4, I roit i 1'aok op sroiwi. '?A m:vs TVUN THIS LTV v THE NEWS OP INDUSTRIES, OX PAGE 7. EIGHT PAGES--5G COLUMNS. SCRAN TON. PA.. PHID-AY MORNING. JUNE 15, lSi)4. TWO CENTS A COPY. HIE TRIBUNE HAS RlPiCKIS OF POLICEMEN Seme Enormous Sums Squeezed from Crim inals by the Gotham Finest Some of the Discoveries of the Lexov. Investigating Committee During Its Probing of the Charges Brought by Rev. Dr. Parkhurst Somebody Gets Nearly Nine Million Dollars a Year for Protection Places on the Force Bettor Than Presidencies of Rich Banks An Object Lesson in Tammany Politics. Ffom the PkUadrlpMa Retord, Dem. New York June 14. rpolt seine timo pet 11 senatorial L. committee has been at work in p vestibulitis the method's of the U police department f tui citv. fcy-nutor L SOW is chairman, and the, probe has been put iu so de'p r t" show grout corruption among police commissioners und nearly all person? sttuolivd to the force. Blackmail has been levied on everybody that it lias been poMil'te to get one cent from Including $5,189, 14? 04 for salaries, the police of tins city extort irbm the peo ple the enormous sum of about f 19,000, 000. The testimony brought ont by the Lesow Legislative investigating com- lii it tee, now : i session here, shows that th" police, in addition-to theirs ilaries from the citv. have hud nn additional Income contributed by the keepers of disorderly houses, saloons, gambling homes, tnerehants and posh-curt u-d-dli-rt This extra income is called "paying protection" by thole who pay. Ly the public it is sometimes called blackmail. The police probably called it peiqnisitcs. While an accurate eetiraate of the income of the police from these sources U Impossible at this Btage of the in vestigation, enough facts have Iven made public to show that it w is enorm ous. There are, as shown by the last Nimnal report of the board of exoise, 6.000 saloons in this city Most of tlnm keep their i-ide doors open on Sunday, and alter leg:i hours lit night. Ti e price for protection for Sunday side door opening varies according to location uuu uuiouutof hiine's, The average is believed to bj if 10 n week for each saloon. Police protection WODld, lb r.'fore, cOt the 8,500 saloon keepers, if only one-half the total numl er of I aloons paid at this rata, the following largo sum : 8,500 saloons, at $10 a week each, 5:13,000. 8,500 saloons, 52 weeks. 11,820,000, Ft.K.LCiNO DISORDERLY HOUSES. Assistant Chief Cleric DjI am iter, of the polio department, estimates that thre are about 45,000 abend ne I wo men in the city. Taking tbo United States censns estimate of Qve persons to a bouse, th - police estimate of I he number of immoral wuin-n. n,000. shows that there must ue 9,000 dis orderly bouses in the city. According to the alleged police schedule devel oped in the investigation, ao-ealled Straight houses nid $300 initiation fee, and flits $300. It is estimuted that the business is about equally dis tributed be tWOeu 11 its and uouses, so that the averitgs initiation fee is $100, or $o600 COO lor opening the houses According to the evidence before the Lesow committee, the koip ers of these houses are required to pay from $50 o $100 a month, to that the av. r g - monthly rato for police protec tion is $75. In uddition to these fixed charges for the "protection" of disor derly hout-es, the testimony' before the Li xow comn-.ittee shows that there were numerous extr.i charges, which vai i d Recording to circumstances, ftiii.e times the man wanted an extra $10 or $25 lor some special favor. Then tue patrolman on the post would occa sionally want $5 or $10 The protec tion paid for s etus to havo included an occasional raid, and when these were made it was necessary to pay for extras or various kinds. OTHER SOURCES OF INX'OME. The gambling lung's, in the days when they flourished iu tbe ,-Tendsr-loin" precinct nod other sections of the city, are r- ported to have contributed rather liberally to tho aid of the police, Then there are the policy shops. Toes two are estimated to ho worth $165,000 The minor .-onrces of extra inc. nue are numerous, but they are so divor.