The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 22, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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Tribune Publishing Company.
Krw v;v,k Orricc i Tridunc Builoiho. Frank
c . Manaqcn
For Oottnurt
01 CF.XTLIt.
For Liivtciuiiit Qiivernori
or AUCOHcxy,
Tor Auditor (lateral:
AU09 li. 3IYMX,
Fflr fircrefari 0 Iltnal .If air:
JAMES w. latta,
t or Conr,re m en -a I- iMrfie:
8ALUSBA A. liltoW,
or vi:stmokk:.anu.
Elictlon TIiiip, Nov. O
Tuf. TR1BVKI tloes not wish to overdo
toe taik of islf-coneritnlitloni yet it
denim once uiori to c.tU Attention to
the superior collection of news rolntinu
to sport i which it daily pr.ent3 on its
teooad pij,'o. This department is 1
reaily winning in mnuy quartars the
i-j i , r 1 1 coioiiliiubut o imitation, an
odnoatioaal feature of this journal's
work which it is proud to csntribute
lo the newspaper renders of Pennsyl
vania. For a State Constabulary.
Our esteemed coutouiporary, the
Wilkis-Harre Tiuva, makei an effective
plcii for tha 8tablishrntnt of a State
constabulary a a remsdy for violence
in the oaie of atrikes. It insde this
plea bpforo the situ ition at WaUtou,
in J.ffrson county, had rouchnd the
gravity which oattaed Governor Pattl
son, ntrit expense to th-j Btateauil
donbtlasl at no leve inconvenience to
the men, to order out two resimonts of
the Penmylvaaia National guard.
This incident would have sutipliod it
with h west vivid lltnstratioa of the
truth of its contention, that regular
soldiers at the scone of a labor difficulty
constitute an essentially on American
spectacle, belying the theory that civil
authority is-uSloient for all p!aee ernT
gencleitaod one that is costly, awk
ward nn l unnecessary.
But there are reasons, other than
those it advances, why the present
constabulary systm aliouH bo radi
cally amended. The duty of county
contuble, if properly sud euereti
cally p'.rformei, would call for a
standard of character, firmness and
fearlessness not to be had under the
pivs(-nt;conditiou3. The wisdom of our
legislature has taken the regulation of
the chid canters of local disturbance
out of the hands of the local authori
ties and vested it in the authority of
the county courts. Uuder the Brooks
high license law, vs passed by
the legislature and interpreted
by the supremo court, the
county constabulary has bacoine
almost the sole legal protection enjoyed
by law abiding citizens against infrac
tions of the law growing out of the il
legal sale of intoxicating liquor. The
moaereness of this protection as esera
plifi. d in Lackawanna county is a mat
ter of common remark. It has been
fiuul by those who pretend to fcuow
that there are not live places in Licka
Wanna county where intuxicuire are
sold within the provisions of tLe Brooks
law. This may be an exaggeration;
hut it is no exaggeration to sty that
the discrepancy which exists between
the seraphic innu::once of many consta
bles when presenting their accustomed
returns in court, and the actual con
ditions, as exhibited in a thousand
plain direction outiido tlwtcourt room,
is something woodtrfnl.
A constabulary thus baaed in many
instances on intentional ignorance,
crimiuial In efficiency or deliberate and
unblushing perjury it not the kind of
a constabulary that fits the spirit of
the times. It may have had its day of
honesty ami usefulness, but that day
lm passed, la the busy and rapid pres
ent ago it stands as a ghastly relio of
obsolete value; an antiquated example
of the limited necessities of our fore
fathers. If it Is to'have any practical
Utility, it must be overhauled from top
to bottom. The manner in which this
may bsst be donn is a fair qnestlon for
d-bnte. A county superintendent of
constables, iioldiug flice by appoint
ment under jurisdiction of a state com
mission, and having under him trained
officers similar to the police forces of
o'ireities, is one suggestion. Others
along different lines readily occur to
Jin i.d. The innin point is that the
present system is notoriously inade- i
q late, and the sooner it is got rid of
mfuvorof something worthy of the
name, the better it will be for all do
cent clafS.'S of er.eiHy.
