FOIt THE BKST PAGH OP SPOUTING NEWS TURN THIS LEAF. -HE NEWS OP INDUSTRIES, ON PAGE tt EIGHT PAGES--56 COLUMNS. SCRANTON. PA.. MONDAY MORNING. JUNE 18, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER SLOW PROGRESS OFJHE TARIFF Bill Hay Be Out of Committee of the Whole Next Saturday. FREE LIST IS ALMOST IN SIGHT Democrats Hope to Sec This Portion of tho Tariff Agreed To as Fast as Road, but Western Republicans Will Fight for Small Duty on Free Wool Remaining Bone of Conten tion Among Democrats Is the In come Tax and Will Cause Lively Debate. NEW York. Jnno 17. THE Democratic luiimigtrfl look forward for tho cominif wesk in tho senate with confidence. The Republicans are, outwardly, in different. Air. Harris, the parllmentar ian in charge of thoukirmidh line in tho great contest, decl'irtl last night tlut when nest Saturday came the turiff bill would bo out of the committee of tho whoiu, nud Mr, Aldrich, the Repub lican leader, admitted that tho outlook was favorable to rapid progress. But two schedule! remain before the free list is reached. They are papur and sundries. But little debate is ex pected on either, Tho Democrats be lieve the frco list will bo agreed to as fust as read, but the western Republi cans, when raw wool is reached, on the freo list, will renew tho attack and seek to have a small duty, at least, put upon that article. Ever momber'of the committee of the Democratic side has declared that he draw the lino there and that under no condition will he consent to tho removal of wool from the freo list, oud souit of the members osaert it is tho only thing demanded by tho party platform, which u left in the bill. Tho voto in thosonatoa few days ngo was too close to be ignored, and when the question comes up again the surprise would not bo very Breat if some small duty wero placed on raw wool MAY LET OLD LAW STAND, Although no positive announcement to that r fleet has hoen made it is be lieved that the Domocrats would bo willing to recede from all their pro posed ainendmouts to tho administra tive feature of tho bill, if by so doiny they can shorten tho time for debate. Inasmuch as forty-nino pages are de voled to this subject and tho amend ments are numerous, it in obvious that debate would bo materially shortened by letting tho McKinloy administrative bill stand unamended, Secretary Carlisle and customs officials who have been consulted agreo that owing to the length of the debate up to this time it would ho better to permit the adminis trative aot of June, 1890, to stand rath er than to attempt a reconstruction of it at this late day. Tho argument is also made that tha now law could be enforcul l etter under a mothod of ad ministration with which tho customs cilicers are familiar and which has been construed by tho department and the coin's, than under regulations that changed the system in nny degree. The remaining bone of contention in the majority party is tho income ttx nnd this will cause aomo lively debute, although it may not bo contracted. OUTLOOK IN TBI HOUSE. Now that tho appropriation bills, ex ?ept thut providing for general defici encies, are all out of tho way, the house is likely to be precipitated into something of a struggle for priority of consideration of a number of measures of more or 1pm general importance. Th Orit struggle is promised for to morrow, when Mr. Hatch, (Dem., Mo.), will ask tho houno to tuke np his nnti optiou bill, It will bo opposed by the representatives from the large cities and their vicinities. Then Mr. Joseph (Dem., N. II ), will bring forward bia bill to admit the territory of Now Mexico to statehood, This will bo nntagonizsd.itis supposed, by the Republicans. After these two bills nro out of the way it is thought the general deficiency bill will be put npon its passage. 