The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 16, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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While the term "Itnaca Day" does
not rt'ii ! ly ppiar in Scruntou'a sooial
caloudar, the words lnijrbt very nppro
priHtely be applied to almoat any diy
next week. Without explanation this
statement might bo considered an
enigma, hut when it is remembered
that Cornell's commencement exerciins
are held next week, and will be at
tended by many well known people, in
eluding the younger set, and that n spe
cial car will convey u party of business
men and their wives to inspect the
eloctric interests of the city between
two hills when nil tlies things are
considered, the term "Itliaca Day" doe
not seem inappropriate from now until
next Friday.
There was no apparent tendency of
the social olement to get in full swing
during the week, To bo sure there was
nn occasional luncheon, very small aud
with no formality, u few laurel excur
sions and the like, but the return of
the collega men will be necessary to
balance thing and glvd the season its
correct stride. A few games of tenni-i
tnch day were enjoyed with some of
the young younK-tnen, but, as one of
the young ladies expressed it: "What
can we girls do? We ride a little, we
walk a little, we talk a little; but it
is all growing monotonous. We're just
dying for more startling nmtisemuut. "
A galaxy of well known business
men, accompanied by their wives, will
leave .hero in a special car Monday
morning over the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western for Itliac-i, where
two days will be spent in pleasurable
diversions and an inspection of Ithaca's
electrieal interests. Some of the gen
tlemen are financially interested in the
Cayuga Lake Electric Railway com
pany, Ithaca Street Railroad company
and the Brush -Swim Electric Light
It is proposed to ride over the vari
ous street roads for inspection pur
poses and to scrutinize the water power
station. Monday eveniug the party
will embark for a suil down the lake to
bhelldrake, where tho night will be
spent. They will return Tuesday af
ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fuller ami U D.
Bitnpson will join the party at Ithaci
Those who will make tbo trip are:
Judge and Mr. Alfred Hand, W illiam
Connell, William T. Smith, Henry
Belin, jr., Mr. and Mn. W. V Hall
Btead, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hand. .Mr.
Hnd Mrs. Gr. M. Ilallstead, Horace E
Hand, Mr. nnd Mrs H, C. Sanderson,
Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Fry, C. R. Fuller,
Mr. and Mis. P. 8. Page, ex-Judge W
H. Jessup, W. U. Jesiup, jr., Dr. Alfred
Hand, jr., Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Mulford,
of Montrose; Mr. and Mrs. John D.
Law, John A. Law, Mrs. W. L. Wat
son, of i'ltiston.
"A pleasant social ovent of today is
the gathering of the members of the
Bryden family in this city and vicinity
at 'he home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund
Inch on Grove street," said yesterday's
Carbondale Leader. "Those gatherings
were formally an annual affair except
in those years when deaths have oc
curred, and the past year has been the
first ip a good while in which the grim
reaper has not paid a visit to any of
the homes among tho members of the
family. To'lay's gathering is entirely
informal. The large party sat down
to a hearty dinner this afternoon,
nnd it is hardly necessary to
aay that this and the social
communion were keenly enjoyed
by all. Among those present aro Mr.
nnd Mrs. James Bryden, Mr. und Mrs.
James Young. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Al
len, Mrs. Elizabeth Young. Mrs.
Thomas Yonng, Miss Catherine Youn;.
Dunmore; Mrs. Jam-s Mears, Scran
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bryden,
Mrs. Alexander Bryden, Mr. and Mrs,
J. B. Law, Mr. and Mrs. A. L Brvden,
Mrs. Martha L. Bryden, Mrs. 0 0.
Bowman, of Pittston; Mr. and Mrs.
William Bryden, of Vandling. Mr. and
Mrs. 0. P. Miller and Miss Carrie Mil
ler, of Scranton; John Brydeu, of Niu
evah, N. Y. ; Mrs. Janet Bryden, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Adam Bryilen and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Eimuud inch and fum
ily, of this city; Mrs. Catherine P.
Law, Pittstoa"
A children's party was given for
Ruth Hand yesterday afternoon In
honor of her eighth birthday by her
parents, Judge and Mrs. Alfred Hand,
at the family residence. .'315 Washing
ton avenue. Tboso who attended wore
girls, who from 4 until 7 o'clock
played games and generally enjoyed
themselves on the spacious lawu. Ice
cream, cake and ciiocolats and
other light refreshment were
eerved out of doors. There
were present Ruth Archbald, Adeline
Hand. Elizabeth Dickson, Mary Dick
son, Natulie Connell, Josnio Uotinoll,
May Logan, flattie Moore, Ella Moore,
Louise Moore, May Hackett, Emily
Hackett, MHrjorie Warren, Dorothy
Warren, Mildrod Capwell, Mnrjirie
Piatt, Margaret Post, Anua Rand,
Edith Pendleton, Eioanor MolLitt,
Helen Boies, Ray S.mlerion.
Tho grand opening of the Burnett
house, at Strmi'lshurg, under the man
agement of Fabel & Olldorf, was an
event that gave much pleasure to a
large company of guests. Professor
Rosenberry's orchestra played excel
lent music. Among those present were
F. D. Oildorf, of Scranton, and J. p.
Delehanty, of Pictston.
Mr. and Mrs. James Archbald, Miss
Archbald and Miss Augusta Archbald;
Mr. and Mrs. E L. Fuller. Miss Clara
B. Simpson and Mia Catherine Stan
ton, of Honesdale, leave this morning
for Ithaca, where they will attend the
Cornell commencement exercises dur
ing the week. Miss Welles will Ko on
Monday and will join a Rochester
A mnsieale was given by Mri. L. S
Richard Thursday evening at her resi
dence on Qnincy avenue, in houor of
her guest, Miss Sadie Kaiser, of
Wilkes-Harre. (iueBts were present
from Wlikes-Barre and Pittston. The
occasion was a very ploasant oue.
Pkhsonal Mention:
Professor W. L McC'nlloh, who for sev
eral years has held high rank among the
faculty of Wood's business college, has
severed bis connection with that Institu
tion, in order to accept a profesjorship in
the Sbatnokin Business cbllege. lie will
be greatly missed by a Urge circle of
friends. Mr. McCnlloh removed to Hmni
okiu yesterday, and will enter upon I1I9
new duties at once.
Rev. Dr. J. E. Price who visited friends
in Scranton last Tuesday, had just
preached the baccalaureate sermon in the
commencement exercise of tho Ussluiug
seminary at Sing Sing. Miss Rose OleVe
land, sister of the president, delivered tho
c 0111 mOIIOC me n t address.
