The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 23, 1894, Image 1

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There's no better
education than reading a
will enliven soon; you'll need
The Example of the lexow Committee
tatcd in Othelr Cities.
It Is Alleged by a Certain Jeweler
That One His Customers, the Pro
prietress of a Disreputable House,
Told Him She Had to Buy Dia
monds in Order to Hush Up a Po
lice Lieutenant The Moral Reform
Epidemic Again Strikes Pittsburg.
Latest Disclosures in the Gotham
System of Practical Politics.
Nkw York, Jane 1.
1HILE today's hearing of the
Luxow committee was not
sensational, it was instruc
tive. The first witness," Simon
Rawitser, a dealer in raKS, testified to
his firm mint; the sidewalk for bailing
and shipping rags, and being slimmon
d to court for obstrneting the side
walk. Ho compromised with some
allied court officer by the pay
ment of two sums of $25 and $50. The
officer told the witness that it might
be settled by a little annual contribu
tion, and thereafter the witness paid
$10 a vear for two or throe years, and
the firm enjoyed lmmnnity from an
noyance and porsfontion, Then the
tariff was raised to $50 a year. The
money was always put in an envelope
and banded to the officer. The reason
civon for the increase in the rate from
$20 to $50 wai, the witneas said, accord
ing to his best recollection, that a new
captuiu was in charge of the preeiuct.
been made against him for encumber
ing the sidewalk. The notice Btated
that if the soda water stand was not
removed immediately on receipt of the
notice it would be taken to the eorpora
tion yard. The officers of the bureau of
incumbrances and the alleged com
plainants will bo subpoenaed before the
Nathan Levy, of No. 215 Ninety
eighth street, said he had a soda water
stand iu front of his house which did
not encroach on the sidewalk. A conplo
of days ago a man called at his place
and told bim that bis brother must
leave town and uot testify against
John J. Ryan. The witness said that
his brother would not go and the man
then told him that he would not be al
lowed te kw, p bis soda water stand
there any longer. Yesterday the
witness said be received a notice
from the bureau of encumbrances
notifying bim that complaint had
John F. Pnpke, a coffee and tea mer
chant, at 103 Warren street, said MV
need the sidewalks; that he had been
summoned to court once for obstruct
ing the sidewalk and fined $5 or $10
Since that time he bad not paid any
more fines. He had been summoned
again, but bis partner, Frederick Wio
man, who was a member of Tammany
Hull, saw the judge and got the matter
settled or excused.
Another case of payment to the po
lice for the nse of the sidewalk was tea
tilled to by Inadore Berg, dealer in
woollen rags and waste at No. 172
Duane street. He said that he had been
fined several times for encumbering
the sidewalks, when one day he spoke
to the policemun on the beat of the an
noyance he had been subjected to
in this way. The officer told bim
that be would soml some one to
him who would "fix" the mat
ter all right. Another officer named
Kelly called on bim, and after some
discussion tho officer told him that it
would cost him $50. Ho compromised
on $25, and the money was paid in the
nsual way by blng handed to the offi
cer in an envelope. Tho witness there
after was subjected to no interference
in the use of tho sidewalk.
Henry Schuche-t, sn old German
carpenter, of 42S East Fourteenth
street, was the next , 'tness. The
witness told of his having savod some
money and bought n little place in
Pearl street twenty years ago, which
he started to arrange as n saloon and
eating bouse. Une night Captain
Williams and a couple of police offi
cers entered the house, took the key
out of the door and arrested the wit
ness and his wife on a charge of keep
ing a disorderly house. On the way to
the station bouse Captain Williams
asked bim, the witness said,
what he meant by opening a
disorderly bouse without first see
ing bim, and said that if he (the wit
ness) paid him $75 down and $75 a
month afterwards, he could contlnne
to keep a house of disrepute. The wit
ness insisted that his house was a re
spectable one, and be refused to com
ply with William's demand. Tho
prisoners were admitted to bail in $1,
000. and that was the last of the case.