'But should it not he tnkon np, Mr. Cooper (Dem.. Ind.) stands ready to urge his bill providing for the taxation of greenbacks tho same as gold and sil ver aro taxedtwbicb has been favorably reported from the committee on bank. Ing and ourrency. And the friends of the ttill providing for tho election of senators by direct vote of the people are earnestly pressing tho house muii agre for a day on which that measure may he iven tho right of way. TO BLOW DP THE CAPITOL. AUtaea Diteovery of Bin Plot Whereby Anarohleta Hrped to Triumph. Washington, June 17. Exposure of a plot which had for its ol ject the de struction of the capitol and perhaps ther government buildings and which had boen slowly devolopiug for savoral weeks past is made in a local newspa per, the Post. According to the story, the plot was formed at tho time Coxey's army was marching to the capital. The orime mover in tho plot was Honoro Jnxon. He came from Chicago, where h has been a disturber for years. He was agisted by anarchists from various Cities. Sscrot ssrvico men and local detec tives have been constantly engaged in watching the baud. The fast that the anarchists have committed no act in Wauhinglon npon which they could bo civict'id, has prevented their arrest here. Thsir meetings havo been small nnd iccrst; their experiments with ahemicals have been such that it could aardly ho proved that they intended to rjsnrt to rxtromo moasures. They havo written no letters. Ia fact, all along, thsy havo waited for something to hap Pj., something would give them an opportunity to carry oat their scheme of violence. Jason' headquarters was the resi dence of a Frenchman named Savant, reeognizod .by his neighbors as an intelligent, bnt oceentrio character. One nigiit the officers ou watch saw a large glass bottle, such as druggists use for explosive chemicals, dolivsred at the house, The conspirators met there ami at other places nud about three weeks ago tho meetings beeame so frequent and so many straugo men came and went, that the officers felt that thoy were los ing their grasp of tho situation. There was danger and the climax might come at any lime, ami great alarm was ; felt. The cunitol officers, including tho spanker ot the house, and tho treas ury people, including Secretary Car lisle, folt very uneasy. The discovery of the formula for making tho explosives which the con spirators propose to use, says tho ar ticle in conclusion, is probably the most important pioco of work done by the detectives. Several chemicals are used, and tho proportions makea high explo sive of a nowjand most dangerous kind. As soon as tho police obtained the for mula they tOLik it to a well known chemist and asked him to muke up a sample. He did so in his laborat ory and placed it on the window sill in tho sun. In a few moments there was an explosion. A great deal of uoise did not accompany tho explosion, but there was a terrible concussion and a most nauseating and blinding smoke, although the quantity of t.'io chemical experimented with was very small, A cat, which was in the room, died in a few seconds from tho effects of the vapor. There is no doubt that this kind of explosive with which Jaxon and his gang intended to operate. It oxolodos from tho action of tho suu and does not require to be ignited from a spark or by concussion, lu addition to furn ishing an explosive force which, if the chemical is In use, in sufficient quantity, would shako the foundation of the most substantial building, it fills tho air with a deadly vapor. An oecusion for the use of the explos ive, the auarchists hope, it is said, to be furnished by tho of that part of Frye's industrial army now reported in the Cumberland valley. Under cover of a disturb nice produced by them, the plot against the capitol ia to be cur ried out. In support of this, it is said, that a number of Chicago anarchists of tho most rabid t)po, aro with; tho army. THE REED BOOM SPRUNG. Colonel Conger, tho Akron Manufac turer, Expresses Dissatisfaction withG:v. McKinley's Candidacy. A;;ron, (.)