The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 23, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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for one week
We will sell our entire stock of
New and Stylish TRIMMED
PRICES. Como and sec them at
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
Havo your COXI.AI'.S starched in the old
way. v. l'.uu v.u enn have thorn iloue with soft,
pliable Buttoubulus lor TWO CBN IB SAOHi
If you want
"- i isiianisaasMei
Carpets, Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
Williams & McAnultv
127 Wyoming- Ave.
A, very life liko portrait of the lute D. P.
Thouins, of Providence, is on exhibition iti
tbe window of William JIcAnultj 'a store
on Wybmlng avonuo.
"Pinafore" at th matinee nnd eveninR
i'erfoi iuancs at the FrotbinRbitin. Mati
nee prices, 10, 15 mid 25 couts; evening
prices, 10, !5, 35 and 50 cents.
Thoniaa WrIsIi, of Sand Bank', was
si-rimtsly Injured about tho neud yegterday
Id the fine lirook mino by a fall of roal.
He was taken to big homo in the Sand
In the Trinity Evangeiicai church, of
Little England, the pastor, Rev. J. G.
Vhitmire, will deliver a nerinon tomorrow
nt 10.:io. It will ha an illustrated eermou
lor tha bi ticflt of children.
Tho 3.45 p.m.. Sunday meeting for men
only at the Hailroacl Department, Young
Mm'a Christian association, will bo ad
dicted by Dr. L. M. Gates. Singing by
the male quartette. All railroad men wel
come. The examination of the four classes of
the Sabbnth c'iool of the congregation of
Ansche ChtMd and tho awarding of
medals, will tuk place Sandny, Jurio M,
at 2.;;o p. m. suarp, at the Linden Street
Margarate, daughter of Jlr. and Mrs.
Brandenburg, died at 225 Ash street Thurs
day. The funeral will take place on Sun
day next, service being held at the house
at 1 p. m and tho interment made at
TLo typewritten contracts botween the
city aud the Scrauton Truth and SCBAHTOH
TttStnrefgt priming during tho current
fiscal year were made out yoHtorday by the
clerlr in the city solicitor's office. A copy
will ne kept on file and ouo sent to each
Dennis Jcncs, the colored cabman, will
reside at the county jail the coming Fourth
of Joly. For getting drunk and extremely
disorderly he was committed for thirty
days. Jlury Jones, no relative of Dennis,
was sent np lor twenty days In dofault of
tl 111 tine for being drunk "and asleep on
L::cku wanna avenue.
Mr. Koehler, of Koehler Si Co., New
York city, visited this city yesterday and
in conversation with a friend who showed
him the anniversary number of Tils Thi
BUne expressed surprise at the energy and
vim Illustrated by the lat'St prodigy In
local Journnlism. Mr. Kr.ebler could
fccnrcely be made to believe that Scranton
was the city that it is until the cold facts
as set forth in Tiik Tribune wore brought
to his notice.
Opon All Night
at Lohmnu's Spruce street.
V. w. c. e. NOTES.
During the hoRted season the meeting
for yonug women will be continued in
their room, 205 Washington avenue, but
will be held ouly a half honr. The service
tomorrow will be conductod by Miss Aia
curdy, the general secretary. As it will bo
her last Sunday previous to an extended
vacation the members and girl friends are
urged to be pretout.
A woman having a child of 7 years
would like a position In a respectable fam
ily where she could act as seamstress aud
could have her child with her. Further
particulars can be obtained at the Young
Women's Christ ian association rooms.
N w Stock of India Linens,
Dotted Swisses, Frisian mulls printed
dimities, jnconotts, laco stirpped sateeiiR,
and other wash goods open Saturday
Ml II: & Haokn.
Tb Junior Harmony Class
Of Miss Hardtnbergh's Pianoforte school
will give a program of class dsy exorcises
Monday, June 25tb, at 4 o'clock . m.
Professional and other friends interested
in pupils' music study cordially Invited.