Rev. Frauk Jonathan Milman, or Col
gate university, and a resident of Green
Ridge, has been licensed to preach mid has
received three calls, but as yet has not ac
cepted any. Be will return from tho uni
versity on Tuesday.
IC. D, Hughes and wife, of Dickuou ave
nue, returned from Philadelphia, Atlantic-
City Ud Delaware Water Qap on Wednes
day. Their trip was shortened about a
week on account of thu sickness of Mr.
Hon. M. J. Itynn, who delivered tho
lecture at the St. Vincent da I'aul enter
tainment ut the Academy of Music, left
for tii home in Philadelphia yesterday at
8 ;0 via. of tho Central Railroad of New
Miss Belin left bore Wednesday for New
York where she sailed c 11 the Chester, of
the American line.for Europe with party
of Philadelphia and Pottevllle people.
Attorney (.'. fj. Hawley was in Wilkes
Bane yesterday and received many con
gratnlatlons an his nomination for gover
nor on the Prohibition ticket.
Colonel Oeorge Baodersoo and family
will attend the commencement exercises
at Cornell eollego-uud witn rSI the gradua
tion ot E. S. bandorsou.
A party comprising Charlei Ribinoon,
William Crahr, Frank Robllag, jr., C.J.
Weicuel and J. J. Bnrke spout yesterday
fishing at Maplewood.
Mrs. W. II. Jossup, jr.. and children
leave today tor Montrose, where they Will
occupy .Mrs. J. D. Vail's cottago during
the summer.
Mrs. ('. A. Wheeler, of Boneedale, who
has been visiting ber daughter, Mrs M. A.
QOodwin, of Momey avenue, has returned
Mis Ruby Qraham, of this city, was one
of the guests at tho wedding nf Miss Min
nie Stewart, ot Berwick to Robert L. Hub
bo!!. Harry Kelmyer, of he West side, at
tended the wedding of Uattle M. I'ettc
bone, of Dorraneeton, to Willie H. .Miller.
Joseph .McDonald, of Warrior Run, is
Visiting his brother, Oeorgo ,T. McDonald,
ticket agent at I ho Bridge street depot.
Miss Agnes Plumb, of l'loinpton. who
lias been tho guest of her uncle, W. E.
Oreeley, returned home Wednesday. and Mrs. Everett Warren will
leave here Wednesday for New York to
sail on the New York for Europe.
w. L Oarr spent a portion of the week
in Moscow, and is now entertaining his
lather, F. V. t'arr, of Honesdale.
Mrs. Lewis A. Bright and Norman ii.C'ook
of El le, Pa,, are visiting at the home of A.
II. Celsling, Short avenue.
John Paddock is clerking for II. M. Cole,
tho Ureeu Ridgo druggist, during Mr.
Cole's trip up the Hudson.
Miss Francos B. Wiuton has returned
frou school at Boston and is Visiting
school friends at Troy.
J. W. Young and wife, of East Stroads
bnrg, are tho guests of Mr. an I Mrs- L. B.
Smith, of Pei.n avenue.
11. M. Cole, wife and daughter, of Ca
pouse avenue, left Monday for an extended
triii along the Hudson,
C. II. Hazlett.of Philadelphia, represent
ing Bmead Will ft Co., called ou E. D.
Fellows yesterday.
Mrs. J. A. K)bertson nnd Mrs. W. D.
Russell, of Sanderson avenue, spent yester
day at Farview.
Superintendent Uoorgo W, Phillips was
busy during tho week preparing examina
tion papers,
Dr. Bud Mrs. Van Bcrger. of Green
Ridge street, spout part of tho week in
New Y'ork.
Rev. d. O, Whitemire, who was sick and
Unable to preach lust Sunday, is now con
valescent. Deputy United States Marshal A. Scan
lon was" in Wilkes-Barrj yesterday on
Miss Maud Dimmlok, of Green Ridge,
gave a small luncheon Thursday after
noon, J. G. McAskie, of Adams avenue, spent
Wednesday at Susquehanna and Thomp
son. Professor F. E. Wood returned last even
ing from atrip through the eastern states.
E. A. Niveu, tho well-known Wilkes
Bar! e journalist, WM in the city yesterday.
Miss Edith Spencer, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
is visiting relatives in this city.
A. M. Fine, of Sanderson avenuo, bus
beeu visiting at Lohightou.
B. P. Decker, who has been ill for a
week, is slowly recoveriug.
Attorney Anthony Bauuian spent yes
terday at Wilkes-Bar rs,
Mrs. p. ;. Hazzard, of Dickson avouue,
is visiting in Chinchilla.
Miss Edith Greoley returned yestorday
from Vassar.
She soon in platitudes will speak;
The right can't be denied to her,
And, troth to tell, shodl hardly strike
A venerated chestnut like
This phrase so oft applied to her.
Wa$hington star.
A few more days, nnd the rose of June
With hope and the future will fall iuto
And tho sweot girl graduate, n poet und
Will bo reading an essay a dozen ynrdj
long. Detroit PrttPnu,
In polysyllables shn wrote,
This sweet girl grnduato to bo;
But when she talk, with pniu we note,
Sho murmurs 'Rats!" incessantly.
H'usiinyfou Star.
Now nil things gravitate
To the sweet girl graduate.
Her portrait's In the papers,
And she has her hat on straight.
.S't. Louis i'ust-Dixjiatch,
White WjivfS of tulle and souls as white,
And misty wreaths ot Un iting ln-es,
And tender blooms of II iwer like faces,
Of SDlrlt grace of (lower-like races,
And brave prophetic thoughts and dreams
And Dopes Of grand aud high endeavor,
And of golden faith that seems
To liht the future's way forevor.
ASMSlan, wisdom told In speech
'that breaks from scarlet threads of smil-
Deep lore beyond tho sage's reach
Between tbo Hues our souls b guiliug
Philosophies of Attic titms,
Aud Ciceronian Latin hissing,
From lips that nature meant as rhymes
To mart the poetry ot kissing.
And lofty prophocies of deeds
Of woman's freed sonl's hinh. begetting,
And inward knowledge that tho needs
Of life aro compassed in coquetting,
High hopes that strike the tnirniug stars,
.' m ni f ion tint shall never falter,
Until as ending of life's wnrs
Pallas surrenders at tho altar.
Ah, wnves of tulle and gleams of light,
And clinging wreaths of misty laces,
Aud dreams and hopes that live tonight,
And gentle hearts and flower-Ilka faces
My prayer for you and all shall be.
That every ungol withtn hearing
May keep you what you seem to me
la spitoofallmy cynic oncrlng.