., Juno 17. Colonel A. L. Conger, the well known Republican leader of this citv, in a published card says. So far as the McKinloy bill is concerned, wo lost the campaign iu lS'Ji upon that is sue Tho Bepnbllcan party is for protec tion. The country has prospered nailer it, biH ns we have grown older wo have need ed less protection. We mennt in our na tional platform in 1880 or, at least, it was the interpretation put on it by tho party that ww bad now reached a point iu our history when we could afford to make reduction-! in the tariff. This was so stated hv cur speaker on tho stump and by the Republican press, but when wo put forth the McKiuley bill we Violated the pledges of the party, increased duties, then went forth to battlo upon the proposition and wero beaten. Suw it would simply bo political suicide to start out upon that proposition iu 18'Jil. It is not a crime for Republicans to differ upon these propositions, and somo one in our state should speak on; for tho Repub lican party. Tlio people of tills country do not propose to see silver knocked out, niet we want tariff reductions as fast ns the safety of the business interests will war rant. Wo want that kind of protection that will deal justly aud fairly witU all classes of American labor. Wo do not wnnt protection that will foster trusts. We. want tho McKiuley bill revised npon the linos mapped out by tho Into James 0, Blaine; such a policy as will give us a line of American steamships from American port to every country in the world; such a protection as will start the wheels ot every mine and manufacturing establish ment throughout the country. Colonel Conger favors Thomas B. Reed for the presidency in 1S90. JUDGE FURSVS WATERLOO. Candldats Lnvn Oeta 101 Out of 108 Ro pub lean Dedicates. BlLLKFONTB, Pa., June 17 Noarly comploto returns are in from tho Re publican primary election on th judge ship which promised to be so bitter, and was thought to bo close. It seems to have been n regular Waterloo for tho present incumbent, A. 0. Furst, who wanted a re-nomination. Out of 122 delogatos in tho conven tion 108 havo been heard from, of which John G. Love has 101 and Forst 7 Huntingdon county belongs to this dis trict, and it cannot bn told yet who will get tho district n initiation. C0XEY STILL IN EVIDENCE. Says H Wants to Lead Another Army on to Washington HAnnisnuwi, June 17. Six or seven hundred people listened to Coxsy, the leader of tho commonweal army, at West End park this afternoon. He wanted all tho unemployed to join his army at Washington. Run Over ot Tuylor. A Hungarian child living on the Taylor Flats was hurt yesterday morning by being run over on tho Taylor branch of the Dela ware, Lackawanna nnd Westorn railroad. Tho arcidoiU hnpnonod about noon and Dr. Housor was summoned to attend tho case. Ho ndvhod that tho sufferer bo brought to tho Lackawanna hospital. COLLEGE GRADUATIONS. liaccniaurcato Rnnday nt Lehigh Uni versity was signalize 1 by the preaching of an nblo sermon by Bishop Hugh .Miller Thompson, of Mississippi, ia l'aclcer Me morial chapel. Dr. Stewart, president of tho Pennsyl vania Chautauqua, delivered the biimiliui reato sermon to the graduating class of tho Moravian seminary for young Indies at Bethlehem. Rov. Edward 8, Wolle, of I'hilndelphia, delivered tlio annual sormon to the Moravian parochiul schools. Tho fifty-ninth annual commencement at Lnfayetto college began nt Boston with the delivery, of the bacnlurauto sormon by Key. IIo'orgoT. Purvis, 1. D., professor of tho Princeton Theological semiunry. The bacalnureato address was delivered by Presidont Warlleld In tho college cuapol at 10 n. m. A senior farewell to the Voung Men's Christian association was held in the lirninord society hall at fl. D.m. An address beforo the Brniuerd Young mod's tjhrlotlan nascciallon was dollverod by Robert B, Hpner, of Now York, iu Par dee hall ai ' p. m. HAPPENINGS OF THE OLD WORLD Apprehensions Caused by Death of Sultan of Morocco Not Verified. PRETEXT FOR EUROPEAN INVASION Peace of Europe Might Bo Easily Disturbed by Any One of the Powers Making an Effort to Take Posses sion of Morocco Italian Crisis Ends in a Manner Extremely Italian. Reception on Board the American Warship Chicago The Zuyder Zee to Be Reclaimed. London, June 10. " 10 verification baa as yet resulted of the very livoly apprehensions VJ caused by tho sudden death of the Jul Sultan of Morocco. They arose perhaps more from tho prob.ihi li'ty that a disputed succoision and disord ered country might supply a pretext for European invasion rather than of ex pected opposition to the accession of tho snltun's designated heir, a boy of fourteen. It was thought that there might bo a scramble between three, or perhaps four, powers, a race between warships bound for Tangier, landings of European troops, collisions, and