The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 22, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Wc will soil our eutire Btock of
New and Stylish TRIMMED
PRICES. Come and see them at
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avonuo
Have your COLLARS marched In the old
day, when you can uvo them done with soft,
pliable Buttonholes (or TWO CENTS EACH.
r HE
If you want
Carpets, Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
127 Wyoming Ave.
Rev. J. Williams, of Dunmore will apeak
in the Rescue million tonight. A good
tervtce u expected.
Employee of the street department will
be paid to-day to the amount of $14,000
for services Murine May.'
The Home for the Friondleas would feol
grateful to any kind (rl . i who womd
send a baby carriage lor the use of the lit
ones at the home.
The aunimer season of light opera at tho
Frothingbam cIobos Saturday night. The
Mikado will bo iuag tonight, Saturday
matinee and night.
Every member of '94 and '95 classes of
the High school are earnestly requested to
meet this morning at 9 o'clock at tho
Academy of Music.
The joint streets and bridges committee
of councils and City Engineer Phillips will
meet Swetland street property owners at
4 o'clock today at Swetland and Sixth
Mibb Mame McAndrew, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McAndrew, died at
her home, 119 South Ninth street, at 10
o'clock Thursday evening. June 31. Age,
18 years, 4 months. C'arbondale papers
plcaee copy.
A corps from the city engineer's depart
ment wero yesterday taking levels and
measurements near the Junction of Kobin
Bon and Ninth streets, preparatory to es
tablishing a uniform grade at or near the
junction of the two streets.
Me6srs. Boyd and Simpson, of this city,
havemnrtoa contract with the borough
authorities of Tunlchannock to light tne
borough by electricity. Tho plant will be
located at the outlet of Lako Carey, and
water will be used for power.
The athletic procession in honor of M.
F, Sweeney "champion high jumper of the
world" will form on Court square, the order
of the procession will be: Lawronce braes
baud, Company D M, F. Sweeney in car
riage, Y. M. C. A. Athletes, Exclaior Ath
letic club, South Side Athletic club, Euro
kn Baseball team, Olypuant Drowns, St.
Thomas college, Active baseball team,
Electric of Taylor, Hustlers. Anthracites
and several other clubs. The line of murcb
will be ns follows: Spruce to Jefferson, to
Pine, to Washington, to Linden, ro Wy
oming, to Spruce, to Franklin, to Lacka
wanna, to Adams and disperse ou the
Thomas and Mary Zurich, through their
attorney, ex-Judge W. H. Stanton, have
begun an action against the Delaware,
Ltekawaoa and Western railroad company
to recover 810.000 damages tor the killing
of their three year old daughter, Mury.
The child was run down by a coal train at
Taylor, last Sun lay, unit had both feet cut
oQ nud three lingers off one of tho hands.
The child died some time after the acci
dent. At the time it occured the engine
was at the rear end of the trip and was
pushing tho cars.
Opan AU Night
at Lohman's Spruce street. '
New Stook
of India linens, dotted Swisses, Persian
mill priuted dimities, Iocouetts, lace
tripped sateens and other wash goods
opeu Uaturday morning.
Mears & Haubn
CONNERTON In Scran ton, Wednesday,
June 30, lb94, Mrs. Elizabeth Conntrtnn,
at the home of her daughter, .Mrs. Ed
ward Counerton, aged SO years. Funeral
Saturday morning at W.U0. A requiem
mass will be held :. St. Peter's cathedral.
Interment in the Hyde Park Catholic
MEAD In Scranton. June 21, 1694. Mar
guerite Evely Mead, aged 5 months,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mesd.
Funeral Saturday at 2 o'clock, at resi
dence, 619 East Market street. Funeral
lears $ Men
his Ictbn in Removing Police Office Coslelt
It Was Introduced by Mr. Roche Last
Evening in Select Council and Pro
vides That a Tax of Fifty Cents Be
Levied on Each Pole and That They
Ce Painted a Dark Green Color.
Other Business of Meeting.
Lust bjght's mating of soleot coun
cil was attended by President Chitten
dea and members Ron. Finn, Themis,
Williams, Roche, Durr, Wagner, KjI
low, demons, Burns, iVun-li. Clark,
Boawtnk, Mutiley, Follows, Weslufuhl
aud Lratr.
