THE RCBANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 15, 1894. GORMAN'S SB AND DEPOT Mb, I m I' fed i.a ur f f V i 1 mi 4' 1 N II I r-ei : .',1 Mil si CHILDREN'S GINGHAM : DRESSES. They're llic kind you expect to paj- s2 and 94 for. Children, 2 to 5 years, the prices arc &1 TO $2 One advantage of past week's stormy weather was opportunity to reinspect departments. Where Stocks are great and assortments varied, constant supervision is necessary to present only the best and newest. Those who visit us tliis week will reap the benefit of reduction in Silks and Dress Goods, Cloaks, Capes and Jackets, Laces, Hosiery and Underwear, Great Reductions in MILLINERY EXQUISITELY TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS AT HALF PRICE. The prices of some of the seas on's most exquisitely Trimmed lints and Bonnets have just been reduced one half to effect a prompt distribution, The styles are many and the prices, previously moder ate, cannot fall to appeal strongly now to the most economical. Pi ease remember the reductions are most carefully stated. Beginning today we shall sell Trimmed II it nn3 Bonnets that were $5 AT $2.50. Trimmed ITit nnd Bmneti that were 7 AT $3.50. Triminpil TTnt s nnd Bonnets that were $10 AT $8, Trimmed Hats and Bonnets that were $12 AT $6. Triimr.H Hals and Bonnots that were $14 AT $7. OLYPHAXT. The Browns, of thin place, will cross bats with thu Youuk Men's Christian Association team, of Scranton, on the former's pround tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. An interesting game is expected. Dr. W. E Lloyd made a business trip to Philadelphia the first of the week. The borough council will meet at their rooms this evening at 8 o'clock. Burglars broke into tho bntehershop of Wm. Alaenti, nour the Ontario and Western depot, on Wednesday night, and blew open the safe. Tne robbers escaped Without securing anything of value. The ladios of the Primitive church will give a fair and festival next Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. F. L. Van Sickle attended tho opera, "The Chimes of Normandy," at Scranton last evening. The business men of this place will play a game of buse ball this afternoon with the Browns. Miss Ida White, of Carbondale, is the guest of Mis May Mahon. Miss Stella Edwards, the yonngpst daughter of Mrs. Ann Edwards, died at hor home in Pricebnrg yesterday af ternoon after a lingering Hums of heart rtisease. Deceased was of a bright and lovable disposition and leaves many friends to mourn her loss in this place where she has lived up to the List two years. She was the daughter of the late John C. Edwards, who was one of the oldest residents of Oiyphant. She will be buried tomorrow ufternoon in' Union cemetery. HALLSTEAD. Professor J. L. Richards, of Chicago, 111., is . visiting his sister, Mrs. T D. Lamb. Mr. Wilcott, father of George and Nort Nort Wilcott, had a stroke of paralysis in Elmira and is not expeoted to live. Mrs. John Tylor and Floreo Swart z arc visiting friends in New Yo.-k city. Mrs. Gearge Hatfield, who has bsen visiting friends in Scranton, has re turned home. Mr". Samuel Daniels and son, Frank, are visiting friends in town. The pay car will visit this place on Saturday morning to pay the ctmployi b of the DeUwaro, Lackawanna and Western. Louis Wilmnt has the foundation laid for a now hons on Fourth street. TAYLOK. Postmaster James Butler, of Moosio. was in town yesterday. Z D El wards, of Blakoly, was a culler in cur go ahead town yesterday. Jennie Daniels, of Hyde Park, visited Lizzie Daniels yesterday. The Eleotrics are keeping np their winning streak. They won another came jestui ay nfurnoon from the Dashers, the crack team of Old Forge. Our "home pets" slugged the ball hard and floldod in tine form. Webor'H rink was crowded last night on the occasion of the production of the "Confederate Spy" bv the Taylor Y'lnng Men's Dm malic company. The mem tiers enacted their parts