THE SCTiANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 16. 1894. FOR ONE WEEK Wf will soil niTr entirn stock of New and Stylish TRIMMED HATS at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Come and see them at Hi 303 SPRUCE STREET. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 220 Wyoming Avenue Grenadines and Haskell Black Silks Cheap. 4I5 LACKA. AYE. DON'T flavo your COLLABS starchpd in' thu old wriy, wliuu you cm havo tlicm rtono with soft, pUabld l!uttoubuka for TWO CENTS EACH. Lackawanna T ME LAUNDRY If you want Carpets, Draperies. Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of goods, and our prices are very low. Williams k McAnulty 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. Concert of the Lawrence baml at Young Men's Cnrinlian Association hall tonight. The Excelsior Athletic club will meet to morrow morning at 10 o'clock in its hall over the Boston Store. Workmen are engaged laying the con crete foundations for the piers that will npport the new Hotel Jormyn. A piano recital will bo given at Powell's next Monday night by Miss' iNellie Al bright, under the diroction of E. E. Soulli Worth. The Woman's guild of St. Lukes' church will bold a cak sale at the Parish bouse, K25 Washington avenue, this morning from !) to 11 o'clock. Beginning tomorrow evening wvicps will be held during the summer at 7 o'clock each Sunday evening in St. Luke's church. There will be no sermon. The work of tearing down the south wall of the Westminster, which was dam aged by the burning of the Arcade several months ai?o. was begun yesterday. Rev. F. U. Gift, of the Now Englnnd Lutheran church, who ban a service in the Young Jlcn's Christian Association build ing at 10.110 Sunday morning, will speak In the Rescue Mission Sunday eveniug at S o'clock. The Groeu Uidgo Evangelical Sunday fchool on Capon nvenuo will tender their first annual Children's I)ay service on Sun day evening at 7 o'clock. An Inti programme entitled "The Open Door" will be rondered. Samuel T. Jonos, of New York citv, will occupy the pulpit of the Simpson Method ist Episcopal church, Syria Park, on Sun day evening, lie is a graduate of Uarvard university and now conuected with St. Bartholomew's mission. Many Scwintonians will take advantage of the I4.BB excursion via. the Jersey Central railroad to New York from Juuo H to June 24, yie tickets for which ontitlo bolders to return on any train until June 30, The city Llederkranz will compete in the great SnengortVst, which is to be hold from June 22 to June 2fl In Madison Square garden. Special seivlces will bo held in tho Dun more Presbyterian church tomorrow as follows: The graduates of Profo-s ,r duni's School of Boranton will be present at the morning sorvico at 10.31) to listen to u ser mon appropriate for the occasion. All fiiends of the school are cordially invited to bo present. Children's Day axeroiMI will be held in the evening ut 7 o'clock. Christian Eudeavor at 0.30 p. m. Companies C and B, of the National guard, gave n battalion drill in the ur mory last evening. Major Mattes was in ohargo. The different movements were executed with skill and exactness, nnd (bowed that the men had been trained In tbnt line of exercise. At the close of the drilling exercise a dress parade was given. The companies presented a hnndsomo ap pearance and won many compliments from the onlookers. Open All Night at Lobman'a Spruce Btreet. Half Holiday. Half Holiday. Bpend it at the Wood Lnwn Park Belect yonr home site. No further assessment for sewer or grading. This alone is a big itom on lots. Special sale this af I ernoon. Thre In Never time during the whole year that the 5 Bros, sell shoes as cheap as this month, 508 Lackawanna avenue. Dr. C. C Lauhach, dentist, Gas and Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in Bcranton. Matchliss Shaw Pianos Every cus tomer recommends them. Htelle & Seeley, 184 Wyoming avenne. ft NtWiAN o Hears & Hagen ! STILL fi CASE j Superintendent R:c!:ard O'Brien oa the S'aiid for the Defense, THE OTHER WITNESSES HEARD What Dr. Hand Said to Dr. O'Brien. Trial