TJ3JB EUKAJNTUJN TJfJUJNJC AT UKD A If JMUIUN UNCI-. J UJN.K 138, GENERAL NEWS INDUSTRIES The Truth last evening contained tho following interesting parHirravtli : "The Florence brenker at Ransom put lta fli it car of coal through Thuriauy morning. An interesting atory is told in connection with the Htartinif of the foreakar. When Will iain Council eume to this city about thirty-live yoarg ago he workod all through the mines as a miner, a foreman and us an engineer. The very aime engine that he worked cm in the old Stafford mine waa the identical engine that he started the breaker with at Hansom Thursday. Mr. Connell, after he had iwt the ma chinery going, caniH up to the bond of tlie breaker and dumped the first car of coal. " Gross onrnincs of 127 railroad com panies for May refisot heavy losses bo caiire of the coal strike and the gen- rul imsinesH depression. Birningl of 09,881 miles of railroad iu May iiirgro gaUd $80,164,840, a decrease of 17.7 per cent, trotu the May total luet your, the heaviest decrease from last year shown iu uny month so far thia year. For five months 198 roodi earnod !?17!t,S01 . 087. a decrease of M 3 per cenl. from the cor responding total a year ago. Heaviest decreases re among eastern and coti Iral western companies, due to heavy losses on coal tratlic. Taking the statistcal returns of the yearly yield of io,l in Japan from 1889 to IM91, 17,458,890 tons is obtained as the av. rago annual yield Estimating the average proportional annual in ereaie at 18 per cent., it is calculated that in 1911 the yield will bo no less I ban 808 847,850 tons. Proceeding in this way tlio conclusion is arrived at that thu total yield for twenty-five years to come, computed with the cur reut year, will bo 515,539,896 tone. As the latest figure! given by the Nosho iuubIio fix the capacity of the Japanese c ml mini s roagbly at 759,720,000 tons, anil the pr p irtion available for prac ticable purposes being according to the i zperience of England, three-quarters nf the total capacity, it follows that the actual amount of coal which the mines will yield for use is Mil, 790, 000 tons. If from that amount be deducted the aggregate a.iuitl production Iu twenty Bvu yean, reckiiwl from 1891, tiure remain only 54,987,674 tons, iu otl er word, in January, 1916, there will remain In Japan a supply of coal i nly sdffisient tor ten months. East bound freight tounau'9 showed n decr''" from Chicago last week of over 7,000 tons. TnU was caused largoly iiy tbecnt rates via Peoria mid other southern junction points. The preaideiltB at their New York meeting old nothing with tins situ ition or with the cancellation of through rut's. Practical freight officials cannot und-T-stand '.lie non uctioti of the presidents. The entire eastern rate situation i.' now dependent on the pools from Chicigo end St. Louis. Th"s pools must in eft In lily collapse if traffic is diverted toother Jnucliou poiatl by cut ratea. The only conclusion to be reached from the uou-aolion of the presidents is that the pools are built en too lliinsy a fonn illltlon and aro not being carrie 1 out in good faith. Ahxon Industrial Notes: The Lake Shore Is again burning soft roni i early all en gin as The 1 19 loch plate mill of the Pottstowu Iron company will be started on double tin n today. In Europe these aro thirty-three electric. rail.viu systems They use f:n motor cars mi ! 161 ''trailers," An ffort Is m ailing to revive thn freight bureau at Memphis, Teao., which passed nt of existence .diout n year ago. The auti-railroad inov. ment is crystal la, i.B 'oi the shape of a certainty that a romuiaaioa will be created to fix ratoj. Cajttiactor John v. Crollln put to work a third steam shovel Wednesday morning at the Mlvor Brook Stripping. The No. 6 breaker nt Honey lironlt owned by the Lehigh aud Wilkes-Barre Coal Company ii working eleven hours per day. The South NtroiinNriarg station of the Wiikes llarre and Eastern railroad will be finished very soon. Bert Kmtuer will be I he event, The Erie got 10.5 per cent, of tho east bound tonnage ont ol Chicago daring the we. k ending June 0, and 10.8 per Mat dur ing the week ending June 2. The dismissal of a number of train dis patchers on the Wabaah m ikes it neces tnry for those retained to be on duly iw.dvii Instead of eight hours. John llrnce, who last week resicrnod us superintendent of the Pittsburg division of the Buffalo, Rochester A Plttebnrg, will on Monday return to that position. Orlando