The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 16, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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(e &crattfon CriBune
pudlishcd daily in sc hanton, pa., bt the
Yrioun. Publishing Company.
Nrw York Office I Tri.unc Buildino. Frank .
Qrav, Manaqcr
J-'oi- Governor:
For I(m(ciinii( Onvtrnoi'.'
(II ALl.l.i.llKW.
J or Auditor ffenoral;
T4Y Secretory ' wmiI Affortrtt
fOf OwtpffMRl cii-nl-1. ci rg$!
OK Wr-.sraimi:i.ANl).
Election Tlinf, Nov. i
DnCOOISI .). II. PBEIiPB ttkei excep
tions to tiw Idea that ii w.ia instru
mental In proonring the Absence fmm
iScrantoii, 1 1 -i Saaday, of Frank Beav
ers, t ho clerk who WU arrested ani uc
qnitted uuou a nhrsia o? violating the
Bnnday law of 1704, Mr. Beiver. it
will ho remtmbsred, was in N 'w York
city on the day in question. His jour
ney, 51 r, Phelps iay, wis undertaken
bt his own Volition, it Doing Mr. Buv--rs'
'May eft' " Mr. PUulps is a man of
Teraoily, Hie explanation will explain.
One Criiic Answured.
One of the enrioni complaints that
hare come to The Tribune from sub
Ferihore who ure dissatisfied with its
etumi for local law-euforcetnent is the
aster lion of a Penn avenue merchant
that ''wo want the buinss men's
trade but Rive them no protection,"
As this sentence stands it it enigmatic;
nnd our critic unfortunately neglects
to ii cc 'inn my it with a key.
In order, bowever, to wake olear what
we conceive to be his tniiappreheniioa,
wo shall tali " tliia timely occasion to
tay that tho Bobanton Tbibukb
''wants the business inon'si tr.idj" be
cause it believe! that for every dollar
of trado it thus ecur-?s it will Rive a
Bound di llar's tqnivalent, It is not a
charity and it doet not ask alms. It
conducts a legitimate bnslnett in a
mannr that makef it acceptable to n
daily Increasing number o( readers and
ndvertisors; nnd Him reason whv its
patronage is increasing is becsuse it
lias given and proposes to continue to
give good service at fair rates. Wuen
i vsr Tbb Tbisunb ceatea to Jo this, we
want those do not get their
motley's worth to quit doing business
with it. That's both their privileg'
nnd thiir duty.
Insofar, however, as our critic fan
cies that the convictions which this
journal potaeaaea on public questions
will or can he swayed by their failure
to esc ape criticism, it einn to be a
good time to remark that ho is ehsriah.
ini: a delusion. Tho best "protection"
which we can give to Bcranton busi
ness men is to supply them with a daily
newspaper which has opinions of its
own and is not afraid to print them
They cannot expect "protection" in il -legitimate
practices, and they will not
get it. If our friend object! to THB Tniu
I'NE because it believes in law observ
ance and law enforcement, we are
porry for him. But wo venture to
whi-per that he will lose lots of choice
news and comment if he shall permit
liis momentary pique to deprivj him of
the daily visitations of the favorite
morning newspaper of northeastern
If the Pittsbnrg pipers are to ba be
lieve I, the birth struggle of the new
"Progressive American party" which
was to revolutionize national politics,
proved too severe for its meagre vitality
and the movement has therefore ex
pired. Tnis does not sjein to be a
4 -d year for third parties.
On the Wrong Track.
