THE SCEAKTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 15, 1894. MATCHLESS SHAW PIANOS. STELLE & 8EELEY, 134 Y3RmC AVI tH AW, EMERSON, SKWUSOtAND FINEST LINE IN THE CITY POR THE PRICES. :i-.xv AND SECOND II AND ALL PBIOES A Foe lo Dyspepsia GCOD BREAD -use ran- ci nun And always have Good Bread. fAOTFAOTURlID AND FOB SALE TO THE TltADE BY The Weston il Co, -LUrlldl MS LUlUUi. THE nFMUlMF POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS WApjwrasijeB: ciMri't 'an G., B. & Cq., hDtrlnf4 -n Faoh Dtps-. barney, Brown & Co.Mfr's. (.111.1. 1' HOUhN nltl'AitK. DR. H. B. WARB .si'i: I.VMST. EYE. EAIi. KOSE AND TIIEOAT. OFFICE HOURS : lfj-hL :35 WYOMING AVE- CRAiQ FOR STATE SENATOR. Spoken of as a Compromise Candi date for the Democratic Nomination. Election of :.!ato Delegates. There is much political cosip afloat thea sultry days, and they 'urnish no end 01 conjecture for tboso to whom that canicular kind of os.ip i3 a very delicious moral), One of tbe latest tnri,-s is to the effect that Deputy In ternal Revenue Collector WiiliTm Craig is a candidate for state senator, Mr, Craig refuses to affirm the story, but it is know. 1 that lie is making fre quent excursions into the rural dis tricts. As bis busino'S does not make it necessary that be should hobnob with tbe horney bawft-d tiller.1 of tne soil, and 118 Mr, Craig would not bo likely to visit tbe country at more or less regular intervals simply for tho enjoyment to be derived Irotn gazing ou natute in her primitive form, it is conjeciured, and probably rig itiy so. thai he is looking after senatorial fences. A friend of Mr. Craig's said yester day that the irrepr.-saible Billy would, in nil probability, be lieui'J from in the Senatorial convention. "Crig," no 'sai l, "is n somewhat unique c!inrnctsr. but I know that ho has political ambitions of a rather x alted character that ho always keeps in view. .Senator M. E. McDonald and Attorney M. F. Sando. who ere candi dates for the senatorial nominaiicfn, Are dividing tho party into two fac tions and the Contest bet wen them promises to ba very PXoitlng. It may bo that tho fight will become so heated that a compromise candidate will ho desirable and if such a oontlugtuoy ehould nriao, as now seems probable, Craig would he the 11 111 11 for the place as he would be more acceptable to the opposing factions than probably nnv other man who could be named. It would not occasion any surprise to me to seo Mr. Craig tho Democratic nom inee for senator. I k'iow ho has been urged by friends in the district to be come a candidate." If Mr.. Craig's friend SDJaks from full knowledge of the faoU th-ro is cause for Mr. McDonald aud Mr. S indo to worry, v On Satur.lay th Democrats will elect their delegates to tho stale con aention That body will convene simply as a matter of form to pr irro the party organiz dion and ooDSe qnently there will be no severe strni; gle in the part of any one to be elected delegate. While thi form of an eleo lion will take place, tlie delegate.! will in reality bo named hy Sheriff John J. Fahey and ex-Sheriff Charles Robinson. Ekal faith never grows woalt by hav ing to Watt Sufferers telling Hood's Snr saparilla for chronic complaints hhould ho Satlent and the rosnlt will be satisfactory, lood's Cure?. Hoon's Pn,i,8 act easily, yet promptly and efllciently.on theUvorand bowels. 