I TTIE 8CP ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE 20, 1894. MATCH-. L-ESS SHAI PIAHOS. STELLE & SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AVE. vr.nvn. BHAW, KMKllSON, NEW ENGLAND FINEST LINE IN THE CITY I'OK TUB PKICE, :FW AND IBCOND HANI) A ; 1 PRICES GOOD BREAD -use Tnr And always have Good Bread. MANUFAcrrnrcn and for sale to THE TRADE BY The Weston 111 Co, EEWARE CP COUNTERFEITS I THE fjFNUlNE P0H1UR Punch Cigars HAVE THE IMITW.S G.. B. & Co., mnr?pf"H rn Erich Clflnr. Garaey, Brown & Co. MfrJs. cuukx holm; v, . , . , OR. H. B. WARE RPEGIALISKi EYE, EAR, NOSS AND THROAT. OFFICR H0DR3 '35 WYOMING AVLv PKHSONAL. Pay yonr ?as bills today and save the discount. Row W. J. Ford, pastor of the Oreon Rnigo Haptifit church, last night delivered tlio annual address before tuo alumni of Cook academy at Havana, X. Y. J. B, Miicuetto left on the 8 o'clock train y steniay morning for Swiftwater, Mount Pocono, where lie will spend the day with hiseouetn, I'avmasterll. ('. Machette of the United States navy. .Mr. Machette was with his cousin for one year at Key West, Florida, in the capacity of jay masior's clerk. NORTH END BRIEFS. Arrangements have been made for nn excellent ontertninmont nt the Christian church 10-morrow nifilic at 7;.'t0. Tho members of the First Welsh bap tist church liavo arranged for 1 straw berry social to be hold on ,luly 3. Tho closing exercises In connection with school No. 'J.l wjll bo held in the hnll of the school on Fi id ay next at 2 p. m. 1'roceods for the bonolit. of the library and clock fund. Tho grand excursion to Farviow, under tho auspiros of class No. it, Presbyterian Sunday school, will tako placo tomorrow by tho Delaware and Hudson train, loay ing at 8 a. m. Uwynfryn Evans, who has spent n pleas ant holiday of two months in Pennsylva nia, left Hcranton yesterday on his return homo to Wolos. Ho has delivered sermons at tho North End and other places, and will carry back to tho old country pleasant imprc ssioiiH of the electric city. Extensive alterations are being carried out at the Lewis drug store where the front is being entirely removed nnd a splendid plate glass window is substituted. Of. W. Davis, nlthotiu'li probably the youngest druggist in the city, thoroughly Understands Ins profession having gradu ated nt Philadelphia in the largest college In the world. Tho alteration will bo a great improvement to the appearance of Providonco ciinro and Mr. Davis's enter prise is commendable. Considerable dissatisfaction is felt in the North End upon tho location and con dition of the police station and strong hopes nro entertaiaed that after tho visit of the city authorities anil tho fact of the promises being condomnod, that immed iate action will bo taken to procure more suitable nnd sanitary buildings. The en trance to the station is antiquated nnd dangerous, and quite opposite for tho re quirements of convey ing prisoners to and fro, but tho entrance is only an index to the sad condition of affairs within the building. Above the coils and officers quarters are the stables of tho Liberty ni!il Niagara Moan companies and tho smell which of necessity oxists, permeates the rooms, making It positively daugor oub to the health of the officers and pris oners, Tho room where tho Officers trans act their business and occasionally eat their meals, Is a moa miserable don. Ecranton's Buslnnss Internets. Tnn Tmhunk will soon publish a care fully compiled nnd classified list of tho leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton and viciDity. Tho edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogrnvure views of our pnblic build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., togother with portraits of loading citizens. No simiUr work haR ever given an equal rep resentation of Hcranton's many indus tries. It will be nu invnluablo exposition of our business resourcos. Sent to