Taylor, late assistant general piisneuer ngent Of tho Old Colony hteuni ship Company, has been appointed general passenger agent uf tho ISew York, N-w Haven and Hartford. E. H. Thomas, vice-president of tho Erio, and its geuernl manager, allo ws the super intendents of the several divisions only two-thirds tho amount of money for ex penses as compared with twelve months ago, It Is anticipated by experts that, thou sands of tons of Rood uuthracito will yet he miuod out of No. 8 slope at Beaver Meadow, which tins boea idle for thirty years, hut which is now being pumped out. The water has already been reduced 275 feet. Under tho rovisod by-laws and constitu tion of tho American Kiilway Union, an insurance department is creatod both for life and disability benefits, butit is option al with the members of tho association to tako ndvantago of the bonoflts it affords. Rich coal beds have been struck ot Kent land, tnd., halt way between the Big VoOt and tho Panhandle Hues, and an effort will be made to Induce ono of the companies named to build a road to the newly dis covered mines. The discovery of tho coal was made by the sinking of an artesian well. Moron colliery Is still filled with water, and it will tako fully a wuok jet before the same can be pumped out. When this is done another week will he consumed iu cleaning tho mud from tho ganewoys and removing other debris. It will o nearly two weeks yet before work can be re sumed. At two of the olght mines on tho Indian apolis and Vinceunos tho miners huvo re sumed work, which was very fortnuate, us the supply of coal of aevoral roads which depend largely on mines of this road for fuel was about oxhaustod. Tho Lake Erio and Western had gotten down to a two days' supply. The Western I'nssenger association linos have announced that they would meet all tho reduced rates made by the Atchison for excursion business to Colorado points. There is no intention ou the part of the ae socistlon lines to keep these rates in effect for the benefit of the later excursionists, unless it Is found absolutely necessary. It la reported at Atlanta that a gigantic consolidation of railroad interests in the Bouth Is contemplated. Tho new com pany, it Is stated, will oomprise tho Rich mond aud Danville, the Esst Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia mid the Cincinnati Southern systems. The time fixed for tho consolidation is shortly before Oct, 1. It is announced that a number of fire men of the Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill will bo bo promoted to the po sition of engineer ns soon as the compnuy m v perfected arrangements for the Perth Amboy run. A nnmber of tho ongineors who wereemployod ou tho L'high Valley previous to the strike, will also bo given positions. Business on the Erio is not particularly lively just at present, although tho good movement of the fast, freight continues to holdout. Conaiderable anthracite coal is being moved from tlio Carbomlalo regions. J. If. Carpenter, of thn Carpenter Stool works, of Reading, announces that his company 1ms under consideration tho manufacture of st-el armor plates for United States vessels. As to where the the works will be located lias not been ilo torminod. but it will bo between Reading and Eliaabethport, X. J. Tho company at present employes U00 hands. All the Reading railroad car shops hnvo been ordered to work twelve hours a day hereafter. The increased shipmeuts of uu thracito coal, resulting from the bitumi nous labor troubles, continues, and com pels the company to add to its ear equip ment by rushing tho repairs of some ot the 15,000 "shop" curs that are said to be hung on side tracks all over tho Reading sys tem. Tho Knights of Pythias aro making ef forts to get ono of the lines lending 10 Washington to still further reduce the ate for their annual gathiutc in that city. All roads have agreed to make tho rate one unlimited faro for the round trip from ell points. The Knights of Pythias want a ene-ceut-a-milo rate, the same as is given to the Brand Army of the Republic. Rail road officials argue that, the Knights are mostly young men holding good positions or iu comfortable, while a majority of tho Urand Army of the Repub lic meu are in bumble circumstances or Crippled so as to he Unable to work, con sequently they are entitled to n lower rale. A Million Friends A friend In need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such a friend In Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Oougns