As uniiciputed the matter of con
fuming Mayor Couuell'i dismissal of
Poltotman Coslett, one of ex-Mayor
Fellows' appointees, brought out a di-vi.-iou
of the meeting und tight ou the
part of tho Fallows faction beforo defin
ite action was reached.
When Mayor Council's letter, asking
confirmation of his action in dismissing
Officer Coslett, Mratf read, Mr. demons
in .veil that council concur in the mat -ter,
Mr. Lauor moved that the matter
he referred to its proper committer,
several other ineuiuers being on their
faet nt tho same time to make the mo
Mr. Mauley appeared excited and in
a turbulent state of mind when his
name was reached in the polling, lie
said Mayor Connell had boen high
handed und hud removed Officer Coslett
lor political reasons.
Exceptions wore taken to Mr, Man
isy's remarks by Councilman Counell,
who laid; ''Mr. Mauley had assumsd a
kicker's uttituda probably because
romo otio ha rtscomineriuVi to be
ppointed has been turned down."
Councilman Connell hollered the coun
cil should concur in the mayor's action
without hesitation.
Mr. Lauer remarked that Mayor
Connell had not given a public reasou
for dismissal "It is an injustice," be
Sriid, "to concur i,n the Mayor's action
without u committee investigation,
which would probably reveal that Cos
lett was removed for a cause that does
not leCset upon his morals,"
The motion to refer to committee
was lost by a 11 to 4 vote, and the
necessary two-third voto confirming
Mayor Omuell's action resulted in 13
ayes and G nays, ai follows:
Ayes Rosa, Finn, Thomas, Williams,
Roche, Durr, Wagner, Kellow, demons,
Diirus, Connell, Chittenden.
Nays Fellows, Schenk, Mauley, Clark,
Wcstpfabl, Lauer.
The nppointmauts by Mayor Connell
of Htziltiau Peters to the police force
vice John Coslett, removed; Marvin
Bttenback, permanent man for Frank
lin Engine company; Joiin Koin, per
manent man for Franklin Engine com
pany, vice Captain Johu Davis, de
ceased, wero received and adopted
only alter a repetition of the proceed
ings attendinajOfficer Corlett's removal.
Peter?, the uew appointee, is a resident
of Price street In the Fourth Ward,
and a lnln-r by occupation,
He is ti'3 years of age, married, a
Welsbmau, ia 5 feet 0 inches in height
and weighs ltJO pounds. He has al
ways resided in Scranton and was born
on tho West Side.
The report of the sewers and drains
committee recommended that contracts
be let as follows for new sewers in
the Tenth sewer district: The total
oost :is estimated by the city ene.ineir
will be over S17.001); Mulberry itreet,
1)5 i cents per foot; Webster avenue,
b?1; Taylor avenue, bij; Prescott ave
nue, ifcl.SO; Hurrisou avenue, 149;
Dnenzli alloy, $139; Soliultz alley,
$1.19 All were awarded to John Fer
guson excepting Prescott avenue,
wbicu was awaraou 10 reter oupp.
A petition of corner lot owners on
Pine street praying that they be re
leased from the proposed paving as
sessment was referred to committee
along with tho ordinance. Mr. Koch
precipitated an oracular battle with a
resolutiou directing that the Linden
street bridge ordinance be taken from
committee and be placed ou its pas
sage. Mr, Laner rose to a point of or
der, contending that all matters por
taining to the two bridges had by reso
lution of the previous meeting been re
ferred to njdnt committee and could
not therefor bo recalled by either
body. Mr. Thomas took tho same posi
tion. The chair ruled that the point
was well taken.
Liter in the meeting Mr. Hoche pre
sented substantially the same resolu
tion, excepting that it wai a concur
rent measure. Tne ohair ruled this a
proper resolution aud put the question,
notwithstanding Mr. Luer's protesta
tion. The motion prevailed by a 9 aud
6 voto. ,
The committee onjrailwsys reported
adversely on the ordinance graining
right of way to the ycranton lUpid
Transit comptny to lay track?, ertot
p iles and wires and run cars by tUotrio
power on certain itrets within the
city. The two routes proposed were
over the same territory for which fran
chises were held by the Scranton Trac
tion company until annulled by the
mayor rccoutly. One was the Peters
burg route. P. j. Horan, of Dunmore;
M.J. Heuley nnd M J. Wlghtmau were
turning those interested ia the passage
of the ordinance.