persons outsido the city, copies of tbis hnndsome work will attract new comers and bo an unequalled advertisement of tho city. Tho circu lation is on a plan that cannot fnil of good results to those concerned as wel 1 as the city atlarge. Representatives of Tim Thiiuinu will call upon those WHOH namks are Dr.smF.n in this edition and explain Its nature moro fully. Tboso desiring viows of their residences In this edition will please have notice at the office. PAN ORGANS tj A Foe to Dyspepsia 1 1 SNOW WHITE FLOUR LECTURE mm Delivered by S. G. Kerr In tho Lecture Room of Elm Park Church. HIS PERSONAL EXPERIENCES What He Saw in a Tour Through the Emerald Isle Visit to the Place of His Birth Roads of Ireland Much Better Than Thoso in This Coun tryPoor Educational Facilities. An appreciative audience heard the lecture of S. G. Kerr, of the firm of K"rr & Siebecker, last evening in the lecture room of the Elm Park church. The inbjeot included a recital of Jlr. Kerr's trip through Ireland two years ago and it was all the moro interesting from tho faot that tho speaker was born on the old soil but had uot visited his native land in forty-oue years. Mr. Kerr's description of Derry and its ancient walls and parapets, iu clnded the comment thut it was not unlike most American cities in its architectural features. Hut he was forcibly reinindod of Its not being a free country when he saw a Dublin jurist enter and depart from the ses sions court preceded by the high sheriff and other funtionarioa, all instate regalia, and closely guarded and surrounded by mounted ilea con stabulary. Personally, ho enjoyed his visit to Donegal near his birth place and when the gate house wus reached he roo in tho cart and gave three rousing Yankee cheers, notwithstanding the ladies tiu Ring at his coat tail. The hospitality of the Irifih is proverbial, but one should live among them to approctato them most. An American, partica larly is sure of a hearty reception. COMPARISON OF ROADS. In comparing the roads of Ireland with those, of this country, he suid the ro;ds of Ireland are as firm and smooth as asphalt, and he regretted dnriug his visit that he did not know how to ride a bicycle. There one could drive a mile without a "linoh-pln," but tho same cannot be said of the wagon smashing road to Providence, for Instance He spoke of visits made at Bally shannon, Bleeck, noted for its fa mous cliinaware aud pottery; Lake Mvlvil, in the C utnty of Leitrim, whoro he was entertained by the mother and brother of two young men now In busineai in Scr.mton. Of his obi homestead at Mtickross, near Douegal, he applied a verso of "The Old Oaken Bucket," excepting the well, which at MuokroSS was a running stroam. lie saw his old schoolmaster who used to call him "Sammy" Kerr, and was wont to chase him about the school house with a sallow rod. Onr government might take a lesson from the fact that the old schoolmaster and his wife are each pensioned fiOO a year. At the Btrobane Shows in County Tyrone the agricultural display ex ceeded oven that of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural society. Oolerain, with its birthplace of John McCul lough and its schools, was described in detail. From Portmsh his party trav eled by electric railway which was built in Inland was the first system In the United Kingdom. Unliks the American trolley the eurrent is trans mitted to the cars through the iron "T" rail, built upon a fence-like structure eighteen inches high which runs alongside of the track. BOMB CURIOSTTIM MENTIONED. Ho spoke of Dublin, the Giant's Causeway, one of the world's wonders, in i Belfast In the latter city is St. Enoch's Presbyterian chnrch, whieh contains no musical instrument, the congregation preferring to chant and sing psalms according to the oid cus tom. Whilo the Irish are in their native country ignorant to a great degree, their condition, from an educational