The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 25, 1894, Image 1

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will enliven soon; you'll need
There's no better
education than reading a
The French President Dies from Stabs of an
An Italian Anarchist Named Cesare
Santo Leaps Into the President's
Carriage and Inflicts Fatal Wounds
with a Dagger Great Excitement
in Paris Italian Residents in Dan
ger How the News Was Received
in Washington.
Paihs, June 24.
SADI CARNOT, president of the
Republic, was stubbed mortally
nt 9 1") o'clock this evoiiinR in
Lyons by Osare Santo, an Italian
niiiirchist, 21 years old.
l'rosiuent Carnot wont to Lyons to
visit the exhibition of art, sciences and
industries. Be left the chamber of
commereo banquet, given in his honor,
shortly after 9 o'clock and walked to
his carriage, which was waiting in the
Place De La Bourse Ho hud hardly
tukon his seat whon Santo, n newspa
per iu bis hand, pressed through the
crowd and sprang upon the carriage
step. President Carnot started slight
ly. Santo snatched a dagger from the
newspaper and plunged it into the
president's abdomen near the liver.
The president sank back unconscious.
Ho was taken at once to the prefeo
ture and the most skilful surgeons in
the city were summoned. Meantime
Santo was arrested.
The nows spread swiftly to every
part of the eity. Infuriated i crowds
filled the streets. I . tors 10 o'clock an
Italian restaurant had beren sacked and
the police were obliged to strain every
uerve to proteot the Italian consulate.
President Carnot arrived iu Lyons
yesterday and intended lo remain
there over Tuesday. Ho was accom
panied by General Borius, chief of his
military household, most of his other
household officials, Premier Dupny, M.
Burdeau and other members of the
cabinet. He was received enthusiastic
ally ut the station by the mayor and dis
trict officials, who, in twenty-seven Lan
daus drawn by horses draped with the
tri -color, oscorted him and his party to
the Hotel De Ville. Cheering crowds
filled the street and gave the president
such u welcome as be had seldom re
ceived. There ws a luncheon at the
Hotel De Ville and In the evening a
dinner at the prefecture. From the
balcony of the prefecture the president
reviewed a large torchlight procession
which was followed by fireworks aud
an illumination. Afterward the pro
gramme of the city officials for Sun
day, Monday and Tuesday was sub
mitted to him in detail and he ex
pressed his satisfaction with the ar
rangements. Today the president and hie party
paid a state visit to the exhibition.
Afterward the president held a recep
caption at the prefecture. He planned
to go to the Grand theater on the Place
Da La Comedie this evening after the
banquet at the chamber of commerce.
He was In a particularly happy mood
during the banquet and was noticeably
elated by the cordiality of his reoeption
not only by the crowd outside the
building, but also by the guests with
in. He was cheered incesoaatly from
the niouumt he left the chamber of
commerce until he took the carriage
for the theater. The demonstrative
enthusiasm of the crowd caused the
confusion wbioh gave Santo hit oppor
tunity, a he was able to push hit way
forward quite unnoticed" nntil at the
tep of the oarriage.
As Santo sprang away from the oar
riage step and tried to escape, he was
seized and surrounded. But for the
prompt Interference of the police he
would have been torn and trampled to
death on the spot. As soon as the police
extricated him from tho hands of his
captors, they hurried him off to the
Station home.
At 9 o'clock all who had been invited
to attend the gala performance in the
presidont'e honor bad gathered in the
Grand theater. Every seat outside the
boxes was filled, The audience awaited
impatiently the arrival of the presi
dental party. Suddenly two men ran
up to the main outrauce and called out
that the president had been killed.
The words had immediate effect upon
the erowd. On every side expressions
of execration and vegeanoe filled the
air and cries of "a mort," "a mort"
and ''vengeance" were heard in all
parts of the building. M. Rivand, the
prefeot, addressed the audience and
said that in the Rue De La Repnblique
a wretch who had approached M. Car
not under the pretext of presenting a
petition, stabbed the president with a
dagger. Here M. Rivaud was again
Interrupted with shouts of indignation
and was heard with uiffioulty when he
added: "Do not make my task more
painful. We have left M. Carnot In
the hands of doctors. You will under
stand that under these circumstances,
all hearts being filled with sorrow, the
performance cannot taka place."
