The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 25, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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Published daily in Scranton, Pa., it THI
tmiuuna Puilishinq Company.
New vo OfTIM i MliaUNV nun .
Chav. Manaoik
J. X-'U 1 i.i. . i
for Governor:
for Lieutenant ChvemoT!
or ALi-KunuNv.
for Auditor O'outuI;
for Stcrptary of Jternal Affairs:
OIT I'lllLAICI.Ft1(.
for Congressnirri at-Larije:
in tl'syUKKANNA.
OK fFfcaT3IUHi;i.ANl.
Elcttton Tim. Ni.v, a
Notwithstanding rtptatert notices
tlmt unsigntd uiuuuicript will not be
med at the office of Tni T1111.D.NE,
scarcely a day p ititB that an anony
mous letter of soma kiud is not re
ceived. People who desire to swell tbe
contents of tbe editorial waste basket
eaob day, may k.'ep rierht on, if tbey
choose; but any contribution that ap
pears in the columns of The Tribune
must be accompanied by tbe name of
the writer, at an evidence of good faith.
No Picayune Ecomony.
Tbe best sentiment of LiCkawana
county today does not favor the false
idea of economy which refuses to m ike
extra effort to capture and punish a
cruel murderer, Tbe commissioners, no
doubt, are wisely conservative iu most
matters; but iu this particular direc
tion tbey should have the foresight to
ee that the people will not indehnately
submit to the lax pursuit of criminals
common in certaiu quarters. A time
will come, as we bog to believe It ia pot
fur distant, when there will be a slink-iug-up
along this Hue; and it will be
lmstoned rather than retarded by the
continuance of a policy which lets a
penny or two stand between the county
treasury aud justice.
There is a story that one constable
in Old Forge, when asked why he dli
not arrost Medal a, made reply with an
oath that there "was no money in it
for him." This nay be a f ilse story,
"out it is not very greatly improbable,
wbeu oue considers how indifferently
the law has been enforoed for many
years in portions of that township
Tpo prevalence of small riots. Sunday
stabbing affrays and vi elatioos of tbe
Brooks law in the settlement commonly
n illod has become notorious.
If the peace officers to whom our
county commissioners are gonerously
confiding the search for Medal are
the kind of poace officers nnedod in
such a community, they evidently
should bare reinforcemeaX. Ai it is,
their woVk is uot half done, ereu if it
bo half attempted.
L in well in all matters to be oco
notnloal and prudent; but we doubt if
any considerable proportion of honest
taxpayer! would begrudge the money
uccessary to secure a better inforco
went of the law in Lackawanna coun
ty. Such an expenditure would bo one
of the best of possible investments for
the county. The commissioners might
better let the connty u'o without a
conplo of new bridges or a now turn
pike than to have the official announce
tnmt go forth that our listless constab
ulary is the sole barrier stanJini be-twi"-n
respectable citizaus and defiant
Soul. PEOPLE are ueersatisfiefl. AI
though natural gas only costs them five
cents 'pi? thousand, while Chicago pays
fifty cents, the people of Indianapolis
propose to levy a big tax on the gae
mains in tbe delusive hope that the gas
companies will refuse to pay this levy
out of their patrons' pockets.
Gambling as a Business.
The peculiar experiment has lately
been tried in Wyoming of lioenstng
gambling, and the governor of that
baby state is on rucord with an expres
sion of entire satisfaction with iU
change. It costs the keeper of a garb
ling room $600 a year to get protection
from the tt.-U", and in return for his
morey he is permitted to do business
openly and above board, subject to o-r-tain
restrictions. Que of tl se is that
the games played shall consist only or
faro, motite, roulette. lansrunette,
rou4o, vinguet-un. kwio and props.
Poker and three card monte are speci
fically barred. Tbe following useful
provision also' appears 1:1 tuajaw:
It bhnll bo unlawful (91 nay perjon or
persons to deal or play any gunm men
tion I in this chapter unfairly, or with
the iatauti'ju ot cheating. orvswlndling, ur
in auy wue winning iu aay way more (ban
the fair percentage of thu gamoi and any
person or ptrioot or party who shall so
aeju or piy wiiu tue intotitioo or cheat
lng or swlu'lling shall, on conviction
thereof, be guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd
Fhall bo 6V.1 in any sum uot loss than
9809 aud uot more than 11,000, or impris
oned not leas thin thirty days and not
mure than oue year.
