FOB l'HE BEST l'AGK OF sroitTi; NBWa Tt UN THIS LEAP. m- .aarr-t fl rilK NKWI OF INDUSTRIES, ON PACK 0. EIGHT PAGES--56 COLUMNS. SCIIANTON. PA.. SATUHD.AY MORNING. JUNE 10, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPT. "HE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE AMONG WANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER BRICE DENIES WRONGDOING IN SUGAR SCANDAL The Senate Probing Committee Applies Series of Search ing Inquiries. SAYS HE SAW HAVEMEYER But of Course me Conversation Was rcvoid of Criminal latent THEY TALKED ABOUT THE TARIFF Senator Smith, of New Jersey, Also Chanced to Form One of the Party, Which Included Senator Brico's In limat? Friend, Ferrtll, Yet the Con versation Was So General in Its Character as to Give no Rise to Improper Influences The First Gun in the Senate's Defence of its Own Honor. WaSUIKOTON, June 15. , i 1 f I E scnntnii.ii tut ir trail Invtttl tation ttarttd In today on what ij is considered the most direct and U therefor the most Important bnmoh of the inquiry. It is the branoli that cQnaial in the examination of the individual un'tnbert of the senate in alphabetical order as 10 thelt knoivl eii of ot connection with dealing! in sugar stock or the sugar legislation of U.e tail if bill. The committee line made excellent progress, examining each of its live members an il all sena tors, with Mv exceptiona, from A to II, inclusive. The examination of senators was bns il on it number of cir.'fnlly pre pared queitiont, so Iramed that tue committee to a man believes that no senator who baa oVtr touched sugar stook or had anything to do with the members of the trust in connection will) legislation, can m:ik- oven tech nical drnnil or evtive answer of any sort without putting biuiadf in n ques tionable petition, Tncte questions arc as follow: TUX QOESTIOSS ASKF.O. First Have you been in attendance at tii" Present -:.ion of couerc-s iluring the pendency of liie lurifT liill in the senate? Second Have yon jjivon any inlorinn tion, directly nr indirectly, to any one in teretod iu sugar stocltf, so called, or in the etoi r. nf tliu Ameiicau Pngiir Refining company, ibnt was Intended or calculated to affect Its vuni f Tbird llaye yon nought or sold, direct ly or Indirectly, ;mco the beginning ol this e wion of cougros, any to-called nujjar ht cl: or htooi;- or stock or certificates of the American Sugar B 'fluing company? Fuiirth linve yon been concerned with any ulie in Interest, director indirect. cen- ktugent or otherwise, in any operation v. betlier by purchase or sale of said stocks or certificates? Fiftl llua anyone bought or told for yonr account, or in your interest, any of such storks, or speculated in anyofsuoh stocks ou your account, or given you to Ui.dei stand tliat you would share in the profit of any operation of such to. It, or plhred any money to you credit as the pro ceeds c f the purchase or sale of such sto. kK, or promi'od or agreed to plaot mich' money ti your credits, Bix Has any member of your family or any person ill your emr.loy or any clerk employed under the laws of the United Males in yam service been to your knowl edge Interested in any ot the ways indi cated la an) of the preceding qnestions In any Irani-action in sugar stocks or certifi cates during Hie period mentioned? Seven Have you. or has any niomb'r of your family, or any such clerk, owned or (mid certificates of the American Sugar Rufiliiug Compnuy during the period here tofore mentioned? Bight Have you, at any time, been con nected with the American Sugar Refining company cr have you at any time been in its employ us attorney, agent or other v ise. The members of the committee Punatoig Gray (chairman), Lindsay, Davis, Lodgo and Allen, were exiim inid before the nlpbnbethlcaj list was began, and each answered in the nega tive with the exoeption of the first, which from its nature rt quired some uplanati in. Naturally, the most interi Hiiiig, If not inn moat important testimony of the day wh that of Senator Brier, whoso name has been so frequently connected wiih st.. cnlations in suffer ami with the leu- ialation on the sugar fchednle. The j ex iminalion of Senator Pricu was not made on the questions given, because other witnesses had brought in his name in giving their testimony. URATOS BB1CK PUMFKD. Senator