Tim Hahuisuuiuj are ap
parently so well satisfied with their
city ns a sito for state conventions that
they would be prepared to bolt nomi
nations made elsewhere. Their loyalty
is more conspicuous than their dlsoro
tion. War Democratic Editors.
Tho reason a Bloomsburg contempo
rary gives for wishiug to see Colonel
A. K. McClure nominated on the Ds
mocratic ticket for pongressinan-at-large
is not altogether oomp liwentury ;
but' it is certainly refres hing. It is
b' canae "no man in the state has lied
more or harder about the li-publican
party or lauded the Democratic party
higher than (Joloucl McClure Put him
on the ticket. Let the punishment fit
the crime."
Recently Tub; Tbjbune named CjI
onti Sam W. Boyd for governor on this
ticket, but it was with no suoii vindic
tive and morcilets intent. Colonel Boyd
very sapiently declines the honor, in
words worth quoting: "Not even the
temptation of boinit governor," he
writes, "would induoe us to give up
tLe chair which we uow osoupy, and
which hriugx us no distress of mind.
We never coul 1 endure being bossed
not even in our nursery days, and what
is tho governor of this great common
wealth but a puppet in the hands of
his party bossc.4? He csn do nothing,
bu dare do nothiug without eonsultiug
them; and in a position of so much hu
miliation we eould not venture. Here
we reign supreme, bossed or iwayed by
no one but cur own swoet disposition.
And here we propose to stay if the ad
ministration of Qrover does not wipe
us all out Go to with your governor
ship. The editor of a bright j mrual is
vastly mare powerful than a bushel of
I ben, and we have sense to realise it."
Possibly tha gallant editor of our es
iMtaad Philadelphia contemporary
thinks likewise with reference to the
con grtumantbip-it-large,
THB initial number of Scranton's
new afternoon paper, The Express,
made its B parance yesterday, under
the management of F. C. McKee, who
hai for several years been successfully
identified with the proprietorship of
the Towanda Review, Mr. UaKae, in
dividually, is modest but progressive,
and his newspaper reflects these cha
racteristics. It announces that it will
be conducted, politically, along inde
pendent lines, but will not be neutral.
It will also devote particular attention
to local topics, and is prepared to
"stand or fall on its merit." Upon
such u platform the Express ought to
win liberal support. It is already
worth one cent per copy, and will
doubtless, when it gets to going, be
worth more, even if it do not charge
The Probable Victims.
l-'or Governor (.ImiAiin (.'. Bnow.v, of
For Ueuteuant-Qovernor Waltsb E.
1j rTtn, of Lycoming.
V r Secretary of Internal Affairs Bus
Jamin AKBIOA, of Huntingdon.
lor Amiiior General Hannibal Slo a n ,
of lmliuua.
For Congress'iion-at-LarceN
CoLOXBL James Uuwt, of Lancaster.
BlCHAKD CoULTBB, ef Westmoreland.
Platform! The wage-earner be bloived.
The Washington grand jory which
has indicted Correspondents Bdwards
ami Shriver for tolling the truth about
the Sugar trust should not neglect Car
lisle and tiavemeyer, who have virtu
al! admitted it.
Socialism's Chief Weapon.
Mr. Ivfj.-r's amendment proposing
that the limit of exemption in the pur
posed income tax be lowered lrom
iJd.OoO to $1,0110 per annum is a foretaste
of what may be expected to happen
should this vicious principle of revenue
collection ever gain permanont hold
upon American legislation. In its in
cptiou and design the iucome tax is
essentially socialistie. It is the blow
struck by tho men who fail, through
their own fault, at the men who suc
ceed. It is the economic exponent of
improvidence's envy of thrift; the sym
bol of shiftlessness' covetousuoss of
success. Sjcidy would used to be
wholly revolutionized before tbds prin
ciple conid bo carried to its logiotil
.conclusions. The man who struggles
and saves would have to be outlawed,
disrespected, ostracized; sooioty would
have to shower its choicest honors upon
the bummer and the tramp.
