2 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE -MON DAT MORNING. JUNE 25, 1894. BASE BALL Timely Hitting Allows Altoona to Me Victory From Scranton. BUT WE PLAYED BETTER BALL Easton Meets Its Waterloo in Two Games With Reading Allentown Drops Another td Pottsville, and Hazleton Goes Down Before Har risburg Standing of the Clubs Various Base Ball, Bicycle and Other Out Door Sports Entertain ingly Chronicled, S THE first series of tin SLuto lmiauu championship ends on July 7, it will be seen by a glance at the subjoined stand ing of tbe vurious clubs that it Will be impossible should the club play iu anything like its nlil-tliim form, to prevent llarrlsbursr from finishing at the top of tbe list. From present ap pearance, uiiIpss Allentown pulls her self together with a mote heroio effort thiin has characterized her playing the punt week, Hazleton vfill finish in ai'cond place with Reading third, al lowing ihe "King" to gracefully bring up the rear of the first division. Potts ville, by the way, is putting up a rat tllUK article of ball, and tbe end of tbe series might possibly see that club in sotno other position than sixth iu thd list As to the Scranton club, the beat we dnre rt asona-bly hope is that she will head the second division, but to do this she will hare to put on a strong front and maintain it until the close. E'is ton still has a tenacious hold on eixnth place about as much a cinoh as Har ris burg has for first honors which she will undoubtedly grace uutil July 7, The following table gives the per centages of the clubs, together with the nuiuber of games won uud lost by each, atid their standing In the championship race: Won. Lort. For C't. Marrisburg ft Ft mm 31 8 .703 ai ia .as 22 18 .550 23 21 .513 10 19 .457 15 Vi .441 17 83 .! 7 as Jiiw Allentown 22 Hi iullllg zi Alrnmi,. . . 1(1 Pottsville.,,,..,... 5 bcrauton Eabton SCHEDULE FOB TODAT. Scranton at llarrisbur Allentown at Reading. Huzleton at Altoona. Easton at Pottsville. Y-T FARTHER OOWN THE TO BOG. We Agaia Come Out Soond Bst In o Finely Conteitsd Gmm at Altoona. fpcaial ' thi fcranlaa Tribune ALTOONA. June 23 Opportune hit ting by the home cluo was the causa of bcranton's defeat today, but the latter, although beaten, put up the better ar ticle of ball, The score; ALTOOJ.A. U. II. PO. A. E. Cote, C 3 8 10 0 Walters, c f 1 8 6 0 1 Youuijinau. s. s 1 1 8 0 1 Hartman, 3b.... 1 1 1 1 0 llagac, lb 0 3 0 1 Bu'.termore, 3b 0 112 1 Dourghuo, 1. f 0 0 1 0 0 A'hmback, r. f 0 0 3 0 0 West, p 1 1 0 2 1 Total , 0 U 37 11 8 SCRANTON. H. II. PO. A. K. Megan, tc, f 1 0 3 0 0 Wetzel, as 1 1 1 5 2 Patches, c 0 o 4 e 0 l'helan, 2b 112 10 Mans, it o l s u o itnssey, lb 1 0 18 0 0 WeBtlake, 3b 1 3 0 8 1 Armor, rf 0 1 1 0 0 Flanaghau, p 0 10 2 0 Total 0 7 27 U 3 Altoona 0 0301012 0-0 Scranton 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 05 Earned ruus Altoona, 8: Scranton, 1. Two base hits Youuginan, Hagan, 2. Three bare hit Colt. Unse on balls By West, 3; by Flannasfan, 4. Struck out By West, 1; by Flauuagau, 4. Doable plays Butterraore, Younguian and llugan; YoutipinMi and Haftau; Pbelan and Mas bey. Umpire Core iran. Time 1.50. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At IJarri'sburg Barriburg....O o 0 o l l 5 o 310 Hazleton 1 0030000 0-4 Hits Harrlhbarg, I); Hazleton, 11. Er rors liurrisburg, 1; Hazleton, 0. Batter ies Sproiile and Sminki Fee and Moure. Umpire Mitchell. At Pottsville Pottsvi'.lo 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 7 0-20 Allentown.... 1 C000800 0 7 Hits-Pottsville. 