-ifi xl that no specific or ad valorem rate of piotection can bo fined. Spacial rates are levied for this incidental protec tion according to circumstances, the main circumstance governing the amount demanded being the necessity of the victim and his willingness to pay for protection. Fifty thousand dollars is put down as a low total tor the collection. for sidewalk privileges frem merchants and peddlers. wiiucgseg Have teitlOsd that it costs to get on the police force. The appointments to th force will average 200 men a year. If they all pay the tee of $300 for their appointment they add tho neat little sum of $90,000 a year to the income of Bom-body. In addition to all this, it is alleged that some police captains emu sergeants, etc., have paid $10,000, $5,000 nhd $3, 000 for advancement. an ENORMOUS total. This brings up the total annnal in come of tbe forcn close to $15,000,000, divided us follows: From tho city for salaries.,.. 16,180,187.64 From saloons , I98u,0OO.U0 From disorderly bouses 8, TOO, 000, 00 Fiom merchants and peddlers 50,000,00 Gambling bouses 105, (XXI. 00 Total . 15,ar... 147,04 1.1 would seem better to be a police man on the ground floor tban a mem ber of the sugar trust. DOlY CORNICE FALLS. Ptoo tf TVrra Cotta Drrpi from I s Iof y P-rch with Fatal Rault. Philadelphia. Jniie It A henvv ierra cottu cornice fell from a third A LARGER BONA story bay window of the Tenth Na tional bank, 1 i 1 Gtreet and Columbia avenue, at ti 45 o'clock tonight and landed in a group oi pioDle who were watching a parade. One woman was killed, a child wag fatally injured, and three others Were painfully wound, d. Tko victims are: Mrs. Caroline Bender, aged 55 years, skull fractured, died soon after being admitted to a hospital. Injured Liz zie Hinton, aged 0 years, skull crushed, will die; William B. Bender, aged 11 years, son of the above mentioned Mrs. Bender, lacerated soalp, not believed to be dangerons j Charles Hinton, aged 35 years, lamer f Lizzie lllnton, arm broken; Mary Stevens, 45 years of age, arm broken. The accident is believed to have been caused by several men gettiug on the top of ttfe bay window to watch the parade, and by pressing with their feet against the terra cotta cop ing around (be edge loosened a large1 piece about four feet square, which crushed down into the Ctowd 30 feot below. The moat stnu- nous efforts on the part of the polios failed to discover who the meu wgre. it was Ai nisi itinngiit mat me coping naa Decerns loosened, and tuiioii with out any human ai I. but a policeman saw two m -ii run back just after the coping had fallen and disappear through the window. MSICGnH MMYLAIID. Doings of the Legions of Labor Seek ers ai Various Points in the Far West. JtJLKBBURO, Col. Juno 14, The 500 Coxeyites made another attempt to get out of this city this morning, but resulted in failure. They seiza a Union Pacific engine an i proceeded to make up a tram, but the locomotive was accidentally run into an noun switch and ditOlied. The I'.nur then decided to seise t jim regular train, but the Union Pacilic oil laialS. le irtiimr Of their intention, held tiie train back until titty arms I deputies arrived on a .-ii-ciai train from Denver to escort it through. Should the Coxeyitsa make inriner aiiempta to seize trains serious lronld may follow. OMAHA. Neb.. June 14 In the nh- aence from this stxt of United States marshal, tho authorities at Washing ton will not order troops our to pro tect the Union Pacific from the indust rials, near Julesoura as the marshals request is needed. i:ie road sent ont n (rain with 150 deputy marshals this afternoon Fort Morgan, Co!.. June 14 Most of tbe Coxey navy, which aUrted In boats from Denver, went to Jnlesburg on trains to my, reducing the navy to iou men, who rtsuutea their voyage oil tiie Platte witb sit days rations. OUINTBPLnRAGEDY. John Kiuffmai. Kill I Hla Wife and Fam lly and tlanrrs Iliiinelf. OAKUM. N. J.. Juno 14 A nntn tuple tragedy tonig t startled Cr duer lJ.ni, a snonrl) of rnis eily. John KhuS man. a Bavarian 511 vonra of nun ,.t the throats of his wife, Rosins, "n'd hi a ttiree clulilren. twin oovs aireil n w.re and a month old infant, an 1 then de itberatelv hansed himself. Th amf,,i crime must hare been committed be iween 0 II. m VesterdaV an I th.. ... --j .