Memiliif Commercial.
In Holland, Mich., C. J. Doesbury, pub
lishes the News, and in its columns stronir
ly recommends Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
lor coughs, colds, sore throat, catarrh aud
London, June 8. The Rev. Thomas Da
vies, minister of the Welsh Congregation
al chapel, Morriston, died ou Saturday
week at tbo ago of 6j. He was the oldest
Congregational minister in South Wales,
and was a brother of the Rev. John Da
vles, Taihiriou, Cardiff.
The death is also announced of tho Rsv.
T. Neville Andrews, superintendent of the
Swansea district, Wesloyan Methudist con
nection. Charles Wench, owner of Skorry's col
lieries Wale ) is "without apeuny in the
world." He lost, accordiug to his storv,
$50,u in the miue.
Tho sliding scale joint committee, of the
South Wales Coal trade, have Just report
ed the result of their audit, which will
meau a reduction of 2 per cent, com
mencing June 1, leaving the percentage,
the 1879 standard, at gfjf,
Margaret Phillips, ngedSO.of Brynmawr.
has disappeared, and the mystery iB earn
ing much anxiety in tho town. No motive
can be assigned, aud the full torco of pol ice
arc engaged in the search.
At 11 meeting of the Welsh Liberal mem
bers of parliament, a vote of confidence In
Uosebery's government was carried, the
four "revolters" still hatching n position
of antagonism and voting against the mo
tion. Further assurances have been given
by the governmental to the parsing of thu
Welsh disestablishment bill.
A meeting will bo hold at Chester dur
ing tbo present week to organize a na
tional "Cymra Fydd'1 society to extend to
every parish in Wain and 10 all parts of
England where Welshmen have migrated.
The object is to fuster national sentiment
and to consolidate (ho work of Welshmen
generally In obtaining forward legislation
lor the Piincopniity.
A great out cry is being raised against
Lord Rosebery's connection with the turf
and there is no doubt that in Wales a
systematic agitation will in lime com
mence upon Ibe matter. Horse racing
with its attendant evil of battios bus for
years been denounced by' the bailing
uymru, mis is one or the many oimcni
ties in succeeding Gladstone which the
new prime minister has to contend with.
The new net of parliament legalising
and forming parish councils is being en
thusiastically Uikeu up iu Wales and ev
ery where preunrutioua are being blade to
Organise tho new machinery of the land
so as to allow it a fair trial, iu every par
isu .a parts a meeting win Do neia
which will be its supreme authority, and
a parish council will be elected to deal
with ail tii- internal affairs of the pari h,
subject to tho approval of the district
COUUOiL which will bo the responsible au
thority for poor law, highway aud other
matters of first class importance. Above
this council and superior in position will
tie the county council, which lias control
of tho police, county officials, the admin
istration of the law and thu supervision of
the district and parish councils. Upon the
return of a Welshman from America to
his native laud he will b unable to grasp
tho multifarious couucils und their du
ties. Tho Rev. William Evans (Monwyson)
will arrive at New York nb out Aug. 8, ni d
will, 1 believe, visit your city during tho
same month. Owen.
Jndlo CboUet says They Are tho Women
Who Wear wbut Becomes Them.
In spite of the brilliant colors w hu h are
undeniably tins mode at present, gray is
also worn und appears In fashionably made
toilets. After nil, the dictum of extreme
fashion is only implicit obeyed by per
sons no conscious of alack of taste und
judgment in such matters as to be quite
nt a loss unless following the lead of 11 n
accepted uuthority-. Fashion demands tho
use of magenta, nnd they aooordlngly wear
magenta, thereby securing to themselves
the repose of feeling that they ore fashion
ably if not becomingly clothed, and thero
nro many women who will consciously
OhooSO extreme fashion rather than ex
treme booomingnoss in garments.
Fashion is far more strict ns regards form
than in respect to color. Few colors ever
go Completely out of her gamut except nia
genta and the very vivid blues and greens,
nnd these are by no means Universally bo
coming. The best dressed women are those
Who know what best suits them und have
tho courage of their convictions In spite Of
fashion laws and prophets.
(Jno may choose any color and yet lie in
the mode this season however, since overy
tint is well reptesantetl. Purples, preens
and pinks are rathor more decided in tone
than they nave been for Several years past
and an' more generally employed, but t here
nro enough persons who prefer mode col
ors to have the latter Well represented in
nil fabrics. Block is decidedly in vogno, as
w ould naturally be tho case during a high
ly colored season, ai it is required by way
of contrast and for toning down Offeotl
that might Otherwise seem gaudy.
Today's sketch shows a costume of sil
ver gray accordion plaited foulard combin
ed with .strijMHl silk. The striped shirt has
n very deep accordion plaited flounce of
gray foulard. The corsage Is of the gray
accordion plaiting, as are also the wide
epaulets and the elbow sleeves. The
yoke of the bodice Is of striped silk and
Is bordered with black possementerio,
All orange satin girdle encircles tho waist
und gives oolor to tho costume, Tho child's
frock is of rose, white aud yellow pluld
Tlin Oveiskirt Ouestlon.
The question of oversklrtsdocs not soom
a very absorbing one in the spring fash
ions. Enough arc shown in the new gowns
to give the style support and credence;
but. Moulding to the New York Times,
they arc rejected with remarkable unanim
ity In favor of the. still modish and ele
gant plain skirt orwith a bit of trimming
that really only accentuates Its pkunno'.s.
The short, pointed ovcrskirt In particular
meets with a cold reception, it has a dow
dy and ungraceful elfect, and why It should
be insisted on bus not been demonstrated.
A Quarter Cenlury Teat.
For a quarter of a century Dr. King's
New Discovery bna boen tested, nnd the
millions who have received benefit from
Its use testify to its wonderful curative
powers in all diseases of Thruat.Chest and
LuugS. A remedy that has stood the test
so long nnd that has given so universal
satisfaction is uo experiment. Each bottln
is positively guaranteed to give relief, or
tho money tv ill he refunded, ft. is admitted
to be the most reliable for Coughs and
Colds. Trial bottlesFreo at Matthew flro's.
Drug Store. Largo size 5. and fl.OO.
Mot I i )
Gblldren's Day Observed at
'Places of Worship.
Commendable Work That Is Being
Done by These Organizations Pro
jects for the Future Movements of
the Pastors of tho City Churches.
Work That Women are Doing for
Cause of Religion and Morals.
At tho quarterly conference held last
Tuesday iu the Cedar Avenue Methodist
Episcopal church, James Hidgoway and
Uharles Mengle were elected Btowards of
the church.
On the last Hunday in this month the
Grceu ltnigo Presbyterian church will
celebrate the eighteenth anniversary, when
tho pa-tor. Rev. N. Y. HUM, will preach a
special sermon on the occasion.
Tho choir of the Hickory Street Presby
terian church, will give a dramatic enter
tainment next Thursday evening at Nat
ter's h ill ou the South bide. The title of
the piece to bo performed is "Pupa lint's
The Sunday school of tho Pen n Avenue
Baptist churoh are making urrangemeuts
for their annual excursion and picnic, to
take place about 1 hs mid lie of July. Dr.
D. A. Capwell is president of the oxectivo
The Ladies' Aid society ol tha Mreon
Ridge Presbyterian church will give a
Burrick entertainment on June SI, It will
consist of s nig.-. and pictures of sceneries
in twenty-three states In the Union, It la
highly spoken ol and deserves a large
The offering generally mado on Chil
dren's Day for mission or educational pur
poses has been unusually largo this year.
The Providence Presbyterian church real
ized three times as much as on any pre
vious occasion. Other churches also re
port Increased contributions,
Lost Hunday the lUv. Mr. Bnbsrt, of
Wilk' s-Harre, gave an interesting lecture
on the colored people of South t'urolina, iu
both the I'irst Congregational ami Ply
mouth churches ou the West Side. The
congregations bo addressed wore, well
pleased ami they liberally subscribed for
Livingstone college, in South Carolina.
ltsv. P. It. Hawzburst, D.D., will lec
tuio next Tuesday evening on Four
Thousand Miles iu Eighty Minutes." This
will be the hist of a series of three talks.
The other two wiil be given on June 'J'J
and July 10, ou "Tha Wonders of the
World'' und , 'Tho Pas-ion Play." The two
last lectuies will bj Illustrated bv a stare-
I opticon.
A delightful day was enjoyed last Sun
day by hundreds of children in the
Churches of our city. The exorci-cs wi re
Witnessed by large audiences and the dec
Orations who excellent. The following
churches will celebraio the day tomorrow,
nnd may they have such a day as lust
Sunday was: North Main Avenue Baptist
church nt . p.m., Providence Methodist
Episcopal church at lu.y) a. m., Providence
Curistfan chnrcb at 7 p. m., Providence
Welsii Congregational church at t and 6
p. in.. Park Place Methodist Episcopal
ouurcii at 7 p. m., Second Qerman chnrcb,
Prospect avenue, at 7 p.m.; Elm Pant
church ut IU.HU a. m First Qerman
church at in 3') a.m., and iu Petersburg
Mission chapel at 3.80 p.m., H rantou
Street Baptist church at 10.90 a. m.
The Young People's union of tho Welsh
Hnptist church of Providence are busily
engaged preparing a sutiul.
The Yonng People of tho First Congre
gational church are arranging for their an
imal convention to Lake Ariel, that will
take place In July.
I.nst Tuesday the Young People's so
ciety of Christian Endeavor of the Penn
Avenue Baptist church elected oflkers for
the next six months.
The tiuild Mission bend Will give one of
the b st fan drills at nn entertain nieut
mxt Monday even. Tho benefit is for
loieigu mission work.
The Junior Luther League of tho Holy
Trinity church will enjoy a day's outing
today. Kev. and Mrs. E. L. Miller will
accompany the society and be tbo young
est of the juniors.
Tho Young People of the Plymouth Con
gregational church held a strawberry so
cial last evening, the proceeds of which
will defray tho expenses incurred iu tho
lust Christian Bndeavor convention.
Nest Thursday the l.uthor League so
cieties ot northeastern Pennsylvania will
hold their annivrrsnay in tbo Holy
Trinity cunrch. Bepresentatives from as
sociated societies will be present and the
visiting delegates will deliver addresses
line read papers.
The Young People's society, of the Hick
ory Btreet Presbyterian church, will take
n day's outing next Thursday, About lifty
of them expect to and spend the day
on the farm of Mr. Weicher, a member of
the church, who reides u few miles out
of town.
,'Ihe question of tho Epworth league
guards I freely discussed at present, aud
the argument pro. and con. is pretty even
ly divided. While the debate proceeds,
new companies nre continually being or
gansied, and if the boys had a voice on tho
question It would be speedily decided and
no one can doubt tho result.
The Epworth League societies of scran
ton and vicinity have beeu organized into
n union. The work is curried on by a cabi
net, composed of pastors and laymen. In
computing the number of members iu the
societies iu town, the members in the cabi
net were astonished to fiud it over -,0uU
This is a power for good in our city.
The Young People's society of Zion
church, on jlifdin avenue, is ono of the
strongest organizations in tbo city. It
numbers SO members, and under tho
leadership of uohn (iahu as president, nnd
Jliss Jc.sepbiuo Kohrwnsser as secretary,
tho society Is doing good work. Tho ser
vices Sunday evening are conducted iu
both English and (iermnu and aro very
well attended.
Rev. M. P. Fuller dud Ambrose Mulley
left yesterday for Lake C'omo for a day's
Hev. W, F. Davis, of Providence, is de
livering a series of sermons on "St. Paul
In the Ueutile ("huicbes."
Kev. W. J. Ford, of tho Green Ridgo
Baptist church, has begun a series of ser
mons on "Tho Ten Commandments."
Kev. L, Lsnt bni been called to the pas
torate of ht. Paul's church, ou Prospect
avenuo. Ho will begin work on July 1.
Mr. Parsons, n lay preacher on the West
Hide, will occupy the pulpit of the Sj'cr.m
tou .street Baptist church tomorrow even
ing. Kev. P. R. liawxhurst, I). I.)., will i r o o
n sermon to Children at 10.80a, in., torn n
row In the Pari; Place .Motbodlst Kpboopal
Eugene Thonios, a theological student of
CroEer seniinnry, iu Chester, will preach
tomorrow morning at tho North Avouue
Baptist churoh.
Rov. D. M. Kintor will go to Pleasant
Mount und spend a few days with Dr. II
0, Noble, who will guide him to wheio tin
lisiies play iu the Lookawaxeu river.
Kev. N. F. Btahl left last Monday f r
PriDosloD, N. J,, whero he attended tb
commencement exercises of that institu
tion lie returned bomo Wednesday ov. -
Kev. Angnit Lnnge, of the Hickory
Street Presbyterian church, left la it Mon
day for lilootnlield seminary, where he at
tended commencement exercises. Ho re
turned home yestenluy.