well. TUe play will again be given tonight. Pro ceeds are for Price Library association. The essential luug healing principle of tho nine tree lies llliully beon successfully separated and refined into n perfect cough medicine, jjr. Wooe s Norway rum Syrup. Hold by all dealers on a guarauteo of satltt Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY ARCHBALD. One of the prettiest of June cere monies took place here yesterday morn ing when Miss Maggie Duffy and John F. Poland, two well known nnd es teemed younir people, were wedded. St. Thomas' church, 'whore the mar riage was performed, was comfortably filled when tne strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march heralded the approach of tho bridal party. As "they cams to the altar rail they were met by Rbt.T, J. Comerford, pastor of tho church, and tho simple yet solemn words wore spoken which united tho yonng aonpl in matrimony. Tho bride Waa attonded by her sister, Miss Marie Duffy, while a brother of the groom, Mr. P. J. Boland, served as (jroomsman. The bride and her maid were very beautifully dressed. The bride wore a bi coming dress of cream silk, trimmed with luce and ribbon to match. Her hat Was of white lace, with silk crum pled crepe and fliweTTs. She wore a beautiful boiujnot of white roses and carried a white plush prayer book. Tho bridesmaid wore pink silk, tritiimod with lace and ribbon, and a white leghorn hat trimmed with ribbon and iiinlt crop?. She carried a bouquet of pink flowers. The groom and his attendant wore the customary black. After the C'.rvmony a nuptial mass was celebrated by Father Comorford, and as the bridal party walked down the aisle Miss Mamie Foote gracefully played a wedding mnrch. A recoption was held at the homo of the bride's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. John Duffy, of Cemetery streot, nnd many friends called to congratulate the young couple. Breakfast was served for their Immediate relations. At its conclusion Mr. nnd Mrs. Boland left on a wedding tonr which will include n visit to Heading, Philadelphia and Washington. Mr. nnd Mrs. Boland were employed in Jones, Simpson & Co. 's store fcrr sev eral years, aud botn possoss an exten sive circle of a rjuaiutances. All who know them will hop1) that their wedded life will be one of continued prosperity, wherein grief shall be a stranger and merriment a friend. Manager W. II. Blake, of J m s Simpson & Co.'s store, is in New York city. A driv r boy named Diniol Hillidny, employed at No. 5 mine of the Dela ware and Hudson company, was se verely hurt on We lueiday night, a mine car having run over his left leg. He was sitting on the front of the car when a trace caught In on,? of tho latches and he was thrown forward. Before ho could get out of the way of the car it passed over the ll;shy part of the leg and injured him very s--verely. He was carried to the home of Conrad Vernon, with whom he stopped. The funeral of the late William Swift, of Hill street, Will take place to morrow morning a rtquiom ma's will be sung in St. Thomas' ciiuroh at Id o'clock. Interment will be in thu Oatbolic cemetery. The Scranton Traction company had n gang of men at worK on their Peck ville lino yesterday, extending it as far as the boundary between that bomugh and Archbald. It is already nearly completed. The Carbondale company is working toward the Peckville line md it is very probable that tho track will bo in operation within a few days. I) UN MORE. Following is the nrogrnmrao of tho Indian tableaux to be presented at the Odd Fellows' ball this evening: Part first 1, Pocahontas Saving the Life of Captain John Smith; 2, Canonical' Messige to Governor Bradford ; 4, The Governor's Answer; 4. Penn's Treaty with the Indians; 5, Squaws Recrea tion; 0, Tho First Trophy; 7 and 8, Perils of Early Settlers; !), Evangeline. Part pecond consists of eleven scenes from Longfellow's "Hiawatha," and will close with a grand