standpoint, is equal to some of the southern and southwestern localities of onr own United States. This condition is not doe to a lack of mental calibre, but is caused by the lack of educational facilities. Iroland has furnished more than her quota of orators, poets, jour nalists, and was prominently repre sented by military heroes in the revolu tionary and civil wars. SOUTH SIDE. Improvements That Have Been Made or Are In Progress. During the past year a great many improvement have been made on the South Side. Although the great de pression in trade has boen felt here moro than elsswhere, still the improve ments have gone on, there and are new buildings on every aide. Among tho moat prominent are the following: II. Robinson's handsome stone and brick office, F. L Terrpe's large store and residonce on the aor ner of Cedar avenue and Birch street, a large addition to John Wes'.pfahl's store and extensive alterations nnd re pairs made by A. J. Mulderig, who has placed large bay windows in the front of his store and taken all the partitions out to gain more room. Then on Wil low street Alderman Storr has added to his already large building for the ac commodation of his patrons. There are dwelling houses springing up on nearly every avonno and street, while others aro being treated to new coats of paint. Altogether the South Side will com pare favorably with auy part of tho city in the matter of improvements and had street repair! aad grading boen pushed with the same vigor, the South Side would be one of the most healthy and beantifnl suburbs of Scrauton. The mines are working full time, aud also the steel mills, tho silk mills and other factories are going full blast, and alto gether there appears to be a general re vival all around. It is hoped that the coming year will be more prosperous than the past one. ATHLETIC CLUB'S EXCURSION. It Want to FarvUw and Was Moat Suo oesefnL Tho Scranton Athlotic elnb held their annual excursion yesterday at Farview. It was a complete succoss in every way. There were over 700 peo nlo on the grounds. Among them were noticed Protuonotury Pryor Clerk of the Conrts J. H. Thomas', Couneilmen P. J. Hickey and Robert Robinson, Albert Westpfahl, Mlis Wanda Westpfahl. Fred Weichel, Ed ward Robinson, CI us Sehimpff, and in fact, nearly all the prominent people of tho South Side. The tng of war between the Scrnn ton Athletics nnd the Andrew Mitch ell's of Carbondale was won by tho rorinor, with two straight pulls. The names of the winning team is as fol lows: Captain Phillip Wirth, Jake Ballns, John Klefor, George Keib, Ed ward Baker, John Soholl, Charles Neuls. In the base ball game the Soranton Athletics were again the winners, beat ing the Electric Social club by one run after an exciting game of five innings. The battery for the Scranton Athletic club was Elward Robinson and J. Scholl; and for the Electric Social elnb, F. Rentohler and Tom Hettler. Oath's band furnished the inuaio. Tho day will long be remembersd by those who were present, as a most enjoyable one. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. During the pat year, the axle works has had additions built to it, owing to the largo increase in business- The output amounts to i),0(K) sets of axles per month, while the force has been increased to sixty men. Very best Hour, per barrel $4.ao, at Mul deng's. Tho cow belonging to Mrs. Drein, whieh hns been lost Since last Saturday was found in the mountnins at No. 4. It is supposed that mischevions bovs had been at work, as tho cow was securely tied and had been milked. She had a black cow for a companion, which tho searching party un tied ami set free. Choice cuts at the lowest prices, Ryan A Co's, Cash Meat market, 518 Lacka. avo. Mrs. J, J, Keegnn has gone to tho Wom en's hospital in Now York city to undergo an operation. She will rtnmin there some time. Poultry and Eggs a specinlitv, Ryan Ai Co's. Cash