The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 15, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Wc will sell our entire sick of
New and Stylish TRIMMED
IBICES. Come and sec them at
Norman & Moore
?2Q Wyoming Avenue
Mears ft Haa'en
Hnv your roi.l..U!H (.tnn-lic-d in tho old
iir, wbfii jtv. cm bavo tbstn &6no with soft,
pllte Dottonho Jo Idr TWO 02NTS KAUU.
Hyou want
Carpets, Draperies,
Vrall Paper or Vindow
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
Cfoods, and our prices are
very low.
Williams k McAnuity
127 Wyoming Ave.
AMs. Jii'lia Albright, t Pittton. will
give concert nt Powell's uot Monday
A report of t!.o Viewers if tbe Fifth dis
trict mam sewer, section A, will bo found
00 MVM Of tins i-sne.
Daniel O'DoMoll wn'i committed tn the
county jail yesterday In default of bail for
beating hi niutber-in-law.
It bM been decided to bold tb annual
pli-nlool tbe Hook and (Adder company
at Waaler's ijruv ou July "3.
The bond of Tax Collector Lints Mo
Qnekr, t Bnniom towutblp, in the sum
cf 11,000 was approved by court yenterday,
Tbera m a liberal rtis;!'iv of American
flags abont the city yssterday iu honor of
he anniversary ot the adaptation of the
Vbimrs of Nominally" tonij-bt at tun
Frotbingham, It iou of the bo-t per.
ffoinnncee of th opera overeeen in this
The lot at (he corner of Linden Rtro-t
and Dlz court h i- be n soM to Dr. h. M.
Gate by D. M.Jonej for 25,0,0 It is
80x100 (eat in sis.
On account of the picnic to bo hold Snt
trdajr afternoon at tbs Dickson range the
range will bo closed Sud the Saturday
match will not bo shot.
S. P. Molt, Owen D. John and Jehu
Hawks, viewer in the Fifth Hewer dis
trict, tiled their report in City Solicitor
Torrey's office yesterday.
The marriage of Miss .Anna a. Rey-.
no'.dK to George A. Reynold, of New
York, wat celebrated at 0.80 last evening
at '.he home of the bride's parents tin Ainu
roe avenue, Ureuu Ridge.
Tho Hook and Ladder eornpany yeeter
day received 'rom Dr. it. n. Tiuroop a
Oftyon iiiclnro of his eon. the late Dr.
Ueorge h. Tbroop, who was a member of
Hie lioolc and ladder company.
John P. Donin, the pitcher, nnd T. J.
Lewis, a tourist bill tosher, became iutoii
catad Wednesday night and broke a win
low in .Miller's hotel. They were arrested
but were discharged yesterday on payment
or the cost of replacing tbe window.
A special effort has been ma lo by Yonng
Men' Christian association officials to
ni:ike the free Saturday evening b ind con
cvrlB attractive. Tomorrow eight's con.
cert will be for men only. Tickets may be
obtained at tlie association's buildias-
At. the Penn Avenue Baptist church last
nijjbt a very intcresliutfevcuinsr of song and
recitation was mvmi bv tbe Howard fnini
lv assisted by John T. Wathlna, Mis Lulu
Bard and James Wilson. It was the first
public appearauco of the lsft iianio.l two
who made almost favorable impressions.
On Monday evening next, Ms Julia Al
len and twenty of bor pupils will pive a
r-cital In Music hall in vocal culture,
piano and oiocut:on. They will be assisted
by Miss Loretto Costello, of Hinghamlou,
n violinist of lLarked ability, whf was
heard with much pleasure iu this city lust
The Young Women's Christian associa
tion hopes to add materially to its treas
ury, which has been seriously depleted
during the past busy year, bv means of the
excursion to bo run to Farvlew on Bat or
day. The westher is t o warm that tlio
breezes of Purview will be most grateful
to tho many who will find tirao to go on
this trip. The fure is only 75 cents, child
ren, 40 cents.
Yesterday afteruoon Mayor Connell,
Chief Engineer Fcrber and Charles U.
