THE SCBATTTON lTlIBTJKE-SATUTlDAY MOBKINO, JUNE 23, 1894. 1 1 Social , . OCIETY had a medi ocre relapse last week. It was iun, ly & local nir..ction- howerer, nnd cti bo attributed to a great exttnt to tbe large number of col lege comiuence meuts out of town mid tiuiilnr rxercisas hero in the city. In consequence social nintters to be dropped during tbe preparation nud tbe outpouring of parents and brothers and sisters from the city to witness tbe graduations. Yet from h social stand point nud the muny girlo and men wnn have been languishing for "tlio crowd" to Hwell, it is just M well that tbe com mencement nicouy id ovor and that it appeared mostly in u big lump during week The welcome reactiou is boun 1 to come quickly. Speaking of commotio jmnt recall I the fact that tbe termination of school day3 la considered in a varied array of lights. Your studious young man with bit proverbial grotesque shape and awkward gait, swallows ceiu mencemmit like the last hutried mor sel of a 10-oent quick lunch and on tee principle of a clerk's noon hour, scurries off to re nt we.l activity either in tbe studious, professional or business world. It il somewhat different with your wtnte trontered, ut'gllgoe-shirted, debonair young man. Commencement to him is a dreaded heodoo. As soon us be makes up his mind that it is inevitable ha does biB part on the Fourth of July order and skyrock ets the whole niattor through us an cVeut of good riddance to bad rubtage. He afterwards in-sntnes the worldly wise and complaisant air of th full fledged college young man and with lunch turned up trousers and a wide brimmer bound with a ribbon of varied hue enters into tho sundoa'd frivolities i,a it mitter of course, Mater fondly looks at the young; man and thinks how sorelv he nee Is tin recreation. Paterfamilias, however, wipes his glassns, winks bin other ey' and grunts to himself: "You can go it this summer I've been there myself I ut you'll work ia the fafl all right. Umuhl" Of course there are college men an 1 college men, and to the credit of American universities be it said that the mill grinds out a sturdy, brainy brawn of yonth which comprises one of the mainstays, if not the anchor, of the natiou. But the summer girl doesn't look at it in that light. She welcomes with the balance of tbe Bisterhool tbe hordes who for the sea sin will worship at her shrine; poisi bly her altar will receive a lifetime's nffectionate worship. Anyhow, tne summer, tbo men, the young ladies nud precedent tire here whit are you going to do about it? A recently added social feature will no doubt cut quite a figure in the sea son's recreation. Tr.o Gentlemen's Driving club, organized during the week, 1b alluded to. Its members comprise some of Scrantuu's best known business men who have an nd miration for horse ll-sh. They propose holding occasional moetings at the driving park, when only gentlemen drivers will handle the ribbons over their flyers' bacKs. Tneir wives and daughters and sons mint necessarily imbued with the enthusiasm of the heads of tbe families. Tub con tcquoiice will bj that soci eiy will fljck to the driv ing park and bet candy, glovi'S and lots of thiugs while pater in his shirt sleeves leans back from the sulky seat and coos "Wh-o-o-n-p" or yells ''hi, yi, yi," as tbe occasion may d maud. Tbe clnb comprises over fifty members aud the following offie ts: J. Frank Siegel, president; Ur. G E. Hill, vice-president; John A. Fritz, secre tary; F. It White, treasurer; J. L. Crawford, Geo. M. Hallstead, H. P. Simpson, E. J. Goodwin, W. M. Jer myn. P. S Pags, D. B. R -ynolds and Ambrose Spencer, directors. The first "matinee" will bo bold next Saturday afternoon. The week jntt passad is tbe month of weddings, and roses was not betrayed by Cnpid. There occurred nuptials galore, and some of them are here man tinned: Misa Kate McDonougb to Junios T. Kourney. at St. Patrick's church, by Rev. J. B. Whelau; Miss Josephine Lloyd to Attorney W. R. Lewis, at home of the bridt, by Rev. W. S. Jones; Miss May Mahon, daughter of William MaUon, of Olyphant, to Deputy Pro thonotary John F. Cummings, by Rev. P. J. Murphy; Miss Gertrude L Kel low to E Wallace L-wis, of Cnicugo, at tbe Asbury Methodist Eni-icopal church, by lit v. II. F Chaffee; Miss Lizzie Parr to W. J. Brace, at the Summer avenue Preobyterian church, by Rev. R. J. Jonea; Miss Cora L K-rsnura to Joseph E Evans, at tbe bride's home, by Rev. D. W, Skull Ingerj Miss Annie Scholl to William Pfeififer, at the South Side Uorman Presbyterian euurcb, by Rav. August Lange. Profossor Sonthwnrt'i's recital Mon Ay oveuing at the Young Men's Chris tian association will ba a Very entcr ttiuing affair. Among those who will assist is Miss Horao, pianist, of Dun mote. It is not to be woudered at that such an interest is taken by the public gener ally in the forthcoming production of the "Fall of Babylon," The cast of characters, together with a chorus of 600 voices and Bauer's gr and orchestra, is bound to draw tremeudoiu audien ces. The entire work will be hand somely stage l, and tt)e dra matic action will be of a high order. The oast will Include Joseph P. Burns, Wilkes-Barre; Mrs. Kate Crossin-O'Brien, John T. Wat kins, Miss Sadie K -iaer, Wilkat-Barre; W. D. Evans, Carbondale; Miss An nette Reynolds, New