NcWMAn o
fas k lap
E. G, Courscn Nearly Caught in a Well-Laid
Innocent Messenger Boy Is Made a
Catspaw of the Sharper, Wlio Used
the Private Note Paper of Mrs.
James Archbald Mr. Courseh Too
Ghrewd to Be Trapped Tho Man
Eludes Arrest.
A clever ntiorupt at swindle wits
nnido yesterday afternoon upon E (i.
CotllMtl hy lbs use of an Innocent uios
si'ngf'r boy and the fofjftd tOddTWOWOt
of Airs. Janes Archbild's u iino to a
worthies check for H.
About 5 o'clock a postal telegraph
boy banded Sir. Oonrten, at his bioiv,
a seated uvelopo containing a check
I'or $17 made payable to Airs. James
AfOUbald'l order, mid endorsed with
lur mi mo An accompanying lotur,
written hi a feminine brad, stated that
Mr.Arohbald was i-titof town,tbe bauki
wtru closed and lira, Archbald, who,
name. was signed, Would appreciate
Mr. Gonrsen'a kindness if he would
cash tho check end send tiio money by
(be boy. To add td the plausibility of
i bo letter, It contained at its heed in
raised colored letters the address ''484
Ji Hereon avenue," and was an exac t
facsimile of Mvj. Archbald's private
note paper.
The boy In reply ton (lueotiott said
the note whs handed him by Thomas
Archbald, lire, ArcbbnU'e eon, at the
corner of Mnlberrv an I Vine street. It
was afterward learned t'u vt t'.iecall for
the boy was receive I by telephone
from Chittenden's drug stor'. The
li itpir sent the call, met tho l oy.givve
him the note as stated and evidently
Intended to intercept him on bis re
'urn with the money.
Mr. Cottfiett'l Idlplcloni woro nr
ronsed, but he put 47 in his pocket
and went with tiie messenger to Mr
Arob bald's residence. Thomas Arch
bald ws there, as uUo his father,
who acconliug to the uote was cut cf
town. The letter and check were pro-
uonncud ns forgeries.
Too messenger was naahlo to give n
good description of the man who g ive
Htm the uote, as the fellow hud liur
ritd through with the transaction with
the apparent intention of not giving the
messenger a chance to dtscribe
minutely afterward. He wore a well
Biting long cutaway black coat, light
tl misers, bi owo derby and tan shoes
Thefboy conld not describe other par
ticulars of his attire or remember bis
facial appearance.
The police wero notified and imme
diately bgan work on the case. Mr.
Coarsen drove from depot to depot,
took the boy with nim to Carbondale
early in tne ovoning to identify the
man if found there, and was otherwise
unremitting in bis efforts to apprehend
him. Up to a lata hour ha hud not
been caught.
Tho fellow must either be a resident
of Scranton, or ho lias been particularly
fortunate is lenraiug tho movements
of the Archbald household. It is u
fact that lie family Intend leaving the
city as tho forged letter stated. How
Mr?. Archbald s private letter paper
u s obtained und the information that
Mr. Courson is the family's grocer
are mysteries for the police to solve.
It all shows that the swindler Is an
sde;it at bis buuco Ims'ness or is an
amateur of great ability.
Evidently the plan wag timed to a
nicely, us many traius euter and leavj
the city within u hour aftar the at
tempted swindle.
North End Boys Have an Exciting Ad
venture Two Biliously Injured.
About 8 o'clock last evening tiro boya
who by roine means bad become pus
sessed of a tomato can half full of
blasting powder, went to the Electvic
park, and in some manner which they
cannot up .in, the powder exploded,
reuniting in the five lining more or less
injured. A TRUiUNit reporter visited
tho house of Daniel Lewis, Putnam
street, whoso 10-year-old sou, William,
was probably the moot Btriously in
jured, and found tho young man suf
fering intense pain aud shotviug dread
ful effects of the explosion.