- ... I, l.ir hour this inorililU' but it was not elw. covered by the neighbors until this evenlnir. i ,'. .11 t tt mmimhiIm, -,.im mt.r.r Stranger in Cramer Hi! I, baviny moved mere irom l ren ton tive weeks ago. lie wns In destitute oircamstanoes and bad been out of work for hotmb tiino It.. is thought to bave committed tug deed out of sheer desnondunev. FT.. p..ni,.a one half of a double frame house, the other part being unoccupied, No sign oi nio w,-.s visitiie about the place after 6 o'clock yesterday niornini' Mrs. Knuttiniiii went in tin, rin, - -.... riij., received bread delivored by a baker. tOOISCt that tbe shutters rem.iinart closed all of yesterdsv and today ex cited the suspicious of Frank Hart man, and he communicated his fears to Jnslico of ttio Peace Schmidt. The latter went to the house this nfturnnnn and, pulling open tho shutters, ssw in the dim evening light th body of Kaufl'man bunging by the nnrk between the double doors of the first fhor front room. Further invest igation showed tioit tiie lioilv nf ttr. Kaufman on a bed iu tbe middle room or me utst room clasping her dead in fant in her arms. Up-itairs in another fOoni wero found tno bodies of the 5 year old twin boys with their throats cut from ear to ear. The husband, wife and thivo children comprised tbe entire family. f X-NIIMIbTEH PHELPS DYING Phyilclaaa Think He Will Not Surv.v th Tay. Bsoliwood, N. J., June 14 11 p. m. Doctor Curri expecta to be sum nioned to tho bedside of Mr. William Walter W. Phelps t midnight. The physician state? that his pitientwas kept alive this morning onlv by the use of powerful stimulants. II" does not believe, that Mr. Phelps can survive longer than 6 o'clock to morrow morning. - IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. There nrn Wlfi diugciBts in tho Ktnte association now in convention at Reading, A cow attacked and dangerously wound ed young Jesse Wsngei, ot Kutztowu. Hi-huylkill county has sot adds 12,000 for tbe relief of th." pocfr tlds mouth. BeCSUM of hard times, Liinlshoro milli nieii have reduced the price of milk from 0 to I cents. jury acquitted Joliu Alexiiniler, charged at Lancaster with illegally prac ticing medicine. Owing to tho microbe-laden Ilibles used In Kaslon, kissing the Hook has bjen dis pensed with In I lie courts. Falling aixty-ftve feet from a furnnco stack lui was repairing, nt Lebanon, Ed ward BSenWell was OrUshed to death. Nine graduates yesterday received the Bachelors' degree ur, the Moravian college, Bethlehem, and eight tbeologues becattU B. U'h. Howard Stanaburg, u Lehigh Valley striker, who aisaa'tieu a nonQnlon em- pime, was yesterday seat to Hasten jail for two months. Of the 200,000,000 feet of logs thates-cap-d at the time of tfte flood. 35,000,000 will be hauled buck on cars to Williams port to bo sawed. FID E CIRCULATION AMONG SC THE 00TL0QK VERY GLOOMY Advantage Gained by Bituminous Liable to Be Lost. Miners HR. Rf'BRIDE PREDICTS DISASTER It Is Only by Preserving an Unbroken Front That the Strikers Can Hope to Hold Their Position Operators, Ho Says, Stand Ready to Tak- Ad- VSntage of the First Display of Weakness and Division Caused by Internal Wrangles. Columbus, Oiiio, June 14, p RESIDENT M'BUIDE prodicted UJ today that if the minsrs por I" sisteil in following the load of J A A Alain and refnsed to abide by the recent settlement, in has than a month's time they would be mining coal at 40 cents ii ton iustoa I of GO cents, which they could get now. He said that only by keeping a united front could tti respect ot the operators for the miners' organisation be main- t lined. As soon as it became apparent that the miners were divided the oper ators woul 1 attempt to get the cheap est labor possible, go aa to bo utile to compute with tho Pennsylvania opera tor's. McBride's anxiety over the situation is shown by tho Sending by him of a largo number of letterB defending the action of the conference. He olaims that at a meeting of the district presi dents, befi-ro tho conference was held, there was no opposition to the sixty and sixtyniue cent settlement. These were liesh from the miners mid the national officers had a riitht to assume that they represented the, minors senti ments, Adams was present at.the meet iug referred to. A stroiiL' effort is being made to depose the present national officers and place Adams In McBrid. 