and Colds, If yell have never used this Great Cough Medicine, ono trial will convince j uu that it has wonderful curative powers In all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is olaimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles fro, at Mathews Bros', drug store Luge bottles Iioc. and Sl.iKJ. NEWS NOTES FROM WALES. Sptciol f 'orrefionrfcnec LOHOOH, June 14. Tho revolt of the Welsh members is now at an end, as the prime minister's assurances have been ac cepted by the four "kicking" Liberal mem bers, so that tho Welsh Liberal party is once more united. But tboonly result of the protest will bo that the measure will bo expedited through the lower house, inasmuch us Lord Rose bery cannot control its fnto In the house of lords. The probabilities are that the bill will bo rejected by the lords, and what will follow uo one cares to prophesy. Will there ensue a general election, or will the members plod on with other bills! Al ready tho home rule bill has been rejocted and followed by the Welsh disestablish ment bill. Onewould feel inclined to ad Vise theinto appeal to the country upon the measures, and the issue of tho appeal would of necessity be the existence of the preaent house of Lords. Thn decoration of Carnarvon in honor of the visitof the Prince of Wales to the na tional eisteddfod has been intiusted to a Leeds Irrm and will, both lu extent and gorgeouaueaa surpass anything of the kind ever seen iu Wales. 1 Wales is the most distinctly progressive portion of the four divisions of the United Kingdom in the direction of Republicanism nod during various shady episodes iu the life of the prince has expressed tho na tional indignation most Vehemently aud unmistakably, Particularly in the bac carat scandal, iu which the scion of tho house of honor was tho hero, the Welsh santim nt was such ns to declare almost for the abolition of the monarchy. Why therefore this inconsistency? It Is a question whether tho visit of the prince is as tlio national guest or tho guest of a blur-blooded lord of tho realm. Lord Penrhyn is credited with tbo honor of ex erting his crest idtlu-nce at court, to pre vail upon the priuce to "just run down to the little country, ' and as the future kinir had to a great extent forfeited the esteem of thi Welsh people, he wisely COCClu I 'd to avail himself of the opportunity t: re deem the piiBt by driving through Car msrvon town, This accounts for the npparont incon sistency of the Welsh people, and the money wasted by wealthy idlers in useless decorations and unnecessary palaver. which Could be better utilized in the cause of humanity, especially the beneficial insti tutions which are struggling on for lack of support. . Dr. John Williams, late of Cardiff, has boen summoned to White House, RIcU moud, as arcnucher in the interesting event when the birth of England's future king or queen is expected. The Duchess of York has enjoyed excellent health since tier m irringe, and her choice of the clever Welsh doctor Bhows her sound common sense. v 4 I The Cardiff corporation is preparing to fljlit the great Marquis of Bute upon the question Of his "manorial rights," Lord Bute acquired tho fun shoro iu IbM under his rights as lord of the manor, an office which he holds as a relic of the old feudal times. His rihr Is contested upon the ground that the foreshore was not in the manor grunted to his ancestor. The best way out of the diltlci'lty, however, Would be to cloe the door on all manorial right once for all. One man possessing a range of mountains through manorial rights, granted by nliou kings to Ids foreign ancestors, can, and do, provent the Welsh people from improving their own country or from walking luelr own r.i un tains, fishing in their own rivers and treading their own soil. Patrick Madignn, nn Irish militiaman, kicked Police Ollicor Joseph Smith w ith fatal results at Brecon. Madigan has been committed for manslaughter. Monster meetings ot South Wales miners were held on "Million's Day" nt Khymnev, Blaira and other places, when resolutions upon the appointment of worklngmen inSfSCtOM were adopted. Welsh miners do not npprovo the appointment of "gentlemen" inspectors; they prefer thn men who hnvo had a thorough, solid and practical experiencoiu tho uuno. I'l 1 The Llansnmlcl burial scandal is oxcit ing some interest in Wales. The Vicar of Llnnsamlel refused to allow a Catholic to bo buried on the pnri.