The skin in places was blown from
the flesh and tho grouter part of the
body was iiff'Ctad, Tho eye brows had
disappeared and the features bad been
greatly changed.
Tommy Murphy, another of tho boys,
who is about 12 years of age, son of
Martin Murphy, of Warren street, was
seen by the reporter and was covered
with flannel bandages. HI) condition
is not so serious as Lewis' but It will
take some time for both to reuovur.
The othor three boys are not eo seri
ously hurt and escaped more fortunately
the effects of the explosion.
Sdemole'd at Home of Brldsimald by
Rev. W. II. Pearcu.
One of the pretty weddings of the
week wan solemnized Thursday aftr
noon at the home of Edward Dolph, 1018
Pine street. The parlors were boauti
fully decorated with roses and daises
The contracting p irties were Miss Hes
ter Morgan, niece of Mr. Dolpb, hihI
Frod Olldorf, attended by Miss Sadie
Morgan nnd Albert WeinscuaVk. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. W.
H. Pearco, pnstor of Elm Park cburch.
Mr. and Mr'. Olldorf left on the 8 M
train for S'r a Istiurg and other places
for a few ilsys' trip. They will reside
in their now borne on Webster avenue,
this city. Among those who witnessed
the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Olldorf, of Stroudsburtr; Mr.
and Mi. Edward Dolph, Miss Dlanciio
Dolph, Miss Florence Dolph, Miss M.
E. Hariwisk, of Seeleyville; Miss Ella
and Effla Bollock, Master Lullock.Mrs
Ny-, Mrs. J. E. O'Brien, Mrs. J. S.
O'Brien, Mrs. 8. J. Penler and ditu-,'1)-ler,
of Aibury, Pa. ; Miss Florence
Robertson, Miss Anna Itobertson,
Charles Itobertson, Lewis Robertson,
Mr. and Mrs. G..F. Whilte more, Mas
ters Clarence and Stanley Dulph.
Law-i -m Will Not Kava to Fay Any
Benid Pill for Koaas Tlmo.
Clark D. Lrfwsoi. the smooth swindler,
was taken from police liradunarters yes
terday morning to Alderman Fltzslmmons'
office for a bearing.
His victims were present to pfOteoHte.
Attorneys Charles E. Oliver and 11. A
Alw irth represented Lawson, nnd tValttr
Bring", as the attorney for Floroy & Holt,
acted for the prosecution. Messrs. Florey
& Holt told that by representations made
hi'tJunnby Lswson, claiming to be an
ngont of tho Pi end er Cyele company, he
Succeeded In getting n wheel from them.
He said when he got tho bicycle from
Florey & Holt that ho would ship it to
New York and trade it there for a lighter
He uever came hack with the pav or the
wheel. The evidonco of F. O Hand, Otto
Conrad an t M. Biddieman was hoard in
their case; and of 0, M. Truman, of tho
Westminster, and tho clerk at the hotel
with regard to tho board and sundry bill
owed by Lawson. During the hearing
there was not a more self-possessed person
than the defendant. He apparently suuuied
to enjoy the proceedings.
Aitorney Olver moved to discharge tho
defeiidaut ou tho ground that a prima
facie case had uot boon presented.
Alderman Fiizslmuions re.'usod the mo
tion and ordered l lu. t a total of 93,500, to
cover the tbree cases, be furnished a bail.
Being unable lo foot that amount Lawso.
was committed to tho county jail.
mikado otv: ;m last night.
Pinafors Hntinoe Today and TonwUt at
the FrothinBharn.
Tho engagement of the MarKay-Kenney
0 era company at ino I'rothlngliam closes
tonight. "Mikado" was presented in a
very acceptable manner last night to a
fair sited audience. By spscinl request
the management has decided to DreSOnt
"Pinafore" at the mattnaa this aitemoou
and tonight's performance,
The engagement of the MacKay-Kenney
company Iirs proven a Veritable musical
treat and was an artistic success. The
production of the difficult operas in the
repertoire were excellent In every respect
and the Macttay Kennelf company Will al
ways be welcomed in Borauton, "Pina
fore" at the matinee today. Prices, 10, 15,
and 25 cents, livening prices, 13, 25. 3a
and 5'J cents.
