2 THE SOBATON TEIBTTNE -SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 2.1, 1894. BASE BALL Allontown and Poltsvllle Break Even In Two Game; Playad. HARRISBURG DEFEATS HAZLEION (leading Has an Easy Time Vanquish ing Easton, and the Game Between Altoona and Scranton Was Stopped in the Middle of the Fifth Inning, Standing of the Respective State League Clubs National and East ern League Results All Manner of Sports Presented in a Concise and Readable Manner. HERE is no material change in tht stand ing of tbe Btata Lxaeue Base Bull clubs over that re ported yesterday, escept tbat Allen town moved up a trills, lacking but four points of tiding HH'zleton for sec- Thiirn In now no doubt out tbat Harrisbnrg will close the first snuson at the bend of tbe list. The following table gives the per centages of tbe clubs, togetnur with tbe number of games won and lost by each, und their standing in the championship race: Won. LOst. Per C't. Harrlebr.rg lltuleton Alluiitowu Heading Berantob Altoona Potkvrllle ElitoU ml hrtiint-a 30 8 .780 U 16 21 17 ,5IU 20 21 .4S 17 21 .447 15 10 .441 14 10 .412 7 20 .212 SCHEDULE FOR TODAY. Scranton at Altoonn. Iluzlutou at Harrlsburg. Easton at Heading. Alluutown at PottBVille. RAIN APPARENTLY SAVED US. Altoona-Scranton Gaaie Stoppad in th Mtddl of Fifh lurilng-. fjifcial to tlie Serantott Tribune. ALTOOHA, June 23. With the soors standing 10 to 3 in favor of tbe houi team, tain stopped tbn game here today in the mid il of tho fifth inning. PJ tcliur West, of tlie Altoona, had the Bcrantoni at his mercy, while Flan Bghan was apparently uneasy mark for the bouiu team OTHER ITA1I LEAGUE RESULTS. r At Ilarrlaburs nrriiburg....l o G'2 3 4 0 0 010 iiuzleton O 0014002 17 Hits Harrihburg, 20 Hazleton, 14. Er rors liarntburg, 4; Hazieton, 8. Batter ies Meiiuey and Vont; Jordan, Mooro and Fairhnrst Umpire Mitchell. At Roa.iug-- Hetidlug a 0 14 10 2 1 012 Easton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 Hits Heading, 15; Easton 6. Errors Bonding, D; Easton, I. Battories Oulds Kud Gooduartj Bradley, Carr and La Tolle. At Pottsvillu, morning game rottavlllo 1 0040004 09 Alleutovn....O 0304001 2-4 Bttt-PottaTillc, ISi Allentown, 10. Er rors PottBVille, 0; Allentown 10. Batter ies Tate, Dlggius; Donouuo and Costello, Kilrny aua Kelly. At Pottaville iSoecnd game PottSTilla C 5 0 0 8 0 4 2 121 Allentown ....0 C 030300 0 ) Illts-Pottaville. 18; Allentown, 9. Er rors Pottsville, 2: Allentown, 11. But teriesWilson and Dlgglns; Baldwin. Kil roy, Kolly ana Cjstello. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Cie.clnnnti cinrinnati Louisville game postponed on accouutof wet grounds At Washington Washington. .4 1 7 4 2 4 1 1 32(1 Eoston 2 1 1 0 0 2 4 2 012 Bits Washington, 27; Boston 17. Er rors Washington, 0; Boston, 8. Butterien Mercer, Petty, Ballivan and Dagitalej Lovett, Stnley andtieasel. Umpire Ems lie. At Bt. Louis St. Louis 0 0 0 0 1 Cleveland 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 23 0 2 0 Hits 81 Louis, 13; Cleveland. H. Errors Hi. Louis. 3; Cleveland, t, Batteries Clarhion, Hnwley and Peltlj Young and O'Connor. Umpire Hurst. At New York New York....O 0 0 0 0 0 Brooklyn .... 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0-0 1 1 7 Hits Now York. 4; Brooklyn. 15. Er rort New York, 2; Brooklyn, 1. Bat ttxrles BtUlttad Farrell; bteiu and Kins low. Umpire Stage. At Baltimore BaltttoOl ,,,,, 2 2 2 0 6 4 0 0 IS Philadelphia.,! 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 2 it Hits- Hsiiiinorc, 22; Philadelphia, 18, Errors Boltltnoro, 2; Philadelphia, 3. Bat teriesInks, Brown, htultane and Ribiu son; Carsoy, BnrMaaand tiros. Umpire ill luaid. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 5 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 x-11 Uiicngo 0 0020200 0-4 Hits-Pltlsbntg, 17; Chicago, 8. Er rors Pittsharfi 8; Chicago, 4. Batteries Kllli n ond Morrltt; (Jnnithsaud Kittredgc. Umpire Lynch. ( EASTERN LEAGUE, Wilkes-Barre, 0; Troy, 2. Buffnlo, 7: Springfield, 21, Erie, J; Providence, 5. Blnghamton, 8; Syracuse, 4. GLINTS FROM THE OlAMOND. The Little Tigers defeated the Raymond Star-, by a score of 9 to 0, yesterday. Third Baseman Baton has parted com pany with tbo Huston club, it M stated. resentatives of the narrlsbiirg, Al toonn, Beading and Pottsville clubs met at Jlarri-lmrg last night to re-arrange the schedule for July 4. Umpire .Mitchell threatens a libel suit gainst President Phil J. Connell, ot the Pottsville baso ball asaocintion, for what be said Of his umpiring when Pottsville played at Hanisburg recently. THC NATIONAL GAMS. "A four-bae bit!" With speed intonse, The ball hath hit Beside the fence, lie in ns: Ho flies Until bo reels! The bleachers' cries Inspire his boelsl The winning run The race mn.t be; Then ho hath won Tha victory. A rush I A slide! A deafening shout Tho umpire cried: The player's ont!" f I closed his eyas. But sleep cam not-1 With weary Sighs Thou up he got. "'Tie vsin!" he said, "I've tried before To go to bed Without the score." Msvsfnnd iYfUn Dcalir. MUST FIRST OEFEAT CORNELL. Tbat la What Yale, Matt Do Bsfors It Can Row Oxfotd. . For a number of years Cornell has been making every fair and sportsman like effort to bring ab tit a nee be tween her crow and Yile, but the Now Haven men have off -rod every escus' imaginable whenever the inbjeot was mentioned by the offleers of the Cor nell navy, and have never uulil this year uiven thorn any satisfaction or answer which might be coustruod iu tbe least degree favorablo to such on arrangement. When Cornell, In 1875. won tha In torcolleglats regatta, defeating Yale, along with twelve other competitors, the New Haven men withdrew from the association, and said to Cornell "Our policy is only to row Harvard.' Many times have tho Ithacans sent a polite invitation to Now Haven asking tor a race, and then, Wnitlng for a race until patience ceased to be a virtus, is sued an open challenge to row Yale "at any time, in any water and for any dis tance With a long list of uninterrupted victories, eleven in number, iu eight oared shells .Cornell thinks that she lias some claim on Yale before the lattor has any right to row any foreign orew as an Amerioau representative, Yale is very desirous of rowing Ox ford, and to tbat end the Yale athletic team is going over as a sort of a fore runner to tuts greater international in tercollegiate regatta. The most im portant feature of tho proposed race between Oxford and Yale is this: The former has written to Cornell, which letter Commodore Brown has in his pocket, sayiug that Oxford will never row Yale until the New Haven crew defeats Cornell or any other worthy claimant to lutercoilegute acquatio ohumpionship honors iu America, She realizes that Yale is a power iu rowing, but she is also aware tbat Cornell has a record of nveo vears DO interrupted victories in clght-oared sliulls. She knows tbat Courtney has never ooHOhod a losing orow, and tbat with Cornell making such open and manly propositions to Yale as she has for years that it would beau empty honor for any English crew to row Yale, and even if the Englishmen