Vry naturally there is a sharp dif
ference of opinion as to the merits of
Ulis law. The lw was passed by a
Popnlistio legislature, agaibst strong
opposition; but thoe who have studiud
its operation nearly all admit that
g -I mes of chauce are more fairly played
than formerly, while the revenue de
rived by the state from the sale of
licenses Is a considerable one. Many
persons say that Lf "protejtiou" money
is to be eolleoted at all, it might better
go into tbe cof(ers of the state than in
the pockets of policemen and ward
heelers, In this respect the Wyoming
law ia plainly superior to the custom in
vogue in New York city, the chief city
of our western olvllltatlon. It ofiendi
one's natural sense of the fltueu of
things to tee the state net as a partner
iu the profits of vloe; but it does that
in so many other directions that the
addition of gambling to the list would
constitute lee of au innovation than
might be supposed at first thought.
Several of onr oities lioente gambling
houses, aud also houses of disrepute.
The .argument employed Is that gam
bling and prostitution have always ex
isted and will always exist; aud that,
therefore, it is wiser, from the stand
point of expediency , to accept this con
dltion frankly and prcc.ud to regnlate
it than, by pretending to shut the eye
to it, to give It inoreoaed opportunity
for growth and misobief. Stem moral
ietei would resent this line of reasoning
as an artifice of Satan, just as they re
sent tbe licensing by the state of the
sale of intoxioants. But we do not see
what logical argument can be used in
behalf of the latter that it not applica
ble, with tqnal force, to the former. It
is possible that the Wyoming Popu
ilsts, in deoiding to lie-use gambling,
may have unconsciously sprung a now
movement of social reform.
"Tins," said Senator Hill in bis re
cent speeoh assailing tbe income tax.
"is an time to yield honest convictions
in order to make dangerous experi
ments in revenue legislation In the
vain effort to satisfy a discontented
class who always want a grievance,
and who will clamor against your gov
ernment and your administration and
against property and against rishes
just as loudly and persistently after
this Bop shall have been tbrowu to
them as before." This it the truth iu
a nut shell. Pandoring to socialism is
like Mrs. Partington's effort to sweep
back tbe tide with a broom. Safety
exists only iu rigid maintenance pf
The Common Sense View.
There are two sides to every dispute;
and it is human nature to take only
tbt tide that is noarott. Iu its com
ments on the recent bituminous min
ers' strike the Willces-Barre Record at
tempted to make a fair canvass of both
slilee, and we think succeeded. At all
events its general observations on thu
underlying principles of that strike
were timely and true, and we take
great pleasure iu reproducing them.
'Are workmen," it asks, ' 'always jOst
in their demands when they ask for
higher wagesl Do they always
stop to consider the financial cou-
lition of thjir employer, or the
state of trade, before enforcing
their demands? Do they approach ti.
employer as friends, interested iu his
welfare, or at euemies trying to cir
cumvent html Are they always willing
to talk the matter over frankly and
honestly, or do they come, as a geueral
rule, with an arbitrary scale in one
hand aud the striker's club in the
other? Do they ever stop to consider
that human nature works its will with
au etnployor at well as with any other
man; that the tHina human nature will
impel bim as toon as possible to gat rid
of a class of men who are over ready to
invoke the brute force of a strike to
gain their ends, and that even though
he may be forced to yield for a time,
he will, sooner or later, 'get even?'
"On the other hand, does not the
employer too often put the principle of
justice aside when dealing with bit
men? Is he not frequently blinded by
selfishness in his intercourse with thosa
who help bim to realize on his invest
ment? Does be not allow himself to
look npon the brain and brawn of these
men at articles of barter and trade
which it is bis duty at a business man
to buy as obeaply at pctiible? Is he
not too often led aside by tbe avarice
begot of money getting until be comes
to believe that bit workmen are
hrs natural enomles whose sole
aim is to gat all tbey can ont of
him with tbe least possible exertion?
"Has he not too often in the pa st re-
fusod to met his employes at man to
man, and precipitated a costly strike
which a fow frank mad friendly words
of explanation might avert? Ii it not
a fact that the employer at a general
rule mistakenly holds that his workmen
Have nothing to do with his buaineai
except to labor a certain nam be r of
hours each day for a stipulated wag.',
forgetting, or refusiag to believe that
tue employe hat tne aamo natural in
terest in the succest of hit business as
ho ha.Vi
"This feeling ot distrust, this widen
iug of-the breach between labor and
capital, hat produced disastrous rj
sults to both. The great and onduriug
principle thnt the employer nnd the
einpioyo are partners, the one to the
extent of Lis capital and enterprise,
the other to the extent of his skill an 1
strength, seeme to have been forgotten
by both. The men are led to believe
that the employ trO a tyrannical task
muster, while the employer regards bis
men at natural antagonist! ready at
any moment to rise aud rend him.
