd Hevonty-Twe Bodies
Hnve Been Recnverod.
t )eritt to ih? flSraafoa TVffruaa
CARDIFF, Wales. June 80 A dis
patch from Pont-Y-Prld, the nearest
largest town to the scene of the srent
colliery dlsaater, stales that 172 hodies
have been recovered from tbo Albion
colliery near Cilfynydd,
Tho work of roscne is beinc pnshed
as rapidly us cironmatancos will per
The Champion middle Weight PuR-lllst
Weds an Aotreee.
Newark, N. J June 25. Robert
Filzsimmons, champion middle weight
pugilist of the world was married to
Miss Rosalie Satnwell, of Melbourne,
Australia, an actress known in the
tlioatric il world as Rose Julian.
The ceremony wim performed at the
parsonage by Rev. George Sohambaek,
of tbe Lutbern church
('inker's Sodden Attack of Courage BBS All
(be ClIfSS'TS tO dHfSSlilfJ.
It Is Current Gossip In Gotham That
tho Powers of Tammany Propose
Holding a Probing Seance of Thoir
Own as Soon as the Lexow Com
mittee Adjourns for the Summer.
Nobody Seems to Know Definitely
What the Ex-Sachems's Latest Move
Nkw foRK, Juno 2.1.
Tni announcement that Richard
Croker bad snddsnly made up
hi mind to return at once was
evidently ns great a surprise to the
Tammany Hall politicians us it waa to
tho general public, and none of the!
I Miiun my rlall leaders were prepared
this morning to slvo any reason for this
quick ohange of trout on tho part of
their erstwhile "boss.'' When ques
tioned on ths su'ej-ct and asked if
they knew what has caused Mr. Croker
to so suddenly change his plana and
determine to return to this country
and this city forthwith, they professed
the most absolute ignorance on the
sal j-i-t. Mayer 'Jilrey, when asked tne
question, said, "i have not the slighest
Sheriff Sexton repudiated the idea
that Mr. Croker's return in anv way
COnneotad with the expected adjourn
ment of the Lexow committee or an
alleged row in Tammany hall over the
leadership, and 1p miid : "I tell yon
Mr Croker is out of politics alto
gether. It is current rninir that an adjourn
ment of the Lexow committee for July
and August will be followed by a flank
movement on tho part of Tammany.
This will be in the form of other in
vestigations bv the polios commission
ers, and probably the mayor and dis
trict attorney. Thero is the best au
thority Tor tbe statement that the
men having the riirlit to do so aro now
considering Ihe advisability of having
the poiice commissioners take up the
cases uf tho accuse! police offloers.
There has been no deii.iito plan pro
posed, bnt thero is euro to bo action in
the matter as soon ns tho senate com
inittee takes the summer recess.
aiovamenta of Cnrnai'a Aasassln are
Traced by the Police.
Lyons, Jnne 2a. The police hnve
succeeded in obtaining the following
information in regard to the move
ments of the nssassin Santo: After
leaving Italy he lived at different times
in Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland,
and afterward in Lyons. From this
city bo went to Cette, France, where
be Spent the last year working us a
Ho reached Iyons at fi o'clock Sun
day evening It is lenrned that his
real surname is Cosario and his Chris
tian name San Hioronimo. He is 10
years of age. He was known to the
police of Cette as a militant anar
chist. He was sober ami indnstrions,
but taciturn In Ids manner. He was a
great reader and outspoken only when
anarchist theories were discussed.
The police official who wont to Cette
to trace the assassin, had an interview
with Madams Vials, who keeps the
baker shop in which the murderer
worked. She says Oesarlo left her
employ ou Saturday, having uiven up
his place on account of ft quarrel. He
received the money that was due him
and disappeared He left a box contain
ing bin effects in his lodgings. This
the police opened, but found nothing
compromising therein. CVsario, it was
found, purchased the poniard with
which be committed the mnrder, on
Friday This discovery gives rise to
tbe belief that bis quarrel in ihe baker's
simp was merely a pretext for leaving
Cette and coming to Lyons to fulfil the
murderous mission to which ho was
assigned by his associate anarchists.