after that, nobody knew what. Tlio poaco of Europe might be as easily disturbod by trouble in Morocco as in any other way. Spain nnd Franco absolutely refuse to recognize any other foreign authority hut their own. England for somo timo past has been suspected of having designs on Tangier. Lord Dofferin has been accused of giving assurances to M. Hanotaux that England does not intend to interfere in Morocco, which is interpreted by En glish critics as n pledge that Franco shall huve a freo hand. However, it is quite certain that no such as surances have ever boen given to M. Hanotan. Simply because England may not enre particularly for Tangier, it does not follow that" she would acquiesce In its accession by France. She certainly would not; neither would Italy nor Germany, nor Spain, nor Russia. There is not ono of these Powers that would allow France to intrench horsnlf at the Atlantio end of the Mediterranean without malting serious objections. Furthermore it is hardlv probable that France will make the effort under tho existing cironmhtancos. No priuif miniswr over spoke moro strongly for psace thau did Lord Itose bory ut the Trinity House banquet last weei;, wiion ho declared that tue states men of Europo wore too wise to allow truuble to grow out of tho death of the sultan of Morocco. No less significant was Itosebsry's warning to France and her foreign minister against violent methods in dealing with the questman raised by the Anglo-Bilgian conven tion. At tho present time every min ister in Europe is asking himself how will Hauotnnx explain his declarntiou that tho Anglo-Belgian convention is to bo regarded ns null and void. The French, Spanish and British ministers havo received instructions from their respective governments to recognize Abdul Aziz ns sultan of Mo rocco. They are alio instructed to ask permission to pay their rospects to the new sultan at Rabat. Till'. ITALIAN CRISIS. The Italian crisis has ended in a man ner which can only be called Italian. It arises from the resolve of tho major ity to get riil ot Signor Sonnino and his financial scheme. The new ministry, nevertheless, of which Signor Crispi remains presidont, contains Signor Son nino. He is now called minister of the treasury, instead of minister of finance As for his policy, oue obnoxious item. the extra land tax, is abandoned. Tho more hatofnl part, which sot on foot economics and retrenchments on ascule hitherto unheard of, is retained nnd largely extended. The chamber in these novel circumstances welcomes Signor Crispi with c.'iecn, and Whatever else may bo said, the personal triumph for him is considorable. THF. CBIOAQO'S PARKWELL, Tho farewell rocoption on board the Chicago by Admiral Erben was a grace ful acknowledgement of the hosyitali ties which the the admiral and Captain Mahan nnd all the officers or this American warship have accepted dur ing their ever-memoralde visit to Lon don. The Chicago sailed for Antwerp, to tho general regrot of her friends The University of Cambridge gives Captain Malum next week an honorary degree, tho first on rocord. it is said, to nny American navul officer. TO RECLAIM Till: EUYDIfi ZEE. After several years' characteristic ally doliberato consideration, the Dutoh government has at length aunouuoed its determination to undertake the reclamation of that immense bay or in land sea. known ns the Zuyder Zee. The colossal nature of the project will be understood when it is remembered that the sheet of water is about 60 miles in length and 810 In circumfer ence. Of this it is proposed to reclaim 500,000 acres, the value of which is esttmaUdnt about $150. 