's place. OPERATORS' propositions. PUMZSUTAWMmr, Pa., June 14. A com mil tee of miners met Superintend ent Robinson, of the BjII, L-wh and Yles Mining Company, this afternoon. Mr, Robinson submitted a prouosition to tho committee allowing forty csmts a net ton for miuiug coal, p3rmitti;ig check weigliuinn, giviuir tho men liberty to deal wnere they pleased, aud making other minor concessions. Tbe proposition will be submitted to a mass meeting of the Walstou, Adrian ud bleauora minora, to bj hold to morrow. Substantially tho earao proposition has been made to the miners of Dubois, Reynold-yille and at other mines oner. uted by this company. Tue committee is undecided as to tno ec'.ion the min ers will take. Tims proposition cms id great surprise, the company not hav ing uiii le a move in any direction since the strike OOUim need. BCKNBS OF DISORDER IN OHIO. Massillon, O., June 14 The miners st Bherrodsville, on tbe Wheollng and L, lco r.rie railway, followed the de struction of the two bridges yesterday by an attempt to burn down tho sta tion late last uigtit. Tae presence of ilio wrecking srewa prevented its loss. The men are sullen and line the H acks to prevent the movement of freight. V HKi-:i.iN(i URKKK, O, June 14 General Howe has ordered the Seven teenth regiment and Battery C home. ftiey bave been st Mineral Siding one Welt, COLUMDbS O., June 11 Tno opposi tion io tue coal strike selll- blent is as suming threatening proportions, and the natloaal olitcors ot the lniu rs or ganization nro now very much worried over the situali in which threatens dis ruption of the organization. President A. A. Adams, of the state miners' or ganization, bus issued a call for a state convention of minors at Columbus next luesday to tnko action against tho sot tlement, Trouble is expected next Monday. when some of the miners will want to no to work undor agreement and those. who oppose the sottlumo-nt will try to prevent them, WBRKLIfO, W. Vi, .Tuna 14. Five companies uf West Virginia troops nave gone nomo, leaving six In tho field Tee miners of t .- diatiict hold a meeting tomorrow to discus tho Col umbus settlement. It is thought they will not agree to the terms of tha com promise. The meeting will be largely attended. WlfflAN'S Sjpf OF THE CASE. The Bo::iaikabl Letter of Confssnion May l.Iav Uan a Irup. NjiW YORK, June 14 Ensttis Wi- man'g sin ot the storv of Ida financial troubles w.is heard in court today. Upon coming to the lotterof confession WUloh attracted go much comment yesterday, Mr. Wiuian said: "Mr. HaoFarlsnd, who had been mv friend, telegraphed for tuu and I wout to see him. He told me of the siatv of my acconnts of tbe Bullinger and Fitzgerald checks, of other irregulari ties ind gaid that if I would do all ho wished mo to do, all would be well. then ho told me What waa required of me. 1 must trangfer to Mr. Dnn ull my property, my wife must trangfer all her nroporty: and I must write a satisfactory letter to Mr. Dun. If I would do this I should not be disturbed, Mr, MacFarland particularly requested the writing of the letter, aud although be swore yest erday that he gavo no udvioo na to the couttnta, ha must huve guggegted the general line nf It, becauao it eontalna expregsiona which I could not have written without some suggestion. Mr. McFarland urged etrougly that I should write directly to Air. Dnn, and he hurried tno on to write It instantly. 1 did so, nut believing at the time that there waa a trup laid for me," 1 move that those words be etricken out," promptly Interjected air. Well man, and the court so ordered, "When 1 wrote the letter," continued Mr. Wiman, ' I was almost beside my self wl,ih the business reverses I bad suffered, tho complications nmid which I found myself, and the turuing against me of my business partners. I could not sleep, sod I had scarcely been able to eat. Tiie letter, Which Mr. McFarland said yeat-rday ho had bad no part iu suggesting, be after wards told me he had been shown by Mr. Dun, and that it waa entirely satisfaclory. My wife wag iu California. S.ie immediately camo back and transferred every particle of hoi property as I hud transferred mine to David Bennett King, as trustee, for the benefit of Mr. Dun. It was also de manded of me that I shonld ol servo my obligation incurred iu the agree ment not to outer the ugency busi ness " "You might have fled, might you not, if you had felt you had committed any crime?" pursuSI dsOeral Tracy. "1 might have done