The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 23, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Fine Blue and Black Barge, ii
Rgonalsj Covert Cloths, &0.5 the
styles arc the newest and the best,
generously and exquisitely made
full in every way ---which facts
assure serviceable, comfortable
costumes. We Btrongly invite
comparison with goods sold at
even much higher prices.
Duck Suits
Particular attention is called to
the following:
AT $2.50
Excellent Ili'avy Dnclc Costumes:
Tuxedo Coat; f all tldrt; choice
designs iti ltKtit and dark effects ;
washable and durable.
AT $3.50
Very handsome Drill Duck Cos
tnniofs; Tuxedo Coat, largo sleeves
nud wide Inpols; foil skirt; iu new
est plain colors, Tan, Blue and
Wliite; most carefully made, and
qnifn riiinl to made-to-ordor cos
Uirn"s Mt iJH).
AT $3.75
Superb Plain Color Prill Tuxedo,full skirt; choice plain shades
and handsome new designs.
AT $4.50
Pure Irish Natural Drown Linen
Costumes; Tuxedo Coat 25 inches
long; wide lapels; extra larcre
sleeves; wido skirt, beautifully
made and finished ; folly equal to
mode-to order costume i at $13,
Ouck : Vests
For Women
In the Newest Shapes and
At 75 CENTS A special bargain in
Women's Single-breasted Duck
AT 85 CENTS Fin Qnality Donble
brenstoil Dnek Vests; a large as
sortment of neat figures.
Patrick Donzber, one of the oldest
residents of this borough, died at bis
home on North Main street on Thnrs
day night at 10 o'clock. Mr. Doagber
had been ailing about a year, but was
not obliged to take to bed until a week
ago. Since then he steadily failed
nntil he finally passed away. Mr.
Dongher arrived In America from Ire
land on June 28, IS 1 1 and had he lived
until tomorrow would have heen in
this country just fifty years. He and
his wife, who still survives him, were
pponsors at the baptism of John J.
Swift, the first white child born
within what is now known
as Arcbbald. The town was jnst ris
ing out of the wilderness when Mr.
Dougher settled here and he witnessed
the many changes that have taken
place here since the days of the pio
neers. Mr. Dougher was a quiet, in
dustrious man, whose death will be
generally regretted. Besides his wife
he is survived by two sons, John J. anil
Anthony Dongher, of this phce, and
Mrs. William Bates, of Clark's Sum
mit. His funeral will take place to
morrow afternoon at IS o'clock.' Inter
ment will take place in the Catholic
Miss Mary Kearney, of Lanrol street,
was in Scranton yeaterday.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Boland hav.
returned from their wedding tour and
are comfortably settled in their new
home at the corner of Wayne and
Laurel streets.
.Martin Dolphin took his bride homo
last evening. For the present they will
on Pine street.
William McDonald, of Warrior Ran,
is visiting bis cousins, the Misses is ir
rett, of Railroad stroot.
Dr. and Mrs. Van Doren attended
the commencement exrcises at Key
stone aeademy, Factoryville, yester
The reopening service at the Meth
odist Episcopal chnrch on Sunday
morning were very good. Rv. Mr.
Simpkins preached an excellent sermon
and the mnnic was in charge of Harry
Yeager, of Allentown.
Next Sunday will be Children's Day.
The Rebekahs had a banquet in tho
Odd Fellows' hall Monday night.
Thursday, Jnne 21, will be tho an
nual picnic of St. Catherine's church.
Mra. C. H. Travis spont Thursday
in Daleville.
Mrs. William Hnvenatrito spont a
few days last week with Mrs, A. Hnl
Ittt. Mrs. Callegan, mother of J. D. Calle
gan, has been quite sick, but is slowly
Mrs. V. L. Smith is visiting in Nich
olson. Mrs. Chalmers, of Strondsbnrg, was
visiting Mrs. A. Davis last week.