Gray read to Mr. Brice the statement of Correspondent Edwards In the Philadelphia Press, alleging that Senator Price was a speculator in sngar stocks and then put mis ques tion : I ask you, senator, whether tbat state ment, which means to impute that, you end others have been enableil to accumu late wraith upon the probitblo course of legislation, is true, and to state what you have to say in regard to it? before 0T since entering the senate? asked .:r. Brice. Siuce entering the senate. "Butt nay as well answer as to the whole time before or since, "said the Ohio senator, "I have never been coucerm d in any speculations or Investment, of inter ested in thotn. the result eif which depend ed Upon legislation in OOngreSI or olse W In re. Since entering the senate I have not been roOcerned in nny way, diiectly or Indirectly, In nny property, sec initios, stocks, Investments, or speculations in anything that is mentioned In the tariff hill from the first line to the end of l ho free list, with the ezcepllon ot some local manufacturing establlih nunta In Lima and adjoining towns in Ohio. Nor have t sought to accumulate Wealth in any way by investment or spec ulation since 1 entered the seuate, in any of tliu things which I have mentioned. In other words, my investments and the things which I am concerned in are not connected with or nlfected by the opera tions of the tariff act exsept as t ho general property of the country is. There is no truth whatever In it ns far as I am con cerned. I was never present at nny Conference or meeting where any such subject was discussed. I was at the Arlington hotel on the evening of the Till of March last, at the room ot H. L. Terrell, of New York (for the past BO years one of my most intimate friends). I calieii at .Mr. Terrell's roein for the purpose df meeting him am! a common friend, a New York lawyer in terested in railway matters, and not con cerned with or Interested in the tariff bill in any way. Ve sp-nt perhaps an hour, or an hour and a hull without any other person being present. Mr. Terrell said tbat Henry fiaveraeyer was i the hotel. 1 requested that he send for Mr. Have meyer, that I might get .Mr. Bavomeyer's statement, preuinlug him to be tne bost informed mm in the country on that sub ject, lie came, and after few minutes' talk on the subject I raid to Mr. liavc meyer that there was strong feeling acainst a tnx on sugar, and against anv additional tax on refined sugar, and that I had great doubt whether the senate and the liou-o would not put SUger, both raw and refined, on the free list. MU bavbueyrr's OPINIONS, Mr. M.ivomover became pretty onru est, and while I do not recollect his exaot words, be attacked the policy of the Dem ocratic majority in the senate and house St being destructive of the manufacturing interests of the country. This I res-ntcd and said to hi in that while 1 was from a stHte, which iu my judgment favored free sugar, both raw and refined, and had no manufacturing sngar interest in it I would do what was fair and right, if he and other refiners could satisfy me what that was, but in no event would i concede in re than half the differential In lavor of refined sugar allowed by existing or McKinlcy law, that I was incliuod to believe that there was tome protection to the refiners in an td Valorem .schedule. He Stated that there was absolutely none und tho di-cussion continued for a little while on that point At this tiio Senator Smith, (.Vow Jersey), who had been informed at my house that 1 had gone to call on Mr. Terrell, camo into the room. No talk on sugar, how ever, or on tho sugar schedule occurred after he camo in, except that 1 think Mr. Havemeyer made some reference to the fact that he and I had been having an ex cite! discussion or a difference or a wrangle. Senator Gray rend the Statement in the Philadelphia Prer.s that Senator Price ha I procured a cony of the 400 amendments to the tariiT before they w. re reported from the finance com lust tue und turmid them over to bis broken. Did yon furnish, or procure to bo furn ished, such list ot amendments? ho asked, Senator Price I did not. I may say that I never saw the amendments or knew any thing about them personally, either by m speulion or by healing, until they were re por'ed to the Bu iute except one or two