The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 16, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    juj til liAivn naiiujNU-8ATUKDAY mohjnijnw. ,juisti id, 184.
n & nun
sfcomi hand a c c; f tag vk
A Foe to Dyspepsia
-na: Two-
ww mm
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston HI Co,
Punch Cigars
G.. B. St Co.,
Imro-intns; en fanh Clpar.
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr'a.
Charles Jiiiinick, of 807 Fifth street, win
arrested on warrant isued by tho mayor
Which charged Minnies with conimittini;
nn assanlt and battery on bin father. Ic
appertts thut"he young man does not work
sou if engaged in fitting himself; for tho
(lii'if ill H Coxey recruir, to which voca
tion bis father has well Grounded ohjec
tions. nn arraigned yesterday morn
ir.f youna HiODiOl expressed sorrow for
bis ai-suiilt upon his futhor and. on his
promise to j; to work end behave himself
a becomes n person who looks upon life an
a terioux problem, tbe charge was with
drawn and be was dlsobarged,
Pntrick Tigne, aged IBj William Marker,
18 John Judge. I8 Patrick Foley, U, and
Frank Judge 15, were ebarged wlthbav
mi; mad a raid on tt.e cherry tree in tho
jraid uf Judge Arobbald at Monroe avenue
endLiudan street They admitted their
guilt an I were held in $100 bail each for
tteir appearance at court.
Kenned-- & Curior i'airt f337,;500 for One
on Wft.hlr.etoii Avenue.
Tl'.n prot rty on which the parsonage of
the Flint Presbyterian church stands, on
Washington avenne. has been sold by tho
iruetee of the church to Kennedy Ai Carter
lor 187,6110, ltis5u feet in front and 180
feet deep, and the price is tho Inrgejt evor
paid for a lot In this city.
If is thH intention of the purchasers to nt
once erect a large business structure on It
which will probably bo occupied by tho
Footed' Shear Ilanl ware company
Cerantoi.'e Baaiaaee Interests.
Tiik TUBOn will loon ;iubii-.h a cure
fully compiled and classified list of the
leading Wholesale, banking; manufactur
ing ami professional Interests of Scranton
and vicinity. Tho edition will be bound
in book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure Views of our pnhlic build
ltigs, business blocks, streets, etc., togotlmr
Willi portraits of lending citizens. No
similar Work has ever Kiven nu fiunl rep
resentation of Boranton's many indtis
tiies. It will bean invaluable exposition
of our business mourc s. Stmt to
persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new camera and bo nn unequalled
advertisement of tho city. The circu
lation is on a plnn that cannot fail of good
results to those concerned as well as the city
at large, Representatives of Tins Thiiiunr
will call upon TBOSa wiiosr NAJtSS
sre dkhired in this edition and explain
it nature more fully.
Those desiring views of thoir residences
in this edition will please have nutico nt
the office.
Delightful Outing.
Tho Young Women's Christian associa
tion excursion to Farvlew on Saturday,
June 1(1, will afford a de ightful outing.
Lunch will be seived on the grounds far
25 oenti, and ice cream, fruit, h irae mads
candy and lemonade will b.i for sale.
Trains will leave Bridge street nt 8 a. in.
end Vine street at H.:jn a. in., and will stop
nt Green Ridge and Providence. Tickets
must be exchanged nt office for use on
regular trains. Tickets cents, adults:
40 children, can bo obtained at cHell A
Henley's, Sanderson's and Y. W. (', A.
Spiolal Moating of the Pastor'. Union
A Bperinl meeting of tho BarantOn Pas
tor's union will be held at the fonngMeu's
Christian Assi ciation rooms, Monday
morning, June IS. at 11 o'clock For tho
consideration 6f important business con
nected with Sunday closing. Foil attend
ance dositod. F. A. DriNV,
The SUOOIM which Heoil's Sarsnpnrilla
has lind in freeing old and young from af
flictions caused by impure blood is really
BOOD'S PILLS are purely vegetable and
do not purge, pain or gripe. .Sold bv all
druggists. m
Gst Scroi of th
o . .une bargains tumorro
Children's Day Exercises at Scranton Street
Bcplist Cburcb.