Until this feeling is allayed and em
ployer and employe oomo togother as
friends partners iu the great enter
prise of this country the question of
wngea will remain unsolved."
Tni; opinion of ix;:it iu relation to
Insanity coincides with that of tho
Monticello, S. Y., petit- jury in rela.
tiou to the moial rutponsibilitv of the
multiple murderets, Mm. jiallbiay.
They say her exhibition of irrational
symptom win pure Bbtmuiiocj and
the jury was evidently impressed with
tho 8. itne idea. The Philadelphia 11 t.
nnl Inn. a thu v. r,ii, in til. intr.
a text of ridicule for the sapience of
average jurors; but most pontons will
concur. with that verdict insofar as it
indicates a belief that a woman
pf Mrs, Ilalliday's fi-ndlshnoss is safer
out of the world than in it, whether she
be a victim of heredity, atavism, hyp
notism or simply pi tin depravity,
The Death Penally.
There exists among penologists a
wide diff iretici of opinion us to the
expediency of the death penalty lor
crime. Many eminent juriett, loo, en
tertain doubts whether there is in cap
ital pnoishmant a deterrent infli-uce
npon other criminals. It Is nrgued
with an approach to thorough met that
tho idea of meting out a Uoath for a
death is essentially barbaric nnd nn
qivlllzfd; and that it begets barbtrlty
nnd unciviliz ition among the very p r
sons upon whom it should exert a
pacifying aud restraining force.
Wo do not bolieve, however, that
these fine distinctions have much to do
with the engdostive circumstance that
slnoe Hi formation Lackawanna county
bos ntver had an lnstnue of
capital punishment Our lack of hem
pen justice In this particular
it much more probably due to a
geueral deficiency in law enforcement
and an imporfeot underttaniling of the
meaning of law. Our oltieent, our
bett eitlrans. have been too indifferent.
They have seen orirao after crime com
mitted and unpunished.. They have
teen a number of brutal murderers es
cape. They have come to regard these
things at almost a mutter of course ;
and the result bos been that among
such clatatB at that in which Loro't as
soiiin. Medal, wat nurtured Sunday
oaroutali, brawlt and mnrdert have oc
curred with to muoh regularity at to
ocostlon comment only when uniquely
sensational and cold blooded.
This should not be. The law against
murder has not been repealed. The
requirement of exemplary punish
ment in the one of brutal assaults it
still valid it not vital. There is not on
the statute books any clause exempt
ing from arrest for murder or feloniont
atsault or arson or bouss-bretking that
class of residents which does not read
ily co-operate with the prooeues of
justice. It it not persecution of a class
to insist that it must occupy the tame
plan of docility before tbe law gladly
occupied by our more intelligent
citizens. The mtro tontimeut of re
pugnance to hanglagt it not a repealer
of the capital punishment statute.
When unrelieved mucin- is committed
in these parts, it beuomes the b DUuden
duty of every good citizm, whatever
his personal oonviotlons respscliug the
advisability of the gallows, to join In
the effort to locate the murderer and
bring bim to justice. The oltlien who
would not do this should b made to
forfeit the citizenship of which he
thus proves himself unworthy.
IT 18 NOT very plain to the It poblioan
sptctator what there is in tiiti Uemo
eratic state leadership worth fighting
for; but there Is no uncertainty at to
the fact of hot fighting, and very little
as to the faut that Howard Mutohler
has drawn first hi md
The abandonment of paesengor trains by
steam railroad companies upon tho plea
that tbe competition of the trolly cars has
made thorn nureniunerative is a quickly
won tribute to tho popularity of electricity
as a motive power. But- there are reasons
fer this popularity which the steam ronda
seelSI reluctant to itckuowleclije. First
nud foremost ie the fact thnt cur faro on
the trolley lines is aluost ouo-balf cheaper
than for similar distances on tbe steam
railroad. X man ia lilieLy to pay ten
cents for 11 rido in a hot covered railway
coach when he cau iret the same rifle In an
open sliest ear for live. The bteam rail
roads have such a horror of ckrap paseuger
rates that thev are afraid to meet the low
prices of the stroit cars; hence their less
of local travel la naturai and certain.