amendments. INNOCENCE UNil'Olt.ULY PItOTF.STGU Theodore A. Havemeyer denied that he had ever been present on H. 0. Pen edict's yacht ( is charged in the Piiii delpbia Press) in the summer of 1893, ana dilcassed sugar interests with Mr. Cleveland pt takiug f ttt in nny such discussion at Greenwich, Conn. He had not been in Washington for seven teen months, perhaps two years, and therefore did not know unything about Ibe conferences between sugar trust men and senators. The sugar trust, of which he is vice president, had not made any contributions to itonreof de feat legislation, but be thoutrht it had made contributions to politic il parties in state campaigns, he knew it bail not in national issues. Witness did not kuow of any speculations made by any senator, directly or in directly, and be had nevor ceil ed on any senator for infor mation ns to tho value of sugar stocks, nor given them pointers, nor received any information from a senator about tho pending tariff bill. Senators Chandler, O ill. Carey, Cullum and Cole all testified in turn, answering fully and without evasion, every ques tion from mem tiers of the committee. Tne gist of their replies was to the ef fect that they iu no way had relations with tho tugar trust directly or indi recti y. Senator Iiill was examined, Mr. Hill's testimony went to show that the only conversation hold at Senator Brice's house when he wss present was a general discussion of the tariff bill and there were present on that occasion Senators Brice, Gorman, White, Jnf frey and Murphy. No agreement Was readied and the discussion w,s aweary one. THE ARMOa PLATE FRAUDS. Continuation of tho T, stlmouy of thn Infoiin r, Rill, WASHINGTON, June 15 The inform er, Sill, continued his story of armor plate lrauds before the congressional investigation committee today. it was mainly a detailed and technical elaboration of the frauds which he had explained in a general way yesterday. Jle look sheet by sheet of the "fake reports'' made to the government olli oert and pointed out how Superintend ent Kline had changed tho iignres io as to m ike them uiet govornm tut ro qnlremente, The tedious process ol identifying each false entry proceeded throughout the morning and part of the afternoon. MINOR NWS BSicVimS. Abdul Aahtdiat boon proclaimoa sultan of Fese. The Illinois supremo court decided tbo senatorial apportionment cases in favor of the Democrats. The pope's recent attack of weakness brought him near to do.ith. For some time it was thought he could not rally. Pis holiness has since lully recovered. The Spnnlsh government will propose the appointment of a mixed commissloo to settle the difficulty between Spain and tho United States, concerning tho Cuban tariff. W. 11. Brown's Sou's small mill at Brown's Station, about twelve miles up the Mononimhola from Pittsburg, was to tally destroyed by tire. The total loss will reach 150,000. Edward J. Mulligan, formerly oouUMtad With the Now York Insurance company, was arrested In Mont ('lair, on the charge of forgery. 1 1 in stealing, are said to amount to M(i,()0(). The trustee! of the beblgb university have elected a new president foe I hat In stitution. It is said that the lucky man Is Robert P. Llttdermao, president of the Bethlehem Iron company. The body of Dollle VVottlg, the woman who mysteriously disappeared from a par ty camping along tho Uouettoga on suu- day nigQt, was found in tue creok near Lancaster yosterday afternoon. Parry Moore and Juntos (lerau, who haveoeen on trial charged with the mur der Of. Charles Modioli", whOM body was fonnd on a lot inS iutb Obeiter in Jauuury Inst, wore acquitted last night. 111 ii W Mm mm art Further Intercslinfi Revelation? Brought Out by the Lexoi CciiiiiiiUce. POLICE ROTTENNESS LAID BARE Organized Societies of Liquor Dealers Assess Each Member to Secure a Fund for the Purchase of Protec tion from the Wardman with a Pull Large Sums Paid Over to tho Underlines of Tammany Hall What Relationship and Boodle Will Do for a Law Ercnker in Our MllgOV erncd Metropolis. . NEW YOBK, June 15, OMF. interesting testimony was H brought out at today's session of n the Lexow probing committee VcV The 1 1 1-- witnvss this morning w.i- Julia Badady, a young Hungarian woman She was once arrested by w tru uevecHve u 'vc tor tailing liquor witliuut a nevus-, but