York; Philip Warren, E.lwln Bowen, Mies Lydia Bailer, David C. Richards, Arthur Foote H. F. Thayer, Charles O'Mulley. The executive staff Is composed as fol lows: Board of directors A W. Dick ion, E. EL Ripple, E. L. Fuller, Tallin Morgan, Luther Kellor; musical di rector, Tallie Morgan: stage director, John T. VVatbins; assistant stage di rector, John M. Harris; diroctor of orchestra, R. J. Bauer; planiBt, Mrs Evangelyn Nlcol ; drills, Frank Seigel and Frank B. Rsnda; scenery, R. H. Mennis; property, F. W. Guard. Among thoso who attended tbe Cor nell commencement exercises during the Week were Colonel George Sander AH son and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Archbald, Miss Arebbald and Mis9 Augusta Arclilmld, Mr. and Mrs. E L. Fuller, Mies Clara B, Simpson, Miss Welles, nud Miss Catherine Stanton, of Honeidale, As will be observed by notice else where, the pupils of Miss S. L. Har denbergh will give a recital on Monday at 1 p.m., at her studio nt W7 Wyo ming avenue, to which musical friends are invitod. Miss Hardenbergh's repu tation Its n careful and painstaking in Biructor, is well established in Scran ton and it is unnecessary to predict that the coming ruusicile will be ploasure able to all musio lovers who muy at tend. A small luncheon was given yester day noon by Miss Welles iu honor of her guest, Miss Clay, Personal Mention; Bov. T. F. Caikey, formerly rector ot Urace church in this place, but latterly of st. John's American church, at Dresden, has been invited by the faculty of theLebigh nniversity, south Bethlehem, to occupy the profestorsbtp chair ot mental anil moral philosophy, at that institution tor the next college yi-ar. Mr. Caikey bus accepted the invitation, after obtaining tbe reluctant consent of bis vestry to do so, Mr. and Mrs. Caskoy Will shortly leave for America, os Mr. Caekey enters upon his duties early in (September, Rev. Dr. Worcester, the pres ent incumbent of tbe chair, will occupy .Mr. Oaskey'i pulpit during hiB llniiondali) CltiSen. Professor Haydn Evans will leave on Aug. 15 with a party of musitiaus for Walts. They wlU bo absent from ten Weeks to three months, and will give eu tertalnments in numerous places tbrongh Wales ami HpgiauQ. frortnior il vans' party will consist of, besides himself and Ur. Davis, Mlas Madia Keiser, ol Wnkes Barre, soprano; isi Cordelia Fi'eeman, of rlnntlngdon, alto; ltichiud Williams, of Kingston, tenor; Richard Thouiai, of Soranton, ba-no, and Miis Julia Aden, dangbter of Dr. Aileu, violinist, After the return of the party Profossor Ev;ns Will go to YonngStoWIL )., to act as ad judicator of I be annual Christmas eisteJd- ion to held :u tuit place. Michael Maudeu, of Manistee, Mich., reached this city yesterday afternoon, Next Wednesday ho will wed cue of the ttott th Hide's most attractive yonng ladies, Mi.i.-. Hose, daughter of Mr. atul II r. Frank P. Brady, of 528 Genet street, The ceremony will be performed with a nup tial muss iu St. John's t'nthollc church, on Figstre-'t. A wedding breakfast will be served at the bride's home und the newiy weddi d folks will leave Immediately after ward for Mr. Madden'l homo iu the West. Miss Brady Will be attouded by her sister, Liiisie, as bridesmaid. K 'V. Henry E- Bwentae, formerly of St. Luke's, served as chaplain ut the cum lueircemoat of the i,..h school department of the Pratt lustitnte la Brooklyn. N. v., yesterday. He has accepted an invitation to read one ot the papers for discus-iion at , the next church congress to be held iu Huston next autumn. Profes-air E. V. Davenport, who has been principal of Iho Shorthand depart ment of Wood's Business college for the past three years, severed his connection with the college yesterday and will In the fall enter Columbia college, Xew York, making his home at tho First Methodist Episcopal parsonage, Yunkers, N. Y, The soloist, Miss Aunie Reynolds, of tho First Presbyterian church, will take her vacation during July and August, so that tomorrow will be her last Sunday iu the euurcb until September. Mis Seymour, tho orgauist, will leave for Europe next Sunday. Hisses Nellie and Jennie Hartley have returned from Fort Edward Collegiate In ititnte.N. Y., where they have been spend ing the pai t year. Nellie Hartley gradu ated with honors in her clasB, winning the senior giyluatiug essay prize. Rev. an. Mrs. Warren (i. Partridge at tended commencement at Colgate univer sity during the week. Mr. Furtridgo de livered the oratiou before tho Alumni as sociation and Sirs. Partridge assisted in receiving at tho D. U. reception Wednes day evening. Merlo J. Wightman.secretary and treas urer of the Srrautou Rapid Transit com pany, was in Philadelphia 'hiring the week to purchas a cars for the Middletowu elec tric road, iu which bn is also interested. Mr. A. A. Long, of Union f'ity, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitmire and Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Whitmire, of Orangaville, Pa., are the guests of Rev. J. (i. Whitmiro, 1014 James street. Fred Kohlor, of this city, was married nt noon Thursday at HtOkettStOWn, N. J., to Miss Anuio LnHrr. Quite a psrty of Scran ton peoplo attended t he weddiug. Ex-Judije and Mrs. Alfred Hand, tho .'llanos Hand and Dr. Alfred Hand, leave Wednesday to witness ihe graduation of Miles T. Hand from Williams college. City Treasurer Reese G. Brooks and Mrs. Brooks and ilr. und Mrs. William R. Mc Ctave were present at the praduation of Qeorge Brooks from C.irnoll. Mayor and Mrs. W. I,. Couuoll and Dr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Connell nro expected to re turn Monday from Now York and the pleasure resorts of that vicinity. Ml. and Mr H. W. Kingsbury, W. W. Scranton, (). A. Oakford, R. H. Brooks and A. B. Kierstoad, of this city, were in Now York daring the woek. Rev. Joseph Ynrbek, of Mt. Lebanon in the Holy Hand, is a guest at Rt. Rov. Bishop O'Hera's house. He is a Syrian of high attainments. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bohlagef nnd family returned yesterday from a threo week's visit among the pine grove3of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. James Archbald aud family will next week begin occurtvtug for tbo summer their cottage at Murtha's Vine yard. Mrs. William Packer, of Syracuse, N.Y., was the guest of Mrs. M. D. Brown, of Saunuer on avenue, during tho week. Isuuc Harvey, of DkgUt mine, Elk coun ty, is visiting his uncle William Harvey, of East Market street, Green Ridge. MimBllia Chase, t 'achor at tho nigh school, leaves Monday to spend a vacation at the sen-bore end tho mountains. T. F. Archbald, Yale '9(1, is entertaining his classmates, Mr, Lee, of tho Isle of Triu idad, and Ur. Belo, of Texas. Mrs. O. T. Green, of Syracuse, is thn guest of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Price, of South .Main avonue. M. J, Eavin, of Wilkes-Barre, was the guet ( t l icuet Agent ueorge J. McDonald a few days last week. Mrs. W. K. Packer, of Bvraonsfl, N.Y., is visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. M. D. Brown, of Sanderson nvouuo. Mis Holmes and Miss Htanton.of Hones- dale, nro spending today with Miss Hunt and Miss Blair. Attorney W. H. Jossup, jr., is at Mon trose, where ho will epeud Sunday with his family, Attornov Horace E. Hand returned last night from a business trip to Now York. Professor Rotbrock, stnto commiisloncr or forestry, wus iu tho city yesterday. Mrs. D. B. Athoi ion and arm sre visiting airs, uarrott smitn at wuices-uarre. Miss Harriot Coleman left yeeto day for Dsuiuscus to spend July and August. Mr. J. A. Duckworth nnd family have gone to Hake Ariel for the summer. Mie Neva Tilbury, of Union, N. Y., is visiting friends iu this city. CHURCHES Compendium of Intelligence Relating to Scran- ton's Religious Activities. REV. ftlll STABL-S ANNIVERSARY He Will Deliver an Appropriate Ser mon Tomorrow Personal and Oth er Mention in Connection with the Good Work of the Various Church Anxiliary Societies What the Pas tors and Laymen Are Planning and Doing;. Rov. N. F. Stabl.of tne Green Ridge Presbyterian church, will preach the eleventh anniversary sermon tomorrow morning ut 10 30 a. m. The reverend geuth man bus been pastor of the church for over nine years, and with out doubt, they hav.) been years of prosperity. From a smull beginning the church has increased in members, and its spiritualizing inniienoe is mightily felt in the city Tne home work is carefully and efficiently oar ried on, while its betiovolouee is as far reaching us the Christian activity ol tho Presbyterian denomination. Their edifice Is magnifloent, harmoniously combining tbo substantial und the aesthetic, and impressing tbo mind of the worshipper with thn suulimo and the beautilul. Th activity of the church nnd the sc i of its charity may ba seen from th" following figures, which is a brief compendium ot the work of the year from April 1893 to April 1894: Num ber udi'ed to the ohnreh, 1il. making a total memberabip of 49-t. Ti:e Bundiiv school numbers IHIT, ana having a el eft' of teachers snd officers tbatonmber U7 During the year the church und cjiu gregation contributed S-:14,0!) for home expenses nnd benevolences In its schedule of charities nro. the homo and foreign missionary societl-s, educa tional and Sunday sohool work, church extensiou and ministerial relief, aid to colleges and a eoutrihutfon to the gen eral assembly, the American Bible so ciety und the Freediuen of the South. The s iuh chsriuble spirit character less the Sunday school. It ba paid its current expenses and given $'M to aid in planting schools ia destitute locali ties. Durinu' the yar the school con tributed to aid tho First Slavic church of t'eckville. To this may be added much other charitable work that ' cannot be computed in currency. No worthy uppoul io the church has been set, und maliy a valuable box has beeu gitut to the drstitnto and ueedy, when suffering from the scourge ut tl lode ni d tempest. The work of the year is highly corn nlimeutary to both the pistor and th people, and tiny can truly erect their Kbeneser and sav "hitherto the Lord bath help-id us." May tlio same prosperity crown their labors iu future yours. AMONG TH! CLERGY. Rev. D. A. Evans, of tbe Puritan Con gregational church, speut Thursday in v ilkes-Barrv. P.ev. W. G. Wat kins hus returned from Bucknell university, and will occuuy tho pulpit tomorrow morning aud oveuing. Rev. J. Twyson Jones, paster of the Fifth avenue Congregational church of Pittsburg, culled on muny of his frleuds tins week. Eev 1) W. Bkelllnger will spend Sun day ut Sciiencctady, N. Y whore he will take