6 i THE FCITATsTON TI77I3UNE- FEIPAY MOKETING. JUNE 22, 1894. tm Bin ""ThE (, . cofvnMOeP. es4 ifcMtnicAN pbc55 association CHAPTER XV. TIME AND TOR, More than on in tho courso of tins Aisfory it has boon mentioned that the windows of tho artist's chiimborH looked ont upon a river. In truth, it was almost impossible, to rn mivwhero in Maxoy's rooms and escape its presonco. He had chosen his suit for the free, open pros pect it afforded, and he had sketched and painted a landscape from this lofty situ ation a dozeu tinu s. It mattered not in what part of the honso one was, there wad always something to remind him of tho river. The sweeping curve made by tho stream just above tho center of the city broadened tho otherwise narrow belt of water into a lakelike expanse and opened a vista of miles to the eye. Over this wido snrfaoo tho wind camo and went unopposed. It was ever rattling at the windows of the artist's rooms. To awake of a winter's night and hear the uneasy fhost tapping with his chill hand for admission was to bo reminded of tho icy water (lowing steadily with the tido down between tho great stono walls in tho darkness. The tido roso and fell in tho river for miles above the city. In the dead of winter it lifted tho solid white Furface, like a mafblo floor, through 10 feet twice a day. After a thaw, when the ico broke up, even in Maxey's rooms, could bo heard tho great blocks grind ing against tho Htones. These floating masses drifted variously, as the tido ran biiok up the stream, to crowd the nar row space between the banks above tho sweeping curve or down beneath the bridgos and between the hulls of innu merable vessels out to sea. Only in tho space contiguous to the house in Balla voine place they remained stationary, for just here a configuration in the wall gave a whirling motion to tho water. Tho floating block that drifted too near this sput was inevitably drawn in, and oneo in there it. staid, pounded up and down, up and down against tho mason ry and tho decaying piles till it was melted quite awny. It was a dark and mysterious recess, this little section of tho river beneath the artist's windows. Somehow the building stood about it in such away as to cut off tho sunlight, except pcrchanco at high noon. It was always gloomy close to the wall. Even when tho river sparkled brightest in the smiling sum mer days, just in here there was a drea ry spot. Here the water swirled and did not dance in little waves. Here, too, had oice been tho end of a wharf or wooden structure of some Kind. A few of the venerable timbers yet remained imbedded firmly in the river's bottom. Tho blackened ends, projecting above tho surface, deepened tho somber and forlorn effect. "fbt honso in which Maxey lived did not rise directly from the river walL It stood back and left a little space a mean and parsimonious space utilized only Iry housewives for the hanging out of clothes. A high picketed fence pre vented the contiguity of tho river from being dangerous. Occasionally tho janitor of tho build ing, who was supposed to have a protect ing eye for all that appertained to it, omerged from the basement whero he lived into the yard to oast about him a reassuring glance. Ono morning in Do cembev, when he came, a trifling altera tion in tho familiar prospect caught his attention and aroused his wonder. The Upper ends of two pickets in the hi;:li fenc6were broken short off near the top. One of tho several pieces lay in tho snow at the bottom of the fence; the other still hung by a sliver from its place. The Janitor shook the woodwork, and his mystification was increased when he found that tho two broken pickets were loose. This was such an inexplicable The. two broken pickets were loesc. matter .thitt he did not oenso to wonder at it. After he had exhausted all his theories and had pursued a fruitless in vestigation till ho was forced from lack of untried moms to givo it up, being after tho time when