Next Wednesday Hev. W. (J. Partridg
will deliver tne oration b fore the Alum.:
of Colgate university, in liamiltou, N. Y
This is Mr. Partridge's alma mater, wher
Do spent nine years of his life.
Rev. W, A Watklus, accompunled bj
the Various
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Chappe'd, left fi-r
Lowisburg yesterday to attend the com-I
mencement exercises of Bucknell Univer-1
sity. They will spend a week there.
Kev. R. P. Williams, Holyhead, Angel-1
sea, N. W., is now on a visit to this cnun-
try. He is one of the best known men of I
the Oohgregationalilts in Wales, and is an
abla preacher. Ho will preach tomorrow
in Jermyu.
Rov. U. W, Partridge is preaching two
series of sermons, the one ou Sunday i
morning on "Man Made on tho Imago of
Uod," and the other on Sundny cvouiugs
on "Tho i-'uture Life" They aro listened
to by largo congregations.
Tho Congregational pastors of Lacka- i
wuuua und Wyoming valleys mot last
Monday ut Miners. A paper won read by
Rev, Ivor Thomas, of Tnylor, on "The Re
vival Meeting iu tho Chuach." The next
meeting will be held iu Taylor.
Kev. M. D. Fuller was in lllnghamton
Inst Wednesday, miking arrangements for
the next convention of Epworth league
societies iu tho Wyoming conference. Lat
year the conveutiou was held in the Parlor
City und WU delegates camo together. This
year it may bo held iu SiTauton, and ir the
executive committee -.visiles to see over a
thousaud del-gates convened it had better
decide at ouco to hold it here.
The sewing school of tho Second Ger
man Methodist Episcopal (chnrcb, will
hold a picnic ou the Fourth at Mountain
class No. ! in the Providence Presbyter
ian church, Mrs. J. K. Smith, toucher, will
run au excursion next Thursday to Far
view. The King's Daughters nf the Asbury
Methodist Episcopal church are preparing
an entertainment that will be given to the
Next Tuesday da s No. 10 in tbo Provi
dence Methodist Episcopal Sunday school,
; iss Annie Mnlloy, teacher, Will run uu
excursion to Lake Ariel.
The strawberry social held in tho First
Qerman churoh last Wednesday and
Thursday, was a grand BUOCOSSi TH0
bouse Was crowded both evenings aud all
were pleased with the bountiful prepara
tions of the Ladies' Aid society.
The Ladies' Aid society of tho Cedar
Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, hss
completed nil Its plans for its excursion on
the 'nil last., to Lake Ariel. Mrs. John
Fldeburg, president, nnd Mr!, bulllvnn,
secretary, buve been Very diligent ia the
All Souls' Ciii iu h Pine street, uenr
Adams avenue, R-;v. George W. Powell,
pastor, will proaou tomorrow at 1080 a.m.
ou "Groat Lessons from Little Cblldron."
Children's servires at 19 m. Young Peo
ple':'. Christian Union meets at 7.2'J p. m.
CvLVAttv Bxtorjibo CiiUKon Corner of
Mobi l e and Gib on street, Rev. W. H.
Btubblebttic, pastor. Mornlnu subject,
"The Great Question," at IC.tU Crisnau
Endeavor, 0.4 p. ra. Sei vice at 7..V.' p.m.,
when P.ev. li V. SVlcka Will ja tacii or. Ibe
Bubjeut, "Tue Houswaid lr.;b." All
CnniSTiAra C'HArrii Pone anne,
Or. on Itidge. . C. Kau.Mr, of Pbilsdel
phin, Pa,, will jirnicu. Subject 10.80,
"Enochs Prophecy;" 7..V, ' i Hie KeMir
rectiou a Necessity," Sunday, K.ioa. m.
t-ests free. All v.ulconie.
CHonon o Christ, Soibktibt Spencer
bniluing, 610 Aosins avenue. Hible lesson
at 'M:Ml a. m. and church service lit 7:'M p.
Carol Norton, of New York, speaker. All
aro welcome, .Seals fieo.
Elm Park iUTitowsT E-'ircoi-al
Chubch Bnv. V.. ii. linrrv, feoetor.
Morning, childrou'a II ral rvic tviu
ii.g, the pastor will 1 .reach. 0.W l. 1'' ,
Ej iv rth ueague toeetlajf.
Cburca, The first services be bald
on Hunday at 10.830. in., at the Yo-mg
Men's Christian association ou Wyoming
avenue. All are welcome. Foster U.
t.ift. paitor.
Ureem Biboa Evamqxuoal ClIUROR
Capouse avenue. Buuday school nt 9.30
and Dieaching at 10.0 a. iu. Children's
Day exercises at 7 p. m, A programme
entitled "The Open Door" will oe ron
dered. Everybody welcome. G.L. Ma'co,
Green Kiuiie DarnsT Church. Rov.
W. J. Ford, pastor. Services at 10.30 a.m.
and 7..M0 p. in. Subject iu the morning,
"Doing, Net Getting, tbo Motive of the
Christian,'' iu the evening, ''Tbo First
Saint lurk's CUCRCH Rev, Rogers
Israel rector. Fourth Sunday after Trinity:
Holy Communion, b a. u. service aod ser
mon, 10.30 n. m. ; Sunday eoboul and Bible
clnas, 9.30 p. m.j evening jrayr
7.30 in in. Nursery open r.t ifl a.
in. at 325 Washington avenue, vl;ro bd
ilreu will be bin ly cu.ed for while par
ents attend service.
A. L. Urban in charge. Sunday ichool 8 p.
m.; evening l layer and sermon, 4 p. ni.
Sunday school of the Scranton Street Bap
tist churoh will observe '"Children's Day"
with nn exercise entitled "Christ Our
King" nt 10.30 a. in. Thero will bo no ses
sion of the Sunday school at 3 p. in, Iu the
absence of the pastor, Rev. T. J. Collins,
the evening sermon, at 7.3d p. m., will bo
by Rev. William Parsons. Young People's
So. lety of Christian Endeavor will meet at
0.30 p. in.
Simpson Methodist Episcopal CHURCH
Services appropriate to Children's Day,
including the baptism of children, at 1U.3D
a. in. Iu the evening Samuel T. Jones, of
New York, will speak on thu work of tbo
Rescue million. All seats free.
Tuinitv LuTimtAN CRCRCR Adams
avenUO, corner .Mulberry street, Rev. E. L
Miller, pastor. Barvlces at 10,30 a. m. and
7.3d p. ui. Tho pews aro free aud
visiting Worshipper! are always welcome.