Classes Six and Seven of Washburn
Stroet Presbyterian Church Enter
tain at St. D.-.vid's Hall Abel
Thomas at Point of Death While His
ETrotiicr is Being Buried Many
Notes and Personal of Interest
The Wont Side nflljo of tho SritwxoN
TuthTNi: ii located nt 113 North. Main ave
nue, wl.oro Mibsvripiiniis, ndvortiseinents
mid rommunioatious will receive pruiopt
a 1 1 ell t loll.
Ouo of tho soeoewfnl sffslti
whioh baa lioen given on Ibis siJe In
some tiin was the entertainment end
social ol Classes (I and 7 of the Sunday
school of the Washburn stre-1 l rsby
terian ohnroh in St. Dtvid's Hall last
evening, The room was exqlsltely d c
or ted, On the raised platform were
placed large potted plants, lh piano
iHing almost bMden lu tho green
folisge. Flowers adorned the Walls,
while tho four long tables
wbleb ooenpied the rearol throoin
w. r-- toetefully arranged with ll.iwers
Wellington L'tmont was obosen ohair
nun. The classes are noder the In
trnction of MisscsC impbell nn l Nic.i
ulls, and ure composed of the following
members: Nnmef 0 Misses Blitb
I luttnu, Auuie BdUUell, Allle Jones,
Jesiie Cevan, Mattle Phillips, Clara
Hughes, Katie and Maggie S:eilcnbur
ger, Ma Hail 1 1, H't tie McCracketi,
Mabel BoMrvi Nnmier 7 Misers l).ra
Jscobs, L-lla Porter, Blitb Brans,
Mary Junes.
Intresti g Barvloi to Us Held in Boran
ten StrsSt Church.
The Snuday school ot the Bbraoton
Street Dajiiist oboiob will celebrate
Children's D iy with an interesting ir
vice tomorrow at loll) o'olook The
service is entitled "Clirllt our King,''
and u insists of nddresses, diiilognes,
recitations, choruses, anthems, solos
and Scripture readings.nnd is in ciiurge
of Dr. T. M. Send. rung, tho leader ot
the Sunday school cbomi.
mary department, under tho
of Mi Wattle VVatkius,
and Miss Lillie Moors,
The pri
direction teacher,
li.ive made special pr p irations for the
occasion The canrch choir, with
Thomas Q Evans leader, will sing an
thems. Tbe deuOMtious lira expected
to eclipse all previous lTorts. An of
fering will bo taken for Sanday smool
work among the freedmen and Indiani,
Usual Sabbath school services at !i
o'clock wM be dispensed with. Uev.
William Parsons will prcacu at the
eveuius service.
William Thomns Luiid and a Bro'lw
nt P. lnt of D- nth
The funeral of William Thomas,
aged 84 years, who resided at the home
of Mrs. Martha D.ivies, iod!; pluce
yesterday afternoon from her home on
North Hyde Park avenue, where itn
pressive services were conducted by
U- v. Peter Rolierts. Iutermeut was u in the Wasnburn Street cmo
lery. The pull hearers were David
Junes, Benjamin Hngbts. Thomas
Lawrence, Lot Ludwig. Christopher
and Daniel Robertson. Tho fbral
tribntes were numerous.
Abel Thomas, ot Dicker's court,
brother of the deceased William
Thomas, is lying very low in a Phila
delphia hospital. Mr. TbomiS under
went an operation a few days ago
from which there is little bopsS of his
recovery. His wife who accompanied
him to u.ssist in th- nursiag, is also ill.
Seth Wrlgley, of Twelfth street, is in
Tuukhannock on a business trip.
Mrs. F. P. Staples nn'l daughter Jennie
are visiting relatives at Junction, N. J.