Jumper Sweeney Givon a Reception
When He Arrived in tho City.
Lisl of Entries.
Tho Young Men's Christian asioeu
!ion Hill own the city, ut least tlin ath
letic portion of it, today. The demon
stration begaU last night at the D'da
ware, Lackawanna and Western stS'
'ion when the association, ' nccoinpi-
nled by various athletic organlz itions,
i bund and a drum COfrH welcomed M
F. Sweeney, of the Xivitr Athletic
duo, Now YtIe, champion high
jumper of the world. Mr, .Sweeney is
to give nn exhibition of high jumping
at the Young Men's Christian associa
tion sports at Hogan park this after
noon. That considerable Interest is attached
to today's contests was evidenced by
the crowd at the station, When Mr.
Sweeney alighted from tho train be
was greeted by Physical Director Wes
ton and Secretary Muny, of the Young
Men's Cbristian association, and At
tomey John M. Harris. The four en
tered n carriage and were driven to
the Westminster preceded by tho Law
rence baud and followed by Company
D, Thirteenth regiment, Scfsnton
Turn Vereiu and Young Men's Chris
tian association athletes.
Mr. Sweeney would uover bs taken
for a jutupor with nil sturdy limbs,
square and broad should 'vs, large arms
ami muscular baok, At least such was
ids appearance while partially disrobed
and washing at the hotel, Today when
seen in a light athUtio costume, the se
cret of the record at which the whole
athletic world has marvelled may be
rc-voaled. He weighs 150 pounds and
is ." feet 8 inches in haight.
Mr. Sweeney holds the indoor and
outdoor high jump records of 0 3 and
0 4L The former is really tho most
wonderful performance and was made
in Boston last Febrnary, when Mr.
Hweeney'siormsr indoor record of 0 U
was broken. He will probably do 0 1 or
C.2tbis afternoon, notwithstanding a
slightly siraiued tendon of his left and
foremost jumping foot.
Tho sports will begin at 2 o'clock, ac
cording to the following programme:
One Hundred Yard Dash Hold medal,
first prize; sliver medal, socend prizo
Contestants: I, Surdnm, 6 yards; 2, Mof
fat, 3 yards; 3, Gihbs, 5 yards; 4,,Oolbert,
5 yards; 5, Dmitnick, 5 yards; 0, White, 3
yards; 7, Reese, 3 yards; 8, Cartiight, 5
yards; 9, Mci'Oiiklrick, 4 yards; 10 Qolntn,
2 yards; II, Kingsbury, scratch.
Tbbowixq Twelve Bound Bammkh
(lold medal. Contestants: 12, 0 -Ionian;
18, Bittenbender; 14, Wilhtrd: 10, cjaiuan,
15, Harding; 6, Whito; 11, King bury.
Slow BlCTCLI Race Hold medal.
Folk Vault Hold medal, first prize;
silver in- dai, second prlz". Contestants:
8, Gibbs; 7, Reese; 10, Quinan; 11, Kings
bury; 5, Dimmick; 0, W'mte; 1 Uelbert;10,
Final 100 Yard Dash. iiiuii JUMP Gold modal, first
prizo; silver medal, second prize. Con
testants: 3,Gibbs, 1 inch; 7, Heese. scratch;
10, Quinnn, scratch: 11, Kingsbury,
scratch; 5, Dimmick, 1 inch; fl, White, 1
inch; 4, Uolbert, 1 inch: 1C, Bullock, 1 inch;
17, Nallin. 1 inch; II, Welhfnd, scratch.