part iu the inauguration of Rev. A. V. V. Re mood, D. D., us president of Union college. The family of Rev. L. C. Floyd, Ph. D.. hiiB gone to Gctnu grove fur the su miner. Mr. Floyd expects to join them next week nnd -.p'1,.1 pare of his vacation at this popular sea-shore resort. Rev. David Joue", of tbe West Side. visited New York city last Wednesday to meet two sisters of Mrs. Jones whocurao from Wales and nrenow staying with Mr, Jones on South Lincoln avenue Rev. nud Mrs. Chaffee, of Asbuiv Meth- oJnt Hpiscopnl church, and Rev. aud Mrs Sautee, of tho t cdnr Avonue church, at tended the semi-centennial celebration of Wyoming seminary lust Wednesday. Last Tuesday Presiding Elder Eckman held the ciuarterly meeting at the Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal church. Tho (iiiorterly rerort was very satisfactory and snowed tho society in a prosnerous condition. Rev. D. C. Hughes. D, D., attended com mencement at Factoryville, whero he acted tho part of adjudicator in the rhetorical and oratonal work ot the students. Tho doctor delivered tho adjudication and awarded the prize. Kev. Hugh Uavies, ot tho Wost Sme. is acknowledged the most powerful preacher ol the LwlVinistlQ JnetuOutst rhurcu in America. Ho is at present spending throe weeks In Wisconsin, preaching in the au nnnl convention ot tbo SUte association. Rov. P. R. Hawxhurst, D. D dolighted a lurgo audience last Tuesday evening at the 1'urk Place church bv his lecture. An other of his interesting talks will be given nextl'ridny evening, which will be prop erly illustrated with a etereopf iron. Sub ject is "Wonders ot tho World." Institutions of learning roraember their quondam students and lovo to hear tho vi lee or their ri'lng sons. THIS week two of the clorgy of our city delivered addresses bo. ore thenlnmni of seats of learning they attended. They were Key. . j. Ford, at Havana, N. J., and Rev. (i. W. Partridge, at uoalgnte university, . y. 8om of tbo pastors of the Hnpt-st do nomination are talking about obsorving i Pnptist Day, by having a mammoth exenr sum to somo public resort, which will be joined by all he Baptist churches of tbe valley. There is no question but it would entuuso a largo numtier, if the several congregations can be brought into line. TbE PUIPITS. Throe candidates were baptized by Rev D. C. Hughes, D. D.. last Sunday evening in tno jeoison street etiurch. Rev. Thomas Bell, of Coonsctleut, will preach at the Plymouth Congregutioanl church tor the next two Sundays. Next Monday evening the Cedar avenue Methodist Episcopal church will elect two new trustees to servo for threo years. Rev. M, D. Fuller, of tho Providence Methodist Episcopal chuivb, nnd Rev. J. B. Sweet, of Ashloy, will exchange pulpits tomorrow. Rev. T. O, Collins, of the Scranton Btraet Hanttst chnrch, will return today from i vi-H to his former home, and will OOOUPJ his pulpit at the regular services tomor row. Rev. Augustus Lange, of tho Hickory street I'resuyienan church, is pronchlug series ol sermons iu tne Sunday morning Services on mo l.oro l rayer. At tumor nw evening's service he will give tho lust of his talks on his recent trip to Uermany KOST ffOlE i'S TROUBLES ard oaoged by a disordered stoin nch. The genuine Carls bail Hpru del Salt is a positive remedy for a disordered Btomaeh. lb dears tho completion iud purifies the hlood. Best results when out door exercise can bo had. Secure o.i ly tho genuine imported article, wlneh must have the signature of "Eisner it Mendelsou Co., Agts., New York," ou every package. which have given great .pleasure to the hearers. Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Mill have speuc the week iu Lancaster. Mr. Mill returned home last evening end will occupy his pulpit to morrow morning aud evemug at the usual hour. The congregations of the Hickory street Presbvterian church end of Christ church on Mifflin avenue will give up Suuday evening services for the months of July and August. To preach every Snbbntb sod teach daily school is too onerous a burden for one man and this Is the experience of Rev. Freder ick Holier, of Prospect avenue. He taught a daily school in the basement of his church and preached every Sunday for several months. At length a teacher was hired, Arthur Bntze. who has charge of seveuty-eeven enrolled pupils. Rev. R. P.Williams, of Holyhead, North Wales, will preach at the Tabernacle church tomorrow. Services at 10 a. in., 2 to 0 p. m. Mr. Williams is an eminent di vine and an able preacher. Ou Monday evening he will preach in Taylor, on Tues pay evening nt the First Congregational church, and on Wednesday oveuing in tho Congregational church of Providence. Rev. Daniel Savage, of the Primitive Methodist church, will preach tomorrow morning on "Griimblors." During these hot days their number Is legion, and Mr. Savage will surely hit some of tlieiu. The object of the soi mou ia, however, to in duce these peoplo to quit "Grumblors's Btreet" and inovo to "Thankaglvinj Streot." We wish our brothor much suc cess. The active ones. The young people of the Plymouth Con gregational anarch will run their annual excursion next Wednesday to Lake Ariel. The yoUBgpeopleof tho Washburn StP-et Presbyterian church will run an excursion next Thursday to the famous Delaware Water Gap. Next Monday evening