2 THE SCRAN TON TRIBUNE Fill DA Y MORNING. JUNE 15, 1894. teg-.-j Mil Ml II ALL Reorganized EasUn Ciub Sustains Another Defeat at the Hands of Scrantou. 'SHEN Hazloton Literally "Paralyzes" King Kelly's Antiquated "Have-Beens. " Tie Between Reading and Jicranton for Fourth Placp Unbroken Na tional and Eea3tt'rn League Results. City LaAgUI Scores Base Ball, Bi cycle and News of General Sports Entertainingly Chronicled. 6 T, LENTO W N. bv rsa- H hon of iti deitat y- rtnrclu 9 teiilny nt the bands Aft of Ilia HazlHtoti"ii' blea," Is rompi'll ' J to hIiuik iU lODg beld position of s c nnfl pllCl v;ith Die latter clob. Tli tia between Biadlog and Seninton for fourth pliict) pe- tsirim unbroken, ttu former hiv.ntt defi itetl Uarriibd"ra nnl t. lntter wU nitnlittrvd at a of the tui medicine to Button. Altoo-ja, Pottirtlle and Btiton brin up the reer in tbu ordsr named. The Wlor.iri!; table jrlnvi tlv. per :entag of the ciu'i-K, together with tie Hmt:K wo'.i au I lost oy eHcb, uud their standing u the oboinpionihip rHc;1: Won. Lost Vot C'i. Hnrrltburg " 8 .788 Alleotown u .6W Haxbton IS 13 ,c:i Bcranton 18 17 .46S Reading 15 17 .).'! Alteon H is .4iu Pottsvllle 9 is .888 Eaiton 7 18 .3sU soBXDuui tot TODAY. ScrauUii. at PottefUle (postponed amo,) ONE MORE PROM EASTON. ?avk' Nw PltOber Givo a Vr7 Brisk Baotptioo, Eastern v.'a ineTr wttbio hsili'is dietaneeof ''our pets" in the game :t the park yesterday afternoon. It was ffnoB an iaej walkover for tho bom cnb that the pnni Iwcame very tire some. Jisnricer Parks' nw pilohor, n boy named slHIman, from Philadelphia! arrived in tuw city at 1.30 yesterday nfterpooD, an:I wm put iu to pitch. He In a s"nth-paw tuirler, with sotuo ood enrves and a fair amount of tpetl,and will probably develop into a clever pitcher, lie wa very much excited yesterday and did not do biui p If jintice. 'iu add to bid woes the twitn behind him played an exceedingly Shgged name. Second Busetuan Delaney par ticularly .1 -:i:i:s-m-,.. isf himself by errors that wuuld have disgraced an etnatear, Hodson was a s,rrat sturablin? block for Parks' men. They conhl not gunge him with any degree of certainty at nU. During the six innings li was in t:.ebox only three tingles and ft triple were secured hv Eiston. TWO BUMS IN TIIU FIRST. Beaton's first batsman, Wiahl, opsn ed up with a single and Dunn went to lirat after being struck by a pitched ball. A wild pitch followed, advanc ing the men a bate o.ioh, and oa Da laney'a single both mn scored. Maueger Switt decided to save Hod son's pitching arm and relieved him in the seveuth Inning, It wiu Swift's first appearance in tho bos this season and ho was greeted with cheert as he went on the Held. I:) the three iu ldngs he pitched he struck out three men, gave two baseaon balls and was fonnd fur a single and h double. The hits were made iu the ninth, allowing a inn to be scored. ''Oar Pt" did some terrific slug ging uli through tho gam. Base hit followed base bit in rapid succession until tho spectators b9ga:i to wonder if the game would over com t to an end. In tho last few innings the members of the home made no effort to Ileal bases, allowing themselves to be thrown out eviiry time they attempted to gain a basr. In the first inning sis runs Were Scored, in the second, one; fifth, sir; seventh, two, aud eighth, one. It was nn awful day for tha visitors. Score in detail : BUBANTON. U. 11. I'O. A. K. 3 ;i 4 0 0 113 10 2 2 7 0 0 2 1 0 (I 0 3 3 13 0 1 4 11 0 0 2 1 2 r 0 8 2 0 10 1 2 0 1 0 0 10 10 16 20 27 11 0 TON. r. n. ro. a. k. . 1 9 a 0 0 .10 14 2 01111 0 0 8 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1-8 5 1 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 2 S 6 27 18 0 100201 n-ifi 10 0 0 0 0 1-8 M"tran, c. f Wetsel, si 1 Patcheti, c. rf . , Ktnltz, L f I'helau, vib Massey, lb WVstlskf, 3b 2 ltugi-rs, r. i.e.. Hodson, p Swift, p 0 Total Y. ihlo, c. f I IlllllU, ss Baleb, 3b.. iielnncy, 2b Plock, lb Moran, L f Total Scrantou 8 U-.-ton 2 Eurued runs Scrnnton, 8; Kimton, 1. Two base bite Pbelan, Massey, VVestlske. Tlirne bee hit" Haaen. SacriHco hits lie sen. Stolen liases Uognn 3, Wetsel 2, Patcban, staitz, I'helan Massey, Westlake, Qodson, Delsney, Waltntr. Bnnble plays Dnnn to Delanr to Plock, Struck out By Hodson 3, Swift a lliiliinnn 1. First base on baits By Hodson 2, Bwift 8,Hsllman 7. Wild pitcii-s Hallman, Passed belle Patoben, Wai ton, Hit by pitcher Duno, liattam. Time 2.00. Umpire Itinn. OTHER STATE UAGUE RESULTS. At Harrisbnrg Harrlabnrg. ..0 00410001-6 Beading 0 0 '4 0 1 1 1 0 X- 7 Hits Harrinburg, 8: Rendinir, 14. Er rorn IJarrisbiirp, S: BeadtnjK 4. lintter ien Sprogio ami Stnink; Khoades aud Uoudbart. Umpire .Mitchell. At Ilazleton Rnzleton C 3 8 7 8 0 7 4 3-28 Allentown....O 0210305 0-10 Hits Ilazleton. 20; AllentoWC, 15. Kr rors liazletou, 3; Alleutowu, 12. Hat tones Jordan, Mooro.Shari) aud Urahani; Kilroy, Mllligau, aud Cotello. At Altoona Altoonit 1 2 0 2 1 '. 0 0 0-7 PottSVillO 1 2 0 3 2 5 8 1 x 10 Hits Altoona, '.1 : Poitsville, 81, Errors -Altoona, 5 l'ottsville, 4. Batteries Bchelbla, Asehenbaok ami Cote; Wilson and Diggin-. Umpire Corcoran. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Brooklyn" Brooklyn 0 00202000-4 Cleveland 2 0 0 (I 1 2 0 0 0- 5 Hits-lirouklyn, 7; Cleveland, 6. Er- tors Brooklyn, 4; Ueetlaad, 5. Bat terise Kennedy ami Kinslow; Young aud Z nmer. Umpire Swartwood. At Boston noston 0 20410 2 Ox 9 Louisville 2 0210100 00 Hits Bojton, 14; Louisville, 13. Errors Boston, 1; Lonlsvilhi, 8, Batteries s taley aiid Connaugnton; Knell and Qrlm. Umpire Hnrst. At New York New 'ork....O 2 00010104 Pittsburg 0 4011031 0-10 Hits Now Yorlr. B: Pittsburg, 13. Er rorsNew Yorl;, 7; Pittsburg, L Butter les Clark and Wilson; Ktlleo and Alack. Umpire Emslle, At Phttadelpbla Philadelphia'. .8 1010000 0 S Ulnoinnati 0 02000000 3 Hits Philadelphia, 10; Cincinnati, 18. Errors Philadelphia, 1; Cincinnati, 5. Batteries Warning and Crum, Dwier and Unrpbr, Umplro Lynch. At Baltimore Baltimore,. 0 01301001017 St, Louis. ..1 0200010 2 0 0-0 Hits-Baltimore, Hi St. Louis, 14. Er rors Baltimore, 4; st. Louis, 0. Batter ies Muliane, Hawk aud Ujblnsun; Bnit enstein and Piets. Umpre-Stage. At Wr. 'hir.glou Washington 0 2 5 3 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 0-11 Chicago 2 3 2 l 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-12 Bite Washington, 14; Chicago. 12. Er rurs, Washington, 81 Chicago, 4. Batter, i Sullivan, Petty, Merer ami HoQnlrSt Hntchlnann, atcOifl aud Hchrelver, Um pire MoQnald, EASTERN LIA6UE. Syracuse. 5; Wilko.Barre. 8. Sjirlngfleld, 11; lii.ffalo, 13. Troy, 13; BlngbamtoD, 12. CLINTS FflO .VI TH8 OlfiMOO. jraybe ti.o air wasn't tilled with leather yesterday afternoon. Hallman had the sympathy of the audi ence. Ho was heartily cheered every time he went to bat, Tho Little Potatoes Hard to Peel defeat ed the Scrantou --tars by n score of 20 to 4, on the High School grounds. Manager Parks was n disgusted man last night. It was his opinion ttint Hall man will not do, as a State league pitcher. The Y'oung Americans of the south side callenge auy club Under 17 years ot age. Answer through THS Tuijilnk. John Mo Cracken, manager, Tbo West Sldt Start challenge the Tenth street Stara to a game of bass ball Satur day afternoon at 4 45 o'clock, on tho Little Wood's grounds. Louis Davlss, manager) Will Hughes, captain. The colIcKiauj in charge of the Y'nlo Princeton game to be played on Saturday have decided that tlfe contest should take place at Eastern park, Brooklyn, Tho game Will be called at 13. 