One Mill Baoi Gold medal first prize;
silver medal, second prize Contestants: 5,
Dimmick, 75 yards; !, Mcdouldrick, 50
yards; 17, Olapper, scratch; 10, Ouinnnn,
scratch; kS, Seward, 75 yards; 7, Reese, 23
jjase Running Oram to all baseball men
with suits.
ExmiiiTioN of Hum JOMMlfO By M. E.
Sweeney, of New York, champion high
jumper of the world: record, 0 feot, )
Officers J. D. Noble, referee; R. .Irr
myu, Charles (lelhert, A. F. Wolf, judges:
L F. Peters, K. Beamish, J. Ilurb rt,
timers; olork ot Oonrne, L. J. Surdatn;
announcer, W. D. Frank; starter, J.
The ball gam to be called at 4 o'clock
between the Wilkes Barreand Scranton
Young Men's Christian association
teams will no doubt be hotly contested
and redolent with snap playing.
The nsual business msn's eu.tper will
be served nt the association building
from 5 80 to 6 .'JO o'clock. At a recep
tion to be tendered visiting athletes
during this evenine:, Mr. Sweeney will
pres?ut tho moilnls and prizes to the
winners of tho contests. A free gym
nastic exhibition will hi given later in
the evening, The Lawrence band will
be in attendance and ice cream will be
served from 7,30 to 10 o'clock.
William fviiH Cruuhsd by a Full cf
A ; oung man nnined William Kvans,
aged 1 bout 24, of 323 Oak street, an MlUt
ant tracklayer at the Cayuga mine, was
badly injured yesterday by a very heavy
fall of rocic which hurled him face down
wards. After considerate trouble In re
moving the debris, it was fonnd that ho
hud a gash in the head uud u dislocation of
bis left hip.
Be was taken to his home in the ambu
lance and attended to by Drs. Donne,
Sullivan and S rOftB, a id afterwards bv
Dr. Roberts, of Hjde Bark. Tho injured
man Is tlin oldest son of hii widowed
mother, and to a great exteut tins bonii her
support. lie was was a member of Thomas
Jefferson lodReof True Ivoritesand Welsh
Baptist church. He died at 7 o'clock last
The Training School
For Kindergartners under tho auspices of
tho Berauton Fre Kindergarten associa
tion will reopen Wednesday, Sept. 12, at 0
a. in., at 31S Washington avenue. Appli
ed' ions seonred by Miss Salisbury, South
Orange, N. J.
Hot) Fern-Cliff , Lak Ariel,
Will open June 27, 1804.
EA. Martin, Prop.
Dr. A. E. bURR, having opened his of
fices in the Btm building, Washington
avenge, will resume the practice of hi
profession, where ho will be glad to sorvs
his old patrons and pnbllo In general.
The Blnghaniton Club Has Decided to Retain
Position la Eastern League,
Directors Undecided as to What They
Shall Do About It Barnio Agrees
to Pay $000 and Telegraphed
Scranton to Draw on President
Young, of tho National League lor
That Amount.
SerantOn will not go into t he East
ern league even thoug'i it desired to
do so.
Diughamlnn mis concluded that it
can stand a little mors of the quality
nf ball lurnishnd by that league and
will put more money lfltO base bull jand
make efforts to strengthen tho club.
Albany, too, is anxious to go into the
Bettori) league and is willing to put up
money for BlngbMBtOU's franchise in
case it Ibotlld dsoide to drop out.
for the present, at least, Boranton-
Inns will have to content themselves
With the excitement lui nished by State
league g lines.
I: is certain that If a vic incy should
occur in tho future Hcranton would hi
the elude of tlu m 'jorily of tlin clubi
in the Bistort) lesgOe for the place.
11. 1 BlmpiOO, who wan at tin head
of the movement In tbisoityto pur
chute tie stock of the loc al SSiOOlation,
was in Wilkes-Bsrrs yosterdey where
be was introduced to Patrick Powers,
president of the Eastern league. The
base ball situation Was discussed
and Mr. Blmtwon said that as the local
association had r fttfOd what WSI eon
lldefeda liberal (T If or Hie stock, the
matter of locating an Bsitern League
clnb in Bofahton had been abandoned
so far an himself and his friends arc
Di i.lliri'ATiNO AhOOI BODSOM.