35c Hothrrt! Kothsrsft Mothsrstll Mrs. Winslow's Soothiug Syrup hss baen aeed for over fifty years by millions or mothers for their children whilo teething, with perfect success. It sooihes the child, softens the gums, allays all pnin; cures wind colic, and is the beBt remedy for di arrhoea. Sold bydiuggists in every part of the world. Do suae and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no no other kii.d. Twenty-five cents a bottle. PMROS s TE S IF WEST SIDE Marriage of His; Margaret Morgan to David Dav cs. TOOK PLACE AT BRIDE'S HOfflE Ceremony Perform:d by Rev. W. S. Jones Those Who Were Present. Entertainment and Social at the Simpion Methodist Church Move monts of Well Known Persons and News Notes of Intjrest. Tho Weal Side offlsa of the BOBaHTOH Ttimi'NK is located nt li:t North Main ave nue, where snbiorlptlona, ndvorlWumotits and communications will recoivo prompt attention. David D.ivios. of S iQth M iin avenue, MicB Margaret M r.' in, 0aUgUter of Mr. muiI Mrs, D. A. Morgan, were married yesterday at high noon at the lioae of tho yoaUK lady'i parents on Xortli Bromley avenne, Tne rooms ware most tastcfnlly decorated with ; itteii plants and evergreens, wiiioa I teal s west fragrance to the atmosphere. At, promptly 5 o'clock tho bridal party entered tho parlor to a wedding march 011 the piano. Tatty were re ceived by lifv. W. 8, Jones, who tied lb imp ial knot tn tho preeencd of many relatives and friends a. id ac quaintances, Tho bride was attired tu 11 very beautiful costume and ctrriod riisce. 84s was unattended, After the urrfmpny a wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Davies left Oil tho 3.59 D luware. L icitaw 11111 1 .ml We.iferu I train for a week's visit in Now York I and lJo.ton. Ou their return they will go. lo housekeeping wi;h tho bride's parents, Among tho out of town It nests were Willi uu Divi. D. L. Davies mi l Lin Divn.'.-, of Plymouth, O.iiers pr 'Sfiit wore: Eu.'euu Siiilt'tfr, Mr. bO'l Mrs, William D. D.ivios, Mrs. John WilUins. It v. and Mr. W, S. Jones, Mr. aud Mrs. D Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ci. S.iyder, Mr. aud Mrs. Thomas Q, Thomas, Mr. aud Mis John Morgan, Misess K ite and Jennie Lewis, Mrs. Mary D.ivios, Mif-si-8 Mary Davies and Mary Morgan, and Willi itu and John Duvins. Mrs Davies, the bride, has boon employed in Ilaslncher's inilliney store fur the past seven years. She is a young lady of attractive appearance ami winning ways. The groom is a popular young tuaiyand employed for, a long tiuit at hipping clerk at tho Scranton Supply and ilardwaro company. WEST SIDE CONOLN3ATIONS. Tho Beltevne Choral society will meet this evening. Tbe Harmonic Chornl society reiioarsed iu tbe Co-operative ball last eveuiug. JJrs. John Thomas, of South Uebecca avenue, has returned from Now York. Jliss ISellio Kenlon, of North It ebscca avenue, is summering at Mount Pocono. Jliss Martba Evans, of Qarfleld avenue, Will spend tho Sabbath with friends la PeckviUe, J!r. aud Mrs. Thomas Bench, of North Uiuilehl avenue, biive returned from a visit tfitb friends In Heading. Mrs. liichard Harris, of Acker avenue, has been confined to her hoihoTbr tho past two week' with neuralgia of tho nervej. The Christian Endeavor society of tho Plymouth Congregati nial church will hold a enke social in the church this evening, John R. Hughes, of South Rebecca avenue, will leave for liueknell University at Lewisburg on Monday to uttoud tho School exercise.-, and graduate. The Chi U's, of tho Washburn Street Presbyterian chinch, will run an excursion to tbe Delaware Water Clap on June 28, This resort is famous for its unsurpassed beauty. William J. Iiruce, of North Hydo Park avenue, and Mm LiKieJParry, of Brom ley avenue, will be married in tho Sunnier Avenue l'rosbiteriuu ohurehnoxt iues dny evening. Tho Jnekbon Street Baptist church will run an ex'cursion to Mountain pin k this morning, The train will leave tho Jersey Central depot at U o'clock. Games and S oris of all kiuds will be indulged in. A very pleasant entortninineut nnd so cial wns held last evening iu the Simpson Methodist church by tho Ladies' Aid soci ety. A programme of a literary and musi cal nature was rendered. The rest of the evening was spent socially, dnrina which cake and ice cream win served. The pro gramme, opened with a selection by the Glue club under the direction of Professor William Jones, and was followed with a recilation by Miss Ella Luna. Solos