Few features of those newspapers
which are published at a distance from
tho scene of the recent coke riots aro
more interesting than the comments
iiri-i upon the rioters, their omployers,
and mining conditions. To call inter -i
sting, for instance, the nsiertion of
the Iodiaoapolil Journal that "Henry
C. Frick's Homestead policv defeated
the It 'publican party in 1802.'' is cer
tainly not an exaggeration. Wo might
even go fnrthor and truthfully cill it
But this is not to what we desired
particularly to call attention. After
quoting the report that ninety p r cent
of tlni ntiiking coke rioters were un
naturallcsd foreigners, and that ninety
three per cent of them have uever paid
a cent to tiie support of this govern
ment, the Journal adds:
But when they are condemned the opar-
atort who put then into the m to mke
the places of r-tter men donerve the same
condemnation, Tiioyget into trouble with
their foreign workmen nnd then invoke
the law to protect them. (Standing out
against all efforts to restoro poaco ami re
lUtnt work on a fair basis, they invoke the
military arm of Pennsylvania and some
parts of Ohio to hold their ignorant nnd
vicioUB element in check. Popular govern
ment should not be subjected to such
strains and the people put to so much ex
pense. The ignorant and vicious foreign
miners who arc responsible for most of the
violence, ehonld be mado to obey the laws.
Furthermore, if the ctaB of coal op
erators who i. nve got these men about
their mines because t hey can live on lens
toi d and work for less wages than Ameri
can citizeuB insist on bringing the condi
tions about eV' iy year or two which lead
to these outbreaks, it seems that tlie state
el.' i, ;d ci uiPmn anil take the coal prop
ties m the interest, of law and order. Pri
vate property is thus taken for public
buildings and for railroads, It piivatu
property can be taken tor forts to defend
u country against external foes, why can
not it be taken to put an eud to internal
turmoil and violence much more luiuiiciil
to the aims of good government?
This ia a conspicuous case of g tting
the cart before tho horae, No donbt
the coke producers nnd soft coal opera
tors would readily sell their ovens and
mines to the government, and be glad
of the chance. lint such willinguess
on their part would not necessarily im
ply that the government would be jus
tified in buying. There is too much
dumping of individual cares on tho
government's shoulders as it is. Gov
ernment is the poorest thing to do DM"
iuoss with, known. It is ready to 1-t
its cilizuns do business and to protect
tbem while drlog it; but it has no
business trying to do iheir business for
them, and this is as true of eoal niir.os
and cck-i oveus at it i3 of railroad! and
telegraphs and grist mills and slab fac
lories. The government's business is
to mind its own business and not to so
seizing the business of its citizens. The
Indianapolis Journal, living so noar a
distinguished ex-president who has
clear views on this question, ought to
be bettor informed than to advocate
state socialism as a cure for ills grow
ing out of abused corporate privilege
OBOBOB AFPO'b testimony Thursday
before the Lvxow committee in Now
York waf interesting ia many ways.
Appo is one of the "king pins'' of the
"green goods" business. He "roped
suckers in" and then let the Gotham
police iuto the "divvy." Not omy
ure theso investigations instructive in
B political sense, but a6 objtot lesions
lu np to date slang, they cjujprisj a
regular rogue's lexicon.
Take Your Choice.
The temporary revival of tbo obso
lescent spirit of the Lost Cause has
come to bo an expected consequence of
tho annual Memorial Day afiUttU, Thit
year's observance developed no uncom
mon custom; it merely gave au unu
sual flicker in one or two places to the
dying sectional lires, the last, snappish,
rebellious glare, as it were, which pre
cedes utter extinction. One of these
pluces was Atlanta, (la , where cadets
at the (i"orgin military institute, on
the afternoon of May 'Jo, paraded the
streets behind a Confederate war flag,
That was harmless enough, iu inten
tion. It whs harmful because of its
luck of motive or necessity. The other
place of unusual belligerence was at
Richmond, Vs., where ou Ujv. Dr.
(Juve enlogiBsd the defunct cause und
maligned tiie north; and where fi;e
eating Tom Rotter let loose the oscapj
valve of his superfluous pyrotechnic
oratory In acclamation of accession an 1
state rights,
Iu the journalistic totting about
which th.'so inoldsntt have occasioned
we note two expressions by Southern
papers which afford a vivid coLtrast.
Una ia from the Kicbmotid Times, iuJ
answer to some observations by the
Washington EJoit ; and the other is from
the Louisville Conrlor-Jonrnal, in re
ply to some similar Cimiuicuis by the
Milwaukee Sentinel, We can do no
letter than to put tho suhatauce of
ouch ttido by sid':
Bi'ehmond Timin.l
Aside from the con
sideration and re- peel
which the oflt "ims am!
soldiers of both sides
BhoWOd each other nil
through the war and
which was handsome
ly exemplified by Gen
eral Orant and his men
at Appomattox, we are
unable to appiedate
that "affectionate
magnanimity "t the
victors" to which tho
Post refers. The claim
Loutnllls Courier
Wh it itanre bat the
south lost wbtcb n
mains to be vindicat
ed, or which eon bo
recovered! The war
between the sections
was nut a war of races
or of religious sys
tems. It was nut even
a war of dynasties,
leaving behind it the
sense of Irreparable
wrong oa the p irt of
the beaten and uxolud
ed claimants. Two
issutt aluno were In-volvod-the
rnrlit of
tbe ownership of slave
property In the terri
lories, and very
whore elto,nnabridged
ana anassat ed, uiul
the rinlit or a state,
peaoofully and at its
own will, to Meeds
from tho Union. The
fuunilnrti i.rtiu, lTm,,,,
to magnanimity was.
perhaps, based upon
the acceptance hy tie
Vict irs of tho Barren- I
d -rof the vanquished.
But wo have yet to
learn that in tne last
half ol the Nineteenth 1
century it is rontid-1
ered a magnanimous
act for one armed foe :
to r'i-,-e quarter to bis
vanquisn-'Q enemy. i
is no more than a ont
tqmary act r the
plainest humanity.
The side which Would
matte merit for itself
out of SUch an act goes
a long way toward
proving Itself barbar
ous. Starting with this
ordinary act of civil
ized war. What (lid
that - affectionate "
and " magnanimous
victor" next dot II"
subjected the people
of tho south to a rulo
of thieving carpet
baggerSi voted into
place by a population
of Ignorant, aoml-bar-
harous slaves, and sus
tained iu place by tho
bayonets of that "af
fectionate and mag
nanimous 4 lie my."
That suno "magnani
Dot lieicir able clearly
to determine those is
sues, iimi compro
nosed tlieni in the ur
rantelaw. iho limi-
tiitlons of slavery and
the exact relatiuti of
the states to the feil
eral government w-ro
left open qaeetiont in
tho constitution. A
coed argument could
be made on either tide
as to iiotii questions,
uood arguments wore
made on a ther side as
to both iiuostlons.
Forty yea re .it agita
tion culminatod ia
four years of w.-ir.
whose resulti proved
conolnttVR, It was a
llnal trial by arms.nud
tho verdiet wont
acninst the south.
Whatever peaceful
rU'lit of Secession a
state niiulit have leu
ally poseessed,tho war
practlcall; demon
strated that it could
never ho eartiod iuto
effect as long si im
man nature remains
what it Is, and llnoo
slavery existod no
Ioiikoi , its right in tlie
territories, or else
where, could not seri
ously interest or con
cern anybody.
Thirty years of
peaoo have confirmed
the verdict of these
tour years of war.
Minus slavery, iho
people of the United
states are exactly
Where they wore ho
tore the war. There
has not been til
slightest cliungo in
our Fedora system.
Tin r is no:, tho all lit
est abridgement of the
rights of any cltlsen,
Human liberty has
onlasged, not con
tracted, Nor is there
tii ' l-ast discrimina
tion tSJtWeSB) the citi
zens of lbs south, or
hetwenn the soldiers
who wore the Lino
and toe toldieri who
worn the gray, exoept
in tho mutter of tho
pension llst,and turely
no brave or honest
Confederate soldi s r
has ever h en hoard
to romp a a that any
hravo or 11, nest L'nioii
Soldier tuu had his
yioefl thus recognised,
in ail things else, it is
one with tile men who
followed (Irant and
With tne men who lol
lowed Lee, They sit
side by side in con
gress: 'hey serve eldo
By side iii the cabinet ;
th y have represi nied
tho country and mo
rei resontfng it in its
foreign d i p in in a t lo
sei -vice with an aliility
and loyalty which, as
between two. cannot
he dis banished the
one from tlie other.
There is no right en
joyed by .Massachu
setts which is not en
joye I by Mississippi.
mous Victor held the ,
people of tho south
hound down for y ar
atti r yar under this
liorrl 1 carnival of rob
bery, pillage and
Orlme of all sorts un
til ho had Inflicted a
greater injury upon
the south than he did
with all hiB armies
We aro not prepared
to appreciate or bo
thanafnl for any "af
fectionate magnanim
ity" of 1 bat sort.
Nor is this our only
complaint of this
"magnanimous" ene
my. Wo cannot for
eet that his armies
were, to a largo ex
tent, composed of for
sign mercenaries and
that they mado war
as such armlet usu
ally do. Now, we of
the South frankly ad
mit that ih" north
had able and blavo
officers and many? pa
triotic men in tho
ranks. Let that be
understood clearly
and explicitly. But
we deny that you had
an army at ell like
ours, and It is nit out
of place that iu I unci al
oeremoniea held
among ourselves to
commomo ra to our
own sufferings inid
glories WO should ana
lyz the case and ex
hibit all its elements
just as they were. All
honorable proportion
of your nu n foucht
because fiey loved
their country, bat tho
overwhelming num
ber of those that en
listed and now swell
the poision rolls stoo l
in ranks for hire and
for money. You paid
them enormous boun
ties to enlist, and vou
pa d them well while
thev served. Tho view
of the war, which ob
tained during the war.
can be soon at thiiday
all over the North.
Your politicians
mouth a great iluul
over tho soldiors, but
your population looks
upon him in he main
as a man who wiis paid
to dp what li" did,
This pr oonderance
of mercenaries mado
all the more honorable
til" service t.hoae sol
diers of the ttnloo who
vo 1 u Bte a red and
fought for the Hag,
which was nowhere
more venerated than
in the South until it
became the emblem
of a broken constitu
lion nnd of a meicilehs
How-; different was
the ruse and Is til"
case still, here. Our
soldiers fought for
love of country alone.
Wo were one nn
eneOttt people lu tho
fight, und tho women
and children and old
men at homo were
just as much soldiers
111 tipirit and in mind
us the no n who stood
up iu rani to give ai d
take 1' e. In evidence
of this the confederate
soldier is to this day a
respected man be
at OSS hu was a soldier.
1 here is not a star ,n
thollrmanient of he iv
en which does not
shino iquaby npon
Vermont and Texas;
nor, for the -.tint tor of
that, a U npon the
Hag of tho Union that
does not do the same
thing. What cans.',
therefore, has 1 oeu
Inst that WS ought to
maintain, and that,
time will restore u-?
African slavery!- Nun
House. No sane nun
would recall it if ho
could. Tim right of
secession? Let Colo
rado try it. and seo
how quick tho sou ill
will tote with tho
north men and money
to whip her back.
Surely, as Individuals,
we eouid not ho better
oli if the t'onfederarv
had Mii-eided, and
there are those who
think much worse, be
cause the sivccrb of
confederacy meant the
revival 111 America of
nil t- op'-oblems which
hundreds ot years of
broil and battle have
We viewed tho war I left unsettled iu Kur
dillcr ntly at the I opj. whllo ti e restora
time; we viow it dif- tiou of thu V'uion en
fereatly still, and dif- ' ables us to tak ' np
fereiitiy we will ever1 the old sweet talo of
view it. With you it t Banker BUI and York
was mainly a matter town, and pursue it
of Pus in ess and under clod's blessiug
mmoy; w ith ns it j to the end of time,
was a sentiment aud (Hi, no! Alltle-p o
a devotion to an i pie, North ui:d South,
arer lasting principle, stand on common
We seceded from the ground. It is no longer
union b. -cause w.- h .d ' a huddle ot p.)Uy sov-
thi right to secede, orelsntiut U1VKWI oy
a d, being jcdncs of
the oocailon vrheo
that right should be
exercistd, we deter
sectional lil.Oi. but
nation held toge titer
not merely bv legal
hook 1 of steel, hut liy
mined that the tune
hearts ami nanus.
Lad Lome, i'rom that I which the dizzy elo
timo rorwaru we
fought not tor that
which wo believed to
be right, as you insist
i u putting it, hut tor
that winch wan right.
ow, these are tho
views of the southern
people, all extrava
gant, reconciliation
spujchcs to th" con
trary notwithstand
ing The Po.t must
lot think, however,
that We aro repining
quence of unbalanced
minds can nowise
shake, whether they
pieach the fanaticism
of cniHjuoHt or the fa
naticism of revenge.
It ib a nation, bound
together by a consti
tution as regnant in
thu South 11s 111 the
North, not a 1 onfoder
ucy banging by a rope
01 sand ui tnlsed brail
! who WOUld escape or
! refuse its restraints
It is a nation for all
. tunc and all men; and,
; instead of seeking to
or lanterning over the
situation we now oc
cupy and enjoy. We
not only ahai.d -in d
teoession at Appomat
tox and agreed to
give it up forever,
but wo si.all bo us
true to that new con
tract as we wore to
the old. We went
through a terrible
ordeal, and we went
through it bke men.
Wo are prOUU of what
rait 1 up a generation
of young vipers to un
do the good that 1 iod
ims done Instead of
eekina to make trait-
on of the fair lads
bom we are sending
to West Point und
Annapolis -- the true
prrnouers and true
I wi men uf tho South,
vi-a. the vorv widow s
we (lid, and wneii wu I undine daughters l
have our funeral tar- 1 the Confederate dead
have buen and are and
will ever be found ad
dressing themselves lo
the noble work of rear
ing the one set to le-
good American citi
zens, the other set to
he good soldiers Slid
sailors of the b'nb 11,
with ho other Ibonghl
or care tor the future
than that it may pre
serve our free tahr c
and bless our dear
selves it doc, not bo
0 line outsiders to pes
ter us with comment-;
upon the way wo con
nect thoio .services.
Here is a sufficient diversity ot opin
ion lo satisfy the most fastidious. 1.
is apparently a case of pay your m may
and take your choice, but we lticliiu
to believe that tho great tnnjorlty of
the younger .southern people will STSU
now choose lie:iry Watterton't view In
preference to the ratings of the Hos
ters aud the Caves, Ten years houc",
wo hope they will nuke it unauiLuoui.
Jin. HaVBMBYEB, the president of
tho sugar trust, is proving a very r i
frssbing witness, He uJmits that the
trnst nosy have contributed largely to
political campaign funds, und Bays it
may havo expected protection in re
turn. But that sort of thing was ell
done by his wicked partners. He devoted
hie able energies to other parts of tiie
business. The case against the trust
didu't need this corroborative testi
mony, lut it will do uo harm to have
ii, nevertheless.
A Moral Victory.
Iu obedience to the written rt quest
of the mayor, thoje druggists in this
city who have losu resisting Iho Sun
day law of l?i)4 now announce their
willingness to yield. As we understand
their position, they do this partly out
of deference to the mayor and partly
out of deference to the sentiment which
is hostile to unnecessary labor q:i Sun
day. Only one drug.;ist is undecided as to
his future course; but it seems reason
able to suppose that he will yet maui
fi st a similar willingness to obey the
law, These various drug stores will
remain o;,ou, its before, for the sale of
drugs; but tlioy will case to sell such
merchandia as would bo generally
taken as involving unnecessary and un
merciful labor oa Sunday.
This is a moral victory uot robbed of
its iiignificanco liecnuse acquired by
amicable and conciliatory means.
