THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 16, 1894. GORMAN'S KRAND DEPOT Do DOt M We Show come yoa wbsre only the apparent Newest, your time Facts trying siara to find you oat what in the Best, the Cheapest Goods to be found tiis face, lias done, Beautiful Airy boons IB Biii 10 As the warm days advance, in terest Increases in the airy, cloud like White Goods now on tlic counters in greater profusion of i exquisite conceits than ever bo fore. Conventional designs have been slighted lor the expression of newer ideas. The modcrata prices add lo the attractiveness of t he offering: Doitpil unil Figured Ririsiei, dots in nil sises, from aj : 65c. per yard, India Linen, from 10 to 60c. Frpr.eli Nainsook, 40 inches wid1, frnni 25 to 75c. per y;iM. Porsiun Lawns, from ao to 65c. p?r yard Con il Piques, from 16 to Sjc India Dimities 23, 35, 28 nod 35c. Figured Ditnltlss at a;c Fancy Piques, nnitabla for women's Teats, from 23 '.0 65c. Pluin and btrlne 1 Liwns, in black, a' 12, 15, 20 nod 25:. Plain, Hnastitch -1 Sklrtinir,43 to48 Inolir wi In with 4 and T-incu heins, from 25 L165:. per yard. JEHMYN. Ilonry Soby, who bus been confinod to thn with the grip, i3 again able to bo out. Tho social under the auspices of the St. Aloystui society last "venintt was lsrgely attended and much enjoyed by those present. Daring the eveniug a Talnabla souvenir w is presented to the Hisses Timlin and Brady in recognition of the ir valuable services an p.auuis dnrlnil iio fair held recently, The miners of the Hillside Coal nnd Iron company received their monthly pay yesterday John li. Griffiths will attend the ban quet of the Wyoming seminary (gradu ates on Monday evening) nnd will re spond to the toast, "Our Alma Mater." This t-venins at Gilmnre hall the bnsk't social of Ci.nrt Lilly of the Val ley Lodge of Foresters will take place. A larue number of invitations have been Issned. What are the committeos recently appoint -d by the bo ml of trado doing nbont the manufactory! Aurora lode, 528. Fre- and Accepted Masons, will meet Tuesday evening. T. F. Lyon, representing Tlleston & Co,, of Si. Cloud, Minn., drummed the Jermyn trade vigorously yesterday. Tonight the new order of Order of United American Mechanics will be instituted. They already have twenty five members enrolled, John M. ( haves was a Scranton vis i:or yi sterdny, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph jay are enter '.uining relatives irom Pleasant Mount. Tho camp meeting under the HUi pices of the Christ! in mission will b--gin today at the Rnige S.-vi r il of our lecal preachers win assist ARCHHALI). Walter Bonn, the actor who attempt ed to kill hiK wife at the Mansion House on Thursday afternoon, was taken to the county j iil yesterday morning. II" was charged witli having carried con cealed weapons and r-ckh'ssly nsod lie m by the borough authorities and and also with felonious wounding by the young lady whom he shot. He was tried beforv Burgess Burke on Thursday evening and in default of bail was committed to the county j ill, Miss Fuller, the young lady who was shot, in recovering. She was so great ly pro3tratod over the excitement inci dent to the shooting that she was una ble to appear on tho ituim Thursday nud last evening. It is believed that sho will lie able to go on again within a few days unless blood poisoning sot in, of w hich there aro no indications lit pr sent Hisses Alice nnd Sarah O'Connor called on friends iu .Scrmilon yester day. Councilman Lane is n juror in tho caso of Dr. Hand against the Putinsyl vania Telephone company. The Traction company is pushing work on its extension here. Tne trol li y and feed wires have been stretched as far as the Granty crossing and will b-i finished as fur us the Blakoly line before Monday. The road will be in operation within a week. Eucklon'a Arnica Snlvn. The best salve in th world for (Tut s Bruises, Soro.i, Ulcers, Snlt Bheunt Fevor (Sores, Tetter. ; 'happed Heads, Chilblains, CorDI and all Bkin Eruptions, and Donl tively cures Piles,' er no pay required It It guaranteed to c,lvo perfect satisfaction er money refunded. Price ' cents pur box. For sale by Matthews Bros. The essential lung healing principle of the pine tree has llnnlly been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine, Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Hymn. Sold by all dealers on a gunrnutee of satis P1TTST0N. Thomas Gibbous, i f Elugstou, em ployed in No. 