were rendered by Will Beak, Etta Movie and William i.vans. A recitation be Wallace Honor was a snl...i iil effort. The rendi tion of h seloctiou by a selected quartette cioseu '.uo onieriainmeni. NORTH KltO BRitiFS. The North End offlos of tho Pchaxton 'i niliir.VE Is loeati il at the. Lewis Dniu Store, wuere smiserip'ion, mivertisemeiits ami cum municatlona will receive prompt uttontlon.J Hiss Nellie Fadden. of Oiynhanr. is vis iting her sister, Mrs. M. J. Hurke, Eurcku nouse, rzvK 1'iace. A new sidowalk and iron fence have been plsccd before tho resideuco of John B. Qilli spie, on W nyne avenue. Complaints of irretjnlar delivery will b promptly attended if left at tho North End office of Tax TbIBUHI la the Lewis drug bioro. D. F. Davis has romovod his furniture to 1727 Summit avenue, the lato residence of E. I). Jone.', ex-lelawaro mid Hudson foreman. Tho Methodist Bplscepsl churoh chclr entertainment will bo held this eveuisQ and not n Tuesdav, as appeared by a mis print In yesterday's paper. It Is announced that T. R. Jamos, of 1818 Wayne avenue, is 11 candidate for delegate fur the First district, Second Ward, for tho Republican county convention. Tl onias Jehu (Llew y Bryn),a prominent Welshman, has compiled heat little vol um" of bis Welsh poems, chiefly in a hu morous vein, which are highly spokeu of. The H. A. Mace Ledge of Brotherhood Rlllh"0ad Trainmen (Green Ridge) will run iniirsoconu annual moonlight excursion and clam- bake tomorrow evening to Lake Ariel. Train leaves Scranton at B.ri ) p, in, Tho joint committee of the Puritan Con gregational nn.l Welsh Baptist CbVrobM has decided to run their excursion on July M to Farvlew, when elaborate arrange ments will be made for the usual crowd. Tho tickets are in charge of Alfred Parry. 1719 Summit avefiuo. The oflicers of the Welsh Baptist church invito attondauee at tbo Sunday morning prnyer services, which aro hold at U a.m. This is a very old and popular .OUstom in the pld country, and efforts aro being made to maintain ic in Providence The torvices aro chiefly for young men, but all are heartily welcome. Mayor Connell. Chief Kerber and the members of the lire and police committees, paid a visit to tbe polioo and fire stations yesterday, aud seemed sntislUd with the condition of tho hose company's house, but it is doubtful If they approve of the situa tion of the pohio building which Hi well known is iu a very Inconvenient position, and hopes are entortalued that after this visH stops will be taken to pro vide now quarters tnoie commodious aud convenient as woll as more worthy of Providence Three cases werepresontod bt fore Alder mnn Williams yesterday David Lewis had to pay $3 and tl costs for fighting with John Griffiths who was short of the "nocessary" to pay tho line was escorted to tho county jail. Uo has been a frequent If visitor to the alderman's court but gour ally by compulsion. The second case' Was that of Edward Clare who wns charge wiih strolling around tho streets after in dulgiug more thnn wise. Edward is af Dieted with blindness so the aldorman gave him a latherly reprimand and a dis cuurge. Tho Ladies' Aid Society, of tho Green Ridge Primitive Methodist church, hold Its ti mi-anuual meeting yesterday, at tho resilience or airs, urown, or Breaker street, when the roport of the secretary showed the society 10 bo in a flourishing couditiou. TUo followiug ladies were elcetod otucers for tho eusuiug term President, Jlrs. James Fidiam; vice piisi den:, Mrs. William Wells; treasurer, .Mrs William Brown; secretary, Mrs. Charles Billler, It was resolved to promote a oazaar in .toveuiDcr next, 1110 proceeds to be applied to tho support of tho pistor. 