Bchadt, R ihert Robinson, Morris V. Mot".
ris, Patrick J. Ulckey and Edward E.
Hi bnlhr.ii, of the tire committee of the
common council, and Wade M. Finn, Fred
J. Dtirr, Charles 7. Wuguer, Peter Kelley
end J. F. Schwcnk, of the select, visited
the quarters of the different compauies of
tbe city excopt the Camberiands and Excelsior.
f& K
Concluded from Pm,c I.
Mr. Ainey, president of tbe Allen
town Second Naliouul bank, inovod
t lint the old board of officer by re
i looted. The motion wan noanimouily
endorsed as follows : Tneodore Strong,
i'ittetoii, president; George Shannon,
first vice president; Dr. Joseph Thomas,
ecoiid vice president; Frank M. Horn,
Uatusinniua, recording secretary; C. D.
Moaer, Heading, treasurer; executive
I mmittee, William H, Ainey and Roti-
rtB. Wright, Alleutowu; James M.
Ijuoobf, Pennabargi John W. Gwyuer.
.vision; Jnuu-s A. Emeu, Scranton; P.
II, Oarhart, Wilkea-Bam.
William Hsckelt, prsai lent of the
Batton National lauk of E ntou, dis
cussed "Sluto banks and uu improved
national banking HYstein compared.''
1I gave an interesting description of
tba operations of the state bank' mid
the innumerable OOOvaniinOM and p:.-i
itiva losses to whicli they snbjeotsd
tho public. He contrasted this state
Of things with the solidity or the na
tional banks ond said: "We ma)
well look with dread upon the efforts
now biiug made to destroy the nation
al bsnking system and to deprive the
country ol tuo absolute safety nnd se
curity afforded by its circulation.''
Mr. Etaokett stid:
Wc need a currency eiatic in character,
and which will expand and contract as the
necessities of the country may demand,
and tiiese bnnkl are well adapted for this
purpose, i.s they would naturally oxpand
or contract their circulation, as the de
mands ol their clientage may require.
That tbit is true is borne out by the fact
that from March to October, 1893, the cir
oulatlon Increased thirty.tbree millions,
artd, if more profit could have been shown,
tii increase would have been much larger.
, inks do not issue circulation unless at a
uroOt and we would utiiriu that the ntios-
cton cf a sufficient circulating medium
would be settled lor good by the enact
ment Ol legislation which would furnish
r! e banks with circulation to the par or
bot ds deposited W security, said bonds to
ruu thirty yean, and to Dear Interest at
I the rate of " per cent.
The applause accorded Mr. llackjtt
I when he had finished, testified to the
iuiportsncs and merit uttacued to his
William E Ainey, president of the
Second National b.niK of Allentown,
read a paper, "Can Ottr National JJauk
Syst m Be Perpstnatedf' It was a
thoughtful trcutiiii of tlu sub j sot and
we regret that lack of space forbids
printing it.
Mr, W. H. Peck, csshier ef tin-
Tbird X itional bank, this city, spoke
felicitously on the subject of "Banking
Plonsantries." H. sai I inpsrt:
When asked to address you today, the
first thought wai what particular part
of banking shall I talk about.' Shall 1 be
as to the desirability of a uniform prac
tice among ban k in the same city in re
gard to overdrafts, those bugbears to us
tul f Or or nuiiorniity in rules for inter
rst deposits! Or tho advisability tt
changing tbe rates of interest paid! Or
ball it be views ns to the value of com
mercial paper compared with bouds as
quick assets! But my later thought has
been, thul as each of tho S crouton bank
ers bus his own jirt theories on these snb
jscts, 1 better not ruthlessly disturo the
pencotliatat the present timo so beaatt
fully ii Vttlls among us. And so my mi-tu
has tarnsd to the things that have oc
carrud in this business of banking. Loan
Itig money is seri .us busiuess. Getting it
back iiolten still more serious. Hat If we
recognixc them as they occur, wa will find
in our own experience, and in the expert
enco of others, that this serious'iess is oc-
casionally relieved by humorous features.