go, but I did not." TRAGEDY OF A SALOON. Two Womon Apriar to Have Been in the Case. Buffalo, n y., Juito 14-Es-city Clerk William B belsnsy was shot st the Gold Dolb.r saloon ihiB evening, and died a few minutes later at a hos pital. It has been ascertained now that George A. Bartholomew, aged 20 years, of Victoria, Ont., is the person Wbo shot ex-City Clerk William E. Dslany tonight. Two women and a man were in the room at the tinviof the shooting and up to midnight the police had not ospturbd or identified any of them. At that hour Bartholomew walked into the police station aud gav him strlf up Ho refuse's, to toll why be shot Delany, but it is supposed that he followed his wife to Delany 'a rooms, where he surprised the trio. Ha says the identity -of the other woman would to made known In the morning. MISSIONARY IN TROUBLE. James Walker, an Exponent of the Principles of Unity Is Coldly Treated by Bangoriles. fsaen'rtf to f."i scvan'nn TWVta. STiiOUDsnuita, Pa., June 14. For some time past the residents of Bath Borough and the small villages in this vicinity have been visited ny a man with it strong English accent aud dressed in a blue suit, who posed us an organizer of the concern known us the Order of Unity. After a great deal of pcrsuKf iou on his part he m inaged to organize a lodge at this plac-). also collected the usual fees. Tho man's name was Jamas W alker, and ho boarded with L -vv Sigsfu-s. of South Stroudsburg Walker was made deputy of the organisation. Alter "tiiug the mdze in this educe in order Walk r went to Bsugor and attempted to explain tho mysteries of the Society of Unily to tbe people in that vicinity. Ho was quite snccesn- uii in tno matter oi organisation, and was rapidly spreading the priucipl-s of unity about the neignborhoud when his onlliunt career was rud-lv cut hort by cold-blooded Bangorites who had discovered that ho was not a duly tithoriz -J -xoouent of the Older of Unity, sud that any credentials he p ge-ssed purporting to havo emanated iroiuthe highly titled i Inc. ills of the older, were bOiUS. At tho liisiuiioo of I he inhabitants of BaQgbr, Walker has been arrested on tho claim that he has obtained money under false pretense iwnlo posing as a veritable prophet of the Order of Unity, and the oause has tlieretoro fallen into decline in Bangor. LORD COLfclilOGS OE5D. The Distineui-.hs'.! Enflith Jurist Suc cumbs to Hi Long; Illness. LondoS. Jnno 14. Lard Ctaief Jii- tics Cob-nog is d.-ad. The Right II in. John Duke Cole ridge, Baroo Coloridg , Was the eldest sou of SirJonn Taylor Coleridge, mid waa born in 1921. II- waa educated at Eton and at B illiol ooltec", Oxford.und was called to tho hur in 1840. In 18,"),) ho was appointed rec irder of Portsmouth, and was created queen's counsel in 1801 In December, 1808, he became solicitor-genorgl In Mr. Glad stone's fi -t government, and in N vembsr, lbTl, was made attorney gen eral. He declined several chances to go iidoii the bench until he ws tnadeohif justice of the court of common plena in November, 187H, and In the following motlt'b was raUn 1 to the peerage. In November, 1880, he was mada lord chief justice ol England. H t AMU OVEM T H t CABLE. Egypt's Khedive has nbandond his pro posed tour of Europe, but will visit tho Sultan ot ('oiistantiuople. Ruasisn officials ate in consternation over anew law requiring expensive uni forms, and many will bv bankrupted. Supported by tbe army, General Eiqus qnida will pr, bsbly assume the presidency of Paraguay with out tho formality of an election. Tho Casrewitch will loavo st. Peters burg Saturday in the Imperial yarht to visit his betrothed, Princess Atix.of Hesse, now iii England. Judge Payne has refused to grant a con tinuance In the case of Prendorgast, the murderer of Mayor fisfrison, ami will to day sot a date for the insanity trial. In the re-arrangeVl Italian cabinet, Hig nor Boselll becomes ministor of finance in place of Signer Siuuoui, who will be min ister of the treasury, signor Dumiani re places Bignor Boielll as miuistur of bu bandry. (Iiitton Kiclmrd, n 17-year-old anarchist, was sentenced to twenty-three years im prisonuient for having killed the restau rant keeper Crozot. in a cafe on tbe out skirts of Paris, Me Btahhod Ciozet In the abdomen with a shoe knife. FLASHED FROM THE WIRE. By tho