won they are too.spnrtsmaulike to givrt tho affair an international character with a great rowing college like Cornell left bebind over In Amerloa, utianswerod nut yet undefnaUd. Just what Yale will do, now that she has received her ultimatum from Ox ford, is an unanswered q-'instion. That she wants to tost her skill with tlie Englishmen is acknowledged by Cap tain Cook, but uow that the only way for her to accomplish this Is to first de feat Coruoil, places the New llavtn uui varsity iu'k position that she is not used to, una of being dictated to, and jast bow she will oondnst herself un der this druwn rein is a matter of groat specnlntion. The question that sports men ask of each other i, "Why should Yale row Cornell?" Every non-partisan whn iiw Saturday's race believes Cornell is tbe fastest crew in the world. Every man who ever sat In a good Yale erow knows that lale has nothing tu accomplish m row ing Harvard, for the lattor bus not much of a rowing reputation. She has no decisive stroke of her own and no coaches. Courtney has seen many Harvard er w, and was at Cam bridge inspecting the work of tue mn last fall at tbo request of tbe Harvard captain, and ho says tbat both Cornell and Pennsylvania would defeat Har vard with ease. Philadelphia Lodgor. OFF FOR MERRIE ENGLAND. Yale Athlstes Crossing tbe Ocean to OonUst with Yale. The ten athletes of Yale university, who cross tho ocean to moot tbe might iest men in Oxford 'varsity's ranks on tbe cinder pstb and track and iu the helil, sailed from New York Wednes day afternoon on tbe New York. Looming a full heel above his fol low was Captain O. W. Hickok, tbo giant weight thrower. With Hickok were Sprinteis Pond, Woodhnll, Mor gan and Sanford; Hurdle Runners anil Jnmpors Csdy and Sheldon, Weight- Ibrowors Brown and Hatch. Charlie Sberrill aeo.mpinied the tsain as a general adviser. Captain Hickok said that he expected that the team would give an uuusually good account of it self. "I think," lie added, "that Pond will so, urn the 100 vard dash, Ca ly the high hurdles, Woodlimi the bnlt-mile, with th j q iarter-mile a clo e race be tweeti Poii'J and San lord. I cannot sue where J. P. Foy, of jDxlord. will be beaten in the high and broad jtitnrai, aud those events must be conceded to the Enk'lBhmftu. I know, from whut American athletes toll me, that Kng gland ought to uli' r especially good ad vantages to our teum. I menu atmos pherically speaking. 1 lie team will disband after tha con tests, July 1C. and will do the Conti nent iu pairs at their leisure. NOTES ABOUT BICYCLE MEET. Pitcher Onn Clarke has bojM released bv Now York; Louisville is alter him. There wiK bo uine races and in addition George Taylor will ride a mile au'diiet time, boping to beat 2.10. The diaginm for boxes is now open at 312 Lackawanna avenue iu chart;,, of H. B. Chase, There are only a few boxes h ft. Dan Canary will give two uxinbi'bm iu fancy nnd trick riding. One of tho exhi bitions v.lll bo on a high wheel, tho other on a safety. A special train on tho Delaware and Hudson has been arrnnced for. It will leave the Delaware, Lucltawanna nnd Western aeport at 1,3'J lor tho Driving park. Yesterday the club awarded the con tract for tbe erection of a now grand btand to the Peck Lumber company. The stanil will bo located Just south of tbe present grand stand and will accommo date 2,010 persons. Those who attend tho blcyclo meet at the Driving Park on July 4, and who go in carriages, must be inside tho OQclosuroat 1,48 or they will not be admitted. Tbe rncos will start promptly at 2 o'clock nnd this rule is Imperative lti order tbat there may be no Interruptions when tho rncos onco begin. Among the local men wno are making good records at tbo Driving park every evening are Oscnr Paine, White aud Ureg ory, ot tho Qreeu Hidge Wheelmen; Tuolrne, of tho South Fide, and Gardner, Newman and Winiuis, of tho Bcranton club. '1 bey will contest for some of the chief prizes aud hope to make bettor than 2.30. . ODDS AND ENDS CF SPORTS. A match game of quoits for 1100 will be pitched at J. E. Ryau's Hotel, Pine llrook, today, by Jobu Proddlock and Stoddard Finlock. The gams will take place between 2 and ;i o'clock. Joe Lewis, tbe backer of Kid Lavlgoe, of Saginaw, has posted $50 for a match against the winner of the Dtxon-Grlff.. fight. Lavignc will meet Qriffo at catcb weights and will weigh in at 122 pounds if be meets Dixon. George Johnson, the featherweight champion of Eugland, has Issued a chal lenge to fight George Dixon, tbe feather weight champion of America, at 121 pounds, for 4'"00 and the featherweight obamploiirblp of the world. He will fight Dixon iu England or Amsrioa. English scullers have objected to J, J. A Word. tPanti of all kinds cost that mueh, en tept Situation! U'unUd,wlticlt art insert Agents Wanted. -1ENERAI. AGENTS WANTED BEI J. 1 ing now articles to dealers) exclusive territory, no competition, nocanital required; OQ to MS per cunt, profit, 'oluiubia Choiui cal Co., rtll Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. ffl7M0 PER MONTH, CITi "It COUNTRY o to conipotunt wide-awake lasoranoc solio- it irs; woll established pCrmaBont busiliesi. Address or inquire second floor, Sti Lack Wannaave, Bcranfon, Pa. r ANTED-.MAN WITH LIFE AND HUE VV insurance expnrlfliieo as bolieltor in 'Luekitnunna county; good iailucomonu to right man, Address 1111-26 lieiK building. Philadelphia, Pa. , Help Wanted Male. WANTi!i3-TKXnKlaiiTmN bt boys to nuke money. Apply ut Rom", ul Spruce street, at 1(1 o'clock this morning. Ur ANTED Men to distribute elr tilnrsand collect naiuoxj Highest prices pSia, In vestigate, merchant & CO., tlerobantc' Bldg.. Hula. r AN TED IF YOU ARE A CATHOLIC Unemployed and will work for $18 per week, write MaeCouuoii Bros., ii Franklin streoi, lloHton, Mass. Helo Wanted Females. AWEB W'ANTI D 'I'll W KITE AT HOM1! ; j IU weekly; tta canvassing, Kei.iy witn stamp, MISS FANNIE lend. lint. l'1-.I.KAUH, p'.Utll Horsee at Auction. 1H.RSE8 AT Al'CTHN-l WILL HE- 1 1 ca ve a load of borsos ut Cuslck a stnhli Scroi.tou, on Frld.ynud soil tliein at am tl u on Monday, Juno St atl o'clock p. in. W. li. MOON. A I'CTKlN SALE OF 111) SEH-TWo'l'Ai: IV loads of wistoin work horses, saddle aud aarrutae hori is, mtutbesola at auction Saturday, dune 21, toimy freight. MICHAEL BUCKLEY, Di-lvinit Park. For Sale HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALB-e ROOMS all modern Improvements, 17lf I'eun avenue, Green 1 Idle", l-'art rash, balancu oa time Cull any day or even! f Specie: Notleea, (H i ii i: op Taa Tbouboit OoAt Co. Saranton. Ph.. Jilne l. Jsol. T'TJE ADJOURNED ANNUAL MEETING 1 of tho stoc.kholders of fids eoinj.any will no Held at tlie oiiu-o ol inecompaor, room in, CommonwcaltM HiitMlng, Sc autjn, fa., on Friday, June S9th, lr-IH. ut I o'clock p. m. Hy order of the President. THOMAS II. HALE, Secretary. 