After the adoption of the report Mr.
Clark stated that he had not been noti
fied of the railway committee mooting
which was held at 7 o'clock, An or
dinance providing for the paving of
Frauklin aveuuo bstween Surnce and
Vine streets was referred to commit
tee. An accompanying resolution was
adopted providing for an asphalt pave.
Mr. Hoche presented an ordinance,
snbstuntially the name as the famed
Browning moasure, excepting that
poles be taxed 50 cents each instead of
$1, that no bills be poited upon the
pnlei; a section was also added, that
within one year after the passage of
he ordinance, all poles now standing,
all cross arms shall be piinted a uni
form dark green color; that all poles
erected thereafter shall be likewise
A resolution was adopted directing
that only $125,090 of bridge bonds
and these confined to Roaring Brook
bridge be issued, the, object being not
to have the $135,000 Linden street
bridge bonds issued aud hearing inter
est until it location is definitely let
tied. Mr. Lauer' resolution that the po
lice committee be abolished beoause it
had no duties to perform, was reoeived
with humor, yet a motion to lay on the
table only prevailed by a 9 to 6 vote.
An adjournment was made until next
Thursday evening.
Dn. A. E. buiiB, having opened hli of-;,-..-.
in tha Rnrr Imildinir. Washington
avenue, will resume the practice of hie
pronation, Where ne win oe giau io servs
his old patrons and public in general.
Season of Uah.: 0.-ru Will Then Como
to an Eud.
"Olivette" was sung by the Maokay
Kennedy Opera cempany at the Froth
lugham last night iu a very artistic
Tonight the "Mikado," Gilbert and
Sullivan's ben work, will be sung and
judging from the numerous requests
lor this opera large uudleuces will un
doubtedly witue the production.
Dan Young will appear as Koko,
Tom White, Mikado; Ciiarles Holmes,
Nauki Poo; Sylvan Langlolt, Poo Dab;
William Pullman, Pish Tush; Fanny
Myers, Vnui Yum; Lizzie Gonzalez,
PittiBlng; Bessie Clarke, Katisha.
The ''Mikado'' will be suug tonight,
Saturday in it men and night. The en
gagement closes with the performance
Suturduy uigbt, consequently lovers of
light opera should take advautage of
theso the last three psrform mces.
Scranton Liederkran2 Leaves To-Day
to Attend the Great Saenger
fjst at New York.
Last eveulng the Scranton Lieder
kranz held its last rehearsal prepara
tory to leaving to-day to complin in the
great SaVugerfest to be held iu New
York from to-morrow until next Wed
nesday. While local iuterest of course
centers' in the contest in which the
Scranton Liederkrauz will compete,
many will take advantage of the low
railroad excursion rutes ffred by all
the lines running to New York from
this city and will attend the Saenger
fest for the musical features generally,
Tho selection chosen for the first,
second an I third Ol lilts, in tho second
of which the Scrnnton choir will com
tiote are rpectively "Das Grab sin
Bnseuto," "Hurlnnaeht," and "Wal
iloinontikcit." The r.rizes offered In
thesecoud olais ars: First prize, a baby
grand piano; second prizt, a silver
punch bowl; third prilt, a silver
The choir which will leavj today
with many of their frienda on the D li
ft Ware, Lackawanna and Western spso
lal Pullman train at 12 55 p.m., is
composed as follows: Frank Becker,
William Waohter, Elinuud A. Bartl,
Ocar Straucb. Peter G ird, Jacob Bar
ml, Charles Wagner, Churles Ni-r,
John Elasen, Frank Dreber, Fred C.
Ditnler, Edward Siebecker, Theodore
Kiesel, Charles Wen 11, Conrad Wju
11, Sigismund Kleinfeld, Charles
Kuempel, Etnil Maxian, John Watkins,
Joseph Blckel, Ered J. Widmayer,
Henry C. Dimler, George Wahl, Joiepo
Eibes, J. D. Ferber, William Siebeck
er, Louis Siebacker, Henry Siebeakor,
Peter Snyder, Paul Keltur, Louii Con
rad, Theodore Pittak, Joseph Prinoo
vally, Hector James,
The centra), or stite boxes, at the
Madiion avenut end of tho garden, of
which there are fiv-i in number, will be
occupied on tho opening night, tomor
row evening, as follows: No. 3, by
President Cleveland and motnbrs of
the cabinet; No. 2, by Governor Flower
aud staff; No. 4, by Mayor Gllroy aud
party; No. 1, by Ambassador Ruuyon
and a party of friends; No. 5, by the
German umbtsuadorifrom Washington.