Manager liiilie Dirnie lid not como
to this city to purchase Ilo lson.but be
c use be had an idea that the Lehigh
Valley railroad touched this city eu
loute for Litiff 1I0, but found out when
ds reached Wilkes-Barre that it did
not. The price nn HodSOO was raised
from .W0 to $000 y.ntirday, but that
dil not deter Mr. Barnie, w'uo tele
graphed from Buffalo last uiglit to
draw on N. E. Young, '.resident of the
National league, for (000, nnd Bend
Hudson ou at one".
A telegram Whs received from Man
ager Swift telling the directors not to
sell Hudson. At 1 o'clock this mjrn
iug the directors had uot definitely
settled as to what thy will do. Hy
soiling Hodsou they will practically
leave the club with only one pitcher,
Flanngbai, and they ditliku to do that.
At a conference of State league offi
cials at llarrisburg yesterday it Was
:.! 1 to changi the sched
ule so that Altoona will play two
gameB ut Reading on the Fourth of
July instead of here, aud Iiarrisbnrg
will go to Pottsviile in the mcirnin.
in the afternoon both clubs will play
here. Ml Q laid and Armstrong have
been released by liariisbnrg and
Catcher hihydcr has been signed by
Several National league clubs are
after Meaney, the llarrisburg pitcher.
Louisville, Now York, Boston utid
Philadelphia hav all mule r fieri rang
ing iroin 500 to tUOO for bis release.
President Meyers bus refused nil hm!
Will probably take nut loss than ILSOQi
Other llarrisburg plsyers are also
wanted by the iNatloual league.
According to Rhdd I : n.d Law Mr.
Hackett V. as Corrsct.
It will interest the bankers and oth
ers who attended the meeting of tho
Hankers of Eastern Pennsylvania iu
this city of June It to know of a recent
act of the Hbode Island legislature
bearing upon paper falliug due on a
holiday. The act referred to is as fol
lows: That all notes, drafts, checks, accep
tances, bills of exchuuge, bonds or other
evidences of indebtedness falliug duo on
Sunday or on a holiday shall be considered
due 011 the next following business day.
That banking hours shall end at 12 o'clock,
noou. on each Saturday, and Saturday
shall, for the acceptance and maturity of
paper referred to in the act, be treated as
a holiday, but this section dues not nnidv
lo checks or demand drafts 011 banks or
banaers presented before twelve noon on
Saturday. tuke effect
on iiuiy i, it-04, ana shall aODU to nl!
notes, etc., executed and dated after the
passage of tho act, and which will fall duo
ou or after duly 1, lb04.
At the Scrauton nu-etiug, Mr. Ainoy,
of Easton, contcuded that a similar
Peuiuylvaiiia law applied only to such
banks as closed at 12 o'clock noon, en
the legal baturdar hulf-holiday. He
held that commercial paper presented
or rocoived for collection at a bank
which does not close until 8 o'clock p.
nil on Saturday, should legally be paid
that particular dsy.
Air. Hackett aud others disagreed
with Mr. Aiuey aud said that the Penn
sylvania law applies to all bsnks doing
business in the state, no matter what
is their announoed closing hour, This
latter view prevailed and it was voted
ns the s-.'iise of the meeting that banks
should close at noon 011 Satur lavs. Mr.
Ainey, however, did not ohan(,o his
F,t Thomas' t:lub DefsaWd.
Ht. Thomas' College clnb was yesterday
iiuiaaiuu oy tne wouus nuuiuess l olle;;o
cm n ou tun dames boys grounds by fol
lowing score:
St. UhomiiB' College 2 4 0 3 110
Wood's Business College..!) 2 S 4 115
Berries direct from
growers. Freshest and
finest for Preserving.