27; Alleutowa 10. Er rors Pottsville, S; Allentown, 12. Bat teries Hughes and Diggins; Sottley and an;l C.istello. ' At Reailiug-v first game, five innings Heading 1 q 13 3 g 80 Eastoh 2 0 1 11 (j 3 Hits Reading, 11; Easton 4. Errors Reailini:, 3; Easton, 4. Batteries llayeB anil (ioodbart; (ireen, Carr and Davulle. At Reading second game Heading 7 3 1 3 1 0 18 0 1-27 Easton 4 0 0 0 v8 0 5 0 113 Hits Rending, 21); Easton, 9. Errors Reudiuu, 1; Easton, 7. Batteries Hallo well, Unlit-. Jones and Vox; Kimball, De laney and JUoveU. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Baltimore 18; Philadelphia, lL Nmv York, 10; Brooklyu, 8. Boston, 12; Washington, 5. Pittsburg, 9; Chicago, 4. Cincinnati,!: Louisville,!. (First game.) Cincinnati, 8; Louisville, 3. (Second januO St, Louis, 11, Cleveland, a EASTERN LEAGUE. Wilkos-Bnrre, 12; Troy, 8. Providence, 4; Erie, 3. Buffalo, 4: Springfield, 9. (First game.) Buffalo, C; Springfield, 8. (Second game.) Biugbamton, 39; .Syracuse, 9. SUNDAY BALL GAMES. At Chicago Chicago 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 5-10 Bultitnoro 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 2 8-11 Hits Chicago, 18; Baltimore, 12. Errors Chicago, 3; Baltimore, 4. Hatteries Terry, Kittridge and Sobriver; Hawkeaud Robinson. Umpire McQnald. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Flanaghan was hit hard Saturday. Scranton needs two pitchers right away, We are now keeping company with Eas ton at tbe toot of t ha column. The Scranton club baa not out the figure during the first season that it was ex peoted to. Scranton will play Har risburg at the state capital today and tomorrow, and on Friday and Saturday the two clubs will play in tbls city. Scranton will be fortu nate In securing one of these four games. Manager Barnle, of Baltimore, was in the city Saturday and obtained the releaae of Pitcher Hodson from tbe direct ors of tbe Scranton club for $800. Hodson will pitch his last game for Scranton today at Hum .burg. THE V. M, C. A. FIELD SPORTS. Interesting, but Poorly Attsndsd Owing to tbe Heat. From the fact that Saturday was the hottest day thus far this season it was not surprising that the Young Men's Christian association field sports at Hognn park were witnessed by a small crowd of speotatori. It is to the credit of the athletes that but few scratches occurred and that the different events were so closely contested. The feature of the sports waa tbe high jumping exhibition by Mr. F. Sweeny, the world's champion, of the Xavier Atbletie elub, New York. Though affioted with a painful swel ling on the Instep of his "take-off" or foremost jumping foot, aud being hin dered by uneven ground, Mr. Sweeney did 0 feet. As tbe exhibition was more to show bow tbe jump was made than to show what the champion could do, the crowd was satisfied. Mr. Sweeney's style ia different from that of Page, late world's champion, and other jumpers. He starts ou a slow swinging trot about thirty feet from tbe string and begins a oanter at increased speed when about twenty i'est from the posts. Just beforo muk iug the jump his body and knees are bent forward and the arms hanging downward. Aftur the spring from the loft foot and when the waist Is about even with the fitting, the shoul ders are given u swing to the left. A turn is made in mid air and as the champion goaa over tbe string bis heels are as high as his besd and an arm is outstretched on either side. He alights on his left foot and facing the point from which he jumped. Mr. Sweeney's record is 8-4J and C-3J, outdoor and iudoor. SUMMARY OK TUB EVEMT8, The summaries