'J shaft of tuo Kingston Coal company at Edwardsville, was in stantly killed early this morning. W nile eng ineu 111 barring down some coal a slub of rook fell, buryiug him Deneath it. Orders have been received here from Superinteudent Smith at Dunmoro no tifying all the works of the Pennsylva nia Coal Company to resume work on full time until further uotice. The good news hss caused a world of joy among the thousands of workmen and the merchants ns Well. Goorge Bnsiiiky, ngod 88, a miner employed in tho Halltteud mine at Duryea.was the victim of a fall of coal while at work yesterday afternoon. Be was testing tho roof, when, without a moment's warning, a lariie mass fell. Luckily only a part of the fall caught him. He tustaitibd a fracture of tho skull and several painful bruises about the shoulders. He will recover. The Christian Endeavor aoclety of the Urond street Presbyterian chnrch, held its semi-annual eiection of officers Thursday evening. The following were eluded: President, GeorgS Weir: vice president, Miss Georgia Watson; seer" tary, h. J. Gamblln; treasurer, W. 15. Miller, Chairmen of com 111 it lees: Prayer meeting, Henry C, Gregg: look out, Charles Allen; social, Miss Emily Bush; Sunday school, Fred W. Bush; imiisio, E, J. Gnrablin; floral, Mrs, Todd. Michael Doran, of Markot street, is suffering f r m painful burns about the face, sustained while at work in Hoy t shaft a few days ago. Superintendent Banted, of the Trac tion company, suspended seventy-live workmen 1 1st evening who hav been working along the road between Port Griffith nnd the West End. It is now rumored that the Traction company prop ( se on reaching tho West End to abandon in 1 finitely the idea of build ing tracks thtOUgh the town until oh jeotional lo persons in authority arede tio-ed, or th stringent methods sotu:!it to bo pi rpetrnted by them withdrawn. About 1 o'clock yesterday morning burglurs lorceil an entrance into the store of William Band way at Raniom, blew open the s 11. and abstracted all the contents, among which wore 1250 in money and jewelry. There is not Ihusligntest cine to the thieves. Mr Sandwav left the store at 10 o'clock in the evening, so that the robbery must have been ci tumitted betwei n that hour and 4 o'clock. There is a house located just across tile street from the store, the wlndewi in tne sleeping rooms of which were open. Yet the inmates say thy beard nothing unusual during the mulit. I Ins is the second time Mr. Siud Way's StOre has been robb'd within a year. Mr. Sandwuy went to Wilkes B irro yesterday and notifi ! Marshal Barring and tho goverumont olV-ials of ie robberv. John F. Dill, of Dupont, accompa nied by his wife, will leave Monday for Denver, Col., where he will remain for three months, for the benefit of his health. Miss Nellie Albright will give n piano recital at Powell's music roomi, in Scranton, on next Monday evening, Mrs. A. ill. iloiviy loaves today for Albany, N. Y,, to spend several weeks with that place. LTXMORE. Henry Murray, u miner employed at the Bunkar Hill colliery, met with an accident that resulted in his deatn yes terday forenoon. Tne socld nt was caused by the failing of a largo piece of top coal which fell on .Murray, crushing bim so badly that il--at)i en sued a few hours later. He had been to work but two hours. Tne laborers and his fellow miner together with himself were talking as they worked, j iking euch other ou general matters. Murray's bit with Which he was drill ing had become dull and be had gone to a small cross entry to procure 11 file with which to sharp -a it. He return ed and had no sooner reached tho face of the chamber than a large Wedge shaped piece of top coal slid from the rocf, catching the unfortunato man across the legs, crushing one into 11 shapeless mass. He was conveyed to his homo a short distance from the works and medical aid summon ed, hut owing to the shock and loas of blood human aid waB of no avail. His fellows had a narrow escape, especially his butty, who was also drilling a hole about three feet from where the doomed man sat. Mr. Murray was a very popular resident and