TIIE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 16, 1S94. SE BALL Scranton Defeated in a Twelve Innin; Game at Pottsvlile. READING TAKES TWO FROM EASTON Summaries of the Various Diamond Contests Yesterday in State League, National and Eastern League Games Standing of the Clubs. Notes of Interest to All Sportsmen of Whatever Proclivity. kOSTFONED (fames were the onlur of the liny yeaterday in the Statu leiiOf. Beading jiluyed otf two mm s witu E iston, w inning both, thua taking fourth place. Serun tuu ilroiipeil iv game at Pottsville in one of tho prettiest con tests witnessed this Beaaon, thereby go ing into tifth jilc, forty-fire point be bind R'Hiling utul tlilrtv-six points nheiid of Altoona. The respective poai lions of ihu other cluts remain uu changed, : The following tablo gires the per CentSgei of the clubs, together with the otamti won and lost by each, and their standing in the championship race : Won. Lout. IVr Ct. lliirriaburg 25 8 .1113 .am . 10 .5110 .45 .41!) AUentown 21 Hatleton 18 Reading 1" Bcranton lo Altoona.: is PotUTille 10 Eastou 7 14 13 17 18 18 IS JO .20'J SCHEDULE FOR TODAY. Bcranton at iaiiiiip. Alloutuwn at Altoona. astn t llarrisbiirg. Hazletoii ut Pottsville. THIS TIME WE LOSE. Defeated bir Poitxvllle in a Brilliantly Flayed Game. Fractal to tie scmntnn t'ri' n POTTSVILLK, Juno 13. Pottsville de feated Bcra ton here today in a twelve inning am . Wit 11; a single ex ception it was the finest exhibition of bull playing ever witnessed on tbe heme grounds. It was u pi Ushers' but tle and the hits 0:1 both sides were few and Tery mat h scattered. The score up to tbe commencement of the ninth iuning Wiia 1 to 2, in f.ivor of tbe visit ors. Pottsville tied in that inning and won in ti:- twelfth inning by scoring three rnna, 1 iie feature of tho game was Hill's flyoatohins in extreme right field and his magnificent throw to third bale, as iating in double play The score: POTTSVILLE. It. II. I'D. A. F. Xvee, s. s 0 1 0 a a Gulden, c. f 1 1 Putt", c 0 0 6 Tighe, S b u l 0 Poller, lb 1 0 10 Elite, 1. and :il 0 1 0 Bill, r.f 1 1 3 Humphries, 3 b 1 0 4 McCoueb, if 1 o o Fox, p 0 9 0 Smith 0 0 0 Total... 8 35 SCRANTON. K. .... 0 .... 0 .... 0 .... 1 .... 0 .... 1 .... 0 .... 0 .... 0 PO. 4 a 0 3 8 14 Hognn, c. f Wetzel, ss Patcben, c. . . . , ., Stall z, L f Phelnn, 2b Jvl asaey, lb ...... Westlake, :tb Rogers, r. f Elauugau, p 0 Total 2 C 36 20 2 'Smith batted in place of Humphries in tenth inning. PatChen out; kicked batted ball. Pottsville 0 0100000100 35 Scranton 0 10001 0 0000 02 Karned runs Pottsville, 2; Scranton, I. Base on called balls Westlake, Potts, 3; Smith, McCouch. Struck our Patehen, Rotten, Flnnngan, 2; Fuller, Tlghe, Hill, Ellis. Home run Staltz. Throe-base hit Ellis. Two-base hits-Hill, Golden, Mas sey, Wetzel. Hith by pitched ball Hum phries, Fuller, 9! Westlake. Double plays Humphries and Fuller, Hill and Hum phries, Nyre, Tighe and Fuller; Wetzel, Phelan and Mnssey; Staltz nnd Patehen, Flanagan. Wetzel nnd Mii'soy Wild pitches Flanagan, Umpires Ruin and Ketiick. Time 2.35. Attendance 1,200. OTHER STATE LEAGUE GAMES. At Reading, first game Reading 2 2 0 3 3 0 0 0 414 Easton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Hits Reading, IS; Eiston, 0. Errors Reading, l); Kaston, 4. Batteries Rhoads ane Gtoooharti Cummings und Roth. Second game Reading o 2 l 0 l l o o o- fi Eai-toii 0 0000100 01 Hits Rending, 11: Kaston, 8, Errors Beading, 1: Kaston, 1. Batteries Johnson and Fox; Kimble and Roth. NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 1 0 151010 x 0 Cleveland 2 2090101 08 Hits Brooklyn, 7; Cleveland, 9. Er rorsBrooklyn, 6i Cleveland, 4. But teries Stein and KinsloWj Lyston, Clark sen, Young and Zunmer. Umpire Hart ley. At Now York New York.... 2 0000408 x 9 Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 Hits Now York. 10; Pittsburg, 6. Er rorsNew York, 4: Pittsburg, H. Batter ies Meekin and Fnrrell; (lumbers and Mack. Umpire Emsllo. At Boston ' Boston 4 0 0 8 0 2 6 0 x IB Louisville 3 3 0 1 0 9 1 0 010 Bits Boston, 18; Louisville, 14. Errors Boston, 2; Louisville, 5. Batteries Sttvelts and Qaniel) Hemming and Karle. l'ni ire Hurst. At Philadelphia Philadelphia..! 