of the contested events are as follows: Oxe Hundred Yahp Dash First heat, Surdam aud Reese; second bent, Moffat and Uelbert; third heat, Kingur.f aud Carl right; final, Reese, Surdam an 1 Kings bury. Best time, 10 4-5 seconds. Handi cap! KliiKsbury, scratch; Surdam, flvo yards; JIolTat, three yards; Gelbert, five yards: Reese, three yards; Cortright, five yards: Uibbs, Ave yards; McUoulUrlcIt, lour yards. Thbowiho 12-POWD Hammkii Willard, 83.!; Kiugsbury, W. Coleman, Bitten bender, Harding and White also contested. Pule Vault Quinau first, Qibba sec cud; distauce, b io. Reese, Dimmick aud White also contested. KtaaiNO Hum Jump Qulnan, scratch, first; Wetland, !-cratcu, and Ulbbs, 1 inch, tie for second: distauce, 5-6. One-Milk IUck (juinau, scratch, first; Sewurd, 75 yards, second; time, C. 40. Dim mick, 73 yards, aud Clapper, scratch, also ran. Appanded is the score of tbe Wilkes Barre and Surautoo Young Men's Christian association ball game. The gam- was slow, full of errors, and red olent with dirty play ou Wilkes-Barre's part. Davh, first baseman, deliberately gave Hoffner the shoulder, and for a time it was thought tbe latter's jaw was broken. Williams had to take bis place at first. Only seven inning were played and when the game was called several of the men were on the verge of prostra tion from the heat The score: SCRANTON. It. H. O. A.E. Oelbert, p.l 0 0 1 Davis, p...U 0 0 i! 0 Hoiliierlbl 0 110 Reese, if. .1 1 0 0 1 Quns'r.Sb.s 0 12 1 Murphy, ssa 3 i S Malott, lf.8 3 3 0 0 Wirs,c,lb.S! 2 11 1 U White, rf i a 0 0 0 Brxks,2b.l 0 1 2 i (nil 'in. curl 3 2 10 WiLKES-BAMtK. & II. O. A.E. Alex or.ss.l Greer, rf .l Ouec'le.lbS 1 1 1 1) n 11 0 0 Drum, 2b. 1 1 i BwHnsjOfl 020 ill.. :..,,' 1 Davis. 8b.. 3 e 0 0 1 Duran, lf..0 U Calls h'n.c.i McC'Lhy,p Total.,.181121 6 ToUI.aID 13 21 U 7 Scranton Q 8 3 0 0 3 1-16 Wilkca-Rarre , 3 3 4 0 0 4 0 -13 Earned rims Scrsnt a 8; Wilkes-Bsrri', 3. Two baao blts-Mulott. Williams, Whito, Alexander. Sacrirlcu hit BofTnar. StolcD basos RuGFe, UotTner.Murtihy.Droolia, Drum. 2; Davis, Callnlia 1, 2: McCarthy, bt.ruckout By Ooiliert, 5. Davis, 1; MoOartfiy 6, First base on balls -By Oelbort, 4; McCarthy, 4; Wild iiitches-(icllio.-t. Passed bnlls-Uil-leru. Time S hours. Utaplre-McUuiauess. The officials of the sports were J. G. Noble, referee; John Armstrong and W. White, judges; T. Harris and C. Stevens, timers; L H Surdam nud J T. Harris, announcers, and John J. Murphy starter. THE BICYCLE TOURNAMENT. There will bo no postponement of the races on accouutof rain. Newman received his uew racing wheel on Saturday. It Is a Victor. The Wiillamsport club expects to be represented by ubout forty rulers. The Century club, of Philadelphia, will soud a delegation of sixty to tho meet. Boveral hundred persons witnessed Scranton and Green Ridge clab men in trainlug at the Driving park on ftoturdav evening. Tbe boys are doing great work nud good results will undoubtedly oonie from it. In order not to inforfore with tbe races, which stnrt promptly at 2 o'clock, carriages will not be permitted to cross the trnck after 1.4S o'clock. Of course carriages will bn admitted to the grounds at any time during the day. Tho following entries have recently been reccivod: Class B, W. J, Helfert, Utica; E. F. Miller, Vinelaud, H, J., members of the Spauldlug team. Class A, William .M. Campbell, Sunbury: Fratik Burns, Tuut hannock; Charles H,. Measure, Philadel phia. The Grootr Ridge Wheelmen will bB vory spruce in tbe parade, as they hope to win the prize offered to the club making the best appearance. The prize