000, 000, a con siderable inoloty of which will be paid a compensation to tho Zuyder Z to fishermen deprived of thoir calling, GOTHAM ELKS AKL FIRM. liny Will Stand by the Grand Truiteea at Atlantic City. New York, June 17. The board of grand trustees of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and a large number of grand lodge members of New York and New England nud other points wore iu session here today nt the Broadway Central hotel, making final arrangements for holding the thirtieth annual meeting of tho grand lodgo nt Atlautio City, N, J., June 19, 20 and 91, The board of grand trustees issuod a circular stating that the statements son t out during the last few days to tho effect that it had been finally settled that the grand lodge was to meet at Jamestown, Juno 10, are wholly un authorized and aro maliciously design ed to mislead and create trouble. WILLIAM WALTER PHELPS DEAO. Bo Remained Unconscious ar,d Daath Appaared Only a Sloep BffOLBWOOD, N. J., June 17. At 1:50 o'clock this morning Judge William Walter Phelps passed away. The end was so peaceful that for somo minutes nfter he had breathed bis last his family, who wero watching at tho bed side with intense sorrow, would not believe that tho end hiul come, The r " v - WILLIAM WALTIR l'UKU'a. patient was unconscious lo tho ond and appeare 1 to pass into a deep sleep. Tho rcmnius will lay in state at the family rcsidenoo nntil Wednesday morning when the funeral services will tak place at tho Presbyterian church of Englewood. Tho intorment will ha at Simsbnry, Conn., the sarao day. Scores of telegrams of sympathy have been received by the sorrowing family from many prominent persons. PRESIDENT IR'BRIDE TALKS. Explains That the Return of Striking Miners to Work Will Naturally Be Gradual. COLUMBUS, O. June 17. President Meliride, of the United Mine Workers, declared tonight that ho was firmly of the opinion that tho miners will accept the terms of settlement made hero last Monday, "I do not mean to say that thev will nil go to work tomorrow,1' said he, "but a groat mony of them will. It will be two weekarand possibly three, liof ore a general resumption there will tako place, but it will come. In Indiana tho block miners have acceptod tho agreement, while the other miners in the stats have refused to do so. One third of the delegates to the state con vention, howovor, votod to go to work, ao I judgo that the opposition cannot be so strong after all. "In Western Pennsylvania work will bo resumed tomorrow except in a few mines, not exceeding a half dozen, where tho operators object to paying the scale of wages agreed upon. In Ohio, there is u peculiar condition. I bolieve that work will be resumed in practically the entire Hocking valley tomorrow. I think it probable that the Jackson county mines will also re some. The Sunday Croek valley miners will not go to work tcinorrow, nor will the Coshociinu miners. In Tuscarawas county, the miners have resolved not to go to work " Outsldoof this competitive fiold President MoBrlde said that terms o( settlement either had been or were being made. "Iowa, said be, "lias settled upon most excellent terms for the miners. Kansas is now working. President McGregor, of Missouri, says that state will fall in line with the settlement this week, while in South ern Illinois n conference of miners nnd operators is making satisfactory pro gress. . THE MEN WERE RESCUEO. Federal D.putlee Armst Riotous Strik ers, but Are Overpowered. Staunton, III., June 17. Ten United States deputy marshnls from Spring field went to Mount Olive last night on a special train to arrest tho ringleaders of the strikers, who havo for sovcral days held up trains and confiscated coal iu transit over the Chicago, Poorla and St. Louis railroad. Thoy succeeded in arresting four of the utriksrs for whom they had war rants. But u mob of 400 strikers took possession of the car, overpowerod the deputy marshals and took the prisonets away from them. The marshals have returned to Spring!i)ld for roiuforce monts. POWERFUL POISONS MIXED. Laudanum and Powdered Nutmeg Dis solved In trona Whisky. Huntington, Pa., June 17. Tho mysterious compound which Edward Couch iidminiatercil to William it. Miller wilu such swift and fatal uffect was ascertained at the coroner's iiS quost last night to ho a mixture of laudanum, powdered uutmeg and whisky, After buying the laudanum Conoh said that he intended to add tho nut meg, which would intensely the action ot the narcotic. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS NOTES. Moany, tho Harrisburg pitcher has been released to Louisville for t&ou Tho remains of tho late Thomas M. Bayne wero takon to Pittsburg for burial. Tho number of men who perished in the lvnrwlu uiliioB In Australia has boon do linitoly nsceitaiutd as being : Tho international bicycle raco. at Paris. was wen by the Welshman, Linton, who in six hours covered 810 kilometres aud 8Qfi metres. Frederick Breck, aged 60 years, an ex- director of Schuylkill county nnd for fourteen yenrH steward of the Schuylkill county aims nouBe, uieu nt, ms nomo in Uockvillo. Patrick McDonald, ono of throe disor derly Plymouth youths whom Constable Jones was trying to nrrest, was fatally Mim m tun necK, in an attsiapc to wrest away tho officer's revolver. I FORTUNE LOST IN BIG STRIKE The Total Money Loss Conservatively Esti mated at Twenty Millions. AND THE REAL END IS FAILURE Durinp; the Fifty Days of the Strike's Continuance, Sixteen Persons Were Killed and Thirty-four Injured, Some Permanently Operators, Officers of the Law and Last of All, tho Public, Each Sustain Their Portion of the Affliction Some of the Results Achieved. FlTTBBUltO, June 17. IX TEEN deaths and thirty-tour ensos of serious injury, some ic Al volvlng disability for life; n loss i) iu wnges amounting to millions Ot dollar, hundreds of thousands of dollars lost in tho wanton destruction of property; and collateral loss beyond computation are some of the visible re sults of the recent bituminous miners' strike. The strike lasted forty-nine work days. Iu this district 20,000 miners lest $10,000 in wages each dny, Tho grand total of miners who have been ldlu in Pennsylvania sinco the strike began is 65, 000. Tney have lost 100.100 every Working duy of the strike. Mul tiplication will show that the bitumi nous miners of Pennsylvania havo lost 2. 457,30 during the strike thus far. In lh Pittsburg district it has cost the operators S800 for every day of the strike to keep their mines in ordor. At this rate it has cost all the operators in this state about $2,000 per day, or nearly $150,000 in round figures for the ontire period of the strike. Aside from this their Ioss8 in profits havo been enormous, not to speak of tho thou sands that havo boen spent in bringing in now men and protecting tho mines with deputy sborift's and Plukertons. It is estimated that for the latter purposj the coal operators havo expmdtd already 4100,000, aud are in a fair way to ipend more. Although tue strike in Pennsylvania has boon nccompaniod by theso momentous losses it cannot be said that in tho stats or the Unitod States it will bring any permanent benefit to the coal Industry. All told 174,000 miners struck. Their strike was for the purpose of bringing about an interstate wage agreement with tue operators. In this thsy bave failed to a considerable extent. ANOTllLIt ESTIMATE. From another source is derived this computation, based on 100,000 ae the number of idle miners; earnin.i on nn average $3 00 per day oach. The loss to the miners in wages for the,' say, fifty days' duration of tho strike makes tho astounding total of $12,500,1)00. That a number of tlio mine owners lost heavily is equally trne. but it is more difficult to even approximate the loss. Naturally, none ot them will discuss their loss, but it is safe to say the operators are out of; pocket sevoral mi 1 1 ion aouars. then, again, there is tho cost to the stnto in general of main taining order by the transportation of troops and nn increase in the civil forces in tho several insurrectionary counties of tho soveral states. Prop erly, too, the losses of manufacturing plants Deoauso ot hick or riioi and those of the railroads aud other means of locomotion must be included. This lose is represented in the increased price paid for coal, the advance being from $2.2i to $1 75 and $5 a ton. In all, upou the basis of an operator's finuiing, the total loss as a result of tho miners' slriko for fifty days, will not fall short of $20,000,000. NOT MA8SUBIKO, What will the miners gain by the strike? Nothing but a temporary in crease In wngos for about 70,000 of them. The fact that tlio Columbus agreement does not include nil the op erators of the country, but only a per centage of them, argues against a per manent ndvautnge. In almost every district there are some operators who say they will never sign that scale. It is predicted that iu six months from now the condition of the coal mining Industry will bo nbont as bad as it ever was, and