0 0 0 3 0 5 8 4-21 Cincinnati.... 0 1100020 48 Hits Philadelphia, 20; Cincinnati, 10. Errors Philadelphia, 5; Cincinnati, 5. Batteries Taylor, Callahnn und Grady; Chamberlain and Vaughn. Umpire Lynch. THE SPRING OF ETERNAL YOUTH. Carlsbad may bo truly termed the Spring of Kternal Youth. For centuries the famous Hprudel has been used as (he best natural rem edy lor constipation, catarrh of the stomach, dyspepsia and liver and kidney complaints, diabetes, etc. Best taken when out-door exercise Can be had. Bo sure to buy the i Ine imported article only, wlr uust have tho signa ture of "Eisner & Mendelson Co., Soli- Agents, New York," on every package, , j 'II - . At Baltimore Baltimore ....0 5 0 0 4 1 0 8 417 St. Louis 0 0001 3 00 0 a Hits Baltimore, 23; St. Louis , 7. Er rorsBaltimore, 2; Hi Louis, 2. Batter ies Hawke and Robinson; Clarkson and Piotz. Umpire-Stage. At Washington Washington..!) 310120006 Chicago o ooouiiil4 Hits Washington, 12; Chicago, 7. Er rors, Washington, 0; Chicago, 2. llattor ies Mnnl and AlcUuiro; Abbey ami Bcbriver. Umpire McQoaid. EASTERN LEAGUE. Troy, 4; Wiltes-Barre, 3. Erie, !); Springfl..ld. 5. I Providence, 3i Buffalo, 1. Erie, 9 Spriugheld, 5. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Couroy has been made captain of the Ha zleton club. Tommy Esterbrook has gono to New Or leans to join the New Orleans club. The management of tho Harrisburg club complains ot tho small atteudance at the grounds in that city. The Penn Avonue Stars challenge any chit) in this city to a pame of bue ball on any grounds, the Hustlers and Fairmounts preferred. John JlcAndrew, manager; Tom Prinn, oeptaln, Tho Actives of Providouco will play Wood's Business college Saturday after noon at 4 o'clock on Driving Bark grounds The following will bo the position and batting order of the Actives: "Kiple, short stop; Howell, third bate; Cunningham, pitcher; Kyan, catcher; Qrifflo, second MM! Cooper, right field; McKeehan, cen ter Held; Aloser, ilrst base; Iluldemau.lett Held. NOTES FOR THE WHEELMEN. Mr. Knapp, of Williamsport, was in the city yesterday iirrnnging for the Williams port Wheel club, wtiich will come here in a special car on July 4 to participate in the bicycle races. An Albion doctor was fined 125 or twenty-five days in jail by Judge Tnatcher for striking a wheelman with a whip while passing bim on the road. The wheelman Was on the right hand side of ilio road and the doctor ran him into a ditch and then sttuck him with a whip. The decision is of interest to wheelmen. Ithaca Journal. The new bicycle track at Kivcrtou, N. J., now under course of construction, and which it is thought will be tho fastest quarter-mile truck in the couutry, will be formally opened ou July 4, wiih a grand diamond tournament. The track is the widest quarter-mile path in the country and in point of excellence will compare favorably with any in the world; it having been built under the directions of expert trackmen, and all appearances are that it will get a big patronage from PbUadel phians, both in attendance and in race meeti. A meeting of the Honesdale Ilicycle club was held Thursday night. The name of the club was changed to Maple City Wheelmen. Kmmanuel freeman waa elected vice president,!!. J. Quinney second lieutenant, Robert Doim bugler, and "smuer" laru standard bearer, The fol lowing board of directors were elected: Paul V. Harduer, Kmmanuel Freeman. .Samuel J. KatZ, T. Brady, Perry La Burr and Otto L. Bcbneller, It was decided thai the club uniform be navy blue, and to con sist of bloomer trousers and sack coat. A Committee wifc appointed to select tLe clnb colors. Another committee Wat ap pointor on transportation, to arrange lor coe ciuo . attending the mjet of the pcron tun Bicycle ciub July 4. NOTES ABOUT