Miss Grace Travis spont Friday in
The friends of Mrs. Amisa Hollister
gave her a surprise on last Monday
Mrs, John Webster, of Dakota, who bus
been visiting friends here for some
time, returned borne on Tuesday, ac
companied by Mr. Wobster's mother.
B. E. Miller left Tuesday to visit bis
daughter, Mrs. W. Shelp. in Dakota.
Miss Millie Davis and Myrtle Kshle
man spent Sunday with Mrs. Oilllland
at Oouldsboro.
Eucklen'a Arnica Salv.
The best salve In the world for Huts
Brnises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Hkiu Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
h guaranteed to give perl net satisfaction
or money refunded. Price US ceuts per
bos. For sale by Matthews iiros.
M. J. Oormon, ll Lehigh Valley en
gineer, suddenly drnpp id dead at the
Lackawauua and Bloouuburg junction
early yesterday morning. Ho had fin
ished his work for the day and wa
waiting for the 7. 10 a. m. train to go to
his home in Wilkes- Burro when sud
denly ho was soon to reel nnd fall
heavily to tho ground. Some by
standers rushed to his assistance but he
expired in a few minutes. Dr. J. B.
Mahon, tho company's surgon, arrived
on the scene soon after, in response
to a message and made an examina
tion. He found death wag due to the
bursting of a blood vessel in tho heart.
Tho remains wore conveyod later to bis
borne in Wilkes-B irro. Tho duceatod
was aged !S2 years and married. He
came here from Beading last Novem
ber and was handling the trottle of the
engino that Jumped the track nt White
Haven, setting tire to the station ilur
ing the into unpleasantness betwoen
the Valloy and its employs!.
One night during the past weoksonio
miscreant chopped down one of tho
Blectrio Light company's poles on
South Main street and cut the wires.
In consequence the officials are much
exercised of the affair, and aro leaving
no stone unturned to ferret out the
perpetrators. Such acts of vandalism
should not lie tolerated, and the only
remedy is for the guilty parties to suf
fer the blunt of their trauagressions.
There are now twenty-threo patients
in the hospital. The following were
admitted yesterday;
Mikff Milifi, an Italian, nged 80, mar
ried, suffering from fever.
Owen Protheroe, aged HO, of Brown
town, miner in No. 7 shaft, right hand
crushed yesterday.
Frank Oarden, aged 22, laborer, of
Pittaton, thumb crmhed in No. 7 shaft
yesterday morning.
Peter J. Ilelfran, of Avoc.l, single,
laborer in Hillside colliery, suffering
with rheumatism
Juuies Mosler, accompanied by his
mother, leaves this morning over the
Valley road for Bridgeport, Conn., in
response to a message received yester
day announcing the death of his uncle.
Superintendent Graham, of the Trac
tion company, was in town yesterday
looking as chirp as a robin in spring
time, notwithstanding the iiubrogolio
that is about at foyer heat between
tho company and the town council.
V. M. Carpeuter, ticket ageut at the
Lehigh Valley Water Stroot station;
H. S. Wilcox, freight agent at Lacka
wanna and Bloomsburg junction: H.
I). Yost, soliciting freight agent nt
Scranton; Hi Drinker, district and sol
letting fnight agent, and W. L. Pryor,
city ticket agent of the same city; John
P. Ileekmnn, general Freight agent,
and several other Lehigh Valley of.
Bcials, pissed over the road yesterday
In Superintendent Mitchell's private
car en-route to Lake Ganoga, where
they will spend the day. Thoy Will go
over the Harvey's Like to Towanda.
and return home via ttie Northern di
vision. E. G. Ives, of the art store, has gone
to New York on business,
Frederick Schwartz, of Chicago, III.,
who has been visiting his pirenta here
for the paBt ten days, returned home
John McMillan is visiting his parents
on the West Side.