was well liked by all. He took an espeoinl interest in politics and was 11 staunch Republican, beinu leader of his party in that district. Tho d -ci.ased was about 48 years old and leaves a widow and eight children. The fiiuoral will occur Sunday. Avocayard of tho Erie nnd Wyo ming Valley Kailroad company was the scone of a sad accident on Thurs day night at 11 Into hour. Brakemsn Oscar Ssinuion, u well known young man of this place and a sou of Con ductor .Simmon, was run over an 1 so badly mutilated by the cars that death resulted at 1 o'clock yesterday 111 iru ing. Semmon'l train was standing ou tho main track nnd he was sitting on one of the cars. For some unknown reason he jumped off and wnlkud dowa the side track, where he Bat down sud went to sleep. Another looomut.v came along pushing some cars bet -. it and be was inn over by the la, t. r Both logs nud ono arm were severed Irom the body. Be was brought to his father's homo at this place, where death relieved hiin of his sufferings. Young Sammou was about 18 years ol age. His funeral will occur from the Littlo England chuich on Sunday morning. Interment will ho made at W Immers, The Young Ladies mission gave a highly pleasing entertainment at the Odd Fellows hall last night The tab leaux were all well presented, as were the other numbers on the programme. A good-sized audience wan present It you want a plousaul day's recre ation, go to Lake Ariel with the Inde pendent Firo company. H. A. Mace lodge, Brotherhood of Kailroad Trainmen, of Green Ridge, will run a moonlight excursion to Lake Ariel this evening. Tbu Smith residence on E!m street it being beautified by 11 cost of paint. Children's day will bu obisrved at the Presbyterian church tomorrow. The pastor, B-v. J. W. Williams, will also preach 11 sermon to which tie School of Liickawuuua gia luatee have been invited. Fob earache, toothache, sure throat, swelled neck nnd the result of colds and Inflammation, use Dr. Thomas' Buleotrlc Oil the great pain destroyer, Alien F.iliy was sick, we pare her Castorfe. When she was n Child, shocrlisl fin QlSttlH. When she became Iflss, she chintf to C istorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castorta CAltUONDALE. Oa Ssnday taunting at Hw hour of the roguiar church ssrviu-s, 10 30 o'clock, will occur the Children's Day exeruises iu tho Baptist tuberuacle, nnd a pleasant time is beiug looked forward to, Lewis lt.'ctor wus tho lucky one to net tho handsome clock given away by Jeweler Burr. The clock was giveu on the conditiou that the one who guossod the nearest to the time it would run at ono winding would re c -ive tho titnepeaco. It was wound u at noon Juu6 1 and with one winding ran thirteen days, thirteen hours and thirty-six minutes. Mr. Rector's guess was thirteen days, thirteen hours aud thirty-one minutes. Miss Mary Wilcox is a guest at tin Baptist parsonage ou Lincoln avenue. Frank Berry will leave this morning for a several days' visit with friends iu Potttville, 'ibis evening will be held tho weekly open nir concert from the balcony of Bote! Anthracite by the Mozirt hand. Tho concert will begta at 8 o'clock sharp. .Many compliment! are heard from the traveling men of our new Hotel Anthracite. Misses Minnie and Katie IImslr, of Boneadale, are tho guests of Miss Amy Kin back, R, P. Patterson & Sons are making some extensive improvements on the frout of their largo wholesale houso in Dun in IT. .Misss Grace Smith loft yesterday for a visit with relatives in Hamilton, N. Y. IIONESDALE. Lighting the gas stove in the base ment of the Episcopal church Thurs day evening. Mrs W. J Van Keuren was severely liurnod about tho face aud hands. Mrs Van Keuren's Sunday school class gav a a strawberry and ice cream festival in the lecture room of the church. About 0 o'clock she pre pared to light tho gas stove, but did not notice her little 4-year-old son, who turned oil the gas. As soon as she attack a match the eicsoiug gas ig nited, burning Mrs. Vm Keuren's face and hands quite badly. While horse back riding Thursday evening Edwin F. Torrey was thrown from his horse and badly bruissd. Mr Torrey was a short distauco above town when tho horse stepped on a small stone, and stumbling, threw him over its head, In attempting to rise he fell over and became