The president bad repeated hemorr
hages after he was removed to the
prefecture. He sank gradually but
steadily until 18.40 o'clock, when he
died. Mme Carnot and her two sour
left Paris at 11 67 o'olook last evening
by speeial train for Lyons. All the
ministers who did not go to Lyons
with the president were in council at
the Ely see at midnight. The senate
and chamber will be convoked today.
An eye-witness who was walking
breast of the president's carriage with
Adrien Dupuy, the premier's brother,
says that as the president's carriage
approached the Credit Lyonnals, his
own attention was attracted by n
slight disturbance in the front line of
the crowd. He then saw the earrings
top. The president had fallen back
against the cushions and his face had
become livid. An onjtcry was raised
at once. Hundreds shouted that an at
tempt upon the president's life had
been made, ami the crowd seemed sud
denly to go mad with excitement.
"Meanwhile tin- assas9in had been
felled to the ground by u blow by M.
Uivand, perftct of tho Rhone. lie whs
surrounded by an ungry crowd and
cries of 'lynch him' wore heard on nil
sides. It was only with the greatest
difficulty that the police were able to
protect him from tho fury of tho peo
ple In fact, had not a number of
mounted guards surrounded und pro
tected the police on their way to the
.station, the prisoner would have been
taken from them and beaten to death."
At ll.HO o'clock Sunday evening the
surgeons at the prefecture lisued this
bulletin: "The president's condition is
sUrming but not hopeless. The wound
is in tho region of the liver. The
hemorrhage, whioh at first was Very
copious, has now ceased." A little
more than an hour later the president
was dead.
carsot's career.
Marie Francois Sadi Carnot, prcsi
dent of the French republic, was born
at Limoges in August, Wl, He was
a grandson of Carnot, "the organizer
of victory," under the French conven
tion, and was a civil engineer by pro
fession. At the age of 20 he entered
as a student in the Boole Polytsch
nique, nnd passed with distinction to a
senool for npecial instruction in the
building of roads and bridges. During
the siege of Paris in 1871 he was ap
pointed prefect of the Seine Inferiere,
and as commissary general gave valu
able assistance in organizing tho de
fences of that department.
In February, 1871, he took his seat lo
the national asa-mhly as deputy for
Cote D'Or.nnd subsequently for Beanne
In 1888 lie took office in the Bi isson cab
inet as finance minister. On tho re
signation of M Giovy, in December,
1887, M Carnot was elected president
of there pnblic
Washington, D. c, June 24 The
first bulletins of the assassination of the
president of the French Republic were
received in Washington shortly before
6 p. m. (United St'ites time) and ran
through the community like an olectric
shock. Tho While House was called
Dp, and through private secretary
Tburber tho ne.vs was sent by the
United Press to President Cleveland,
rio was jnst starting for a drive but
stopped long enough to exprois his
horror nnd detestation of tho crime,
and to intimate that through tho pro
per channels expression would be given
to his sympathy with the great friendly
Republic thus deprived of its head.
Two other conspicuous instances in
French history of assassination by the
knife, the killinrr of Marat by Char
lotte Cordey, 101 years ago. and the
stabbing of Henry IV by Ravaillac
were recalled as the only instance in
modern history of the successful ac
complishment of this method of mur
dering the rulers To officials and
citizens of Washington, who within
the past thirty years have witnessed
the nnprovked murder two of our own
presidonts by tho assassin's bullet, the
apparently aimless character of the
crime against the president of the
French republic carried with it an ap
peal to their sympathies of especial
force. Tho French chamber of depu
ties adjourned when the news of the
death of Garfield was received. If
matters of such urgent importance
were not mow pressing Upon congress,
it is probable that like action would be
taken by our own legislative body.