Mrs. George Monies, formerly Mips
Miunio Mauon, is lying seriously ill at
the home of her farther, L. H. Mahon,
on Broad street. Her condition was
such yesterday :nat tlio attending phy
sician. Dr. Tobin, onlld into ooniniltn
tion Dr. Murphv, of Wilkcs-Barre.
Shirt wnist department The season
opened late this year, and iu order to
dispose of our large stock of shirt
waists wo have cur. the price In two.
A largo stock of parasol in blue, red
and black, at reduced prices. Dross
goods prices cut in two. Sewing ma
chines, guaranteed five years, $10 ma
chine for 1300 J.J. Hangar's
Cash Dry Goods Store.
A. J. Gavin Is raising his sidewalk
to grade and otherwise improving his
Tommy Roberts in quite seriously ill
with li!ood poisoning, it has neossita
ted his abandoning of bis profession,
that of painting.
Mrs. David Mendolshon and daugh
ter visited th Electric city yesterday.
John Mumfords' infant son Is seri
ously ill.
A very delightful socixl was hell at
Gilmore's hall Thnrsday evening.
Ralph Rymcr is at Pleasant Mount
relieving the Ontario and Western
agent there for a few days.
A great treat wis afforded the ladies
of the Methodist Episcopal church last
evoning. The gentlemen s rvod n very
bountiful supper in tho church parlors,
Thoy were dressed in white capi and
aprons and acquitted themselves very
gracefully. In fact they did so weil
that the Indies have not tho slightest
objection to their continuing to serve
in that capacity.
H. A. Willman returned last evening
from Peterson, N. J.
A lover of roses cannot fail to bo de
lighted with a walk on upper Fourth
and Fifth streets. Tho yards thore lire
a credit to tho residents. Roses of
overy shade are there to delight tho
Mrs. C. D. Winters is favoring her
numerous friends with bouquots of
sweet pens. They nre very lovely.
John McCarty's new bouse is neuring
completion and is an ornament to that
part of town.
Fon Burns, scalds, brnises nnd nil pnln
and soreness of the tleali, the grand house
hold remedy is llr. Thomas' Bcleotrio Oil,
Bo sure you got the genuine.
A. H. Jenkins has recoived reappoint
ment ns district depnty grand sachem
of the Improved Order of R id Mon of
this city for another yenr.
Dwlght Kingsley is on a fishing tour
on the Delaware river.
E. II. Blnnden, formerly of Hones
dale, has succeeded John Linderman m
manager of the Riverside company
Councilman W. B. Stevens, of the
Third ward, was bust distributing free
passes on the Electric Street railway to
his brother 'councilman last Wednes
day evening.
The Junior League will bold a lawn
social at Mrs. Frank Hoyt's next Mon
day evening.
Mrs. Henry Obsrts left yesterday for
Factoryville to attend the commence
ment exercises,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jonklns and
daughter, who have been spending a
week with friends in Pittaton, returned
home last Thnrsday.
Mrs Elmer Kennedy will leave this
morning to stay a few days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Collins, in
Wayne county.
Bell Plane is soon to have a postoflke
and a lino hotel and a machine shop.
Then look for the electric enrs nnd fire
Henry Chapman, inside superintend
ent for thu Ontario, bus rented the G.
B. Morton l.onS' on North Main street,
and will lake possession as soon as (i.
W. Thomas moves into his ne w house
on t i rassy strwut.
Mary Lewis, t Maple stroot, nnd D.
W. Lewip, of North Main s reot, have
foundations built for their new houses.
(Alficer Joseph Pool wont to tlio Ridge
last Wednesday and dispossessed some
tenants living iu the I '.In Ride com
pany's houses. Among them was Cy
olono Rate,
Mr. and Mis. Sylvester Kliublo and
two children, are visiting relatives at
Jacob Depew will be tho representa
tive from tho First ward at the Demo
cratic convention at Jenniyu next
An audience of the most fashionable
people in two towns assembled at G A.