of Case of Flora Levi Against J. S. Miller David Waight Brings Suit Against the Northwest Coal Company Other Cases Hoard Be fore Judge Edwards. The trial of tho case of Dr. Hand against the Otitral Telephone and Supply company, was resume! before Judge Arch bald in court room No. 2 ymtirduy morning. Too pluiutiir wus placed on the stand and iu response to a question explained that he had been Indemnified by an accident Insurance company lor injuries he sustained sev yeatB ago previous to the receiving of a shock from the company's wire. Dr lSuuiwtt O'Brien was the next witness. He bad made a study of elec tricity and had seen Dr. Hand two day after the alleged accident. Plain tilt said at that time he could raise his nan I but could not keep it railed. Dr. O'llrien testified that he could not have received a shock in the manner be claimed and that Thomas A. K llson or any other electrician would tell bim the same thing, in reply to which Dr. Hand said he would made the company dem onstrate that tact if it coat bim all lie was worth. Wituess had examined Dr. Hand's arms and found no atrophy ex cept in a mrule muscle. L I ward Ne.ive, of Sir.inton. was sworn and Itatsd that he bad once re ceived a shock that rendered him un- comcioiie at the time. Arthur Lewis, an electrical expert from Wilkes Barre, was called to tbe stand and answered a number of (in lions nnving tearing on tan particular case. Superintendent O'Brien, of the Wast. ru Union Telegraph oompany, testi : fled to the contract with tilt city to place wires and maintain a fire alarm system in connection therewith. A number of other wiiuass gave evidence I in rebuttal. VERDICT FOB THE PLAINTIFF. Tho trial of the cut of Fiora Livi by bet next friend, D J. Levi, against J. S. Miller aud Benjamin Levi, tres pass, for selling of certain goods be longing to the plaintiff, on u writ against D. J. Ljvi, w completed be fore Judge Searle iu court room No. 3 yesterday forenoon. Shortly after re tiring, the jury retorned verdict of $300 for the plaintiff, nearly the full amonnt claimed. Attormy John F. Scragg had charge of tho case for the plaintiff. The case of David Waight against the Nortiiwest Coal company, limited, wiis called for trial yesterday before Judge Seurle. Attorney Aib Kicketts,1 of Wilkes Barre, appeared fur the plain Hi:', and Attorney E. N. VVillurd, for the defendant. The allegation of the plaintiff is that iu ls'J he sold to the defendant eleven toiler cleaners, tho value of which was $825. Alter they had beeu placed in position at the Northwest colliery, the bill was pre sented, but bus never been paid. The defense is that there was an under standing that the cleaners might be re turned iu caie they did not ptore sat isfactory. The cleaners, it is ciuimed. were valueless aud, furthermore, In jured the boilers and the pluiutiff was notified to remove them, but failed to do so. The case is still on trial. qpma for goods sold. The II. W. Johns Manufacturing company is plaintiff iu a caso against William Connell & S ins that is being tried before Judge Ehvards. Tho com pany i represented by Attorney Charles H. Wells and the defendants by Attorneys Watson & Delhi. Tbe suit is brongbt to recover $103 31, a balance claimed to bo due on tbe bill. When conrt adjourned tbe case had not beeu completed. James Uannou was brought into court for contempt, he having -refused to sign a deod iu compliance with an order from court. When asked by Judge LJwarda 1C he still relused to sign, lie replied iu the affirmative, also stating that he wished to see his at torney. Tho prisoner was thereupon rt.manded to the jail for the night. A SPLENDID ENTERTAINMEMT. Given at the Second Freibytorlan Church Last Evtnlnsr Tho lecture room of the Second Presby terian churcii was tho scene last evening of a delightful entertainment given by the Sunday school orchestra. A tenor sido was the lirst of the vocal selections nnd was rendered with much soirit. Mr. Briton's lyric voice never fails to charm his audience. Mrs. J ay ne'e roudeiing of Ardltis "Dove," was a rare treat and was