Romk, June 35. According to ad
vices from Milan, Cssario, the assassin
of President CarnOt was bom ut Motta
Vlscona in Lombardy, He was ex
pelled from Milan iu 18!)H and took re
luge in Bwitserland, The Italian po
lice notified the Swiss and French au
thorities of his expulsion ns a dauger
ons character.
King Humbert today sent a tele
gram to Madame Carnot saying: "The
blow that struck your husband struck
at the snnie time my heart. Tlie
queen's grief is profound, Italy is
wounded not loss than France. All
share your mourning."
A Lor.e Fmle with LonsjHalr Creates
a Dlaturb-xucn.
Indianapolis, Ind., June 2:. a fe
male crank visited General Harrison
today at his bouse, but owing to the
presence of mind of Private Secretary
'iihbota she was not permitted to see
the ex-president.
Mr. Tibbolts had been to answer the
door bell and found a young woman,
having the Bppesrsnce of an Indian
maiden and wearing ber long black
hair over her shoulders. She had a
Bible and a copy of Gospel News in
her hand. She asked for General Har
rison, saying that she had a message of
treat importance for him.
She further said that the Democratic
purty was driving the country to ruin
nnd it was the duty of herself and Gen
eral Harrison to save it. She wanted the
general to help recover a largo sum of
money duo ber. She gave the name of
Louisa Hudson. Mr. Tlbbotts asked her
to a seat in the parlor nud thon tele
phoned to the police. Two police
wero detailed to the case aud she was
detained in conversation until they
could arrive. When thoir purpose
was made known to her sho beoume
very violent and threatened diro ven
geance on her persecutors and to burn
tho town.
Sho told tho noliro mfitrnn thnf ohe
$ Was the wife of Christ aud gave other
evidence of a neatly disordered mind.
From her books it ssumed she formerly
lived In Paris or Nashville, Tenn. 8ho
said she left there two years ago end
haa bson wandering over the country
ever sine. An examination Into hor
sanity will be held in the morning.
Whole Family H.,id Upon a Serious Ac-
Ahr:,m Deshong, Ins wife, Sarah, and
hl daughters, Annie and Mrs. Katie
Fitry, were lodged in jail here today,
charged with murder, or instigator of
the murder of David Fitrv, which oe
ourred on July io, 1803. Edward
Roheffer, a paramour of Mrs. Fitry, who
is also wanted on tho same charg-, os
oapedi i'he murdered man was married to n
daughter of Abrain Desnong and was
found dead near the residence of his
father-in-law on the morning of June
10, 1898, after having partaken of sup
per the night before with tho family.
The body of Fitry will be exhumed
and tbo contents of his stomach an
alyzed for tho purpose of dtteoting
Wholesale Importation of Immigrants
for Pennsylvania Said to Be
in Progress.
New- York. Juno 25 The truth of
the reports of the wholesale importa
tion of miners to work in the Pennsyl
vania coal fields was admitted by Dr.
Benner, the commissioner on immigra
tion today. The commissioner said
that thero was no doubt but the laws
were being evaded, and confessed that
with tho facilities now nt his command
ho saw no way of remedying the evil,
At the same time he said that there
wero very many moro miners going
out of the country than were coming
Said Dr. Senner: "I wonld not be
suprised that a large number of men
have beeu admitted who are under
contract to go to work in the coal fields
of Pennsylvania. It is a misfortune,
it is true, and until we have proper
facilities for the detection of these peo
ple, 1 do not see how it Is going to be
stopped. These people are so well
drilled as to the way to deceive ns and
get through this bureau, that it is next
to impossible to detect them. This
will continue until our recommenda
lions that wo have agents in Rnropo be
"The trouble arises from tho fact
that all this class of people are entirely
ignorant of our wuy of. doing things ia
tliia country. While they have as a
rule a wholesome respect for the bind
ing qualities of an oatb. it must be in
vested with all tbe solemnity that sur
rounds it in their own country or they
do not consider that they are com
mitting any perjury by breaking it.