Mr. J. Pstenotre, the French ambas
sador, first learned of the news of the
assassination of President Carnot from
a United Press reporter, as hi drove
over to his residenoe In this eity from
his country place at Clifton Heights,
just out of the city.
During the hot spell the ambassador
has been spending the evenings at
Clifton where his wifo is summering
and usually the embassey is closed on
Sundays. This evening Mr. Patenotrs,
however, drove into the city contrary
to his custom, only to be confronted
with the dispatches that told bim of the
sorrow that hud oome to Franco
through the vengeance of the anarchist
and assassin.
Datamation of Blntrera Begin the Com
petitfra Work in Naw York.
New York, June 24 This was the
great day of tho national saengerfest.
The last of the ont of town delegations
of singers had arrived, and a cool wave
put in its appearance opportunly mak
ing enthusiasm iu the audionco possible
and enabling the vooalists to put some
vim into their work. The number of
delegates present from other cities and
towns is variously estimated at from
15,000 to 25,000. The small number is
possibly nearest right as the entrance
at Madison Sqnare garden has been
lightor than was expected. Town
federations formed" of local so
cieties were present from Philadel
phia, Baltimore, Washington, Newark,
Orange, Trenton, Hudson county,
N. J., Troy, Albsny, Syracuse
and Brooklyn. Individual sooiotios
were present from Allegheny City,
Allontown, Bethlehem. Chester, Eas
ton, Lancaster, Pittsburg, Scrauton
and Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ; Buffalo, El
mira, Utica. Winfleldand Syracuse, N.
Y.; Elizabeth. N. J. ; Wilmington,
Del. ; Waterbury, Bridgeport and Now
Haven, Conn.
About 2,000 singers were present at
Madison Square garden during the aft
ernoon when the first competitive sing
ing by societies took placs, In tho
spectators ssate some 8 000 people were
scattered. Among them were many
critics and enthusiasts, and a fair pro
portion of ladies.
The Tariff BUI May Leave the Senate
Hits Woek.
Washinoton, Juno 24, Party lend
ers on both sidea of tho chamber agree
that this week will see the tariff bill
out of the senate. As to the precise
date there is a divergence of opinion.
Messrs. Harris and Jones expect to see
the final vote takeu not later than
Tuesday evening.
Mr. Aldrich on tho Republican side
ays it .may be taken then, but it will
morely likely be Thursday. Mr. Alli
son says the vote may be taken Thurs
day, but he hardly thinks it will be
reaohed before Saturday.
The Tug James D, Nichols Sinks With Sixty
eight Passengers.
A Top-heavy Craft Loaded With
Fishermen and Beer Becomes Un
manageable Off the Atlantic High
lands and Goes to the Bottom.
Numerous Passengers nro Rescued
by the Officers of the Clyde Steamer
Algonquin and Tugs Governor, Wal
lace B. Flint and H. J. Moran.
NBW Yoisk, June 24
THE tag James D, Nichols, owned
by William Reeves, this eity,
foundered off tho Atlantic High
lands shortly before 1 o'clock
this afternoon. Tho Nichols had on
board a party of excursionists number
ing sixty-eight persons, and also Car
ried a crew of five men. As near an
ean bo learned at this writing forty
eight persons woro rosctio.l hy the
steamer Algonquin, of the Clyde line,
and tho tugs Governor, Wallace B.
Flint and H. J. Moran, This leaves
twenty-fivo persons unuccount! for
and those have probably been drowned.
The names of the victims have- not all
been learned yet, and it will probably
be several days before a complete list, of
the dead can be gathered. A partial
list follows:
D ROW NX d Fran k Bchnltz. John Dunn,
Frank MeAleer, Ous nnd William Kirsh
uor, Charles Wetting, Charles Graham,
Walter Huckridge.
MlSSIMQ William Schulti!, Ueorgo
Wauke, Christian Breoht, Charles (Ira
ham, .lames Hayes, Richard Howes, Theo
dore SculcBsiUKer, William nnd Andrew
Wnlsler, Al Pabst, Emit Wolff, Joseph
Wolff, Frank Wolif, Charles Wolff, Lnuis
Biermao, Henry Pienlng, John Hoffman,
Carl Hope, QUS I'rnzer. All wore resi
dents ot tins city and Brooklyn.