TOURNAMENT. P. .S. Collins, of the Ladies' Homo Jour nal, Philadelphia, will referee. Daniel J. Canary hits accepted an invita. tlon to give exbitioni in trick und fancy riding. Bill Taxis, who was injured at Piainfield on Decoration Day. expects to be well euougn to ride nere on July 4. The Track associatioi will have tho grand stand put in good repair before the meet. At present it is a disgrace. Tho contract for the diamond prizes was lot on Wednesday to Messrs. Berry and Rogers, both membors of the club. George F. Taylor has intimated that ho intends trying for the special I10J diamond prize offered if a 3.10 mile is made. Ho Will ride on exhibition with pace makers. Kntries have been coming in goodly numbers from the crack raciug men. It is now an assured tact that the champion Steams team and tho funious Rambler team will be in attendance. Much interest is being manifested In tho affair throughout the state, and promi nent clulx from Pittsburg, Reading, Wil linmsport. Hard burg, AUentown, Wllkes Uarre and Philadelphia will be in attend ance. Interest in wheeling is just now nt fevor heat, many persons who iu the early spring would look at or talk of a bicyc.o, now eagerly devour tho least item In regard to bicycle mutters. Tho coming tournament i f the Scranton Bicycle club is largely re sponsible for the State of affairs. The club lias been working early and late for the success of the meet until now all that is needed to make it tho moat notable affair of tho kind ever held in tho state is pleas ant weather. NOTES OF V M. C. A. GAMES. Kntries will close Wednesday night for the events. The 75-yard dash and mile run will be open to all amatours. A trophy wiil be given to the clnb turn ing out the most men nnd best equipped. The medals that will bo awarded are the finest ever seen in the city for such events. Tho Young Men's Christian Association will have a camp nt Long Islnnd this sum mer. Tho largest procession of nthletes will be witnessed ou tbe streets Faiduy nicht June 23. ' The Young Men's Christian Association building will bo decorated all next week for the occasion. The 78-yard dash, 1-mile run and slow bicycle race will be open to all amateurs. EatrieS Close next Wednesday night. The Young Men's Christian association building will be all decorated next week iu houor of their annual aports, Juno 33. Business men's supper wiil be served at the Young Men's Christian Association building every Saturday night at 0 o'clock. The handsomest medals evor given for any nthletic event will be given nt the Yoimg Men's Christian Association sports (Saturday week. Photographs of chnmpion athletes for '98 nnd '04 and medals for the Young Men's Christian Association field sports nre on exhibition iu Martin ,fc Delaney's window. The Young Men's Christian Association Bate Ball team will play the Wilkes-Darro team today in Wilkes-liaire, and will leave on tho 1.25 Delaware and Hudson train. Tho following has been addressed the athletio clubs of the oity by Physical Di rector R. L. Weston : "We have our an imal field day aud baBe ball game, Wilkes Barre vs. SerantOB, at the Base Ball park, Batuiday afternoon, Juno 38, at 3 o'clock, and have invited M. F. Sweeney, of New York, champion higu jumper of the world, record 6 ft. 4,' in., to give an exhibition; aud we purpose, If possible, having every athletic club and ntblete turn out iu a pro ctssioD, Friday night, June 22, iu giving him a royal welcome to this city. We will be very much iudebted to you, if you will havoyour club nnite with us in making this one of the greatest athletio proces sions that has over been held In this city. If you decide to turn ont, ploase .have a banner representing your club." SPORTS OF fLL KINDS. The Cornell-University of Pennsylvania boat race was declared off at Morelton Inn, ou account of rough water. Lord Rosebery's Ladas, the winuer of the 3,000 gnineaa, the Newmark-t stakes aud the derby, has b eu scratched out of ail augagemeniB at Aaoot, Secretary