.Mrs. II. 3. Hughes, of North Hromley
avenue, is confined to her room by sick
ness. Police officer John Coslett, of Lafayette
street, has been removed from the police
Mrs. K. M. Trnckmiller, of Twelfth
street, is visiting Brooklyn, Bnsqnebanna
James Hall, wife and daughter, of tans
ford, attonded tho funeral of William
ThoniBs yesterday.
Miss Mary Thoina3, of Kingston, is visit
ing at the home of Mr. and .Mis. Philip
Thomas on Price street.
Miss Daisy Bauer and Mis. Luster, of
Boston, are guests at the home of Profes
sor B. J. Bailor, on North Bromley avenue.
Mrs. Daniel Jenkins and Mrs. Joh i Da
vies, of Pittston, visited Mrs. R. P.
Hughes, of North Bromley nvoi. no yester
day. Mrs. Munzo Williams and daughter, of
Monroe avenue, have returned from a two
weeks' visit with fri-nds in New York
John H. Brown, of the firm of Branson,
Brown & Co., of New Stork, and Mrs.
Brown, are at tho homo of II. J. Neville,
of Fairview avenue.
D. J. Davies, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
E Davies, of Jackson street, took th llrst
honornble mention In Latin at the School
of Lackawanna yesterday.
Through the efforts of Principal H. L.
Morgan tbe grounds at No. Si to io 1 have
been greatly beautified by the nddltiou of
three beautiful flower b'ds.
Joseph II. Bradley, of 1188 Bytl Street,
a mild r imployed nt the Capo use mine,
was sevc ( ly hurt on tho had; and should
ers by a all of coal yesterday. He was
removed to his home where Dr. Comegys
attended him.
A lawn social will ho held by tho mem
bers of .Mrs. T. J. Luce's Snuday school
dies ( f the Washburn Sireet Presbyterian
Sunday school at D, M. Jones', lli.S South
Main avenue, on Thursday evenlug nen,
for tho benefit of the Babbath school.
The funeral of John, the 111 year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. TbomaS B. It use, vh
died at an early hour on Thursday mom
ing after u short illness, will take piac
this attei noon at U..KI o'clock. RjV W 8.
Jones, pastor or the First Welsh Baptist
church, will officiate. Interment will bu
made in the Wasbuiu Street cemetery.
The List ns Oivoa to the bv Pro
f-sior L insr
This year's High school graduating clnsi
of thirty-four, nine young men and
twenty five you-g ladies, whoso average
age is liS vears, h:i been aniioi.uccil hy
Professor J. C. LattgBas follows: Lucy
Cook, Catharine I. Cobb, l- liza
beih J. Carl) 00, Mayme Clear
water, Mary Dnrkan. Elisabeth Doval,
Emma FalKOWsky, Kate Pltspiitrlcit,
Liia Frable, Clara (Jibbs, Anno Uiblions,
JeanettS C. Jones. Anna Judge, Jessie
Bellow. Elisabeth Lewis, A inle WoTlglie,
Maty it Kiddle, Kate L. Ruddy, Uargarit
Bchlmpff.Effle Thompson, Mabel Wanous.
UrrH . WiiIhuh ' .. . ,'. l Rmm V,,,
ebetl, Mary Harris, John J. Heehtoh', I
Ti eeias A. DoiiMhoe. Florence llrlrellt'e. I
William B, Ji.ue'ison, Wallace Moaer, Bin
aou D Owen, E.iwiu F. Whltteutore,
Victor a. Wenzei, (Jiau(lo W. Walker,
an menceuient exercises will be held
Friday eveuiog, Juno in the Academy
of Music. The class honors based up .u
tbe work of tho past two years in ell
studies have been awarded to Miss Bess
Wood and Miss Emma Falkowsky, who
Will be valedictorian oud laludltorian.
Miss Grace Winched, class prophet, ana
Emerson Owen, dedamator, huve been se
lected by their classmates.
i hers comprising the first ranking tun
graduates who will participate in the ex
ercises according to past customs, are
Misses Lewis, (idihs, Bellow. Dnrkan,
Judge, Carlvuu and Wallace Moser nud
E I v. iu Wblttemol e.
Tho members of the class almost equally
r. present nil sections of thn city, except
tho North End, which is not represented.
The diagram tor the exercises will open at
Powell's next Wednesday.
A statement iu a paper yosterday morn
ing Interred that Professor Lsnge had not
been impartial in the distribution of class
honoi s. It was an Injustice to that worthy
Instrnetor, who has nothing to do wita tbe
distribution of honors. The pupils earn
the distinction accorded them by their
Work iu the school room.
' ' he North End office of the SciiantoN
TliiniTNS Is located at the Lewis Drug Storo,
win-re subscriptions, advertisements and com
munications Will receive prom, t attention.
Dennis Neary is seriously ill.
Mrs. Lily Woodworta returned from th
Pennsylvania Oral school yesterday to
spend her rammer vacation with her pa
rents. MifS Agnes Kelly, of 311 Market street,
entertained a large number of friends at a
5 o'clock ton Oil Thursday upon tho occa
sion of her taking up ber residence inner
UOW home. A good selection of music was
reiidoicd hy lames P, Burns and others.
ISdWard House and Mrs. Martha Avery,
both of Providence, were parading the
stioets Thursduyolghtandwero detected by
the (Ulcer behaving Improperly ah mt nnii
nigbt u sr Dickson avenue, Tbey spout
the night at the police station and yester
day morning the alderman lined the lady
N aud 81 COStS, which was paid. 1 i or par
amour h ft his watoh as security for tho
redemption of his tino.
Miss .Mary A. I'liara held a celebration
at her home on Went Market street, where
she hospitably entertained the following
guests! Misses Nellie, Lucy and Jennie
OHura, Misses Bridget Welsh, Maggie
White, tierty McBagen, Jenny White,
Hannah Kelly, Lirzie Bcaliaele, and Frank
i'. burke, Frank W ite, i'atrick- O'llaia,
James P. Burns, William Burke, Peter
Flynn, Janus Flyuu. The hearty th inks
of tho guests was tendered Miss O'Hara.
The Presbyterian church entertainment
lut evening was a decided success and the
Ladies' Aid society with their president,
Mis. liyion Wlnton, are to in congratu
lated upon tho work accomplished, Ed
Roderick acted as chairman and the fol
li wing items were highly appreciated:
Solo. Mi-s Cassis Gabriel: recitation,
Archie Morgan; piano solo. Nellie Morgan;
recitation, Ueorge Rtafferd; solo, Miss
Smith; recitsti m, Lizzie Halderman and
Ldiiuii Skeel, Ice cream, cake, sand
wiches nud coffee wore served by tho la
dles. II. D. Binder no moro honors Providence
by bis presence, although a tew residents
would dearly like to see btm. Brader has
proved ouo too ninny for three grocers
whom he L is "let In" for the sums of !!."),
if'.'.") and (Of) respectively, and also one
drnggist for 826. He ids,, gave a cheque of
to pay a debt of to and received 820
gi od money iu change. Nothing has been
leallaed on the check. The hero of tbess
exploits left Providencs on Sunday mora,
in;.-, thus showing his foresight in choos
ing the best day, and is supposed to have
traveled by Lehigh Valley eu route for
Wilmington, Del. He Is a native of
Danville, The effects of his butcher shop
Will be sold by the sheriff on Ju.De IS.
A lnrge audience appreciated the good
programme provided at the North Main
Avenue Baptist church last evening. Miss
Nellie DeQraw was highly applauded for
her solo, and In tbo duet by Mbs H. Evans
and L. Davis an oncoro was loudly do
mended. The quartette by F. J. Phillips
in; 1 party was also greatly appreciated.
Recitations were also givan by Grace Will
iams ami ethers. Th - tableau "Yield Not
to Temptation" nud "Kock of Ages" were
excellently accomplished. At the conclu
sion of the entertainment the audtOUOS ad
journed to the lawn, which was very taste
fully decorated with Chinese lanterns
swung among the trees, the effect being a
a very pretty one. Io cream and other
light refreshments were served and a
thoroughly enjoyable evening spent. The
entertainment and social were provided
by class No. 11,
The entertainment nt tho Mthodit
Episcopal church parlors last evening Was
a gnat success both iu the excellence of
the musical selections and the utti ndance.
Mr. Bemmerburg acted as chairman
Mr. Lenney the conductor and members
of Uie choir for the good worlt accomplish
ed. The plantation hvmn by the choir
was well rendered and the recitation by
Mis Alice Guest was much applauded,
Mrs. Melsgar1 solo wan encored us also
was tho duet by Missjs. Broadbent and
Llnney. Miss Mary Gu' Bt was much ap
preciated iii hor felo while the duet of the
llenry children win deservedly encored be
ing an excellent rendition. The remainder
of the programme was well sustained as
follows! Solo, M. Lanyon: piano solo, Miss
Nellie Benjamin; recitation, M's. Mc
Donald, and the ladies', ehjrus. Mrs. Mo
Donald very efficiently .discharged the
duties of accompanist.
That Is Ccmpluiut Mads Abut New
Bulldi iaa al P ior Farm.
The poor hoard met yesterday afternoon
and the business transacted did avl go out
of the regular routine order. Director
Murphy reported that he had much trouble
in dealing with the Belper family, who
have been for the past year or more a
chago upon chanty. By action of the board
Airs. Swan was added to tho committee
With Mr. Murphy to deal with the case.
Mrs. swan reported that she tarnished
transportation to the family of Mrs. John
Matthews to Elmira. Her action was rat
ifieU. I'hu regular monthly bills were rend
nud approved. After the inlls were read,
a communication was received from Al
fred E, BraddelL electric Inspector of the
umiei writers of the Middle department.
It was to the effeOt that the report refused
to accept the Women's building and the
Electric building In the insurance policy.
The leaeou set forth in Air. Bradilod's
report was that in those buddings the
electric wires were not properly eucased,
and the Other Work iu that liuo was not up
to I he standard.
The matter was referred to tho home
committee with power to act.
Ha Is No L nirrer a ate rubor of tho Po-
1 ci i'oim.
Tho statement was made several weeks
ago iu Tim TninuMi that a change migut
bu looked for iu the peisouuel ot the po
lice department Officer John Coslett re
tired on Thursday lind before many Weeks
have passed the dismissal of at least two
other men may not he received with sur
prise. Officer Coslatt was generally popular
among his teiiow officers and the publia
ami did much valuable service, it Is nail r
stood the cause lor his lutircmom. is uu In
true; ion of rules
it was rumored yesterday that tivo other
officers would soon bo dismissed, but the
ropers is shallow and unwarranted, al
though, ns mentioned above, two police.
meu Will bo allowed to retire soon.
Wart tho Waul i-ivirtid
Court yesterday appointed t'. w. Field,
A. II. Dunuiug, jr.,and John D.Evaus com
miwionors to Th(Utre luto the advisability
of dividing the l ifth wind of the borough
si' Archbaid Into two wards, as paid tut
by a u umber oi tho taxpayers whj signod
the court petition.
D& A. E. ttORBi having opened his o(-
Oves In i be Burr building, Washington
UVenUe. will resume the practice of hi.
proteHsion, where ho will be glad toservi
bis old patrons arm public iu general. 1
I unset. u . ii t
At. Wood L.wu Purk you can ton
money fast Iii vou Invest HOW, Lot. .
this plot will double in value in eitthoi
time. This afternoon or uveulng is Ih
time to buy. Come out.
notes or sun side
Insurance Companies are Taking South Side
Properly Owers to Task.
Miss Rose Stalheibcr Will Lead in the
Absanco of tho Appointed Lecturer.
Minooka Residents Anxious to Join
tho City of Scranton Interesting
Personals and Shorter Paragraphs
of Interest.
In acenrdauc with tbe rules of tho
Underwriters Fire" association, tho
property own -rs of the South Side
who havo insured their houses are at
work now in complying with any regu
lations in their policies that bear on
the question. of them are afraid that if u
file broke out and their housuti were
destroyed uo insurance would accrue,
fiom I bo fact that some tires broke out
under suspicious cii oumstaucss two
lately. On that account any po-siblo
informality in oompltauoe with the
strict rules of the insurance companies
is heiug looked after.
Otvsn at th Iloma of itliaa Mamie C.m-
vc cf Tn ch Street
On Thursday evening a most enjoy
able social was given by Miss Mamie
Convey at her home on Beeoh street
Tho rooms were decorated witli taste
and every effortVvas made to make the
occasion an enj iyablo one. Aiiioiig
the out ol town guests wr re Miss S
O'Connor, reck vi lie; Messrs. W.
Sweeney, T. McLaughlin, V, Devine
and P. Price. Wilkes Barre, and J.
Nolan and W. K lly of PltUton,
Ainrng thojo from this city were
Misses s A. O'Hara, M Moron,
A. Hannon, P. Coyne, L. Coyne,
L. Foley, s. Murray, I, Brennan,
Kitty MoNiobols, Kitty Planngiino, A.
Haggerty, M. Dou4herty, M Collins,
M. Hopkins, T. MoDououirn, B Hag
gerty, M. Ken mi dv, K Rosar, s. Noor.o,
M. Lvncli, U. 'Lvnch, Ii. Neales,
L McHogh, M. O'Hoyl", J.
Walsh, A. Judge; and Messrs,
J. Nolan, J, McQuire, J. Hsnnon, M
llooau, M Howley, A. Ha why, J. J,
Coyne, M Coyne, M. Carey, F. Lundy,
D. Lundy, J. mid F. McDonnell, J,
McOraw, H. Qrall. H. Asbury, J. Mul
len, K. Nichols, M. Clarke, J. Doyle,
H. Walsh, H. McfJuigan, W. Flnnery,
P. (Jriffln, M. Drown, T. Conway. M
Toley, C. W. Qallager, M. W. Cuilek,
Miso Stidh :br Will Djlivertho Lcture
Tomorrow at thi Uiual Hour.
The regular exsroises at the Sonih
Side Young Women's Christian agio
elation were expected to be led by Miss
XUrdler. Bat for the reason that she
could not he on hand there Was a
onange made, and MusRoia Stalhei
ber will deliver the lecture in her stead
On Sunday nftercoou it is the cus
tom to precede the. regular exercises
with a song sorvio. This will lo
omitted tomorrow, and tho opening
number will bo tho lecture,
The title will be "Forget Self; Serve
Others." Miithow xxv. 8-1-30
A Section of Minooka Wants to Becomn
a Part of Scan'.on.
The residents from the city line to
the sireet that crosses tuo step hill
leading to Greenwood ate speaking ol
circulating a petition for the objeot ol
knowing who are favorable tnwxrl be
coming a j irt of tho city of Scranton.
Since Taylor borough and B'llevue
Heights were separated from the town
snip the residents have talkjd over tii i
m ilter very olton.
It is probable that an application will
soon be made lo court for admission in
the city. Some of the most notable res
identl are in favor of annexation.
1 -
The parndo of the Scranton Athletic club
takes place tonight.
P. A. Cavanagh, of Liver street, is im
proving his place of business with a coat of
Poultry and Eggs a speciality, Ryan k
Go's. Cash market, 31S Luclta. nvo.
Jiune F. Best, the widely known nro-
priolor of the Untiring Ilro ik Hotel, is
again confined to his homo with illness
Mes Hose ill ndy, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Frank Brady, of Genet street, will be
married on Jane 27 at St. John's churcl,
wiiii a nuptial mass, lo Michael Maddei ,
of Manistee, Midi.