market, SIS Lacka. ave. On Friday Miss Anna Krebbs, of Hick ory street, will leave hero for New York city, where she will sojourn for two weeks. Finest butter, 17 cents a pound, IS18 Pittston avenue. Michael Hobin met with an accident yes terday morning at the lower mills. Ho was struck on the head by a falling brick. He is not seriously injured. Strirty fresh Hutter nt Ryan ft Co's. Cash market, 818 Lacka. avo. Mr. Joseph Kneller, of Pittston nvonuo, who was granted a patent seme timo ago for a robber attachment which is pinced on tho top of (i crutch and tilled with air, in the same manner ns ttie pii-iiniitic tiro of a bloyclo, expects shortly to close it deal with a Philadelphia firm for the manufact ure of the same, while tlio other parti of tho crutch will be made by Mr. Haton. the Well known wood worker, of Aldricli street, who is in partnership with Air. Kneii r. One firm hat already made an Offer of iTnn for the rights of the patent, but it was refused. Finest grade tea', to 10 cents, at Mul dertg's, Orders called for and delivered promptly, Ryan ft Co's. Cash market, 51 8 Lacka. ave. Patrick Foley nnd D, Donovan, both of the United States army, have come home from Governor's Inland to spend their three month's furlough. They nro resid ing with their friends on Pittston avonno. Canned and green Fruits in season, Ryan's Cash market, Ms Lacka. avo. The second annual picnic of the linva rian Beneficial association will take place tomorrow at Central park. Salmon, two cans for 28 cents, 1218 Pitts ton avenue. i At the Vonng Women's Christian associ ation rooms Inst evening nu informal talk was delivered by Mrs, H. J, Catr on "ln dians." Tho lecture was most interesting, and Mrs. Cnrr proved herself capable of holding the close attention of the large number of young Indies who had assembled to do honor to the lady for her efforts in their behalf. Peaches, two .'S-ponnd cans for 25 cents, at Mulderig's, Tno marriage of Miss Mary Finnessey to Joseph S. McNally, both well known and highly esteemed young pooplo of tho Twelfth ward, took place at St. Peter's cathedral yesterday morning with a nup tial muss. Rev. P. S. Golden performed tne ceremony, which occurred at 7 o'clock in the morning. Miss Mary A, Barrett was bridesmaid, nnd Patrick Hannou best mnn. The ushers were .lames McGovero and William Finnessey. A wedding break fast was had nt the Wyoming House and Mr. and Mrs. McNally were then driven to the 9:M) Delaware, Lackawanna and Western train. Tueir honeymoon will comprise a visit to New York and other eastern cities. Everything fresh and of the best at Mul derig's cash store, 1318 Pittston avenue.' PRESIDENT CLEVELAND WILL ATTEND Many Attractivn Faaturns for the Qraat Saenstorfsst. The Scranton Liedcrkrnnz has had its last rehearsal of the prizo song it will sing at tho National Saengerfest at New York on the ovening of June 23. There will be five concerts. On Tuesday a pienic will ho held at Bon sonhnrst, L. I where the prizes will be awarded to tho successful societies. A triumphal arch is being erected in front of the balcony at Madison avenue and it is expected that from this Presi dent Cleveland and other distinguished visitors will review the procession. which will herald the opening of the ssengerfedt. Fully 20.00D men will be in line, eneh one wearing an Alpine hat and carrying a lighted torch. '1 hoy will march to the tnne of vocal music, and nil along the line of march the citizens have been requested to Illumi nate their residences. Extremely low excursion rates from Scranton are offered by the railroads. Tickets will be good for ten days. DAVENPORT SUIT RECALLED Comgv9 & Davis Trylna to Obtain Possession of Coal Lands. In tbe arbitration room yesterday af ternoon testimony was taken! n the case of Comegys anil others against Russell and others before Arbitrators W. Gay lord Thomas, J. W. Carpenter and O. B, Partridge, Wiilara, Warren