Fortmeyer has received Infor inutiou that the Minnesota Boat clnb of St. GREGSON, THE INVENTOR A Remarkable Englishman's Work in This Country. Incessant Labor Nearly Cost Him His Life He Tried America's Greatest Remedy, and It Made Him Well Sleeps Sound For the First Tjme in Several Years. "Inventing is my business," said Geo. Gregson. This remarkable Englishman has been in this conn try five years. Ho received the great gold medal from tha Paris Acad emy of Inventors, and it was his work that was se lected by tho ex- umiiicriti-t)hief at tho World's Fair us the best represen tative invention of its class. Most people think of inventors as nicnjgifled with golden brains that turn out the mat veloua devices with out exertion. As a fact, men of ideas lire tbe hard est workors. They live by the very sweat of their brains; in tbe eauer pur suit of an idea, like many professional and business men, they forget that tbeit minds are not tireless and that to rack their brains all day and far into tbe night tho nervous system mutt have un usn ul v good and abundant nourishment that will build up its myriad delicato prU. The following letter from Mr. Greg son is an example that is bettor than columns of alvice : Cambridge, Mass., Aprils, 1891. Wells, Kk haudson & Co., QlNTLEMCNs Having been subject for years to extreme nervousness, with its at tendant want of sleep, I was induced, much against my will, to try a bottle of Paina'l celery compound limply as an ex periment. The improvement that fol lowed was so marked that ol my own ac cord I purchased a second bottle and then a third. By the time I had finished the third bottle I felt like a new man, slept sound nt night and awoke in the morning both ready and able to do n day's work. Whenever 1 now leei iu the least iudis poei d 1 at once tike one or two doses, and that it all Ireqnire, In my cane Paiuc's celery compound proved to bo all that is said for it. You have my permission to publish this in any wny you like. Verv trulv yours, ' GEORGE URKGSON. His is the experience of thousand of otter-. P.tiiie's celery compound foeds the nerTe tissues, banishes lassitude, de bility, inability to sleep, and prevents nervous prostration, When un overworked and worried brs.iu worker, no matter whether stu dent, lawyer, minister, or man of busi-I1---S, bai anffloitntly tinned against the lawa of health, be b gtus to sutler from disturbances of heart aud stonuch and to nave certain signs of nervous ex haustion. Ho works with less ease, sleeps badly. Now symptons come, giddiness, dimness of sight, neuralgia of the face or eealp, with entire nights of slvoplesstieje. Many a man struggle on, ignorant of the terrible demands he is making on an exhausted bruin. Diseases of of the nervous system do not come without warning. Rhouinu '.isin. dyspepsis, aud diseases of the heart, liver, and kidneys are loud cries for a promptjincreasa of nourish incut lor the brain and nerve centers. This feeding with just the food thos vital parts crave is what Paina'l celery compound doea. it is upon this mar velous power of nourishing all the ner vous tissues and purifying tho blood that its mm. irk able cures depend. Its action is perfectly intelligible to every well educated physician, aud that is just why Paine's cslery compound is so unhesitatingly prescribed by physi cians in every city, town or village, without exception, in the United States and Canada. It supplies rich, new blood, full of brain and nerve food; it feeds worn out nerve centers and exhausted tissues wherever the freshly enriched blood strerm go.s. The languor and tired feeling that without exception accom pauies thin, lifeless blood, vanishes; tbe spirits are raiseh and a new feel ing of health and life declares the pres ence of pure blood and well fed nerves nnd brain. Paul will send u senior four and eight to tho Nutionul association's regatta at Sara toga. Royal Phelps Carrol has ordered his cut ter Navuhoe to be put iu condition for hor race