The tug Nichols was chnrtered by an
a'socintion known as the Herring Fish
iug club, of thiR city. The lusr, with
the party on board, left the foot of
Fifth streot, E-ist river, at 7 HO o'clock
this morning with sixty-eight persons
in all, while the tng's crew numbered
There was a quantity of beer abroad,
but from the accounts of the rescued
passengers, no one was intoxicated.
The Nichols passed on down through
the narrows and then moved over to
tho fishing banks oft the Highlands not
far from Sea Bright. She arrived
there about 9:30 o'clock Here the ex
cursionists fished until about noon,
when tho start for the home jonrney
Wits made. As the tug proceeded on
her course towards tho city, the wind
freshened to some extent, and the
waves rolled higbor. The change in
the weather and the sea seemed not to
affect the craft or tho spirits of thoso
on board her.
The steamer Algonquin, of the Clyde
line, passed the tug, and the latter fol
lowed in the wake of the big steamer.
At that time there appeared to be noth
ing amiss on the Nichols. But in half
an hour the situation was completely
changed. The waves became more
boisterous and dashed up against the
sides of the tug, throwing spray over
the excursionists who were on the
deck. And here, where the trouble
commenced, and stories as to what
next happened commencA to conflict.
According to one chapter of tho narra
tives, the finhermeu, to avoid getting
wet, moved around on the dry sido of
the vessel. It is olalmod by Bonie that
this action on the part of the passengers
resulted in the foundering of the tng.
With the increased weight on one
sido she toppled over and the water
ran into her to such an extent that it
was thereafter impossible to nnvigate
her, She struggled for a short dist
ance and then, as the water continued
to roll into her, she sank further and
further into the swells and finally wont
By others it Is claimed that the
shifting of the pissengers had nothing
at all to do with the accident. These
allego that the tug was an old and rot
ton affair, that she was terribly over
crowded and consequently top heavy,
and that tfhon she got into tho heavy
sea she simply went over.
As near ss can be SBCertsined twenty
fiyo people or thereabouts were drown
ed. Those figures aro secured by esti
mates of the number of persons who
were aboard aud the number who were
Whon the accident occurred the Al
tronquln, whioh was headed for New
York, had reaohed a point about fonr
miles southeast of the Scotland light
ship. It was Just 12 45 when the
scream of a whifitle, givon In sueh n
way as to denote dlRtress, esmo over
the sea. It reaohed the ears of
Captain Piatt, who Was stand
ing on the bridge, The eaptnin
obsorved about n mile away n big tug
rolling and pitching on the waves.
With the aid of his glasses he saw the
craft was crowded with people and
that she was on the point of founder
ing. He signaled the engine roota Be
fore the screws of the ship bed ceased
their revolutions an order had been
issued to lower and man the Itfeaboat.
Boat No. 4 wus hurriedly swung from
its dnvitts and Officer Rich, accom
panied by Seamen Chris Hansen, John
Nelson, Q. Nelson and John Tanger
son scrambled into it.
When the work of lowering the boat
was accomplished, the people On the
Algonquin looked over the water to
where tliey had seen the tug. As they
did so the little vessel careoned over
to the starboard, her smokestack al
most touching the crest of a wave,
Just at this time, however, another
big white cap came rolling along and
striking the tug, sent her over the
other way. Thus thn water played
with ber for a minute or more, nnd
then she went to the bottom. As she
sank ont of sight, the top wheel house,
together With a raft nnd a life boat
remained floating on tho Water. To
every partiele of wreckage olang one
or more of the drowning throng. The
life raft was the most sought for, and
those who were so fortunate as to make
it, were saved.