-h birriul grounds, but as a compromise the luneral took place without service. a a The Methodist Times advocates the fu sion of North and South Wales Synods of Welsh Wesleyan churches. This would be n most important step, but hh the north ern division is much wealthier it is doubt ful that any definite action will be taken. OWFN. THE RACE IS HON over to good hoalth and tho system ren dered Impervious to disease when I he blood is pure and tho liver active. For the liver is tho sentinel which permits or forbids the germs of disooso to enter the circulation of tho blood. To a congested, torpid and dis eased liver can bo traced many dangerous diseases affecting various organs. PIERCE tW CUBE. I was taken sick with Congestion of the liver snd the doctors could give Die no relief, but after usliifr five bottles of " Discovery, " I re 1 gained my health and I I am now a well man. I wemhed INI pounds J before taken sick, anil 1 Iwas reduced to l.'tO I pounds In sixty days time. For any one suffering- with liver trouble as I was, I would advise them to use tho "(iolden Medical Dis covery " at. once, before Mil. J. Bbntlv. It Is too late. THOMAS J, HENTI.v. Itandnlph, Caltarauyus Co., .V. r. aW FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. PtooSe and hand,. Nk.w YORK. June 88. Lower prices pre vailed at the Stock Exchange today, the market having been adversely influenced by the engagement ot 18,80(1,000 g.-ld for export to Europe ou Saturday aud con tinai d liquidations In the low priredstocks for London, Amsterdam and local account. Today's engagements of gold bring the total engagements mid sinpmeuts up to 17,180,000 for the week, which is the larg est total for any week this year. Bids of V of 1 1 er cent, were n ported today for the privilege of calling 15110,000 gold at 101 '.j for the balance of the year. In the afternoon the industrials devel oped strength, sugar rising 12, Chicago gas 1 and lend Chicago gas was put up ou rumore that the dividend hud been de clared, butowiugto fears ot legal iuter feteUOS no public notice Will be given at this time. The general list recovered to K IW cent and closed linn. Tho net chsnges for the day shows losses of to 1 per cent, Western union and Louisville mid Nashville loading, Chicago gas gained BUgar . Transactions for the day were 170,000 shares. Tiih following complete talile snowing the day's fluctuations in active stocks is supplied aud revised dully hy LaBar Poller, stock hrokeis, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- Htu'h- Low Clos in. est. et. bor. Am. Cot. oil L'7-l.i Am Sugar. P7U V.H W, 1'sM A.T.tfS. t SM .-. 4? r' Can. So. Ml M Nl An Cen. N. J ItffU lo;'4 I07U ln;i4 ( hie ft N. W lOWd inn lOifl lUt tv.. B, & y m "' 1 M$j "' Chic. Has. 77jH Ht?l Tea, 7s"i v., e.e. ft St. I..... ttj Htf BtiM : Col., Book. Vol. T. 16m ns iii?n WW i). ft II casts iati2 lanlZ laou I)., I,, 45 W ItsIM ISOU limit, UMJti D. A 0. 9 Wm SIM Km t'4 ririo i-'i -: llU ll (. E. Co B5(j We !l4ks 8lH Lake Shoro I'l- IK1 MM lill! L. AN ISM U AM 44 Miinliattan Hiss, l'ae '-'Hi MM MA 25W Nat. Lead ''s '"U 'Ml S N . Y. ft N. B 1" IU la 1" -V. Y. Central I! IW H'M "t4 N. Y O. ft W It 15 1!?h H?s N. V.. S. & W 10 U lr 15 IT. S, O, Co MM tSU fBti North l'ae 8W DM :W 31t Xorth l'ae. pf IS)J mi ltlt Omaha n m 80 BU Pae, ;.:u Reading hi hi l't'ii lioek Island tisU bDM WM "' 'i It. T Hi?, in;,, V st. I'niii 50Q sou rs'4 fii t c a 1 iou mil mifi if'-s Texas 4 Pae S5j s-lj WS DnlonPadtta 10 10 '"U Vli Wabash p. 14 I4M IBM I8M Western L'nlon MU KtlB t8M -9ii W. L. K li4ft lOjJ UJi m W. A! L. E pf Chicwro Gram and Provlolons. SruANToit, JuuelA The following quota tionssro supplied and corrected daily by Ls BarA ITuller.Stock brokers12l Wyoming ave nue. W 1 1 1" AT. (Celling Highest Lowest Closing ot !:n. I Ipl'llhlg Highest Lowest ( 'losing. HATS. Opening Highest Lowest Closing POKK, opening Highest Lowest Closing LARD. Opening Highest Lowest Closing SHORT RIBS. Opening Highest Lowest Closing ,tnlv. Sent. Deo r'.i4 hi u id's BOH . OIK tit-'ii (U OlU Mk Wii M IllVa 41 4'.'14 41 4S .... 41 IU 41W 4I" 41 HIM 4'.' el' AM :i(U4 4U'U til 1810 127. .... I'JiHI 1270 12,11 ins 12 V) I2W 'fTS 887 1175 utm .... liTll 885 .... 870 885 IBs rm 1..17 wji .... 8JH 053 nt Scranton W belranls Karkst. BOHANTOlt, Juno 89. FtttTIT ANn PUO DUCK Dried apples per p.mnd.C i7c,; evap orated apples, Uni te, per pound; Turkish prunes, BaSifo.; English currants, iis'J ''c. ; layer raisins. l,75al.80; muscatels, II, 00a 1.40 per box; now Valencies, 7a7$c. per pound. BEANS Marrow-fats. t3.D0a9.95 per bushel; mediums. 