he mado tho discov ery, it would still recur to his mind. Sometimes he would look suspiciously into the river just without the fence, as if ho raoro than half believed that it might givo tho explanation for which he Sought, if it would, lint snch secrets as it had tho river guarded well. The wa ter Was very murky and impenetrable just hero in tho best of times. Soon after tho breaking of tho pickets it put a wall of ice upon its surface, the totter tokeop out prying eyes. But still the two bro ken pioketH rose up shorter than their fel lows to remind tho curious janitor of the something unexplained. Tho spring came, and the sun molted the ico. It lingered in the pool without tho fence longer than anywhore else, as if it wero loath to go. For a long time the bitter breath of tho dying winter and tho warming rays from tho April sky fought for tho maatery hero. It was a She admired, openly and ecstatically admired, Maxey's wife and declared that if she hnd been a man sho should have fallen in love with her horself. She praised Maxey's taste as an artist and Went into raptures over some of his pic tures, with which ho had ornamented tho walls of his parlor. Sho even 1 ktidL nowAMcr u nr liuiti'S S3w -a" "Such," thought Ellen, "is her boldness and effrontery" attempted to become a worshiper at tho shrine of the artist's sister, but Miss Maxey mot all her at tempts to win her over with an icy reti OSnoe which move than once aroused the latent fire in tho widow's eyes. Dr. Lamar, usually so gay and con versational in tho artist's rooms, hardly uttered a word. Ho sat beside Mrs. For sythoon tho sofa as grave and serious as if ho had been assisting at a funeral. The difference was so marked and so significant that all three of his friends were Impressed by the Fact It was the last matter under the circumstances that either Julian Maxey or his young wife would have thought of mentioning iji his presence, but Ellen somehow felt that she had a battle to fight with an unscrupulous woman, and that any means wore justifiable. She took advan tage of tho opportunity afforded her by this faet to plant a covert thorn in the breast, of her enemy. "I am sure," she said in an audible voice to her brother while Mrs. For sythe was saying something to Annette, "tho doctor is not well tonight." "Not well;"' echoed Maxey. "No; don't you notice how constrain ed and different from his ordinary self he is? Ho is usually so ohatty and agroe- ablo. Some shadow seems to have come in with him. What can it be? Is he not happy?' ' "Hushl" whispered the startled Max ey, perfectly unconscious of his sister's duplicity. "She will hear yon." "She. Who? I don't understand yon. " Miss Maxey addressed herself immedi ately to Annette. "Don't you notice that the doctor is not himself tonight, dear?" "Oh, indeed, is ho not?" cried the Willow Fotsythe, turning with an ad mirable appearance of solicitude to ward her affianced. "Do yon hear what they aae saying, Eustace?" "No. What?" "That you are not at all like your self tonight. I hope yon are not going to to ill, too, because of my bad exam ple." ' "I was not aware," returned Lamar coldly, "that I exhibited any symptoms of tho sort. " The tone of the reply was so rough and discourteous that tho color came into Mrs. Forsythe's cheeks. Sho bit her lip, and her eyes moistened. "She loves him," thought watchful Elleu, with a jealous glow at the heart. "She loves him. There is no doubt of that." Lamar seemed to havo instantly re pented his own harshness, for ho at once Went on, with an assumption of careless gayety: "Tho fact, is, while you havo been talking I have been dreaming. I may havo looked sick, but tho truth is I was abstracted. " "Some new theory in practice, I sup pose," suggested Maxey. "No, "said Lamar, straightening up and m;ikiiig an evident effort to bo en tertaining. "It was something odder than that something a good deal more interesting. " "Uf course that is meant to arouse our curiosity aud make us bog yon to tell us about it," said Airs. Forsythe playfully. "I don't know abor.t that," Lamar returned, with a slight frown. "I am not so stir.