final. Several vocal and instrumental nnmbers will bo introduced, making a bright, enjoy able ontertiinm int. It will b irivin under the auspices of the Young Li dies' Mission Circle, who have prepared elaborately for its production. Admis sion 20 cents. Mrs. Thomas Borthwick, of Avoca, spoot yesterday with friends in town The funeral of Hugh Donnolly, who was the victim of To -s lay's Btorm, oc curred yesterday nfternoon from the Methodist Episcopal church. It was largely attended, showing the high es teem in which tho deceived was held. Interment was made iu Danmore cem etery, The Pennsylvania Coal company com menced working their collieries on full time yesterday. An eighth-mile race track is boing built at Laurel Hill park. Euclilnn'a Arnloa Salva. The test bhIvo in the world for Cut Cruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, CornB nnd nil Skin Eruptions, mid posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It ii- guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price Si5 tents per box. Far sale by .Matthews liroa. CAKBONDALE. Yestorday nfternoon about 2.30 o'clock occurred a blaid In Florist Wade's salesroom on Washington streot. Tho fire was soon eztinguisbed and slight damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Nanghton, of Watertowu, N. Y., are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey, of Canaan street. Janits, an infant son of Mr. and Mrs Andrew Thompson, died Wednes day evening The remains will be in terred in M'nplewood remetery today, MiBS Flora Allen, of Forest City, was a caller in this place Inst evsniug. By Sunday next the electric street railroad which runs from Scrauton to Peckville and the Carbondale Traction company's road will tie connected, thus making au electric lias from Carbon dale to Scranton. The second opon air conoert bv the Columbus ban I was held last evening in the vicinity of the mnnielpal build ing. The following programme waa rendered: Italy People's Alarcu, Tur taglia; medley overture. "Ten Min utes Minstrels,'" Bowmn; variation for cornet from "Trovalore," arranged by Tartaglia; graud selection from 'Traviata,'' Verdi; selection from "Lucia," Donizetti; Telegram Galop, arranged by Tartagiia. Mrs. Frank Brennan.of South Church S Powler streot. is on a visit with jjlier sister in Mansfield, Pa. On Monday evening, June 18, the Carbondale Athletic S cial iclub will bold a bill in the Du id ,ff rink. City Treasurer Gr.iiner, Wednesday, called in five street improvement bonds in tho sum of $500 snob. They wereUsasd to pay fur ih Main str.ot navem"iit. During tho past month over 1,700 has been paid into th city treasury from the city solicitor's de partment. On Wednesday next In the afternoon will occur the marriage of Miss Eileu Snrdival, of Pike struet and Martin Dolphin, of Arcllbald; The ceremony will be performed in St. Rose church.' The High School Alumni association will hold a special meeting in the cen tral high school building on Saturday evening to elect ufficelS for the coming year. John Law, of Pittston.was a Carbon dale visitor yesterday. Miss Alice Bridget! has returned to ' or homo in this city from the New York Conserv itlve of Minic. Dr. Gillas, of Park Place, is on a uusiuess trip to Philadelphia. FOliliST CITY. Mrs. D P. Lappeus and daughter, Miss Addie Lappehs, returned yejter dby from Philadelphia where tbs 1 li ter graduate 1 with honors from a mis sionary school. Postmaster Cunningliara, jr., was smiling upon Carboudale friend, yes terday. T. J, Maxey is tho p issussot of a nw bicycle, Miss lone Tyler attended the Wliit-ney-Masten wedding in Smqujiiauna last evening, D. D. Dwyer, of Carbondale, spjnt yestorday in this place. Mis. George Maxey, of Olyplnint, is the guest of her th rod sons iu this bor ough. Oliver Coyle, Dr. Knnnp and E F. Aldrlob made a very good catch of fish at Crystal L ike, Wednesday. The three geniloiueu succeeded in capturing tbirty-nins pounds of