with the oid time crack sloop Volun teer, which is down to take place next month. Johnny Glynn, of Wilmington, bested Joe Mnteman, of Washington, Wednesday niKUt in a fifteen round fight a few miles outside of Washington for a purso of Kach man weighod about 115 pounds. J nd go Lawreuce in New York has di rected a verdict for II, "ill. 85 lufuvorof James Stoddard in his suit nnaitist "Jack" McAnllffe to recover $1,600 which he had put up to buck Anttln Gibbons ngainst McAnllffe at Hobokea in September, 1691, The Passaic Boat club btsa high opiniou of its sculler, Wirtz, who won the junior single event at the Passaic regatta on De coration Day. Wirtz beat the bot record ever made at a national revatta in junior Singles, bis time tor the mile nnd a half being nino minutes and one-fourth sec ond. It is thought that he wiil row iu the national regatta at Saratoga. Gerry Dills, the well known sportinp man, has entered Julius Kuglemnn, f Weatherly, for the world's champion Columbian sweepstakos sprinting matches which are to be run in August at Wor cl o tef, Mass. Up to tho present twelve of the fleetest iprinters of 'too world have entered. Mr. Dills feels quite confident that Mr. Engleman will given good ac lo.iut of him-eir. With the organization of tho 0ntle mou's Driving club at the Wyoming House last Saturday, composed of all the promt burnt rond drivers hereabouts, comes the news that tho new association at t! e Driv ing park has tendered to that organization and tho public iu general tho use ot tho Drivimr nark nv.rv Kninr.lnv fi-na nf 1 .v.j ........ 1. J . . ' U VI charge. The track was never in better condition, anil mere is being created an inlorcst in horse afTairs about the city such as used to prevail wbon Sr.i-Hnt.m, wn known as having one of tbe Quest lingua in cue I'otuiiry. it is also rumored that derided improvements will ho mads at the onrlr tvlrhir, to.. 1,.., t few weeks. There is no reason why Scran- sou Hiiuuid not assume its proper place among cities of its class in such matters. Aboi-K Lalloz, carriage manufacturer, 111) Carroll street, lluffalo, N. Y states; I was troubled with nausea of the ttomioh, sick headaohe and genoral debility. Bur dock Blood Bitters cured me. For Rent. TX)K RKNT nTNiTivoTiM X modorn improvements, BUI .Delaware etriwt, Green Illdne, 9 IS per mouth. Fine location. Business Opportunities. CYNIUi'ATi: BI'KC.JLATI' N THE SAP C ORt for modern investors; largest divi dends on reeord; the American Sjndicatn, es tablished IMtj conservative and rullllo bank r-iereiicv; 10 to $1,000 mereases rapidly by t ils plan; manual of information frea A. O 11AAI Il. l i N ft CO., 8 1'aciflc avenue, Chicago. m CENT Connolly &. Wallace A Word. I "nunc cm Kintis cost hkh niticn, ea tept Situation 11 nnd d, which art insert t'UKE. Situations Wanted. -V like employment Oiu give beet of refer euoc. Apply to Ernest Lowonstein, 1IU0 i.i eeii sir et, city. SITUATION WANTED- 1)V A YOUNG yj man, who wants a permanent position, who is not afraid of work: :uu.-t have work at once. BaUabla, mill Jackion street, Scriin- t mi, Pa, CJ1TU .VTION WANTED BY A YoL'NU V3 man. M years of aee, driving delivery wauon or any honest work. Address A. L. J llllll'SE ofhVo. Agents Wanted. rjBNKBAL .AGENTS WANTED 8H1.I-.- ' Ititr now articles to dealers: exclusive territory, no a mpetitlon. nuenpital required! -Ilii to ;no per rent, prollt. Columbia Chemi cal Co . BH Dearborn it, Chicago, in. l.yANTED-MAN WITU LIFE AND F1IIE ' insurance experieiieo hs solicitor in Lackawanna county; good imhieemcuts to right man. Address fUS-lM Beta building, Philadelphia, Pa, Help Wanted Male. WANTED Men to distribute circulars and collect names" llinh. si prh os tiaid. lti vettigate, MERCHANT & CO., Merchants' Bldg., Phlla. V ANTKD IF YOU ARE A CATHOLIC ' unemployed and will work for ?l per week, writo MacComiell Bros., 11 Franklin street, Boston, Muss. Boarding. M.EAHaNt1cIP"t1oo -I- M7 Adams avenue. CUMMER BOA!. DING -FOUR RESPECT M . able