Williams threatened him with arrest
again when he asked for the key of his
house. Ho returned to his house, but as
he feared the police and did not want
to have any trouble with Williams, he
gave up the bouse and returned to biB
business as a carpenter,
George Alexnndor, a native of Con
statinople. 27 years of age, told a tale
of police blackmail and tyranny and
disgraceful neglect of duty wblcb at
tracted the closest attention of the
committee, From hit story it appears
that he kept a small restaurant at No.
22 Catherine slip. Soon after he
bought the place, a policeman called
bis attention to a small stand outside
the restaurant containing the uinal
sample steak, etc., and grnffiy told
him to take it in or pay $5 every
two months tor the privilege of keeping
it outside. He said that he could not
afford to do so, but tbe officer was ob
durate, and therefore he pawned his
watch to get the money, as the officer
insisted on the money being paid at
once. He paid the $5 regularly for a
year, or until about the beginning of
1894. Then he went into business with
a partner in a small restaurant at 3
James slip. It was while in that place
that he bad his worst experience. He
refused to pay for n stand inside
the stoop line. Shortly afterward
he saw a thief on night steal
a lobster irom nis winnow, no
ran out and caught the thief
around tbe waist close to a policeman
whom he oalled on for assistance. The
thief bit bim on tbe head with the
obster aud ran away, but fell as he
run. The witness ngsin canea on ino
officer, one John Adams, to arrest the
thief, but with volley of oaths the of
ficer told him to "go to out of
here," and refused to assist him or
arrest tho thief. The next Alexander
made coniplainst against Adams
at police headquarters, and in a
couple of days he was summoned
to polico headquarters to testify
against Adams. The result of that
trial, tho witneassaid, he did not know,
but be did know that after be made
the complaint against bim two ward
dotectives culled at his restaurant, one
at a time on two succeeding days, and
"baking their hands nt him. swore at
him and threatened to "send him to
prison," to "fix him," "do him" etc.
The witness said he was so afraid that
tbe police would "put up a job" on him
and ruin him that he gave up tbe busi
nees the day before ysstordav.
'You would not have such treatment
at Constantinople, would you, George?"
asked Mr, Goff.
"No, sir. I think not," replied the
Director Beltler Ordered by Mayor
Stuart to Frcbe Rottenness.
Philadelphia, June 22. The thirty
three police lieutenants in Philadelphia
were today ordered by Director of Pub
lic Safety Beitler to appear before a
police court of inquiry ut 11 a. m. to
morrow and stand trial upon a charge
of taking money for police protection
from the keeper of a house of assigna
tion. Thirty-two of the lieuteuauta are
Innocent, but they all will be arraigned
in order to ferret out the guilty official.
The hearing will be public.
It was recently alleged in a reported
interview with Simon Muhr. a promi
nent jeweler, that some time ago a
lieutenant of police in this city was ra
coiving $50 a week (protection money)
from a bouse of ill repute. This be
came known to Mr. Mubr when tbe
keeper of the house, a woman, waH
about to purchase a diamoud to pre
sent to the lieutenant. The jnweller
Under tbe circumstances would uot
sell tbe diamond, and had tbe lieuten
ant brought before him. He begged for
mercy, the joweller promised not to
divulge J hie name. Mr. Muhr, how
over, went to Director Beitler and told
him the circumstances. The director
tried to got him to divulge the lieuten
ant's namo or tho name of the woman,
but without success. A letter was sent
by Director Beltler to Mr. Muhr usk
tng him if he would not appear before
the police board and testify, and in re
ply Mr. jvrnnr saia he wouia not, nor
wonld hegivo the lieutenant nor of the
Director Beitler today made public
a letter from Mayor Stuart which is
the basifl of the investigation. It says
iu part: "After receiving evidence as
to Who tho guilty party is. you will
order a trial to proceed agaiast that
lieutenant, and if found gnilty ho must
be dismissed from the force and pro
ceedings instituted to have him bound
over to answer at court for tbe crime
charged by Mr. Muhr."