Ii. Hall last night and saw tiio initial
performance or Qnole Tom's Cabin.
Outside of a fW trivial happenings
that always occur on the first night of
a production, whether amatonr or pro
fessional, tho performance moved with
a snap and vim. The prompter's voice
was heard juat a Uill i more than was
neocessary, but the general verdict of
the audlenOB on passing out was that
the performance was above the aver
age. Fred Bahr lost a valuable horse yes
terday from colic. The animal had
beon driven very hard by a party of
boys who, on returning him to the
stable, fed nnd gave him a quantity of
water. Ho was seised With a pain
shortly afterwards and di;d in u few
One of tho most DOVel, beautiful nnd
instructive exhibitions over seen in
this county was shown at the Presby
terian church yesterday afternoon. It
is the exhibit of Pacific coast sea
mosses collected nnd preserved by
Miss .Mary Wistfull, of California
Miss Wcatfnll bus induced to
show I. or wonderful specimens of the
sea here for a short parlo 1.
Harry G. ShilTer, it son of Contractor
8blffer, of lvist Stroudsburg, was mar
ried by the Rev. J. EL Turner in the
Methodist Episcopal parsonage to Mis
Nettie Fine, of (travel Place. The
wedding was strictly private. The
couple loft for Scranton Into last night
for a short honeymoon.
An adjourned meeting of tho Acme
Hoso company was held in their rooms
at E ist Siromlsl urg last night Fur
ther arrangements were made for the
Fourth of July celebration iu Shot
well's grove.
G. F. Heller picked a strawbirry
from his patch this morning measur
ing six inches on ouo sido nnd seven on
the other.
Mrs. J. W, Young and family are ab
sent from East Stroudsburg for a short
time. They nre visiting with Mrs.
Young's father, Mr. Angus Smith, of
StarnCOA, Wayne county.
Mis Grace Burnett returned from
Washington, D.O, yesterday afternoon
after a six months' stay at the oapitol
A numla r of her young friends of this
place assembled at her home when she
returned and g ive her a reception.
Professor leorge P. Bible and Super
intendent Steward left tor Sbippenburg
today to 'examine students at that place.
The Shakespearian Literary society
will hold R public entertainment iu the
chapel this evening. A programme of
literary merit will bo presented. Pro
fessor Grio. P. Bible will deliver an ad
dross. Miss Clara Anglo, of Strondsbnrg, is
the guest of her cousin, J. II. Albert
son, of Delaware.
Mrs. Louisa Smith, who died recent
ly in East Stroudsburg, was buried yes
terday at Cool bang h, The f nnoral ser
vices were held in her lute residence
and wero conducted by R;v. N. Far
tier. Ralph Urban, of Princeton, is visit
inir Norton Houser nt this place.
Charles Muoblong & Co. state that
the BsSt Stroudsburg knitting mills
are now working full time. Orders for
fall deliveries are coming In good
shape. The operators are working
principally on ladies cloaks.
Harry Palmer, William Ingraan,
Paul Sterling and Philip Bloe, of
Wilkes-Bane, started yesterday morn
ing on a driving trip to Dflaware
Water Gap. The four boys and Mr.
Palmer's coachman left In two seated
wagon containing a tent and canned
supplies. Tuey will drive out on the
Wilkeo-Birre and Eastern turnpike,
Stopping and camping over night
wherever they 7pl inclined. The boys
startod to take a week or ten days' trip.
They stopped at Stoddartsvilie, twenty
miles from Wilket-Barre, last night
and fished in the Lehigh thore lor trout
before proceeding further.
James McLane, n well known yonng
msn of this place, hag tnovod to
Wllkes-Barre, where he will reside for
the future.
Several fights took place in Dixon
during the week. An officer is needed
thero by all means
Tho Young Men's iustiiut" will hold
a picnic in Father Msthew grove on
July 4 The comiuitte in charge will
spare no pains to make it as comforta
ble as possible for out of town visitors.