black b.nj and pickerel in two uours time. Today B. P. Maxey leayos for the Mansfiild State Normal school to at tend the cotnmonc'in-nt exercises of that Institution, from which be gradu ate d last your. Pay-day was fittinjrly observed yes terday. Myron Woodmansse has his band some new noma ou Djlaware street nearly enclosed. About 7.30 o'clock last evening a run away occurred. Bdrt Blakesleo was driving his spirited horse up Alain street una Bert Trim was coming down the on Liu bicycle, Tne horse became frightened at the bicycle, und uoin uicycie riuer and uorse oaiue in contact, tho result being u bicycle quite badly injured. Air. Trim escaping with but a snht injury. The horss con tinued its run up Main street to the corner of Duud.iff street, when it turned and was caught, alter having gone very nearly to the school bousu Mr. Blukobloe an i Fred Divine, who were iu tho carriage at the beginning nf the runaw iy, made a flying leap from the carriage aud were uninjured. Pntf. W. G. Trim has bjon re-elected principal of tne Forest City graded tchool for next year. The Forest City Board of Tndo wi 1 meet tonight (Friday). Allenterprisiug citizens ate r.qnosted to be present. Mr David Tin.!)) m hviiw l,..l wr.i..n - . n n this plaOs and Crystal Like, in Clifford township, was so severely burned, on Monday evening, tint sue died yester day mornlug. While Mrs. Thorn ss was sitting by thu lump reading aha heard . , I , 1 1 . me nowi i ra. a auu turning aronuu saw the oil escaping. Of course she natur ally lcisd tuu lamp to pitch it out ol the house, when it exploded and the bnmlug oil was thrown over her per son, setting her doilies ou fire. Her husband, who had retired, heard her screams and rushed to her ssidHtance, to find her enveloped in lliuios. He suooeeded In to. .ring thu clothes from her body, but not until she was terri bly bnrned about the arms, stomach aud breast It la thought she also in haled the II im. Air Taomis w.ts se verely burned about the hands and leet. Dr. Fike, of DuudulT, attended the unfortunate woman ami k pt her nudr the 1 fleet of opiates to ndieve her intense pain, but it was impoaslH to save her life. .Mrs. Thomas' is the mother of Ez.-a Thomas aud Au Richard Jones, of V .uiling. Funeral services will bo held Saturday, at the late residence, and Interment will tie at Hyde Park, Scrauton Forest City News. JERMYN. The Sunday sciiod clas9 of J. C. Turner challenge the clues of William Bell to combat with bat und ball al Farview on the morning of July 18 thedav of the M.tbodlst Episcopal ex cursiou. Answer through THlTRIBUNK. The social of Court Lilly of the Val ley, Order of Forrestem WhlOh takes place Friday evening, is not private, as some suppose. All are invited R -member the place Gilmoro's ball. This evening the mem tiers of St Aloysius society wili tender a ootnptl mentary social to the young ladies wuo assisted in making the fair ncently held so great a Buccc'ka, W. A. Bunting, ot Scrnnton, was a caller in towu yesterday. O. S. Carey '& Co , who will give their first performance on Tuesday, June lo, aro organizing a line compa ny, They bo from here to Forest City Rev, M, E. Lytiett was a Scranton visitor yesterday, During this sumrnsr M. A. Hoffeker will erect a dwelling on Cemetery street, above A. Mosher's residence. This slrvot is building up very fast. The committee appointed to secure a lits for the factory could not do better than to select the vacaut lot) near Charles Puckey's residenci ou Second street. They are iu good shape for any manufactory. When rtahy was sick, wn pave her Catforte. When she was a Child, sho cried for Costorla. When sho became Miss, she clunic to Cnstorla, When she had Children, she gavvthuu Uiutorl HONESDAIE. The marri ig of Mis Bl mehe Bum Mr, daughter f Rjv, .... .Mrs. J. B. Sumnor. of I i titon, o JThotnas A. Croislsy, of Forest City, is anuonn'oed to take plaoe Wednesday. June 67, at 1.80 p. m. at the I omo