Among the occupants of the arena
boxes will be Hicbavd Kalzsnmayer,
William Stelnway, Charles G. F.
Wnhle, jr., F. K. Sturgls, Senator
Stradler, Thomas Hamilton, Jacob
Rnppert, J, George Gillig, Gaorge Eh
ret, Adolph G. Hilpfel, F. A, Ringler,
H. W. Millor, Georga Fischer, Will
iam Wicke, J. M. Ohmeis. Hugo Rit
torbnsch. Dr. Joeph Senner, Herman
Bidder, Ernest Urchs, Oswald Otten
dorfer. Richard Weiuacht, Howard
Carroll, J. P. Windolph and John M,
The numerous friends of Colonel F. J.
Fitzaimmons throughout the stato have.
beeu apprised of the fact that the Demo
crats of this county would be pleased to
see him nominated for lieutenaut-governor
and a strong seuttmoiit is being developed
in favor of his nomination.
William Franz, canuidato for tho
nomination for comity treaaurur. is en
deavoring to got the Republican county
committee to call the county convention in
the near future Mr. Brant has beeu
making an active canvass for the nomina
tion for several mouths nud has come to
the conclusion that the soouer the matter
is definitely settled the better.
Peter (lintor has been removed from
the position or chief clork in the ofllco of
the internal revenue collector, a position
he has acceptably tilled for seventeen
years, air. Herring says tue removal was
made to decrease the wonting torceiu me
office, but it is suspected that the reaaou
is found in the constant clamor for his re
moval that wub raised by "to-the-victor.s-belong-the-spoils-Democrats."
Simou P.
FuusMild, record clerk, will horeaftor do
Mr. (ilnter's work and Mr. Faussold's
work will be divided among the clerks of
the office.
Population, Now Directory 8hows That
Boranton Has.
Williams' Scranton City Directory
for 1894. now being delivered to sub
scribers, contains 1)0,005 names, ohow
inn an increase over the 1893 book of
2,835 names. Multiply the 30,005 by
three (which is considered a low figure)
and you have ts the present population
of Scranton 108,015; tuis Inolndtl
U'llevm and Dunmore. The first is
tue of this directory was mado in 1887,
and contained 20 070 names. The yearly
increase of names from that time to the
present showt a ropidity of growth for
our city that every S;rantouian may
well be proud of.
The publisher has this year Issued the
book iu a tnoro condensed form by having
it priuted in brevier type and double
column, thus making it more convouient
to those who ao often have to refer to its
pages. Tho street guide has also beeu re
vised, giving mo intersecting mreetn uuu
numbers. Tho national, Btate and city gov
ernment, incorporated compauio?, eltlbt,
secret aud beneficial societies, churches,
etc.. have all received careful attention,
and we have no hesitancy in saying that
the best efforts of the publisher has been
put forth ou this work, regardless of labor
and cost, to make it as near perfect as pos
sible lor a work of this kind. Office, 1!I4
Wyoming avenue. J. E. Williams,
W. H. Taylor, Managor.
Harried at the Bride's Horn on Franklin
A quiet evening wedding occurred at
the home of Mrt. W. W. Murphy, 120
Miffin avenue Inst night, the con
tracting parties being her daughter,
Mits Nina, and Edwin G. Lloyd, the
Lackawanna avenue jewtler. The
ceremony was performed at 8:30 by
Rsr. Dr, MoLeod, or the First Presby
tetlan church, A Urge nutnbir of the
young people't relatives and intimate
triends were present.
A rereptlon was held from 9 until 11
o'clock after wbiah Mr. and Mrt. Lloyd
left on the midnight traia on the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
railroad for New York city and a pro
tracted trip to other interettiug points.
On tbtir retnrn the youug people will
locale iu a newly furnithtd home on
Franklin avenue.
Liurderer Medala lot Yet Appuhendej, Al
though Holly Pursued.