was discharged, as she did not seo the liquor sold her self. Siie said she had tleVer paid L-vy any money herself, Lui her partner told tier that ne nail uoueto, Ih- sur prising statement was made by the wit nesa that alio understood that Ward Detective Levy kpt a house of prosti tution at No. o'J Stantoa street. Th committee declined to uliow the wit ness to stato tho dates and amounts of money alleged to have been paid to Levy by her partner. The next witness was Bessie Butler. She said sin formerly' kept tne house at ?io i niiuriage street. The witness positively swore that daring the five years pile lia-l Kept the house in Eld ridge street she never paid a dollar to any police omoer or other person for protection. Mm admitted, however. that her hatband was a partner of Mver uollar Mnith the Tammany leader. ONE BOHEMIAM'fl ntOTECTION. Mr. Golf now opened up a now line of blackmail by milling as a witness Joseph 1'osmsil, a Bohemian saloon keeper of 1370 Avenue A, near Siventy third street, in the Twenty-second As i.t.. a:-:.., r ;n i, .... . n.mviy uimnci. 1 ospisil luellliued a copy of the Bohemian p ipar, the Now Yortke-Lllte, containing an advertise ment of tho Bohemian Liquor Dealers' association of the Twentieth and Twenty second Assembly districts. Tho association, he said, was or ganized for Tho mutual pro tection of its members, the dues paid by tbetn being used in paying tho expnses of defending the members, procuring counsel, etc., for them When in trouble over the excise laws. The Witness said bo kept his own s.iioon-door on th chain, an I did not let any on in oa Sunday. So fur as be know no Bohemian saloon -keep t was arrested on Sunday, After Bo;n persistent qu istioniug (be witness ad mitted that b d les reading in the Bo hetniail paper last Saturday that there was to be "a strict excise law on Sun day,' a policeman called at bis saloon and told him took out the next day. Pospitil reluctantly admitted that the anaociation had paid money to tin police "about two years ago," be udded. hut he maintained that he had not said that the association was form ed so that the money could be paid to the police in one sum instead of indi vidually by the membsrt, The mem hers of the association paid ill to the treasurer 80 or To cents a weekenob, according .is they wore attested ; they wer all assessed th- aamtt amount. SYSTEMATIC IlUIMKHY DISCLOSED. The witness said that the association by resolutions, form illy and regularly adopted, ordered their treasurer to pay money to the polic-, and the money was so paid to the ward man. Captain Gunner was in charge of the precinct at tho time the nuooiation was formed, and Samuel Campbell was the ward man, Popisil mil ho personally dealt with Campbell. The witness called on Campbell at his house by arrangement, and Campbell said that the association mint pay him .121 a month, He told Campbell that the mombtfl of the association were very poor and could not ailord to pay nioro than $100. Campbell said that it tint were s(1, u could not be helped, and be agreed to take $100. Tho association then duly authorifd the payment to the ward man of if 100 a month, and that sum, the the witness said, was regularly paid to ward man by the financial secretary of the association in the witness' presonce for about a year, Th in, by reason of the increase in the number of members of the association, the monthly black mail was increased to $125 IBB atlKBN GOODS IIUSINES4 Of all tho immemo volume of testi mony taken by tUu committee, that of George Appo, tho half-breed Japanese given yesterday in relation to the green goods business and tho manner in which it is completed, was by far the most interesting. Appo said that the green-goods business iu this city was uiootlv in the hands of James MoNally and Frederick Hudliek, Tlnso two men mmaged rival concerns and wore known is the "backers." Both had police protection. Men called ''steerers" were employed to escort the victims to tho ''offices.'' Theat sworers were well known to the police. Appo himself was well known to thorn. They escorted their victims under the eyes of tho polios with im punity. Tim backers guaranteed pro tection in this city to those in theii employ and held back a pereontago of each nun's pay for tho purpate of pay ing the police. Men who trind