of the brfue's parents. Mr. Crossley and Mijs Sum ner were both form rly of Honesdale. Dwignt Doiflluger is homj from school. Marvin Wilbur and wife, of Ticon derago, pid a visit to Honesdale Wed nesday and Thursday. B. M. Wilcox died at his home hero Thursday morning, aged 73 years. Mr. Wilcox has been a resident of Wayne comity for many years. The fnneral will he held from his Into homo on Alain street at 11.80 o'clock Saturday. The Lioderkrauz pisnlcsd at Bellevus park Thursday. Carnages Were run ning nil the afternoon. A large crowd attended. Trotting at tho fair ground July 4 and S, Purses for both days amount to $780. Foil earache, toothache, soro throat, swelled neck and the lemilts of colds and Inflammation, use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil the great pain destroyer, One Point of Unoortalnty. J if abnry Timet "All men aro bom free and equal and are nnlowad with Certain iualiouable rights," but just what they aro no fellow seems able tu llud out. Aibitratlo i Mus. Coma. A.toona Ir.bun". No set of men have any moral right to plunge the country Into distress over their private quarrels. The stato 6Uould inter vene. One Natural Oont.QienOS, Congress blames tii" nrtmln1t"at n fin 1 the administration blames con-rsa. u the meiiutiuio the it p onctua i arry ue elections. KYPHOSIS n.e u.,b a i;UM If this hnmp.baclced style of riding Is to always hold its sway, Belter llfty years of walking Than a cycle nf today. Chioaao Mit-Ocm. Mr. Frederick Seller St. Peters, Psnn. Like a Young Man Although 71 Years Old Rheumatism Curocl and Strcngt Civcn by Hood's. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: ' I have taken three bottles of Hood's Srirsa- parllla and ma now using tiiu fourth, i ear truly say It has made a new RUUI ol ns at my ad vailOed age of 71. 1 have suffered with rbSUBU Ustn for many years. For ten years there hSl iaieu a swelling In lay sides and also under mj n. e j tints. It was so severe I could not stno town without PSln. Nothing gave me relief mi ni after 1 OOnifflenoed to take ll.iod's Sarsa lartlU. I have continued to Improve steadily T food's5? Cure; a ..I Uie pain his left my sides and knees, SO- ibllng ns to stoop to the ground with ease. I Un working like a young man, thanks to Hood's fttrsapariUa. I cannot praise it enough In re turn for the good It has done fur me, hot alone for rheumatism, hut also for kidney trouble." KnsnJtBicK Bbllbrs, st. Peters, I'enn. Hood's Pills cure Constipation by restor ing the peristaltic action of Uic aUnentST canal E. Robinson's Sons' Lageb Beer Brewery Manufacturers of tho Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbli Per Annum, DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufiictui-rd at tho WapwtlloAsn Mllla Lu leiue county Ph., and ut WU mililitou, Uiluwaru. HENRY BELIN, Jr General ARent for the Wyoming District, lit Wyoming Ave.. Scranton Pa. Ihlid National Bunk Duildln AOKXCirs. TllOR. FORD. Pittatnn, Pa. JOHN B SJIITH & HON; Plymouth. Ts. J!. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkes-Harre. Pa. Agents for the llopauno Chomioal Com pany's Hltfh LxiilosiveH. I ni Alth kaijiaii mniiBiieDtlrourtxl I Nl UIII9 F19lil!n mJO io..l.,. by ww" ""'""MaaloHeTi-l I eay, nUfr nmrinly, baelM lr tsu.WMl.. aaflNWBSitaNdJrMn Mil aM HotStrtM I nTe iriei. mo leu t.ce rn.h . lii:iii-up.i irom ud amirjfii, our Maado Remedy win I pfilllvaly euro. f'UOK HKnKDT eu.. I hlrM n. in. pi ff. PURE BLOOD AND Perfect Nutrition is necessary for good health To insure these you need a preparation of the juices of lean, raw meat, carefully selected-, containing all the elements for making new, pure blood, and giving perfect nutrition to all the organs of the body. That is what is It is endorsed by 2,000 physicians as the most perfect condensed food known. For sale hy all druggists. tiif, Bovnmrs co., nf,w york. AT THE SCRANTON $2,000 IN DIAMONDS AS PRIZES. Exhibitions in FAflOY and TRICK RIDING hy DAHIEUCAHARY 10 Sharp, Short and Exciting All the Flyers coming. Parade of Wheelmen in the c SCllANTOX, IA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at tho MOOSIC nnd EUbJi DALE WORKS. Lufllin & Band Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN P0WDEB Electrlo f5tterle Fueo' r0r explol ing blants Batety Fuso aud ftepaunoCheraical Co.'s High Explosives MT. PLEASANT AT RKTAIU rvtof thn host uunlltv fjr flomeatic nniMind tit nil plzin. delivored in uuy part of the clt) at Ir.woHt prloe. Ordorii loft ut ray office, t0. 