The Ptflfl A VENUS Baptist Cm.-'it
Kev. Warren G. Partridge, pastor. Ser
vices at 10.30 u. m. and nt 7 DO p. m. Sub
ject in the morning, "Influence of the
Imagination ou the Religions Life" In
the evening, "The Judgment Seat of
Christ." A cordial welcome to nil.
Rev. Cileries E. Robinson, D. D. pastor.
Services 10.30 a. m. and 7.3 ) p. in. CLil
dreu's Day, special music by the choir nnd
Sunday school and sermon by the pool or,
In the evening there Will bl a rsu Ser
vice end fhorl lormon by the pssti r on the
"Gospel Clearing Houst," SngMrlted by the
late vi . ir of the beuketS to tun Olty, Scats
free iu th evening.
Direct Proof.
My wlfo has been troubled
with Liver Complaint and Pal
pitation of the heart for over a
year, llor case baffled tho skill
of our beat phyah inns. After
uslns three bottles of your
Pin dock Illond Hitters -he ia al
most entirely well. Wo truly
rocoinuiend your medicino.
Q Bonos W. sn a wlu
Montpelier, Willkuue Co., O
The GENUINE New Havoa
Now York Witrerooms-No. 80
Fii'tli Avunuo.
Sole dealers in this section.
OFFIClil-m Adams Avo., Telophono DTd'tf
n 1 1
r minis l
s iuiiwi
B. Q. liDOAR DEAN has removed to 6H
biiruro i.ff..n .' t, ,1...
jD'i'A'1, NNELL, Office Jul Wnshlngtoa
cornor vru strew, over
ftSKffc u drugstore. Kulildoiioo. ?ti VlnesX i
fi't v1". "0.aJtol2. m. sod to 4 and 1 p. m. Sunday, 8 to 3 j). in.
nB-J E. ALLKS. Ulrica cor. Ladi !
ZZ, wanna and Wuehnstou avee. : over Loon
ard shoe tore; oitioe bourn, Utolla. m, aod
K evenings at ruaiitouc I
) llLL , iVKEJ- Practiro limited to DuV
tm. fS? 8$ 9 Ear' Nose and Throat!
Bt?eor Wj,omme ve. Kotldonce, W Vine
I)lt-nV tATE; Washington Avenue.
IJ Office hours, 8 to a.m., l.Wto J and f
I lenience atltl Madison aVmua
" Common wealth building: roaldonce 711
atadlsonuve; offiue hours. 1J to hi, I to 4, 7 to
I-; fcundnys 2.3U to 4. oveulntfe at residence. A
spsoalty made of alfaSsaa of tho eyo, car. noun
and throat and gyneoology.
M; CUUNOK-B Law and Collection of-
ii i, U 71" T.i opposite rnrosi
rUlj couecuonsa Hpt-clalty
throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond-
flltH II ,. '
. I . 'AJVltom? aad Counsel-
Iv, i? . " OemmonwsaJ huitdiui
W aubiugtoa ave. W. H. Jessi-p,
Uouacl K. Hawd.
W. H. Jesbup, Jr.
.',.nys and Counselors at Law, Hepuhllcan
l inlili.'ii;, W aahinrton ave.. Scranton, 1'a.
M li.hso; a W1Lim, Attorneys and
i LouuseUors at Law: i.lluyill mil Kl.ll.r.,
building, Bcrantou, I'a.
gpswiu, a rATTsnso
William A. Wilcox.
j tornaya and Counsellors, Commonwealth
'"'ddiiiL-. ItooniH 18, -A) and 21.
Attorney at Lnw.Nos.lll and
20, Burr building
Washington avenin,
i ,11- . ' uaw oiuroH m rrice
building, 12U Washington ownue.
I .:i.-tr v , ., w.,
(RANic f . OKmm Attorney at;
5. Cent I-.Yrhfl1Ll. li,
I.ii.v. Room
i ll Von 8TORCH,
Att'VM Si UT.ah.nn.
ton av.. 0. H. Bfiuare
OAKFoKO, Attorney at Law.
O leoins 63. M and HA i'lnm...'i, Mi
S"1' KlniAK, Attorney at U
1 ' Offl i, 811 Bprneest, Scranton, Pa,
I A- WATUKo, Attorney at Law. W
u. '-ackanjmiiBcraBten, Pa
JJ P. BM1TH, (onusehor at Law. Office,
f rooms ,il, &v M CoimnonweuItU buildlntf.
K. PITOHMK. Att.,r.,o.- ,., i nu. i
w nionw-a in hiiiloiuu. .Sernnton, I'a.
mam II, V,..lll 7" 7. '
il Snruro st.
11 kl.ii-1 1 ,i mi m a. TT !
. tifii i il real eM.i-.te frceuri ty. 40s Spruoa
L' vii i Ti r: r. . . .
. iv.i.ijnji, Anorusv-ai-iaiWi l;SJ Wy
oming avenue, aeranton.
J ton pa prepares boys and g-frls forcollegj
oi buslueae: thoroughly trains younif children.
Catalogue at reuueet.
Rev. Thomas M. Cans.
Waltkh H. BtTEl.fc
'1 and School, 412 Ailauis avenue. KudiIi
Aw-'iV'i tlm0S- Nl!3:t Urm wlU "l'"0
!! N I 1ST
P! Si. LAUBACH, burgeon Dentist, No."il3
. yomlua ave.
ofllr.o l y 1, , .,.
' rl;-K, '',V;j avinRsaLcairAB8"o
A elation will loan vou m .noy ou easier teniM
nnd pay you better on iuveatiuunt than any
oilie,- assoolstlon. Call ou 8. N. 0ALLEN
I'l.b, lion,- Maul,- bulldim-
(4- ,l' CL.AKK co- Seo.lmen, Floriati
and Nurserymen; store 146 Washington
avenue; (rreon h.mso,13oo North Main avenue;
More telephone Ts-
""AND UNION TEA CO.". Jones Bros.
TOS. KUETTEIj, 6i5 Lackawanna avenue,
r Sernnton. Pa.. jnanuTr nf Wire Screens
fPHE WESTMINSTER, 217 -21H Wyomina
1 sve, Rooms heated with steam; all mod
era improremnnta. C. M. Tim mam. Prop.
rpHE ELK CAFE, lifl.andl27 Franklin ave
A nuo. Rates reaBonahlo,
, P. Zi EuusB, Proprlotor.
II W' ' KCHENCK, Manager.
Sixteenth street, one block east of Broadway,
at Union bauare, New York.
American plan, per day and upward.