bursting of a sawmill enfiino nt Laclede, Me., James Lokho and his son Aaron were killed, On the charge of starving to death their sou Henry, John I,i filer and wife, of Carthage, IlL, are uuder urrest. Charlies of embezzlement of $5,0,10 caus ed the arrest of E. 11. QreVe, ex-clerk of tho Fourth National bank of St. Louii. After looking at a mangled railroad vic tim, Albert Kirchiiesser, of St. Louis, was taken sick and died of uervous shock. Forbetrajnl of Emily Koalty, Street "ar Conductor McKilhip, ot Chicago, wnu-'.a. in the street by tbe enraged fathb.. RANTON BUSINESS MEN VISIT OF THE Important Gatherini! of the Associated Banks of Eastern Pennsylvania. BANQUET AT THE WESTMINSTER Various and Vital Topics Discussed at the Albright Library State Banks, tho National Banking Sys tem, the Bank Examiner and Bank Pleasantries Are Considered Good Fellowship and Toast Responses at the Banquet Report of the Day's Doings in Detail. YESTERDAY in Scranton was es sentially bunkers' day It was the occasion of the annual meel iuu of tbe Associated bunks of eastern Pennsylvania, and a banquet tendered tbem at the Westminster in tiie evening by tho Scrauton Clearing Honso association. All day when the visitors wero not in session there was nn apparent finan cial atmosphere about the citv, partic ularly about tno hotels, business bouses and money Institutions; snu justly so, for it is seldom if ever that ricrrnton has been called upon to entertain a more weighty brainy and observant body of mub. When the day was fin ished it did not transpire thut the city had suffered from the scrutiny, and it was the sentiment of most of tho guests that they hoped iu future in other ci'ies to bo as hospitably re ceived und as well eared for. While an object of the association is to discuss and promote equitable and mutual bsnefioial bunking principles among themselves, uuotuor and unique object is to eatublish a bond of fellow ship and confide tice. This feature was prominently displayed In tho business meeting, banquet and social diversion ot the u.,y. Tho- who bad not vipitod this city for several years marvelled at tho mercantile and finsnolal strides at tained. Their visit, ng they expressed it, wag a revelation. Following, The Tkihune preseulg tile detailed doings of tue day. THOSE who PABTICIPATEO, Among those attending the biuqtist and meeting were: j. W. Thomrwon, president of the National bnnk of Cues ter Valley, Costosville; Charles C. Highly, cashier. Nutfbnul bank of Mel viu; Charles H, Dauisler, UuitelStuleg national bank examiner, Pottsville; H, Jt Anderson, vice-president Lacka wanna Trust and Safe Deposit company, city; Alfred Hand, director, Third National bank, city; G'orge Shannon, cashier Thir I National bank, Norristown; Charles DuPont Breok, Dime Deposit aud Discount batik, Scranton; James a. Linen, president First National Bank, city; William H. Ainey, preid dent Se.'.oud National bank, AllentoWn; N. N. Betts, cashier First National bunu. Towanda; James M. Gosslar, cashier, L-bauoii; O F. Fondiinmith, cashier Farmers' National bank. Lan caster; II. Z. Russell, president Hones dale National bliuk; Samuel Hiueo, president Traders' National bank, Scranton; William II. Peek, cashier Third National bank, city; C. ii. North, cashier, Sellnsgrove; James Blair, president Scranton Savings bank; G orge II. Catliu, vice president Third National bank, citv; George II. Fls.n- nagan, oasmer Wyoming National bank, Wilkes Ibirre; fl, D. Flaming, in, cashier First N.uiouul bsnk.Nanttooke; Theodore Strong, presidont, Pitts ton; William H. Gisu, cashier, Slating ton; William L. Gorges, cashier, Harrls burir; Frnnk M. Horn, president, Cat usuuquu; John J. Gwinueu, Easton; Wiluam Haokott, oashier, Easton; George II Eielftioh, cashier, Ashland; M. K. Wntlcins, cashier, Mt. Carmelj A. B. Williams, cashier, city; Robert E Might, president Alleniowu Na tional bank; E Vv. Mulligan cashier Second National bank, Wilkes-Barre; Beujamiu Hughes, president West Side bank, city; R. T. BUek, director Lank awaniitt Trust and Sifo Doposit com pany, city; P. M. Car hart, cashier First National bank, Wilkos-B irre; Jumes Arcbbsld, city ; C W. Gunstor, cusbie'r Merchuncs and Meciinnica bsnk, city; H. Q. Dunham, cashier Dime Deposit and Discount bank, city; Italic Post, cashier First National bunk, city; and the following from Scranton: T. S. Davies, L. A VVatres, a H Welles. T. E Jones. B. B Leon ard, F, How II, I A. Finch. C. D. Breok, R. T. Black, P. J Hornn, D M, Jones, J. W. Fowler, C. E. Spnoer, James Blair, Rev. Charles E Robin so'i, 1. C. Miover, 1. l lloban. J. J. Williams, G urge S ui.lersoii, (.'