is a Bilver pitcher and goblet and is ou exhibition at U B. Pratf s store, 312 Lackawanna ave nue, Citiaens along the line of parade are re quested to decorate their bouses. The line of march will be as follows: Down Wushlugton to Spruoe, to Wyoming to Linden, to Franklin, to Lackawauna, to Washington to Spruce, to Jefferson, to Gibson, to Adams, psssiug tbe reviewing stand st the club hjuse and broaklng ranks at Erie and Wyoming Valley depot. Some of the clubs that have signified their intention of taking part ia the par ade are as follows: The West End Wbeel meu, Wilkes-Barroj Coutury club, Phila delphia' Willlaineiiort Wheelmen; Maple City Wheelmen, llonesdale; Carhondalo Wheel olub; Great Bend Qyde club; An thracite Wheelmen, Plttaton. Delegations ft (Jin elnbs in Harrisburg, Biughamtou, Reading, Easton, Trenton and Bethlehem will also be present. Ori iotsina a Young Ladr, "She would be a pretty girl for bat one thing." "What's thatr asked Charlay. George Her face is always covered with purple and red blotchos. Charley Ob, that's easily enough dis posed of. Used to bo the same way my self, bat 1 caught on to the trouble one day. and got rid of it in no time. George What was Itf Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took a short course of P. P. p. 1 tell yoo, It's tbe boss blood corrector. The governor hail rheumatism so bad that you could bear him boiler cloar across the country every time ho moved. He tried It, and you know what an athletic old cent he ts now. If somabody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, she would thank tbein af tor wards. All tho drug stores sell It. AJUSIC and Musicians, The chief topic of conversation beard everywhere ! the forthcoming produc tion of the "Fall of BabyloB," wbtoh will be given at the Frothingham next Thursday aud Friday evenings. Thos who have been permitted to see the r hearsnls can assnro the public gener ally that the production is going to le a great treat both musically nud sp?o taoularly. Neither time nor money been spared to make the ajliir first class In every asnse of the word, aud if an outside company of equal merit as the present cist were to play in this city tbe work would have a run of many weeks. Space oan not be spared to give the dotails of the various acts and scenes of the play, but those who will be fortunate to secure seats will freely say tbat they have never wit nessed inch a work in this city. Among tbe most interesting scones are the Jewish quarters iu the city of Babylon; tho camp of Crrus by night; the soldiers ou the march; Z'tubabbel iu prison and condemned to die; tho solemn march to tbe place of execu tion ; the ri-scue by the Cryian army ; the great feast of Belsl.azzir; tbe th un der storm, during which tho strain:.' writing appears on tbe wall ; the arrival of the Cyriun army and the death of BslshaZEar. Each of these scenes are are truly thrilling, and the audience will be kept np to the highest pitch of excitement from tbo first to tbe last act, The diagram for reserved seats opsns at Powell's mnsio store tomorrow morning. The choir of the First Presbyterian church has hatn given a vacation for the summtr, and yesterday the congre gation had to do all the singing. .'Ins Annetto Reynolds will have a vacation duriug July and August, and Mils Bsymoar, tbe organist, goes to Europe for five 01 six months. Dr. McLiod will have two months vaoatiou, and Chorister Morgan expeott to go away for some time, Llewellyn Jones, the young baritone, won many laurels at FactoryviUe last week where he assisted at the concert given