the Boys' brigade of thedince Reformed church will meet for tbe lest time before disuuudiug fur the slimmer months. The Self-Dehial band of tho Primitive Methodist church, will hold a social next week. The piece Jds will be applied to re duce tho debt ou the church. Children's Day will boosrva l to-nwr- row afternoon at i p. tn in the First t'on- gn Rational church, when a good pro- raiiime ot songs und recitations will be rendered. The youns people of the Jackson Streot Buntist church will c lebrute the Fourth ot July by inviting the public to an enter tainment to be held m the church thut evening. Next Tuesday tho Sunday tchool of tho Grace Reformed church will hold its au- nual picnic nt Lake Ariel, The arruuge- incntii have been completed by the ennrgy of V, T. Harkett, superintendent, aud ft, Welseullue, treasurer. Tho young tieonle of tho Primitive Methudi-'t church are debating plans how beet to get money to lay a now side-walk before the church. Thoy search f. r some thing origiunl and taking, and now idea are thimkfuily received. Tho Green Ridge Presbyterian church has the largest Christian E.iueavor society la the i,acl;uwa:iiia iTe-uytory. it has u membership of Washburn street Pres byterian church scrioty comes next, with a membership of 2U5. These figures were given in the Inst annual rei ort; since then hew members have beeu added. Next Tuesday the Sunday sohool and the two mission schools of the hecond Presby terinn church will run their annual excur sion to l-arview. Tuh tram etarrji rmm Yitio street at 8.80 p. In. and returns at 4 :io u. in. The public Is invited to loin the school iu a p.'uasaut days' outing. Tickets may bo had from Charles Chauler, of Powell's music store or a. b, wiiiiama of uie jilercliants aud .uecnanics' 0 u.u. The Epworth league of Simpson church will repeat "le U.d rolfces Coucorte" for tho beuctit of the Hampton street church next Friday evening in tho auuitorium of tho church, corner Hampton und Ninth streets. The concert gave most excellent eatisfactiou when rendered n few weeks iigo in Iho Simpson church. Tho admis sion is only 10 cents, much less than the real vnluo or tho entertainment. Come end enjoy the treat. Whatever scheme enlists tho sympathy and activity of tho young people on the Bien of tho church it should be encouraged ana rostored. j ue problem that bus long puzzled the church is how to hold the young 1U( n, and one ot the most success ful movements of recent inception is mili tary organization. ide-awake men lay no:u or tne military menace in tne lad. aud by it briug him to submit to the yoke of the Master and make him a Boldier of tho croBS. If this is new to any staff of omcers in our onnrcnet, ana tneir Drain dice is against such an orgiiuization, they fitiouid thing tnnco neiure denouncing it and remember the apostle who mado him self all things thut he might win men to Christ. O0DS AMD ENDS. Communion service will be held tomor row morning nt tho Providence Welsh Congregational church, und in the evening iu tno rioviueuco ucisii isaptist church. The parsonage of tho Park Place Meth odist Epbcopal chnrch looks very much improved after the painters' brush, and the Providence Methodist Episcopul church follows the example iu i aiming the inter ior. Tho Park Place Methodist Episcopal cunicu has hitherto oeen ncuieii nr lames Since the advent of Dr. Hawxhurst ns their pastor ninuy improvements have bn ef tocicd, and soon the congregstion will have better and greater light by laying gus pipes and clung away with tno Btnoky lamp. Mis. D. T. Jenkins, wife of Rev. D. T. Jenkins, of Worth Dakota, is visiting friends in the city. Mrs. Jenkins,' old home was on the South Side, where her mot her still resides. She is greatly as ton ished at tlio growth of our city and is well nigh persuaded that Scranton OUtWestl tho west in push aud enterprise. Last Wednesday afternoon tbe Ladlos' Aid society of the First Welsh baptist church gave an atrernoou tea in the par lors of tuo chinch iu hOnorof Mrs. W. S, Jones, wile of the pastor, before her de parture for a visit to Wales, Mir. Jones will leave noxt week and expects to spend a lew months la tuo inna ot uer fathers, Tho now Auditorium of Ocean Urovo will be one of the attractions this season It will be opened tho first Sunday in July t he material is sneet iron, mint in semi circular form, having seats to accomodate 10,000 people. The cost of erection is tit I, - 000. It is an improvement much needed and Ocean Uruve has now the lurge church in the Uuited States. William E. Davis, a studont at Marietta cnllen, is home for his vacation. Mr. Da vies brought with him a first class Ci rul cate of graduation from the preparatory department, which Is very creditable to him, and Is a positive proof of tho good worn no has none rns mnny rritnui con gratiilate him and wish him tho same niHiibiiro of success in tho collegiate de partment, which he will enter in the fall TOMORROW'S CHURCH SERVICES. ALL Soils' Ciit itcn Pine etroet, near Adams avenue. Rev. George W. Powell, pastor, will preach tomorrow at 10-30 u.m. fevbject, "A Bonfire of Books." Sunday school at 'i m Young people's meoting at f,80 p. m. You are invited. Church or OBBUt, ScrrarisT Sponcor builumg, 610 Adams uveuue. Bible lesson at l":.:.i a. in. nnd church service at 7:30 p. m. 1). N. McKee, speaker. All are wel coni". Seats free. Calvary Hkformkd Cnimcn-Corncr of Monroe end Utbsoa street. Sunday school at 1) a. m. instead of 7. 