unconscious. Soon after he beenme conscious and made his way to the side of the walk whero he was found later by two ped dlers. He was placed on their wagon and taken When Mr. Torroy was thrown from the horse his head struck a small stone near tho right temple, braeing bim severely, h:s neck nnd shoulders were strained, but no serious injuries were received. He ex poets to bu out again soon. IIAUvSTEAI). B. F. Bernstein is iu New York city buying silks and other materials tor the silk mill which is to start nxt week Mr. Bernaten will return to this place on a bicycle which he has pnr ciii aid in New York city. Diuiel Mnnton, of Susquehanna, who has been visiting his son C. W. Mun son, has returned home. Mrs. C. C. D.movau, of Sc-inton. is Visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat rick Murray. L'zzie Maxwell is visiting friends and relatives In Scrantoa, School is out tor the summer vaca tion. John A. Mlllane, the now postmas ter, Is having an addition built on bis store ou Cliuroh street lor the post office department. Attorney Charles VanFormer, of Montrose, is iu town today. Mrs. William Btrnes and sua, II ir old, are visiting friends in Wilk-s Barre. C. J. Langley was in Binghatnton yesterday, Rev. It. N. Ives and wife, of Bini hamtou, are visilin-friends in town. 1 I) UK YE A. Tho gosp 1 wagon which has been bere the past few days is drawing largo crowds every evening, aud much good is being accomplished We uro to hav 1 wo new drug stores In the future, Mr Renshaw, of Bend ham, will op n one in a few davs in t-o biiildini.' recently occupied by Dr. Bu -lington, also T F. McDonald, ol Par sons, will start one In tho Kennedy building. A number of our young people at tended the entertainment last evening at Avooa, given by tho Ayoca Litor ory and Debating society. Albert Burns, a oiwnr hoy employed at Simpson & Wa'tkins' mines, met with a seriuin accident recently. While coming out of a oh amber with a loaded cu his light went out aud he was thrown nuder the car. His hands and arms were torn iu a drealiul tnannor Anolorolnk, Peun, A Wonderful Cure Ulcer in tho Stomach Hood's Srtrsnparilla Restores Flesh Strongth and Health. "C. I. Hood ft CO., Lowell, Mass.: "I feel It my duty to suffering humanity t( ire a statement of tho wonderful eure Bood'i SarsaparUla brought about for me. over tv, rears ago 1 became 111, due toonukorhim: omoeh. 1 hail six or seven different phyi ilons, whoso standing was of the highest, la. a y did not cure me. 1 was broken down h, lealth and lost iu weight from 1 45 to 118 Pounctfi. t COUtd hardly got around, and alter sufferh r lovsrely-for about a year, 1 commenced tskliii load's Sarsaparilla. Alter the fu st bottle I lit ..1:1 lo feel like a new mail. 1 purchased SI Hood'sCures !her bottle and had not taken half of It when 1 was cured of my trouble. 1 SH now hi health, leick ui my oi.i weigh) again ami attending reg ularly tn my work. 1 firmly believe tloodl Sur saparllla saved my life." P. W. Iirsii, An. do mink, Pennsylvania, Qet Hood's, Hood's Pills are lmnd made, and perfect In tiroportion and uppcaAnce. 25c. per box. Air. I ir. 7.-i(.sfi and it is llimvj'i -n will los the nte of una of his arm . Tii- ci.isin . lercNes at the grale ! school wre belli Thuisd iy afternoon intfiHsehool building The teachers Inchargs were: Principal Miss Anna D. Walsh; intermediate, Miss Ella Minger; primary, Miss Bessie Webber and Miss Ella Benedict, The building was decorated for the occasion in, a most beautiful manner, with the pleas ing programme rendered and the well trained ohildreO that took part, it made one of the finest exercises that lias been seen iu the Marcv schools. MIN00KA. Thomas Slwardlu, of Pittsburg, is visiting at Jeff us, on Davis street. John Mullen, student at Mansfield State Normal school, is spending his vacation with his parents on Main street, Greenwood. The auditors of tho township met last evening at, No. 3 school to audit the nccount of last year's school board. Martin Flynn, of Staff nil street, was severely bitten by a dog on Main street last night. The dog was owned by Patrick Flannerv James K lly, of Golden Bay, County Mayo, Ireland, arrived at Murphy's last eveuing, for his first time on American land. Ted Anderson and Howard Brooks, of Greenwood, and