'Ihe Rev. U. Savage thanked tho ladies iu a humorous speech for their uutirtug work In connection with the affairs of tho church. After tho usual veto of thanks to tho retiring officers the mooting adjourn until July, when the meeting will beheld at tho residence of tne president. EXPERT HEARD. T. D. Lockwood, of Boston, on the Stand in Hand Case Oilier Cases Heard. The sixth day of the trial of tho pow elebrated case of Dr. Hand against the Telephone company, opened yes terday morning with Dr. Leot, expert for tho defense, on the stand It proved to be n field day for the defense Court room No. 2 is not largo enougl for a trial of so important a case as this aud the witnesses were orowuet into it like sandwiohers in a box Judge Atchbald sat fanning himself most of tiio day and the jurors com plained ot tho heat. Dr. Leet was re-called and testified at length on tho matter. IIo si 1 Dr. Uolau was a thoroughly competent ni'in and if ho examined Dr. Hand in 1891 and found him ull right he, tho witness, bad no donbt his present ironbl.s, 11 fie hag any, are due to canses other than tho ucctdotit. Dr Allen aliio testified to tho same effect. The defendant then called T. D. Lock wood, bf Boston, the consulting elec trlcian of the American Hdl Tele phone company. He was examined at great length and among other things said positively that Dr. Hand could not have received an electric shock under the conditions plaintiff has proved, tuat would amount to enougl 10 be worth mentioning. It certainly can do him no harm. An exhaustive cro s-exaniiuatiou onlv muds his tosti niony clearer. Mr. Young, of Will ian.srjort, iu charge of tho Passeuger railroad tuere, testified to tlio same ef tect. So dm many other witnesses called. This case now promts! to be the most important and far-re. idling negligence case ever tiled in Lackawanna counly lhe ims ot L J. Hoylo against the HamborgDrembn Insnrnnoo Company was given to the jury ny Judge LI wards shortly before noon vesfurdav. Later in tho day a verdict iu tbo emu of ;l,rgo was returned for tho plaintiff ihe next case to occupy the attention of Judgo Edwards' cotirt was that of John Silkman, to the use of H. A Uepue, against J. A. Brady. Attorney Newcomb appeared for tho nlaiutiff and Senator McDonald for the defend ant. Brady isauod ail ordsl payable to Silkman on Judge Hand, ns executor of Llward Spencr. for 1030. which Silkman assigned to Depne. When tho order was presented to Jdlge Hand he Ud not pay it, for thu reason that Brady hud forbidden him to do so. The defeuso will b that the order was fruudulunt. The cise is still on trial ANNUAL Y. W C. A. MEETiNG. . , Old Cffis-re Unardmomly R-locted. I .lartatin? Ronorts. The annual meeting of the diroetnra of the Young Women's Christian ig.i. ciation, was held in the hall on Wash ington avenue nut evening, .Urs. L II Itirwle lir-si.iing. Tuero was h lunr, uttnml .,111.11 mill tha ratirtvta tiAu.1 en..... the association to be in a ilmrishlng condition, me ooani s sscretirv, Miss ilannali Ueucon, Mad the following staieineni : iso3. ucnm June 0. Cash balance ns Active membership 444 Associate membership 1211 Sustaining membershita 1M 00 Employment U uaest room 2 OU Lunchrooms .a... 1118 Gymnasium t 247 0 Entertainment! 2."7 8 Dinners ai5 B9 Stale room rout 18;) no Bummei Rest fund 82 87 Mi.ccllnucous m 2. 014 n Total ?i 'i DISBCRSE.MtNTS Rent paid central, South Side. lunch and guest rooms ?1,7.")7 41 General secretaries 1,200 Ol) Assistant secretaries B2H SI Physical directress 445 CO Pianist for gymnasium jo 40 Teachers for cIosb work 60 PO Janitteas i,n 00 Postage stamps and cardan U v. Printing and sitioiiery 70 7I Gas ana electric light 1444:1 oiutance 20 73 r-uiuuier rest committee ,14 H2 paymentouniano 500 .Miscellaneous 2S'J 13 Cash in bank Juno 11, iyj ) S3 Total $4,1)74 ; The old (jirirers were all uaanlmously it elected, ns follows; President, Mrs. E H. Hippie; vice president, Mrs. I. Everhurt; secretary, Miss Q B. Dormsn; treasurer, Miss Hannah Dea con; uiroctors for throo yours, Mrs. L. M. Gates, Miss a. Krlgbaum, Mrs R. fi. Brooks. Tn fill the vacancy in tl s board