enthusiastically received. Mum Catharine Parker s numbers were specially attractive, Her lirst recitation, "In Inoque" is a society piece of much merit, but the gem of the evening was her "l.ittie Golden Hair." Iu this Miss Parker displayed her rare skill in portraying child life. Tho orchestral numbers wero excellent, Sspsclaly the Gavotte and the closing over ture. Tho rapid advancement ot Mr. Wldmayef, as a violinist was appnrent as he rendered with surprising technique, Leonard's Fantasie militnlre. Prof. Rocltwoll, Miss Smith and Miss Bayley wore tho accompanists. BANQUET ANDPRESENTATION. Sevntn Paatma'stors of F. and A. M. Ruceivi Pastmast'i'i Jewels. After tho lvrrular meetina of Hiram lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, West Market street, held Thursday eveniug, the lodge gave a banquet to the members and visiting brethren numbnrnu in all about 1(10 persins. T. Hunt llrock. of tho Wind sor hotel, had prepared an excellent menu lor tne occasion, which all present soemed to enjoy with a relish. 1 lie eVeulU ' was also made innmnrnbln by tho presentation of nastmaster's iowels to all the living paymasters of the lodge since 1W7. seventeen in all. Speec'.es wero mad-i by A J. Colborn, John F. Scragg, ex-Mayor Fellows aud T. nrana i unman. TODAY'S EXCUR ION TO FARVIEW. It Will B Conduoted by th Young- Wo man's ChrWiUn Aoclatlon. Tlta V.kiltirr V,,mfi'a f'l, dut In. 1- .u - " ..".....Ma vuitrviau nnDuiu- firm will run nn exe.nri.ion fn rnrvii.iv ,),. morning, leaving this city nt 8.30, return ing at 5.30. It is honed that nvnrv frinnrl nf tlm wortliy organization will accompany thia excursion. The fare is only 75 cents children -it' and the trip is the most (harming one within easy distance of Bcranton, RUN DOWN WHILE ASLEEP. Sad Acc ount That B.M Oicar Sammon at Av cs. Oscar Summon, a young man 21 voars of age, who resided with his parents at Little England, near Dun more, was so severely injured at Avoca Thurday night mat no died at his homo yesterday morn ing. i oung Sammon was a brakeinau on the Erie nnd Wyoming Valley railroad aud while bis train was standing In tho yard t Avoca he sot down on tho track and beiirj very tired fell asleep. He was run down by a train and had both legs and an arm cutoff. He was tak-ju to his home, where ho died early yesterday muruiug. MATINEE AT THE FROTHINGHAM. Chimes of Normandy to B .Repeated This Afternoon and Evening. At tho matinee at the Frothingbam this afternoon the Haekay.Kennedy company will present the delightful "Chimes of Normandy." The Chimes is nn opera that gives every member of this r,-nl!y excellent company lireat opportunities, a fact is takuu ad vantage of. Tne production is tho best yet given, and undoubtedly the most finished presenta tion of the Opera ever seen in this city. The wnrlt of Fanny Myers, Lizzie Gonzalez aud Messrs. Young, Langlors and Holmes being of the highest order. Edd Headway has mado u decided aud emphatic hit as the notary. Next week tho repertoire will bo Mon day nnd Tuesday nights and Wednesday matinee "Bohemian Girl," Wednesday and Thursday nights "Olivette," Friday and Saturday night! and Saturday matinee "Mikado." At tho matinco today special prices. Reserved seats only In, 15 aud 25 cents. B9AY0R UAKEM REQUEST. In Compliance with It Many Druggistc and Cigar Dealers Will Re main Closed on Sunday. Letters were sint by, Mayor Connell yesterday to the various druggists and cigar dealers who have figured in tin Sunday closing litigations of tho past few weeks, rtqassttug drnggtats to re train from the sale of DierchaddiSS on the Sahbatb, except such as may ba re quired lor sickness and requesting . tiier dealers to ojnia 8abbatn trafflj entirely. From inquiries made by a Tribune reporter it was learned that the n quest will bo complied with, Following is the letter sent by Mayor Connell to the druggists: Bcranton, Pa., Juno is, isoi. DlAHBlRl If yon will kindly limit the pule ot merchandise irom yonr store on Sun day strictly to those articles which are e--svntial to the treatment of sickness, you will confer a favor ou