Extensive arr ingem-nts are being
made to have a gala day here, on the
glorious fourth. Theio will be a par
ade here iu the forenoon, made up by
tho Young Men's institute, Improved
Order of Ho i Man, Ancient Order of
Hibernians, Sons of St. George,
Knights of Pythias, Knights of Golden
Eagle. Eagle Hose company, and other
organizations. Tho school children
will also form In procossion. The Po
lish and Hungarian societies have also
consented to be present. They will
all march to the new scho d ho is in 1
raise a new 11 ig. with nppropi i.ite cer
emonies. Watch these columns for
news concerning this ovont.
Chrietinn Endeavor meeting will be
hold this evoning nt the school in Green
wood. Tomorrow Sunday school will
bo held at 10 o'clock, services at 11 and
mission services at 8.80 p. in.
P. Joseph Kelly, a theological stn
dont at tho St. Michael's collego of To
ronto, Ont., has roturnod homo to
spend his vacation with his parents.
The South Side storo has oin ployed
a new lad clerk iu tho shoo depart
ment; Miss Dale of D devillo.
Patrick Gallagher, of Main street,
has commenced excavations on Ins
South Side properly for tho erection of
a new building,
The attention of the supervisor is
called to the big trunk of a tree which
stands in the center of a main road near
Calley's reoidonco in Greenwood.
The game of ball yesterday on the
Greenwood ground resulted in n vietory
for the Blues, who defeated tho clerks
of tho South Side store by a score of 2S
to 10. The clubs will play ugaiu on
Monday. The score by innings:
lllnos 7 8 3 0 0 0 8 4 H-2R
Clerks 1 0 0 0 8 3 2 8 0-10
Tiir Rev. William Stout. Winrton, Ont.,
stall's: After being ineffectually ircaied
by seventeen different doctors for scrotals
and blood disease, I was Cllie.i by iiurdoek
Blood Hi I tors. Write him for proof.
of I r lends accompa
nied tho Carbondale opera company to
Pittaton last evening to witness their
production of tho "Pirates of Tenz-
auce. "
A wrick which took seven hours to
clear np occurred Thursday evening
on the Krio's Jefferson division at II ir
riek Center.
Scond quarterly meeting will be
held iu tho Methodist chnrch Sunday
mornlnsr. i, .v. feast will be held at
0 o'clock In tho morning. Presiding
Elder Thorpe will be present.
Ex-Mayor John Kelly has forwarded
to the secretary of the school board his
formal resignation as principal of No.
Ii school.
R 'v. and Mrs. Campbell, of Forest
City, were C irbondule visitors yester
day. Misses Minnie Bowon and Alice
Rashlelgh attended the wedding of
Miss Nina Murphy to E G. Lloyd on
Thursday evening In SoriintOO.
Kddio Kuapp, Roy Hollenhack and
Claude Cooper were quite badly scalded
on Thursday afternoon by the explo
sion of the boiler of a small stationary
engine with which tho boys were amus
ing themselves with at tho home of
Georgle Oolvln on Cemetery stroot.
The engine was formerly used to run a
sewing machine by a man, who pre
sented it lo the Colvin boy. Although
painfully, tho lads were not ssriously
A game of alley ball will be played
at McNulty's alley this afternoon be
tween James Casey, of this city, and
George Kell. of Dickson, for $25 a sido.
Miss Mae Hallock is tho guest of
Miss lona Tyler, of Forest City. She
will return homo this afternoon, ac
companied by Miss Tyler, who will bo
her guest over Sunday. .
Miss Gertrude Haulman, of Cham-b.-.rshnrg,
is the guest of Miss Jessio
Miss Alice McKennn, of Honesdale,
Is visiting Carbondale friends.