There are other reasons, iutcrcstiuj eunuch
in themselvos, but difference in price is the
main one.
"It Is too bad we don't have Sornuton
In the Eat tern League," said a director of
the Wilket-Barre club in that club's new
grand stand Saturday, "with Scranton
nlnvinsr aeainst ns we could literally coin
money.' And, since tho Wilkes-Burre
olub hns pot into its new quarters, there is
reason in this assertion, for a uruttier ball
nark doesn't exist auy whore. I doubt If
there is another place in tho biiite.l Statu-.
where n professional "diamond" enjoys
such a pictur.-squo Hotting mnld green hills
aud smiling valley land us does tne new
nark on the west side 11 its. The horizon
is literally rimmed with emerald laud
scapes superb In their quiet restfulnesi aud
entrancing beauty, l-rom the summit or
the grand stand one gets a stirvoy of the
country wutcn impresses aim witn new
appreciation of tho Inimitable ejenlQ crace.
variety and beauty of the famous Wyo
ming Valley; and this, even morn than
the play, enters into the park's attractive
ness. A gentleman in this city who has basi
nets interests in Tncnma employe as his
legal representative at that plnco that
child of misfortune, Georpre W, Delamater.
Speaking of the gentleman recently said;
'When llelatnater lauded ill Tacoma ho
was absolutely psuniloes. H has worked
hard, mndo uo apologies, acted tbe man
and is today nicely along on the up grade.
Xobodv who knows him intimately be
lieves that DtlamaUr wet ever deliberate
ly dishonest, He was simply made a scape
gnat. It whs another Urasttu tYiinnn caso
over again."
Speaking of Wiinan recalls on to his
best anecdotes. Ouce be says h passed a
moutli at nnrrisnurg working unfit aud
day with recalcitrant legislators who pr-
poted loislailiig tho Dun mercantile
ngoucy out of huslucsi. Ho thus continue
tho story: "At a critical moment I needed
to influence the senators. I sent telegrams
differently worded to all my ngsntslu the
state. I ordered thorn to get those tele
grams signed by the biggest man in their
localities and lopeat tliem bacU to the sen
ators. Wbeu thexrowd of telegrams pro
testing ngaiust the contemplated legisla
tion began to pour-in the senntorsfelt that
they wero threatening the sta'e's business
Interests, anil 1 was a.l right. I wanted .to
write nn article and get It 111 the llarrls
burg Patriot, The editor couldn't do it
because tbe printer were on strike. Itet
up the matter myself. oompoMag it as I
went along. The itrlking printers threw
stones through the window at me, taking
me ror a rat, but 1 explained tmugs to
them anil threw them $10 fur their fund.
That article was aTgreat lucces. It- was
by such ideas and schemes us that that, I
bnllt.up tho business that now pays 4500,
ouo a year to the men who ure trying to
drive utu to prison.''
ll'il7.r.-Brre Newi-Dttfibf: "Wo always
like to com ".lend onr con temporaries wht
they dhow n tpirlt'ot progreti and 'enter
pn, out ou.or Ui-ang so wo want to
have before- es 1 in evidences of it. Our
sweet mid lovable coiitempiU'T'y, the
EmftaNTOir Tnjnr.vr:, is being showered
with boauett of praise for tbe Istnlng
of a u utu nor to mark the third year of its
birth. We would like to chip in the pot
of boquots, but no material evidence of
tlio nuulvertary number has .yet beeu
placed on onr desk, consequently we
know not what to say. It ni rivo
however, wo will tak" a ' nlttht .off" tog)
over it, and be prepared to do it. und iis
projectors, tho justice it demauds."
e e
Atoea Artnu: 'On Wednesday the
BcBairron Tbtbvxi celebrated iis third
iinniver.ary. It celebrated It, too, in ibe
Os uu some way that, in;; uUDLTXK usu
ally does thing'. Th ItlUii of that, day
was limply tipei 11, consisting of t ie rem-
lar paper with an Ulutrattdiupplemtni
pri'ited nil nil extra quality of paper, nib
enclosed tu u handsome OOVtr, all ot win. !
wero evidence of 1 1 1 0 oonipleteutlj of tbi
mechanical department of the -ttibtiti
pent. THE TmatNii Is not tho least br
behind any newspaper In this section p
the state, which isneyiug a good deal fni
a thioe-cear-old."