tho prediction seems to bassd on pretty fair grouude. PREFERRED TO GO TO JftlL. James Gannon Would Not Sljrn a Deed as Decreed by Com t. James (iatinnn, who was committed to the county jail Friday for contompt of court, was brought beforo Judge Edwards on Saturday nnd asked to sign a deed in favor of .Mrs. Mary Iloil, an directed by order of court. Oannon refusod to sign. IJe main tain -d that the property is his, not withstanding that the court has decid ed against him. Judge Edwards re manded bim to tho custody of tho shoriff and in the afternoon handed down nn order directing that the sheriff tako Oaiinou to the jail of this county and that lie there be safely kept in custody until ho shall executo nud do liver the doed required by the decree of the court. Gauuon is still in jail. QUARTER SESSIONS COURT. Ihara are Oue Hundred nnd Sixty-Three Casea on the Llat. This morning a two woek's torm of quarter sessions court will begin. The June term is always tho shortest of the year and this term is no exception to the rule. There are only l(i:i cases ou the list but that will be a sufficient number to koep the two courts uctively engaged for two weeks. The grenter bulk of the eaeoi to be tried are of minor im portnuce. FALL OF BABYLON. The Great Treat That May Ba Expcoted by Soraotonlana. It is possible that the peoplo of this oity have no idea as to the magnitude and the grandeur of tho forthcoming production of tha "Fall of Babylon," which will be given next weok at the i rothinsham by the Snored Musio so ciety and a cast of characters thut ean hardly be surpassed. 1 he work gives in tlio most dramatic manner the story of tho fall of that great city, and tho thrilling doath of the impious king Helshnzznr. The en tire cast of 000 will bo elegantly oos tuinod and tho scenery will be magnifi cent. Nover beforo hns such a grand work been attempted iu this city, and our peoplo may expect a magnificent treat. MYSTERIOUS DEATH AT DUNMORE. Coroner Will Investigate Sudden Demise of Eugene O'Connor. Dnnmore was thrown into excitoment yesterday morning by a sudden doath, which was investigated by Coronor Knlly, who impunn- led a jury and will conduct nn inquest on the case tomor row night nt 8 o'clock. Eugene O Connor, who had been em ployed at liurko's tailor establishment. und came to Dnnmore from Williams- port, entered McCuo's hotel about 0 o'clock and ordirod breakfast. Ho bad evidently been drinking, though not henviiy. While eating the meal ho suddenly fell from the chair n corpse, Dr. JHurphy was called and immediate ly notified Coroner Kelly. Upou examining tho body a cut was found over one eyo and on the upper lip. It was learuod that O'Connor had been ont nil night, The coroner will today examine the cuts on the man's face, und if necessary win portorm an autopsy to learn the cause of death. But little could be learnod last night of the deceased's his tory. WENT INSANtTwiTH FRIGHT. One Consequence of Pay Day in Pitts ton is a Shooting Affray of Peculiar Circumstances. Fnccial lo the Scrnnton IMBWM Pittston, Pa., June 17. Payday came yesterday with it the usual nuota of fights and brawls. At Gl Swallow street a free fight took place about 11 o'clock Saturday night among a lot of Polanders. Clnbs, bottles, revolvers and stones played a prominent part with the result that two of the partici pants nro badiy injured and a woman almost insane from .'right. Tho fight started over a game of cards. As the game progressed the players continued to slake their thirst with bour poured from a tin pail un til everyone of them was In figh ting humor. The dealer of the cards was accused of oheating and as a result dealt his accuser a stinging blow ou tho face. The fracas became geiioul and for a few minutes bodlatu reigned supreme. In the moloe one of the Poles re ceived a bullet in the leg and is badly wounded, Michael Sehwabsock re ceived au ugly cut in the hoad from a bottle fired by somo one to him un known. Who did the shooting it is not clearly known, but John Schweit zer, oue of the combatants, is charged with the crime. The wife of the pro prietor, fearing somebody would get killed, elao "took a haud" in the capac -ity of pencomoker, Seeing Sehwabsock blesdiuir