1.75al.D0. Pkab Cirean, tl.lCal.SO per bushel;aplit, f'iSOa'J.W); lentels,.") to tc. per Doaud. POTATOH Old, tl.OOal.lO' per bushel: new, her barrel, 8,O0aS.5Q, (JMoxn Bermudas, crntes, 98.40o8.50; Egyptians, 9B.00a8.85 bags. BOTTIR lfla. to IBJfc. por lb ciieksb 0al0jC. perib. Kuas Fresh. Lie He Podltrv Ohiokena, dreaeod, 12 toisc: turkeys, 12 to 18c. Mr ats Hams, ll'sc; small hams, 18c; skinned hums. ll!4c. : California hams, BJfd ihonlders,834c;bellles, Ba; smoked breakfast bacon, lie. Smokbu Bbkv Oatsldes, is)c. ; sets, Inc. ; lasides and knuckles, lti'c. I'ouk Mess nt 915; short cut, $lf. Laud Leaf In tlerees at ''c.; in tubs, fiJi'c.i in 10-pound palls, Oct 111 5-pouud pails, BJSC.I -ponnd pails. !lis. per pound. BxKK Choice sugar curoil, smoked beef, 14c. Floor Minnesota patent, per barrel. I4.85a4.50; Ohio and Indiana amber, at 18.50; Graham at i3.50; rye tlour, at 98.00. Feed Mixed, per cwt., at $1.00. tJRAta Kyo, (s'ic.; corn, 58to550i onts, 60 to 65c. per bushel. Rtr Straw Per ton, 9t8n1& Bat 914.50al6, New York Produce Market. NW York. Juno 22. Flouii Firm, mi derate demand. V HKAT- Lull and lower, With options; Nn. 2 red 1 tore and elevator, O'jyaOJlfc. ; afloat, 68)jc.; f. o. U, ii.')'c; ungtaded rd, 57alWo.; No. 1 Northern, B9ft; op tions closed steady at H'nic. under yes terday, June, Bttyfc.; July, (12 ; ,C ; August, fl8j4jc.; September, 05&; December, CORN Dull and lower, steady; No. t, Mja46Wo.; elevator: 46ta40)ja afloat; ungraded mixed, 4fic. ; options closed steady; June, 40Je.j July, 4ii4,; August, 47c: September, 4790. OATS Dull and lower, weak; options fairly active, lower; .Tune, 5ljC.; July, 4!j(c.; August, BOo. ; September, 80c. -No. 2 white, July, oljc; spot prices, No. 2, 5la53&; No. 8 white, 54c; No. a Chl cogo, 68c.; No. 8, 60c.; No. it white, 68c.; mixed weatern,S84a54o. white du,54a58l4ci white state, MsflSa i'.EKK Steady, (,niet; beef hams, dull, 120 a 2 0.50; tierced boil, dull; cut mints, quiet mill steady. LAUD Quiet and firmer; western steam. 97.00 bid; rity, SVfsOKc.; July, 97.16; September, 97.80; refined, dull; continent, 97.40; South America, 97.00) compound, 5 aOCf PORK More active and steady; mess, 918.76al4 extra prime, il'.'.Sll.iLl. BlTTTXR Firm; state dairy, 12al7c. ; do. creamery, 16a ihc; Pennsylvania, do., LSalSc; western dairy, I On I, Sc.; do. cream ery I4sl8c.; do. factory, U(al4Uc ; elgins, 180.; imitation creamery, ISaloC. CHERgl- Moderate demand, steady, Eaoa Dull and easy; state and PennsvU Vanla, 19a18)jc.; western frosh, llalSc.) do. per case,9.35s8.75. Fbiladrilphla Tallow Marltst. rnir.APEi.riUA. Juno 83. Tallow was dull and weak. Prices were: Prime city In hogsheads, 4c; prime country, in barrels, 4c. do, itnik In barrels, 4a4,Vc;. cakes, tyic ; grease, 8Jc, THE SCCCEB8 Which Hood's Parsapanlla has had in freeing old and young from af flictions caused by impure blood is really remarkable. ilium's Pillh ore purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by nil druggists, Wlien Baby wns f tost, we gave br raforts, When she was S Child, she eried e.r ( 'icitorla. When she became Visa, she clung to 1 ' islnrla. When she. hud Children, she guvolh.ju Casturta, Bcccham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills' 25c. At drugrstorcs.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. PAIN CURtD IN 'AN INSTANT, Lei Hailway! lU'iniy K'!i'i bo hsi-t on the first Indication ol Pain or UneailntMj if threatened with Disease or Blekneiii the urn wilt be Hid'1'' before the family dor tor would ordlnarll9reacli tito Ikkiho. OCHBS THK WORST PAINS In from one totwonty mlnntee Not one hour after read Ing this advertiiiRmsnt need any ono o UP PER WITH PAIN. ACHES AND PAINS Kor beadaeho (wbotbes Hick or nervous), t .1 tbaohe, Dourslirla. rbeamatlsnii Inmbsgo, ualas mid woakucas in tbe bs 'lt, spine or kidneys, i niiih siound tbe liver, pleurisy, suelhir,-c.f the joints null pnins of nil kinds. He. application or Hadway's Ready Reliej will afford immedlato esse, mid lis continued use for a few days i II let a permanent euro. A CURE FOR ALL Summer Complaints, Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera. Morbus. A half to a teasmnnful of Beady Koliof in n half t utnblor of water, repeated an often as the discharge! continue, and a Bannel sat urated with Beady Ballet placed over the stomach aud boo o!h will nttord Immediate relief and m.m n sfteot a euro. Internally a half