It in related of a banker iu the north
west that on reading the papers ho became
alarmed at the itiauy failures reportod,
and so Concluded not to loan any more
money, and to oil In what he had out,
not seeming to realise that such a course
would only rnsko the hard times worse.
Acting on this plan, it was not long be
fore his depositors were expressing pity
i hat he was so hard up, and som said that
if he was in that .shape th-y wanted their
money, h id soon he fou-ul that as a mat
ter of self-preservation ho better stop that
policy. In tbe happy time coming it is to
be hoped that bank era, borrowers and do
poaltprs will leava that their interest
are muinal, and when a bank and its cus
tomers lo.iru Unit, th wellmanage i bank
w:li have nothing to fear from the nn
easiness of panicky times, and thou It will
never be necessary for any one to do iih a
western o.uiKor am, wao last summer
found bis cash was all paid out, and that
he had no quick a-ihets, although Ids loans
were ou good notes, ;iud ko he had to put
up the shutters, and he tacked up tins
"Thn, bank owes the public K7.030.
The public owes this bauk 887,000.
When the publie pays this huuk will pay.
The bunk is not busted. It It the public
that is busted."
T no liif.iter vein of Mr. Peok's rj
fuiirks wore inoit happily received in
mo midst of tbe weighty proceedings
C. E Dengler, of Potlsville, national
bank examiner of eastern Peunsylva
nis, dinct:Bed "Tho Examiner's Rsla
tiona to National Hunks." Among
other things he said tile bank oxamlu
er's duties are far from being perlmic
tory. Hi advocated tiio Imperative
rule of placing employes under bond,
r-iavb proteUtion is furnished by coin
psny's for asm ill percentage which
banking institution can well off ltd to
pay. Check should be oancelled
daily. Many cases of embezzlement
are perpetrated by a re entry of a check
In the daily oash book, the day following
tbe original entry, but without being
posted on the ledger. Cancellation will
prevent it.
Directors and presidents should ato
to it that oashters are not allowed lo
invist tho funds of thn bank, OS is oftoti
done for ptrsoaal account. They should
also see to it that the cashier do is not
invent ou his personal account in fluc
tuating and speculative properties,
sucn us hind companies. It is promo
tive of too extensive operations and
conqa'mt temptation.
Mr. Fondersmitb, Lancaster; Mr.
Mallbergar, Reading, and Mr. Ilol
frich, Ashley, had been appointed at
the Philadelphia meeting to rep irt ut
yesterday's meeting on the half holi
day in its relutlon to the time for pro
testing paper. .Mr. Fonderimttb itated
that no report had been prepared, but
it was the general custom to demand
botwejti 8 and 11 o'clock Saturday
morning, but to receive payments dur
ing Monday,
The time for protesting uotes. checks,
etc., rocieved or duo on Saturday tin
der the half-holiday law created con
siderable disenssion. It was the. gen
eral opinion of the meeting that tho
law Is crude and misutivlcntood, and
while lh maturity on Monday applies
particularly to banks observing the
half-holiday, thero seemsd to be uh un
certainty in the case of banks which
do not oha the half-holiday.
After tli discussion, tho sens) of the
meeting was voted m favor of olojiug
Saturday at noon,pri:icipally because
it seemed the best :.i-thod of protection
tinder the present iuw.
A;i adjournment was made at, 15
o'clook to bannuot nt the Westminster
ut 7 o'clock.
It wat nsarly 8 o'clock when tijo
banqueters, who were received in tho
vVestminstM parlors on the second
fljor, descended to the dining room,
which witu a h ippy bleu (lag of rose
and flsgs, in honor of Flag DtyaaJ
tho occasion, bad been transformed in
to a veritable bower of beauty.
While over two hours were snent in
ilUcuiting the excellent menu, replete
and Inexhaustible in its supply f deli
cacies, Bauer's orchestra, stationed in
the reading mom adjoining, ditoourted
iweet music. The arrangement, ser
vice and general excellence of tin re
past reflect! much credit upon C. M,
Truman, proprietor of the hotel.