by Mr. E. E. Southwortb's pupils, Mr. Jones sang two si-lectlona and re ceived encores ou unch rendition, Mr. Jones has a very swast baritone voice aud uses it with taste iu concert work, 0 k 4 Miss Ethel Newcomb, the yoong pianist, well known in Scranton, will accompany her aunt, Mia Seymour, upon her trip abroad. While in Europe Miss Newcomb expects to study with the celebrated pianist and composer, Lescbetizky. SUNnitT DEMIQTJAVKIiS: David Johns, the operatic composer, ia successfully conducting the musical ser vice at Dunuiore Catholic church. Franois Wilson will soon appear in a now opera written expressly for him by Jaka bowski, eutitled "Tbe Dovil's Deputy." Miss Horan, 0110 of Professor South worth's pupils, will give a piano recttai at 1'ouDg Men's Christian Association ball this afternoon. George Carter, organist at Elm Park church, expresses his intention of produc ing the "Messiah in Surautou during tho coming winter. Dan Young, the comediob and stage manager of tbe Mackay-Kenuy Opera company, closed his eugagemeut with tbo corupauy ou Saturday night, Mr. Young will join tbo Gurmalu Opera company next week at Chaatauqua, Professor Parson Price, of New York, will open bis scunner class in voice cul ture ia Scrnntun duriug; tbe present week. His pupils gave a recital at Hardmau hull, New ork, last Wednesday afternoon, at which some of the pupils from this city participated. WHIRLS OF THE WHEEL Work has been beguu upon tbe track which will be used for the national racee In Denvor. The track is to be completed Juno 30. Arthur Zimmerman won a bicycle race from Harry Wheeler at Florence. Tho cabled news surprised nobody here, as Zuumy could always take Wheeler's mea sure. J. S. Johnson Is still In great form, as was shown at the Utica meet Thursday, when be won the oue-niilo open ovent in class 11 from C. M. Murphy very handily iu 2 81. It will be a long time before Sanger's re cord of 2.W6 2-5 for New York' state is broken. Sanger 1 nd to ride a hard race when he made tbe record at tbe meo'.ing of the Utica Cycling club. A twouty-five-ujile bicycle raco for the championship was run from Heme Hill to London Saturday afternoon aud won by Green, of Northumberland, iu 1.2.14 2-5. Robertson was sscoud aud Palmer third. It il considered doubtful if P. J. Dnffee, who wns injaiod in a road race in Nw Englaud the other day by colliding with a woman, will recover. He suffered a broken collar hone, a skull fracture aud internal iujuries. The Greouwich Wheelmen, of New York, had a very successful blcyclo meeting-the first of the season at ManhatUu field Suturday. There was a good attendance, of whom there woro a great many ladtos, Johneon broke the track record by cover ing a mile in 2, 19 2.3. Lumsden has again left hit first employer IB tbe cycle trade. He has for some time been conneoted with the Chicago branch of the Pope company, bat has determined to again try roeiug, ns tbe result of a mile ridden in 2 10 the other day. Uc will be ono of the Rambler team. Titus, the Now York erack. Is making a very good show ainung tho big class 15 men. His milo in 2.UT at KockvilTe, Loun., shows what be is mrulo of. He has coeu succeesfully riding in the company of SangeT and rider of that class, ami so fur has played with Keuuedy, Chicago's cluss B representative. Tho attract hourly speed attained in the big Catiadiau relay ride, 5 miles from Sarnia to Montreal, was a bit over Id 1-2 miles per hour. This was considered liettei than has-bred accomplished Iu similar rides between Chicago snd New York, lint tbo lncreB'-od speed is