It is to the lasting credit of Ssnator
Hill that the first firm and resonant
note of resistance to this un-Ainerican
theory should come, among Demo
crats, from one who, in pnblio opinion,
is least associated with honest cham
pionship of principle. Tnere is no
escape from the olear-out logic of his
objections. The argumi-uts aguiust
the income tax aro mwrcilesa in their
unassailable truth. The nominal
boundary at which thrift ceases to be
a virtue is fixed in the original bill at
incomes of $4,000 a year. Already
under the stimulus of tho Populistic
ferment, a senator of the United States
gravely proposes that this boundary
be leveled down to $1,000; and it will
falsify all past experience if the unholy
desire of deli berate poverty to make
frugality pay for its 1 'board and keep"
shall not yet proceed even further
-.long the scalo of legislative injustice
and legalized robbery.
It is unfortunate that tha greed of
great syndicates, playing deftly ou the
avarice of corrupt public servants,
should culminate in ecand .li that lead
the mass of Populists to put unjust es
timates npon honestly acquired wealth
in this land. The position of the voter
who, because gross corruption exists in
politics, decides that all wealth is
wrong and thst all wealthy men are
eriminals aiM knsvos, worthy of legal
ized pillage, is Illogical but natural.
We can forgive this fallacy much mjre
readily tiinn we can the deliberate
demsgogism of men like Cleveland,
Carlisle and P, ffer, who, conscious of
the intrinslo viciousness of the income
tax, are nevertheless willing toonact it
because among the ignorant it is mo
mentarily popular.
An indication of the wxteut to which
even tho gr-atest metre) di'.D journals
have felt tho lff cts of the business de
pression of the paBt few months issup
plid in the case of one, generally rated
as tho wealthiest and most lavish In
New York. Heretofore it had boasted
that it made it a point to expend more
money on telegraphic news than any
three competitors taken together; but
recently it issued instruction to its
correspondents throughout the country
limiting thorn to fifteon words by tele
graph per doy. It has also begun to
priut a portion of each news article iu
large type, which, as printers know,
is an oconomy. News to get in this
particular paper must now be sen t
principally by mail. The news of the
day is tho last thing a man should de
prive himself of; but when hard times
pinch it is often the first to go.
Civil Service Reform.
It is not denied that Petor Ointer has
muds a faithful, t ffiolent and pains
taking deputy collsotor. It is not de
nied that his widespread acquaintance
and long experiencn wars of great use
fulness in the collector's offin. His
moat vlrnlnnt critics have brought no
charge against his personal integrity
or devotion to duty.
Why, then, has he been discharged?
To make room for a Democrat, and
to give a new illustration of the Demo
cratic devotion to civil ssrvice reform.
This is the policy pursued by the party
that appeal. d for business men's sup
porta policy which would put any
private employer into Instant and
irretrivalde disgrace. Truly these bo
groat, days for students of ourrent
events. '
An In.ldlou. As.artion.
Perhaps there was saroasm In it
If no. let ns hope 'twas unjust
When he said that n place in tho .Senate
Is Indeed a position of trust.
H'aAt!0(on Star.
SsMMtOA Kxjn-as: 'Tac Sckanton Tnt
nuNK yesterday attained to its third birth
day and in colebratioa of the happy ev-nt
it. issued an interesting aixtenn n-'. edi
tion, the most prominent feature Of which
Is a well written and Illustrated historical
niiotch of the pnp.r imelf. Every otliar
featuro was also of particular interest, and
the whole made up a number of unusual
excellence. But what in of far more im
portance than tho mere production of a
single number of uucomtnon merit, is the
fact that ns an everyday newspaper.
Tub TBIBORB is unexcelled in thestaie,
outside of the larger cltios of Phil
adelphia and PittbbuiK. Editorially it. is
bright, able and aggroseive.its city depart
ment is superior, while typographically it
always presents a neat aud attractive ap
pearance. Owing, therefore, to its positive
and certain merit it is not surprising that
even at the end of threo short years Tint
IrIBVNB ehonld have attained the heights
of success. Its ttrnggle for exi-tetioe is
uow ended aud henceforth it has t.efore it
a smooth course over which to sail, with
evor-increasiugly fairer prospects in view.