W. T. Smith, the tOSltmatter, called
the assemblage to order in a brief
but happily selected ipteob, He said
in part:
By virtue of tb honorablo position thnt
bus boon assigned me, 1 arise to reiterate
and emphasize the hearty Welcome we ull
extend and to tlmnk you for ymir visit to
our city and especially lor your presence
here tonight. It seems eminently proper
that after tho arduous duties of
the day iu the interest, and
promotion of Bound principles of banking
you should lay aside your labors and de
vote tho evening to the ret end diversion
of banqueting. We fully realise that the
labors and .luti 's of active business are in
a measure to provide mentis ior the en
joyment of the pleasures and amenities of
social life, nnd if wt can In nuy degree
make this evening a fulfilment ofthis de
stre, wo shall feel that wo have accom
plished our object.
rVe who have lived here for many yean
and watched the growth and progress of
our city, may be pardonod for feeling a
reasonable pride In, and deep attachment
to it. A bountiful providence placed here
a generous provision for prosperity and
:u active and enterprising people have
nsed these elements successfully, and I be
lievo I am not assuming too much
in saving that among all the
flourishing cilies of our glorious
commonwealth we may claim to bo tba
peer of any in our class. Wo sincerely
hope that tbisvislt may so impress yen that
yon will come auiiiu Individually and col
lectively uud you may always bo assured
ot a hearty welcome. Aud now we will
proceed to tho real feast of the evening
and demonstrate that ihe vocabulary of
the banker is not confined to the mono
syllable phrases of "ye" una "no."
lion. Theodore Strong, of I'ittetoii,
president of the association, in re
spouse to the toast, "B.iuks ol tlio
SOtquebsnna,'' remarked upon the
financial advance of Scrantou, tlio ent
or which has not yet arrivi d. All have
beard of the batik? of the Susqushanua,
particularly at l'ittsto.i, w.iere they
oro annually overflawn, He cited
Ooopet who wrote of the beauties of the
picturesque stream and mentioned
the Bank of tho Wyoming, the first on
the bank of the river, with iJliS.OilO cap
ital, from which lie drew a pleasing
inference to the stupendous wealth of
today, 'fiioro is one thing they are
able to do at WilkeBsrro which be
ims niK been able to fathom taking
the bowels from a bank and leaving
tits skeleton.
ToHstin ister Smith in calling upon
13. B. Sttirges to respond to the "Biukl
01 mo jNiiej mennonea aim as one o:
the men who have made S:raato.i
what she is.
Mr. Sturges said that im met of hie
years was spent in sijniug uote, his
Invitation to the banquet was no doubt
because of "honor to whom honor is
due." From the fact that any tool can
inako u good speech on the
hanks of the Xile be didn't pro
pose to make n goo I speech. Old
Cyopf built safe deposit vaults hun
dreds of years ago which have not been
opened yet. This recalls the question
of time, by which modern bankers can
draw a good lesson fiom the Nile.
There is plenty of time. Another
point of ditr.'reuce in favor of the Xile
I in the matter of wind, which boars
you Up the river. Here it's different;
a man arrives in town with plenty
of wind which changes us soon as ho
la in hard luck then its deal against
him, However, the banks of the Kile
are worthless unless they are watered.
10 say something true and seriom "at
I watched the mummifisd rem tins of
11 in ices the great and his turrcw.j
face which caused the earth to tremble,
1 thought how little is greatness. To
night he is merely a ipeotaole
for the curious. The contrast
of the great man who lived; for bimiell
o 400 years ago can be likened to some
lives today sutirely at variance with
what ii tangbt in our schools and
churches. Toll is tho lesson I want to
get the benefit from nnd which will en
dure iu banking and other occupations,
Rev. Ciarles 13 Robinson, D. D,
who responded to tbe"Banki of the Jor
dan," said that ina?nitic!i as the toast
master had suggested that he (Dr. Rob
inson) had searched the Jordan's banks
for the s.ilt woman, he would remark
that it bad been hi Lot to fiud her.