. Gold smith, C W. Gtinster. II, G, Dunham, W. u. Keniicdy, L. li. Sturges, James Jordan, W. w. Watson, H. J. Auder son, Uavi'I Spruits, VV. G. Thomas. Richard Nicholls. M. J. Wilson. Rev. James McLeod, Issso Post, S. B Price, A. U. rruucois, u. u Busier, Ueigaimu Hughes, J. A. Mears, P. B Finlev, C. P. Matthews, H. M. Edward's, A H. Christy, O. S. Johnson, J. U, Torrey, W. F. Hallstesd, J. A. Linen, Luther Keller, A B. Williams, M. H. Dale, Conrad Schroeder, W. R, Wil liams, J. w. OakforJ, A. B Bynon, G. H. Catlin, Samuel 1 lines, James Arch b ild. E. J. Lynett, James O'Connor. B. J. Moonoy, T. P. Duffy, A. T. Rayna- lord, OUl stb EXTENDED A WBLOOKB, A. B. Wiiliums, chairman of the executive committee and cashier of the lrudere National Bank, of Scrauton. addressed the meeting briefly iu tbe spirit of welcome after the association bud been di clareil in eession by tbe president, Theodore Stronir, of Pittaton. Mr. Williams eaid that he hoped the gpirit of good-fellowship which had existed among the bunks of Eastern fenngylTauia would continue iu the future. Ho extended an invitation to all to attend the banquet to be given in tbe evening by the Scranton Clearing Honso Association, aud to remain over until today, when the visitors would be supplied w.h carriages and driven about tbe city. Mr William s' reiiarks elicited betfrty applause. FINANCIERS THAN ANY OTHER President ,Strou on behalf of the association, uccepted the iuvitatlon so cordially extended, and during his re marks took occasion to call attention to the fact thut land now worth $1,000 a front foot in Scranton he remembered but a few years ago us being contained in a stnmp Int. Scranton, he said, was then a "place;" no enterprises, but one railroad und electricity uutliought of. He bad watuhed the ci'ty from Its in ception in a cradle, and mnrvelled now to appreciate it. The city is absorb ent in taking in like a sponge, but is bard to squeeze anything out of in a business way. To substantiate this h9 cited how Scranton had absorbed tha interests of various surrounding cities, it's dangerous for a man to remain over night iu tho city if be hss any money witb him, he will be drawn into some acheme before he loavoa in the morning. But you don't hurt a man whenynn ubsorb him, yet, unlike Jonah's whale, you lire unwilling to give bim up. He cited the taking iu of tbe whole of an iron inountaiu at Lebanon a the most recent Seranton accomplishment Following tiie president's speech Rev. 8. C. Logan, D. D., invoked divine blessing upon the deiiueratious of the meeting. The minutes of last yenr'a meeting, held at the Biugham Honae, Philadelphia, were resd by Secretary Fruuk M. Horn and adopted by the meeting. Continued on Page 6. A TRAGIC COMEDIAN, Actor Walter Benn, of the Wonderland , Stock Company,- Attempts to Murder His Wife. Ijyeeial In the Scranton Trihuna. Akchbald, Pa., June 14. Walter Benn, a player of light purts in the Wonderland stock company, essayed tho role of a heavy villuiu in Archbald tbia al'teraoou aud attempted to glioot tiia wife, who is known on the stage as Miss Grace Cmtoit. He was a poof marksman, for iustead of shooting" her he ehot Miss Ethel Fuller, another member of the same company. The Wonderlaud company went to Archbald a few days .ago und are stop ping at th j Mansion House at that place. Bonn, who ig rather morose at liuius, notwithstanding bis mirthful occupation, )g I some real or fancied grievance against his wife and tbreut eded to shoot heron several occasions. Yesterday, while nnder the influence of one of bis moody spells and some thing of a mote material nature, lie attempted to put bis threats into execution. He went to his wife's room where she was sitting with Miss Fuller aud began shooting. The wife ran out of the room but tbe villain still pur sued her und fired five gbotg after her. Oao of tbe balle struck Miss Fuller under the left shoulder blade and gpont its forcivon ouo of her ribs. Tbe other four bulla entered the