15 o'clock. Tho Boston Base Ball Association has ben refused perm Itlon to erect a wooden pavilion on iis grounds on the site of ths one recently burned. A b'ick building Will cost 4'i per cent, inoio tbau one of wood. Chicago las cnmB forward with nn offer for lb ;-nn, Scranton's marvelous center fielder, whose batting and fielding make him tho Idol of bis team. Scranton will not sell Hogau for any sum now, but his release will be upou the market toward the end of July. Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. The Philadelphia club has suffered a serious loss iu the injury to catcher Clem ents. In trying to bent the ball to first bate laH Friday in the game wil h Cleve land hu turned his ankle awl, falling, wns unable to rise, It know thought that a bone iu the r.nklo is fractured, and it is doubtful if Clements will be able to play ng'.in this season. Tho stockholders of the Base Ball asso ciativa did not moot Inst night because the legal proceedings are still pending. They meet Tuesday night by which time itjis expected that affairs Will bo arranged satisfactory, A. L. Martin, the stock holder who procured the writ of quo war ranto, is anxious to dispnso of his mteiest in tho association. Tim Tmi'.l NK Job Pressroom club chal lenge the newspaper compositors of tho tamo paper to a game of b ,so ball on Sat urday, June 16, on Johnson's grounds, at 4.S0 p. m. The personnel of the club is at follows: Owen Hughes, catcher; Eddie McOuigan, pitcher; Alt Johns, shortstop; Frank lieck, first base: Ed Myers, second base; Dan BOSSC. third base; L mis Davis, left field; Will Jones, center field: George Fellmer. right field. Owon Hughes, cap tain; Ed McOuigan, manager. Tho High School club with five picked players, including D, Owens from the Young Men's Christian Association team, defeated Wood's College team by 31 to 13 yesterday. Errors, hits and Wild throws were too numerous to mention. The pitchers were batted hard bat the High School team gave the bent support. The scoro by innings was as follows: Higb School 13 0 0 8 0 0-21 Vi'uod's 2 2 3 2 3 0 C-13 Dorau. who has been anxious to get hli release for some time, has been let go by Manager Swift. His place will be filled by a yonug m.-.n named Mahony, who has been pitching for the club at Sr. John's college, near Syracuse, N. Y. He pitched against Scranton iu an exbtnition game at the college early iu the Spring and Mann ger Swift was much pleased with l,is work. He is expected In the city this morning in tune to loave for Pottsvillo with tbe Scranton club, which plaVS postponed game thero today, b.iran will go to his home iu Athens, lirndford county, to recuperate. Kigut Fielder Higgius has also been released. AMONG THE WHEELMEN. The ontry blanks for tho 100-mile race from Newark to Princeton aud rotuiu on July 14, under tho auspices of tho Alalauta wiiuelmon, are out. The Martin and Dressing ten-mile rood race run at Louisville, Wednesday morn ing, was won by John Spauldtng, of Louis ville, in 28 minutes, E. J. Dnutiert, Louis ville, was second, and U. S. Miller, Louis ville, tliird. The scrntcluuou broke tho world's