When the Algonquin's boat reached
tho scene of the accident and com
menced the work of rescue, she wsh
joined in her labor by the three above
namol tngs, all of whioh had boen
cruising in the vicinity. Togethor
they commenced to take the people
from tho water aud from the raft in
less than twnty minutes, those who
remained nfl.iat had reached havens of
Tho lost tug'e life boat was found
floating aimlessly about by the Al
gonquin's crew. It was full of water
and had evidently boen overturned
many times. In the bottom of it, how
over, tangled In ropes, was found the
body of a man. Whoever he was he
had probably prepared for the plunge
Into the soa. His cost was off and his
shirt sleeves rolled up to his shoulders.
Effort wero made to revive tho spark
of life that was at first thought to still
be within him, but they were unavnil
inc. When the crew from the, Algonquin
had picked npall they could carry.nlno
living and ono dead, they put back to
the vessel, which in the meantirne had
put about and was lying not far from
the point where the accident had oc
curred It was far too rough to attempt
to bring the rescued on board the
Htratnor so a lino waa thrown the life
boat and sho was towed to quarantine.
At the latter place they wero brought
to tho Algonquin's deck. Lator they
were brought up to the city by the
steamer. Tho tugs which had assisted
in tho rescuo also brought to the city
the survivors they had picked up.
A Number of Slavs and Poles Are
Imported From Rochester
and Buffalo.
Punxsutawney, Pa. , June 24. Some
time during last night 25 of tho police
of the Bell, Lewis nnd Yates company,
who had been stationed at the Eleanors
mine, wore taken through this place
and stationed nt Walstoa mine.
At 0. :t0 this morning sixty Poles nnd
Slavs were brought hero from Roches
and Buffalo, and wore immediately
taken up to Walston mine. On their
arrival thern thoy wem met by a crowd
of minors composed mostly of their
own people. Tho polico stationed
there made an attempt to prevent the
miners from talking to them, but the
erowd increased so rapidly that the po
lice withdrew nnd called on the troops.
The commanding officer with twelve
men, who wore doing guard duty, went
to the scone, but found no disorder.
Tho miners as aoon as the police left
explained to the new men that they
naa o.wn Drought there to tnko their
places and if possible break the strike.
I he new men in reply said that thoy
had been hired to work on the railroad
at $2.25 par day and they hnd no in
tention of taking the strikers places.
Late this afternoon two passenger
ooaches filled with privatepolice passed
through here for Walston. The situa
tion at this mine looks very grave and
it is possiblo that there may be a con
flict within twenty-four hoars be
tween the minors and the police. At
Adrian mine the compiny's old houses
are being fitted up with a largo num
ber of bunks ani they are making
other preparations for receiving new
At 8 110 tonight soveuty-two private
police arrived at the Adrian mine. The
car had no soonor stopped than it wus
surrounded by at least 1,000 miners,
women and children, who climbed all
over the car yelling and hooting. The
policemen wero unarmed. The militia
was sent for nnd company F was or
dered to the scene nut were unable to
diapers the mob. Companies I and H
were then ordered out and went to the
scone at double quick, and when the
miners saw tho reinforcements they
immediately dispersed.
L. W. Robinson, the general super
intendent here, was with the police.
He was pulled out of the car by the
men and beaten badly by them, while
tho women spat in his face, The great
est excitement prevails in that region.
A visit was made to the residence of
Superintendent Robinson tonight, and
it was fonnd that he was not so bndiy
injured as waa at first reported. The
deputies wore armed with Winches
ters, but tho Bhoriff would not give
the order to fire. The sheriff who had
charge of tho police received a ssvero
blow above tho left eye from the bands
of one of the women and was other
wise badly used up. As soon as he
was able to get out of tho mob's hands
he went to notify the militia.
At 11 o'clock tonight shots are being
fired at Adrinn mine. Two carloads
of nw men woro this morning taken
to Anita. Lieutenant Reeber, of com
pany B, Fifth regiment, will take his
companv to Anita tomorrow morning
to prevent any trouble there.
Fatal Boatlna- Accident at Detroit Tkree
People Drewned.