4-29 Lacka. Ava.
It Will B Hsld in thlo Cl y on July
Ou July 3 the annual convention of the
North American United Caledonian asso
ciation will be held in the hall of the
Scranton Caledonian club on Wyoming
avenuo. There will bo about 100 dcleKiites
present who will represent Caledonian
clubs In all parts ot the United fltatos and
Canada. Grand Chief Gardner, of Toronto,
Canada, will preside over the deliberations
of tho couvoutioii. The delegates of tho
local club Will be Chief James B. Skeoch
and Johu Peacock.
At the cimvcutiou a uitiform style of pin
for members of tho association will be
adopted -and act ion taken concerning the
custom that prevails to soiiio extent of
speaking of Scotland as a part of England.
The asBoci ,tion wauts to see the identity
of Scotland as u country preserved. It Is
a portion of Great, Britain aud not Eng
land, It is held.
On the night of July 3, the visiting delo
gntes will tio entertained with a banquet
at llanlcy's and ou the Fourth they will
attend tho names of the Caledonian club
nt Laurel Hill Park. On July 5 they will
bo shown points of interest about the city
by a committee consisting of ex-chiefs of
the Scranton club.
The games of the olub on July 4 will be
the diiesl Hi -y have ever given.
Says U Has Nevr Attsmpied to Aulas
onias Mayor Cumuli.
Ex-Mayor John II. Fellows was Indus'
trlonsly mapping his prespiring brow
when a TR1BI KB reporter met hiin on the
shadv side of Spruce street yestsrday lift
srnoon, Like a sensible person he de
clined to disCUSS the cause of the smoking
"1 can stand the Weather," be declared,
"If peoplo will ouly stop misrepresenting
"In what way are yon bring inisrcnro
seuted ?" was the sciibe's query.
"Well, a story is being circulated to the
effect that, 1 have endeavored to lullueiice
councilman to oppose Mayor Oounell, J
have never done anything of tho kind,"
declared the ex-mayor emphatically, as he
punctuated his remark with a wave of his
idraw lint.
""his is not. ray administration and I an
not Interfering or trying to interfere iu
any way with It. 1 Dud 1 have enough o
do attending to my own business interests
without attempting to Interfere with otir
present mayor, oven though 1 had a dispo
sition to do so, winch 1 have not."
So far an Known He Has- Nat Been Soen
dines Monday.
The search for CrlUoeniO Modnla was
kept up all day yesterday, but. without
result. No one has bcii found by the offi
cers who has gi cu the murderer o! Email
mil Loro since las: M mday. Sheriff Pnt.ey
Says be Will keep np the eeurch until Mon
day in his own SZnans 1 and it the nnnntv
Commissioners do not then come to the
ie-cuo ho will have to noaiidou tho mat
ter. County Commissioner Giles Roberts said
yesterday that tbe qUestloy of offerings
reward had been considered Informally by
the board aud that it was thought that the
peace officers of the county ought to be
ab e to run the murderor down without
assistance from the commissioners.
Improvement Ovr ths Old Oao and Will
D Issurd Tcdav.
The Willii'.ms' Scrauton Business direc
tory, just out, is only about halt the size of
lu-t year's bsno though it contains nearly
3,ulto. more uaims. A smaller size of type
is used aud the book made more compact
by running tho name; iu two columns en
each page.
The street guide bus boon changed r.nd
nives tho Intersecting streets and uumbois.
Tho various national, state and city gov
erning lUs ore presented In detail, as are
also particulars concerning all ths socie
ties, clubs, churches etc. Its distribution
will begin today.
The blodiug and printing was douo in
the job department of Tin: TniBURA
The Cyrlan army will carry spears aud
The tickets are good for eithor Thurs
day or Friday eveuiugs.
I ilt has taken over seven hundred suits to
costume the pel formers.
Tho characters and choruses will meet
for full rehearsal at the armory this even
ing at 7.30.