to a leaspoonftil in hull a 1 1 mliler of water will, in a few minutes, cnroOrsmpa Bpasms. Sour Btomaob,Nsuses, Vomitioif. Hearthurn, Nervousness, bleep. lositness, Si. k Headache, (latnlenoy and all internal pallia. Miliaria in lta Various I onus Cured nnd 1'revented. There is not a remedial agenoy in tbe world that will cure loyer and agne and all other malarious, bilious and all other fevers, aided hy KAi'WAY s PILliNao qnlokly ss BAD WAY'S BEADY BELIEF. Travelers should always cafry a bottle of Bad way's Beady Belief with them, a few drotis in water will prevent sickness or pains Irom change of water. It Is better than French brandy or bitters as a stimulant. Miners and lumbermen should always Im provided with It. Price N cents por bottle. Sold by all drill? Kists. IDWAY'S ALWAYS RELIABLE. PURELY VEGETABLE Perfectly tnsteless, elegantly coatod.pur, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. RADWAV S flLLB for tho euro of sU dis orders o the Stomach, Bowels. Kidn-ys. Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Dsalness, 'r tlgo, Costivenesa, Piles, sick ni: i ( Hi:, PfiSIALH COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, AM) AD, DISORDERS OF THE LIVER, Observe the following symptoms resulting from diseases of the digestive organs lon stlpatlntt. Inward piles, fullness ,f blood in til. 1 head, acidity of the Stomseb, Hansen, heartburn, dltgost ,r food, Indness of weight ot tbe stomach, sonr emetatlooa sinking or fluttering of the heart, chok ng or snffooat Ing sensations when iu a lying posture, dim 111 st of vision, dots or webs before tbe sight, fe.T and dull pain iu the h ad. deficiency ot perspii atlon, yellowness of tbe skin and eyes, pain in the side, thost, limbs, and snd den Hushes of heat, burning In the flesh. A few doses of Kaowavs PILi.B will free tho system of all the above named dlsordeis. I'rlc XSe, Per box. s,,ld by druggists ,,r sen 1 by mall Send (0 DR. BAUWAT A CO., Lock Hox i5. New York, f,.r Bo k of Advice, Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates fop Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. Atlantic Refining Co. Mumifnctiirors nnd DmUMI 111 Illuminating and Lubricating Linseed oil. Naptbaa nnd Gaao linos of nil (irailes. Axle Orenso, 1 inion (irease mid i'olliory Com pound ; iiIho, a lnriro lino of Pur rafilne Wax Candlea We nlso handle the Famous CR0WK ACME OIL, tho only fmnily HAfety horning oil in tho murk"t WILLIAM MASON. Manager. OITleoT Coal Exchsutfo, Wyoming Ave. S urks ut l'iuo Uruuk. Ms and Fertilizers Dr. E. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, and his associated utaft of English and (lerman physicians, are now permanently located at 811 BPllUOB ST., BORANTON. The doctor is a graduate of the University of l etinsylvania, formerly ilemoiist rator of phvai oloey and surgery at the Mi dico I'lilrurgical College of Philadelphia, A specialty of (' ironic. Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb' and Blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The Symptoms of which aro 1liz7.ine.s8, lack of OOUndenco, sexual weakness lu men and wo num. ball rising iu the throat, spots Moating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to con centrate the mind on one ' subject, easily startled when anddenly spoken to, ami dull, distressed mind, which uiilils them lor per forming the actual duties of life, making bsp piness Impossible; distressing the action of the heart, causing Himh f heat, depression of spirits, svfl forebodings, cowardieo, fear, dreams, melancholy, thu easy of company, feeling as tired In the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression nstlpution. weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. , LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Meu Cured. If you have been given up by your physician call upon tho doctor and l xamined. He ciiics the voi, if Nervous Debility. Scro fula, old Bores,CatsrrhPlles,Famski Weakness, Affections Of tbe Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness. Tumors. Cancers and Crip- plei of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Office hours daily from Da. ui. tot p. m. Sunday d to 'I. Third National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS, $250,000 Tlila bank offers to depositors cverj fnnillty warranted by their balances, ho.i ncss snd responsibility. Special attention given tn business ac counts. Interest paid on time deposits. WILLIAM rONNri.I, President. OKO. II. CATLIN, Vice-President. WILLIAM