Detroit, Mieb., June 24 After
three days of exoesBlve bent, a storm
came up this afternoon during which
an inch of rain fell in twenty-five ruin
and a sixty mile gale blew for half
that time. During the gale hundreds
of trees were uprooted and two elec
tric light towers were blown down.
Caleb E. Healy, the inventor of the
Healy steam street car motor, and his
two daughters, and two dnughtors of
Captain Ortwlne, of the fire depart
ment, were out in a steam launch uoar
Belle Island park when the storm
broke. The launch was upset and
Healy and the two Ortwin girls were
drowned, a passing steamer picking up
the other two girls.
Thousands of Pecpta In London Bean
the Bulletin.
London, June 23 Thousands of per
sons have stood outside White itLodge
scanning the bulletins concerning tho
Duchess or York and her hoy baby
Both patients are making satisfactory
The sovereigns of Europe have tele
graphed their congratulations. The
first of the disuatches oame from the
German omperor.
Two Hundred and Fifty-One Miners Perish
Under Ground.
A Terrific Explosion Shatters the
Machinery and Wrecks tho Interior
Workings ol a Mine at Glamorgan
shire The Accident Attended with
Great Loss of Life Heart Rending
Scenes at the Mouth of tho Shaft.
London, .Tone 24.
71 N EXPLOSION occurred yesterday
A in tho Albion coal mine near
Pont-y-Pridd, Glamorganshire.
I U Wales. Over 200 men were un
derground at tho time. As soon as the
shaft was fuirly clear of dangerous
gases, a rescue party descended, but
tney tonnd their way barred by bro
ken timbers aud wrecked machinery.
Finally they left tho shaft for irallcries.
only to find tho works so badly dam
aged as to innko neeessnry almost two
hours delay in getting at the men near
est the entrsnce. Meantime no news
whatever of tho imprisoned miners or
the rescue party roached the surface.
Crowds gathered rapidly at tho pit
irom tne other coUories and the neigh
boring villages. Miners' wives and
children were thero by the hundred,
awaiting the first news from below und
making the usual distressing scenes.
Tlio first two reports brought up
from tho mine woro indefinite but dis
couraging. Two morn rescue partios
went down and, with other volnnteors,
worked until 10 o'cloek last night be
fore any definite newa could be got.
Then it waa reported that 100 mon had
been killed.
At 11:30 o'clock eighteen men had
been brought up alive from the mine.
Many dead bodies have been recovered.
Tho further exploration today has
shown that the disaster Wns far beyond
anything imagined last night. The
number of dead i 251. The original
report thBt onlv 200 men were iu tho
mine at the time was duo to n misun
derstanding of the munngor who
thought that a nhift of miners had just
come up. Many of the dead bodies
were mangled beyond recognition.
Crowds of women who have not
slept since the explosion still snrround
the pit, awartinif nows from hnsbands
and brothers. Exploration of the mine
is slow nnd difficult owing to the block
ing of tho gallories with wreckage and
dead horses.
It Was Not Murderer leda)a Who Wan
Held at Plttston.
Abont 5.150 o'clock last evening Sher
iff Fahey was summoned to Pittston
by telephone. Ha started at once ac
eonipaniod by Deputy Sheriff John
Oafifney and County Detoctive Shea.
Arriving there they found that the
Plttston authorities had a man, sup
posed to be the murderer, under arrest
It proved, howover, that the wrong
person had been taken into custody and
the party was compelled to return to
this city empty handed.
Frank Egli, a well educated and in
telligent Italian, who resides on the
South Side, claims that ono of his
countrymen who works with him nt
Duryoa, knows where murderer
Medala is in hiding. H says that the
place is only a short distaneo from this
city, and that Medala is waiting for his
friends to supply him with enough of
clothing to enable him to leave Amer
ica. It is difficult to get Egli to say
anything about the case. He serms
fearful that it may result in harm to
him and in conversation with the re
porter yesterday he said several times
that he would likoto have a revolver to
protect himself with.