entirely due to the fact that tho Canadian riders were favored with clean roads and weather, Kcheis, tho Wasserlturg bicyclist, who finished second in the recent bicvele race from Milan to Munich, has lodged s pro test against tho race being awarded to Fischer, who finished first. Uelruis asserts that Fischer was hclpod by friends to get over the most difficult part of the Jour ney. Fischer has made a positive denial of the charge ami challenges Ucheis to bring proof of his accusation. I Cure for Headache, As a romody for all forms of HeaflAnhn Electric Bittors has proved to bo tho very best. It effects a permanent, cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to ltaiullueuce. We urge all who aro utllicted to procure a bottle aad give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation EI!trlo Bitters cures by giv ing the needed nine to the bowels, and few uses long resist tbe use of this mudicipe. Try it once. Large eottles only Fifty cunts at Matthews Bros', drug store, Hotnersl Knthsrstl Motbersfll Mrs. Winelow's Hoothiug Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions or mothers for their ghlidren while teething, with perfect biiccosi. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, nnd Is the best romody for di arrhoea. Sold by diugglsts in evory part of tho world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and tako no no other kind. Twenty-dye cents a but ONE CENT A Word. Want of ail kind cott that much, 0 mt Actuations WantctLwhich art inatrt JTSEE. A 1 I . I . 1 ., Agents Wanted. O to competent vido-awuki insurance solic ltors; well wtublishod imnnamtnt busiui'S' Address or Inquire s a uiid tiuor, &.'4 Lack wunutt He., Scruuton, Pa. W' AN TED MAN" v7tiT LlffTAND HIU. iusuraucu experience as solicitor in Lnokawanna county; gooa Inducsmuuts to rKht niun. Address in.'i : Butt bulldiaa. Philadelphia, l'iu Help Wanted Mate. WTKH-iTyuiiaf nnemplnvcd and will work for Jla per eek, write MncC'imiuill llios., 11 Frtiu. Ihi streot, Bostun, Muss. Melo Wanted Felmalaa. "t wanna Valloy Ilonse. IADIES WASTED TO WHITE AT HOMK; j U weekly: no canvaasinK Reply wtth utamn. MISS e AN N 1 1 . KEUCNOB, South lieud, liul. Wanted--To Rent T A N TEDTHR E E'r UtNltiHED K( OW H ' in cmltral iKfto"eUy. Addrcs. T. H., naro Tribune oQicc. Horace at Auction. II ce vo a load ot hones at Cuslok s stubli BeraptOO, on Friit.yuai sell them at aueti 11 ou Monday, Juno -'a ut 1 o'clock v. m. W. U, MOON, ceaggg .i.. j tew 1 l Special Notices. ziuos, etc., bound or rebound at Tus 'i'nim.NB ulllco. yiucU work. Koasonahlu j-rtccs. MEAL TICKKTH CaN W HAD AT 144, enrnnr Upruco struct and Prsuklin ave nue. Twenty oieal tickets fox S3.6U. tiool table hoard. Boarding. S'UMMER BOAIU)lNirFmjlTRSPE( ablo persons uiu tlatl first class board with Hiuall family tn lu ge, airy huuao. Hut end cold baths, t ree carriage to deKt and dburcb Threu quai tors of a mile from sta tion. Hcaltny locality. Addr.-ss box wi'mw' Kummlt. Lost. L"C8TocYiwkTntaT about ?1. on Bwetlond street, betwoeu Ujtlo Park uud Hi'oiulvy avenues, t'linler v ill bo te warded by roturnmg to 360 Evans alloy. I" "asT'-A GiLDATBTf ra'WITM WU1TE J prongs. I-'InuSir will be suitably re warded b) T turuiBsr the some to Colonel E. H. Hippie, Third National l.ouk builuiUH- Legal. AUlJlTnnu rtOTICB TH8 PNDBB i hi,:ne !. au auditor -ipp iru-1 by thu Or phans Court of Lackawanna ( ounty. to pass upon the exiiepuous filed to tbe Hi st partial account of Alnry K. Church, onuiln.stratrix of the ostat' of Henry E. CUiurob, dvesased, aad to report distribution of tae dm .n In