He said that, ultiiouijti conversation
is Impossible when ottiers wish to talk,
he would talk bri-fly without the ster
eotyped ploa that he had not pro
p. red a speech. What importance
can be nttaobed to the banks
of the Jordan, as far as bunkers are
concerned, he is at a loss to know, un
less tba beakers have ftfund it hard
roud to travel Yet, putting aside the
lighter sentiment uttacliod to his sub
ject, be citod the stock of the banks of
the Jordan, its dividends, Its capital
stock and the infinite endorsement of
Jesus Christ on the drafts, which
makes it the greatest bank, trust con
cern or clearing house tho world has
ever known. Ir the bunks haven't any
investment there tuoy had better con
sider it.
Hon. Robert E Wright, in respond
ing to the toast "Banks of the Lehlgb,"
Mid he joined iu the thanks of others
.'or the lavish and whole hearted bos
t itality of tno SoreutOU business men.
il" drew an interesting idea of the
different) in the facilities nnd custom
of city bankors standing by on another
iu times of trouble and panic, and the
helplessness of the coutry banker. Yon
cannot separate your prospsrlty aj a na
tion from thesoundossssof your banks.
Hi endeavored to impress the bankers
Individually "and generally upon Ins
importance of interesting themselves
in the QaanoUl legislation in progress.
There id too much attention to matters
solely witniii tne four walls of a Oatik
ing business, While politicians aud
demagogues are making mistakes
winch affect ns as Individuals and a
nation. Batiks will not be banks of de
posit and discount until they are not
compelled to bny bonds and give notes
Tho people will never accept a currency
that cannot redeem the wMolo volnm i
at tho swoop. Thoro must be a gov
ernment guarantee for the recovery of
every dollar Issued. He was sorry to
huve broken in upon the happier strain
of talk, but the problems should bu
considered as how lo best fit us to raoet
tbe legislation In progress. Then are
too m my pet schemes, whilo thero
should be a iixel principle.
Attorney W. W. Watson was intro
duced as one who bus but reoetftlf
associated himself with Soranton, but
who Iisb been prominent in identify
ing hiui-olf with the advance of tii
city. On the toast ''Principal and In
terest" he considered Interest as mur
der it is Bbomiuable. vd should
abolish interest or establish a 4 per
cent. Uw. The only reason for charg
ing (I per cent is because it is easy to
calculate. Ou the plea that thero ure
no cures for liars because they are in
curable, he edvocnted "principal." Ii
is a good thing inside the bank.
i; v. Jam -a McLsod, D D., ia re
sponse to the toast of "Profb an 1 Loss,"
said iu th- piyioe; to the preachers by
baokeiS there is an equivalent In th i
praying by the preachers for the bank
ers. Mr. Stnrges would havo been a
("otusuu" morsel for the Nlleorooo-
diles, different from the missionary
who gave asavag tnou a piece o! bin
cork leg us n sample of tho specimen
quality of hi body. Mr. Btnrgei
couldn't work any such game. 1 1 at
tempting to discuss the question cf
"Profit nnd Loss" he was like the
preacher who selected his text and
never cumo bsck to it.
Owing to the latmess of the hour
Dr. McLnoii'tt remarks could not b
more fully icported, and for the same
reason no detailed inant!on can bu
given the respond ofElitor Edward
J. Lyuett and City Solicitor James H.
Torrev to the respective tousts, "The
Press" and "Will Protest,
Ho Is Charged with Having Commit
ted Perjury Drug Clerk Frank
Beavers tbe Complainant.
Frank Beavers, n clerk in Phelps'
drug store, yesterday swore out a war
rant before Alderman Fitssimmons
charging R v. F. A. Dony with per
jury, it will bo served this morning.