ifc Knapp, and O. C, Comegys and E. H. Shurtleff represented the plaintiffs, and S. D. Price and EL M. Hannah, the de fendants. The action is an pjectmont to recover possession of a valuable trnot of coal land in Blakely ami Scott townships, which the plaintiffs claim Russell leased to Davenport and Davenport to Comegys & Davis, Comegys & Davis subsequently sold a one half mterest in their lease to William R. Williams, of Scranton, and S. M. Mayer, of Philadelphia. When borings were made upou the promises, Davenport brought an action in the equity courts to have all the papers set aside. This action was defeated in the courts some time ago, Davenport then surrendered up his lease to Russell, who entered and' took possession along with his .stepson, Je rome Brittain, and thoy now hold the premises, the recovery of which is sought by the plaintiffs in the eject ment. Considerable public interoat was aroused in this case at the time of the equity suit. Dsath of Mrs. T. IT. Collins. Mrs. Mary A. Collins, wife of T. H. Col lins, and sister of liov. T. J. (.'omerford, of Archbald, died at her homo, :tnrt Peuu avo niie, yesterday. Tho deceased had been oiling some time from inflammatory rheumatism, which superinduced boai't failure. The funeral will take placo at St. Peter's cathedral on Thursday morning a t 0. 80. with a solemn high mass of requiem. SwENy, champion high jumper of tho world, will be hero Juno 88, S. R. Duiikky, mate of steamer Arizona had his foot badly .jammed. Thomas' Ec loctric (111 cured it. Nothing equal to r to it for a quick pain reliever. Buy ths Wbr and get the beBt. At Guernsey Bros. I Marriage ol Miss Lizzie Parry to William J Brace. FIRE IN AN OLD AIR SHAFT It Was About Twelve Feet from the Surface and tho Fire Companies Had Great Difficulty in Fighting It. A Great Deal of Water Poured Into the Mine Personals and News Notes. The West Hide office of the SonANTov TlUBUNl is located at 1 Hi North Mala ave nue, where subicriptions, advertisements and communications will receive prompt attention. Miss Lizzie Parry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles Parry of South Main avenue, and William J. Brace, of Nonh Hyde Park avenue, were married yes terday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Sumner avenue Preshyturiun churcn. The uiiditoriuin was well filled and neatly decorated with an abundance of roses aud laurels. The marriage cere mony wus performed by Rsv. R. G. Jonas, pastor of tie-church. The bride was attired in a white silk dress, with white sntla trimmings. She carried roses and.cornations. The bridesmaid, .Miss M. A, Brace, a sister of the groom, was attired in pink and carried a bou quet similar to tha t of the bride. Tho groomsman was Evan W, Evans. The ushers were. W. . Prioo and James Brace. After the ceremony was ovor, arecep tion was tenderod at the home of the bride's parents on South Main avenue. Supper was served aud a most plsasat evening spent by all. Mrs. Brace is a young lady, well-known and stands high in sociul circles. Mr, Brace is es teemed and is a capable engineer. FIRE IN AN ABANDONED SHAFT. Much Water Poured Into Mt. Pleasant Minos Exiinguiahing It. Smoko issuing from the old No. 1 air shaft of the Mount Pleasant mines, situated between North Main avoini" and Decker's court, wus the cause of an alarm of lire, which was sounded from box 14, at the corner of Luckawann:i avenue and Seventh street.ehortly after G o'clock last evening. Tho Nay Ang, Phenix, Franklin, Columbia aud Hook and Ladder companies re sponded. The fire was found to be in this old nir hole, which is not now used, nnd has beon boarded up about twelve feet down from the surface. The frame work was burning fiercely, and, us there is no downward draught, volnmes of smoke wore being carried into the mines. Two streams woro poured on the fire, which was slowly eating its way downward. It became necsssnry to cutout the board wall around the sides to as tho work could bo done moro ef fectually. Little damage was done, although much water was carried Into tho mines through tho opening. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Mrs. E. D. Fellows, of North Sumner aveune, is ill. Nathaniel Davies, of Sonth Rebocca ave- nne, is seriously ill. Miss Jessie Evans, of Wilkos-Barro, was the guest of friends here yesterday. W. Haydn Evans, of South Sumner ave nue, la recovering rapidly from his recent illness. Mrs. (lordon Williams, of Trovidonce, R. L, has returned home after a visit with friends on this sido. Mr. and Mrs. William Farrell, of Wash bum street, have returned home from their wedding tour. The Druid Malo party met at Davis' hall ou North Main avenue last evening, I, . wis Watcyns is conductor. Miss Virginia Haohnlon, of Harrisburg, is staying for a few days with the family of .loiin Long, of Price street. John Dver leaves this morning for bis Homo in ivnnsas City after a visit with his brother, dllicor James Dyer, of Morris court. Rov. D. W. Skellinger, of tho Washburn street Presbyterian church, will go to Up per Leiiigh on Friday to attond a Christian Endeavor mooting. Tho Scranton Field club now has two tennis courts on South Hydo Park avenue. Several new menibors havo beon added and tenuis is played every ovening. Progress is reportod In the agitation of tne paving oi iNintn, Jackson and Robin son streetp, aud a hope is being expressed that, the pave will be laid this summer. Attorney Will R. Lewis, of the firm of Taylor ft Lowis, nnd Miss Josephine Lloyd, daughter of Joseph D. Lloyd of North Main avonuo, will be married this morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. W. H. Jones. The Philharmonic Choral society will meet for rehoarsul this ovening in the First Welsh Baptist church. Evory member is requested to bo presont as business per taining to a concert at Laurel Hill park will bo discussed. Tho West. Side Womon's Christian Tom peranca union will meet this evening in the rooms of the Hyde Park Free library to discuss the question: "How can tho Womon's Christiau Temperance union best unite w.th the church societies in the omsade against the legalizod liquor traf fic?" Members of church societies aro requested to bo present. The following well known singers hnvo organized a double quartette to compete at Lake Ariel on July 4. Miss Snilor, Mrs. Lizzie Hughes Hrundnge, Mrs. M. J. Bos ton Williams, Miss Maggie Jones, Thos. Bynham, Edwin Bowen, Moses Morgan and John Jones. The choit will bo under tho leadership of Daniel Thomas nnd will meet for rehearsal tonight in Co-operative hnll at 8 o'clock sharp. A full attendance is desired, PAINT cracks. It often costs more to prepare a house for repainting that has been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for repaint ing and never has to be burned or scraped off on account of scaling or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting strictly pure white lead, purchase any of the following brands: "Atlantic," "Bcymer-Bauman." "Jewett," "Davls-Chambern," "Fahnestock." 'Armstrong ft McKelvy." For Colors. National 'Lead Co.'s Tnre White Lead Tinting Colors, a onHimd ran ton 95-pound keg of Lead and mix your own paints, Saves time and annoyance In matching shades, and Insures the best paint that u li pos Slbls to put on wood. Send us a iwsinl card nnd Ret our hook on paints mid coloi-eard, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LKAD CO., New Votk, NEWS WES CHINA HALL We have REDUCED prices on BABY CARRIAGES, as our stock is too hive. You ean buy a good llaby Carriage for the price of a cheap one. For Wedding Presents f nishlng for Summer Cottages, we havo a full and complete line. Lamps, Dinner and Toilet Sets, Etc. WEICHEL k MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. Homestead CORN, PEAS, SUCCOTASH, LIMA BEANS, Si. 50 Per Dozen ROME JERSEY CREAMERY BUTTER In 3 and 5 lb. Pails. Eggs received Daily from the Home Poultry Farm. C. DITCHBURN, 437 Lackawanna Ave. GRAND OPENING Saturday, Jane 16 M. J. RYAN & CO.'S CASH CHOICE CUTS AT LOWEST PRICES 518 Lackawanna Ave. GENERAL STORES Is the place to buy reliable goods at Lowest Prices. All Seasonable Goods on hand. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, CROCKERY and Floorand Table OIL CLOTHS 631 Pittston Ave, CORN KM WILLOW. D. W. HUMPHREY 1418 PITTSTON AVE., BtMMMW to Lrt. J.A.MANLBY, of tho South a 110 I harinary, Chemist and Rcgist ereJ Pharm ccist. A full linn of DltniS, PATENT M ED- tCINKS AND TOILBC ARTICLES. Mso large variety ot l?EAnv- MIXED Paints. BRUSHES, &o. PHYSICIANS' F INSCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. A, J, Mulderig's Cash Store, 1213 PITTSTON AVENUE. Wo pay Bpot cash for onr goodg and bvy diroot from Urn manufastnrore. That in why wo r enabled to soil you goods chenper than yon can bny elss where, We hnre no rents to pay, no bookkeepers, nnd losono bad aoeonnta; so rennon will toll yon our expenses are so licht that wo 0:111 spII on n Tory small profit. Full weight and meas ure rivou or money refunded. Giv na call and see if what we nay U not trne. THE CELEBRATED PIANOS let st Prswnt the Mont Fopnlar snil iWerrrd !iy Warereoms: Ppposlts Oolnmhtn Mnnumsrt, .05 Washington Av. Soranton.Pn Meat larket I E' You Need Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. Martin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. i!iiir.ic!Hgiig!iMii!ieniiiiiHEi!aiieiigiiiigHiitiii:i3ejtsiiiicsifesmiiins THREE CHEAT VALUES I AT- LFashionl ri 30S Lacka. Ave ILLBNERY I f3 For the week we will sell everything1 i in this department at "J-2 Pre in 1 order to move our immense stock. in M s J tut received ftlwgelot of odd 5 sizes in KTD GLOVES, in tt black and colon, worth from 1 m to $1.75. which will be sold for A lot of LADIES' WAISTS, reduced from I $1.25 to 50c. I sggiBi9gigigggiigiiigigigggiggiiii!iiggHi!Eiiiigiiifli!ugiiiitJiiiiiggigi:gigigigig(ii Your Son Graduates Soon and yon must get liim a graduation pres out. Wo have lots of things that ho would appreciate A NICE . . . UMBRELLA Would he just the thing. Wo have them in the very linest styles Natural Wood and Gold and Sil ver Handles. Drop in and look at them. F. P. CHRISTIAN, 1 12 8PHTJCE ST. 200 LACK A. AVENUE. It's a Great Shock tn tho folhn who nro olalininu thoy nndcroll ill nthora tn find that without the lat fusn or bluster wo aro giving CtlltOtfirFI tho hen pflt of mirh opportunities a tliono. A strictly Hifh Grade Light-weight Wheel, I HiM pattern. forSUOoash. IROrt pattern, S180 Wheel, for S". 1H!)4 pattern, S100 Wheel, for 85 nh.. Theie prices mnko tho bttgtnetl at our store. FLOREY HOLT Y. M. 0 A. BUILDING. SAY! YOU HEAVY WEIGHTS DO YOU KNOW THAT CONRAD, THE HATTER, HAS SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR YOUR SIZE? SAPOLJO IS LIKE A GOOD TEMPER, "IT SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE." " a Pair S SPECIE A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for Clothiers, Mkts,i Fumishera Another Advocate of Ansesthene TlTCS. RBNWOOD Jt WARDVT.I.: ORMTUMBH II affords me ureal pleasure to store thut -.onr new proco t r; 1 1 ift tti was rinil rtice.eis 1b my Itasit. and 1 heartily rccnmrarnil tt tt all. I sincerely hope that others wilt test. Its merits. Yours respectfully. CAPT. 8. F. BRYANT, Koran ton. To, Henwood & Wardell, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. Wilt on anfl after Mav 1 mtilto a crent rertnrl tion In the prlcna 01 plules. All oik eunf antood flrst-das3 in every Drtfcnlar. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, Trio BpOdftUst tlio Eye. Hontlaorio Mlflf xTtTVOflSUMgl rrliovo-l. Lstost nnd ImprovM Kf.vln of Kvn i ' i i nnd Ki. tetanic at thii ttsOWMt PrieftH. Rit ArUtlciiU EyJ Iturtthl or $Y 3 5 SPRUCE ST.. op. Ctd Post Offlcv