H. 1'KI'K. Cushiel, DIRBOTOBS, William Connell, lienrge II. Cntlln, Alfred Ilnnd. James Aichbald, llrnry 11,110. Jr.. v. nil .in, T. Mnjlth Lnthar KeH-.r Tl IB TRADERS National Bank of Scranton OltGAMZKD im CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. EAHTJEIi IIINF.S.trrcsidont W. W. W A'l si IN, Vice I'resldent A. K WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRICTOM, PAMrw. TIinfs, JAMW M- EvtnnAirr, liiviMi A. KiNrn. PlSRCRB, I'im.ev, Joseph j. Jkrmvh, 11 s. KnasRiB Cius, 1'. UATTIIRWa, John T. roiu'sil. w. w. Watsoi PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank invites the patronsgo ot businoss men and tlrins rcii , rally Rooms 1 aod 2 Ccmmonvvsalth Bid's SCH ANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Wado at tho MOOSIO end RC8H UAL13 WORKS, Lsfllin & Rnml Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric nattorie Ftiso for exploit ing blasti., Safety Kuso nnd RcpaunoChcmical Co.'s High Explosives Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed llieir office to their War Brooms, NUMBERS 141, 143,145, 147, 149, 15) MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 8681 BLnonpnisoMir.n "ww" ".MaaloReti-l edV, nmlrr vntraiitT, bu-knl li) IViO.NlO ci.a). I I liaenrap.i,lecHr1,frtbynill. ffhAnllolUprlnil I lind Mreurjfiil, Our Mavlc Remedy will I c.iliv-tir..1, nn.l IIIC rMP 1. .,1, . ill.etiitfl leim 1 I poaltlnlr rurt. rook Kin IU CO.. Ihl-.r... III. J MOOSIC POWDER CO SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The abnvo brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants who will accept Tin: Tbibumb flour coupon ot 25 on eaoh one hundred pounds' of flour or 50 on each bnrrel of flour. Bcr',,rt,t?wP; P' ,TTr'el Washington iwonuo 1 Gold Modnl lirmid. Dunmorn-F. P. Pries, Oold Modol rtrnnd. Dunmore-F. D. Manloy. Wiiperlutivo Uron l. Hyde Park-Oarson & IMvIs, Wnshliuru St. Oold Medal Brand; Jepb a. Uesrs, stain srouuo, BunerlatiVa Brand, Oreei, UldB-A.I,.S,eneor.(hld Modal Brsni J. T.Mciinie, Superlative. riovldenccr,!uni)r & Chapiicll.N- Main avo ane, Superlative Hrandia J, Glllloinla W Market ntruot, Oold Modal Brand. Olyiihiint -Jam OS Jordan, Huporlatiro Brand. Peckvlllo Ubliffor & Kelscr. Mnporlatlvn Jormyn-C, U. Winters & Co. Huporalatlvo Areliliald Jniien. Simpson ,t Oa, Sold Medal Carbondale-ll. S. Clark. Oold Medal Brand. Homwdale-I. N. Fimter J Oo. Uold Medal. Mluooka M. H. Luvolle "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HARPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. DSD YOU ICSOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at ercereau HOT LACKAWANNA AVMNUH P, PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM 51'' Makes Sr Marvelous Cures r in Blood Poison TJr;nsrri.-fc -i'ssslianT"iniM Rheumatism --and Scrofula P. F. P. k ...... I P. lmrlllen ti e hlood. hnlldsnp pak and debilitated, k'vos ni r,ia in uiiiii r u, l: i ntrongth ti WMkeilH Q0FTM, expels dlp.mob.ftlvliiK thoimtiunc heulth and upplBMi wboffl UosatMi f loony ! ... nml - i -sr u :, tlrttt prevnlloil. Forprlraary.wfoonilnry anl tortlnry robtuta forDlood potswunits ntfoii riupOlMDi mnirtrln, dySDOMleti ud In :ul hlotxl and akin dlncRes, llko bTotohfiSi plmplns, old chronic ulotr, totter, MMa ht-ad, boils, orylpelim. OOMIU wo may nny, without fear of ContraiUftlnn.thiit P. P. P. (itMtMN blood partner It, tin nrld,aml makes pMlttVOi apeuuy aud pormaucut euros in all cfisei. LidlM whoso systomft ore ptdsnned And whuso blood Is in an Impure condi tion, due to menstrual Irregularities, sro t'Oullarlv heat llted by tlie won derful toulo and lil I clonn! bigproj)- ertlosoi V. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poko Knot and Potasslimi. IntlMonBLD, Mo., Aug. 1 Itli. lvi.t. I can apeak In the hlKbost term of yiiiiriuodielue from my own MMonil Knowlodno. I WMIONtM with heart njjioiit, pleurisy and rlieum:itlHin for y; years, vs trofttM by the very Nil phwli-lans arm IDOOl hundreds nl dol Iuh, tried every known remedy with OQtfindltigrviiafi 1 liavo only takeQ one bpttN Of yeur P. P. P., and OAB ciie-'ifuiiy "y tt has done me more ffood tiia.i anything i dito erertakens Yean reoofumend ) eur medlelno to all uuQcrers ol the above i -m-,q MRS. M. M. YKARY. Bp; jglkid, Oroon County, Mo, itni'tton or Insanity. IbJ mall preimid. With k. , ......I i .. ,..,.,.-, Pi other. AdUroM SlaWJI IUDOOh Masunlc femple, Cbicaqo.Ilu For Salo in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druist, oor. Washlngtoo ULMiKi; AND UB1NU. r,. i Dis. FnrBnla bye. M. llAI(i:i. Urumtltt, '&t?J".r?.,''''! t i ' ! 