1 ) LAN K DliuKH, PAMPllLET87i.lAGA J) stli.es. etc.. bound or rebound at Tun Thiiii'.ns oilier, (juick work, tteasounhlo prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN HE HAD AT 144. corner Siirnco street and franklin avo- unt. Twenty meal tickets fur $3.50. Uood tnble board. Boarding. CUMMER BOARDING-POUR RESPECT L able persons im Hud first class board with Biiisll family in la ge. airy house. Hot and cold l-aths. Freo carrlat; to depot nnd churcli Three qnsi ters of u nilie tioia sta tion. Hcaltliy locality. Address box ii.l.chu I. ,' Summit. Money to Loan. OJHB MUTUAL GUARANTEE 11. & L. i as oi'l.ttlon. of I'hihiiloiiiliia. Loans promptly miidr. on first mortgage on ItterovCd real e.tate; easy monthly aymeiits: mortaaife cuncolled at ouco in ease of death any time after first payment Apply to A. R. RAUB. Secretary and Treasurer. Scranton brunch, 4'iri Spruce street. Lost. T OST-A HOLD HAIR PIN WITH WHITE IJ pionirs. 1-inner will no suitahly re- warded hy returnlne the samo to Colonel E. 11. Ripple, Third National bank building. Fro post. Is. TlBOPOSALfl WILL l E RECEIVED UN J til June 2"ith for sinking and tllnlieritip a stiart lixi-i m tlie clear, i.opo reet ieei; tin. rock h moHtly shale; eiiBluos and 1) X turns iu place ri mly to turn on steam; for further par ticulars address JAMES M. EVERHART Hcrsnton, Pn. Legal. INSTATE Ot Martha Taylor, 1 it of j Bar niL'h of Olrahaai Pa., deoeiis'd. the Letters o admi i strstlou upon the abive named estate having been Kinnted to tho u dersiK.ied all persons l av ng clainiordn- inandj nRalr.st said estate w II nresent them i'er i avne nt a id teo.ie Ind bl d tha.-eti will ph'nso .nsk i hi msdlata pvm -nt to W1LLAH1I, WAHRKN ..- KNAFP, Attorneys for Iv.tato. JOTIN TAYLOR, Afimr., Olynhant, Pa. Charter Application. -OTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN 1 V application win be nmdu to the (4 ivcraor of Pennsylvania en Monday, the seoonddav ef July. !'.'!. by Watts C. Van Hlareoni. W . i,o.v.ir.l w itiiei-s, rcumund a. Hut . D.iid Burnhaand Louts J. Biabeeker, under the Act of A-Kcnihiy, emitlod "An act to provide for tlie incorporation an 1 rcKule.tiou of oertaia P mt.i.is. .-I'lprovei Ai.r. :V. 171. ami tlie RUt.:ilenients thereto. f,.r the charter ot an .nieililed corimratlo-i to he called the in-- ent Coal Miniii Cnuipeny. tho obarae- t-T and ohiectof wbieh la the mlnlnv. nrenar- ir.' for innrket and tolling nuthrG"iie OoaL and f er tbsce pnrpns s to have, paeeess ana enjoy all the rights, benoOH end privlloKin of said Act of Assembly and supplements thereto. I'ATTKRBON & WILCOX, s ilteitera, Situations Wanted. AuTYvTvrir I'OcTcTLlTllTNa Ij wasliiinr or hut kind of eleanbur. Ai.nK- tof.f4 Elm street. VJ1TUATION WANTID-HY A YOUNG I ' hulv deslrubl of oiituinin m iio.iii book-kospef, CHshler, or at aenaial ofllee Wi.ll:. Rest refeieuees will l.o furni-heil. In. quire ".IS Chestnut street. WANTED -A POSITION AS Rl.OK f keoplu-, double and alnulo sntrv. ha lady who has uraduated iu all ln-aneijcs: cood referenoca Address K. I. M Dnn.nure, Pn, ((van. the Toronto Rcullnr. aa a aandllUta fertile llt.Lliloliil sool:4 afct.nu It.,, ,-. - gatta on tho ground that ho Is not (ittn ifl d IV . w no bu mull Cll . X UU 1 Ol Oil . U 111. W- logelnb. which sent Rvau and Wright to row nt Heiilev. has ofllcinllv rnn.rtiiiiiieui.. ed with the Henley coiutnittoa to thoof fect that the Toronto scullers att pertectly qualilled to row. Slectrio Bfttara. This remedy is becominc se wall known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Klectrlo Hitters line the came ning of prnise. A purur medicine noes muexist ami It Is unman -teed to do all that is clanned. Ulectrio Hitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Kilt Kheam and other nffections caused by impure oioi.u.