- that I should be justified in discussing a professional secret oven among friends." "It's a professon.il secret then I" ex claimed Maxey. "Oh, then we must 1 toldl Professional scen ts are always the most entertaining of secrets, Out with it, Lamar!" "Well," replied tho physician, "as long as yon Understand that it is not a matter to be talked about outside, I don't know that I need hesitate. Pre pare yourselves for a most curious and mysterious affair. " "I think I may say that everybody is sufficiently prepared," said Maxey. "Let us havo tho whole mystery at once. " "Dictum factum! You shall. I will save my conscience by not calling any names. A certain lawyer of this city called at my office this morning and in a very cautious and enigmatical manner informed mo that he wanted to have niy opinion on a matter of vast impor tance to himself and others intere sted. 'First of all,' said he, 'I want to know if yon can tell the comparative age of a Boor on tho human body?' To so very vague and general a question I told him I certainly could give him no satisfac tory answer. 'Very well, ' said he, 'I will postpone my question until after I have presented my case. I want you to got into my carriage. I will then take you to a place where there is a scar which I wish to have examined. I shall introduce you under a false name, and it is not to bo known that you are a physician. All you have to do is to as sent to everything I say, and when I show you the scar scrutinize it as close ly as you can. Afterward I shall sisk yon for your opinion. " 'I will tell you, ' ho went on, 'that this is a most important case, and that you aro only ono of several prominent physicians whose opinions aro to be asked. Wo wish and intend to make this matter as much of a certainty and to have it partake OS lit'iloof the nature of guesswork as medical science will permit. ,aj do not want, to conceal any thing from yon, however. There is a ban possibility that at, some time or other you may be called upon as an ex port to repeat tho opinion which you shall give mo in court. If SO, We shall see that you are amply recompensed for any loss of time or Interference with your business that such a necessity would oc casion. And in view of this possibility I wish you to roeolloct just how this matter was presented by mo to you, and that so far from endeavoring to control your opinion I havo not even told you whether it would bo for our interest to find this scar to bo old or recent' Why, what is tho tronblo, Fostolle? Yon aro palo. Is your faintness coining on ufc-aln?" With a snddou effort Mrs. Forsythe overcame the emotion which hnd made itself ho dangerously apparent in her countenance. She Joreed a smile, and with admirable presonco of mind mado haste to turn tho apprehensive glances of everybody from herself by requesting Lamar to go on. "Oh, no, Eustace; you aro wrong this time, at any rate. I never felt bettor in my life, tio on, I pray you; I am so in terested!" The physician, almost forced to disbe lieve his own oyes, eventually complied With this request. "After this preliminary," ho con tinued, "I got into a closed carriage with my enigmatical friend and was driven to a certain place, whero I was ushered into the presence of as pretty a young lady as you often havo mi oppor tunity to look at. " "A pretty young lady?" exclaimed Maxey. "You aro doing very well, La mar. Proceed. Don't spare the details." Everybody laughed, even Mrs. For sythe, but Ellen, who was watching her with sharp eyes, saw that a new and georet terror was OOminB over her as the doctor went on. At his1' last words her hand trembled visibly. Nevertheless she only raised a handkerchief to her lips and did not speak. Lamar continued: " 'Well,' said my friend, tho lawyer, to the young lady, 'hero is Mr. So-and-so, of whom I told you. He was an old friend of your fa ther's, lie ought to know you very well. Von won't object to his examin ing yon, I suppose?' The young woman laughed, as I thought, a little nervously and said: 'Oh, no, not at all. I havo no objection. He may inspect as much as he pleases, ' Rather more ImjM and loud than I should havo liked, but still not offensive. 