caused by the resignation of Mrs. Engene Fellows, Mrs. C. B. Scott was elior.ed for one year. The general secretary, Miss Bertha Mi curdy, road an internstiiiir mmii In which she Sboknnoouragingly of tho work accomplished during the year. Tnis Waa followed hv thu nnt ,,r tl. . secrotal-y of the South Sido branch, re cently puolished ui these columns. r:. a r ri t-v ... aiiss m, is. u.inn gave a talk on tho work of other organiz .tions in tho Oity. Delightful Outing-. The Young Women's Chiistinii nssnein. tion excursion to Farviow ou Sntuiilay, .Tune Hi. will afford a tin iirhrful mHita Lunch will ho sol vud on tho grounds for 25 cen 11, and Ico cream, fruit, Inmo made candy and lemonade will In for sale. Trains will loavu Bridge Btreet at 8 n. m. and Vine street at S.Sti a. m., nud will stop at Grevn Rhlge niiit Providence. Tickets must he exchanged at office for use ou regular trains. Tickets 75 cents, adnlts; 40 children, can bo ohtniiii'il at. si.,11. li Seeley's, Sandorson's and Y. W. C. A rooms, PERSONAL. Mr. nnd Mru riiurli.a TT Tm-nii. Tt) Wands, nro visiting relatives m 'this civjr. sir, iiirneris ennor 01 tne iownnda Reporter-Journal, one of the est weekly papers published iu the state. lllifls H M fiVnnlr -.v im li t . K,...,, t I. - J ' , . ..- .... . .uou ignuu- inelll k Ki in mi. Inriiln rlni'in,, tl... ..... -- ..... . ..... ... inw 1 1 1 1 year, has returned to this oAty and will spend the summer nt the homo of her uioiuor on Auums avenue, aiiss f rank win resume her Bchool work Sept. L b'uiti ins m CHINA HULL A Great M of City Bustuess Considered l-j Ibe Bodies, WORK OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Report of Auditiog Committee Con firmed Excepting the Bill fur a Law Encyclopedia City Must Keep tho Turnpike Road in Repair Several Ordinarfce Introducod and Referred to Comm.itees Proceedings of Se lect. Last evening's common connoil prn oeodlucs opgbed with the reading of the auditing committee's report, one Item of widen was objectefd to heoause, ns Mr Iiobatlmn iutimatod, its unques ttoned payment might establish a bad precedent, The item referred to was a bill for a law encyclopedia for the city solicitor, Which w as finally re ferred to the auditing committee In conjunction with the city solicitor. Thu balance of the report was then adopted. ' A communication was recoived from Street Commissioner Kirat explaining that Judge Jessnp bird given it as his opinion that ou account of i s agree ment with the Turnpike company, the oity is bound to ko-p in repair that portion of the Providence ami Abing ton turnpike lying within the city limits and that it would take about $1,000 to put the road in good condi tion, Tho communication was referred to tile streets and bridges committee, as was also another from the street commissioner stating that the atone arch bridge on West Market stroet is iu an unsafe condition, aud requesting council to muko provision for its re pairing. When concurrent, business was un der finnelflaf Atlnn Air Rnlniii i,, nk. jected to the passag.i of a reolution nniHoriztnjj tne purchase or if iuo worth nt rnltlinr l,.,... Inn tl . lira Ahm1m..I - ...' ....nv .... lilt' ...V ' I 1 j I I V 1.1 1 U 1 , busing his ol j c'tioii upjn the claim that cuuuu uose is nuicn cnoaijor and lasts from ten to fiftiien v, .. f-.i InnirMt. Ilia motion to iiidefioittdy postpone action upon tne resolution was adopted. SOME NEW MEASDUBS. Tho following or linauces were Intro duced mid referred to commit', tea: Providing for the purchase of a steam firo oninnn from t lie ( '1 f -7 r , Wir a. sueianoii 01 ocrnnionj transterrlng ts,5 from money appropriated for tho pur" ob ase of a cheuiicul firo engine foi Pfleliix 1 . .i'in,t AAtnnAiiv 1,. fi,.. ,.i.i. . --- j .v .1,0 i-i,;u of tbe streets in tho Third district ol tne Second ward. An ordinance authorizing the ap pointment (Si a permanent fire man fur Century