her bunds, hereby givus notice Unit ho will at tend to the duties of Ids sp; obitmeut ut his ofllce, No. amSnrueu str.'et. Buranton. Pa., on Weduradav th let day ot Auyust, 1W4. ut B o'el'H'k a. in., at which iliuo aod place all psr sons having ua interust in said fund or state Will have an opportunity to bo heard and all persons having claims against said fund or estate uinst praseut them or bu forever there after debarred front eominx In on said fund. H. S l'REKTER, Audit ur, IHTATB OPTHOMAIJ MlTLLKN, LATE J of the city ot Scranton, oounty of Laoka wunuu, State ot Puansyluauia, decsujed. Letters testamentary upon t&u above named estate harlng been granted to the undersigned, nil persons having claims or demands against tli said ufctatc will presuut them for payment and tbose iudnbtod tberuto shall please make liunieduite payment to THOS. J. MULLEN, Kkocutor. .lEssurs & lUao, Attnrueya, T HE PNDEBBIQNHp, All ACDITOKAP poiuted by tho Urphau's Court of Lacka Vunua, topass upon the exceptionn to the ac count of Charles Osrdner. aduilulstJstorof tlie estuto of Maria Pelhaini (locoaaed, and to dis tribute tho fuud as found reiuamln ia the hundsof tho sad Charles tjarilner, ndiuinli ti nt t .is aforesaid hereby givoi notice that bu will attaud to thu duties of his appointment at his oil ic in the city of Scrautou, Pa., No. 'Jill Wyoming avenue, on Thursday, tho litb day of July, A. D., 1H4. at 10 o'clock, a.m.. at which tluie snd place all persons having au iutorvst iu said fund, or estate, will have aa opportunity tn bo heard, and all persons liar liiir claims against said fand, or estate, must prosont ttiuui. or bo forovor debarred from coming ill ou said fund. B P. AKERLY, Juno 8. 1HW. Auditor. --' 11- . l !' Situatlona Wanted T ADY WANTS TO DO SCRUBBING JJ waahluB or any kind of cleaning. Apply to Ml Elm street. UlTUATlOS WANTED-BY A YOUNti kJ lady desirable of obtaining a imnitlon as book-keeper, cufhicr, or ut geusrsl olllee woTk, Rest references will be turul.hud. In quire Mb Chostnut street MTANTBD - A POSITION 49 BOOK v keeper, d mblo and nlnplo entry, by a lodjr who has graduated In all branches! good rofureiices. Address K. I. M., Dunuiore, Pa. Do Yon Need Printing? ConsuttVuE TttlUtTNE JOB DE PAUTMENT. Do Yoar Books Need Binding? Consult THE XBIUUNE BINDERY. Dimes Are Like Dollars AT THE GREAT Bankrupt Sale of the Pomphrey t Morton Stock Of New, Fresh Goods at the store of GROSS, FOSTER & CO. Dress Goods, Silks, White Goods,JVuslin Curtains, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Cloaks, Shirt Waists and Blouses and Several Hun dred Other Articles. Thcso poods were purchased at SHERIFF SALE an(l people ata benefited thorebr. No uierchaut in the world can buy goods in tlie regular way aud compete with our pricea. The reserved portion of this stock will be plnoed ou sale during this week. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT will be closed out for almost nothing to make room for other goods. So many come in tho afternoon that there is scarcely standing room. It would be muoh more pleas ant to come In tho morning, but if you etiu't come in the moruiug, COME ANY TIME mr yon will not have another chance to get fresh goods for so little money. GROSS, 316 318 Contiolly & Wallace LADIES Take the lead. Becau8e They are Correct in Style, Right in Prices, and of the Best Workmanship, Three Special numbers of NAV7 BLUE SERGE SUITS at $8, $9 and $10, COVERT CLOTH, the new fabric, will be the correct thing for next autumn. We are showing one number of Ladies' Suits, made of above cloth. BLAZER JACKET and SKIRT at $8, and it is great value. Have you seen the LADIES' VESTS we are selling at 98c; $1.50 elsewhere. CONNOLLY & Furniture Upholstered By the most experienced workmen in the city. NO FANCY PRICES, SPRING HOUSE , HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. 