Pittsburg Polio Circlsa Feel That a
Sbake up It Near,
PlTTtBOM, June 22 This afternoon
a woman named Jessie Dorsey appear
ed before Alderman Braon. of Alle
gheny City.making information charg
ing misderaoanor against J. O. Brown,
director of the department of public
safety, Roger O'Mura, superintendent
of police, and William McKelvy,
inspector of police. Tho informations
were drawn up by Attorneys Marron
and Reardon and are the outgrowth of
Attorney Marron's recent attack upon
the Pittsburg police department.
Tbe case threatens to open up an ex
posure in Pittsburg similar to that now
in prcgress in New York city.
How the Brltlah Papere R.g-ard Senator
Alllqon'a J Voce Offitlne.
London, June 22 Tho Chronicle,
the Telegraph and the Pall Mall
Gazette comment today upon the re
solution introduced in congress, by
Senator Allison, that tho United States
arrange by treaty with Great Britain
for the arbitration of all differences
not adjustable by diplomatio means.
The Chronicle praises tbe resolution.
"It give positive shape to pious wishes
on both sides of the Atlantic," says tbe
writer, "and we sincerely hope that
these wishes will bs realized."
Tbe Telegraph's leader has tho samo
friendly tone. William Walter Astor's
Pall Mall Gazette says: "Senator Alii
son's resolution means that if the
United States should claim a part of
Canada wo must snbniit the question
to some European power, without re
dress iu case the matter should be do
cided ngalnst us. We must never for
get that England is the most bated
of all powers, and has the most to lose
by arbitration. ''
TheSligo rolling mill at Pittsburg start
ed up yesterday in tho puddling depart
ment. About 500 men returnde to work.
The puddling rate is $3.00.
A gunpowuer nojia yesiornay blew np
tbe faou granu sianu at me uas ball park,
at Sliennadoab. The flames that followed
the explosion dostroyod tbe stand.
Tee miners dolegato convention, with
fifty delegates present, went into session
at ticottdulo yesterday. Tho reports of tho
delegates show a strong sentlmont in fa
vor of continuing tho strike.
Two miners, John Burtleln and David
Jobe, were bonding over a keg of powder
at Cameron colliery, Mlinmokin, when
spark from tho latter's lamp ignitod the
explosive. The men were burled twenty
feet by the oxploslon and both wero per
haps fatally burned.
While a rrowd of boys ranging iu ago
from 8 to 12 years were swimming in the
pond in the brick yard at Twenty-second
and Mimtn Rtreets, Philadelphia, two of
tbem, Thomas Morgan and Albert Dreiol,
sot over their depth aud were drowned
beforo tbey could be rescued.
The Militia Secure a Queer Trophy at Punx-
The State Militia on Guard at the
Bell Lewis and Yates Property.
They Capture an Italian Cannon
Bound to an Oak Log Company
Stores at Walston and Adrian
Looted by the Strikers -Italian La
borers Will Not Bo Employed Again
Under Any Circumstances.
Punxsutawnky, Pa., June 22.
HE troops buuded by Sheriff
Gourley formed here and march
ed to Walston at 9 o'clock this
morning. After reaching the
Bell, Lewis and Yates property skirm
ish linns were thrown out to renin -noiter
the eastern and western hills,
while tbe main body rested oil their
urms on the turnpike. Everything
was reported in good shape and tbe
main liody pressed forward to the town.
The streets aud bills surrounding tbo
town were deserted and everybody was
going along with their work as if noth
ing unusual bad bappeued. The for
eign element were orderly and ap
peared to onjoy the situation.
A reconnoitoring party of Sixteenth
regiment succeeding in finding one of
the Italian cannon on the hill side. It
is made of four iuoli pipe iron securely
bound to oak log. The troops yelled
with delight wlten they saw it aud
prize tl.e trophy highly.
Tho Fifth regiment and Sheridan's
cavalry are encamped at Walston
where the Sixteenth went into cuinp at
Adrian this afternoon. Tho Sheridan
troops will do skirmish duty between
Walston and Adrian. Tbe Sixteenth
regiment executed a highly clover
movement at Hammer abont daybreak
this morning. The men from Hontz
dale had lined up with stones und olubs
a sbort distance above tho stand. There
was a report that they intended to
wrecit the train. The militia officers
at once set to work and ordered out a
battalion which flanked on either side
of the train scattering tbe foreigners
right and loft and allowing the train
to pass in safety.
Tho company's stores at both Rals
ton and Adrian were raided by th
Huns and Italians last evening aud
completely looted. Late last night the
typle and a lot of mine and railroad
ears at one mine were set on lire and
destroyed. Tho mine is owned and
operated by Jackmun & Ellsworth.
While there is a great ileal of excite
ment in and around this place, it is uhe
general opinion that thcro will be no
trouble of a surions nature. This af
ternoon about one-third of the militia
are marciilng through the streets of
Punxsutawney carrying the cannon
that they captured.
It is almost a certainty that Bell,
Lewis & YattS will make at attempt
to start up the Walston mines tonight
or tomorrow morning with now men.
It is ulso the company a intention, how
ever, to employ no itaiiuns either now
or in the future. At the present time
tbe operators of the Walston mine havo
a gang of men at their mine loading
slack under tbe protection of the
So far tonight tilings are remark
ably quiet in this section and there are
no indications of n contlict whatever
The Fifth r giment has been stationed
at Walston mine, wnero trouble was
most feared. Tho cump is located about
fifty yards trom tbe mine on a small
hill, which gives them a good view of
the entire works. The Sheridan cav
airy is quartered In tbe stuhlo of tho
company at Walston and the Sixteenth
regiment is stationed at Adrian mine
and occupies nn equally good location.
E rom 2 to 4 o clock this afternoon
Hungarians and Italians were contiuu
ally marching from Walston to Liud-
Hey in Indian stylo. About noon today
Superintendent Robinson gave tbo
English speaking miners and Hun
garians to understand that they could
return to work at 40 (tents per gross
ton, but stipulated that thoy
would allow no Italians to re
tnru to work under auy circnm
stances. I he men immediately held a
meeting at Lindsay, which wiwt at
tended by all classes of labor. At this
meeting they passed resolutions declin
ing to accept the 40 cent gross rate and
agreed to stand by tho Italians.
'I he miners claim that tho cannon
captured this morning by tbe militia
was made to celebrate the last 4th of
The Miners of That Locality Have Bean
Starved to Dsn p-ratlon.
Uniontown, June 22 The trial of
the Paddock murder cases will not bo
completed before tomorrow. Mauy
evictions of families of strikers have
abandoned all their camps and offer
practically no opposition to tboso who
desire to return to work.
It Is thought that should today's con
vention decide to continue the strike,
that tho big breaks will occur at onco
in tbe ranks of the strikers, many of
whom are in desperate circumstances
and aro thoroughly whipped by tho
lung- continued Hinge of starvation and
destitution. The first of next wek
looked npon a tho lime when the big
irest breaks will occur.
Some dynamiting was reported in
the vicinity of Fair Chunce last night
but details have not been obtained yet,
Ihey Will Reimburse the Trtaeury
Sold Exported This Week.
New York, Jnno 22. It Is an
nonnoed this evening that the bank
have decided positively to reimburse
the treasury for the gold exported thi
week. These exports amount to 7,
7..0.000. Of this amount the bauks
have already paid f 1,000,000, and the
remainder will be in the sub-treasury's
vaults by tomorrow night.
1 he banks will contribute toward
tbe total amount, it is understood, in
proportion to their holdings of specio.
the definite conclusion to aid the treas
ury in this manner was reached only
at a lato hour this afternoon.
York CityaDliizi of Glory The
Waathar Delig-htful.
New YORK, Juno 22. The torchlight
parade of I ho National Haongorfest took
place tonight iu n blaze of glory, the
weather being delightful throughout
tbe nigbt.
I he residencos and privato
and public buildings along the line of
march were profusely decorated and
the immense crowd whioh lined the
streots of the line of march was the
best natured and best dressed that has
been seen in Now York city in recent
years. .Everybody seemea to bo ont
or a good timo and everybody seemed
to have it.
Distinguished looking man were
'guyed1' by handsomely dressed girls
and women, but not a frown was seen
to chase away the picture of good na-
nro rclDcted in everyone s counten
ance. Mor the slightest mishap oc
curred to mar the celebration. a
Lower Second avouue would have
buen awarded first prize bad judges
been appointed to pass upou tho most
elaborately decorated section of tbe
town. Even the Bowery was deoorated
here und there.
Councilman Want Too Many Passes,
He Thinks Spicy Revelations
Threatened inconsequence.
Slieclal to the Scrnntan Tribunt.
PlTTBTON, Pa., June 22. Another
tnngio in the complicated political
skein which has enmeshed the proposed
electric street railway proi:ctin this
borough has been supplied through tbe
desire of certain official friends of
President of Council Mangan to enjoy
transportation ovor tho contemplated
trolley line without the inconvenience
paying therefor. The version of
this little hitch narrated by Superin -tendut
Graham of tho Traction coin
pauy is that several days ago President
Mangan asked for three passes, one for
himBelf, one for Councilman M. N.
Donnelly ond one for Borough Attor
ney C. Frank Bohan.
Superintendent itiraham might have
concurred in this request had it been
the only made from oouncilmanic
quarters; out ha says it was not, and
broadly lnliuiates that wore he to lift
the Veil on all the overtures made to
him from various person occupying of
ficial or semi-official positions in the
government of PittstoD, there wonld
hi disclosed a spectacle of voracious
ness almost paralleling the findings of
the Lxow committee in New York.
President Siangan admits havinl'
iBked for three passes, at the n quest
of friends; bnt doilies having 4ono any
thing worse than that, aud evidently
dons not regard that request as consti
tuting a heinous crime.
What mikes Suporinteadont Gra
ham indignant is the fact that a few
lays after his rofnsul of tbe passes.
sixteen of the Traction company's
workmen wore arrestod and brought
before President Mangan, then officia
ting ns burgess in the absence of Bnr
gess Maloney, and were fined $3 apiece.
I. iter, when similar cases were tried
bofore the real burgess, the men were
discharged. Superintendent Graham's
spirit writhes at this contrast, and he
vows with solemn intensity that next
Monday night Attorney Bedford. John
C Eno and himself will go beforo
council and aim ill its innocont ears
with tales of thrilling woo.
Twonly-flve Coal Care Wreoked and a
Boy Killed.
Easton, Ph., June 22 Last evening
a lone train of loaded coal curs came
into the Glendou yard of the Lsnigh
and Miequehiinnn railroad at hsston
The telegraph operator signalled tho
engineer to stop, in ordor to roturn be
yond the switch leading from
the main truck to tho siding.
M.v Barrett, aged twelve years
tniniting tne operator was mo
tioning to hrr to turn the switch, run
out on the track and threw tho lever.
Tils' train was passing over the switch
at tho time, and twenty-five cars wen
derailed and wrecked.
Two yonng Eiston lads. William
Welbert and Clyde Bsisel, were riding
on tho train, returning Irom Betbla
hem. Welbert jumped, and falling un
der the wheels was cut in two. Heine!
remained on the train and was not in
Striking; Emnloytn to Travel In R.frulnr
Ooachea Unless Settlemnnt Is Mad.
CHICAGO, June 22. Unless the Pull
mau company effects a settlement with
the strikiug employes on or before
o clock on Monday evening next, a
general boycott against its sleeping
and dining cars will be declared at
noon on tbe following day by the
American Railway union.
This was tho decision reached by the
national convention of tho order at the
executive sosslon this afternoon.
The California Hopnblican convention
nulogiznd Senator .Stanford us an offsot to
Congressman Geary s etiurges.
It is outlined that the constitutional
convontiou will agree upon tho proposition
ror separate municipal elections.
Kelly and llakor, tho Commonweal lead
era who wore warnort away from Louis
ville, wore arrested as vagrants and bailod
out by a rich sympathizer.
W. J. Qlllette, who Is a candidate for
congress on tho Populist ticket and who is
tho leader or the Loxeyitos in Oklahoma,
has been arrested on a charge of perjury
Marshall EL Smith, of Uurlinton. N. J..
whose mind is believed to bo affectod. has
been sending letters to lending business
men of ltristol. Pa., and to his neighbors,
charging them with being in a conspiracy
to rob Mm.
