THE SCn ANTON THIUU NE TIIUKS DAY MOKNINC3-. JUNE 14, 189 . Zfc cranfott Zxifawi Published doily in Gcrdton. Pa.i iy Thi Thilun)'' Publishing COMPANY. C. P. KINGSBURY, QCNCNAL MANAGIIk Nrw YoftR ornct i Tribuhi Buildino. FeANK e. Chat, Manaqkh CIITtnCO AT THt POBTOmCC AT CRANTON, PA., A ACCOND-CLAtS MAIL MATTCH. tCBANTOS. JUKB H. 1894, Hi PUBLICAN 'oTKTt IICKiT. tfowrfior; DANIEL VL HA8TINQ1, 0 CBNTBO. for 0 vernoTi WAL1 BR liYOK, or ALueanixr. J or iiaior o"t mral: AM OS H. MYMN, Ol' LANCASTKIl. &crt(m't of Uttwil Affalm JAM LCS W. IjATTA, lit' PUILADBLPUIA. 'or ( Qft0fSMmSaafX0 P0SJ BALUSHA A.OBOW, 01' IUWJCIUAKMAi QBORGB I'. HUFF, OF WlTM()iti:i.ASU. Election Time, Nov. tt Whsn a man beoomes io Infatuated with ii principle that l.e cannot Bod time to discum datnils of method, it id ii slrouR symptom of tho disease known us crunkiuess. Some Lessons of Flag Day. One bnodred end seventeen jreeri ago tl et whs udopted by a number of men fitting in Pbiledelpbie an emblem which was to be used by the infunt r pnblio of the United State. The color.' c !' that emblem were derived from the coat of units of tbe Wniblnjtoo fam ily, of which family (.feor Washing ton, despite bis detreoiore, then stoou nt the zenith of hi InfiaenM and pepn liiriiy. The ciroumstancea surround ing that memorable seision of the ooa tincntal conres tho existence of a deeperate war, waged againit ulmost insuperable oiM by a handful of itrog gllng patriot e, confronted by tho flower of the urea'.tot military potter then known; tbe ;.!( uienta of discord jUt budding In lbs colonial camps; the eenie of awe und dautr attending k very overthrow of traditional allo; iaucsb all tluiso thingi oombl ned to make adoption of n new flag ?nn Insignificant cpd inanipioione, Wo i'ro say th'.re were tliosj present who bad lerioni donbtl whether tho ." inboi (hoi anthoria.'d would ever have vital meaning; in their own iuiu;i;j, doubt lew, Uiey dreaded lent the indications wereolreudy pointiug rather to tho addition of a new dliappoinlm -ut to tho history of mankind'! striving for civil liberty. Yet from that humble be(;lnuin;r, how gfand a realization has sprung I What memories and what hop.'s clus ler about, tho silken folds of the lijd, White and Ului'l How the prido of each true citizen intertwines itself with thai iliji'a sWsying hues I Surely, it would delight tha souls of those no bis pioneers could they stet) forth from their honored tombs and look today npnn tlie fruition of their sacrifices and their toil, Tne dedication of one (lay in nil the year to a thoughtful contem plation of oar nation's past, to a fl-ret-i:ig compliment, ua it were, to tho wis dom and tlie valor of the founders of the republic, implied through recollec tions t'Ugcested by tbe anniversary of the flip's adoption, is aurely not an ex cessive demand upon the patriotism or even upon tho common gratitude of the people of today, Wo that givo so laucU to bnainelS cares, we that yield tip to it uncomplainingly on six and sometimes seven days in the week the best energies and the beat capabilities of our eu'.iro nature, ought uot to grudge the inexpensive boon of one brief pause for tbe purpose of thiuking ever so hurriedly upon our duties and responsibilities as citizms. We hour much nowa lays about pi trioti:iu. There is a kind of patriot ism that narrows aud dwarfs, just as there is a kind that enoblos and up lift. The patriotism for us to cherish today, the patriotism that has its sym bol iu the beautiful stars and stripes, is not that which would deal furiously in pioscripliou turd anathema; which would acliitivo reforms by hurling Olympian bolts; whiuh wonllseek to build up hatred between classes, creeds or. sects, mid when built up would next Seek to level them with the fratioidal cword; hut rather that which recog DlSM that tha equality of human rights ii not an empty sentence hnt a funda mental postulate, which has faith in the triumph of reason aud the sway of common sense, and which does not as-t-uiue for one man, one sect, one section or one class civil rlfjiits that aro intol erantly denied to another. Although they were "old fogies," our forefathers laid foundations that wars broad and true. Lot us see that we in the later years keep tho superstructure vertical. The Wn.Krs.BAitRE Times, havinp: decided to print a good newsp ipir, has conpluded at tbe same timo that '2 conts per copy is not too lurgo a prico to charge for it, Iu this belief it has the corroboration of widespread journal istic experience. Good papsrs can be printed and sold at n pr itit for 1 cent per copy in large cities; but uot in many small ones. Confidential Information. One of the good effects of tbe sugar trust scandal will have been achieved when we hoar from the courts uu ac curate definition of tho rights and priviloges of journalism iu its guar dianship of the sources of information imparted under tho seal of confidence. The courts do not temple to shitfldr the clergyman iu his refusal to betray the secrets of tbe confessional aud the phy sician who declines to violate tho eth ics of the consulting room. Will thoy, then, sot up one law for these two clakses und a different 1 . ,v for tbe newspaper ineuV No doubt it would bo better for all concerned if it were possible to get evt ry iiian to father his own communi catious, fairly and squarely, oral as well as writton. The man who im parts curtain information under tbe seal of confidence often puts the work ing journalist to just such a disadvaut nge n is today experivnotd by Corre spondents Edwards und Shriver, in tliciodbythe grand jory of the Dis trict of Columbia for declining to re on the witness stand the names of tueu who bad confidentially given them important news. It is true that If journalists are unwilling to assume euoh risk they could give up journal ism and seiik other professions. But that would not obliterate tho legal dlntinc tlon wbioh would yet operate to shiulJ clergymen nud doctors a distinction OS fairly applicable to tbu one class of professional Won as to the other. Tho whole amount of it is that this threatened proasontlon of tbesa two correspondents is a .farce of tho brut magnitudei Tbe law is being turned c:i them not because they refuso to make any necessary disolojurea, but be cause they have maiio too many. They are to bo punished for stating in plain worda before tbe public truths wbioh tbe Democratic party wanted to be kept in the background of idle gossip and current speculation. Tiie truth of tho charges made lias been iu nil essen tial particular.) established It nae been proTOd that tbe sugar trutt had lobbyif tj engaged In trying to get cer tain senators to do a certain work. The senate tariff bill shows that this work was done. What matters it that no body can say precisely bow much stock or how much cash was paid oyer to bin ) the deal? Tim essential fact of rottenness is as potent as a glue factory in August. The stench of it offends honest citizenship; the nuisance of it cries out for removal. That is why journalism is to be made the ncapegoat. Thb uovmEirrfor "a grsuter Wilkes- E irro" appears to have got lost in the its own illimitable imagina tion. SHREWD UEN no the time has com draw a reiu on creation of new also concur in the rrst.rlciivo action rly all concede that 1 In this country to the Indiscriminate corporations. They belief that '.be first siioul 1 be aimed at some other fellow. Italy g dots continue to grow, it is said. Probably Italy poiieaiOS a tariff reform rty, Getting Down to Business. The decision of tbe extcntivo com mittee of tbe Pastors' union to suspjud, for tbe present, the contemplated pros ecutions of druggists' clerks who la bor unnecessarily ou Sunday, and to b?j,'iu a vigorous campaign againit vit iations of the Brooks high license law, will put the local Sttuday closing move ment in n clearer nud more appropriate light. Tho average ciiiznu, so far from feeling aggrieved at the tact that drug clerks work on Sunday, is instead inclined to sympathize with them beouUSi of th commercial necessity which re-quins them to do an unpleas ant bidding. The blame for such a condition rest less on the employe than on tho employer; and it would take a good deal of argument to couvinc the ordinary layman that the clerk should be prosecuted while tho proprietor is permitted, through the payms.nt of a small fi'io, to continue to keep open for tbe sale of unuecesjary commodities, at a substantial profit. There can be no question that the Siutiment of the majority of intelligent and law-abiding citizens of Scranton is in favor, aud earnestly In favor, of as general a suspnsionof secular activities on the Sabbath as is reusonablo and consistent with present social condi tions. This sentiment is opposed to the spoctnclo of open gvocories, op;;i dry goods stores, onou hit stores and open places generally on Suuday. If it is opposed to this kind of activity, it must naturally bo opposed to violations of th Brooks law, in the form of Sunday liquor sell ing, and to violations of the law against gambling and kiudred vices. 'We believe that the majority of li censed rotailcrs in this city would sooner huve a rest from busiuoss cures on Sunday than to 1b eugiged in those cares, constituting as they do a violation of the law. Tiieso should be willing, iu self-defende, to co-operate in au effjrt to brin;; tho ob stinate dealers to obedience of the law. If constables continue to neg lect their duty, un effort should bo made to have toe constables pnuished; and this, so far from being a radical blow at the intelligent retailer, wouM in reality be a step toward his own pro tection. The mnnagemont of this Sun lay closing movement will meet with the most practical evidences of aloug lines that do not divide thoso who naturally favor law enforcement. Tr y task that confronts it is o io call ing for a rare equipment of discretion, ua well as for great zoal. There have been criticisms in the past which it soeim now to bs in a fair way of avoiding in the future. Tho prosecution of its greU work iiloug practical and sensible Unci will carry with it not alon9 the iutcr eat but the active co-operation of all good cltiz-ns. This wiil comprise a moral as well as a material force not easily restated. Reported engagements of Nellie Grant Sartoris are coming in with alarming frequency. Ltm hope that the lady lino no intention of writing a book or going upon tho stuge. William Aaron Chaklkb, tho young man who left tnis country some time ago to do the dark continent after the manner of Liviugstonn and Stanley, has returned home. During bis thre years' journey in African junglrs the young explorer succeeded Ui using up twenty-seven men and acquired a slug gish liver, and therefore eels that his trip has be:i tgjj rablv suac93iful. Senator Quay's tariff ipsooh is n comprehensive one. Iuiieed, its com prehensiveness is reaching record breaking proportions. Contemptible Tactics. Tbe ncquittal of James W. Maloy, publisher of tho Lausford ReoorJ, upon u charge of irregularity in tho priuting of election tickets, apparently gives this gentleman a strong claim to dam ages for defamation ami false arrest. Jude Albright, in taking the case out of jury's bauds and orderiug'adismisaal, scored without mercy tbe flimsy char acter of the proseoution's ovidence, and incidentally revealed to what lengths of injustice partisan factionalism will go in order to embarrass one of the leaders of an opposing clique, Tbe light iu whioh Mr. Maloy has figured is one wholly confined among Democrats; and so far as his Sbemles aro concerned hae bean directed prin- clpally toward th oud of discrediting Mm among the friends of Collector Grant Herring, from whom Mr, Maloy cxpectod an appointment. Following out the tradltieu of political battle, Republicans could posnibly be excused or taking no band iu the fray; yet the method of attack employee! against E lilor Maloy is so contemptible as to mtrit general censure. The technical ities of a complicated election law are such at best as to offvr all too wide B scope for error an 1 mtenndsrttendlngS! but when they are taken advantage of by cunning and unscrupulous schemers to cloak purposes of rovauge, it bj comes a serious abuse which iuliuiately uffects the entire) community. Experience is demonstrating that in its main tenor the present election law is a distinct advance over preosdtug metli oils of conducting elections. Features it was feared would develop Into intol erable COtnplexitirs are rapidly becom ing familiar. Tho introduction of dis turbing elements through purpose's of spite would bo a blow aimed uot alone at one manor one class, but at the en tire system of ballot reform. If it can bo proved that Eiitor Maloy wis In this instance arrested maliciously and without adequate warrant in fact, those who were primarily responsible for his persecution should be made to perspire much mora copiously than i" customary during the summer solstic I. That electricity, in its new appli cations to meobanioal purpooes, sesm likely to develop an entirely uaiqu net of diseases is one of the certaiuti of medical science. Even today, thi introduction of trolley transit into n new community is sometimes know to exert an immediate effect upou tbe morality of councilman. One I' the pleasant things connected with Luz.-ruw's prospective building of a uow court huiu is that it will give the Lustra commissioners u chauco to come to Qoranton for puiu'u Wbsm Ttiii Democratic senate gets through with tho newspaper oorres pendents who huve hinted al toe truth, will it btVe the courage to go gnat'.i:': for those senators who know it? When Turkey joins with England in protesting uninst th j Konj,ro treaty the disposition of gobblo b.