The Express predicts for Its morning
contemporary a brilliant future and
tincorely hopes the prophecy may be
abundantly realized."
SertmUm Tinw, "Our esteemed contem
porary, The TniiiLNK, came forth on its
fourth anniversary yesterday aud eurprised
the community by the excellence of its an
niversary issue. Tho regular edition of the
paper was enclosed in an extra fine eicrht
page cover. Properly spealnng the cover
was of the four page tinted design contain-forty-eight
columns i f advertisements of
the principal merchants in the city, and
the other four pages of the issuo exclusive
of the i egulnr edition were principally de
voted to an entertaining and instructive
recital of the advantages, properties, and
modus opornndi to get Tun TRIBUNE on the
market for the delight of its largo circle of
readers. It wus in Its entirety a splendid
nu tuber, nnd showed conclusively that our
contemporary, though young in yours, is
stalwart in progress and onterprise. The
best we can do is to wish it success and a
journalistic lougovity, best expressed by
Tennyson in his poetiu thought about a
river, where he says:
Jlen may come, nnd mon may go,
But I Uow ou forever."
Olyphant Record: "Tub Tninutis, of
Bcr.nton, celebrated its third anniversary
yesterday and came out in superb style.
The mnkc-up wit1 very creditable, end the
brief sketch of tho past was beautifully
enlivened by cuts, giving a glimpse of the
Intelligent faces of the employes, frum
the editor iu chief down to the small press
boy. The edition was a trno representa
tive one of t tie enterprise and push char
acterising Tim TbiBUNB, Although only
threo years old, it stands in t efrout rank
of dailies In northeasiern Pennsylvania,
aud its concise statements and clean cut
ideas are doing much for tho intellectual
and moral education of the county.''
Scranton Truth: "Our thriving con
temporary, the tScnANTON TBiiit xE, natur
ally and with very good right felicitates
itself and its readers this morning on hav
ing reached its tnird bi tliday and on the
good work it has done since it made its
debut on June iiO, 1S91. It issuos this
morning a sixteen page paper including a
handsome colored cover and four pages on
line book paper with phnto-engravings
and descriptions of Tun 'fBIBONB estab
lishment on two of them, and of Scrnatou
enter; rise In Various directions ou tho
other two. The Truth heartily congratu
lates its ionteinporary aud wishes it many
happy returns of the day."
Wilhes-Harre Record: "Tho Sorantox
Tniui NE was three years old s;srday
and celebrated the auspicious event by a
splendid numbor crowded with news, gen
eral literature and advertising. Wo con
gratulate our esteemed con tern pory upon
giving to the people of 3erautun a clean,
bright and progressive newspaper that
forges ahead despite the keenest competi
tion. Editor lticiiArd has reason to feel
proud of the paper he conducts with such
prudence and ability and the proprietors
certainly have no cause to regret having
selected him lor that important position."
Carbondale Jierald: "Today is the third
anniversary of tho first number of tho
BCRANTON TBIBONX, and that enterprising
journal sent to its subscribers this morn
ing a handsome special edition. It is a
work of art illustrated with half-tone cuts
and containing much stieclal matter. The
Thiiicne is one of the best inland newspa
per in the country and deserves nil the
success it has received,"
Curbondule Leader: "The SCRANTOK
Tiuucxii today celebrated its third auui
vertary by n special issue that did that
journal nnd the city iu which it is pub
lished great credit Besides a hauilsume
cover of heavy paper, the issue was made
up of tho regular news features and special
features in which Carbondale and itstiuu
new hotel were given liberal space."
Sciaafon Republican : llTnn Tkibunb
celebiated its tnird anniversary yestorday
by issuing n handsomely illuminated sup
plement and cover, the workmanship ou
which was exceedingly artistic."
iuufoa .fVrs Ieu.
Thero is a great deal of Sunday work
that is notnocessary. There is muchdoue
that could caBilv bo deferred and the public
would not suiter, business would not bo
interfered with aud omployes would uot
be deprived of a hvolihood. There is no
necessity or running freight and coal
trr.ius ou Sunday, aud the public approves
of the effort uoticeublo lately on tho
Lehigh Valley railroad to curtail this.