Mrs. W. W. Wood and daughter
Blanche are visiting friends in New
Mies Jennie Brownscomha has re
turned to Honesdale, where she will
spend tho summer,
Mis. William H. Swift nnd daughter,
Miss Bessie, have returned home after
a woek',s visit in Now York.
William 11, Diunuick has left for a
short trip, taking In tho Water gap,
Milford and other places.
Ed. Clark, who has beon attending
commencement exercises at Wyoming
seminary, has returned home.
Augustus Thompson is home from
Yale for his snmmor vacation.
Mr. nnd Mrs. l'enwarden of New
York are visiting at the home of Rich
ard Penwarden on East street. Their
son Charls is visiting at No. 10.
Ed. Katz, of Wyoming seminary is
home lor bis summer vacation.
P. A. Laliarr, representing tho Ma
ple city wheelmen, of Honesdale, was
iu Scranton yeslerdsy in the interest of
ihe club. It was hoped that the Maple
city wheelmen would be able to run an
(Xcursion over the Erio and Wyoming
on the 1th of July. On account of tho
excursions to Lake Ariel on that day,
the wheelmen wore unuble to obtain an
exonrslon train.
R Louis (irumbs is liom? from Cor
nell university.
W. B. St. John, of Scranton, was in
Honesdale yesterday looking up racing
matters for July I.
Fred Hemlfnrst.of Philadelphia, who
has been stuying at the homo of W. A.
Gaylord for several weeks, returned
home yesterday.
Some of our public roads are rocky
in tho several senses of the word.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Willinms, of Main
street, moved to WilksH-Barro yester
day. Miss Eva Spedding and Miss Verna
Miller, of Clifford, wero visitors in our
town this weak,
W. J. Bergan took a bicycle ride to
the Pioneer City last evening.
P.P. Kilkur, assistant ticket agent,
was iu Scranton on business Thurs
day. Charts Hoyt visited Cirbondale last
evening to witness the conunnncment
exercises in connection with the high
nr base ball cranks still keen an eye
on Tin; Ttmu Ni:
The entertainment by the choir of
the Baptist church of Jermyu will bo
Monday, June 25, instead of Tuesday
20 as announoed In the Jermyn items.
J. Christophel, of Scranton, telegraph
operator at tiie Delaware and Hudson
st 'el works station, visited E J. Do
draw, Delaware and Hudson agent
hero on Thursday evening, and took iu
tiie social at Gil more hall libit night.
The Edgerton Coal company will nay
their employes at this place today.
Mr. J, It. Voiiolasai
Baustsad, Pa,
Untold Misery
Dyspepsia and Catarrh of
tho Stomach Cured.
'C. I. Mood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Geatlomoa was troubled with dyspepsia
nnd catarrh of the Stomach for over a year.
I could not eat the least thing without
Much Untold Misery.
i took medicine ol different doctors but received
only slight benefit I began taking Hood'sBsr-
laparlllu last winter and from the s ind
lay I noticed aii,iiiiiroveiiii'iit. My stomach
lid not sour nor my food rise nor distress
tue. I have taken f.air bottles up to this
lime and have gained several pounds hi llesh.
My friends all speak about
My Improved Looks
ind say they never saw ine looking so wrll.
When they ask what I am taking, my reply
I I all Is, Mood's Hnrsspurllla." .Iimx It. Doro-
i.ass, of the firm ol Douglass tt Belknap, grocer-
I sand previsions, HalUtcad, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and
efficiently, on tho liver and bowels. S5c.
nnd vigor nuloMy
blahllf rm.lmi!
v n i o.i ii
HllllI'lliHl n.i'dv. With .AlHMUrulMl.HK s.,1,1 i'..
sUCTHtWI ukob., Lu imnUb, fthutuu.U.
LtBf Hanhoed
ntniiiliv. i'tf . Mii..iv ...I.. . t i.v
What 5s Eczema?
It is an agony of agonies.
A torture of tortures.
It is an itching and burning of the
skin almost beyond endurance.