'Dark hair, you see,' said tho lawyer. 'Isn't that right?' 'Oh, yes,' said I, 'quite right. ' 'And black eyes. Good again, isn't it?' 'Oh, yes,' said I, 'perfectly good. 1 And so ho went on making a sort of inventory of her dis tinctive points, llUGh OS though she had been ahorse which he was trying to sell mo. And finally yon can't, guess what happened." They all gave it up without trying. "Well," said Dr. Lamar, "finally the lawyer persuaded the girl to pull off her Stocking and show me her left foot." Mr. and Mrs. Maxey wero so intent on what the physician had to say that they did not observe Mrs. Forsythe, but Elleu saw that she looked really ill, and in the midst of it darted a wild, search ing, suspicions glance into her own oyes. "He made her show me her foot, " said the physician, "and then I saw that one of the toes was missing. Here was the scar about which ho had so mysteriously hinted. 'Well,' said he, 'when we were out of tho place once , -of. She looted ii Ellen with on expression 0 ungovi nuible roue, more, 'was it old or recent?' 'I am sure I don't know how to answer that, 'I said, with a laugh. 'Well, canyon tell me this? Is it IS years old?1 Fostolle, you are ill. It is useless for you to deny it. You look as though you had seen a ghost. Your fltce is pale. Your hands tremble. I am afraid yon ore going to bo sick. We had better go at once. " "No," cried out Mrs. Forsythe in a hnsky voice; "don't stop your story at such an interesting point on my ac count. Give your answer to tho lawyer first. Old or recent, which?" " 'P.y no possibility IS years.' That was my answer. " Mrs. Forsytho rose up with a vehe mence that startled them all. Sho looked at Fjlleuwith rui expression of ungovern able rage and tin n at tho bewildered physician. "Dr. Lamar," she cried, "has that low lived, false hearted chit of a girl tli ro m t you on to tell what yon havo told?" Lamar was on his feet in an instant. "Mrs. Forsythe," ho said iu a ter rible mice, "are you mad?" His look calmed the rising tiger in the woman in an instant. For a minute she gazed Into his face, and then her ex pression changed from rage to terror. Before them all she threw her arms about his neck, crying out: "Oh, Eustace, Eustace, forgive me. I don't know what I have been saying!" and fainted in unmistakable earnest. to be continued. A Thirty Thonsau.l Dollar Ballroom. The exterior of Mr. Theodore Ravemoy er's house, at tic southwest corner of Madison avenue and Thirty-eighth street, Is imposing. Within, the wide hall is dec orated iu Ivory and gold; the ballroom, which is said to have cost $!M),IKR), is in Louis Qulnse style, white and gold, carved out of solid oak. The dining room aud drawing room, on the other side of the hall, are superb apartments, their walls being hung with rare old tapestries. New York Sun. The aggregate capital represented by the various "trusts" in the United States amounts to morn than 3,()0,O00,00l), or more than two-thirds of our entire manu facturing etinUal, BELONGS TO A PAST AOE tho great, griping, nauncntinp; pill. In this enlightened age you havo Dr. Incrco's Plensant Pol- JetS bettor because .thny'ro tho smallest, easiest to take and easiest in their action; liefter because they do lasting good. They lmve a tonio ofToct, on the lining membranes, nnd per manently care CoiiBti nation. Biliousness. Indigestion, Rick or Bilious Headaches, Norvousness, nnd overy derangement of the liver, stomach, aud bowels. Cedar Bnpidn, Imm. Dr. R. V. Pieucb: Dtar Sir My whole system