'U. E. OBOPUX Proprietor. rrHIS BOPSE Is atrictly temperance, Is now I ai d well Turtiiahed tnd OPltfqD TO lUK PUBUO TUJC T3A11 HOUND; Is locate.! midwiiy Iwtwuuu Mootroia aui Scran ton, on MontroBO and luckawunnn Hallroad. i mlLM from 1)., L, A W. K a at Alfwd B fttion, and Uvo inilu trum Mj.ulroo; ca pacity, iiuty-rrvo; tbruu atlnatua' waUc f rum U. U. itatluu. OOOU B)AT. i i-HINU T CKMD, c, VUi:E TO UUK8IS. Altitudo about H.iHWfoBt, uuaUliiff In tbia rosnoct too Adirondack aud OtilcRl Mous taina. line groves, plenty of stole, and boautiul oenery, imikinir a Hummer Ba&ort uimjc culled in beauty and c'lojnueaa. Uanotug pavilion, swiajit croquot ifrcuad c Udd Hprlmj; "ater and uloutf ol Mlik Uiitu., 87 to (fie jir Meek. Dl.fiu uar day. Exi.nrn!. a tickuta aoldal all stations ouD, L. & W. Unea 1'. 1 1 r meota all trAlsa. Hotel Waverly Depot fur lifciguer 0 Eotfol's TanohifeaiMff MaBat IE Cor, IStii tnufMuti, PbUada. Men detirable for reildanta of K G. Pena rylratila. All eonvenlencoa for trarelenj hi and from Broad Street atatlou and toe Twelfth and Uarkst Straet rtatiou. 1 arable for rlniting Serantonlaua aad pj tie in tiiu Antkraolto Haitoa. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOrV N. A. HULBERT'3 City Musis Store, a WXOaiarlQ AVB.. BCRAUld BTMIWW A V Mr. RDM DKCKBR BKOTHBIUI KK.iSK'U & BACK VIVUIZ & BAUKU An PIANOS Mat a Jarga stock of Crrt-aUsl ORGANS UUBICAt. MKItCH AMllbU MUbxa wo., KXix FOSTER & CO. Lackawanna Avenue. OUR LINE OF ADC WALLACE 209 BEA9Y-M SOB ANTOa BEDDING CO. COR. LACKAWANNA AND ADAM3 AVENU3. WHY NOT Sec our FIFTEEN DOLL APw Solid Oak Bedroom Sett "We sell Furniture as cheap aa any house in the country that in tends to giye honoBt value for the money. Tty us. Hull 205 AUD m IROH and STEEL XOBWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND HlfiVKB EXTBA SPECIAL s.iNDKKHo.Vs ENGLISH JGBSOP'S UNQLISU CASr 8TKBL UOKUU SHOKS XOB CALK tlHU Ji.u iiim:uv iritiKio SOFT 6TEI2L ANVILS BlCLLOWS BOKSE NAir.s VILKY & RUSSElJj AND WELLS BROS CUTTINO MACHINERY. Bftenbender&Co.,$cranton, Wholeiklo and ntail dealers' Id Wagonuakard' aad Blacksmitiu' EUPPLIEa LOUIS a SMITH Dealer in Cloice Confections and Frnits, BREAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM I 1437 Capouse Avenue SUITS AVE J Co MCMillG AVE. WAGON WHEELS AXIiES SPRINGS HUBS M1MS STEEL SKEINS It R. SPIKES SCREW PART.ORS OPP.N PfiOM 7 A.M. TO 11 PM SjPRCIAL ATTr.XTloX J1V:.N T.i SCp. PLYINU TAMll llii WHtflCB CUB AM. IlililillllUIH You ara luterostail in Wedding 1 mm PrvieuU, wo would like to B B liHV" yon call and zamln nur Ktncir. It is ituii'sibln fjr B 10 better VT S m suriinentof goodi in D Vr nr line than we have to off. r, aiiU our caeli nystom ROMSUMTOI iho best falatbltt pro eurable Get our uew price lmt, at any rte, nfc yon I It will at lei ! girt fjffk 1 J W you a hint if what w( Umwmr m are doing tlirousnnut tue itON in rvury depart ment. Dluinonili will prove a profita ble investment these day. Tbelr rapid riee in valne is u.uo and certain, and iryou want to et the lowest priots mr toucueiluil TODAY those In il Uantt,buy FREEMAN, Cash Dealer In Diamonds, Watahoaj Juwukr, Hi. Cor. Peon hi and spruce St. imillMHHUI Ladles Who Value A rtflnod complexion must use Pureonl'i der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers