The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 23, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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    The scbaktcw thihune-saturday morning .tune ua, isjh.
Published daily in Scrhnton, Pa., Tk(
Tisun Puliliumino company
New York Office i Tribune Buildino. Frarr 9
CRAY, Manaoer
bLEANTOM. .JUNE 2a, i&M.
Republican state ticket.
For Governor:
For Luuteumit (l vrrnor:
or ALuraBaKT.
for Auditor OtntfQll
For Secretary Of Iternal Affairs:
For Congressmen at-Lanie;
Election Tlnif, Ni.v. fl
It may intiTBgt thi public to know
tBat during the put few weeks, or, in
fuct, sine." the recent reorgnnizutiui)
or TheTkibune's business management
the paid circulation of this journal has
regularly increased on an avurue more
than fifty copius each sacu lar day.
For the dull summer time, this ia not
bad. It convince us morn thoroughly
than ever that the people of Sorauton
and vicinity know what to do with a
good newspaper honestly worth its cost
Honesty in Public Office.
The indispensable man is not numer
ous, to be sure. Nt'VtTtheleHS, every
honest man ought to strive to make
himself iii dispensable in a position of
trust. If he be faithful and able, the
position should partake of his individu
ality. Ho should be proud to throw
his personality into the work he does;
and those who employ him, knowing
him to be a faithfnl and capable ser
vant, should endeavor to let him have
aB the moral share of the profits of his
labor, the consciousness that he is pre
ferred above others who have not beon
The worst feature of the spoils sys
tem in politics is that it robs its bene
ficiary of moral responsibility and saps
his labors of the indispensable element
called eousOtentioainsM, What incen
tive is there for tho workman who
knows that the next day, week or month
be may, through no personal fault,
dereliction or Incapacity, but purely
through iuuib political chance, be cast
out of bit position in favor of one who
knows nothing of its requirements and
whose only resource is a lusty "pull ?"
On the contrary, what stimulus to hon
esty is there in the knowledge that
whatever one may do in a public office,
however much ha may neglect or mis
perform his duties, he will, neverthe
less, remain "solid" through partisan
It is not this way in private business
at least, it should not be this way,
ami rarely ia. The faithful elsrk or
bookkeeper or cashier is retained re
gardless of his politics, race or religion.
He is retained because he ia experi
enced, faithful, trustworthy. Promo
tion, too, rewards him when he is par
ticularly meritorious. A change in the
politics of the private employer would
be no more likely to involve a change
in the personnol of hia force of em
ployes than wonld a change in the
weather and not one half so much.
Common sense and common justice
signify tint a man should bo rated ac
cording to what he is and can do,
rather than to how he votei or dresses
or prays.
Tho spoils system, as illustrated lo
cally in the deposition of Peter Glnter.
would not be tolerated for an instant
in the management of any well-conducted
private business in this revenue
district. It would be the last thing
that wonld be tolerated in the offio
of a well-conducted newspaper.
The newest contagion in onr largo
cities which affects its victfm with a
r.-til desire to see local government
honestly and efficiently administered,
should not be subjected to an official
quarantine. It may become dangerous
if it be to tbe officials.
It Was a Rare Bargain.
the oisinclinatiou of Sup rintendent
Graham, of the Wilkes-Barr and Wy
oming Valley Traction company, to
supply the regnlarly constituted local
authorities of Pittston borough with
passes on demand opuns np a wide field
for ethical speculation. If it be con
ceded that ours is a representative gov
eminent, and that borongb council
men and their friends sre Ihe represen
tatives thereof, does not Mr. Gra
ham's cold throw down beooma in ef
fect a contempt of tbe piople and
a (jrsvn instance of what In monarch
ical countries is known as "lese ma
jstu?" In certain nations in Enrope
the man who even "coughs at the
kin?" Is declared traitorous and is
doomed to the prl son or the gallows.
The ro:ison for this is that ''the kine"
is the people, being their representa
tive; heuco on affront to him is an act
of riot, treason and insurrection.
If that be true In kingdomswhere the
people sometimes have no say in choos
ing their rulers, bow inuoh more true
ought it to be in a borough like Pittston,
whero the powers that be derive their
tight to roigo directly from the consent
of the governed? We trust that Super
intendent Graham will think longer on
this view of the case a view which
may have esoapad him in the heated
confusion of these stifling June days.
Besides, look at the cheapuese of the
bargain. A whole connoll for three
passes I What experienced promoter
would not snap at tbe chancu?
Commenting upon tbe spirited card
of Professor Stiiel. principal of the
Plttiton borough schools, defending
his right to takv an aotive part in local
affairs, the Lancaster Examiner re
marks very pertinently that "as every
good and able man should take part in
politics, there is no reason to draw tbe
line on school teachers any more than
on doctors, lawyers and ministers of
the Gospel. What is sadly needed is
the 'scholar in polities' not indeed as
a wrangler for a factional victory cc a
seekor for seme portion of official
spoils, bat to establish correct principles
and elect the beat men. It would he
a blessing if this Pittston teaoher ware
followed by every instructor in the
land, not only In the matt .r of speakiur
out in meeting concerning public qnes
tiun, hut in attending all primary
elections This is a government of all
of ns.aud so every one is in duty bound
to take part in politics of the blghor
aud nobler kiud. Morals end duty are
mord potently taught by example than
by precept. The teacher should not
only instruct in civil matters, l-ut by
practice show bow to perform tbe ob
ligations of citizonship. The time is
always at hand when the educated and
business classes, like the Pittston
teacher, should not only take part in
the consideration of public questions,
hut be willing to give a spirited reason
for so doing. At all times let the
teacher be beard and felt." The gen
eral principle laid down by Professor
Shiel is unassailable, As to his appli
cation of it that naturally in a question
concerning his own judgment and bis
owu conscience.
The particular type of smartness
which mauifests itself in the sending of
unauthorized advertisements by mes
senger to a newspaper office for the
purpose of embarrasing a neighbor or
rival will be less attractive when an
example shall have been made of on
of its exponents. Under the new libel
law in this state sueh a joke is liable to
develop into a penitentiary oilence.
For a New National Hymn.
That lively musical journal, Tbe
Dominant, of Philadelphia, has just
concluded the first part of a national
hymn contest similar to that originated
by the Scranton Truth. Tho poem
which won the first prize of $100 was
written by Osmau C. Hooper and was
as follows:
Sons of America ! Heirs to the glory
(rod-guided patriots nobly have won;
Liberty stands on our mouutain-tops honry,
Lighting her torch from the hies of tho
Speed the message onward,
Strivings deep and long
Here at last are buruiug
lu triuuiphaut song.
Liberty and union,
Sot 'twixt Mja and sea;
Blood bought by our fathers
Hero shall ever be.
Liberty, dream of the Pjlgrim's devotion,
Here to a statue heroic has grown;
Driving back foesthstcamooverthdocaan,
Crushing tbe enemies soruug from our
Foarfnl tho cost, but haw priceless the
Battlefields were but the altars to God;
War clouds the incense and cannon the
laves the (roe sacrifice redd'nlug tho sod.
Liberty, patron of cot aud of palaco,
May our devotion to thee never cease;
Long may wo drink from thy heavenly
Deep to contentment, and progress and
Banner all glorious, float ever o'er us I
Every star sinning there steadfast and
Holding the le sou of Union before us,
Written for syo in tho Red, White and
Tho contribution which won second
place iu the contest is accredited to
Thomas J. Duggan :
old olory.
Old Glory ! Flan of Liberty !
In triumph wavo o'er land and sea,
The pride of millions yet to be.
'Neath Freedom's glorious sway ;
We gaze upon ench starry fold
In beauty to the skies unrolled,
And link with thee in pride untold
Uur laud, America.
Chobts Vnfnrl thy grandeur to tho stars,
Dear flag of many battle scars,
Uenowned in hallowed story;
All ball to thee, 0 emblem grand,
The guardian of our native lund,
Old Glory I
Jld Glory ! founded by our sires
Amid tbe flame of battle fires,
iliv gleam tba heart of all iuspires
With rapture, day bv day;
The flag of the New World art thou,
To tyranny thou ne'er shalt bow 1
Forever wavo above the brow
Of free America 1 Cuonus
Old Glory ! for thy honored past,
Our hearts revere thee to the last;
Our dearest hopes are on thee cast,
To never fade away:
Triumphant, noble, bravo and free,
Still onward shall thy progress be,
For honor, peace and liberty.
Ana for America ! Cuoitcs.
There is a rhythm and a swing to the
first of these selections that ought, with
proper mnsic, to make a capital patri
otic anttiem. A competition for com
posers is now open, and ought to add at
least onn g odgem to the smell diadem
of airs fitted to stimulate lore of OOUii
try. An enerokjic forward move in the
direction of those authorized new
bridges would he greatly appreciated
by sever! hundred long-pitient citi
zens. Wbat is the whenceness of the
present inactivity!
The New Pole Tax Bill.
Mr. Roche's ordinance imposing a tax
of 50 cents on each p le used by the
electrical compmies and regulating the
siz and color of the poles, will revive
in the new councils a subject that oc
casioned hosted debate in the old. The
common snse of this qu -stlon is not
obscure. The companies which erect
poles in Scranton should psy for the
privilege, either by a superior service
at reasonable rates, or by some form of
direct taxation, or by both.
The greatest theoretical objection to
a polo tax is that It licenses an unsight
ly pubUs nulssnoo and gives to the
compac-f'lowning the poles a pretext to
docreaOf &e efficiency of their service,
bv the ; ':. ;tice of corresponding eco
nomic 'i logic, too, the idea of a
pole tlfc"f jpliea a sanctioning of the
overhtttfi vlre system, with all Us din
gers aj anuoyances, which the ma
jority rji progressive citizens do not ap
prove Still, a start has to be made, some
how and If councils cannot be induced
to iler the overhead wires taken down
and burled lb safe conduits, the next
beet thing, from a practical standpoint,
wiN be to insist upon the uss of as few
poles as possible, coupled with strin
gent legal provisions regulating the in
sulation of the live wires that are
strung along them. The advocates of
Mr. Roche's ordinance claim Its enact
ment would accomplish tbe first of
these two reforms ;and suitable amend
ments to it could readily regulate tbe
second one. An experimental test of
this claim would do no harm, and
night, perhaps, do good.
Coffee Cools.
The case of Professor Thomas D.
Lockwood. one of the experts who
testified In the Hand trespass cult, is a
fine exampKi of what Dsrseverauco
coupled wllh natural ability may ac
complish. Professor Lockwood is a
self-made man. Wliwi lie was a home
less, ragged little nrchiu playing on
Boston Common, subsisting on what
kind Providence throw In his way, tele
graphy hud a faicination for him. One
day he attracted the attention of a Bos
ton philanthropist, who asked why ho
wore suoh tattered clothej aud ltd such
an apparently aimless esistenoe. Young
Lockwood replied that he did not wear
such olotuas fr in choice and that if he
had an opportunity he would like to
learn telegraphy, and learn it ha did,
through the kindly Intervention of the
philanthropist. That was the begin
ning; today there are fow more prom
invut figures in the electrical world
than Thomas D, Lockwood.