Yesterday afternoon Italians who are
acquainted with the man Egli had re
ference to, waited upon Sheriff Fahey
to learn whnt reward would bo given
to the oue who would reveal tbo hid
ing place of the murderer. They de
nied that they had any positive know
ledge of Modala's whereabouts. A
suitable reward, ;however, would no
doubt loosen thoir tongues and' revive
their memories.
Five People Find a Watery Grave Near
Brooklyn, N. Y., June 24 Five
persons wore drowned this morning in
tho East river about 400 feet from the
Atlantic Yacht club at the foot of 50th
streot, Brooklyn. Tho drowned people,
who are at present nnknown, were two
men, two women nnd. a child. Another
child, a girl about 2 years old, was res
cued. They were all evidently SwedeB
or Germans. e
They wore in an 18 foot oat boat and
wore struck by a squall that arose
about 10 30 o'clock. The boat capsized
and all were throwu into the water
nnd drowned except the child, which
was rescued by Superintendent Inken,
of the Atlantic Yscht club.
It Occurred In a Houne Owned by M iohael
At 1 o'elook this morning the house
at Jackson stroet and Everett avenue
on the West Side, whioh is owned by
Mlohnel O'Malley and oooupied by Dr.
Jenkins and a man named Bevan, Was
fonnd to be on fire.
Lis fore the flames could bo extin
guished the house wits somewhat dam
aged and a great portiou of Dr. Jenkins'
efft-cts Vvore destroyed. They were In
surad, but the house wns not. The
cause of the fire is unknown.
Prints Aro Awarded at the Linden Street
The Sunday school of tho Linden
stroet Jewish templo closed yesterday
for the summer, after the awarding of
medals aud class prizes by Habhi J.
Feuerlioht. The prizes were awarded
for general excellence in study and
punctuality as follows: Louis Lan
dau, first class; Miss Bay Silvorsteln,
second class : Lena Landau and Lena
Fetnberg. third olass; Sadie Cohen,
fourth class.
The series was opened Jwith an invo
cation by Edward Moses, The medals
were presented by tao rabbi, who made
n briof address. A large number of
parents and visitors were present.
After next Satnrday the temple will
bo. olosed for the summer. Rabbi
Feuerlicht will be present at the Con
tral Conference of Jewish rabbis, to be
held July 11, 12 and 13 at Atlantis
The Celebrated Contralto Expiree at
Pams, June 24 The celebrated
chantonsa Alboni died here yesterday.
Mme. Alboni, tho celebrated con
tralto, was torn at, Forli in the Papal
states on March 0, 1820 Sho was a
born artist, and at. the age of 11 oonld
read the moRt difficult vocal music. At
15 :ho sang at the Communal theatre ot
Bologna, In 1M7 she went to Lon
don, and, although Jenny Li ml
was then nt tho height of her
glory, the new voice from Italy
took the town by storm. From that
time until lSfilt, when she retirod from
the stage, Alboni sang nearly ev
ery operatic season in Paris and Europ
ean capital. In 1S52 she visited this
country. Since IMS her home has
been In Paris. In 1854 Alioni married
Count Pepoli, of Maples. He died in
1866, and eleven years later sho bo-
cume the wife of M. Charles Sieger, ot
the French army.
Lord Rosebory's Horse Brings Many
Visitors and Letters from
Various Points.
LONDON, June 24 Bsyond a few
S'-rmon references and an occasional
gib( in obscure Tory papers, the outciy
against Lord Eosebery's sportiug pro
clivities has subsided, but it will prob
ably be revived to some extent, when
Lalas, at tb" Kempton Parlf meeting,
fulfils his next engagement. The pr
mier's private is said, is
responsible for thesa interesting statis
tics relating to his lordship's mails.
On the second day after Durby day,
over a hundred expostulations were re
ceived, and the number staaoily in
creased until on the fifth dav the let
ters reaohed a total of 150 Up to the
end ot last week between 600 and 700
letters ware received, in nearly "every
one of which Lord Rnsebery was uc
cused of various sins of commission or
omission in connection with gambling.