.wome Sunday trains cannot well be dis
pensed with, especially those carrying
perishable freight, those that carry pnssou-g-rs
bent on Iour journeys nnd the moru
ing aud evening accommodation trains in
thickly sotiled sections. But many trains
now scheduled can be done away
with, and it would be the employe
who would be last to complain
of this. When we read that the running
of Bnnday mails makes a million people
work ou the Lord's Day who would other
wise be uhle to rest, at least, if their tense
of religious duty did not take thorn to
church, we nro lead to inquire whether tho
Sunday mail cannot to some extout at least
be dispensed with. Aud so with innny
other features of Sunday work. The
public health would be better, the public
mind easier, the public wealth just as
great, if there was a bettor observance of
the Lurd's Day. And this does uot neces
sarily mean that those who rest on that
day slioual go to cuurch, should not seek
tbe pure, rresh air, should not look for
scenes that will tuin their thoughts from
the cares and tiials of everyday life.
Some Schantonian who has evidently
been reading the result of the police inves
tigation now goiug ou in New York.wtitei
to tho Herald jL.Linir wli.-thu- i... ilu,t hai
better postpone a visit he contempluteo
making to to that city, by all means wi
should say he had. A Scrautouian, from
his appearance, would ho picked up by the
police just now quicker than you could sn
Jack ltoblmon. They are looking for pos
sible greeu goods victims wuu Bisjuayo
at present. Wilkes-Barro News-Dealur.
Visitors to Ootham who diet rogulsrh
ou tho murky moss and uilaBimtlio mi-
f!lnl)H. lliiir. inhnhit. V i ! 1. m-lln . ... ...... .
supply, become so verdant, inside and out,
es to provo luscious marks for the export
bunco steorers of the metropolis, I;
doesn't take an argua ye to spot a Wilkes
Barrean whou in a real city. He always
gives himself away by his Irreprossible
Hadna Herald.
One of the provoking circumstances in
conuootion with the fall of a man like
Krastue Wimnn is to see tho Urge number
of petty little two-cent men whose fsme
extends about as far as a moakev can
throw an oyster shell, who take great de
light in it and thiuk by reason of his fall importance has been enhanced. Per
haps by thousands of petty villainies, too
petty to be noticed otherwise than by
momentary anger and disgust at their
mranness, they have amassed iu their life
time less money than his services com
manded in a year, but because thev have
never gone to jail and a man liko Erastus
Wimau Is about to go they think thatgives
them distinction. It gives comrort to
their microscopic souls to thiuk about this
and tbey the more readily persuade them
selves that alter all they may be of some
On. Baatonabln K q'iirmnl.
;!ooiia Jr imn -.
Good citizenship requires not only con
stant vigilance townrd tl.e management
of the local goveruuieut and earnest sup
port of the best candidates, but als i a wll
liugnets to a part of one's time to
the service of his ueighbors.
Written by Aimer Dartlett, sealod and or
dered to he opened and reud athia funeral.
When I am dead,
I would not have the rude aud gaping
Around me gather, nnd 'mid lamentation
Tell of my virtues, and with vain regret
Bemoan uiv loss, and leaving me. forget;
But I would have tho few ut kindly hoart,
Who, when misfortune came, so nobly did
their part,
And oft by thoughtful deeds their love ex
press Those I would have, no more, no less
When I am dead 1
When I am deud,
I would uot have tho high and storiod
Placed o'er my gravo, and then be left
But I would have some things I once did
Ere I did leave tho joyous world above,
Placed o'er mo. Aud oacn succeeding year
I'd have my frlonds rcuow them, and o
linger near.
With loving thoughts upon the dear one
laid below,
And talk or times departed long ago,
When I ain deadl
When I am dead,
Forgive Oh this, I pray far more than
The anguish I have caused, the deed be
yond recall.
Think kindly on me as 1 Ho so still,
So poor a subject for an angered will.
Think of some generoue deed, some good
word spoken,
Of hearts bouud up I found all sad aud
Think R-eutly, wbon the last long rest is
And guze upon my furin with looks be
nign, When I am dead 1
Furniture for SiimmAPftnt.