Probably many of our readers are
not awure that the nutmeg, which is
so popular as flavoring material, is a
deadly fusion. This peculiar product
of the Bast Indies, which in small
quantities imparts delicious lhvor to
apple pius, puddings, etc.. coutulns all
the death duuliug properties of the
toad stool. A whole nutmeg, it is said,
will as effectually end a man's earthly
wous as will a collision With a can
tion ball. Extract of nutmeg sold iu
liquid form is also dangorous and
should be used with great care. Ref
erence is made to the matter at this
time as it is understood that parties
are selling nutmeg extract from house
to house in this city put up hi bottles
similar to those used for vanilla flivor
lng Jamaica ginger, mid other Uouso
hold ex'rncts. It is not difficult to see
how a toriuus mistake might be made
in handling bottles not properly la
belled. Nu tm -g in its natural state
and distributed with a grater is prefer
able for culinary purpoies and is less
liable to causa shrinkage in the c.-nsus
In many respects the garbage ques
tion does not appear to have mot an en
tire solution in tbn present sy.'tem of
removing accumulatiotis every two
days. Before Scranton posevsscd a
crematory the good eitizm of a sani
tary turn destroyed garbage dily in
the kitchen range, and no difficulty
from decaying Vegetation was thon
experienced as everything was burned
up immediately aud uot allowed to
Rccuinulate, Now under existing oif
cumstancei pails of loul smelling gar
bage ferment from in rn till nightfall
at tba kitchen doors of theso
same houses emiting odors that are
unbearable. In neighborhoods where
a year uxo all was fresh aud wholesome
the air for blocka is heavy with the
odor of the garbage pails that breed in
sects and pushleuee. In weather like
that of tho past fow days forty-eight
hours are not nucessury to render a
pail of garbage a thing to ba avoided.
I beau pails siiuuld be emptied ut least
onca a day if the oromatory system of
dealinti with refuse is to bs aBUCcess in
Scranton. The present method of cart
ing away garbage every two or three
days will nuver prove conducive to
good heilth.
PUUton Keening Gazette: "As a dainty
special newspaper iSHie the anniversary
number of tho bORAHTOS XiUBUNB, gotten
up by LMitor Richard aud his associates
and is6unl yestorday to mark tho journal's
entrance upon ita fourth vear. til.- tho bill
to a T. The special feature of the hWUfl is
ati elgnt-page supplement replete with in
teresting sketchoa and cuts of the various
departments,togetber with apooini articles
reciting tbe progress made industrial and
building lines iu Lackawanna during tho
past year, l ne qianty or the typograph
ical work on the supplement at ouce at
tracts attention, being a decided improve
ment on tbstof the ordinary special news
paper edition M the people of this section
know it. Printed ou fine book paper,
with typo and cuts such as ate uannlly
employed iu book making, tbe special sup
plement Is a highly creditable pice or
work. We congratulate T ne Tbibi'.vk on
its very evident prosperity under the re
organized business and editorial manage
ment." it
Iieadinri Time: 'Our much c;tuotued
nnntf.rillinllirv. tllft ScllWTHV TninrMa n
was tbiee years old years old a few days
ago, an eueui wuiou was ceicornunt ty tiiu
Issuing of a sixteen-pugo paper ineluaiug a
baadsoino colored cover of four pages ou
fine hook paper with photo engravings
aud descriptions of Tine Tjunu.NE estab
lishment on two of them, and of Scran
ton enterprise in vmiuus directions
on the otlmr two. Tim Tribune is
confessedly one of the ablest papers lu
state, and fur ati institution so young,
enjoys a remarkable degree of
inlltirnce and prosperity. Its editorial
page is always readable, becnose it is uni
formly, live, clean, bright and aggressive.
Tho 'limes heartily congratulates Kditor
Klchard and his corps of able assis ants
updh tbe getting out of so good a paper us
t H
Troii. N. Y; Daily Times: "The?cnAS
TON THIBUnC WaJ three years old yester
day, and iu celebration of the event issued
a slxtoen-pagn paper, including a tinted
cover and tour pagos of artistic half tone
illustrations of the various departments of
the enterprises publication. Tim Tui
fusk baa gaiued a firm hold on the affec
tions of tho people of Scranton and all
that section of Pennsylvania, and in its
ihroo yours of life ha established ilsolf 1n
prosperity and usefulness. Much of Its,
success is due to the work of its present
editor, Livy S. Richard, formerly a mom
ber of the editorial stalY of the Troy
Times. He Is proving what can be done
by ability and industry, and The Titnt
une'k growth is evidence that his Inhors
uru appteciatod.''