record, E. V. Miner, of Indianapo lis doing the dlarance In 86.94, and U. M. i idwell, of Covington, ICy., iu 27AI1. SPOi.TS IN GENERAL. The mile track at Dunden pnrk, near Patereon, N. J., which whs scqoiredsome time last year by a syndicate of running horsemen, will bo ro opened as a trotting. trm.k on July 4, bv the recently organized Dundee Park Driving club. Between 1.80 and 2 o'clock Wednesday morning a prise fight took place in a barn at. Forty Acis, a mile north of L'ottsville. Thi men v. 010 ICelly, of Scuuylkill county, and Billy Pitstiromons, of Philadelphia, In the third round Plttaimmona pushed Ke'ly Into his coi ner ami floored him by a blow behind the left ear. FltltimfflOni then fouled, and Heferoe Tom Clark, of Philadelphia, declared tho tight a draw. Dyspepsia and Indigestion - In their worst forms are cured by tho use of P. P. P. If you aro debilitated and run down, or if you need a touio to regain flesh uud lost appetite, strength aud vigor, take P. P. P., uud you will be strong and healthy, ror shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot and Potassium) is tho king of all medicines. P. P. P. Is tbo greatest blood purifier in tbu world. For ealo by all druggists. Bpeolmn Coses. 8. II. Clifford, New Cassel, Win., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach wns disordered, his liver was nllnctcd to nn alarmiug degree, appetite fell away, and ho was terribly reduced iu fletb ami strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. l'.dward Shepherd. Hnrrlsbnrg, 111,, bad a running sore on his leg o( eight years' Standing, Used three bottles of Electric bitters and seven boxes of Uucklen's Arhica HalVS and his leg is sound uud well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., bad live lartre fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Uucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Mat hews Bros. HAPPY III B. tli Ho and Bla Good Me Are How Rojolclnj. BUT SUFFERED ONCE One of the Most Thankful and Sincere v Letters Ever Wriiten Ey Any Man. In the famous fight oft Cherpoug tho Al ibamalired a shell which entered the ruddtrpost of tbo Eearsarge and siuck tear. If that shell had exploded, tho en gagement would have had a different ending. That was Providence In the shape of A bad fttts. "In onr cate," writes a clergyman who possesses tho rare art ot putting thinns. "'in onr case Provideuca ap peared In a pamphlet tucked under u string." "It wns in this Btrnugo way1' be con tinued, "that we lirat learned of Pus- kola, that has since done such wonders fof my wife and myself. Vo have taken only $4,90 worth less than one visit from our pbysiolan yet it lisi ac complished what no doctors prescrip ti"!ia or patent medicines have over done. For twenty-five years I huve stt'.Tr-d nntold miseries from n disordered tlomaob, Fryesrs I h iVr had to ab stain Iroin lue.its; but after only one dny's v8 of Paekola I have oaten meat, or any other food my appetite oraved, with no ill results 'In regard to my wife I hardly know bow towrHe, L certainly appears liko a mirsols, Months passed with her mott miserably. Shu had no appetite' So reduotd in fl.ah and vitality was she that tto were looking for uoihiiig short of u steady ileatll. "But Provtdsnoe Intorvened in the shape of a little pamphlet tucked under the String tf a package brought from u a neighboring town. ''I tois-d it on the table with the re mark, 'Hero wife, is eumthing to sure your ills aud give you au appetite,' "She read it and snid to me, 'I have faltb to lellere if I had that