A'cranfou Rftordl "Onr esteemed co -tempory,
Tun TnipuMa. celebrated n
third anniversary last Wednesday moi -
jng, and unvo us an ittUeof which it mlgi;
feel proud, Jt was elic o y-.l in an elegit.
cover nli ich was model vf sdvertiir.n
push nnd beauty, snd containe I a audita!
of bright, spicy spet-lel nnisloB. Tin
TBIBONX is a solid, sulmtuntial p'ait 1 1 th
proiirestlve Journalism of this part of tin
state, aud deserve avery bit of Ibe suae
with which It is meet lug. It is a clean pa
per und a good npisaeutetlve of what
brains aud pluck caa d ', Wo extoud cmr
best wishes."
FJmint 'Vfcyrntn: "Tits TniBtWK's an
niversary uuinhnr was as ueat typogra
phically us ui.ything ever tes n In Her intou.
It in an amber thin people will lay away
and look at iu years to come, h contained
iui interesting history of the paper nnd
tbe gentlemen who made it a enocoss.
The TnincNij is a metropolitan paper, nnd
ulthough but a a.yusr old, it Htapds In the
ranks ot the foremost journals of the
e e e
Sunday Frtt IVess; "THBTninrma oolo
braud its third birthday tail Wednesday,
by publishing a sixteen page papor, a lUrge
portion of which was devot'd to cute of
its varlout depaitmente, and a history of
liio imyui ibsuu, ana 01 tun ttursuD vj. ,w
city daring its lifetime. Our esteemed
morning contemporary rejoice iu m
proeperlty as it hai a good right to do. It
1. in ....... I l . , , 1 1. I. ,, l.,,.l,,..UJ .wilt .
orlal and reportorial potut of view, and la
wen vquippeu 10 give its patrons a ei viu
second to no paper In the state."
Lancaster Kxamiittr: "Tue gCRANTON
TlUUUNB celebratas the third nnnivereary
of Its birth by liming a splendid number
neatly bound, and well lllnitratcu to anow
its plant and improvement. Though
young in years It has bocome sturdy iu
growth and influence, now ranking among
the most solid, uteful.Hble aud prosressive
journal!, of thu state. We congratulate onr
contemporary upon its groat success aud
tbe assurauce it gives of loug lifo aud
So-anfun icjJuIiUcaii: "The TnjBrtNE
celebrated Us third anniversary yesterday
by iitumg a liaudsumuly illuminated sup
plomeut nnd cover, thu workmanship on
which wue exceedingly artistic."
Fhitadeluliiu rimes.
The explanation of lloodu like the re
sent one und that of 1SSJ is as easy at rol
ling off a log. There tame " heavy spring
rain, ptorhapt of several days' duration.
Instead of tho nature; condition of moun
tain sides with thousands uud thousuud
of trees, whoso foliage and trunks and
roots hold the ruin and allow it to flow
gradually into tbe streams and rivers, the
downpour falls npon barren places, with
here aud there great gullies tuade where
tbe fallen trees have been washed down
to tho river to save buuliug, aud thu re
sult is that turreuts pour into the rlvurs iu
au iucredibly short Npsivof time nud carry
destruction in their track. Tho ouly
wouder Is the short-sightedness of thjy
people who for a seemingly temporary
benefit nre ultimately the loiere. The
question of the protection of tbe forests
of tho state is one that U sure to come up
for legislation very soon.
He's got him a hat uf viutarjo new;
Its sfraw is snowy white)
And of that bat you got a view
A block away at night,
But Wait till the sun gets In its w ork
On that bat of vintage new;
And wait till tbe dust begins to lurk,
At) e'er 'tis sure to d".
O tueh tbe vintage of that hat
No man but he ulnill knpw,
Aud tbe hat that was light and snowy
Will be a "holy show."
St. Louis Post-Dispateh.
Furniture for Summer Cot
tages. Rattan and Reed Parlor
and Sitting Room Suits,
Couches, Rockers and
Porch Chairs, Rockers and
Lawn Swings and Canopies
Baby Carriages and Re
frigerators, Hill & Gonnell
131-133 li niGTOH ML
Doyen inal;i your -wu Crum? If to,
White Mountain Freezer.