mo which will bo fully appreciated. Yours very truly, W. L. Ci'NNKi.i., Mayor. Druggist Phelps has replied to tl e letter saying ho will cheerfully comply with the request, and that neither Mr, Dony nor those behind him could have brought it about. Mr. Phelps stated to a TRIBUNE reporter that he proposed to stand ly his public announcement that he would accept any dose Mayor Counell might prescrio-.i. From Mr. Phelps it wus learned that McO irrah & Thomas would also accede to the r. q iext. hi, Moses, tho Lackawanna avenue cigar dealer, said ho would close his store on Sunday in complianoe with the mayor's getitlemauly t quest. Druggist Ryan, of I'euu avenue, said the closing of his sodavater trade on Sunday would incur an inconvenience for his customers and deprive thorn of what he believe9 is a necessity. It is his purpose to confer with Mayor Cjii nell today. While not assuming a rad ical position iu tbe matter, be could not Btato last night just whuf lie would do regarding the mayor's it quest. This morning a tuectiug will be held of those who opposed the Dony crusade at which the mayor's letter will be con sidered. From the tenor of the remarks of those to whom Tin: TRIBUNE reporter conversed last night, it seems evident that the request of the mayor will be sufficient to secure the obset vauco of the law. Those approached, however, declared emphatically that they would never have submitted out of respect for :ur. Dony a wishes. WARRANT WJS NOT SERVED. Rev. Mr. Dony Was In Wilkes-Barre Yesterday on Fusiiies. Tho warrant issued at tho instance of Drug Clerk Frank Beavers charging Rev. F. A. Dony with perjury was not served yesterday, as Mr. Dony was in Wilkes- Barre all day ou business. It will bo served this morning. Druggist Pbe',p3 says that thoro was no Intention on the part of any one to entrap .Mr. Dony. Personally he had no knowl edge that hi-, clerk, Mr. Baa vers, was in New York until bo was so informed by his Lead clerk last Sunday night. Air. Beavers, when arrested, felt that he hud a just grievance and bad the warrant for Mr. Dony issuod. GIRLS HAVE A NARROW ESCAPE. Mias Hand and Miss Xorrey Upset in a Pony Cert. Two young girls, daughters ot George Hand and City Solicitor Torrey.had a nar row escape from serious injury yesterday noon while driving a pony attached to a cart. They were bowling along Gibson street and In endeavoring to turn into Mole court the cart was upset and the girls thrown to the pavement. At the same tune the pony became entangled in the harness and fel uown, injuring itseir somewhat. a nuuiuiT ot pers n:s rusueu to mo res cue, but fortunately found that u bad tright whs ll. o only damage which tho girls sustained. A WEEK OF STANDARD PLAYS. Wlil lie Presented in a Fins Manner at Wonderland, The old patrons of the Wonderland thea ter ere pleased over the announcement that this popular hones will open Its doors on Monday for ii week of extensive report toire by the Modem Star players. "II net Kirke," "Forg'veness." "i'orget-.Me Not," "Fal ely Accused," "F'un ou the Bliitol" and "Private Secretary" will be pseseuted, PrlOfS for the matinee, which will be given every nfternoon, will be but 10 nnd 20 cents. A feature to which is attached a great ileal of interest is the entitling of every bidder of an admission ticket to a chance ou a high grade bicyclo. VISIT TO THE TRAINING SCHOOL. Directors Giv oi an Objjot Lisson on the Work It. Dobb. F. L. Wormier, 0, S Jacobs, Goorgo Mitchell and W. J. Welsh, members of tne board of control, and Superintendent of Schools Phillips yesterday afternoon vis ited the trainiug school for leachers and were given an object lesson by Miss Laura Boice, its principal, in the manner iu which i he school is conducted. The visitors were much gratified with what they saw aud me convinced that the training School is all excellent institution. Children's Day Services. Tomorrow Trinity Evangelical Sunday Bchool, corner Luke aud Kurtz streets "Little England," will celebrate Children's day, nnd a time of great rejoicing is an ticipated by all who bnve so earnestly toiled to prepare an excelleut programme. The pastor, Hcv. J. G. Whitemore, haB kindly consented to preach an illustrated sermon fur the benefit of the children at Mi. -ii a. in. At 2 p. m., Sunday school us usual. At 7. 80 p. in., servicos of the childron, for whoso special interest aud enjoyment tho day is sot apart. Wood Lawn. Wood Lawn. Why are the lots at Wood Lawn Park the best. Because no assessments tor sewer or grading streets will be mado. Special sale this afternoon, also 0 to 8 p. m. The 6 Bros', shoes are easy to wear and hard to wear out. OUR CITY S NEW PARKS The tevelopmeni tf the Idea Among the People cf Scraaton. THE LONG DESIRE fS SATISFIED Something About Our Residential Parks and the Groat Fad for Elegant Suburban Retreats -They Are Mak ing Our City Dcautiful and Health ful and Giving Us Innumerable Model, Well Appointed Homes. Long before Scran ton was ont of her teens the thriving young city has seen the need of parks, aud with this sprinu has coino the final triumph of her praiseworthy endeavors. Not having H great public park where the people might fly tho burning rays of the sun her most progressive oitliaos sought to bring tho pleasures o( tho country and of the parks to their homes. "From out of evil eometh goor1,"aud from th abseuoe of public parks heve come tho beautifying ol the city residences an I tbe conception of the idea of residen tial parks. Several of Huso havo been opened iu this alkfi but by far the prettiest ot t'uem, us all concede, is Riohmoot Park, in upper Green Ridge, Hichiuont Park is located on u ground of all grades of elevation and commands a varied view of Ihe most picturesque portions of our hills and valleys, The air is particularly frsli, iuvigoratiug and life-iiifltilltng. Rlcbmont Park, all acknowledge, is a reul residential Eden, and some of the most beautiful residences urn being "rooted there. ill srrj dbll L There is a great ruau ufere of tho best clasi of our citiz-ns. who are largely purchasing places for homes. O i all sides lots have been purchased by lawyers, journalists, clergymen, drucgists, merchants and men and woni JU in tbe highest stations, callings and professions, and from tho class of resiliences there are in this column it is evident to nil that Ricbmont Park is fast becoming tho choice residential lo cality of tbe Electric City. The dwel lings shown beneath nr of the southern models nud are now in course of erec tion In Riohmont Park by Contractor 13. F. Dunn, of Greeu Ridge, according to the plans prepared by Architects F L. Drown & l'ercival J. Morrid, of this city. r satVi- . 7-rnm v, !i ejhjWilll I " The engravings speak out for them selves. The cottages are complete throughout in nil the modern idea of home complete in hp. They are con structed with large and spacious rooms, broad and delightful verandas, beau tiful and oninmenlod porticos, sightly nnd airy observatories and elegant compact balconies. They are adoruod with exquisite turned mouldings, cas ing and iterio frieies. Tho windows are of varying siz's and sh ipes oblong, square, circular and semicircular; they are of plain and stained glass and ar singio or grouped, doublo and triple The buildings are being constructed with the best sanitary plumbing, with hot nn l cold t Water batlirooms, closets, gas connections and fixtures, laundries with staiionarv stone tubs kitchon A. .. ... ' 'A3 I Bp' ranges, lurnuces and electric lei's. The cellar walls are of wiiitn atone laid in courses and beautiful iro i fences i f unique design will run along the grassy lawns in fn nt. These buildings so complete in all OLIVE OIL ABSOLUTELY PORE. No cotton seed oil used in the Olive Oil bearing our name. Full Pints, 50c, per bottle Full Qts,, 90c. per bottle 1 Gal. Tins, $2.20 per gal. 5 Gal. Tins, $2.00 per gal. All other popular brands, 50 and 75c. per quart. E. G. COURSEN, 429 Lacka. Ava. . - ff ' . n i--eietv 1 &5 rmn 'V Ir El . -''-4W3 .'