Last Night Testimony Was Taken of
Over a Score of Witnesses The
Italian Residents of Old Forge Aro
Very Reticent The Search Yet
Continues Without Effecting Up to
a Late Hour Any Capture.
The inquest on the murder of Eman
ul Lorn last Sunday at Old Forg9 by
Crincenzo MedaU was held last niaht
at El ward Fallons' hotel at Old Forge
A more bloodthirsty or uncouth lot of
human beiugs could hardly have gath
ered than tue suffocating hordes of tho
murdered mau's countrymen wno
crowded around to bo ealltd in turn to
give testimony before the jury.
Coroner Kelley and the jury wero on
the sceuo early in the evening aid the
spot whero the murdered man fell was
Iniptettd, After that, the tedious en
deavor of extorting testimony relative
to the crime was begun. The first wit
uoss asked to testily was Anionic Esy
tsnya. Wlmn ,K first shot was tired
tin was sitting iu a room at his houae
reading a prayer book. He saw the
two last shots fired by the murderer.
As he watohod the murder, th dlttanne
the men were apart seemed to him
about twenty feet, tie boarded in the
hotse of Autouy Greoho. The mur
derer also lived there, bin the witness
was not able to slate if Madala was iu
tne habit of carrying a revolver, al
though he knew that he kept one in
his room.
Joseph Salvi, wliow promiaos were
s-arclied by Sheriff Fahey on tho day
of the murder, was next sworn. His
Utiimony was brought out by force
and he shewed a OlipotltloD to hold
back something he eonld tell. Nothigg
important was elicited from hi m.
John Harvey, who owns a stablo
clone by tho scone, went to feed bis
horses for supper. Ho heird tho shots
and on turning saw Medals running
away und he held a smoking revolver
iu his hand. He saw the dead mm iu
a few minutes and lii'e had left the
The man with whom the murderer wns
boarded nxt heard. He s.dJ that Me
dals always owned n pistol, but he did
not know whether he carred it with
him ou SauJay. IU heard the shot-i
about 5 o'clock ia the evening and saw
the man wno fired them run into the
bonai of Joseph Satol.
Th? wile ot Balol wns next sworn
and she doniod that M.-dala .-n kept
iu biding ia hor home. S'aa saw him
enter the froot door and dash throunti
the house toward the back door and
start for the Sibley mountain. That
was all she knew about the case.
Augelo Scitrlo saw Madala come out
of his boarding house aud walk toward
Sal vis barber shop. lhey met Loro
who said to Medals,:
"Don't yon want to pay for those
three shttVII?"
"Sundav me no pay anybody, was
Modala's reply. Lirosaid, "you must
give iii them or 1 will make you."
At this .Med.ila struck him and lust
ufter delivering the blow he whipped
out bis revolver and discharged five
bulb'ts into Loros body without
tskiug three minutes to do the deed
Medala then rau as fast as he could fine
aud witness did not see him afterward.
Mike Caputli saw Ljro in a position
that appeared as if ne were begging
for hit iife. He rushed riut and caught
Medala by the coat and was told if be
did not go h would meet the same
fat. Medala then ran toward Joaeph
Salvi's house.
Wm. liazolton said he saw the men
together and heard them using very
angry language. He cauld not under
stand what was said, as it WAstnkeu
in Italian, but without what seemed to
him any provocation whatever, Medala
struck Lero iu the face and followed it
up with firing the bullets of his revol
ver as fast as be coulJ pull the trigger
Two or three men tried to grapple
with Mu.lala, but he assumed the at
titude as if he would fire into the
people around.
There wore noiirly a dozon other
witnesses, but their testimony did not
differ from that of the -twin quoted
After the witnesses were nil ex
aiuined the jury retired aud rendered a
verdict that biuauuel Loro came to his
death by bullet wonn Is from a pistol
in the hau ls of Crincenzo Medala.
All of yesterday Sheriff Fahey,
County Dtteotive Shea, an Italian of
Old Forge, who was acting at guid
aud who is acquainted with the mur
derer, end Edward Barrett, of Pltisson,
acoured the hills along the Mouutain
Valley road in quest of Medala.
They drove all day in a carriage aud
believed they wers on tho proper trail,
When they bad reached a point on the
summit of the mountain the vebiole
gave way, and themo.'t couvonlentcon
veyance that could be got to continue
the journey wai a farmer's lumber
wtKou. The scent wus kept up all day
and into the night.