Tho Kutro tunnel in the Comstock min
ing region iu Nevada has beeu attached to
forco the settlement of claims aggregating
.J'J,l)UO against tbe (Jomstork Tunnel com
puny, which now controls the property.
The tunnel cost fS,uW,oug.
Measure Defended by Populists, Democrats
and a Republican Senator.
The Anti-Option Bill Goes Through
The Lower Branch b; a Vote of 150
to 87 Tho General Deficiency Bill
for the Year Ending; June, 1804,
to Be Considered Noxt Senator
Hill Skirmishes with the Populists.
Washington. June 22.
WO vory important amondmonts
wero reported today from the
finance committee of tho senato
on th- income tax provisions of
tho tariff bill, Tho one was to reduce
the) exemption from $4,000 to $3,000 and
the other was to havo deducted from
the annual profits of banking, railroad
und other corporations on whioU the
tax is to bo ussessnd the sums paid out
for working expanses, the fixed chargeB
(interest on bonded indebtedness) and
losses for tho year.
Ino daya session was spnt in discus
sion of tho income tax foature of the
bill, but no vote was takeu on any of
the amendments, The income tax was
lefendod by two populist senators, Mr.
Kyle and Mr. Allen, ono Republican
Mr. Teller, of Colorado; and one Demo-
ratio eeuator, Mr. Jarvis, of North
Carolina. It was assailed by three Ru.
publican senators, Mr. Sherman, of
Ohio; Mr. Patton, of Michigan, and
Mr. Piatt of Connoticut.
The speeches of Senators Patton and
Jarvis were the first made by them in
the Senate. Senator Hill, of Yew York
was on the skirmish lino the wbolo duy ,
assailing with equal alertuess and per
tinacity tho position of the the Pop
ulists and that of the Dmo-
rats. In n final acrimonious tussle
with the parliamentary manager of
ihe bill, Mr. Harris, of Tennessee, un
complimentary comparison." were made
by both snutors between the "planta
tion manners of Tennassoe'' and the
manners of tho "slums of New York,
At 4 45 o'clock this afternoon the
anti-option bill passed the house by a
vote announced to be yeas 100, nays H7;
present and not voting. 1. This rosult
was reached after two hours consider
ation of the amendments to the bill,
under the live minute rule, and an
mur apoech by Mr. Hatch (Dem ), Mo.,
tbe author of the bill, summing up the
argumenta in its favor. In committee
of the whole, an amendment offered
by Mr. Boatuer (Dem.), La., providing
that the hill should not apply to the
transactions whero the delivery of the
articles tradnd in was inteaded and
wblcb arose in dne course of business,
failed of adoption by a tie voto.
An amendment ollered by Mr. Aid-
rich, (R"p., 111.), to include trading in
flour within in the provisions of tho
bill, and an amendment offered by Mr.
Cox, (Dem., Tenn. ), amended on mo
tion of Mr. Lacey, (Rep., Iowa), ex
empting from the provisions o; tbe bill
sales for future delivery by the owner
of article or his duly authorized agent
and relieving tho seller from liability
whore failure to deliver the article sold
was duo to failure in the transporta
tion or other fault of a common
carrier beyond the sellers' control, was
agreed to in committee .of the whole,
but in tho bnu the latter amendment
wi.s rejeoted, so that tho bill as finally
liissed wus the bill that camo from the
committee on agriculture with the sin
gle addition of flour to tbo list of arti
cles winch may uot be traded in.
The general deficionoy bill for
year ending Juno 1801 was made
order. of business for tomorrow.
Will Be Electrocuted Sometime Durina;
the Month of Auiruet.
MONTIOELLO, June 22 Judge Ed
wards today sentenced Lizzio Ilalliday
to be eleotoouted in tho week bogitiuing
Monday, Aug. 0.
Mrs, Ilalliday slopt tho sleep of tbo
just and innocont last night. She nte
a hearty snpper. Her pulse, whioh
was 144 Wednesday morning, bud
dropped to 75.