to run the , business on their own account iu this city, Appo said, wer driven out of the precincts, even murder being attempted to get rid of them, jobs being put up for that purpose. There could bo no doubt, tbo witness suld, that the regular, men in the bttsineu were protected by the poli-jo, und us proof of that lie added with the utmost non chalance that if he attemptud to pick a pocket ho was iimnedutoly arrested, but that notwithstanding hit picture B 031 was in the rogues' gallery and the tact that he was well known to the police, he was allowed to steer "guys," that is, victims of tho green goods men, through the street and under the very nos8 of the police, who often recog nized him while doing so, with im punity. ALLEGED wSSaMOISONING. Widow ,;....;!- Rem v Her Husband ard 1 hildrsn hv Arsonlo. MKtBOUimB,June 15. Tbt authorities of this city are investigating what may turn out to bo a case of wholesale poi soning upon the part of u woman. Mrs. Martha Needle, a widow, has been ar rested charged with atteuip ing to poi son ouo of her lodgors, a man named Junoken, by the use of arsenic. The preliminary investigation into the case has le t the attorney to believe that the woman's bUlbaod, three child ren Htid Juucken't brother were killed by poison administered to them by the prisoner, DICK QUAY NOT A CANDIDATE. Does Not Want to lie Kecretnry of the Commonwealth Under Hastings. Washington, Juno 15. Representa tive Dick Quay today said that be wan not a candidate for the secretaryship of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania under Governor Hustings, He was inclined to regard the uss of his name iu that connection us a joke. STRIKE C3KPR0MISE RATIFIED. Pathetic Letter Read from President McQrido in Which Utter Failure Is Very Frankly Conceded. PltTSBOBO, Juno 1"). Thn convention of coal minors of tho Pittsburg dis trict today mdorsed tho notion of the national and oistrict ofhV-rs by ac cepting tin (jp, Clnt ntto and will re sume work Mon lay. The vote was 60 to 81, but it was mads unanimous im mediately afterward. President dims, of thin district, made an address in which ho told the delegation that the compromise terms were b-tier than any the miners have had for years, and in some ssctinns bet ter than they ever had. Cameron Mil ler, of tho national executive board, read a letter from John McBride, ns follows: Tho funds have been exhausted and we are hundreds of doilnrs in debt, There was no money to pay tho expenses of field workers and they have been ordered home. From all quarters Came the cry for men or money to keep the strike from breaking. Vo could send them neither, and the result wus easily foretold. Your officials have been working without sal uy and have exhausted their means to keep the movement alive. Dnaem 01 our nn'lu bort are in jail and others have been ar retted for c mtpiracy, and we have not a dollar to defend them. After the reading of this letter the vote was fakl n upholding the com promise settlement. There nro nearly 20.000 miners in tbi Pittsburg district and as a majority of the operators are sutilfiod with the new scale, n number of miners will return to work Monday. im IndredIilled. Two Ixpl sIoub of Fire -Damp Cause Fiifrhtful Loss of Lift. TROFPAU, Austrian-Silesia, Juno 15 A 'dsautor involving great loss of life i reported today from Ktrwin. An explosion of fire-damp occurred in the Jotiunn and Fransiska mines. The ex plosion took place at Id o'clock p. ni. in n pit of tne Fransiska mines, and resulted In the death ot 130 minors there. This explosion was almost Im mediately followed by a scries of fill er explosions iu tho Utlntt, the UtOSt dis astrous of the latter being in the Jo pit, where eighty miners were killed. A dispatch from Karwin says that only twenty of tlw men injured by the explosion worn got out or the mines. Several of them were dying when brought to the surface. Tho rot-cue parly which was lost consistod of ten men. PRESIDENT M' BRIDE TALKS. Says tho Mon Had Either to Comp.omiso or Starve. COLCABUS, O, Juno 15. President McBride m un interview gives the pub lie tacts that will be potent in Indue- lug the miners to accept the settle ment. It shows that tho miners' organiza tion undoilooit Ike striko when it was iu a weak condition, that tho strike was in constant danger