It is thousands of pin-headed ves
icles filled with an acrid fluid, ever
forming, ever bursting, ever flowing
upon the raw excoriated skin.
No part of the human skin is
It tortures, disfigures and humil
iates more than all other skin diseases
Tender babies are among its most
numerous victims.
They are often born with it.
Sleep and rest are out of the
Most remedies and the best phy
sicians generally fall, even to relieve.
If CUTICURA did no more than
cure Eczema, it would be entitled to
the gratitude of mankind.
It not only cures but
A single application is often suffi
cient to afford instant relief, permit
rest and sleep, and point to a speedy
Cuticura works wonders because
it is the most wonderful skin cure of
modern times.
Hold throughout the world. Prlc, ("menu,
60r. ; BoAP,3M.; ItSSULVSMT, $1, PoTT-KS tIIHO
AM) OUSM. Coal'., iJ.ile I'rOIII,, lieKloll. "All
ubout Ha .Skin uiel I: : " luulli-d free.
Will be held l y the Caledonian Club,
of this city, at
Laurel Hill Pari
A large number of attractions are
down on the bills and a good time rosy
be expected by all who are present.
DAISY DAWSON, the Champion Child
Dancer, only 7 years of age, will give a
grand ontertainment well worth the
price of admission.
As tho Delegates from all parts of
the United States and Cinada will be
present, this will undoubtedly bo a
gala day.
Street Cars every three minutes.
Adm'ssion, 20c, Children, 10c,
Grand Stand, 1 5c,
Dancing Free All Day
Grand Picnic in the Evening.
Driving Pari
Exhibitions in FANCY
10 Sharp, Short ami Exciting
All tho Flyers ooinino;.
Til rn do of Wheel men in I lie
Msnufnchired nt the Wapwaltopen Mills, Lu
asms county Pa., and nt Wil
mington, Uelnwaro.
General Agent for tho Wyoming District.
iiO Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa.
Third National Pnnk Buildlu
TITOS. FOT1D, rittst:n. To.
John Ii BMITH BQNt Plymouth. r.
E. W. MULUUA.n. Wtlkw-rturro. Pa.
Agent for tbo Etepauno uhemieiu Cora-
Jinny's High Extilouivus.
Tho GENUINE Now Ilavon
"Mathushek" Pianos
New York Warerooma No. 80
Filth Avenuo.
Sole dealers in this section.
OFFICK-m Adams Ave., Telephone BTd'g
H T-
1,200 DOZEN
Ladies' Ribbed Vests
Value 25c.
2 for 25c.
Remember, The Fair
For a Few Days Only
100 Smyrna Rugs, best quality,
50 Smyrna Mats, best ciualitv.
T j w
150 Moquette Mats,best quality
oU Moquette Mats
Slightly damaged
oj waier,
25 Ingrain Rugs, fringed
75 India Rugs, fringed,
48 Kasmer Rugs
Unsurpassed for
2Kx3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain, $6.00 $4.25
3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chair 7.20 5.00
3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain, 8.40 6.00
2Kx3 yards, all-wool, - - - - 6.75 4.75
3x3 yards, " - - - - 8.10 6.00
3x3 yards, " - - - - 9.45 7.00
3x4 yards, " - - . - 10.80 8.00
406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue.
And until they are all gone, we
will sell any
Baby Carriage or Refrigerator
From our mammoth stock, for
50c. Per Week
$2 Per Month
and a small cash deposit.
Summer Goods in great variety
and all sold on our liberal CREDIT sys
tern or for cash.
An Onyx B'inislieil Clock with 50 pur
chases or over.
A lOO-picce Dinnor Set with $75 purchases
or over.
30x60 inches, $4.00 $2.00
16x34 inches, .75
18x36 inches, 1.25
18x36 inches,
36x72 inches, 1.25
27x60 inches, 1.50
30x60 inches, 5.00