When she nwoke soon after daylight.
young Boocber aud another deputy who
had remained in the cell over night
asked hor how she felt. She would
make no reply. She stood and looked
st the floor for a long time, and seomod
wrnpped in thought.
Court opened nt 0 30, the room being
filled witn men and women. Lizzie
csmo in with Sheriff Beecber with tho
same measured stop.the same downcast
eyes and the game exhibition of stupid
ity. She was pushed down into her
chair, where she began tho same no
tions carried on during the trial. She
coverod her face to her eyes with her
huudkorchief nnd rubbed hor nono and
strokod her chin. Judge Edwards' was
eighteon minutes in.
While ho was looking over the cod
Lizzie attempted to rlie,but was forced
down Jinto ber chair. District Attorney
Hill moved that aonteuce bo passed
npon Elizaboth Ilalliday. Fonroilicers
then held her up. The usual questions
were put to her, but she answered nono.
Her body swnyed in the grasp of tbe
officers, but there was no expression in
her face, no toar in her eyes. Sho
jerked bor hoad up and down, stamped
with her heel onco or twice, but at no
time raised her head.
She was closely watched by Dr. Ed
ward C. Mann, the professional witness
whose testimoby did so much to convict
ber. and he even seemed nonplussed at
her behavior.
Judge Edwards spoke in low, mea
sured tones in imposing sentence. Mr.
Carpenter responded to the judge's in
vitation to speak by saying: "I have
nothing fnrtbor to say." Tenrs streamed
down his cheeks as the jndge con
demned ber to death by electrioity at
the place dasiKnated by the state, in
the week beginning Mondav, Aug. 0,
Lizzie was then led out without glv
ing sign of recognition of the terrible
An Unknown Assassin Murders HI Vic-
tlraa Whil They Blent.
Lawtey, Fla.. June 22 Sometime
Wednesday night Gnstavus Drotshagen
and wife, who lived abont a mile east
of this place, wore murdered. The as
sassin entered their room while they
were asloop and crushed their skullB
with an ax. Robbery is supposed to
have been tho motive. There is no
cine to tbe murderer.
Drotsbngnii came to Lawtey abont
fourteen years ago from Norwalk, O.
He was said to havo been a Catholic
priest, and he brought with him Louise
Ulausmaun, who was said to have been
a nun. They lived together for two
years, and then Loiiiae's sister, Heding,
came from Germany to visit them.
Soon after Heditig's arrival sho and
Drotshagen were married. Louiso
Glunsinann, the nun, who eame to
Lawtey with Drotshagen, died soon
after tho marriage.
Prominent Politicians Under Arrest for
Perjury and Conspiracy.
Perky, O. T., June 23. -Great ex
citement was created yvsterday by tbe
arrest of several prominent men and
politicians on charge by indictment
from the grand jury for perjury and
Among the number were Dr. W. J.
Gillett, formerly of Illinois, who is a
candidate for congress on the Populist
ticket and leader of the Coxey move
ment in Oklahoma, and R. R. Cornell,
a prominent attorney, chargod with
perjury, and Sheriff C. F. Parker, of
Lincoln county, and W. A. Moray,
government surveyor, obarged with
G, Dunn & Co. Report That tho
Improvement Continues Solely
In Decrease of Failure
New Yokk, June 22. R. G. Dun &
Co. s weekly review of trade will say
tomorrow: The;week hasgbeon rich in
promise but poor in performance. It
was confidently promised that exports
01 gold wonld cease, but tbey have not
It was promised that the eud of the
coal strike would bring immediate re
covery of industries, bnt partial re
sumption of work discloses compara
tive scantiness of demand for products,
while the miners of Ohio in convention
have repudiated the settlement and
eontinuo the strike, and in muuy local!
ties it lingers, and above all the coke
worm s swiKe diocks most or the iron
manufacture in the central region, less
thau a quarter ot tho coke ovens belnir
yei mi worx.