ReI'RZSBSTATIVD Sibley says ho
doesn't want to go to congress again;
but if the Republican papers keep ,011
twitting him with being afraid to run,
he will accept a renominatlon and fight
for a re-election. Uuder the oircuin
stauces it is probably of no consequence
what Mr. Sibley does. The Popnlistic
vagary is pretty well exbuusted In
IPflfcee-Barre N$ws-Dtaler: The sugges
tion made by Tbb Bobanton Tribchb, that
J. V. Maloy, who was tried iu the Carbon
county courts upon a charge of irregular
ity iu printing the tickets, nnd the case
taken f rom the jury by the judge, ought
to prosecute his persecutors for tulse ar
rest nnd defamation of character, is a good
One, nnd Mr. Muloy should give it 1 line
careful thought. It was well known by
the parties pushing the case against bim
that they hadn't a Rood leg to stand on,
and the scoring of the flimsy character of
tho evidence by Judge Albright, is pretty
Convincing that their only desire was to
publicly humiliate and discredit him be
fore t bo public. All three of the princi
pals, the prosecutor, persecutor ho should
be called, the justice neforo whom the case
llrst came, nnd who held Maloy to court,
notwithstanding the case was clearly in
his fuvor, and the district attorney of the
county ought to bit proceeded ng i 11st with
out delay. From ilia testimony given in
the trial before Judge Albright, a good
case can e made against tbem, and with
an intelligent jury, couviction ought to bo
certain, Attempted punishment of a man
for doing what he was ordered to do by
those bavin.; direction of the matter,
oughtn't to go in Carbon Connty any more
than anywhere else. When the engine
and machinery of the law is used for that
purpose, then it is high timo n halt should
hu called 011 such oppressors.
Easton Frtt Prut! Anv talk about a
combination bid ween the Kepublieans ai d
Populists in the south should be" frowned
down tit once. While honest election laws
and the breaking of the solid south are to
bo most earnestly deslied, the h-re ii I of
the Populists are equally its destructive to
the government. There is a returning
sense among the people of the Mouth, and a
combination with the better class of Dem
ocrats to destroy the sectional ism Which
has culminated in sending to congress men
who are a continual disgrace to the coun
try, is iniluitcly more desirable. Tho lie
publican party, through in brilliant ca
reer, has stood always for honest money
nnd just and equitable laws, und it would
bu difficult to conceive of any state of af
faire that would justify a combination
with the Populists, who aro deadly ene
mies of tho country,
rVilku-Bain Lrruler: Snvs the Sea an
ton TaiBDNSj "One of tho pleasantest
things connected with linssraes protpeo-
live building of a new court house is that
it will give the Luzerne commissioners u
i hiiuco to tome to hL-rantou for points.''
Yes, for points how not to build a court
house. Luzerne doesn't Want any shaky
roofs or totti ring towers upon her court
WUktt-Bam Rtoordi Tho esteetuod
BotUNTON TitmuNR suggests tho mum of
ex-Sheriff Itobiusou of that city for gover
nor on the Democratic ticket. Charley no
d mbt made 11 good sheriff, but we do not
think he would cure to become his own
WUku-Uarre Nw-Dealer: The Pitts-
ton Gazette does not take as rosy a view of
the politic il situation in the fifth, legisla
tive district as the HOBAOTOH Tltmu.VK.
It 10 be feared that- our estei mcd Scrautou
contemporary is jnst a little bit too san
W'mhiiKj 011 XctL'i.
forrespondents Edwards and Shrivor:
"We charge that sugar trust contributed
a lurge turn of money to the Democratic
campaign tund, with the understanding
that its interest should taken care of in
the new tariff bill."
Senator Allen: "And you contribute to
both parties, with the expectation that
whichever partv succeeds your interest
will be guarded?''
.Mr. Ilavemeyer: "Wo havo a good deal
of protection for our contribution.''
Henato IhTOttijating committee: "Re
solved thut the correspondents bo scut to
Whole senate: "To jail With them."
One "nn Is Bnlficlent.
I'illhlu i) ''mien.
Thero is just one consolation about the
" policy or infamy " which Secretury
firetbam has inaugurated. It positively
will not he "continued in our next."