C'OYNE UOU8E. kiuropoan plan; good
' rooms. Open day and night liar au
plied with the best
P. M. COYNE, Proprietor.
UCKAKTOH MOUSE, near D L. W. pas
O icngor depot. Conducted on tho Europoan
Pan. Victim Koch. Proprietor.
J. RAND CENTRAL The largest and" twsT
yj eqiilnped hotel in AJJentown, Pa.; rates
i2 and Ji.oO nor day.
VicToa p. Pahneb, Proprietor.
AVIS & HOUPT, Archltecto. Rooms VH.
tfi and :.v Coinmonwealth b'ld'ir. Brranton,
L. WALTER, Architect, Library bund
. ing. Wyoming avenue. Hcniuton.
L. DROWN. Arch B. Architect Price
bnildjBg.Ha Washington ATe.,Scrantou.
balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed
ding and concert work furnished. For terms
address It J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyomiug
ave., over Hulbert'e music store.
11 ORTON D. 8WaWs-"v7iIOLESAL3
1 1 lumber, Price bulldini Scranton, Pa.
(upplioB, enveloni-s, papor liags. twlno.
Warehouse, 130 Waaliiugton ave., Scranton,
jOOTE'S LIVERY. 163.1 Capouse avenue.
1 First class carriaues. D L. FOOTE, Agt
Funeral Director nnd Embalmer.
1 sale dealers in Woodware, Cordage and
oli Cloth, "no W. Laokawanna avenue.
EZRA FINN A- SUNS, builders and'rontrar
lor j. Yards: Corner Olive st. and Adami
live.; cornor Ash st and Penn ave., Scranton
IS THE BEST. Got prices and
ee the furnace and be eon
vincoil. A full line of HEAT
KRS, Appello and Gauze Door
For Delicacy,
For purity, and for improvement of tho cora-
plciion, nothing equalH Pozzoni's Powder.
Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office, SCRANTON, PA.
Antbraclto coal used oxduaively, lnsurlaa
rleai.huees and comfort
Trains leave Scranton for Plttstou, Wlllte.
Barro. etc . ut BJU 11.30 a. m., 12.60. 2 OU,
S.30, S OU, I.SS, 11.1)5 p. m. Sundays, U.O) a. m..
1.03, 2.15, 7.10 p. in.
For Ailnntlc City, 8.20 a. m.
For Now York, Newark and Elisabeth, 8.29
(exnroas) a. m., 12.50 (.eiprost with UunTot
parlor car), torpross) p. ru. Sunday. 2.15
p. tt,
For uAccn CniNK, ai.i.entown, Bktiii.s
BSU, Eastom and I'iiiladelpiiia, H. JJ a. rn..
U50. 3.30 6.00 (oxoept Philadelphia) D. iu.
Snuday, 2 15p. m.
. ?or Loxo Kn.acn, Ocean Ghove, etc., at
8.20 a. in , 12 60 p. ru.
For Heading. Lebanon and Harristnirg, via
Allontowu, 8.20 a. m., 12.50, 5.00. p.m. Sunday.
2.1i p. m. '
For IVittaville, 8.20 n. in., I2.C0 p. m.
Returning, leave New York, foot ot Llborty
f ifiVrftft riTer' ,4tJ',U) ffipross) a. m..
1.10, 1.30. 4.) (cxpross wtth Bullet parlor car)
p. m. Sunday, 4.3d a. in.
Loave Philadolpbhi, Roadlng Terminal, 9.0!)
a. m., 2.0U und 4.:Vi n, in. Sunday, ii.7 a. m.
Through tickets to ail pulute at lowest ratos
may bo had on application in advance to the
ticket agent at tha stntlen.
Cieii. Sunt
Commencing May to, IBM,
trains will run ns follows:
Trains leave Bridge stmot
Station. Sernnton. for Pitt
ton, Wllke- Barre, etc., 8-Ou.
.'.:. 11.87, 10.42a. m., 12.10,
l.t'.V 2.83. 4 10, M&, Ut, 'j. 15
ami ii.. .j i). in,
For New York anil Phila-
rlell.hin. KIHIn m 1" in '.
J3. 4.1(1 and 11.30 p. m. ' " '
For Honesdale (irom Delaware, Lackawanna
aud western depot;, 7 OU, H.'Ju, lo.lo n.m., l'J.'JO
ui.. 1. 17, 5. 10 p. ni.
For Carbonoale and Intermediate stations.
6.40, 710. DM, 10. 10 S. m.. U.00 iu ,2.17, 3.Hi,5 HI,
B.S0 and V H p. m. from Bridge btreet Depot.
1.09 a.m., i!.t7and II :j p. m.
Past estin-ss to Alb. my. Saratoga, the Adt
rondsok Mountains, Bosbm nnd New England
points. 6.111 a. m., arrlv,n at Albany U4&
Sarntoaa 2.20 p. in., und leaving Scranton at .1
p. in., arriving nt All an at i.K p. in., Sara
teia. 1 2 . Via. m , and B s'on, 7.01 a. m.
The only direct route between thu coal Heidi
and Boston. "Tho Leading Tourists' Routs
of America" to tho Adirondack .Mountain re
torts. Lakes Oaorgo and Chaiuplnla, Montreal,
Time tablos Bhowlng local and through train
service hetwecu stations on all divisions Dela
ware and Hudson system, luay b. obtained ab
all Delaware aud Hudson ticket oflb es.
Second Vice President. Gen. Pas- Agt
AVI .-), l -.' I.
Train loaves Bcrantui for Dil'adelphla and
New York via. U. Sc Ii R R. at 3 a.m. 12. Pi.
) llu 1 1 nr. .. ... mlm r T i. .r 11 1. .. ....
2.8S and 11.36 p. in via D., L. is W. R. R , OOL
B.llf. 11.20 a. in., nnd 1.30 p. in.
Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wilkes.
Barro via D.. L. & W. R. R., (i.OJ, 8 08, 1 1 UJ
a. m , 1.30. 3.50. B.07, n. i0 p. ra.
Leave Scrant, m for White Haven, Hazleton,
Pottsvilla and all points on tbo Beaver
Meadow and PottsVille branches, via E. & W.
V.. via D. & 1L R. H. at a.m.. 12.10,
2.3S. 1.10 p.m., via I)., L. t: W. B. R., C.U0, s.oi,
11.20 a in., 1.30, 3. .V i p.m.
Leavo Scranton for Bethlehem, Esatou,
Beadma, nsrrisburg and all Intermediate
points via D. 4; H. H. It, ty a m , 12.10. 2.;H, 11.33
p.m., via D., L. Aj W. B. R.,(i.00.s.0j, 11.20 a. m.,
Lao i m.