"PBOZBN uALN rXES' A book of
choice rucHipt.H for Ice Crmrn Sber
hal'i W'Mter la'B aro pai-ktd in evtry
Refrigerators, w ate r Coolers,
Baby Carriages, Hammock 1
Sc CO.
Meat Market
Ths Finest in thi Cltj.
The latest iinprovtd tur
nishinns hih! Biiur:itiiB for
ki'c'i 1 :: tnuiit, baiter trnil egg.
- .a tmu!:i;: Arc.
's 4Mi
For many years this Piano ha s stood in the front ranks. It has boou admired so much Car its
pnrs, rich tone, that it has become a standard fur toue quality, until it U cunsidored th ui(fhest com
pltment that csu be paid any Piano to say "It resembles the WEBER."
Wo now have the full control of this Piano for this soctioa as well as many other ftao Pianos
which we are aollinjr at greatly reduood ptlties aud ou easy monthly payineuts. Dou't buy until you see
our goods aud get our prices
You'd Almost Tliinb:
Tlxey'd Float in tlie iLir
Q WIQEQ ke sure real Switzerland-made ones at that.
t$ f y lnMfc$ Swisses with clear-cut tiny dots, not much larger
than the seeds of a grape, and Swisses with the larger dots and
floral designs, all in their pure white airiness. Over sixty
styles. No such collection elsewhere.
And other Lingerie now found upon our counters
at such very low prices and in such a large array
of designs.
Special sale of Gowns at 490. and 59c
that are the greatest value we ever offered.
With the New Valves
Out of Sight.
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels,
814 Lacka. Ave.
A Fall Assortment
Letter Copying Books
A B00 -page 10x12 Book, bound
in cloth, sheop b;vck nnd corners,
piiarantoeil to give satlsfactiop,
Only 90c.
Reynolds Bros.
Ctattonirfl and Enjravjrj-,
317 Lackawanna Ave.
Dr. Hill Son
f rt troth. STlSO: xt tot, It: tot pold rnr-i
tnd tt-eth without pitted tlttd erown n; 1
nruiKii woi'K, cull ir pnpst ana retrri'Moaii.
;SAMf'A. tor 'XtrMtuiir uttu wttiioiA .
paiU. ft.. . lll.T. . .U.
5l ,
- I
Y. M. C. A.
Chiffons, Jaconet, Duchesse, Ginghams, Dimities,
Batistes and Sateens. What a handsome dress you
can buy now at 5 cents per yard, and warranted
fast colors.
- i. itn itsiissMiriisiiti
Tht; comfort and couvonience
of our
till you Uavo oue ia your
home. They consuuio very
MUle ico uud will keep fresh
meat for three weeks in the
hottest weather. We have
many styles and sizes.
513 Lackawanna Ava-
Bcnie3 are arriving
in very linu condition
cud prices low.
Fancy Puts, Beaus,
Sijuash, Tomatoes,
Asparagus, Beets,
t'ux'iutibuia, etc.
Pierce's Market
and Get the
mil KNOW
Opp. Tribune Pice, Sp-uce St
Havjas haJ 12 year.' cjljwi iumio In tlio BioycU hutl
lusa. hiii thu li,,i tm loading Wheals of all gr.dus,
w- r propuu'd to gUnrautoo auUsftutlou. Thoaa t:i
tundrui! to purchaao uto iurltu.1 to cull and oxauiiaa
oar coinpleti' lias. Oueu trtnings. C;iil or L-ud ttam
for i-a'.a! ,:..u ..
the: I
Globe Shoe Store
Evans & Powell
A Hniitod nuinber of the nbov
houds are for sale at par and ah
orued iuterost by the followiag
parties, from whom copies of tho
mortgage aud full Information can
be obtained:
E.W. Mulligan, Cashior Secou.4'
Kational Bauk, Wilkea-Barre, Pa.
W. L. Watson, Cardiiei First Jfa
tional Bank, Pit t3 ton, Pa.
J. L. Polen, Cashier People's
BavingB Bauk, Pittstou, Pa.
A. A. Bryden, President Miners'
Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa.
And by tho Soranton Saving!
i -v m i . ny A .
lianK ami i rust Lompany,xruiiiea
under the Mortgage.
T, E Atherton, Counsel,
Rins .-
The best ia none too
good. Ours are 18 k.
All sizes and weights.
423 Lackawanna Ave,
InterUd in TBS TRIBUKB at tiM
rate of ONE CENT A WORa