of going to pieces through all its course, ami that when it was endd it was known by the national officer! that it was a ques tion or compromise or utler ueleut. RIOGWAY Alll'lEUS LIBERATED. Thvr Hs!ea Eeinir f""lbratd by T'arndlnff Streets with Music. Knxil Way, Pa., June 15. The sixty- threu iuiuers wno were arrested teu lays ngo and imprisoned hern wilhout a Hearing, were noer.iieii tins after noon. The nun wero charged with conspiracy and riot, and war 1 all ad mitted to bail in the sum of sop;). y!x of the leaders were placed under $1,000 bail. Noble mine is being worked by im ported negroes. Tho miners are parad ing the streets with a band of uuiMic. COWNELISVILLU RIOT SIQUEL. A l ei-, . Numbs r of Will Be Arrohtt d ITniontovcn I'n June 1ft T!w. trinl ol fifty Stickle Hollow strikers for riot ami unlawful assemblage was conclud ed this morning. There will Do a large number of nrnsts of citizens of Con- uellsville ns a result of the riot there on last Monday. Thirty families were evioted at Trot ter last evening und 100 negroes put into the houses. I AT t STHIK NOTES. i.. , 1 I, L . iUUIHIlli; 1111(1 decided to return to work Monday. This .- 1- .i- It. ,1.1 n ninnll ... I destroys the enSUCS ot the fourth pool Continuing the strike. Tho miners of tho Bell, Lewis & Y'ates Minine mmhAH nt I'linvoti.tvnt. lint-., p. .."- - J , ....... in ceiled I h... (if .11) i'iii:l. n.. r I. ,ii ttt.,. I,. by the company and resumption will prob ably begin early uext week. HOSTILITY OF CAIN TO WOOL First Ilis'orica! Mention of Any Aninmity to Sheep Kusbanury. DISCOVERED BY SENATOR PROCTOR The Vermont Member Creates Much Amusement Among the Republi cans by His Biblical Quotations and References Senator Pfeffer's Amendment to Substitute the Mc Kinlcy Classification on Woolen Goods Very Nearly Carried De bate on Indian Appropriation Bill Limited in ttie House. Washington, June. 15. THE senate passed today from the region of debate to that of nc tion on tho wool schedule of the tariff bill. The talking con tinued . from 10 31 to 8.80 p.m., bat none of tue speakers presented any thing now or remarkable, except a short ouo by Mr. Proctor, Vermont, who made good use of his Bible read ing to illustrate his view of tho attack made upon the wool induptry. Ho dis OOVere I in the murder of Abel "u keep er of sheep," by Ciin, "a tiller of the ground," tne first historical mention of hostility to shtep husbandry, and be predicted thai in thlt caso us in that, "a mark would 1 set" upon the D -rn-OC rati and that they would be forced to cry out, "My punishment is greater than I can bear." Tin- npositensss of this nml othor Biblicil references and quotations was loltsud greatly enjoyed on the Repub lican ido of tho chamber and iii too galleries. A good m my votes were taken upon amendments offered on the Republican tide of tho chamber, and while all of tiics amendments wore re jected, one of them came very nearly being carried. It was an amendment Offered by Mr. Puffer, Kansas, to sub stitute the McKiuley classification on wooion goods (reduced 50 per cent) and ths voio upon it was: Yeus, IU; nays, 85; the whole four populists voting in the affirmative. The senate adjourn i at 0 So, with another amendment of Mr. Pt Iter's pending to put all woolou manoiuoturei on the freo list. THE HuUcil-: PBO0EBDINO& For awhile today the scene in the honso ri called memories of tho former time, wiien active partisan contests were more common than they have been since the adoption of the quorum counting rule. The occasion was the introduction of an order from the com mitteo on rub's to limit debate on the Indian appropriation bill. It was finally adopted by a party vote. Mr. Richardson, (Dem., Tenn.), do- nied the charges, expressed or implied, in the Washington New, that ha had sold a tract of land to a street railroad company Iu the District of Columbia which was to be used by the company iu pursuance to the provisions of a bill wbjon Mr. ltichardsein had reported to the house. WOOLEN SCHfcJULE TROUBLE. Sscatora en-mot Asrren on tho Parentage of 1 r t etion. Washington, June 10 The ponding tnnfF bill bat passed a number of criti cal ptriods, but it has now apparently reached o point where its final parstge is jeop.irdis d more than at any time in ihepast, The trouble grown out of the