The congregation of St. John's chinch
will picnic on July 4 in Schimpli's grove.
Canned and green Fruits in season,
Ryan's Cash market, 618 Lacka. nve.
Lev. Father Stopper, of St. Mary's
church, returned Isst night froma week's
visit with his parents m Lebanon,
O racer Samuel Jurkovttcb, of Bonth
Washington avenue, intends to take a trip
to Europe this summer.
Btrlctly fresh Butter at Ryan &Co's.
Cash u a ker, S18 Lacka, ave.
Rev. F. P. Walsh will deliver ;he sermon
THERE is but one
way in the world to be sure
of having the best paint, and that
is to use only a well-established
brand of strictly pure white lead,
pure linseed oil, and pure colors.
The following brands are stand
ard, "Old Dutch" process, and are
always absolutely
11 11,11 V U1C
White Lead
"Atlantic," "Bsymer-Batunjvn,"
" Jcv;ott," "DavU-Ohamhsri,'
'Ff.bnoslock," "Armstrong k UcKelvy."
If you want colored paint, lint
any of the above strictly pure leads
wilh National Lead Co.'s Pure
White Lead Tinting Colon.
These colors nrc sold in OOe-DOUnd cans, f.-ith
can being sufAclsnt to tint .15 pounds ol BtricU
Pure While- Lead the- dtsirwl llmdo ; they arc in
no sense Radymttcd paints, hut 1 coaiblnsUon
of perfectly pure colors in th. handles) form 10
iini Btrlctly Pure Whits liesd.
Peed us a poshd card and g.t our IhkiIs on
paints and color-card, free,
NATION','. !. LEAD CO., New York.
RcoT'ttnnlni rind Milderlng all done nway
with by the use f BAKTMAN8 1 AT
KNT PAINT, whleh rniisi-'ts of Ingredi nts
well-known tonll It call be appllou lo tin,
MlVanlseu tin, sh tut Iron ruofe, al so to hr oM
nwelmiM which will prevent absolutely aay
erambltnVi praoking or hreakma of tin
bre k. ttwitlouNasl ll iulua o. any kind by
many ye. rs.nnd it's cost doe hot uxossd one
fifth thatef he cost oi tlnalnt, Ii sold by
the Joh or pound Conti'iiel.s t iK"ti bv
A.N leMO llAHl'MANM, ,157 lurch St
at St. John's church tomorrow at the 10.80
Michael MeOarry, Of Pittston avenue,
will spent tomorrow iu Wiikes.liarro.
-Mrs. Christian Ficku--, of Cedar avenue,
who was unwell for the pnst while, is at
present entirely recovered.
Liveryman Thomas F, AlcDonough, of
Fig street, returned from Biugbamton
lost evening.
The congregation of the Cedar Avenue
Metbodisi B Ucopal ohnroh will appoint
this week a person to look after tho publi
cation ot all services at tbo church.
irders railed for and delivered promptly, Go's. Cnsh market, 5is Lnoka.
The Meadow Brook Br wing company
will add to their plmta new drying ma
chine next week.
Mrs. Henry Doyle of Stone nvenuo, has
recovered from her recent illness.
Mi-s Lena Bsscbon, of llawlev, is visit
ing her uncle, A. 0. Rempe, of Cedar ave
nue. Contractor Tbomas Donlan has finished
tho new residence of Jlrs. MangBU, of
Liook street.
Choice cuts nt the lowest prices, Ryau
& Co's. Catih .Meat market, sis Lacka.
ill INI
. it - 'L-WJ1 ,.re
'' -. (;.r3v':-.
We have REDUCED prices on
BABY CARRIAGES, as our stock
is too large. You can buy a
good Baby Carriage for the price
of a cheap ouj.
ir Wedding Presents or Fur-
Dishing for Snramer Cottages, we
have a full and complete lino.
Lamps, Dinner and Toilet
Sets, Etc.