G. J. Thomas, of West Pittston, who were anglini: at Lake Como the past few days, cime homo last night with about fifty pounds apiece. Hotel Dh Kineo, on Main street, op erated by Joan Kane, was burglarizjl at an -orly hour yesterday morning and soma whisky and cigars stolen. The thieves effected an entrance through the, back door upstairs and made their way to the bar room iu the iiasemout. Mr. K me estimates his loss at QUO, MOOSIC. Tho social held by the Women's Christian Temporance union of this pine-', at the lesldence of Mrs. George Pearl, on Main street, Thursday ven tng, wus an entire success. John Green and Miss Blanche Treirallis sang a very pleasing solo entitled, "Sweet Marie." The dialogue that was rend ered by a number of tho young folks, was an entire success. The Misses Ella Lnvan nnd Mario McCrindle attended the lawn social given bv the Presbyterian church at Taylor, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Timothy Parfrey. of Railroad street, is convalescent. The Ladies' Aid society of the Pres byterian church will hold a social for the benefit of tho parsonage at the home of John Robertson, on Tuesday evening, June 19 Miss Blanche Frogallis, of North Main street, left Friday to spend some time with fru-nds at Lak Ariel. Miss Stella E-iths, of Dnryea, is vis iting at tho home of Mrs. Conrad Wat son, of Minooka avenue. The Misses Nettie and Greta McMul lin, of West Pittton,iire visiting at ti e bom- of their sist-jr, Mrs John Mc Crindle, of North Main street. RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, W IRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market OFFICE: Binghnmton. N.Y. FACTORY) Brandt. Pa THE BEST ? kuyTIIE tribune PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM !Mes m mm I favelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism -and Scrofula 0- P, P. P. pnrifleBthpMood.bnllilfinp ,N walc anl debllitntod, Ktvca strciiRtli wtMiktU'tl norvoH, oxpulti 'li i .1 leSsglTloff tboftatlent health and hnpiintMH win to Hlt'knoHH, jrltmniy fctiliua and lassitude 11 rt prevailed. Knrprimary.HPOomlnry and tertiary syphilid. lorDl'md poisuninnr. mercu rial poM'.-n, malaria, dyHpupsla, and In all Mood and skin li .-.i-i---, like hlotehca, plraploa, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald huinl, boilp, orylpelas. eczema wo may flay, without fear of Contradiction, that P. P. P. InthobenC blood purifier In the world, and mnkes j ' I v i , speedy nnd permanent curea In all caaes Ladles whoo syttoms aro poisoned nnd whono bloodlfl In an Impure condi tion, due to menstrual IrroKularltioa, aro peculiarly honollted by the won derful tonic and blood cleansing prop erties of P. P. P- - Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot nnd Potassium. SeftiNoi'iRLn, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1893. I can speak tn tho highest terms of 'our medicine from my own personal tnowledRe. I was affected with heart ' 1 . pleurisy and rheumatic for & years, wap treated by the very beat phyhlciano ana npout hundreds of dol lars, tried every known romedy with out tludliig relief. I have only taken one oottlo of your P. P. P. , and can cheerfully sny It has dono me more irond thannnvthitiL' 1 have ever taken. Ian recommend your medicine to all aufloror" of the above diseasoa, MH9. M. M. YKARY, 6pr jgQultl, Qroen County, Mo. - 5- Brandt Clay ProductCo, fcu nm. m., . ltf LUXURIANT HAIR WITH a clean, wholesome scalp, free from irritat ing and scaly eruptions, is produced by the Cuticuka Soap, the most effective skin purifying and beautifying soap in the world, as we!! as purest and sweetest for toilet and nursery. It clears the scalp and hair of crusts, scales and dandruff, destroys microscopic insects which feed on the hair, soothes irri tated and itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles and nourishes the roots. !. not only preserves, purifies and beautifies the hair, but imparts a brilliancy and fresh ness to the complexion and softness to the hands une qualled by other skin soaps. Pnid every where, Pflep, 2c Tot-.-an Dnuo and cuia.Ceop., Houton. THIS National Bank of Scrantoa CKHAN17.13D W CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. 