seems to ImTe undergone a obange since taking " PI asant Pellets." My nerves ure wonderfully Improved and I no longer have at tacks of " tho blues." It Is wondcrf u), the good tbo "PrtloU" have done my liver compluint. r- i'mm' -,,'"-"'"!Ivj tux HANS UP YOUR HAMMOCK. Hon to Make It Trolly and What to Weal In It. Havo you hung out your hammock? A hnminook, n novel and a negligee gown aro justifiable indulgences when warm weather sots in. W il li plenty of cushions ami a story over which one may fall asleep a volume of sermons might answer the purpose better, by tho way, although such literature U not usually recommended its restful summer reading a hummock is an Ideal lounging place on hot days. If ly ing still and reading or dreaming becomes monotonous, by swinging a few minutes 0 sufficiently respectable amount of seasick ness may be produced to let one fancy that one is enjoying tho delights of a yachting excursion. For several seasons it has been tho fash ion to make one's own hammock, and the materials for these wonderful webs have been otlerod us regular summer goods iu JOKE GOWN. tho shops, large hanks of twisted silken oordandbig netting needles to carry it. Fanciful cotton hammocks, too, are dis played ready made In various brilliant hues, decora ted with fringe and valance like tho housings of a knight's horse in the days of chivalry. Finally there aro the common manllla nets iu red, yellow nnd black, and they are the most serviceable of the throe, although tho least expensive and tho least ornamented. As for cushions, plush and silk are bet ter for the drawing room than for the ve randa. Blue and brown denim embroid ered with white, green and gray linen and plain scarlet ticking will make as pretty covers for a set of out of door cushions as can bo desired covers that Will go through rough usage and bo none tho worse for it. Cool gowns go with tho hammock, ol ciuirsc something made of pongee or linen lawn or some other thin stuff. Tho sheer tropical fabric called plna would lx; exactly the thing, but that is not so easily obtained as iwiss or silk muslin. A sketch Is given of a negligee gown of mauve moUSSOlino do sole. It is shirred in at the waist to lit tho figure, and tho bottom of the skirt Is trimmed with a flounce headed by a pulling. A wide dou ble bertha covers the shoulders. Violet Velvet ribbon is arranged in a ohoUX with long ends at the left side of the corsage. A violet velvet collar surrounds the neck, and the elbow sleeves are trimmed with tho same color. JUDIO CHOLLKT. WHERE MANY WORLDS ARE MADE. An Acrd German Queer Little Manu factory on she Bowery In New York. Among the many curious manufactories established on the Bowery near that whirl pool of heterogeneous humanity, Chatham square, is that of making the geographical spheres used in libraries and schools in all parts of the country. The business is carried on by an old Her man with two assistants on the third floor of a large building. While on another errand I found him there surrounded by numberless spheres, finished ami in process of completion, to gether with the Curious paraphernalia with which the miniature worlds ure construct ed. The aged proprietor happened to be In a communicative mood, and he took one of the spheres, then a thin layer of white pa per pulp that had dried upon nn iron ball, nnd completed it while I watched tho work. The first condition of the globe is that of a white paper paste, formed by a mixture of pulp and glue. This is heated until a desired consistency is obtained, and thca by means of a curious looking instrument, a cross between spoon and shovel the paste Is carefully applied to nn iron glolx) of the size a sphere is desired. This globe is heated by means of a steam piM', which enters it through a small apcr t ure m ar the bottom. The heat soon hard ens the paste and then a sharp knife is passed around the Imaginary equator and the two hemispheres are separated and