10 t'"r b. 1. 1. ... l Mi. i l.iiig. Sa. MKS u Tr"1"" Foraale by JOHN H. PHEIPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. From IheX T. TVfSune, Kocl.ttn. The Flour Awards "CniCAOO, Oot 81. Fhe Scat official announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been mads. A medal has been awarded hj th World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in the great Washbnrn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports tbo flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rnnk ns first-class patent flour fop family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL XrnOLKRALE AGKNTS. Taylor .lndpo ft Co , Gold Modal; Athertoo & Co., Superlative. TJnryco - Lawronoe storo Co., Gold Modal. Monde John McCriudlo, Gold Medal PittSton- M. W. O'Boylo, Qold Medr.l Clark's Gri.n-Fr.-ice & Parkor. 8uprlatlve. ( lark h Hummit-F. M. Yontiir, GoM Modal. I)alton-.S. E. Finn & Son, Oold Modal Brand. Nlcholxoii-J. E. HardlDR. Warerly-M. W. BIImb i Son, Gold ModoL Factoryvilln-Cbnrlos Gardner, Gold Medal. Hopbottom - N. M. Finn ft Son, Oold Medal Tobylianna-Tobyliaiina & Lehigh Lumber Co., Gold Modal Brand. Onuldsboro 8 A. Adams. Gold Modal Brand, Moscow Oahre & Clemonts, Oold Modal. Lake Ariel-James A. Bortruo. Gold MedaL Forest City-J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Mods & Connell Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria mJ Kidney Troubles Are miln l rmovNl by P.P.P. Prickly Ash. Poke Rent and Potas sium, the greatest blood purifier on earth. AnniinKTiN, O. , July 21 , 1101. MK3ks. Liitman Bros., gavannab, Oa. : lKAnnn:s I bought a bottle of TOOT P.P. Ps at Hot Springs .Ark. .and It hftl done in" in-to pood than tlireo months treatment al the Hot springs. Heed three DOttlea 0. 0, 1). Reapecttully yours. JA8. M. NF.WTOK, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. ::. J. l. Johnston. Tf nil irhom If inny mnrrrn: 1 here by tontlfy to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of tho skin.. I suffered for sovernl years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on mv face. I trk-d over? known reme dy but in vain, until P. P. P. was usod, and am now ontlrely cured. (Signed by) J. D, JOHNSTON. Savannah, u.i. Skin Cancer Cured. Testimony from the Mayor of ScquinSeX, llQUnt. TatX . January 14, 1993. IL Kmili Itirt'HAN Bsoe. Savannah, -F Oa. : (it nthmtnl have tried your P. usslHP 1 ' D t. , i II . -. .t l ,.. -I-, n nanullv "V known ni akin onneerof thirty yoara stanillng. nnd found greut relief; 1C puniles thH blood and reniovo all Ir ritation from the seat ot the disease nnd prevent any spreading of tho sores. I have taken tlver six bottles and feel confident that another course will effoct n cure. It has also relieved mo from Indigestion and stomach troubles. Yours truly. CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney ut Law. m on M Diseases ma Free. ALL DRCOGISTfl HELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, Llppman'. Illock.NaTannith.On 'NERVESrTEOS. Tbla wnrnlcrflil rtaril; jmtlfr nulrrd ! i we nil tifrenu (tit- MaeSf IQOh M Weak Main or , LOSI of Hmln Power. Headache, Wakefulness, Lost Manhood. Nightly KuiHslonn, Nervtuisness, ulldriilnsaud loos of power In Qeneratl vo Orianiof either aoxoeosed by ovorenrtlon, ynnthfnl orrero. excesslTO nae Of toitncco.eplumorBtlniulantsi, which lead to Inilrmlty, Cn- an be nsri'lert In vest pocket. !l pernm:, lor. a B5 order we give n written irtinrnntre to cure Ch'.Milnr frt'O Mold hv nil ,lnmulstK. A W for It. tan a RESTORED MANHOOD DR. MOTT'5 M m i i;iM' PILLS Tho smut roniMljr for nprvons pruBtrntlon nnd all nefTOUS dltSASSJ of tin, Ki'iu'iiuiv,. nrpun ,if I'lthvr bbx. MiclinRNurTnual'rostrstli n, Knll ; Iiik or 1 Hiwt M.uliucl, lmpoiunry, NlRhtly Kuilmlonf. Youthful Error,, I McoitBl Worry,, icuulve uof Tolmccn or Opium, wlilcli lornl tol' ni mimptloiiiinU llisnnlty. With cvi-rv SIS oril.T wo rim 11 written IIIUI suiei- t.ii iito iirroiiih,! tin, monoy. Solil nt porbox. C boxes Ittll l T'N,'lK!HI,'Al.CO., Liccluud. Ohio. 111 Vmtxn AYsnne. RESTORE LOST YI60E Wl1' br I" Tl" MS DAllily, LtM ofWexn Sold with WnlTTF.N IntoluntnrT Knilfiinn, ann uy nnm . 'if SSalMM, .uch trouble, lend ' riiii.iiiiipliim ,.r lDi,m.ily,(.nnper hnxlj mail, il boi,.,fora5. Willi v. r, (S ?uirrle,. lo euro cr rrfund the BWB.T, Addr tiiotttUud, Ublo. Pharmaclat, cor. Wyoming Avenue and I