80 p, in. Subjects, morniiiK, "David looking Backward;" evening, "ExeUIOfl," when Ruv. Roso Wicks will preach. ll wr-lcnme. i RVsWB OV Tit! QOOB Snxf-naiin Green Rldye street. Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion, S u. in.; inoriilugpruyei, lit. my nud Serttton, 10.!0; Kuiidiiy school, Vi in.; Youug Peanle's eocitty, 8.4a p. m. ; evening prayer snd sermou, 7.30 p. ni. All saats free. All welcome. EVANOKI.R'AL Ll-'THERAS CtlCRCH Of North i-iTiiuton, Suoit avenue, Opposite Park Pince public school, H. liiuusou Uic.i- HE WRIT Charles F. Pidgin, Whose Popular Airs Are Everywhere Sung. What a tiresouie world it would be if there were no sonua in it. One of the most Vr-raitile soni writ ers is Cnarle.1 F. Pidgin. of Carabri'lee, Alafs,, whose portrait la here given Everybody knows his sonas. School- t oys whistle tnem and sober business men go about hum mint; thein. When it writer of popular sonys u tired und worn out he connot do goo-! work nor can any one. All over the world physicians of every school nre scribe Pninn's oolerv conmotin l where overwork and anxiety has brought down the tone of the nervous system Prof. E.J ward E. Phelps, M.D., LL D , of Dartmouth College, the eminent tl iscoverer of Paine's celery compound, dsvoted the most fruitful yoarj of his remarkable oarser to tuo study of the blood sn-1 nerves. Vt-ry soon after taking this remark able remedy the circulation is favor ably sffeoted; there is a m irked dexire for hearty food, t lis heart's action be- com s tranrjiiilized and strong, and thf nervous and dig-stive systems are hnr- moniz d and invigorated and sleepless ness disappear!, thus stopping the waste and staying the progress of dis- eHS-t. nrds, pastor; services at 10.30 n. m. aud 8 j p. in. Elm Park MlTHODIST Episcopal Cbdbob Rev. W, ij. Pearce, pastor. The pastor will preach etiO.iiOa. m. and 7.40 p. m. bunday school at 2. p m. E; -worth League at 0.1.0 p. m. FlUST PlTSBVTKKlAX CBVB08 TIlC Sacrament of the Loid's supper will be ail minietered in the morning; preach ng by the paetor, Rc-v. Dr. MoLeoci, iu tlie even ing at 7.30 o'clock. Tho Uov. K A. ilutch more, I). D., tho moderator of tlie genprnl aseeiublv, will supply the pulpit tho first two Subbatlis of duly. Green Bool Evanoki.ic.vl OKUBCH The anniverinry of the organization of the church will he observed at the morning service. Hie sernv-n will be by the pastor. Bible school at 13 o'clock. Christian En davor mating ut G.-lonnd evenius s.-rvke at 7.4"). Qraoi English Luthibam Chukch Foster W. Oi:t, pastor. SorVices on Suu day at the Young Men's Christian associa tion on Wyoming avemio at 10 30 a. in. aud 7.30 in the evening. All are welcome. Hami-ton Stiieet Methodist ICpiscopal CncnOH Rev. A. W. Cooper, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a, m. auii 7.80 p. va. bv the pnBtor; class mt-oting liiimediutely fol lowing the morning Service. Sunday Bchool at 2 p m. JEpwortii league preyer service nt 0.30 p. ni. All sittings free ncd every ouo welcome. Saint lcke's Ciicncn Kev. Ilogcra Israel rector. Nativity St. John the Baptist; Holy Communion, 8 a. ni.; servico ami ser mon, 10.30 a. in.; Sunday school and Bible class, 2 30 p. ni.; evening prayer 7.30 p. m. Nursery open at 10 a. m. at 325 Washington avenue, where chil dren will be kindly cared for while par ents attend service. Saint Luke's Duhmoke Mission Rev. A. L. Urban in charge. Sunday school 3 p. ni. ; evening prayer and sermon, 4 p. in. Thk Second PRKBBIMBMII CBCBOB Rev. Cliiiries E. Robinson, 1). D. pastor, Services 10.30 fn. m. and 7.3 1 p. ni, The pastor will preach in the evening on "In crease of Power." All aro welcome. Simpson Methodist Episcopal CBDBOB Love feast at 0 a. m. communion ser vice and the rocoption of members at 10.80 a. m. ; Sabbath school at. 12 m, In the even ing the pastor will preach on "Tho Water of Life." All teats free. Strangers wel come. Trinity EltOLISB Lutheran CBUBCB, Adams avenue, corner .Mulberry street Rev. E. L Miller, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.3.) p. m. Seats aro free, and visiting Worshippers are always welcome. TniNlTY EVANOBLIOAL CBUBOB, corner of Luke and Kurtz streetr Rev. J. G. Wbitemore, nutor, "Object Sermon" for the benellt of the children nt 10.30 a. in. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Uospol sorviccs at 745 p. m. WAIBBUBB Stukkt Pre -in vteiiian CbURGB Services at St, David's hall at a. m.,aondneted by Dr. Qtorge Jlahy; at 7.30 p. ui. by Kev. It. 0. Joues. Other services as usual. Tiik world is always interested in tln curo of consumption; yet Its prevention is of lar more importance. Dr. Wood's Nor way lJiue Kyruo is gn area teed to cure cotiBhe and colds. Hold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. CTTBEn DYSPEPSIA ounrcs DYSPEPSIA CITUKB DYSPEPSIA Having Battered from Dy" peraUa for three yo'ire, 1 oe Cidntl to try BCBD-OOI Buioai BtTTBfta. and after usimr ""S botti" 1 tonne myself en mueb better that l was encoanuptq M us" auolher; after Inking thl-1 find ray Self SO fully ro stored tiint. I So not dkcu any Hiers mediums, feeling trnljr grateful to H. II. II. Jlus. U. WrtlTB. Taberi, Oneida Oo.,a.X Digestion For Delicacy, Forpnrlty, and for iniproveineul of the com plexion, nothing equals Pozzovi'a Powdor. Promotes HAPPY SUNOS As long as waste continn- s, disease ooutino s, and the first step in the re covery of many a persons health bos been the first bottle of Pslne's celery compound. Mr, Pidgin says that he otsd Paine's cel.