Dro-s rehearsals will bo hold on tie
Frotmngham stage on Mondnv, Tuesday
and Wednesday, afternoon Mini evening.
Tho young ladies of the drill compsnifS
will be uniformed lu companies of sixteen,
There will be will be eight companies 1 n
the stage at tho same, time and thoy will
execute some intricate aud charming lig-nrei-,
Grand Vacation Ertaursioa to Nisrrara
Gu Thursday, Juno 'JSth, the Erio linos
will run a personally conducted excursion
to Buffalo nnd tho Great Cataract of Ni
agara, affording one of the grandest vaca
tion sight-seeing trips for school teachers,
scholars and tho general public ever or
ganized at extremely low rates. To
train composed of the best day conches
will reach the Falls ut 4 p. m., and return
following day, June 2'Uh, leaving at 4. p.
m. nnd Buffalo city station nt 180 p. m.
Train will leave Carbondale nt 6,80 a. m
Bound trip only 18,00 Children botweon
tlvo and twelve years one-half of the
above rate. Leavo Scranton via D. & H.,
at 3.40 a. in.
Sr. Gibbon,
of New York city, will be in his Scranton
ofllce, 441 Wyoiniug avenue, every Mon
day from 8 iu the morning until U in the
And Right Up
to Date. . . .
We have Artistic
Designs in Wed
ding Gifts and all
the Latest Novel
ties. W. W. BERRY, Jeweler
Best Sets of Teeth, $8,0o
Including the pnlnless extracting
il teeth by an tutiruly uew pro
cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
m mm
Kuslo B, in X7MlaslTlr
Best made. Play any desired number of
tunee. Qantsobi & Sons., mannfattnrr,
1030 Chestnut mlraat PhUaa.lnhl. ,...
Itcrful oreiiHurrUl nl .Tiiri nnlii AH .....1 t If)
Specialty 1 Old music boxe carefully re-
i"" u improveu wnn uew tunes.
Hat I m mi
Tislho season now. We linvo the
finest line in the city.
From SOc. to 113.
1 26 P nn Ave , Scranton.
128 Wyoming Ave.
That tlip natural outlines of the foot plioulil ho presrreil
rather than interfered with; if you believe lit comfort and
lit as well as style; if you believe iu shapely shoes for shape
ly feet; if you want Hcrvice, thou put your moimy, as well as
your feet, in our shoes.
We show and soil the grandest and greatest lina of
Tootwear that ever adorned aud protected lit- i'omiuiue or
masculine foot.
Ladies' Beautiful Ilussot Tipped
Oxfords, all,
Ladies xtra Quality Russet
Misses' Best Quality Busset Goat,
spring heel, button,
Child's Extra Quality Tatent
Leather Tipped, button,
Complete Outflttesra, SCRANTON, PA.
BEMEMBER--Every purchaser of$l worth or over receives a chance on
the Beautiful PARLOR SUIT.
Who have found experience to be a dear
teacher; especially is this true in buying
SHOES. When your experience teaches you
that you can buy BETTER SHOE8 of us than
at any other place, then we will have your
shoe trade. Our shoes won't cost you any
more than other shoes not so good.
Russet Shoes of Every Description.
Straw Hats,
Outing Shirts,
Etc., for Warm Weather.
Here We
Are Again
This time we offer a $2.00
Leghorn Hat for
Remember this is the finest Leghorn
Hat made.
Silk Poppies for 10 cents a
50 different styles of Flow
for 10 cents a spray.
MENT we will sell a $6
Coat for $2.98.
Capes for $1.98.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits
for worth $8.
During tho bummer.
138 Wyoming Ava.
Men's best grade Caco Calf, laeo
nnd Congress, London and
French too,
Men's extta quality Russia Calf,
hand welt, lace nnd Congress,
Youths' extra quality B Calf,
tipped, button uud bals,
Infants' best quality Tau and Bed
Coat, button,
k Ml 1
We carry in stock
extra sizes
for large men.
i ES :