Lebanon Report: "Yesterday tbeSonAN
ton TIUBDR celebrated its third anniver
sary by issuing u big edition, beautifully
priuted and handsomely illustrated. All
tho news Is set forth, n choice editorial
bill of faro, ciiraprling the meat of solid
information and tho spicy tide dishes ot
pu gent wit, is presented! and the work
ings of an Influential inland daily are de
tailed nccordiug to the rules of the ben;
latter-day journnlUm. Although but
throe years old, Tub Is one of the
Pennsylvania papers that point the we.y
whero others follow. "
I'hjnwnth Trihunt: "The Scrantox
TttiitUNE yesterday celebrated its third an
nivrrsary by publishing a supplement
which contained illustrations of the var
ious departments ot ita naau&utk plant
The Interesting reading matter descriptive
of the task or turning out a lurge Sail
newspaper, from the pen of Associate
t . . ,,
wnMsyi UHCDi, nun t'Mi'-r: u UIO Blliaip-Hl
detail The ernwdo 1 uows columns showed
where City Editor Mitchell and staff got
in their woik. Tun Thiblne is in the
front rank of journalism,"
ArtAhaid Citizen: "The Scirakton
TntBUNcelebrnted its third annlversa y
.ve.ntennty morning and presented to its
many readers a eixteen-uags paper of
bright and newsy rending matter and a
hnudsomo colored cover on which n"o
tastefully displayed the advertisements of
n number of Scruuton's business firms
run TiitiiuNK lu its muke up and matter
shows every iudlcntian of prosperity,"
Stromlsburo Daily Times: "A souvenir
edition of the Scranton Twiituttt, cole
bratiug its third anulversarv, was yester
day publiBhd by that company. It Is a
haiidsomo number of sixteen pagos, pro
fusely illustrated and lmws careful atten
tion to Ivnoeranhv. Tin: TmnuxE's suc
cess has been phenomenal."
a a
.Vosfom Mtrffuifl : "The BCBAKTOM Tltin
Unk celebrated ita third anniversary yes
terday by coming out with a handsome
pictorial snpnl. me.'it. This TbIBUNI is an
enterprising and progressiva paper, not
afraid to speak what it tliiuks, and has al
ready beooma one of the best moulders of
public opinion."
Eimhurs'. Signal: "Tho anniversary
number of TBC BCRARTOS TtUBUKl on
Wednesday is worthy oi wide reeugultion.
Il rem-cts credit upon Its manager aud
upon no competent staff of workurr.."
Nicholton fitoamt'iier: "Tho Scranton
TiiimiNE wua three years old Weduesdny,
and wus celebrated by n One number, with
nu electrotype cover. The TkiBUKK Is u
first cla-'S paper,
Scranton Republican: "The Thimjnb
celebrated its third anniversary yesterday
by isstiiug a handsuuiely illuminated sup
plement aud cover, tho workmunship on
which was exceedingly artistic"
Then Earn lhm bt Eoidivlnor Them
Kvtnino BfMVsti
Not rl f.lTO i. .i rliitilr ttl,i,-i, ,.l,rt,,ll l,n
an occassional partitioning oat of the good
i mm .-, in tins ntc, lu met we are u little
inclined to that belief OUrsalvefc
A pipe, n book,
A eosy nook,
A flro ut least Its emberse,
A dog, a gloss
"i'ls thus we pass
Such hours ns one remembers.
Who'd wish to wedf
Poor Cupid's dead
Thore thousand years, I wagor
The modem maid
Is but a jade,
Not worth the timo to cago her.
In silkeu gown
To "inke" tho town
Her Ilrht and lust ambition.
What goad Is she
To you or me
Who have but a "position?
Bo lot us drink
To herbut think
Of him who has to Itcup hor
And suns a wife.
Let's spend ur iifo
lu bach'lordom- -it's cheaper.
Washington Post.