re moved. These two halves are united at tho edges with glue, and then the hollow sphere is treated to a coating of white enamel about one eighth of an inch thick. "The next thing," said tho German, "la to turn the sphere into a perfect round ness," and he placed it. in it distorted lathe, which accomplished tho work in half a minute. Two holes at either polo wero bored through the half completed world and . an iron rod which projected about an inch be yond the surface was inserted and fastened in place. This formed the axis ot tho earth. The world WSS then ready to receive the highly colored representations ol the conti nents and oceans. The latter are printed from copper plates in this particular estab lishment by a daughter of the proprietor on thin linen paper. Numerous sizes aro mado. When cut out they resemble t hedress pat terns of a fashionable tailoress more than anything else. They usually lit better than the fashionable tailoress' work, however, nnd without difficulty are pasted on the globe. "Now, ono momentmorp," continued the old German, "and you will seethe whole world completed, the blue divided from tho red and tho red from tho yellow." While speaking he passed tho sphere to another girl who covered the various por tions of it with transparent bine, red and yellow water colors. When that had been done it wns placed in an oven to dry and then covered with a Inst coating of bril liant varnish ot mctalic hardness, which would wear for ages without scratching or losiug its brightness. "So now you have seen tho whole opera tion," concluded tho maker as he bowed me out of tho door. New York Herald. (engraiihlcal DlHtrihiitlon of Hair. Tho geographical distribution of tho hair over the habitable world is, as regards tho color, very precisely definable, The Jtanthocomie or light haired races are to lie found north of latitudo 4S dogs.,which cuts off England, Belgium, the whole uf north ern Germany nnd a great portion of Russia, Between this parallel and latitude 45 degS. including northern Franco, .Switzerland nnd partof Piedmont, nnd passing through Bohemia and Austria there is a sort ol debatublc laud of more or less dark brown hair, und below this line we come gradually upon the Mclanic races, who occupy, with hardly an exception (save where we havo colouized), the rest of the globe. Tho peo ples of Europe, therefore, present In the color of linir an almost perfect gradation the light flaxen of tho colder latitudes deep ening imperceptibly Into the blue black ul toe Mediterranean shores.' RK01 That Hungry Feeling Consumptives frequently suffer from a. hunger that craves food constantly while ordinary foods are precluded This distressing condition is entirely removed and the fullest relief given by the regular administration of IOVSNWE The Original Raw Food which satisfies and soothes the irritated stomach it contains the most important elements of selected beef. 25,000 phy sicians prescribe and recom mend it constantly Alt druggists sell It. Tim BovmiNF, co., m;w voiik. Made a well HJrrx nan or INDAPO TI1K (HltAT HINDOO RSMF.DY PKODI'I-KS Til It A BO VIC II I-IH I Ij'I'M in H II AYR. CuriK all ntrvotti Kini'iinL1!), Fullmer M nton I'lin'-iK MI'ciilfiicM, Nightly Kmlri- l!onitH0i i' '! . utves vfffur umt size ta xhrmikiMi orffMU, ami quickly nut IttrvUf ftttOTtl Lost M unknot) in ' 1 Nl or voim-r- Raitlv oarrwl In veil pocket, Prlco)J w a package, six lor i&.iH with n writlru xiiiii'iuiti-f lo vurv itr mnuoy rl Tundrtl, lnn't li:t ituy Dttprittelpled ! :l i mII yuu imr ; Imttatum, imiit on Ixh rlnffTNftAPwnone otnor fl tin has not , r w- n,i i . hikII upon rvculpt of price, Pimnhlet In vealea ODToiopo fir Add rem Oriental Metffwtf Co., Props,, Chlcio, III., u n- nn. SOLD by Matthews Bros,, Wholesale and Retail DrufgllU, SCKANTON, PA., and other Lead ing DiugRists. EriBonsiD y TNI Hiohsst Midicm. AirrHOftmca n nJJ T- a, WSJ r a n v Ik mm w ar-n. jminOLIMALtR have you rTfiDDU