walls of the building. Ibe report of the shots attracted the attention of Mr. Caffrey, the proprie tor of tbe hotel, and M. G. Melvin, whose business place is opposite. They bad a hard tussle witb Benu, bnt flu ally nuccee'ded in taking the revolver from him aud escorted him to jiil. Dr. Van Doren was gent for nr.d removed the ball from Bliss Fuller's side. Her itrjuriis are not considered dangerous. Sue was, however, unable to appear on tue st ago last evening. Tho bullet was from a 22 calibre re volver of tho Smith & Wesson make. Benu is in the borough jail nt this writing. STRUCK WITH AN IRON BAR. James Fieemnn Died frm the Injuries 1 flloteda At the ! iseg Taylor hospital yester day morning James Freeman died as the result of injuries sustuitiod on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Freeman waa a foreman at the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western machine shopg, und while at work Wednesday afternoon received a blow in the stomach from nn iron bar that slipped from the bands of a follow workman, who was using it as a wy. As a rpu-lt of the injuries Mr, Free man died nt 0 o'clock yesterday morn ing. Jilr. Freeman waa 31 years of age aud resided with big mother and sister on West Side, He WSJ a member of the Hyde Park Father Mathew society and St. Leo's battalion CAVALRY REUNION. Annual Gathering: of the Niath Pennsyl vania! at Harrlf-burir. HaRRISBORO, June 14 Almost 200 turvtvorsof the Nintu Pennsylvania cavalry at tended tht reunion of tb reglmeut at Pastong park tbia after noon, Where th" vet-rang spjut govern! These nflicrs were elected: Presi- 1 . , . A CI r JIO ueui, vreuige i. ouiiiunu, ij"inuiHnur.t;; secretary, A. t". Nienk, Lancaster; treasurer, Frank B. Kinueard, Harris tinrif. Tho next reuniou will be held nt Lykeni, WASHINGTON GOSSIP. It is thought tluu congress may got nwny from Wusluutdn abnut Aug. 15. Awsistnnt Secretary McAdoC yesterday, irt Newport, It. i, nihlrensod the gruduutcs of thcNavel Wsi OOllege. ObiCego university secures Dr. Olans Danl, professor of the SCAudliiaviuu lan guage und literature ut Vale. An iiliieudnieut to tbe incomo tax bill will make the exemption of paternal and benevolent organisations even more ex plicit thun it now id. The state department hns not yet heard ofllcinlly of the KiMtniOBkL the Allontown uiuu who bus been t,uut. to the biburiun gait minee. Tho senate piiaed n bill to increase tho pension ot Joe VV. Fisher, formerly col onel ot tho iii.ith Pennsylvania Volunteers, to $.U a mouth. Tho presidont lias appointed John It. Gorman, of Georgia, as consul nt Matn morus, Met,, and John Miller, of Ken tucky, at Port, Stanley, Falkland Islands. WEATHER FORECAST. j CLEAR Washington, Juno 14. Fdmcnxt for Thursday: f ur Eastern Ptfin syleaata, fain, probably sliyhtly IIMMtnM IllffnUif :nnll, ItLj, slightly wanner On the takes, south wind. MORNING PAPER FINLEY'S JUNE Linen Sale We still find our trade in LTouse keepiu,' Liuens very active, and we submit a few tilings for your consideration. We will not tell you thay are worth 10 or 50 per cent, moro than we ask, but leave their value to "YOUR JUDG MENT" after an examination. GOODS ARE STRICTLY ALL LINEN. 94 inch Cream Damask 25o, M-inch Cream Darnaek 31 to 87a 00- inch Cream Damask 39 to 45c 84 and CO-lu. Cream Damask, 48 to 08a. 73 inch, extra vulue 09 to 85o. .11-inoh Bleached Dama3k 45c, 58 and 00-inch Bleached Damask.. 60o. 01- inch Bleached Damask 69e. GO inch Bleached Damask 09c 72-inch Bleached Damask, 85c. to 2 50 In BLEACHED GOODS we keep a line of John S. Brown's, of Belfast, NAPKINS Bleached Damask at 45c, THREE GREAT SPECIALS IN X NAPKINS At $1.65, $1.75 and $1.95 Those who have used these three numbers know their value. We are closing out a lot of Hand embroidered TOWELS At Greatly Reduced Prices MINERS' 0ILCL0THIN6 Wholesale and Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. Lewis, Reilly & Davies A DRIVE In Russet Shoes. I LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 1 114 Wyoming Avo. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor Is needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect fit. All SILVERWARE and Damaged Goode at Arcade Fire will be eold at 50 Per Cent Below Gtiat The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. l5f v7f If 1 . I, J. ME