A rumor was prevalent at Old For je
during the night that a capture had
beeu made aud many gave credence to
the ttory.
Some of the party returned before
night and the roport was nullified
Sheriff Fahey aud Connty Detectivo
Shia reached this city at midnight and
Berries direct from
growers. Freshest and
finest for Preserving.
429 Lacka. Ava.
it was fonnd ont that the capture was
not made.
However, the guard is kopt up at
poluts throughout the valley and it is
believed that before, long the murderer
will be captured. It Is said that a re
ward of $500 will be offered today by
the commissioners of Liukawauna
Later Well authenticated rumor
this morning line it that Medsla't hid
ing placo has been discovered by the
authorities and that be Will be
placed under arrest today. At
o'olcck this morning County
Detective Shea whs interviewed at
his home. He had just returned from
the scene of the murJer. Ho denied
that Medala hud bean captured, but
his answers were of a very evaiive
character. Hit manner would indicate
that he has a positive clue at to the
murderer's hiding place,
He Was BroVght to This City Last
Night and Turned Over
to the Police.
Ono of the smoothest nnd most uc-
r- i Hi iill-rouud conhdonce men that
ever operated in northeastern Pennsyl
vania was arreatol nt btroudtiuurg
yesterday and brought to this city I tit
night. To THB TRIBUNB belongs mainly,
if not all, the crudit for hit being
brought to justice.
The man's rsal name is Clark D.
Lawaon, who operated in this city
under tin alias of "H. C. Clark," iu
Stroadsburg as "James Walker, Jr,"
n i in Carbondale under his real name.
His most reeent victims in this city
were Florey & Holt, and Frod C. Hand,
nlcyole ugeuts, and Landlord C, M.
Truman, of the Westminster. Ho se
cured a high grade bicycle f:om each
of the forinor and "JU" Mr. Trninan
for u week's bo ird, cigars, wine nud
other perquisites
Ou Juuo 9, H. 0 Clark called nt
t'.ie Columbia Bloycls agoncv of Fred
C. Hand ou Bnruoe Mreet und selected
a wheel worth )I33 Ho wished it
altered, and sai l he would cull for it in
the afternoon und pay for It if it pleased
him. Wnen he called iu the afternoon
Mr. Hand's cierk allowed his prospje
tive customer to give the wnool a try
around the block. He has been trying
the wheel over since.
The account of tho case which ap
peared tho following day in Tue Trib
une was nan by a Djlaware, Lacka
wanna and Western conductor who
two days later notified Mr. Hand thi
a party answering the description had
boarded hii traiu at Clark's Summit
aud left tho train at Binguamtou.
When THB TRIBUNE'S story appeared
Florey and Holt decided to investigate
the idontity of a man who had also
secured a wheel from them after for
several days being dined ami otherwise
entertainod as an agent of the Premier
Bicycle company, Correapondeuce with
the Pramior company revealed the fact
that the local firm had been victimized.
Tne two bicycle dealers and Bonifaco
Truman eutered into a trinumvirate to
capture the sbarpster. He was traced
from Binghamton to Saratoga and
finally to Stroudsburg.
H T. Labar, a Stroudsburg cariinnro
dealer, hrtd also Seen THE TRIBUNE'S
etory and c nue to Scranton to see Mr.
Ilund. Several weeks ago "Walker,"
as be was known at Stroudsburg, was
arrested at that place for obtaining n
horse and cirriuge under false pre
tenses, for "doing" hotel keepers and
for various other feats known to
buncodom, After languishing iu jiil
fur a week, all the suits peudiug
against him were settled by hit father,
presidmt of the Lawion Varnish com
pany, of Boston, who came to Stroudn
bnrg for the purpose. His eon had
during several months' stay iu the lat
ter city cut quite a figure as a social
Yesterday afternoon Mr. Hand was
notified by Mr. Labnr from Strouds
burg that Lawson would arrivo In
Scranton wlt'i an officer on tho 12.10
midnight Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western train. Mr. Hand met tho
prisoner at the depot nnd identified
him. Lawson greeted bis victim with
a debouair air und a hearty handshake.
He was conducted to the county jail by
Lieuleuant Davis.