Hill &
131 and 133
N. Washington Ave.
Do you make your own Cfam? If to,
White Mountain Freezer.
choice receipts for Ice Cream. Sher
bet's Water ices are packed in every
Refrigerators, Water Coolers,
Baby Carriages, Hammocks
& CO.
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ava,
Vol Iti li. t - i sti.ii.u
All kinds of Laundry woik guarauto-t
the beat.
To these brain hos 1 devote especial ntten
tinii every afternoon.
m- - nn.l force nt tho HTA7ME CARRIAGE
araduto of tho American Veterinary Col
Meat Market
The Fines t in the City
The latest improved fur
nishing and eppiiratus for
kepiui;meet,buttor end eggs.
2S3 Wyoming Ave.
For many years this Piano has stood in tho front ranks. It has been admired so much for its
pure, rich tone, that it has become a standrd for tone quality, uutil ft is considered the highest com
pliment that can be paiil any Piano to say "It resembles tho WEBER."
Wfl now have tho full control of this Piano for this section as well as many other fine Pianos
which we are selling at greatly reduced prices aud on easy monthly paymonts. Don't buy until you see
our goods aud get our prices
We've often thought, while watching the feminine throngs about our
place: "What would the Dry Goods business amount to if it wasn't for the
Equally pertinent, however, is the natural retort: "What would tho
ladies do if it wasn't for the Dry Goods men?"
We do our share in the mutual benefit business by opening -up this
These Magnificent Bargains
250 pieces beautiful Chiffonettes, warranted fast colors,
5c. Per Yard
100 pieces 32-inch Creponettes, a regular 18c. article.
Our New Price, I2ac.
73 pieces Wool-filled Challies.
Closing Price, B 2lc.
French Dyed and Printed Bengalines, worth 25c.
Our New Price, 1 5c.
Goldsmith Brothers & Compnay.
With the New Valves
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
1 1 ui
S14 Lacka. Ave.
A Fall Assortment
Letter Copying Boob
A 500-pago 10x12 Book, bound
in cloth, sheep back and corners,
guaranteed to give satisfaction,
Only 90c.
Reynolds Bros.
Stationers anil Enjravjrs,
317 Lackawanna Ave.
Dr. Hill & Son
Pet teetb. ISJOi best not, t; for sold cam
and teeth without platen, called crown and
liridgo work, call for prices aud rcferouoafl.
TONALOIA, for extracting uetii without
pain. Nu ether. Nogaa.
v nVKii viUkt v innNir nANiC I
They use very little ice
and will keep fresh meat
for three weeks in the
hottest weather. Many
styles and sizes.
513 Lackawanna Ave.
Berries are arriving
in very fine condition
and prices low.
Fancy Peas, Beans,
Squash, Tomatoes,
Asparagus, Beets,
Cucumbers, etc.
Pierce's Market
and Get the
y-l M i-fc A S.T Itl f XT
Having hail 12 years' cxporknoo In thu Bicyrlo busl.
nfss an.i th attencj- for lending Wheels uf a l irradca,
w.-ar-- prepared to guaranti"' s.-itlafBctloa. Those In
tending to purchase aro Invited to call and examina
our coinplote line. Open evening. Call or send atam
for catalogues.
Globe Shoe Store !
227 LACK A. AVE.
Ivans & Powell
A limited number of the above
bonds arc for sale at par and ac
crued interest by the following
parlies, from whom copies of the
mortgage and lull information can
be obtained:
EL W. Mulligan, Cashier Second
National Hank, Wilkes -Barre, Pa
W. L.Watson, Cashier First Xa
tioual ISank, Pittflton, Pa.
J. L. Polen, Cashier People's
Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa.
A. A. Bryden, President Miners'
Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa.
And by the Scranton Saving
Bank and Trust Company, Trustee
under tho Mortgage.
T, W Atherton, Counsel,
Rings m
The best is none too
good. Ours are 18-k.
All sizes and weights.
423 Lackawanna Ava
Inserted in THE TRIBUNE st ths
into of ONE CENT A WORD.