Mr. Beavers was one of the clerks for
whoso arrest Mr. Douy swore out a
warrant, charging him with violating
the Sunday law by working at tbe soda
fountain in Phelps' ding store last
When tho case was called for a bear
ing before Alderman l'ost yesterday
afternoon a non pros was entered be
cause Bi avers could not be identified as
the clerk who worked nt the fountain
lust Sunday. Immediately after the
non pros was ci ttrtd Btavers swore
uu the information on which the war
runt was issued for Mr. Doney' nr
resr. This action is the rtsult of a trap
thai was set for the clergyman. When
it was announced that the clerks In
drug stores would be arrested, the
scheme was concocted. 1 . Saturday
night Btavers was sen, I io New York
and returned Monday. As was es
peeled Mr. Dony supposed that
Beavers was operating toe foUntsiu
and accordingly swore out tbe infor
mation ou which the clerk was ar
Cbimti cf Hormandy as Oivo.i Lis:
lUht a Kulc.l treat
The Msckay-Kenney company crave
a finished performance of the "'Chimes
of Normandy" Ht the Frothlogbam
last night, the audience being one of
the largest of tho season, which fully
demonstrates that Scrauton will sup
port uu extended teasou of summer
Tho Chimes was produced in a man
ner that almost defies crlticisth. Every
membor of the company, principals
and chorus, were seen ut their best
ind tin interesting performance. WBS
the result.
Tbe serpoleta of Fannie Myers was
a gem vocally uuJ dramatically while
Lizzie Qonsslex as Qermalne sang her
music with iter USUali good taste. Syl
Vain Luiglois as the Marq'iis and
Charles Holmes Ctrouicbeux w -re all
that, could be desired. Qaepard the
raiser, as portrayed by Dan Young, was
h genuine surprise to bis nnuy uu
uiirers. Edward P.siidway ns the Notary i;i
trodusd a taking dance specialty
which wna greatly appreciated,
"Chimes of Normandy" will bo pro
settled the balance of the week aud Sat
urday matinee,
Tee Event VI 111 Pccur oc filouday
Wonderland, whioh reopens on Mon
day, presents a most attractive lilt oi
plays for the week which will be pro
duced in a splendid manner oy a spec
ial company csrefully selected by iluu
a;,er Davis,
The plays thnt will be given are
"Ilazle Ktrke," ''Forgiven," "Forget-me-not,"
"Falsely Accused," "Fun on
the Bristol1' and "Private Secretary."
There will be a performance eaob af
ter noon 'and SVOning and on Saturday
morning a spsol il performance will be
given at 10 o'clock for children.
All patrons of the lrouao during the
week will be given chnueo ou a bi
T3arguir:n. ' - tfulne.
We will make rpeciul prices .Saturdny
afteruoon. aud sunset salt) c to 8, Select
now. Don't wait.
Wooo Law.v Pa uk.
Open All Night
ot Lohuinu s Spruce street.
Commonwealth Shoo Store, WashluKton
Finn shoes; latest fads iu russet and
patent leathers. Some entirely now styles
in Indies and gents.
llATOBLUS Shaw Pianos Every cus
tomer recommend them, stello & Seeley,
134 Wyoming avenue.
Rkisii.uit's market, Meats, Csh nnd
groceries, lowest possible prices. .
BY Alt, the druggist, will give to callers
who nre troubled, for one week one bottle
of Dimmock's kidney and bladder cuie
free, or will sell two hundred doses for one
dollnr, guaranteed as represented.
I ondln & Weoiz'a and Ballntla'4
Ales i re tho bi st. B. J. Waluu, Agent.
Ih! Luckawa ma avenue.
SwiHy, obampion hih jumper of the
world, will be here June 88,
15s., worth 25c,
Fancy New Potatoes, 45c.
Pineapple, $1 doz.; worth
Pineapples, $1.19 dozen;
worth $1.50.
BERPJE3 for canning
any time after Monday.
Our prices are always tho
lowest for same quality.
42G Lacka. Ave.
St. LfliVf KiDiiecgartea Will CiOU To'Jay
fiftcr Succ.ssful Year.
Gcorgo Shoemaker and Philip
Schcucr OandldatOS for Jury Com-missicncr-Exzursion
of tho Scran
ton Athletic Club Work of Street
Commissioner Kirst Marrmge of
Miss Emma Bauer to Charles
Stocber Other Items of Interest.