Paskola it would cure me.' "The next mail carriod un ordsr far a bottle. The next day brought tho bottle, and she took tbn first dose. That was lour weeks ago. Today she can tut a hearty total of anything sh -craves Something she uud not done for mouths. "I regret tint we did not weigh csir selves before we began to take P.nikelu; out the truth of it la I had no great faith In it so many things h id failed, but you liavt our lusting gratitude, "I have alriady Induced a few peo ple to to give your Paskola a trial. When the shall have dons so I will gladly uotify you of the results. "Hoping under God that what I havs thus hastily writ ted may benefit others I remain yours trulv, Rev, a P. Bkebe "Worth Centre, N, Y., April 14, 1894 " We congratulate Mr. Iloebo and his good wife upon the wonders that fol lowed tbslt uso of Paskola. To them thut little book tucked under a string was a Providence indeed. Paskola is doing similar wondors all over the land. And people tell ns of it iu like grateful ami enthusiastic words. What is Paskols ? It is artificially digested starch combined with cfrtuin fruit principles which nids the diges tion of other foods as Mr. Bsebe bus shewn. Murk ! it is a food not a dough. It stimulates, strengthens, revives aud fattens tho Weak and and rundown body, even though the torpid stomach can Kive it no help. Puskola is con centrated nourishment, digested by art in advance. Taken into the systsin it goes straight to its deutiuatiou. Not an hour is lost. It is new, its principle Is new, it is fundamental, toltntlfio, successlul. Dyspeptics, consumptives, all thin, ple, wanted and liflpluas pec pie will be rercued by it. Throw phy sio to the dogs Try Paskola, And send to tbe Pre-Dig'steil Food Co-. 30 Heade atr-et, New York, for a copy of that pamphlet that Mr. Heebe found tucked uuder tho string. Annr.F Lai.i.oz, carrlnco manufacturer, 110 Carroll street, Buffalo, . Y., states: I was troubled with nausea of the stomach, siek headache and general debility. Bur dc ck Blood Bitters cured me. THE FKOTHINGHAM 35-ARTISTS-35 Friday and BatUldsy and Saturday Matinej, Chimss of Normandy Bvenlng Pilcei, - - - U,s85.80o, Matmeu Prices, in, i& 2jc 8 lie o) 0 is Monday at Powell's Music Store, iff 1 ;i n r. 1 i mm f. ttWJ 2; II.VIC-.IV:!.1 l-;'- ' :. , . i WEB 8 0OMMBNG N't) Jl'Nu ih. Every afterao m and eventae) EirBt apiienranee In .Seronton of the MODERN 1 STAR : PLAYERS HON DAY A FT B I i NOON AND l-VKNINO, Tl 0 World-Fanious Kmotlonal Dra.'ia, Hazel Kirke Special Children's Mithee Sat, Morning, Dcors open at a l'erformauue at IU. The menageme nt of ths Modern BtarPlay. era will give away oa PriCay evening, June "2, a High tirade, Mnglis -luako HICVULIi, valued at 11 & Dunn: the v.ek lleketa for the Bloyole will he presents 1 to Wouder- land k patrons free. Bet tho uagHigOOnt wheel in Banister's BboBtors Windows Admission, 10, 20 or 30c. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, J. SPECIAL EXCURSION BATES TO NEW YORK lull Till 17th National Saengerfest Of Tim NorUuMstorn Haeiijreibund June 22 to 26, 1894, Affordlm: the resldentt of .Siriuion and vieiihtv au eZoeUeat opportunity to visit New Vork and its surrounding points ot hi torest at tho mint dcliifhtful sea.on of the year, Special excursion tickets from Scranton will ho told, good to go on uny train Juno iil to 1 Inclusive uud to return until Juno in clusive FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP $4.35 p Si a A Word. ffontf of ail Wnds rout that miteft, ea pt HiUuutiont irua(cd,uiAic are insert Situation! Wanted. 