--mil urive ainiuiia irom the system and prevent na well as core all Malarial fe'vera. For cure of Headache, Contlspation aud Iiitllitestion try Electrio Bitters Kntiio satiataotlon guarau'tuod, or money refunded. Price M ctp. and ti per bottlo at lUattbcws Bros., Drug store Mothers! Mothers!! Mothsrs!!! Mrs.Wlnslow's Hoothiuir Bvrun has been nsed Tor over flfty years by millions or momers tor tueir children wnne teetbinf, witb perfect success. It soothes the child, softc us tbe gums, allays all pain; cores wind colic and is tbo beat remedy for di anbroa. Sold bydmesilsts In every nart of tbo world. He sure and ask for "Mrs. winslow's tsoothing Hyrup,"aml take no no other kind. Twenty-Ore cents a bottlo. BUSINESS AND I'HYSH 1A.V-; A.M. SUmSiMMM 1 )R- .ELiGAE DEAN has removed to 810 -R-' Spruce street, Bcranton, ia. (.JusUop poalto couri-lioubu squara) T)K- A. jTuuNNlSLL, OlUce ittJl Washington J-' aruuuo, i-oraor Spruce streut, over macks'! drug store HcMdencc, ! Vina at. Pflte&onMM lO.aJtolSa. m. and to uU OS) to 7.J0 p. n. Sunday, It to 3 p. m. W. 1". ALLEN, uffluu cur. Laeka i J wanna and Wiishlneton aves. : ovor Leou , ard shoe store; oltico hours, 10 to 13 a. m. and I IM i p. m.; fvcn.UKJ at luildeuoo, tU.N. I Vpahtti((lim vii DR. U L FRKY, PrscUca llialtod to Dl eases of the Eye, Ear, Nnso anil Throat; offlco, LSI WyomlUL' ave. Rebiduucu, W Vine streot. DR. LM. GATES. Ui5 Washington Avenu Offlce hours, 8 to a.m., l.su to ii aud 1 to " p.m. Resideuce iMI Madison avenue JOHN L. WBNTZ. M I'., OlUctis Us and iT Comnionweallh building: reeidonos 711 Madlaonaye; oulco hour.n. 10 to lit to 4, I to ilBonuyaaVB to 4, evenings at riuiidonos. A specialty made of lifenBi"s of the eye, ear, uosa and throat and tyueoology. LAW VlillS. M C. RANCH'S Uw and Collection of. o . flco, No. 817 Spruce St., opposite Forest IIouro. Bcranton, Pa,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond- ....... ... u.u, IIMOIIJ ILMSUl ti ts iiA.Ni), Attornoya and Commit J lora at Law. Commonwealth building, Washington ave, w. H. Jehsijp, HnuAti! E Ha no. w. II. Jhshup, Jb. VydLI.ARD WARREN A KNAPP, Attor- i, n",B nu" Counselors at Law, Republican Minding, Washington ave.. Berantou. Pa. pATTEHsoN & WlLcoX, Attorneys aud X ti.unstUora at Law; olllces U and Library iuUding, Ueranton, Pa. RnswBtx H. TATTIRSO Wll.l.lAM A. Wiloox. A LFRED HAND, WILLIAM J 1IAVII i,. Commonwealth oulldliig. Rooms 10, SO und 21. w P. ril.VI.V A lln,hn. T .... XT... in I SO, liurr bnililini', Washington avenue. li ENltY M. SICKLY ' Law nttlena In PrieA hulldiug, LM Washington avenue. VRANK T. (JKl.LL, Attorney at Uw. Room i ' oal Eiohanga.Suiauton. Pa. WmVM7'"' F. Washing-' -v., , wu nr., j. n. square. aH8a W. OAKI'DKU, Attorney t Law, rnuma 03, W mil (if,, Commonwealth hT'c AJ1UEL W. EDUaK. Attorney at Lmu' !LS?5L?? Scranton, Vk A. WATRKS. AMnrnav . IS I. Lackwiii. .,- HH.,'... ii. 1 I SillTH. ronm.r,llni- mk 1 rjM , room.il!, 55. ftp Cnninmn wealth bnildlng. c R. I'lTltFlKM itl., i .... -" , ftVbWIIIUJ I . L 1.1,,, .i 'Hf monwcalth bnfJaiae. Scranton. Pa. C CQMEGYB. ailBprni t B. httPLdlil.R if......... , tlated on roal estate aecurlty.iusi Hpruea. r. KlLLAM, Attorney nl-Lnw. )Su W'it. oniingovonne, S-rantou. M'IMIOLM. CCHOoLof TI1B LACKAWANlLtTftouT IflSft P"P"ros boy and girls forcollegj or mjtajm thprouguly trains young children. LstalCiiue at rsaucat. RSV. TflOMAfl M. CASS, IflM WOROESTER'S KINDERGARTEN H i n,(l kSbWl". m Adam, avenue. Pupils April 1 Ko!!t Um wlu opse Dli.NUSTS n C. LArjVACll.'rJuPgoou DentUt, No. "ill rotnmg ave. Tm. 1'I AT-fltiiV. fwr'Fhai" ' LUAMK