118, WYOMING AVENTTFi, Roar room, first floor, Thir l Nntlonnl nank, or urnt by mnll or tolnpbone to the mlna, will rcceivn prompt attention. HpeeiM contrartn wUl bo mrule for tbe ul aud Uvlivory of lluckwbout CoaL WM. T. SMITH. PKXTER HOB CO., Inc'p.rapllol, 1 ,000,000. BSST tt.50 SHOE IN TUB WORLD. UA dollar inefd it a dollar carntd," ThUIsBdlot' ' ri- i-.ik:;uf. ton ltoot delivered free any w!i?ro in the U.S., on rowlntot twiii, Money i refer, or roAtiil Note for $1.50. Urania every wny tho booU hoiii in nil retail Mores lor O'i.60. Vo reako tnli boot ournolve, therefore vt guar mitfA tho fit. itUtM and wear. nnd If nny ono In not Rtiilifled wo will rcrnna tno niney ordcntlnnotherpalr. ('iwrci loo or i ntn in on width. C, D. ft KK. Izc. l to 8 mm Hull Stndyour tttt will At yon. Illilltrnteil Ct.a logtio FRCE Dexter Shoe ColSf S fEnTH0L INHALER -I Jlr 'ZM. iNitAun win euro you. A a J ttm w jftM wonderful boon to anftererc w aw v wimmi'ii di.aaraTHriiut. s Intlurnrn. Bronchitis. orUAl FEVJEK. Afnnit immtdiattrclit'. Ahefflcient ri.miiil mmivmIm, t.i rnrrr in poefcot. ready to n on flmt Imltcailon of eolif. 'ontlnnrd Uae EfTect. S'crmnnent llirc. BanaraoUMIRiarSntoed or money refunded. Prlct fiO rtm. TrUil fn-e nt Druinilnti. Keiilstcred until. CO coflts. a. II. CUoHBitl, Mtr., Three Kiven, aiio., u. i. L OIT8HMAN' S9 MrNTUfll , h" mirest and ..fest remedy for Itit-ia I nyl. Hi,klnillieaiie.iKeitfm.. Itch.Hnlt RheunMild Sore., Hum., Cum. wonderftil rem rdy for PI LKN. Price, S5 ota. ut leu.-- pal r.j llt or liy iimll arSpajd. AtldrewH an nliove. PH.. Iff For .ale bjr Mttttliewa llrua. and John H. l'liclpa. BOVININE i The Original Raw Food ij I).! EBACES Driving Pari JULY 4 MO Si POWDER CO ssa i?to w HmiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiui iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinitHiiiiiigiP 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. SALE THIS WEEK ONLY. L 111 I h h 111 J () IVEH Every lady whose purchase amounts to 5 wil be pre sented with a pair of 5 or 7 hook Kid Gloves, worth $l Remember, The Fair THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES, nlllHIinillllEliBllllllllllllllMigilllllllllllllllllllllHIHniHIIIHII.EHBIIIItlln' KERR 4 S6EBEGKER IL SOME GREAT FEATURES Sincrle Portieres in dadoes and plain centres; all new, choice goods. $1.37, $1.75, $2 and 2,50 each LACE CURTAINS Odd pairs in Irish Point, Tambour and Ncrttinofhara at prices that will suit you. Lace Curtain Stretchers $1.50, $2 and $3 each. Piilow Sham Holders 75 cents each. UPHOLSTERY 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. I One Hundred and Fifty Baby Carriages Will be offered this week at TEN PER CENT. REpUC TION. After making your pur chase, we will give TEN PER CENT, of your purchase back, Then, remember our Porch and Lawn Rockers and Settees, China, Japanese and Linen Warp Mattings. Also, Re frigerators and Ice Chests. An Onyx Finished chiiHi's or over. A 100-pieca Diuoor or over. H H I PI 5 ai We are selling Linoleum at the price of oil cloth. It will wear twice as long. 500 odd Window 15 . Shades, worth 30,35 I 20fi and 40 cents, all on J oacjj spring rollers, j 4-4, 6-4, 8-4, 10-4 Chenille Covers at greatly reduced prices. Dotted Swiss, Muslins and Tambour Sash Goods Silkoline, 10, 12 and 15c. yd.; fringe to match. Clock with $50 pnr- Pet with $75 pnrohssee .1 AWAY LINOLEUM TABLE COVERS