Furniture for Summer Cot
tages. Rattan and Reed Parlor
and Sitting Room Suits,
Couches, Rockers and
Porch Chairs, Rockers and
Lawn Swings and Canopies
Baby Carriages and Re
frigerators. 131-133 K WASHINGTON WE,
Do ycti make your own Cream? If so,
White Mountain Freezer.
choice receipts for Ioe Cream. Sher
bet's Water toes, are paoked in every
Ref rigeratorsf Wate r Coolers,
Baby Carriages, Hammocks
8c CO.
Meat Market
The Finest in the Citj,
Ths latest improved fur
nishings and apparatus for
keeping meat, butter and oggs.
S23 Wroiulng Ave.
Hill k Condi
rn ken
For many years lliis Pluto luw stood in the front riuiks. It has beon admired so much for its
pnre, rich tono, that it has become ft (Standard for tone quality, until it Is considered the highest com
pliment that can bo paid any PtanO to nay "It resembles tho WEBER."
We now have the full control of this Piano for this soctiou as well as many other fine rianos
which wo are selling at greatly rodiWsHl prices and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you sec
our gootls aud gut our prico3
You'd Almost Think
They'd Float in tiie Air
OWSWCC To be sure, real Switzerland made ones at that
$ f !MIL Swisses with clear-cut tiny dots, not much larger
than the seeds of a grape, and Swisses with the larger dots and
floral designs, all in their pure white airiness. Over sixty
styles. No such collection elsewhere.
And other Lingerie now found upon our counters
at such very low prices and in such a large array
of designs.
Special sale of Gowns at 49 C- an( S9c
that are the greatest value we ever offered.
With the New Valves
Out of Sight.
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
814 Lacka. Ave.
A Full Assortment
Letter Copying Books
A COO-pao 10x12 Book, bo mid
in cloth, slicop back and corners,
guaranteed to give satisfaction,
Only 90c.
Reynolds Bros.
Stationers and Engravers,
317 Lackawanna Ave.
Dr. Hill & Son
f t tooth. lUty bent sot, $S; for poll cap
and teeth wltliont platos, called cmwn and
hHdin. work, eal! fnv nriei and referellOes.
TOffALUlA, for extracting tteth without
paw. aoeiuur. ao
t I
Chiffons, Jaconet, Duchesse,
Batistes and Sateens. What
can buy now at 5 cents per
fast colors.
They use very little ice
and will keep fresh meat
for three weeks in the
hottest weather. Many
styles and sizes.
513 Lackawanna Ave.
Berries arc arriving
in very fine condition
and prices low.
Fancy Pens, Beans,
Squash, Toninloes,
Asparagus, Beots,
Cucumbers, etc.
Pierce's Market
and Get the
Ginghams, Dimities,
a handsome dress you
yard, and warranted
Opp. TriSune Office, 224 Spruce St.
Having had 11! years' experience in the Bicycle busi
ness anil tiiu SBancy fur Witing Whueln uf a l eradea,
we are prepared to guarantee satisfaction. Thiiao la
tending to purchase are invited to call and examine
nor complete line. Open ovenings. Call or bend stam
tor catalogues.
Globe Shoe Store!
227 LACK A. AVE.
Evans St Powell
A limited number of the above
bonds are for sale at par and ae
orned Interest by the following
parties, from whom copies of tho
mortgage and full information can
be obtained:
E. W. Mulligan, Cashier Second
National Bank, Wilkea-Barre, Pa.
W. L.Watson, Cashier First Na
tional Bank, Piltaton, Pa.
J. L. Polen, Cashier People's
Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa.
A. A. Brydon, President Miners'
Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa.
Aud by tho Scranton Savings
Bank and Trust CompouyIruste.
under the Mortgage.
T, a AthertoD, Counsel,
The best is none too
good. Ours are 18-k.
All sizes and weights.
423 Lackawanna Ave.
I II 1111 X XiUkJi
Inserted in THK TRIBUNE at tins
,ntf of ONE CENT A WORD.
6o B0WOS
WW m