-ry o jinpound as a nerve touio and laxative. He ws not siclc, only "tired" from press of business. Its us put h!ni in good condition again. "I roc nmmend it," be e.-iys, "to literary frionds. " Weariness, lack of enorgy, and de spondency are mure a matter of nerves nud brain than of tbo muscles. Pslne's celery componod toskss new, ricbly vitalized blood go briskly through tbe nerves, brain and every important or gan, l -i to soen coms au end to tlreil , worn-ont feellngj, loss of appe tite and alnoplttssnees. Thousnuds of men struggling uuder great responsibilities, anxious over worked mothers nud wives and shop giris who are forced to stand on their feet all day long, bnild np their strength nnd nervous energy with Pane's cnlury compiuiid. It rids the svstein of lack of energy that follows t bloodless condition. Lager Beer Brewery Ksnufacturers of tbe Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL flosl of the tiest quality f-r domestic use,snil If nil size, delivered in any part of the cltj t lowest price. Orders left at my office, M). US, WYOMING AV13NUB, Roar room, flrnt floor. Thlr 1 National Bank. or sent by mall or ti'lopbono to the mine, will receive prompt attention. Bmou oatTsMtsl will b mftdn tor the sah ana Uvilvery of liuckwhvat CoaL WM. T. SMITE DKXTJB RUCK CO., Inc'o. rnpitsl, $1 ,000,000. BEST 8I..10 SlIOE IN Tllfe WOKLI). ".4 dollar kind it a dollar tarntd." . This Ladles' Nolld t i ;i -1 Magala Kid Rot tou Boot dsllvorod five tavwbero In fee U.S., oa receipt of CMS, Moaf y Order, or I'ibUI Note for tl.SO. Beaals svery way the boou old la nil retail ttorcs for t'lM. V innto thli boot otivielvefl, therefero we ar anltr the fit, itule and mar, and If any oto is not tuHed vo will rciuoil mo nnmey or seed another pair. Opera or UOBSflSOII renpe. V, Ktt, Mm 1 lo 6 nnd turn t:t your tut; OhU. logua FRC Dexter Shoe Go, H3 FEDERAL ST,. BOSTON. MASS. fljteciitt f"trt to ItttirM. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. lot nt House bgu Aas. All kisda ot Laundry work guarantee! the best, Robinson s Sons it x.v -itita aTt.n I :i ' ,V wtrtthe .' ,1 M i i, Hi. 'i J v. v"-t.i j THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ eCR ANTON AND Wll.KCS-BABkK PA. MANUPACTUREK8 Uf Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Oft SCK ANTON. PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF I J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION AntUiadts coal used exclusively, lnsurlna cleaulineHB and comfort. TIME TAELE IN ErfECT MAY 20, 189-1. Trains leave Hcrantoo for Pittnton. Wilkes. P5rr-e'n,?tS:,.at,3!- B l5- liM a. mTu.801 100, Mi I io! flop m p' m' yundaya- u-u0 m- For Atlantic City. 8.30 a. m. For New York, Newerk and Ellzabotli. 8.20 (express) a. m., 12.51) (exprusa with Huffot parlor car), (express; p. to. Sunday 2.15 p. nr. eon uaccn CBOnt, Allentown, Bethi For Heading, Lobanon and Harrlsburg. via Alleutown, 8.20 u, m., U60, 6.00, p.m. Buuday. .l- p. m. for Pottevllle, 8.20 a. m 12.50 p. m. Hcturnlng luave New York, foot of Llbortv f IffrfEB rlv'r- t 'HO (express) a. nt, 1.10, l.dO, 4.0U (oxpross with Buffot parlor car) p. m. Buaaay, 4 an a. m. Leave Philadelphia, lteadlas Terminal, S.9J . m., 2.00 and 4.:(j p. m. Sunday, II 27 a. m. 'J'hrouKh tickets to all points ut lowost rat-i may bo had on application iu udvaace'to tile tt-v-av at tuo siatiuu. 11. P. BALDWIN. Uun. Pass. Ai; ,!,L t. n. OLHAtTSEN, Gon. Sunt DKLAWAHE AVD HUD HON ItAILHOAD. Commencing Mav Vs. 1SD2, trains will run na follows: Trains luavo llridiro Strost stutioii. Bcranton. for i-itts- ton, Wilket-Jliirre, etc.. s.iO, u.07, (1.37, 10.42 a. m., W 1,86, 2.HH, 4.1ti, &.li, 6.15, 'J.I5 and 11. H p. m. For Now York and Phlla dfth ll!.-i MIVI,, it,. i m .--. -3fl. 4.1(tand 1I.8U p. m. For Honesdsis(from Delaware, I.aekawanna nnd wettern depot;, 7.00, oilu. 10 IU a.m., 1S.M) Li.. S, 17, e. 10 p. m. For Carbonasle and lnt"rmedlite etnl ions. &40, 700. iU.lliu. m., LiUU m.,'.!.17. 3.2j,51l), e.BI and 11 IV) p. in.; from bridge atroot U-'pot, f 1 : a. m., t.ITano 11 1.5 p. m. Faet ezfirebs to Albany. Saratoga, tho Adi rondack Mountains, lio.rtnn and New Knglauil a. m.. rr.v;n at Altir.oy ILMi Kurntuga .tll p. ni., nnd leaving Scrautou nl'i p. m.. arriving at Albany at ''.Si' p. in., Sara t. . r.: ...a. m , and B mtoh, 7.00 a. m. I ho only direct routo between tho coal fields and Boston. "The Leading Tourist' Route of America" to tho Adirondack fountain re eorts, Lakos Ueorgo and Charuplaiu, MontreaL etc. Time tables khowlng local and throuph train aarvlee between stations on sll divisions bel were and Hudsou Hyiit.iiu, may bo obtained ut Sll Delaware and Hudson ticket A) -es. H. (L YOUNG, J. V. BUttDICK, Bocond Vieo President (htu. Pass, Aai j'.AY IS. ISM. Train leavos Scranton for Philadelphia an1 New York via. U. A; H U 1(. at H a.m . 12.11, 5:88 and 11. Go p. m viaD .L. & W. It. H 1)00, e o-.ll.aj a. II;., MCI !..' p, 111. Leave Scranton lor 1'ittston and Wilkes. Barre via I).. L St W. It. li., U.0J, B.08, 11.2J S. m , 1.80, SW, 0.07. 