Rattan and Reed Parlor:
1 r, n .,
ana fining noom aims
Couches, Rockers and
Porch Chairs, Rockers and
Lawn Swings and Canopies
jy Carriag
n 1 n
carriages ana ne-
131-133 ft WASHINGTON ME,
Do you make your own Cram1 If 10,
White Mountain Freezer.
choice receipt, for Ice Crania. Sher
bet's Water Ices nr. packd in evory
Refrigerators,Water Coolers,
Baby Carriages, Hammocks
& CO.
Meat Market
The Ftat in the City,
The latent improved fur
rilsbinni and nipnratus for
keeping meat, butter and egga.
S33 Wyoming Ave.
Hill & Gomel
r--ii ' 'Is ft
For mnny years this Piano has stood in the front ranks. It has been admired so much for its
pure, rich tone, lhat it has becomo a standard for tone quality, until it is considered tho highest com
pliment that can bo paid any Piano to say "It resembles tho WEBER."
We uow havo tho full control of this Piano for this section as well as many other fiuo Pianos
which wo aro soiling at greatly reduced prices and on easy monthly payments. Dou't buy until you see
our goods and get our prices
You'd iLlinost Tliink:
Tiiey'd Float in the
0 To be sure' real Switzerland-made ones at that.
U f W luv t$ Swisses with clear-cut tiny dots, not much larger
than the seeds of a grape, and Swisses with the larger dots and
floral designs, all in their pure white airiness. Over sixty
styles. No such collection elsewhere.
i1 li
And other Lingerie now found upon our counters
at such very low prices and in such a large array
of designs.
Special sale of Gowns at 49c. an( 59c.
that are the greatest value we ever offered.
With tha New Valves
0ut of Sight.
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lack
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are male-
! inrr extremelv low nrites
. . j z. " r-
second-hand wheels.
814 Lacka. Ave.
A Fall Assortment
Letter Copying Boob
A 500-pago 10x12 Book, bound
in cloth, sheep back and corners,
guaranteed to give satisfaction,
Only 90c.
Reynolds Bros.
Stationers and Engravers,
317 Lackawanna Ave.
""' 1 1 - X
Dr. Hill & Son
let tiwtb, S6.G0; best set, $8; for cold can
and teeth wltlimit plates, relloit crown end
bridge, work, rail for prlcoe and reforotiooe.
TOKALG1A, lor extracting teotll witboy.1
poijD. Mo ,t I it. No gas.
M. C. A.
Chiffons, Jaconet, Duchesse, Ginghams, Dimities,
Batistes and Sateens. What a handsome dress you
can buy now at 5 cents per yard, and warranted
fast colors.
iu i wumm "' cvans at rowen m
They use very little ice
and will keep fresh meat
for three weeks in the
hottest weather. Many
styles and sizes.
513 Lackawanna Ave,
Berries are arriving
in very line condition
and prices low.
Fancy Peas, Beam,
Squash, Tomatoes,
Asparagus, Beets,
Cucumbers, etc.
Pierce's Market
and Get the
Opp. Tribune Office, 224 Spruce St,
Bavins had 12 yoarj' experience in tho Bicyulu busi-m-M
aud tfc.. au'ency for loadiutf Wheel of al urndoa,
we are prepared to guarantee satisfaction. Those In
tending to purchase aro invited to call and examine
nur complete lino. Open evening. Cull or send stam
for catalog uos.
Ij 11 1U1
!TRi f
Globs Shoe Store!
A limited number of the above
bonds are for sale at par and ac
crued interest by the following
parties, from whom copies of tho
mortgage and full information can
bo obtained:
E. W. Mulligan, Cashier Second
National Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
W. L.Watson, Cashier First Na
tional Bank, Pittston, Pa.
J. L. Polen, Cashier People's
Savings Bank, Pittstou, Pa.
A. A. Brydeu, President Miners'
Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa.
And by the Scranton Savings
Bank nnd Trust Company, Trustee
under the Mortgage.
T, R Atbcrton, CouDsel,
The best is none too
good. Ours are 18-k.
All sizes and weights.
423 Lackawanna Ava
Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at th
rate of ONE CENT A WORD.