proposed new substitute in the wool schedule. The majority cannot got togother on this question, iu tho Jones amendment the dividing line iu women's und children's dross goods, yams, eta,, is placed at $1 per pound, and all other goods valued at that ptiee are made dutiable at 50 per cent. The woolen manufacturers have proved before the committee that it would to Impossible for them to run their mills under suoh n rate. Attcr thoroughly discussing the question the sub-committee decided to make a new schedule, which it did, fixing tbo 50 per cent, duty on nil goods valued nt more than 00 cents per pound. This notion of tbe committee has callid forth a storm of opposition from senator, especially from the smith, and it is laid that a number sufficient to imperil the SUMSSS of the blil have in formed the committee that if this schedule should b- adopted they will vote against the bill ou its final pass age, f The committee appears to be be tween two lires. Tho manufacturers who re pre sen I some of tho best -do meiits of tbe Democratic party In New England and New Ymk s:iy that the Jou?s amendment means ruin to them and tbe utler destruction of their prop erty, ami it Is said that such senators ns Smith and Murphy have told the committee that they would not sup port tho bill unless iho compromise proposition wan agreed to. HAVE9IEYER TELLS NOTHING NEW. Knows Hottllng of thu i.ff.irt :o Huvj the Sugar Schcrtuin Uudtfltd. Washington, Juno 10, Mr. Havt- meyer udded nothing new to the tacts gathered by the committee. Ho said that lie knew that contributions had beeu inudo to political parties but he knew nothing concerning the details. That branch of the business was in tho hands of Messrs. S.-arles and II. O. linveuii yer. Mr. Havemeyer laid ht had not been in Washington during the past winter and knew nothing about tho efforts of his brother and others to have the sugar schedule modified. MINERS BRCAK OUT AGAIN. Strlkern at Mount O iv-r ITava tha Gov ernment OllLUlu TowerUss. Bprihqfibld, III, June 10. Advices from Mount Oliver statu that the mi Here there have again broken out and ure stopping all trains on the Chicago, tvoria and Bk Louis railroad, und thiil the deputy United States marshals ore powerless. Colonel Briuton has telogrnphed Dep uty Burroughs to swear in more depu ties and arrest all ring loaders. GEORGE MWDEflTH. A Former f trnud(burtt-er DPw While ot tho Way to Visit HU Slotor. tpecial to the Srniittnn TrihUnH. SntOUDSBDRG, Pa , June 15 (ieorge Marton, a former Eist Htroudsburg resident, who was a glass blower, was on bis way to visit his sister, Mrs. Richard Sampson, of East Strouds burg, coming homo from Gas City, Ind. , where ho baa been employed lor live years. past. Mrs. Sampson re ceived two telegrams, stating that he wiison bis way and requesting bar to meet him. She went to the depot on tho arrival of the train, but he did not come. 0:i returning home ehe found another dispatch stating that bis death hud occurred on route. Marton was about 80 yoars old and unmarried. His body will be brought here today. Before going to Gas City he resided at the former pluce about thirty years. WILL KAV ITS OWN OVENS. Tn Cambria Iron Company to Burn Its Own Coke. Johnstown, Pa, Juno 10. The Cambria lion company Is preparing to build ovens and burn its owu coke, and thus iu the future be absolutely independent of strikeH and strikers. Tho coke ovens will be erected on tho hillside above tiia mills. A new German process of burning coke will be introduced. Such Is the Verdict of the Jury and the Foreman Weeps as He Tells It. NEW Yonic, June 10 After a fore noon of superior pleading, during which the best oratorical taiect of the metropolitan bar was enlisted in behalf of the prisoner, as well as in bis prose cutioa, tho c-iso against Erastui Wi inan, tho Btaton Islaud promoter, charged with forgery, wus tfiveu to the jury at 2.:;fi o'clock. In bis ehurge to tho jury Judge Ii grahutn dwelt ou tho "greed for gold," and how it led to speculation and then to difuculties and sometimes to forgery . He emphasized tbe importance of men ' signatures us being the principal safe guards in buoinese. Justice Inyrahaui showed the jury, by quoting from the nrtioles of unti ciation of Ii. O. Dun & Co., that none of tho three pariies ,iad a right to draw to