Oracd Vacation Excursion to Niagara
On Thursday, Juno 'JS;h, the Erie lines
will run a personally conducted excursion
to Buffalo and tho ureat Cataract of Ni
agara, affording oue of the grandest vaca
tion sight-eeeiug trip for school teachers,
scholars and the general public ever or
ganized ot oxtremely low ratos. Tbo
train composed of tile best dav conohpa
tvl.l reuch the Falls at 4 p. in., and return
rollowlug day, Juno UUtb, leaving nt 4. p.
m. and Buffalo city station at 4.30 p. m.
Train will leav" Carbondslfl at 0.50 a. m.
Rouud trip only CJ.UJ Children betweeu
five nnd twelve years one-half of the
nbovo ruto. Lcavo ycroutou via D. & H,
at 5.40 a. m.
LeVilab Vullxv Railroad.
Special ticlicts to New York at reduced
ratea on account of National Baeugerfost
will be on sale at ticket offices of the Le
high Valley Hailrond ,luns 21 to 21, inclu
sive, good for return to and including
Juno 3D.
And Right Up
to Date. . . .
We have Artistic
Designs in Wed
ding Gifts and all
the Latest Novel
ties. W. BERRY, Jeweler
Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00
Ii eluding the painless extractlnK
ot tueth by an tutlrely new iw
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
Uuaio Bczas Exoluiivtly.
Eest made. Play any desired number of
tones. OautEcbl 4c Bonn., mauufeeturera,
lOSOObtttnatttreet, Philadelphia. Won
derful oreheatrial organs, only M and $10.
Specialty: Old iuuhIo bo ret carefully re
paired and improved with new tones.
I For Public Benefit I
- It's nu use to remind you
that worm w.athor ia htio. ,
; ; but we will re
mind you of our lino of Bunimor Hoods
See our Una of Ql.AClKK HI Flllli
KllATUBi, wit li patented movnbl
nut's, build ic - ruck and shelve-, soven
Wnlls to preserve the ico. best iu the
Kemembor, we have the
Ilne-t assortment of oil, aud (.as
MOM S, UA.i KANOKM, ote Iu tha
city. . .
Don't buy a lawn mower until you
havo Hi un our unnr.-mtaml
s Electric Mowers,
S3 11 Inch. 3 RO.
a Window Screens,
All KUL'S, . Up.
Screen Doors, complete, oje.
1 Wire Cloth, AU'aa
Cherry Pitters,
40 aud COa
H.Battin &Co. i
126 Perm Ave.
ir.i kit)
iaa A INI 10 3
128 Wyoming Ave.
That the nataral outlines of the foot should be preserved
rather than interfered with; if you believe iu comfort and
lit as well as style; if you believe in shapely shoes for shape
ly feet; if you want service, theu put your money, as well as
your feet, in our shoes.
"We show aud sell the grandest and greatest line of
Tootwear that ever adorned and protected ths feminine or
masculine loot.
Ladies' Beautiful Russet Tipped
Oxfords, all sizes,
Ladies xtra Quality Russet
Misses' Best Quality Russet Goat,
spriug heel, button,
Child's Extra Quality Patent
Leather Tipped, button,
n ran k mi house
Complete Outfitter, SCRANTON, PA.
REMEMBER- -Every purchaser of $1 worth or over receives a chance on
tho Beautiful PARLOR SUIT.
Who have found experience to be a dear
teacher; especially is this true in buying
SHOES. When your experience teaches you
that you can buy BETTER SHOES of us than
at any other place, then we will have your
shoe trade. Our shoes won't cost you any
more than other shoes not so good.
Russet Sboes of Every Description.
BANISTER'S, te l,,k JL"'!?' tautl'
Straw Hats,
Outing Shirts,
Etc., for Warm Weather.
Here We
Are Again
This time we offer a $2.00
Leghorn Hat for
Remember this it the finest Leghorn
Hat made.
Silk Poppies for 10 cents a
50 different styles of Flow
for 10 cents a spray.
MENT we will sell a $6
Coat for $2.98.
Capes for $1.98.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits
for $4.98, worth $8.
During the Summer.
138 Wyoming Ave.
Men's best grade Casco Calf, lace
and Congress, London and
French toe,
Men's extra quality Russia Calf,
hand welt, lace and Congress,
Youths' extra quality B Calf,
tipped, button and bate,
Infanta' best quality Tan and Red
Goat, button,
We carry in stock
extra sizes
for large men.