Hose anmnan ,.,,.1 transferring $800 from the appropria tion for the purc-haee of n steam fire engine for Noi.tune Hose 'company, and $150 from the appropriation for the purchase of a chemical enuino for Phnl lTn. company, for too payment of the extra man a salary, papseu ursi reading, hut failed 011 second nil wmiihI nt .... -i. , v v. Ull Uf j.jctlon raised by Mr. Kobiusoo,. who inuiigui 1: mivisame to deter action Ulltil the'a tion; nm.ii, a ... rives, ns incidentals might oat-a hole iiuu mo uniauce or tno appropriation. The other councilman s.iw tin matter in tho same light and action on second reading was deferred until n v r muni. lug. New resolutions introluced areas follows: Directing stroer commissioner to notify tho Scruuton Traction com pany to c imply with the provisions of th- resolution nasstld hv nnnni.ilj in reference to the levins nf 1,1., ,;- .u. . the raila and filling lo between the rai s ui uioir tracas ou bcrantou 6troet and Filth avenue in tho Eighteenth ward ; eirocting the eity engineer to run southerly feuoe lino of II ibinson street from Ninth to Jackson .troet, prep ire estimate of cost of constructing ret'iin ing walls ai-m ' Rohinsnn , 1, . tween Fnid.iointi, so ns to niako stre-1 11 uniform WKitn of o.lilS foot, also nf cost of cradirnr Robinson street aud of dnmngej which change of grade might make adjoining property owners; authorizing aud di r. cting the mayor to sign a petition for the city of Scranton for tho front age of tho lot purciiasd for the Nay Aug Hose company 011 Franklin ave nue. A TVtition from tho nrnntemMiinit.. on Franklin avenue, between Spruce and Mulberry streets, nakimr that ulJ avenue h'tween tho points nam d be pavcii wun vitrinsd nrick, was re ferred to the paving committee. MtETING OF StlECT COUNCIL Bii9!neaa That Was Transaciod b th. Upper Body. At the meetinir of select Pfinnfiil IMS followins; bids for constructing sewirs in the city woro ru.ul and mfurr.,,1 ., W - tho paving committen. Taylor avenue sower Vincent, II O'Haro, tl. (8 per lineal foot; Dunn Bros. 11,27; Thomas Flyno & Co., 91.40; Iloivley Bros., 11.81; John Ferguson, b7U cmts- Peter Stlnn. 41.51. Schllitz court sower Pi.tur Mtinn Mm. Vincent II O'Harn. Hi RowIai RnS Cm! Flyuu A Co., JI.'Kb: Dunn Bros'.. Il.n! Jnhn Fergnsos, Lt0. Web :ter nv.innn nniriti lnlin 87;, rtmts; Vincent O'liara, fjfl.OJ; Thomas Flyuu tc Co., fl IS; IVter Btlnn. Mai- Hawlay Bros., l.e9i Dnnn Bros.,, PrsSOOtt AvenuoSeWitr Jiihn I."..-...n 1.74i; Peter Stipp, 11,80) Fivaii S Co ! 2 3T; Duun Bros., SJ.2U; Iloivley Bros., H'lenzeti Court R.iro,.v .1 v 11,80) P. Btipp. $1.88; Flynn & Co., $t,7; ui.i.iiu iiion., fi.aij nowioy nros.. S1.83 Vincent II. G'llara. tl.W. Harrison Avomn. Huurar 1 v., ?1.49; P. StlDD. 11.02: Fh nn AL- r.n Si a!. Dunn Bros . J'i 40: Hoivlev V. II. O H ara. H. II I. Mulberry Btrmt Se..r T Pi,. .Mki P. Stipp, 22; Flynn & Oo.. 11.80;' uowiey liros., 1.4a; V. II. O'liara. SI 40 Mr. Finn introduced a raaolntl nn in Structlllg tho city solicitor to delivei tho di ed of tho old Tripp property to the administrators of tha enliiti. A S..m discussion the resolution passed. Mr. Manley offered resolutions in structing city clerk lo publish notice of paving West Lackawanna avenue, an i inslrilCliug CllV ainrlnaar In ...'..r..... . . .c. . j,,,,,. ans a'.'.d n -. i , i t,.,n. i fn ., ... - - " j.i. .nil. West Lackawanna av. iiuo. Both Wer adopted. Ihe ordinance nrovidi fnr n.ioin.r Pino streot naHsed fimt. mid nan,, i, i reading. Da A. E. E. humt, hnvinu opened his of the Bnrr hnllding, Wnshington flee nveuue, win resume IDS practice of hio protiw-ion, where ho will be glutf to serve his old patroiiH and public iu Beasrai. iivnulle AMERICA IttUST RATED. By n new arrangement Tim Tmn VNE ia enabled to offer its readers any one of t he twenty parts of tho "America" portfolio for ton cents. All parts nro now ready. This is the finest collection