vninnnn HEADACHE"EURALSW iNTUi.jtn will euro ymi. A wonderful Im'.iu to tuifrorera from Colrll, Soi'fl Throat, Inflitenru. Kronrhltli, or II AT FEVER. AnU immediate rcUtf. Anrmdent IVIni'il 1. crinvenlpnl tn r.rr. In pnpkot. rcsity to ti' on rlrst Miration of rolif. I'nnllmifd I'to E8rU Permanent Cnrn. Hutlfnetlon minranti'tnl or mnnor refunded. Price, BO eu. Trial freo at DruuRlmi. RstjsMMd mall. 60 cents, H. D. CDSSMIN, Sir., IhrM Rinn, Mich . U. S. k MFNTrini Vh ""t '"' afot remedy for I nfc sllikln djMSSoS.Ecisma.Tuih. gait Rheum, old Horea. Huron, Cute. SVonderful rem crty lorPII.EH. Price, facts, St prat- nil a( RlHts or hy l.iuil I'rcpHlil. Addrni.say ;ibo.o. DHL" For sale bjr Matthews Hnm. and John II. Tlielps. Rooms 1 and 1 Commonwealth Bli'ft SCUANTON, PA. MINING anJBLASTING POWDER Mftdo at thn M009I0 and RU81I DALE WORKS. Lsfflin ft Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electrlo Batteries, Fusei for explol ing blasts, Safety Tuso and ftcpaunoChemicsl Co.'s High Explosive: Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Ilavc removed their oflioc to their Warerooms, NUMBERS 141, 143,145, 147, 149, 151 MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 86S2L Ms and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. .1 ....... ,W,11,,,H,.M K lUUU VU SUN iv- m SUS.,.vn Rorv,- mtiv. nndar niarantv backsvl bi i""1 rtL . el pronlitnd 100 pafe book . illmtrsted Irom m-iitnm irrofl licuiwi, irm i aBBll. uwn nu i-i'i ir and Mtrturyful, Our Mafic Hmdy wil1 I (HieaiiVTuy cure, tirira asinu w- mti aaji, 111.1 fr 1 A.vi or SIR MO SIC POWDER CO Third National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS, $250,000 Tills hank nffcrs tn Anultors Tr facility wnrrntiL..ri 1, , nasi tiii responsibility, . v.... ,,,,, vivan to uusincns ee couuts. lutcrett palil an time deposit. WlLifAM CON1SKT.T, Presldrnt. UEo. h. 1 atmn, Vlre-i'rMldani Wll.i.i v-i IJ. PKt'K, Cashlet, niltKCTOKSi Wllllnm. Connell, i,i.,k. h. Cntlln, tlfreil liniul. Jumes Arrlilmld, H. my Helln. Jr.. t.illl.'u T. H.oi.h Lntlior MT. PLEASANT AT REXAIU Tost of the hest quality t ir rlomeitla nne.nm) f nil Klz'ts, rilivorud In any 1 art ot tin, cit j (it lowont price. Orders left at raj offlno, KO. 118, WVOMINO AVKNCR, Resr room, flrit lloor, Thlr 1 KutlonsA Rank, or sent hy mull or telephone to thu mlno, will recoive prompt attention. t i - .l euntrncts will be made for the soli and delivery of Buckwheat Coal WM. T. SMITH. i j . t SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of flour can be had at any of the following merabants, who will accept Tup. Tribune flour coupon of 25 on eaoh one hnndred ptmnda of flour or 50 on ench barrel of flour. Scriinton-F. P. Pries, Washington avenuo I Gold Medal Brunei. Duntnore-F. P. Price, Gold Medal Drand. Dunmore F. D. Mnnloy. Superlative Rrand. Ilyd.i Park-Carson ft Da via, Washburn 8t Gold Medal Brand; senh A. Mears, Main avenue, Suporlativo Drand, Green Ridge-A L.Spencor.l told Medal Brand. i. T. Mi-Hale, Superlative. Providence Founor & Chappell. N' Main ave nue, Superlative Hraud;U. J. OiUespiet W. Market stroot, Gold M-d.l Brand. Olyphunt James Jordan Superlative Brand. Peckvlllo shatter & Krlsr SuporlatiTa. Jermyn -C. L). Winters & Co Suporalattre Archhald Jones, S inpson & Oo., Gold Modal. Csrl.mdale-B. S. Clark, Gold Medal Brand, Honesdale -I N. Foster & Oo. Gold Modal. Minooka M. H. I.avullu "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OP THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. DID YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight,ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau Kl7 LACKAWANNA AVHNUH JtOvniTa e oi WDWrOQ .llmnl Ion or IMaalt. Cs hy nuill DrpaT with a bEFORE AND AFTER USIII6.no othor. Addieta XfKTl SKftnro., Manonlc femple. CoicaocIu. r refund the money. ForSalo in Sornnton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, DruggiBt, cor. Washington ind Snruoe strunts. PENNYROYAL f Ank for SS. MOTI'B PBinrTBOTaX PI&LH ana take no other. ?Htr Send for oiroular. Price per box, boxea for S5.00. 