8. e p. ni. Luavo Scrantou for Wnite Haven, Ilar.loton, PottevlUo aud all polhts oa tho Beaver Meadow end pottsvilh. brauciios. via L. St W, V , tl-Hln.m., v. D. A H U. K. at 8 m., 12.1-1, Lsa 16 n-nvi i p., L. a v. . it.,, n.tu, 11.31 a.m., 1.80. a.Vjp.m. Leave bcranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Kwidliia. Karris hurt: and all intermediate points via D. II. H. It., 8am .12.10. 2.;H. U.Ji pjo.,via U & W. ft. K..u.0U,t .08, 11.20 a. m., 1.80 p.m. Loaoo Scranton forTnnkhmuock. Towan li, Elmira. Ithaoa, (isnecu -ul ad lnterm i ii . poinle vu D. & H. Ft.B.,.u7 a.m., 12 10 and 11.33 p m..vla D. U ft W. B It.. M) p, ru. Ijcav Hcrsm tti f Kochester, Buffalo 'I aparii Palls, Detroit. Chicago and all pol-iN west viaD. & H R. R, 0.07 H.m..l2 lo.-i.i ,. 11.85 p. m.. via D. L. & W. It. It. and l',tt-tou Junstloo, 8.0S .'t ra., 1.30, 8.jj p. m., via Ii ti W. K K.. 8.41p.m. For Flmira and th- wot via SaUnnnci. vis 1. ii M. It R. 11.07 u,m 12 10,(1. ii p. m , via D, L. & W. K.H.. .8 0S a.m., l.:sj und (1.07 p. in. I-uIltnan parlor snd sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L & B. June iou or Wttkea-Barre aud Now York, Philadelphia, Uvift'ulo aud fcnpo:i-ion Bridge ROLLIN It. WILBUR. Gon. Supt. East Div. CHAS. S. LKE. Sen. Pas-' Ag't, Phila.Pi. A.W.NOJCN'EMACnEB.Ass'l Oju.Pi.ja. Ag't, South ButlO-h'-m. Pa. TAKLAW I RE, LACKAWANNA AND 1J WKuTERy RAI. BO AD Trains lenvu Sc.-auton as follows: Express for Now York und ah points EhsL 1.40, 2.00, 4 v. ii.oo aud 0.6a a. m. ; 12 5i and 8.U p. m. Express for Kaston, Trenton. Philadelphia Mid the South, iX 8.U0 and 9.5 1 u. m ; 12.41 and U 411 p. in. Wxshlutou and way statious, 3.45 p. m. Tohvhann'.i nccommouauon. d ill u. m. Erpr ss for Binshamtou, Oewego, Elmlrs, lorinug, Hutu, uaiisvuie, Jit unt Morris and Bullalo. 12.10, 215 a. m. and 1 21 p. in., making ciose com.ectioiij at nunaio to oil poinu in th wost. Northweut and bouthwest. Bath accommodation, 0 a in. Biiighainton aud way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicuol-ou aceouimodat.on, u: 4 p. ui. and a 10 u. m. Btnghamton and Elmira Express, C 05 p. m. Express fur Cortlsnd, Syiacuso, Oswe0j L'tlca and Richfield Springs, 2.14 a. in. and 1.21 p. m. Ithaca, 215 and Bath Ha. m. and 1 21 p m For Northumborland.Piltston, Wilkos-Barre, rivinouth, Uloomsburg aud Danville, making close connections at Northumberland tor WillinnMport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash' ington aud the Mouth. No orthnmbcrLnid nd Intermediate stations, ti.00, 0 4j a. m. aud 1-20 and 0.0, p. m. Nunticoae aua intermediate stations, 8.0s and 11.20 a. m Plymouth and iutormeduts btations, 8.5 'and 8.4; p. in. . Pullman parlor und bleeping coachos on aU oxpreba traina. . . ., . , . For detailed lnforination, pockot t.m tables, ... M. 1.. Smith, cltv tickot oiliest l.ackawaimaavenue. or depot ticket olllcs. Bt'llATilN I'lVIMON. ! Kfl'rcl Jannari 88lh, lUD-t. Nnrili Round. siouib Itnund, -.on tor 2i3 .! 2'l4 (IS 8 3 ? a " " SS. 53-3 11 2S M (Trains Daily, kx- 5 S. 2 cent aunaay.) -A & a r ii: Arrive ueuvei i u m 7 -.v. N. Y. Franklin St.! .... 7 34 T io. West 42nd street' ... .1 ... .1 T 50 "00 Wethawken .... ...J B no v MlArrlve Leave1 m' r m r i ij LiaiK-il'o junction lieu 6 0(1 6 18 8 24 0 : 2 08 I 11 24 I 2 31 I 241 ! 2 M It S- ,3 01 I ii m 3 IU H 10 1 OS it! .vi 12 47, 12 32 is m 13 13 ll2l ii m Hancock Btarllgbt Preston Park Oouio Poyntello llelmout Pleaiiaiit, Mt. Unlonclale Poraet i ity Curbondao White Bridge Mayfltid Jr-rniy u Archibald Wlaton PeekrUU Olrihant lllekson '1'hroop Provldenco l ark Place 7 8S r si T4T 7 88. 0 4 i .. 0 -15 . . (SS ., TIB 1 BH a is fB 1 .. 7 0-. e.M 7 10 a s n 1 1 4t 7 J4 7 7 '.' li) a 14 It 4S f3 U o I- Ti 27 f 11401 10 48l '-'2 f i U W U f3 41 C41I 2011 38 I 31 0 50 4 44 7 40 10 03: I 41 7 13 10(14 3 114 7 48 10 10 3 M 7T2 10 IB 4 04 7 44 1I)I7 4t'7 7 40 10 20 4 10 8 OH IO 24 4 14 8112 10 2: 417 81). 1I.3U 4 SO a ka h r u 0 3." 41IH2- 5 II 11 1 124 : 2 25 8 21 5117111 21 5 OK II 17 5 0 4 4S 4 5." tl 15 II 13 II 10 f 10 e i M 13 6 10 f I 5'i' 4M; II 05 Scranton r e n a v Leave Arrive All trains rim dally except Sunday, t slgullle.s that trains stop on sUual for pas sengers. Additional trains leave Cnrbnndale for pci an. ton 1.10 aud 0.14 p. in., arriving at sci auteu 1.49 and 7. OH Leave sci anton for Carbonflale C.50 and 8.80 arriving nt t'lirb uidsle at 7 se and 8,18 p. m. t-ecure rates via tnuarlo 41 Western before purchasing tickets aud buvo money. Bay and MLhgl Eipross lo the W est, J. d - der -on, Gon. Pass Agt. V.mttvott, bit l ass, Agt Bciauton, Pa. ERIE AND WYOMIKO VALLEY RAIL 1 OAD Train- leave Koranton for New Yorlt and in termediate points on tho Erie railroad at o:u ni. and 3.21 p m. Also for Honesdale, Hnwlcy and local points ut A 35, 9.44 a. m , and 8.H4 p.m. All the alKive are through trains to and from n.tnifdale. An additional train leavos Sersnton for Lake Ar el at 5.10 p.m. and arrives at Scran ton from the Lake at 815 n m ami 7.45 0.111. 'I rams loavo for Wilkes-Barre ut 4.40 1 m. and 8.41 p. tn. U.W, 180, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p.' biinday, B,16jB. m. For Lorn UiiABCB, Ocean Guove, etc., at s.Ma. vn., 12.60 p. m, '