It was balteved that late ohmnaei in
the tariff bill would be more satisfac
tory to industries, bnt the new sehod
tiles have uot yet diminished hesita
tion. Ihe exports of gold havo been
ijti.ioO.OUO during the week. The floed
ol money from the interior, amounting
to about 100, 000 for the first half of
1894 continues to show the greatly re
ducod demand for funds, and at th
flame time heavy liquidations in re-or
ganizing railroads, especially bv for
eign holders, have operated a- a mag
net to draw abroad the unused coin of
the country. The treaenry gold re
serve is reduced lower than it was at
any time in Jaunary and government
proposed to ship lugal tenders to in
terior points against doposits of gold in
the treasury at ratB which virtually
constitute a premium on gold.:
It was confidently expected that the
settlement of the tariff rates on textiles
by the senate would improve the condi
tion of textile manufacturers, but there
is scarcely any evidenco of such a re
sult SB yet. the large sales of cotton be
ing distinctly traceable to mere weath
er conditions and to further conce
sious by sellers. Wool is less active
und rather weaker, with salos equal to
abont last year for the same week last
There is much disappointment that
tho partial termination of the coal
strike does not promptly enlarge the
demaud for Iron and steel products,
which is evidently too narrow, us yet,
to support much increase of produc
tion, western orders are compara
tively liberal, though much smaller
than in other years, but no improve
ment is seen at Philadelphia, while in
tbe centrHi region the continuing
coko strike strino and grave uncertainty
bout the July settlement of iron work
era' wages causes much hesitation
Tho shoe industry appears to fare bet
ter than others in quantity of produc
tion, though mainly In the low priced
goods, for which most of tho manufac
turers have orders reaching woll into
tho future, while tbe medium goods
are greatly neglected.
Tho volume of domestic trade, mou-
sured by clearings, shows nounportaut
change, Compared with 1802 tbo de
creets is 18.3 per cent, outside of Now
York and 24.4 per oent. at all points.
The improvement continues in failure
returns, which were 214 in tho United
States against 273 last year, and 23 in
Canada against 14 lant year,
Tho president will not hn able to attond
thH New York laahgerteati and hiw so In
formed the managers.
Senator Dickson, (Rop R. L), nppeared
boforo the senate sugar investigation com
mittee yesterday, mid anawered in tho
negative all the. "drag not" questions. He
hits just returned to Washington.
Consular reports show tnat the Oermnn
pooplo annually lay up nearly tt00,OUO,000
one-half of which, ifoes into securities,'
many of thorn foreign, whaM interest and
dividends annually add flUUHM.OOO to tho
fealth of the country.
In Washington nntl other largo cities tho
United States civil service commission
held examinations yesterday of applicants
for ofllcos ns inspector, 1,4()0 per annum
and asuistaut inspector, at 11,900 in the
Bureau of Auimal Industry, agricultural
I CLEAR Washington. June .Fnrecat
I I Jr S'lturdmj : For Jtattem
I iniisimnio, genrmlly fair,
. .nmut tog), Umjwmtur,:
smith wind,., toft pottOfa thumfrr ttorrtU
ni fif nftrrnovn rr eivninn. ir....
WnngMMO, a-ierillva.V, e.rcept ' tx,a.
Mu thunder showtrs, the afterimon.
touthweit winds
We have received from our mnn
uJacturer some special job lots of
perfect goods at cut prices. The
quantity ia limitod and cannot be
10 dozen Gowns, solid embroidered
yokes, at g&c. each.
0 dozn Gowns, assorted, at $i. 19.
10 dozsn Skirts, with 5 tucks, 62c.
") doz. Plain Skirts, cambric riifU-,75c.
5 dozen Mnslin Skirts, 8-inch embroid
erod rtitll?, at Si.
10 dozen Drawers, embroidered rrffle,
10 dozen Misses' Gowns, embroidered
yoke, 75 and 85c.
C dozen Infants' and Children's White
Dresses, 65c. up.
Shirt - Waists
49, 75 and 98c.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Wholesale and Retail.
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce Street.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
Russet Shoes.
114 Wyoming Avo.
New Store
New Goods
Suitable for Wedding and
Commencement Presents
Finest line of Silver Belt
Buckles, Veil Clasps and
Other Novelties in the
NOUNCEMENT, A Souvenir Pres.
ent given FREE to every lady caller,
if yon buy or not.
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street