1 UR. MOTT'H CHEMICAL CO., - Cleveland, Ohio. rortiale . M. iiakkis, i'-.... i.i EVERY WOMAN SomeHaes needs a reliable, monthly, raralatlnc medietas. Only haraltai SSd tho purestdruga should he nsed. II ou want tka best, got Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills Thar an prompt, safe and oertala In raaalt The asaalne (Dr. Peal's) neTer ainp oelnt. Beat anjrwbera, 11.00, Address riu Majoaa Ca Clcvelind, O. Foraale by JOHN H. PHElPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Fa. Dr. EX Grewer The Philadelphia Rpeol.llst.and his associate "k..ii wu uerman pnTflicinn, are now permanently located t 'Ml SPHL'CK ST., SCRANTON. The doctor iHaurnduateoftho Unlrersity of I ennsylvanla, formerly demonstrator of physl oloi..y and Hitrmry at tho Medico ChlrnrKiral lolleno of Philadelphia. A specialty of fhronio, Nervous, Skin, Heart, Vorob and Blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE SERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of conlldence, sexnnl weakness in men and wo man, ball rising In the throat, spots floating before tho eyes, loss of memory, unablo to con centrate the mind on one snbjeot, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which unlits them for per. termini; thoaotuai duties of life, miking hap piness lmpcMMble: distressing the action of the heart, causing (lush of heal, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, cenfusion of thought, depressloa.eoBBtrpation weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult u immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phyaiciaa cull upon the doctor and be examined. H cures the w..rst cases of Nervous Lebillty.Scro fiiln.dljS. i. s.r'uturrliPiles.FeinalS Wats-nans, Affections uf tbo Eyo, Kar, Noso and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Cancers and Crip ples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacrad and confidential. Dfllee hours daily from la at, toll p.m. Sunday 9 to 2. rostra A p. swetuM, Jfee.J,JM The Flour Awards "CniOAOO, Oct M. Fhe tot offlelal aanoancement of World's Ferr aV plomas on ftenr baa been mads. A medal has been awarded by tk WorNTs Fair Judge to the tew manu factured by raw Waabbarn, Cieekgr Co., Id the great Wsshbnrn Flour Mi He, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flonr strong and pnre, and entitles, It te rank as first--data natont floor for family an A bakers' nee.-' MEGARGEL & CONNELL irHOLESALK AGRNTS. Taylor Judge tt Co., Gold Medal; Athertep & Co., Superlative. Duryea -Lawrence Store Co.. Gold MedaL Mooslc-John McCrindle, Gold Medal Pittston - M. W. O'Boylo, Gold Medal (Bark's Orecn-Fraoo A Parkor Snperlatire. Clark's Kummlt-F. M. Young, GoJd Medal. Daltou-S. E. Finn & Son, Gold Modsl Brand Nicholson -J. E. Harding. Waverly-M. W. Bliss i Son, Gold MedaL Factoryville Cbarloa Gardner, Gold MedaL Hopbottom-N. M. Finn & Bon, Gold Medal Tobyhanna Tobyhanna ft Lehigh Lumber Co . Gold Medal Brand. Gouldsboro-S A Adams. Geld Medal Brand, Moscow Gaige ft Clementa, Gold Medal. Lako An. ,1 James A. Bortrse, Goid MedaL Forest City J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Meda 4 Connell 'NERVE SEEDS, Thla wndf rRtl r mrr1t easr twjifni t n tut All tnoai Jli- otvot. fturh U Wmk Mftmorjr. LOMfif HrMn Power. Hoadai ho, Wakafulnou, Lotl Mnnhtmd,Nlhty ttmlfifloim, NerTtnsnoia.alltlrMi.sftnrt Iocs of MWN In (Joiioi at Ivo Om nn of wither km cnunpil tr over rortion. yonlhfiil error. Can be csrrled In vest pocket. Bl per box. 6 for 9X tipnrra or iuiiikhw) wbioh mw iu (""V'l'tvir 5 order w(ilve r we give a written itu&rancee to cure rn. Sold n. nil AsHMMl Ask for IL lake ( InralJfJfr , The only Bate, sure and PILLS. reliable Female riLL over offered to Ladles, espeoiauy rocommecci" ed to married Ladioa. 127 Hann Avenue, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and