116 Wyoming Ave.
$1.50 Per Dozen
In 3 a, id 5 lb. Falla,
Eg8 rooeivoil Daily from Llio
Homo Poultry Form.
437 Lackawanna Ave.
Victor, Grndron, Bolipse, LovelL Diamond
und Other boehh
ti. JJi'IAiU
Saturday, Jane IS
H J. EYAS ft CO.'S
Meat Marki
cnoicM errs at
518 Lackawanna Ave.
Another Advocnte of
nns. hknwoou ,v wabiicli.i
QRNTLKMKK-II affnrits ine cronl
pleasure to state fchal your nvwproeut
ofextraottna lei th i .-.h n rrranil utiueess in
my ease, and I lioariily reeommend II ts
nil. 1 HiiKcniy nana Hint ntheri win
tent. it. aierlts.
y.iurs resrieel mil v,
CATT. N. K, IIUVANr, Seriintoe, Pa
Henwood & Yardell,
5? 16 Lackawanna Ava
win on and after Mar 21 make meit reflne
tin i In the nriem ol plstoe, All work tjii-r
anteel first-ehs.i la every Dartloulnr,
'u ifii tiss
) I
You Heed Them
And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be
wilder you at their immense stock of thin
goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool.
Our novelty in summer goods is a
Nobby, Long-cut, Double breast Blue and
Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for
Martin &
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
ill offer for the Week
or as long as
I One case of Dr. Strongs Health
I Corsets, regular price $1.25, for
I 3,000 yards, were
I 2,000 yards, were
I 1,000 yards, were
Keats Your Head
G ot one of our
Straw or Manilla Hats.
ara Dunlap's latsst
Look them up.
in 1
hnotiQii yiq
liHiouuin Liu
. til
412 Spruce Street and
205 Lackawanna Avenue
It's a Groat Shock
S fife;
fothe folks who nre rl dinin t hey unrlorsell
ill others 1 1 llml that with iu! tho leant fuss
rr Mu tor we are trivia? eiti.m rs tho ban.
lit of such opportunities is tuese.
A Stele ly High Orade Llfcht-welfhl
r heel, I8A4 put turn, f. i-NllO eah.
1803 pattern, 150 Wheel, fur IS7.1.
1804 pattern, if loo Wheel, rorS8Beashi,
Fbeae priess make the bnslnsei at our store.
The gaiter,
and underwear
your size?
,v 1 1 , - .1. x. ..
ii'Tk li (- )X: -J v!t" . cj f;i-e.'-'
.ro nt Pro nil the Mini ropalttr unit I'rel'rrrnl '
i.e.-ulliiR ArlMS
'iVarsreomi 1 Op post Is Columbus Honnrsint
"WathlngtOII Av. Scranton. "e
- "isrisr.',.'ssai
JP V rV; v' i
m aV
r (" , 1 r 'J f.MaS
II Hill HIinilllHIIIIHtlS
they may last:
17c, for
25c. 1
25c, for
40c, for
A Fine
Worsted Suit
for Men,
in colors black
and blue, for
Hotel Wayerly
Furoprari Plan. First-olass fiar attaeheS. I
r. pot for Be-rgaer tt Engel'a Tanubaniaat
ILL Cor, m and Filbert Sta., Pbllid&
Moat drslrahln for resliisuta of N y. rnSJ
eylvaiiin. All ror.veulene-os lor travelurs
to and from Broad Btioot stattou and the
twelfth and Market Strst station. iir -ilrnhlo
for vtnitinir Serantonlans and pee
1 le lb the Authradtn Kegloa
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
Th Ppoelaliot on tho Eye. Heartoehes sat
KorTousaoas rellaved l.niot and improves
Stylo of Kyo Glassej and Spuetarles at the
Lowest Price. Bust Artllloial Eye Irue-rtod
for $j.
305 SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poat Office.
Maloney Oil and Manufac
turing Company
Have removed their ollice to their
141, 143,145,147, 149, 15)
Only $9.90
Clothiers, Hdiera&fumisfea