exceed their guaranteed compsmsatiou, except as u settlement showed that more wasduj, Itnd then. oiy by ponuissiou of Mr. Dun. The eourl quoted Mr. Dun's let ters to Mr Wimau to show that Mr. Dun reminded him that his continued overdrafts were violations of tne agree ment. The court said it wus for the jury to consider tbe defendant's intent in writing Mr. Bullinger's name. The j,i Iga allowed most of General Irnoy's request's to charge, and this Was taken as favorabls to the prisoner, After long deliberation tho jury re turned a verdict of guilty, with a rec mmi ndatlon to mercy. The foreman ot the jury wept us be delivor-d the verdict. As soon as tho verdict was announced Mr. Wiman fell back in his chair with a groan. His young sou placed his arm about his father's Shoulders uud tiie two sat silent lor a few minutes. Then Sheriff Brown cume, aud Erastus Wiman started for the Tombs. The penalty for Mr. Wimau's crime is imprison ment for not more than ton years in state prison There is no minimum penalty. After hearing tho verdict, Mr. Wi man said: "There is nothing that I can say. My c.ish will, of course, be appealed. I il m not guilty, for I did not intend to defraud auy ouo. I wus persecuted, uot prosecuted." MINERS' FUNDS WERE 1XHAUSTED. President Mciliid- Says That is Why tho Etriko Win Bet'.l& COMJMBOS, O., June 15 President McBride is out in an interview justify ing the late settlement on the ground that the funds of the United Mine Workers organization were exhausted, nud that the conduct of many of the miners wus fatal to the success of the utriae, Under such circumstances tho only thing to bo done w is to oht iin the best terms possible. STRIKERS FIRE A TRESTLE. Trains Are TJmibls to Move on the Bruih Creolt Brnnoh ZaNBSTILLB, O. June 15. A trestle was burned this forenoon near Grang er's station on the Brush Creek branch of the Columbus. Shawnee and Hock ing railway. Oannelville trains are nn ible to move and assistance was sent out from here. Striking miners are suspected of fir ing the trestle. END Of DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS. Drunken Painter If. Ha Bis Fathsr-in-XiSW and Hiranelf. Grand Rapids, Mich., June 15 William Qenshaw. a drunken painter, today tried to kill his wife nud chil dren, fatally shot his fatuer-ln-law, Jacob Sutton, aud then blow his own brains out. Recently Mrs. Ileushuw instituted divorce proceedings Tnls provoked today's tragedy. MAY SUiiVIVE TWtfuTV-FOUR HOURS. Hon. William WalUr Pholpj Resting More Comfortably. EnGIiBWOOD, N. J., June 15. At 4 o'clock p. m. there was no perceptible ohauge In the condition of Hon. Wil liam Walter Phelps, from that of today noon, when ho was resting comfoi ta ble. Dr. Currie said this ovoniog that ttiero was a possibility of Mr. Pholp. surviving twenty-four hours longer. WEATHER FORECAST. OIAR Wasiiinoton. June 1& Fnrreant for Saturday: For Easltm ftnn tylaata oeatraUy fair, south wind. JUNE) Sale We still find our trade in House keeping Linens very active, and vye submit a few things for your consideration. Wo will not tell you they aru wortli 40 or 53 per cent, more than we ask, but leave their valuo to "YOUli JUDG MENT" after an examination. GOODS ARE STRICTLY ALL LINEN. 04 inch Cream Damask ,25a "iO-incfi Cream Damask 3lto87o. 00- inch Cream Damask 39 to45T. 04 and CO-in. Cream Damask, 48 to 583. T2 inch, extra value 60 to 85a 04-lnoh Pleached Damask 45c. 58 uud 00-iuch Bleached Damask.. 50o. 01- inch Bleached Damask 59. 00 inch Bleached 69. 7J-inch Bleached Damask, coo to $2 50 In BLEACHED GOODS we keep a line of John S. Brown's, of Belfast, NAPKINS Bleached Damask at 45c. THREE GREAT SPECIALS IN H NAPKINS At $1.65, $1.75 and $1.95 Tiiose who have used these three numbers know (heir value. Wc are closing out a lot of Hand' embroidered TOWELS At Greatly Reduced Prices MINERS' Wholesale and Retail. H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. Lewis, Reilly & Davies A DRIVE In Russet Shoes. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WTIOLESALE AND RETAIL. ffe Examine Eyes Freo of charge If a doctor is needed you are promptly told so. "fto also guarantee a perfect fit. All SILVERWARE and Damaged Gooda at Arcade Fire will be aold at SO Per Cent Below Cost The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. fir I. J. MCE D n