of popular photogra phic views in print. Send stamps ot cash. No coupon Is necessary. Wo nave REDUCED prices on BABY CARRIAGES, aa our stock is too largo. You can buy a good Baby Carriage for tho price of a cheap one. For Wedding Presents Fur nishing for Summer Cottages, we have a full and complete line. Lamps, Dinner and Toilet Sets, Etc. WEIGHEL & " MILLAR n6 Wyoming Ave. Homestead CORN, PEAS, SUCCOTASH, LIMA BSANEJ, $1.50 Per Dozen HOME JERSEY CREAM'RY B'JTTER In 3 and 5 lb. Tails. Eggs received Daily from Lho Home Poultry Farm. C DITCHBURN, A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BICYCLMV: A XI) SPOUTING GOODS. Victor, Gcndron, Bollpse, LovolL Diamond and Othur Wheels. GRAND OPENING Saturday, June 16 M. J. RYAN & CO.'S CASH CHOICE CUTS AT LOWEST PRICES 518 Lackawanna Ave. Anollier Advocate of nrts RBKWOOD & VfAtlUEM (:i-:nti.i;.-.i i:nii ,.n..r.i. - m' ' i plensure' to Stnte tliat ynur new proeesn mo creat rofing leesn was a cnuiil rtuceiis In my ease, and I heartily recommend ItUI all. I Sincerely luuo that othcra mil i teat its merits, fours resprrtflllly, CATT. S.,1-. BUYAMr, Scranton, Pa Hanvood k Wardell DBNTIST& 316 Lackawanna Ave. Win on nnd after Mav '.'i make a treat mine tloa in the )irii"" ef plates, All Work tjuiir autee.l flrat-claaa in overv nartlcular. Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Uavo removed their ollicc to their WareroomJ, NUMBERS 141, 143,145,147,149,15) MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE K UMBER, 8G83. THE CELEBRATED 'C t rrcwnt the Mini Pcpnlnr .nil 1'rcfrrrpd b;.- tyUlllllg All- , Wroraoms : Oppodis Colur.ibus Monumtjiu, 05 Wash Inpton Av. Scranton, Pa. -ail Meet Market tostheno You Need Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thiii goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. Martin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. aK!asuiraMH,aiIE;Kij,M Will offer for the Week or as long as they may last: I One case of Dr. Strongs Health C ftp 1 Corsets, regular price $1.25, for 3Ub. rm m m M TERSE SPECIAL NUMBERS IN I I Embroideries 5 r.a 1 a I 3,000 yards, were 17c, for -I 2,000 yards, were 25c, for I 1,000 yards, were 40c, for nSlllllSGiilHIIIIIEIUlH3H2l!! YOUR DERBY Heats Your Head Get one of our Straw or Manilla Hats. FRENCH SPLIT STRAWS are Dunlap's latest Look them up. Christian, the Hatter 205 LacKawaana Avenue It's a Great Shock &P vS3l -"v. J MlMfKt$.BaaUMnr' . - to tlio fhlltn who nre elnlmlnsr they nndornell ill others tn had that without tho leant fuss Dr blu.ter we ere itivtng euBtih-r tho lam flit of Hiieh opportuultiM ai thceo. A Strletly HI3I1 Onule , iL h , m i lli f heel, .. 01 putturn, for stio aash. 180!) pattern, fcl.'.o M: I. for 1804 pattern, 8100 Wheel, tor kkj ea-w rhoi e prices mako tho liustncss at our store FLOREY & HOLT t. M. O A. BUILDING. SAY! YOU HEAVY WEIGHTS DO YOU KNOW THAT CONRAD. THE HATTER, HAS SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR YOUR SIZE? "A GOOD TALE WILL BEAR TELLING TWICE." USE SAP0LI0I USE SAPOL aiiifiisut on WW 25c. I A Fine i Diagonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for m s .... 1 . . , Ciothfers. Hdtsra, Furniofiera f Hotel Waverly J European Platn. First-class Bar sttwksoV'' llipot for Btiricner A Kng, 1 a Tanuausafv' Beer. 1 1 Cue IStb end R.bert Sts.. PWIrii : Most dreiraMa for restdsnts ef NJS. ronn" rylvsuin. All oatrrenieneM 'or traTi-l.r J to m1 from Broad trot atafinn and the ' TveUth and Market atatioa. ii, lirahle lor visiting .Sorantonlana and vy I a- in the Anthraclta Kaclon. t. j. vict6ry; PhXPHIETOft 1 Scientiflo Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The BpeeJansS on tlie Eya. Headidhe. mf NVrvi.n iiinn 1 el- --e I. Lt-.t and Improved St 1.- of live GLustfl nnd Si r 'k -i".-t .t tv,. l.nvwtt l'nciu lie.n Artilk-ial i.yai inserted Tor , Sos SPRUCE ST. op. Old Post Offlce. , THE BEST? THE TRIBUNE SPECIAL Only $9.90