We swear them ou a Protestant bible,
and for that book they have little or
no regard. They simply regard the
whole thing as the telling of a simple
"At the prusont time it is only possi
ble to detoct a laborer on bis own con.
fession, which occasionally occurs. Our
inspectors do their work faithfully aud
well, but these people aro so well
grounded in tho questions that are to
be asked them that it is utterly impos
sible to detect them in all cases except
on their own admission. When we get
our own agents in Furopo, the same as
tho customs authontieii, you will hear
more about contract labor importa
rialmi That He Will Exhibit More
Nerve Than Emil Henry.
Lvosm, Juno 25 Cesarto, the asp, is
sin, shows not the slightest sign of agi
tation, Ba is perfectly tranqoil anil at
times appears carobes aud even cal
lous. He lias admitted that he
had for som. thin contemplated
his crime. He produced today
u programme of tue Lyons festi
vities giving President Carnot'a route
through the city. Along the route he
had marked spots whore he presumed
he would hnve a chance to strike tin
fatal blow. He had given the subject
of his crime considerable thought and
felt confident that he knew how to
deal a fatal blow before he loft Cette,
According to his own version, which
inquiry in Cette has corroborated, ho
Visited his sweetheart before leaving,
and said: "I have quarreled with my
employer and uin going to Lyons. You
Will see mo uo more,'' Ilo referred to
thesxeontton of Emil Henry, who w
beheaded for exploding a bomb iu the
Cafe Terminus, and sii.i: "He did not
die bravely. I will show more courage
than ho did if 1 ever mount tbo scaf
fold." Tho police in Montpolior.near Lyon',
went this afternoon to the house
Anarchist Laborle, who is believod to
baVe htti bored Cessrlo one nighs last
weak. He biul (led.
Cesarlo's brother was interviewed
this afternoon iu Milan. He said of
the assassin, "He was an excellent fol
low before he Joined the anarchists, 1
do not believe ha planned the murder,
His cotnrinfca undoubtedly made a tool
of him."
Cesario's mother is overwhelmed
with griof. He was her favorite son.
Vanity Wllke, One of the Favorites, Ia
Pmi.APict.riiH, June 25. Tho sum
mer race meeting of tho Philadelphia
Driving Park association began this
afternoon. Summaries:
2.83 class, trotting, purse $1100 -Student,
(Hutchiaou,l Hist. Lady M. second; time
& 10 class, stake race, pacing and trot
ting, purse SI, (KK) Dalles by Almond Hoy
(Harvey) lirst, Amboy second, time 2.15.
2.2(1 class, trotting, purse WOO Unfin
ished. Verdi by Humor (Udoll first,
Onsen of Upland (T. Urady) Becond, time
ICLEAR Washington. Jnne 25, Forfait
for Tuuday ; y,r Katttm
1 RmtuyiiMsiira, peneraUy futr,
south wind, for Wttttrn P$nn
synxMta, probably Ihnmlrr shower tn ihe
a(rnoon; south winds.
Wehare received from our man
ufacturer Homo, special job lots .of
perfect j,'xls at cut prices. The
quantity la limited and cannot be
10 dozen Oowns, solid embroidered
yokes, at 98c. each.
6 dozm Gowns, assorted, at Si. 15.
10 dozen Skirts, with 5 tucks. 6jc.
B doz. Plain Skirts, cambric rullD,7sc
5 dozen Muslin Skirts, 8-inch embroid
ered n.ill , at $1.
10 dozen Drawers, embroidered rrffle,
10 dozn Misses' Gowns, embroidered
yoke. 75 and 85c.
fi dozen Infanta' and Children's White
Dresses, 65c. up
Shirt - Waists
49, 75 and 98c.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave
Wholesale anil Retail,
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce Street.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
;Tn Russet Shoes.
114 Wyoming Avo.
New Store
New Goods
Suitable for Wedding and
Commencement Presents
Finest line of Silver Belt
Buckles, Veil Clasps and
Other Novelties in the
N( 1UNCEMENT, A Souvenir Pres.
nut jiven FRTCE to every lady caller,
if you bny or not.
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
slfi ':" ' 'c; "N
I i - ml
4 i$f
f . mm