About a third of. the writers sug
gested that tho money wou by Ladas
be given to charitable objects in which
the writers were interested. In addi
tion to the letters thero woro a larke
number of tracts. Several pious well
wishers called both iu Downing street
and at the premier's private residence
in Berkeley square with the object of
reasoning with the sporting minister
on tho error of his ways. It is noedlo$3
to say that they did not succeed in ob
taining access to the sinner.
Zlmmermaa Wine the Ladles' Prize at
Florenoe Tournament.
Florence, June 24 Arthnr Zim
merman, the American, won the ladles'
prize at tho bicycle tournament here
today. Harry Wheeler, American,
woh the International raco, beating
both Italian and German competitors.
The Americans present gave them
round after round of cheers.
PARIS, June 24 The 24-honr bieycle
race for the gold oui was won by
Hnrot, who. covered 730 kilometres,
040 metres. Ashinger, the American,
was so far hehind that he was not
plaeed by tho jndtres.
Vienna. June 23 In the wheelmen
derby here today the German cham
pion, I, "mi, finished first. Angus Bar
ber, of Pittsburg, Pa, was second in
the derby and won the haw! i cap over
twelve eontostants.
Water Tower Falli Upon a Carriase
Klllinir an Oocupant.
COLUMBUS, O., June 24. This morn
ing while several companies of the city
fire department were drilling on the
public square In front of the board of
trade. bnilding, tho water tower which
had been extended out too far to ono
side, overturned its truck and fell with
a terrible crash.
It strnok a carriage in which James
II. Frnnois and , his wife wero sitting
watching the evolutions. Frnncls wf.s
instantly killed. The carriage was
completely wrecked, but Mrs. Francis
wns not seriously hu rt.
Father of the Young Sharpar Reported
to Be In Town.
The father of Clark D. Lawson, alias
H. C. Clark and James Walker, jr.,
the gay yonng man who was arrested
at Stroudsbnrg for stealing bicycles
from Florey & Holt and Fred G Hand,
and for skipping a board bill at the
Westminster, is snpposed to hare been
in this city yestordny.
A goutleman registered ns A, H. Law
son, of lloston, at the Valley House
about noon nnd after eating dinner
pnid his bill and left the hotel. The
sharper's father is president of the
Lawson Varnish company, of Boston,
The younger Lawson wn committed
to jail by Alderman Fitzslmmons Fri
day. The alderman had not received
any visit in the interest of tne yonng
man last night; neither had Fred C.
Hand nor Landlord Truman.
I CLEAR Washinoton. June 23. Forticaxt
I or Monday ; For Baiters
Fmnsylsanw, generally fair,
(Au infer showers in the a fternoon,
east winds. For Western iVnnsjdaiiia,
tkundtr limners in the afternoon; prob
ably slightly eooler in upper portions,
southeast winds.
7 '
m m ii
lal j 1
We have received from our man
ufacturer some special job lots of
perfect goods at cut prici-s. The
quantity i limite-l ami cannot be
10 dozen Gnwn6, solid embroidered
yokes, at 98c. each.
Bdossn Gowmi, assorted, at ?i ij,
10doz.:n Skirts, with 6 tofiks, G2;.
"1 doz. Plain Skirts, cambric rnffl ,75c.
5 dcz .'ii Mnsliu Sltirtj, s-iach embroid
ered ruin1 1, nt Si.
10 dosen Drawers, embroider rnfflj,
10 d. z.n Misses' Gowns, embroidered
yoka, 75 and 85c.
Cdozm inrants'sad Children's White
Dresses, 65c. up.
Shirt - Ytfaists
49, 75 and 93c.
S10 aod f 12 Lackawanna Ave.
Wbolesals and Retail.
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Sprues Street.
Lewis, Reiily & Daviss
A drive:
In Russet Shoes.
114 Wyoming Avo.
Wholesale and reiail.
New Store
New Goods
Suitable for Wedding and
Commencement Presents
Finest line of Silver Belt
Buckles, Veil Clasps and
Other Novelties in the
NOUNCEMENT, A Souvenir Pres
ont giren FREE to every lady callor,
if you bny or not.
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.