x ciatiou will loin ou in ,ney ou eusier terms too pay you better on investment than any SHjff woctlon. CaU u B. N, C.U.LEN- sSXUg. GB. CLASK ft CO., Seedsmea, FlorHts and Nurvirymen; ttore 14U Washington avenue; groan house, liiSO North Mam' avenue' store telephone Ts".' TBA8. OHAND UNION TEA CO.. Jones 7ot WJtli SltE KKR. OS. KtTETTEL, M I.aciawnnna avenua, mm JSS33jBft 1 1 mannl of gjre Boraens BOTEU AND RBtT A OTtAWTa, WW WESTMINSTER, 21715 Wyomina 1 ave. RoomaJiMU-d with steam; all moo? ern Improvement. C. M, TaimAa. Prop. rHE ELK CAFE, la and 127 Franklin ave X nue. Kutes reasonable. ' Zieiilbr, Proprietor. Vytbi'MliNoTKR HOTEL. k JJ. . ,W. O. SCHENCK. Manager. Biiteenth street, one bloci east or Broadway at Union Square, New Yorg. Amerlrsn plan. 60 per day and epward TMTOfE HOUSE, Eurucoan plan; jood V rooms. Open day and night. liar sup. plied with the best. , .'-.-:Li.i?? NE. Proprietor OCRANTON HOUSE, near D., L. tsVi. O Setiaer depot Conducted on the European CL1-. iCToHKnrn. Proprietor li A Ml I'H'fllll. a i,., , .. V equlnpel hotel m Alleutonu. Pa.; rtA4 -." qiilppet hotel iu Alleutuftu. Pa.: ratal 1 aud JS.&0 nor day. VlCTi.n r. BiniraR, Proprietor. AROH1TKOTA DAVIS HOUPT, Arehltecti. ttimwTiT am) Sft Coniinnnwealth b'ld'c:, Beranten. 1j L. WALTER, ArciiiteetT Uhrary liuLTi j ing, Wyoming aveuu?. Boranton, Vf L. BROWN. Arab B. Architoot Price I i l.nilding.iai V ,iiih!:igton Ave., -orantoo, MiaCKLLATSKOtia B AUEIl'B 6RUHESTRA - "ST'sitJ rdtt tialla. ntenioN imrl.oa mum i . .- - ,t"wwili uru- addrnns R. J. Ruuer, conduetor. lb Wyomiua svo.. over Hulb"rt's music store. OBTON I). SWAUTS-WHOLESALE lumoor, lTice Luuuinji Scran;on, Pa. A J LGARlfi-.K BROTHERS, PRINTERS' l supplies .nyilo;.es. papar hags, twuio. Urehnjiso, 1J0 V aslilnglon ave, Scranton, Bow E' live RY. im rapouse avnnc 1 hirst, class oarnsirej. IV L, I OOTB, - rnnsral Director and Bmbalmsr, IRANK P BROWN A CO.. WHOLE" L JAl ir,!'fet'" S oedware, Cordate and li,, t lota, ..II w. I.f ekawaiina avec.no. T.'i'KA HN.N bulldej-i and r,,;ra.- Xu tora Yards: Comer Olive St, and ilaiu-i ave. ; omer Ash t. and Penn ave., Bcranton. Dimes Are Like Dollars AT THE GREAT Bankrupt Sale of the Pomphrey & Morion Stock Of Ngw, Fresh Goods at the store of GROSS, FOSTER & CO. Dress Goods, Silks, White Goods, Muslin Curtains, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Cloaks, Shirt Waists and Blouses and Several Hun dred Other Articles. These goods were pttrdhaMd at SHERIFF SALE and tho people aro benefited thereby. &o merchant in Hie world can buy goods in tho regular way and compete wita our prices. The reserved portion of this stock will be placed on sale during this week. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT will be closed out for almost uothinj to make room for other goods. So many oomo in the afternoon that there is scarcely standing rOQm. It would be muoh more pleas ant to come in the morning, but if you can't come in the morning, COME ANY TIME for you will not have another chance to get fresh goods for so little money. GrROSS, 316-31S UDIE Take the lead. Because They are Correct in Style, Right in Prices, and of the Best Workmanship. Three Special numbers of NAVY BLUE SERGE SUITS at $8, $9 and $10. COVERT CLOTH, the new fabric, will be the correct thing for next autumn. We are showing one numbe of Ladies' Suits, made of above cloth. BLAZER JACKET and SKIRT at $8, and it is great value. Have you seen the LADIES' VESTS wa are selling at 98c; $1.60 elsewhere. CONN 01 I V Hi LLl m Furniture Upholstered By the most experienced workmen in the city. NO FANCY PRICES. THE SQRkNTQH BEDDMC COU. LACKAWANNA AND ADAMi AVENUE. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. U. E. C..OFUT Proprietor. fpHIS HOUSE in Btrietiy temperance, is uow ai d ell tnruttbsd and DPBM !D To '.llK PUBLIC TUB YEAH ROUND; ll located in ilway l.uweun lloatroiaan I Suran tou, mi .liontrosj and i.ae.awnu.i i BaUroa4. elx miles from 1)., L, & VV. U. R. at Alford 8:a:iun, aad Ilv.. milet from Mmtroie; c:a iiacity, ei;lit7- Ave; throe miuucoa' wulk f ram R. R. station. UOOD BOAT, T I -I1INO TACKI.B, c, J'ltHK Ti UUKtlS. Altitude al.ou: 8,1)00 font, enual'inif in tbis laspi'et the Adiroadaek and Catialll Moija- taina Hue Rrovaa. plenty of ebale and beautiful scenery, making a Siiiinuer lioaort UUDX eeiled Iu beauty and clioipuom. Unne.inK pavilion, swin.-s, cro.U"t gr onnds, Ac. fold r-in Inn Wet.'i- and pljnty ol Milk ttatai, tt 7 tu mo per noek. 91.60 per Uny. Excui-nii.n tickets sold at all station! on D. h. A W, linos Port r meets all trains. Hotel Waverly European Plan. First-class Par attrfotien. !! a lor Pertfuer A r.ag.i' Tannbatusor Peer. II Cor, tStt end F'ubert Sts ; Pito, licit desirable fer realdenU of N.E. Per.n' tyimiiia. All eonveuleucos for ti-.irolers to ana from Proad Street station and the 1'welftU aud Market Htroet station. De sirable for viHtii.,; Korantoiilans and hj. lie In tbe Antbraclta Regioo. T. J. VICTORY. PR0PRIET0B. N. A. HULBERT'3 City Musio Store, Ji WKOMWa AVg.i 8CBAMXO& 8TRINWAV A SOM OKCKEIl BROTHBBi KUANICH A BACii Vi'ULlZ it UAUUU in PIANOS Jit a lares ttook ot first-oUu ORCAIS ICVBIOAL Mi- Ken MJibU FOSTER & CO. Lackawanna Avenue. OUR LINE OF READY-MADE W Al I API 209 ff MLLMUjL WHY NOT See oar FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom tsett We sell jTuruilure as cheap as any houso in the country tliat In tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. m and 207 IROHandSTE NOnWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND Ml.Vldt EXTRA SPECIAL SAKDBUSON's ENGLISH JKHSOP'S ENGLISH CAST STKEL HUKSU SHOES TOE CALK TIKE MACHINERY SPUING soil STEEL ANVILS BKLLOWS HOUSE NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS nROS CUTTING MACHINERY. Bittenbender & Co.. Scranton. Wholauto and retail dealers' in Wagonmakore' and Blacksmith' SUPPLIES. LOUIS B. SMITH in Choice Confections and Frnits. Dealer BREAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouse Avenue. SUITS WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. '9 mm ave. WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS HUBS ei'oKtia KIMS STEEL SKEINS i:. R. SPIKES SCREW I PARLOUS OPBM FROM 7 A.M. TO 11 P.M. BPHCtAL ATjBNTlON OlVlCN TO SL'P (PLYIXU FAMILIKS WITH ICK CUE AM. UlllUltHliill IF You Are Interested ia Wedding Presents, w would like to I i.v- von i'i.m mid examine our PtotM, It i Inftnttlbie for jtf Jf. to Hnd a better us- W M ME! H sortmentofgoodi In a w our line than we liHVe to oiler, mill our crth eyslem uHnteei you the best Tnluibles pro curable. Get our new price liatt at niv rate, otifore ynn W H n f it will at lei si Blve gl I W voualiitit of what we DRtV X3dP B are doltig tbronghont tt atorw in vry depart meut. DiHuioilds will prova 8 profits hie ltivfetment these daya. Their rapid rise in valaa ii sure and certain, and if you want to get tha lowest price T"f sttoday FREEMAN, Oaiti Dealer in Dlamonils, Watrli i, Joweiry, E;o. Cor. Penn Ave. and Sprues St. iniigiiiiiitiii A Handsome Oomplexion Ii oae of the irreatedt charms a woman oan possess rouonrs uoMfLBkioR Po Sjivts it. M 9