. . -o--rvi . r -jt A'Li-:-' things aud so beautiful In design give evidence of the character of the build ings which are to adorn tbe lots in Klchmont park. These housss are amply protected by restrictions which will prevent uuy inferior houses to de tract from the beauty of tho houses in I ho park. A pretty little office of original design by the same architects, is erected on Ricbmont avenue and is open all hours nf the tlsy and evening. They have nn nfti ..t 117 I'etiti avenue in charge of Attorney II. M. Hannah, one of tho comp mv. Tiiey have lots of ull prices from ifiiDO to $1 200 accord ing to location and requiring but $100 down, give ten yours to pay tho bal ance. Richmont park has nearly a mile of stouo sidewalks, and one-half a mile of a sewer laid, catch basins, etc. The city water is all through the park Tho tireen Ridge People's CHrs run within half a block of it and the Dun -iuor Suburban is not tnoro than two blocks awaf on the other side of the handsome Pennsylvania State build ings of the Oral tchaul. Hichmout p. irk is destined to be the grandest resi -dental locility in all the city of Scran ton. FIRST GRADUATESOF SEASON. Commencement Pxsrciscs of School cf Lackawanna Held Yester day Afternoon. The class which graduated yester day from tho Sebool of the Lack i waniiu was as follows: Misses Augusta Pratt Fordham, Pauline Meredith Pitcher, Louise Bidwell Hull, Mary Allen Peunypaoker, Robert W. Arch bald, Charles U Cole, Frank R. Stouker, William J. Torrey, Arthur B, Williams, usorge S HoldsrmsQ, James L, Fatlook, Arthur C, Thompson, Ed ward S Moffat, James W. GUarbart, Frank Roth receives u State College certlttcattfa Prises wero awanlel eg follows; Kami compositiou medal, ?! i Marlon F. Crni.e; classical, Charles M. Hatha way; lirst German, Miss Augusta P Forcttum; second French, Hiss Lillle Hutobings; algebra, Myrtis Foots uud Charles W, Pond; botany herbarium, Cauls Bennett; honorable mention, Alice Osterhouti beginner's Latin, Edith L Hill; honorable mention, David J, Davis, Albert H. Craue; be-ginuer'- German, Myrtis A Foote. Prises in the intermediate depart ment were awarded as follows: Draw ing, Farrington Buy dam; honorable mention, G. Clark Gull). Ctrl Bern bard; French, Anna Merriman. The intermediate aud primary de partment exercises were Held in th morning nnd the graduating txeraisea in tho afternoon. Th room OJUtsineil a handsome display of 11 iwers and class color. Following is the programme rend ered : Prayer by Kev. Mr. Guild. Beading of P, bo cjiuposition by Miss Ma rlon Crane. Singing, No. S7J, Go.-pcl Ilyrnn. Anuiinl address to the school by Kjv. L. C. Floyd, D. I), Singing, No. 201, Gospel Hymns School address to the clues by Kev. Uany W. Luce, class of 'Si. Presentation of medals aud diplomas by Mr. Can n. Song to the tune of ''Bingo," closing with class cheer. Announcement of prises by Mr. BuelL The school bong, closing with tho school cheer. Benediction. Dr. Gibbons, of New York city, will bo iu his Scrnntou office, -141 Wyoming avenue, every Mon day fr,.in S in thu morning until U in tho evening. Giar d Openins of my hotel, at the corner of Penu avenue and dpi nee street, on Monday afternoon and evening, June 18. Free lunch all day. F. J. MILL, KB, proprietor. Formerly C. H. Miller. D.rgdin'. Birsains. Why aie the people Hocking at Wood Lawn Park. It is cool and shady. Special sal of lots this afternoon, Don't wait, but buy now. Prices that beat auy. Try us, Also ou plot from tl to S p. m. r. he 5 Bros' have nlwnys Something now, that is why everybody trades there. RsiNBABT'S market. Meats, fish nnd groceries, lowest pnssihlo prices. Uvax, the druggist, will give to callers who are troubled, for one week one bottle of Dinimock's kidney nnd bladder cuie free, or will sell two hundred uosos for one dollar, guaranteed as represented. Toadlo & Weoiz's nnd Ballantins'j Ales i re the bi st. E, J, Walsh, Agont, 88 Lackawanna avenue. Swknv, champion high jutaper of the world, will be here Juno 23. RiniBART'S market sells fresh roll but ter at is cents. Call and examine. A Comfortable Shoe is what the 8 Qios. can give you. Wood Lawn I ark. Said lo be the linest plot ever opened iu Uih i liy, A home site can now be had at a low ligure Come this p. m. Sure and get one. Special prices. Buy iho W'tbsr nnd got the best. At Guernsey Bros. And Right Up to Date. . JUNE 18 We have Artistic Designs in Wed ding Gifts and all the Latest Novel ties. W.W. BERRY, Jeweler 417 LACKA. AVE. Best Sets of Teeth, $3 00 including the painless extracting cf teeth by an entirely new prt cess. S. C. Snyder, D.p.S. 180 WYOMING AVli ON fi Oil Weddm Music Boxts Exolusivslv. Eest made. Play any desired number of tnnes. Oautschi & Sons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut stroet, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only t5 aad 110. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired aud improved with new tunes. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiHigiiiiup For Public Benefit I It's no us- to remind you 3 that warm weather Is hole. -But will re- a mind you of our lino of Bummer Goods S Sen our linn or O LAO I KB ItKYBIfl BKATOHl, with iiateated movablu IlueB. Bolid leu rack aad shelve, seven wnlls to preserve tho ico. Best In the world. S Kemoml.or, wo havo tho 3 E lluoot asaortment of OIL aud UAH 9 S NIOV1SS, CiAs IttNOKS, etc., in tho I B city. a gj Don't buy a lawn mower until you m have boon our uuarantood 5 S " s Electric Mowers, !'! M Inch, 83.50. 3 Window Screens, All Sizes, IS."..-, up, 2 I Screen Doors, complete. we, I Wire Cloth, A" ffi aud 1 I Cherry Fitters, 40 and 00c. r.i , ras S H.Battin &Ca I BcrantoV, i6 pcn Ave 1 1 ,11 i ll 1 1 A Speelallsta t-CRAMTON. iiiiimcistiiiiiiiriniiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiisiik' LAPP'S CORSST AND GLOVE STORE. On Win tar, "u e 11, we' wl 1 havo an exrio i- e l irsot omu I'fn jn i wYoik who i 1 o h b t ai d t.t t ie co . bra ed P. O. CORSETS. We will bi Ploii3(d to fit eyerv who esfjs tohavea IVriie Ft ns Oorsit, We are alto P re part d to lit any L'orke fi'oinaOc. lo the higher prieca 128 Wyoming Ave. IF OS That tlie natural outlines of the foot should be preserved rather than interfered with; if you bdlieve iu comfort and fit ns well as style; if you bulii;ve in shapely Bhooa for Bhape ly feet; if you want service then put your money, as well as your feet, in our shoes. We show and sell the grandest and greatest line of Tootwear that ever adorned and protected thj feminine or masculine foot. Ladies' Beautiful Russet Tipped Oxfords, all sizes, $1.00. Ladies Gxtra Quality Russet Llucherettes, $2.00. Misses' Best Quality Russet Goat, spring heel, button, $1.35. Child's Extra Quality Patent Leather Tipped, button, 75c. FEI CLOTHING & SHOE HOUSE 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters, SC RAN TO N, PA. S. L. GALLEN. REMEMBER- -Every purchaser of $1 worth or over receives a chance on the Beautiful PARLOR SUIT. WILL Y BUY THIS PRICES: II TO 2 $1.25 VA TO b'A $1.50 RAIN OR SHINE EACH day this week we will offer bargains appro priate to the weather. If rainy Umbrellas and Mackintoshes; and if clear weather, Straw Hat.?. Mil lmery, Shirt Waists, Ladies' Suits, Neckwear, &c. Special for MEN'S AND BOYS' NECKWEAR, 17c, EACH AGENCY FOR DR. JAEGER'S WOOLEN GOODS BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LA0EAWANNA AVE. Here We Are Again This time wa offer a $2.00 Leghorn Hat for 89c. Remember this is the finest Leghorn Hat tuude. Silk Poppies for 10 cents a dozen. 50 different styles of Flow for 10 cents a spray. In our CLOAK DEPART MENT we will sell a $6 Coat for $2.98. Capes for $1.98. Ladies' Tailor-mad3 Suits for $4.98, worth $8. I Furs STORKI) and INSURED IF ALTERED BY US, FREE OP CM A ROE During thu bummer. J m BOL .JMSS 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME DAN !. Men's best grade Casco Calf, lace and Congress, Loudon aud French tee, $1.90. Men's extra quality Russia Calf, hand Welt, lace and Congress, $3.00. Youths' extra quality B Calf, tipped, button and bals, $1.00. Infants' best quality Tau and Red Goat, button, 50c. That Boy Yours Wouldn't wear out so many Shoos if you bought hint Try a pair next time. Our spe cialty is good-wearing and good looking Shoes for Children. Banister's Shoe House This Week: Toe Owl Shoe