profusely she became hysteri cal nnd at this writing is reported dan gerously ill. She is being attended by Dr. Dively. Schweitzer, who is accused of doing the shooting, has mado his escape and cannot be found. WAS A PERFECT DAY. Y. W. O. A. ExcurslorjisiB Enjoyed the Trip to Fntvuw. The hundred! who went on the ex cursion of tho Young Women's Christian association to Purview Saturday con gratulated themselves on their return that tho day had been prfoct and that no feature occurred to mar the enjoy ment of tho occasion. The party left at 8 30 o'clock from the Vine Street station of the Delaware aud Hudson and returned in the evon ing soon ufter 7 o'clock. ONE TRAGEDY OF THE TIMES. Man Out of Work and Detpondent Tries to Tako His Lif.i. Fvfrinl to the Scrnnton Tribune. Pittston, Pn.. June 17. Edward Upawitz, single, residing in Exeter, nt tempted to tuke his life by shooting hunseif in tho abdomen with a revoler, inflicting a fatal wound, lie was re moved to tho hospital for treatment. The cause assigned for the deed is that he was Buffering from despond ency caused by being out of work. AMONG THE POLITICIANS. This evening n reception will b tend ered Charles L. llawley, Prohibition candidate for governor, nt the rooniH of tho Prohibition league, CIS Green Ridge street. Tho Democrats of the Fourth Legislative district will hold n convention at Jormyn on Tuesday, June so, to nominate a candi date for tho legislature. The candidates for the nomination are: M. T. Burke, of Carbondale; James J. Feeley, Miles Mc Andre and 1'. J. White, of Archbald, and J. i. Cnuimiugs, of Dickson. Twenty-five members of tho Democratic county committee mot in this city Satur day and elected tho following dolegntos to represent the Democrats of this comity at the stnto convention to bo held in Hnrris burg on JMe -7: First district, P. J. Uoldon, M. Hi Griffins Second district, Charles Hobinsou, Ueorgo S. Horn. John J. Fahoy; Third district, James O. Dniley, Waverlyj Fourth distrlot, Thomas J. Dug gun, Dnnmore; John ED. Kelly, Wintou; Patrick Connor, Carbondale. At its meeting Saturday tho Democratic county committee pasod a resolution set ting forth that tho services of the Demo crats of this couuty in behalf or Democ racy entitles it to recognition on tho state ticket. Tho .resolution further recom mends that the delegates to tho state cou veuliou uso every honorablo means to se cure tho nomination of Colonel V. J. Fitz sinnnons for lieutenant governor. Tho gallant service that Mr. Fitzsimmons has rendered his party ontitles hitn to some moro substantial recognition than tho bootless honor of a nomination for lieuten ant governor on tho Democratic ticket this year. WEATHER FORECAST. CLEAR Washington. June 17. Foreran! for Monday: ForEaiUrn I'cnn- lylvania, thunder showers, cooler in the afternoon, south wind. FINLEYS JUNE) Linen Sale We still find our trade in nous keeping Linens very active, and we submit a low things for your consideration. We will not tell you they aro worth 40 or 50 per cent, more than we ask, but leave their value to "YOUR JUDG MENT" after an examination. GOODS ARE STRICTLY ALL LINEN. Win eh Cream Damask ,.25o 'iO-inch Cream Damask 31 to 87a CO-inch Cream Damask 83 to45o. 0-1 and f " n. Cream Damask, 4S to 58c. 72 incb ,xtra value 09 to 85o. 54-in Bleached Damask 45c Wana W-lnoh Bleached Damask.. COo. 01-inoh Bleached Damask 59e. Cll-inoh Blenched Damask 69a, 72-inch Bleached Damask 35o. to $2.50 In BLEACHED GOODS we keep a line of John S. Brown's, of Belfast. NAPKINS Bleached Damask at 45c. t'HREE GREAT SPECIALS IN H NAPKINS At $1.65, $1.75 and $1.95 Those who have used these thrco 1 numbers know their value. We are closing out a lot of Hand embroidered TOWELS At Greatly Reduced Prices MINERS' 0ILGL0THIN6 Wholesale and Retail. H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. lewis, Reilly & Davies A drive: UV LV In Russet Shoes. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We Examine Eyes Freo of charge. If a doctor i8 needed you aro promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect fit. All SILVERWARE and Damaged Good at Arcade Fire will be aold at SO Per Cent Below Coat The Jeweler, 408 Spruce- Streqt, lm VV J JI7I. 1 j. mm a