Leave Scranton forTunkhannock, Towsndt,
Elnuru, Ithaca, Qeiieva and all latermedttts
points via l.i. H. R It, Ii.e7a.iu., 12 In and 11.3
p. m.,via D. L. W. R B., K.04 a.m.,UU p. in.
Leave Scranton for Rncaester, Buffalo, Ni
agara Falls, Detroit. Clueago and all polati
west via D. it It. R. R., B.07 :..ra.,U.0,H.I.-,.ll.33
p. m.. via D. L. - W. B. It and
Junction. 8.00 a.m., 1J0, s , , p. m., via E. Ss W.
B.K.. 3.41 i). m,
Fo:- Blmira and tin west via Sahmtnov, vis
D. a 11. K, R. (.07 a.m., bi.10,0.15 p, m., via D.,
L. & W. R.H., ,b.0B ii. in., 1 I I aud Ii.'.i7 p. m.
Pullman parlor und sleeping or L. v. chair
ears on all trains between L. & H. Junction or
Wilkes Barre and New York. Philad.-lpjla,
Bull. ile and Bospon'ion Bridge
BOLLIN II. WILBUR, Geu. Sunt. East Div.
I HAS. S, L'-.E. Gen. Pass. Ag't, Pliila.Pi.
A W .NONNEM ACHEB, Ass't Q u Pass. Ag't,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
Trains loave BorantoU as follows; Espnvis
for New York and ah points East. 1 .40, 2.60,
6. IP, WM and U.5o a. ni. ; 12 6. and 3.60 p, m.
Express lor JSaston, Trenton, Ptnladolphla
aud tho South, 6.1.1, 8.0J aud 0.6'. a. in.; 126
and 3.6(1 p. m.
Washington and way stations, 3.56 p. m.
Tobyhunna acenimnouAtion, 0.11! p. m.
Expr ss for Blm;hamtoti, Oswego, Elmlrs,
roruing, Bath, Dansvlllo, Mount Morris and
Bullalo, 12.10, 2 16 a. m. and 1 21 p. ru., making
close connections at Butlalo to all points iu thd
West. Northwest and Southwest.
Bath accommodation. U a. m.
Blugbamton uud way stations, 12.37 p. m.
Nicuol-ou acoommooatloa, a: 4 p. ni. and
6.10 p. ra.
Blnghamton and Elmlra Expross. 0 06 p, m.
Express tor Cortland, Syracuse, Oswog
t.'tica and Richfield Springs, 2.16 a. m. and 1.21
p. ra.
Ithaca, 2.15 and Bath ,mi m. and 1.21 p. m.
For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes liurre,
Plymouth, Blonraaburg and Danvill , inakinjf
close connections at Northumberland for
W'illliiuisport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, WaaO"
lagton and tho South.
Northumberland nnd Intermediate stations,
fl.00. U.6j a. m- and 130 and Din p. ni.
Nantlcoao ana Intoriuediute stations, H.OS
and 11.211 a. m Plymouth and lutormoalntj
stations. 3..ri0 and 8.6; p. ra. .
Polbnaa parlor and sleeping coaches on all
express trams. , . ..ui-
For detailed Information, pocket tira tablov
etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket odlc
32 Lackawanna avenuo. or depot ticket olhcA
In BsTeel January -"'in. INtll.
Norlh linn ml . Hnuili Bnand,
200 '207 iOS I20S 8U4 ns
Lab 1 Stations L . , f h
i?i?a (Trains Daily, Be 3 fi ; I ij
w J cept Sunday.) r g q
j r if Arrive " "Leavo. i a u
7 26N Y. l'rnukllu s: I ... 7as
7 in West 42nd street ....I .... 7 M
7 00. Weehawkeu ....I Duo
r m Ip iiArrlvo Leave m' 'r m
Taut ... 1 lMiancncI; .luuctlon One 2 03
0 10 I0H Hancock Soil..., 8H
76 ...WW Starlight 6 18 .... a its
7 Si .... 126 Preston Park SIR .... itl
T4S .. l-.M7i I'oino 0 32 .... 2 41
738... .I2S Poyntello 4! .... 260
tit .... i26 Belmont S4S ....If M
T .... 12 13 Pleasant ML 666 .... 3 ol
IT t .... 112.1'! I'ldondale Hi .W ....I s o9
7 0sp m 11 r-Vj Fnrset city 7 lea u 3 ID
0 616 3211141 Cai bonduio 7 24 U U 8 31
1 485 27:111401 White Bridge 7 21 'I4SI8SS
(8 43 fs n .... i m ay arid f i nt.n aa a si
041 BsquM sermyn r si ti63 4s
0 36 6 Mill SO Archibald T4.M0iS.HSl
fO.13 6 lllfll'.'6 Wlntoii T 43 10 05' 8 4
021)611121 Prckvlllo T 48 10 ii), 8 60
025 out: 111 17 Olyplunt 7 62 10 16:404
0 21 SO U 1.1 lllcksnu 7 84 10 17 4 i'T
fO 10 4. V I I 13 Throop 760 10 201410
0 16 4 V 1110 Providence 8ovl(ii;t 4 14 Park PiilcO 8 02 m SI 4 IT
010 4 tin 11 05 sorauteu so. le 30 4 80
p h'c mi m l.e.ue Arrive a ka it t a
All trains ruu dally except BUUdlJ.
f. sbrnllles that trains stop ou slinal for pas.
Addli tonal trains leave Carbnirtnle tor scran
ton i. o and 0.16 p. iu., arriving at scranton 1.6S
and 7. oil.
Leave scranton for carbondale 9.50 and 8.80
arriving at carb ndle .it and 9.18 p. ui.
recure rates via Ontario a Western before
purchasing tickets and save money. Pay aud
Mthgl Kipress to the Wcsi.
J. C. Anderson, )en. pass Agt
V. Vlttorolt, Dir. pass, Agt. Hcianton, Pa.
Train' leave Scranton for Now York and in
termediate points en the Erio railroad at 0 3$
a. in. and 8.21 p ni. Also for llonesilr.le.
llawley and local points at it 86, 0.46 n.m , and
3 24 p. m.
All tho above nro through trains to and
from Honesrlnle.
An additional tram leaves Scranton for
Lake Ariel nt 5.26 p.m. nnd arrives at Scran
ton from ttm Lake at 8 40 a m and 7.35 p.m.
Trains leave lor Wdkos-Barre at O.iu a. m.
and 3.11 p. m.