'clTCATIUwTN TdSBdWXSSTSRi i O man, who wants a pennanent position, who la not afraid of work: musthave workal oucu. Holtnble. WIS Ja kiou street, cran ton, Pa, CITQATIOM WANTEDBY A YOUNO tj nuin. leyoars of age, driving deliver wa.oii or uny lionest work. Address A. U, TltlBPMl olflco. A I.ady wtiri.D i.iKFro uti WASHI..I. -I and Irotmig st bl r home. Apply at KB Mulberry Street ftgente Wanted. WANTED MAN WITH LIKE AND F1UK insurance experieneo as solicitor iu Lackawanna county; good iaducumeuts to right man. Address IlSo-ai Beta LuildinK. rniladaiphia, Pa Help Wanted Male. I AN TED IF TOO ABE A CATHOLIC nnoinployod and will work tor fit per week, v, rite JliioUoiinoll Iiros., 11 Finn liu stres . Boston, Muss. Eloarciing. QUMMEB BOAl.DIM! -FOL'lt Kr.Sl'ECT i' able porsoM can find Brat eiass board with smaB family In la ge, airy bouae, Hoi and eoid baths. Free carnage to depot and church rbree-quartera of a mile train tlon, Usaltny locality. Address bos 68,Clarks' Summit. For Sale. l."01 SAl.E-A FIIIST flLASfl BAKKRV largs business dal! at 825 Penn avenue, Furnished Rooms to Let fURNISHiiD BOOM8-PBONT BOOKS uud tWC bed rooms. IZil Fri.'.:kliu ave. Found. ITOTJND-A POOKETBOl K CONTAINING I f, U, mill itn. unr I..' inrniM' Oivun. nan have it, by nrovmir nroi.ertv. Iuoairo at Handler's Dining It ms. Special Notices. HTO THE OWNERS on RBPTJTKD OWN k i ri of property bounding and abutting en both -Men of Pine street, between Wniih in rtotl and Clay avenues, iu tho Ninth ward of tbe city of Scranton, Pa. Ti ke notice that under the direction of councilx I will make ihe assetsinenl for laying iii'et asphalt pavement on a concrete base on Pine strost, from iVashlngton to Jefferson ave une, aud from Uadison to Clay avenue, and for ln iui; stone block 'pavement on a con crete baae on Pino street from JefTersoti to Madls"u avenue; al for letting and reset- Hnseurb on the s-mi Pine street, between Washington and ( lay avenues, on Thutsday, thu -1st day of June, A. I). IMU, at IU o'clock u. m.. at my olllee in tho Municipal building, o ty of Beranton, Pa., at which tinu and place yon may appear and be heard if you bo de tire. JOSLPH P. PHILLIPS, City Engineer. On ion or Tnn Tnounox Ooal Co. Beranton, Piw, June w, MM. H'HE ADJOURNED ANNUAL MERTINQ X of the ttoekbolders of this company will be hold at tho offlco of tlio eompaoy, room It), Common wealth 1'iillillug, Beranton, Pa,, oa Frblay, Juno nth, leW, at 4 o'clock p. in. liy order of tho President, THOMAS II. DALE, Secretary. OTOOKHOLDEBS' MEETINO.-'IHE AN O n unl ineetlni: of ttockboldors of tuo Wvo ming Shovel works for the election of oiti ettt and the consideration of such othi'r bus.- iiossnsm.iy bs brotmht before tbomnillby held at the ufhee of tho eonipanv inleraUton( on Sat unlay, (be 16(0 day 61 June, 1801, from lu to 11 o'clock a. ui. i N. (i. UuP.Ei.TSON, Secretary. BLANK iioolis, 1 AMPHLETB, MAUA tines, etc, btnmd cr rebound at 'i uc Tnisnxa otllco. Quick work. Keasouablu prices, ME A irr.CKEWl:AlTWliAD AT H4, corner Sprueo street and Franklin avs UOa, '. ..) moat tieKuts lor . 60. Ouod table board . js'I A vm OF EZRA DE WITT.DECEASED. Ij Notice Is hereby given that a rule hat born crunteil to ( how cause why Jane I.. lie Witt, executrix of the last will and testament of sniil decedent, shull not be discharged from the diite :s and liabilities of her appointment Application will bo niailo to have Bald rule iiiado to and thu executrix discharged, July t, IBM, S ft PRICK, Attorney for exocutrix Largo Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates fo? Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUitT & CONNELL CO. ale Of New, Fresh Seeds M Fertilizers Dress Goods, Silks, White Goods, Muslin Curtains, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Cloaks, Shirt Waists and Blouses and Several Hun dred Other Articles. Theal poods were purchased at SHERIFF SALE and tho people are benefited thereby. No merohant in tho world can buy goods in the regular way aud compete with our prices. The reserved portion of this stock will be placed on sale during this week. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT will bo closed out for almost nothing to make for other goods. So many come in the afternoon ant to come in the morning, but if COME ANY TIME for you will not have another chance to got fresh goods for so little money. GrHOSS, 316-318 3 ' 0U wear oves Do you have trouble with the finger tips wearing out? It can be avoided. By buying the layser Paten! Black, Modes, Tans, Slates and Greys. PRICE 75c. and $S They are sold with a guarantee ticket in each pair, en titling the customer to another pair free of charge in any case where the tips wear out before the gloves. CONNOLLY & WALLACE Furniture Upholstere By the most experienced workmen in the city. NO FANCY PRICES. N. A. HULEERT'3 City Musio Store, - w troiuwa at, scuaxo BTBINTVAT ROM DECKER BROTHER! aid EKANIDH & BACiH ecsCB3 nvua & BAUER IANOS I )n large itock of firjtol.m Ut'SICAli 91 KUCHA Nl)lbll UUblU, EXO.. EXU DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON B R I C Best in the market, OFFICE: Dinuliaraton. N.Y. FACTO AY 1 llnindt. Pa Brandt Clay ProduclCo. Dimes Are Like Dollar AT THE GREAT of tie Pomplirey Goods at tho 3tore of GROSS, FOSTER & CO. that there Lg scarcely standing room. It would bo much more picas you can't come in the morning, FOSTER & CO. Lackawanna Avenue. Finger Tipped Silk Sieves 209 COR. LACKAWANNA AND ADAM WHY HOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Set? We sell Furniture as cheap aa any house iu the country that in tends to give honest valuj for tho money. Try us. Hull $k Co 205 AND m ROM and ST1 NORWAY IRON BLACK D1A9IOND SlliVlilt EXTRA SPECIAIi SAMJKRBON'S ENGLISH JBSSOP'S ENGLISH CAST SXKEL HOUSE SIIOM9 TOE CALK tiki: machinery SPUING KOKT STEEI4 ANVILS BELLOWS HOUSE NiULS WILEY A RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS CUTTING MACHINERY. Bittenbender&CoJcranton, Wholesale and retail dealers' in LOUIS B. SMITH Dealer in Choice Confections and Fruits. BREAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM I 1437 Capoiise Avenue. fc Morton Stock room WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. an 3 AVENUE. VICING AVE. iKaLaV mObMP aMaT mLtttf WAGON WHEELS AXLES KPU1NGS HUBS til OK ICS R!1S BTEKL SKEINS R. R. SPIKES SCREW Wapronraakera' and BiacksmitBi' PARLORS OPEN FltOM 7 A.M. TO 11 r.xt. SPKOIAI, ATTENTION OIVKN TO SL'P PLYINU FAMILIES WITH ICE CIIEAM. WE'VE BEEN HOUSECLEAMG Give us a call aud tell us what you think of the many changes and improvemants. Paper and paint have wrought wonders, but A Brand New Stock And our new Cash System ha done much more that U, perhaps, of greater interest to you. Prices have dropped and qualities have have gone up. That's the case in, a nutshell, but you may want more tangible proof of this. If so, you'll find it at tho store. Look iu our windows. FREEMAN, Cub Draler iu Diamonds, Wateuoj, Jewelry, Eio. Cor.Fenn Ave. and rp?QC6 St. What is More Attractive Than a pretty faco with a frech, bright complexion? For it, use Pouoni'a Powder.