The le'outii Side branch o? St. Luko's
kindergarten school, on Cedar avenue,
which has been running sine the be
ginning of the present year, nnd has
been (XCtedtngly successful In that
time, will closo today for the term
Miss Florence Hull is the principal of
the school and with two assistants
nearly sixty pupils have boen accom
modated. The progress mndo by t'un pupils,
some of them as young as U yours ot
age, has been no gratifying as that a
great demand is made by imv pupils
for admission, The school will open
on the first Monday in September, by
which time the room will havo b-'en
enlarged and at! effort mile to furnish
room for a total oi U)d pupils.
lh William Oonnell's Kor Could Not
lie Depended Upon.
The William Oonnell' liorso could
not be depended upon
The Wi Ham Connell Hose company
cannot got a team too quick. The boric
at present used by the conipiny la the
property of Mayor Connell and alto
gether too small for the heavy ho.e
Tne animal I not salted for anything
but light work. Tlin iborof the hosu
house is ."ailing throng i nnd threat) ns
to break any day with the wigiit o;
the curt.
Fred .Miller, of Cedar avenue, is fishing
nt Robinson's pond.
There will be a picnic of tho Haydn
Sociul club on duly In Central Park,
Choice cuts at lowest prices. Ryan A;
Co-'s Cash Meat ilnrket; 51s Lneka. nvo.
Mrs. Daniel O. (telbert, of South Wash
ington avenue, is visiting in Wilkes-Barre,
Jiiis Ifanrie Xallln, of Pittston avenue,
laeutlrely recovered from her recent long
lllllt IS
Comet lodge, Knights of Pythias, will
me..t tonight lor the nurp se o. nominat
ing offioi rs.
Brewer Michael Hand, Oj-ar L. Helrel
gel nnd Charles Kirst, nro ill ling at Silk
man's pond.
Coundlmen Hlokey and Bjhinson re
turned Wednesday from a jaunt to Phila
delphia, Baltimore and Washington.
Work has been resumed on t'.i M. II ib
ius.i eftico bonding, which was delayed
on account o'. the bricklayer's strike.
Kext Tuesday evening Mrs. Henry Carr
will lecture before the iSotith Side Young
Women's ChrUtlan association ou tu.-lu-diani.
There will beahaudkeiobief social ou
June 39 in Economy hall nuder the invita
tion of Miss Maud Richards, of South
Washington avenue,
Tho Neptune Engine company hopes to
get its new steamer In a short while an d
at present they ure handicapped by the
di lability Of thu old oue.
The school board of I.n-kr.w.intia town
ship presented it report for the school
term ended Juno 1 to the township audi
tors last night and it was accepted.
Street Commissioner Ki.-st is keeping on
repairing the bad spots along Cedar ave
nue. From Elm to ilmok street the latost
improvement Liu been much needed.
George Shoemaker, of this side ie asked
by his friends lo allow his name to go be
fore the Democratic convention for jury
commissioner, lie has consented to leo in
Philip Bcheuer. of the firm of Bchsuer
Bros., of Brook street, and oue of the most
prominent South Side Repobltoans, has con
sented to allow his friends to push for
the nomination for jury commissioner.
The young son of Thomas E Bprflka, of
Prospect avenue, whose life was despaired
Of for Soma time and who has been gain
ing strength for the past three weeks, is
now entirely well and able to ramble out
of doors.
Every detail connected with the excur
sion of the Scrnnten Athletic club t Far
view 0U next Tuesday is flohhed, all but
the parade of the members over tne prin
dpI streets headed uy Uuih's full baud
tomorrow' night.
Tbe marriage of MUs Emma Btuor, o:
Ilircb street, to Charles Stoeber, of the
West Side, was celebrated yesterday afior
noon iu ihetieimau Presbyterian church
on Hickory street. In tho evening a re
ception wa held at the home of the
bride's parents, at w hich numerous friends
gathered. The presents wore numerous
and eo : r. .
Half Holiday Saturday A?torrioon.
Spend it looking over Wood Lawn pork.
Get prices and buy wnilo boom is on. Sale
begins nt
Rr.ix.t.MiT'n market sells fresh roll but
ter at lti cents. Call sua examine.
Euy I he U.bir
nnd gel tbe best, At Guernsey Hros.
m ui
fnd Right Up
to Date. . . .