6AMUEL IIINKS.IPresldent. W . W. WATHON, Vice President. A. li. WILLIAMS, C'ushior. DIRECTORS, BAXTTlti ItiN-ra, JAMIS Jt' EvMtHARf. lll'. lNO A. KlNCn. PlEIK E n. FlNLEY, JOSKPU J. Jl UMYM. II. H. Kl ME UK II, (Juas, V jlArruKws. John T. PoRTIRi W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENERGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This Imnk Invites tho patronage of businosa men ami firms generally. DUPONTS UN I NO, BLASTING AND SrORTINO Uanniaetnredat tho WapwaMopen Mills, Lu- zuine county Pa., nnd at WU miutou, L-elnWiiri). HENRY BELIN, Jr, General Aucnt for tho Vtromlns District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. 'i Nutlounl n-ink Building Ac.Excirs rnns. ror.o, nttstr.n, p. Joun )i SMITH A SON; Plymouth, ra. E. W, MULLIGAN, Wilkes-Harro. Pa. Agents for tho lteuiuao Chouiiaid Com isny's Uigh Exiiluuivcs. 1 crrmaneotl? curat 'tfl: aloOf -o-t e.wi edV. Ulul.-muirinty, hBCtM by p v 1 1 1 . 1 .Al . I . ,:i v I r.'il 1 1 I 1 1 ; in,,- i ... i.e: - tr.lf! rfnt.i I I (;' 1 1 1 ; I f-.- I , mail WtienilntKprirBjs j mil Mernirjfui, Our Ynific Remedy i" BHnmi . U"- M.HMM ," , Winta. Ill, Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Maria and Kidney Troubles Aro entirely rcmovon by P.PePs Prlnk'y Ash, Poko Hoot nnd Potas alum, the greatest blood purlllor on earth. sjggjr AnnnnFRM, O.. Jnly 21,101. Mttsbkh. Lipi'-uan BROS., Savannah, Oa. : 8ikh I bmiKht a bottle of f our P. 1. P. at Hot SprinesjArk. ,and t has done mo mrog!tod than throe month.' treatment at the Hot Springs, head three bottle o. D. Eespectfully yours, JAH. M. NrWTON, Aberdeen, Krown County, O- dipt. J. 1. JoBiaialonie To all whom it may consent: I hero bv testify to tho wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of tho skin. I auflered for sevornl oars with an un sightly and dlsaBreeable eraptionoo my face. I trleil every known remo dy but In vain, until P. P. P, was used, and am now entirely cured. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON, Havaunab, tiOe Kkln Cnnrer Cured, Ttitimony from the Mayor of ScauinTeX, Rfquin, Tbx., Janunry 14, 1B9.1. ItSSIBSs i-ii'I'Mkn into., Havannnh, Ga. : 09ntlem9nl havo tried your P. P. P. for a disease of tho Mkln, usually known aa skin cancer, of thlrtv vrnrs standing, and found grent relief: It purifies the blood nud rcmovrs all Ir ritation from tho float of the diseaso nnd prevents any spreading of tho sores, I havo taken flveor six bottles nnd feel coutldent that another course will effecc a euro. It has also relieved mo from indigestion and stomach troubles, Yourn truly, CAPT . W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. BGok on Blood Diseases Moiled Free. ALL DRUOOISTS SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, Uppman'. IUocb,Navannah, Ga snniiiigiiiiiiiHgiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHinBHiiniiHf ibiiiibuimreiip' 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. SAL-El THIS WEEK ONLY. K 1l (jj I h h li) J il) Every lady whdse purchase amounts to will be pre sented with a pair' of 5 or 7 hook Kid Gloves, worth $1. Remember, The Fair THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. MiiiiiiiiHisUiiiniiiiAiiiiiiiiniiiiiiucinisuitniinnigiisrmiiiiiniiiEim. KERR & SIEBEOKER UPHOLSTERY Single Portieres in dadoes and plain centres; all new, choice goods. $UUU0, $2 and 2,50 each LUCE CURTAINS Odd pairs in Irish Point, Tambour and Nottingham at prices that will suit you. Lace Curtain Stretchers $1.50, $2 and $3 each. Pillow Sham Holders 75 cents each, 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AYE. One Hundred m end Fifty aby Carriages Will be offered this week at TEN PER CENT. REDUC TION. After making your pur chase, we will give TEN P2R CENT, of your purchase back. Then, remember our Porch and Lawn Rockers and Setteo3, China, Japanese and Linen Warp Mattings. Also, Re frigerators and Ico Che3ts. Au Onyx Finished ehtuws or over. A 100-piece Dinner or over. (0 r Pi H H I m 5 LINOLEUM We are selling Linoleum at the price of oil cloth. It will wear twice as long. 500 odd Window! -g d Shades, worth 30,35 ; 20c and 4.0 cents, all on eacj spring rollers, j TABLE COVERS 4-4, 6-4, 8-4, 10-4, Chenille Covers at greatly reduced prices. Dotted Swiss, Muslins and Tambour Sash Goods Silkoline, 10, 12 and 15c. yd.; fringe to match. -3 Clock x-ith $30 pur- ?et with $73 purchases