Persons can find first class board Willi small fumily Iu la go airy house. Hot un t,. .1..,. cuurcb TOrce inurters of a ndle from sta tion. Ilealtny locality. Address box oa.Clarks Summit For Sale. IOIt SALE A FIRST CLASS BAKERY. I Ice cremn parlur aud restaurant: doing a large business. Call at $.5 Penn avenue. Lost. I OBT THURBDAx EVE ING, A FOUR ij hat clover enameled hair pin, diamn d in center. A reward IU bo paid for its re turn to Miss Nellie Wooltey, 50.' Madisou avo- nue. Special Notices. ryQ THE OWNERS OR REPUTED OWN A en of property bounding and abutting on both tides of Pine street, between Wash' Imiton and Cay avenues, in the Ninth wind of the oity of Scranton, l'a. Tike notice that uiulfr tho direction of councils 1 wiiimiiiie I ho assessment tor laying sheet asphalt pavement on a concrete base on l Ine street, froai Washington to Jefferson ave nue, and from Madison to Clay avenue, and for laying lions link pavement on a con crete base on Pine street from Jefferson to Madison avenue; also for setting and met tmgoprb on the nid Pine ktreet, between wasldnctoii and ( lay .venues, on Thursday, the '.list day of .lut e, A. D. I8M, at 111 o'clock Si in., at my office ,n the Municipal building, cry of Scranton, Ph., at which time and place you may appearand be beard if you so de sire. JOSEPH P, PHILLIPS, City Engineer. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAUA tinea, etc., bound or rebound at Tun TRIBUHB ofUce. (Juick work. Reasonably I rices. MEAL TICKETS CAN HE BAD AT HI, corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for ia.60. Oood table board. Resi Estate. I OTS. HOUSE'; REST LOCATION; 10 li per cent.; growing value,.; live in the city: cheaper: better; d, n't bo fooled; don't throw away your money; live near depots, ho tels, ehnrenes, ttores. theatres, doctors; don't waste alt your time and money In street car journeys. I will sell line lots on av, nnei cheap. Call. W. GIBSON JONES, "II Spruce street. Toseetholots and Irani terms, call at the office as above; or, see Mr 'I In mas Hiivres, ,Mipt.,at 818 Jefferson avetm,.fromSto8P.M, Legal VTOTICB-TO THE I :TiTB?rATTToy 11 tho rirst vnrl of the lnroiurh of (Uv- phant Notice is hereby uivon bv the under- stoneo, commissioners appointed bytbeeonrt of iinarter sessions, to divide tie First warl of the borough of (ilvphaiit into two wards: inai ino said commn-si 'iiers will msft at Laagan'a hall in said First ward on Wi dues day, the 7th day of Jane, 1'.U, at 10 a. iu , to attmd to the duties of their appointment at which time and place all persons Interested in the Ulvi! ion of -said ward in o two wards nia bo heard. l'KEH W, I I. I. IT., JOHN D. EVANS, A. B. DUNNING. JR.. Commissioners, I? STATE or Martha Taylor, lit. of the i j Bornagh of Olyphant, Pa., deccstM. Letters o' adml nstrtti 1,1 upon the abive named estate having been granted to t It o niiderslgned all persons baying ola'ms or de mands against said estate will present them for payment and tl oso ind htid thorct i will plens i mak i Immediate payment to WILLAltD, WARREN ft KNAPP. Attorneys tor Estate. JOHN TAYLOR, Armr., Olyphant, Pa. Charter Application. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN .1 tpplloatlon will be made to tiled verinir of Pennsylvania on Monday, tho second dav of July, (Mi, by Watts c. Van Blareom, w Howard Withers. Edmund A. Hutl, Divid Sprnks and Lone .1. Blebecker, under the Act Of A'senibly, entitled "Auactto provide lor the incorporation ami regulation of OOrtaln corp rations," approved April '."J, 1874, and liipuupidomcuts thereto, for the charter of an iiueudod enmoratio i to be called the Crescent Coal Mining Company, the charac ter and object of which Is the mining, prcnar ing tor market and selling anthracite coal, and f cr those purpns s to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits mid privileges of said Act of Assembly and supplements thereto PATTERSON v WILCOX, Solicitors. Bankrupt Sale of the Pomphrey & Morton Stock Of Now, Fresh Goods at tho store of GROSS, FOSTER & CO. Dress Goods, Silks, White Goods, Muslin Curtains, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Cloaks, Shirt Waists and Blouses and Several Hun dred Other Articles. These Roods were purchased at SHERIFF SALE and tho people aro benefited thereby. No merchant iu the world can buy goods in the regular way aud compete with our prices. The reserved portion of this stook will be placed on sale during this week. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT will bo closed out for almost nothing to make room for other goods. So many come in tho afternoon thnt thorc is scarcely standing room. It would bo ip.ucb more pleas ant to come in tho morning, but if you can't come in the morning, COME ANY TIME for you will not have another chance to get fresh goods for so little money. GROSS, 316-318 LADIES' READY-MADE SUITS Take the lead. Because They are Correct in Style, Right in Prices, and of the Best Workmanship. Three Special numbers of NAVY BLUE SERGE SUITS at $8, $9 and $10. COVERT CLOTH, the new fabric, will be the correct thing for next autumn. We are showing one number of Ladies' Suits, made of above cloth. BLAZER JACKET and SKIRT at $8, and it is great value. Have you seen the LADIES' VESTS we are selling at 98c; $1.50 elsewhere. CONNOLLY & Furniture Upholstered By the most experienced workmen in the city. NO FANCY PRICES. THE SCRAMTON BEDDING CO. COR. LACKAWANNA AND ADAM3 AVENUE. THE FR0T1IINGIIAM Mackay-Kenney Comic Opera Co, 35-ARTISTS-35 Friday and Katurd ly and Saturday Matinoo, Chimes of Normandy ErentntPiloss, - - - 15, z as, ado. Matinee Prices, In, pi 25 Sale o 011s Monday at Powell's Ml sic Store. WEE'C COMMENO NO JOMK 18. Eery aftcrno 10 and etenlngt First appearance in Scranton of the MODERN : STAR : PLAYERS MONDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING, TLe WorhM'amoiis I. motional Drama, Hazel Kirke Special Children's Matinee Sat, Morning. Doors open at !l Performance at 10L The management Of tho Modem Star Pl y era will give away o.i Frlilay evening. June tS, a High tirade. Enfliia-make HI CYCLE, yalned at Slid Darin? toe weak tickets for tho Bioyole will lie presenter to Wonder. lands patrons free. See tho magnificent wheel in BkUSter's Shot Store Windows. Admission, 10, 20 or 30c. MATINEES, 10 CR 20 CENTS. N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, WYOUWQ AVg. SCBAJ,XO STFINWAT SON DBOKBUt liUOTitEna bllANICH & BACK VXVLXi it UAUliiK ABB PIANOS, S.1k a lug stock of Grat-oUa MUSICAL MERCHANDISE MUSIC, LIU, Elli Dimes Are Like Dollars -AT THE GREAT- FOSTER A CO. Lackawanna Avenue. OUR LINE OF WALLACE 209 WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN DOLL AK Solid Oak Bedroom Set! We soil Furniture as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for tho money. Try us. Hull 4 Co 205 AND 207 NORWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND SILVER KXTRA SPECIAL SANDBRSOMU ENGLISH JESSOP'S ENGLISH CAST STEEL HORSE SHOES TOE CALK TIRE MACHINERY SPUING SOFT STEEL ANVILS IU 1. LOWS HOUSE NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS nROS. CUTTING MACHINERY. Bittenbender &Co.f Scranton, Wholesale and retail dealers" in Wagonmakers' and Blacksmiths' SUPPLIEd LOUIS B. SMITH in Choice Confections and Fruits. Dealer BREAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST iCE CREAM 1437 Capouse Avenue. SS AVE- 9 1T0IIIG AVE. WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS HUBS ' SI'OKES RIMS STEEL SKEINS R R. SPIKES SCREW l PARLOUS OPKN FROM A.M. TO 11 P.M. I t-l'KCIAI. ATTENTION OIVKN TO SOP (PLYIKU FAMILIES WITH ICE CUE AM. THERE'S NO ABOUT IT Freeman leads when it comes to Low Prices and High Grade Watches, Dia monds, Jewelry, Silver ware, etc. He discounts other dealers' prices by an average of 25 per cent, and guarantees every article sold. Terms: Cash Only. Cor. Penn and Sprnce A Handsome Complexion Is one of the groatet charms a woman can poBHexs Poizoni's Complexion Powdbh given it.