We have Artistic
Designs in Wed
ding Gifts and all
the Latest Novel
ties. W. I, BERRY, Jeweler
Best Set3 of Teeth, $8.00
jDClndlnr tho painless extracting
cf tuetn by im entirely new
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
tao wa-oaiisii AVii
Kuslc Bixo! Exclusively.
Host mnde. Tiny nuy desired number of
tnnes. Qantschi Si Sons., manufacturers,
llaw Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Won
derful orehestrlal organs, only $3 and IW.
Specialty) Uld music boxes carefully re
paired aud improved with new tune.
1 For FDMic Benefit I
" am
a IT-! 'Vli no uio to remind you Sa
g that wui-m leather is hero. R
3 lint wo will re-
u mlmlyouof our line ol liuiuiaor Goods B
Boo onr lino of Ol.AOIKB Kl'TIJIO
KitAXoB, patented movable
Hues, sniid Ice rook and .shelve., seven
wnlls to preaerv the ice. Ue.-t ill thu
-Remember, we have tho
n due t assortment of oil ami U AN
S3 HVIOVK8, OASUANOES, etc.. in the
g city.
I Don't buy a lawn mower until you
mi have seen our ituurnutued
I Electric Mower3,
u lneh, S3, so.
Window Screens,
jj All biz. s, 3e. up.
Screen Doors, C6lPp,0teillo.
I Wire Cloth, A1!
Cherry Fitters, 4oanucoc.
I H.Battin &Co- I
Boranlo iii
Hardly-: o
126 Peni Ave.
On Ibn'nv, e 11, ire wil have an
expirlemei Crrset nomas (rem .Vewybtk
who v, 1 1 ash li t o d lit t io co i bra ed
Wc wUl b' pltslfd to lit svsrv ona who
eaes tohave a Pern e 9 t ng ( orsjt
Wear ul.o preparid to fit any Corse
fi'omitlc. to thu lil;aer prieHL
128 Wydlning Ave.
That tho natural outlines of the foot shotilil be rircsfirved
rather tlian interferod with j if you believe in comfort and
lit. as well as style; if you believe iu slnpely sluej for shape
ly feet; if you waat service, thou put your money, as well as
your feet, in our shoos.
Wc show aud sc'.l the grandest and greatest lina dtf
jootwear that ever adorned and protecij.1 tk- femiuineor
masculine foot.
Ladies' Beautiful Rus3ct Tipped
O-vfoi'ds, all sizes,
Ladies fixtra Quality Russet
Misses' Best Quality Basset Goat,
spring heel, button,
Child's Extra Quality I'atent
Leather Tipped, button,
n n
I s S
Complete Outfit tore, SCRAINTOM, PA
REMEMBER--Every purchaser of 81 worth or over receives a chance on
the Beautiful PARLOR SUIT.
fr J?UY. T's
Ta JpH Hart I
II TO 2 SI. 25
VA TO 5 $1.50
ETjAGH day this week we will offer bargains appro
Esa priata to the weather. If rainy Umbrellas and
Mackintoshes; and if clear weather, Straw Hats, Mil
linery, Shirt Waists, Ladies' Suits, Nockwaar, &c.
Special for
WE will sell our en
tire stock 6f MiL
linery Goods, Ladies'
Coats, Capes and
Blazer Suits at
to make room for tha
immense stock o
Furs we are making.
STORED and T'f,rT!En
w Daring tho Suuilner.
i a hbv 3il.f JiOB rm
13S Wyoming Av3.
v. ; Dlii'S
Men's best grade Cnsco Calf, lace
and Congress, Loudon aud'
French ice,
Men's extra quality Russia Calf,
hand well, lace and Congress,
Youths' extra quality B Calf,
tipped, button and bals,
Infants' best quality Tan and Red
Goat, button,
n o onnn nni
Wouldn't wear out so many Shoes
iffoa bought him
Try a pair next time. Our spe
cialty is good-wearing and good
looking .Shoes for Children.
Banister's Shoe House
This Week:
50c. on
the Dollar
9 : tsm
" i n ......
51 UU
hat Boy
Of Yours
The Owl Shoe