-comos more apparent, AS THE Coffee Cools. Laurels are now nt their best In sub urban localities, and thero Is probably no section of tlie country where the beautiful shrub which defies cultiva tion blooms in such profusion as in tlie valloy of tlie L ickawauua. A drive or walk of a few minutes in almost any direction will bring one upon scenes of beauty unparalelled in floriculture. A wealth of blossoms shaded from deep rose pink to pure whito nestling iu backgrounds of rich green greet the eye at every baud. In tho vicinity of Nay Aug falls the laurel llourisbes iu great luxuriance. Notwithstanding that wagon loads of blossoms are carried away almost daily by pleasure seekers, tho supply s-ms undiminished and scarcely a petal seems missing from the masses that are scattered over the park. It is probable, howovir, that unless steps are taken to protect the laurel from pleasure seekers who break down the busbos at wiil, tho laurel will fol low the arbutus aud rhododendron, which have become almost extinct about Nay Aug Fulls. If Scrsnton is to possess Nay Aug Purk, steps toward protecting the groatest features of June time beauty can not be taken too soon. Hhodod-ndrons and dogwood trees about the Falls have been almost exterminated by the ruthless backing and slashing of well meaning people whose lovo for tho bountiful overcomes their judgment. It is to be hoped that a move will be made in this direction before it is too late, as uttruotionB io this line in a public park csih never, if lost, be satisfactorily replaosd.' ' 'Almost any man would prefer to accept a 50-cent position from th gov ernment rather than work at a ;?2 place in auy other line of business," remarked a well known Democratic politician the other day. If this be true, tbe mystery of tlie Democratic scramble for Hooting plums of pstroniigs in lace of shadows of tho overwhelming defoat that is certain to wipe the party of de pression and disaster out of existence at the next presidential election, may be accounted for. Lnw Iuut Be K-rt Suprtme. .Ycio York 2i ibunc. It is never safe to forget that In a self governing couutry tue iasiiuct of the peo pie in favor of enforcement of law is al ways a tremendous force, Iu other coun tries, where the laws aro thruet upon the people by rulnrs who owe their power to the accident of birth, men llud an excuse for resisting all authority and strikiDg ut Ml established institutions. Then they find a refuge in free America, aud know so little of freedom, us blassiugs and Its du ties, that they fancy the millions are ready to trample upon which the millions themselves have made. The Rn', Liinltaliona. Curhunttttlc ltruUl. The question iu Borauton seems to hinge a good deal upon tho action of the drug ttores In selling soda-water und cigars upon the fcttbliath. Why men should have tue light to sell i.ucli tliiugs on (Sunday auy more than the necessaries ot lite we fa.I to nee. Why should not a muu buy hi, cigars ou Batorday as well as his meiit ur vegetable! Why should not a nan d without soda-water f'-r one day as well as Without ice cream orihe theater! (Jul.,' works of mercy or of abs' luto necessity should be allowed on the -alibulh. Uj.-AuieriOAr.l.m la Doomed. Jetc York 2 fib VIM, TMs tney lis wtiil bo recoglnlltd ns n fuudamtr.tnl principle of American life, tunt nu orgenisatlon win long bo toler. Sted whicu Mil lUell uguliist tho freudoiu of tbe oitisen or the mslntensoot o( the laws which free ettlsenvbitre made. One Claim Yt landing1. Waihinoto. rout. Brother Bicckiiiiioie announces from tbu Btutnp that ho htu niado hia seitlouiunl with the Lord, l'osdbly he his, but It wilt bo recalled that It i a young woman named Pollard who holdi tho $15,000 ver dict cntust tho Keutuuky congressman. Cannot Daici.c! Furthjr. CMreiffO Jonrml. Every one is pleased to know that tho safety of Captain Anson's tuuui Is now uu fureel by the fact that it has uow reached a point iu the percentage columu where It can utmost touch bottom. jltecommndsd to Oblivion. Chicago Tri'im-. Unless tho sugar trust has some other business for the Uuited States Senate to transact, that honorable body cannot, do a more graceful thing than to adjourn and try to forgot itself. THE RIGHT DOCTRINE. P.ttsburg Commercial 0SSSM The contention is male that the public schools are objectionable simply because they aro secular tbBt they are lacking in moral aud religious fiber aud houce not tit places for the training of youth. The an swer to this is that if any church is not satisfied with the cliaraoter of the public schools it may educate its children iu its own way, but that tbe state cuuuot use tlie tnsmg power 'o assist In any way in denominational tiaiaiug, the malu purpose of which is (0 build up the church without regard to the state, while the policy of the state is to make intelligent, virtuous and patriotic oitlMOB, without regard to their denominational affiliations e.r religious c-ojvictions. Tills is tbe riijlit dottriue', and it bkuuld bo clearly set forth. An-nt the InvoatlBa'ian. Little Jack Iloraers In seuate corners Bating their eager pie, oh, fie They once used thumbs And poked for iluum, But now they're wrist high, oh my ! WasliiHijton A'ciis. AN iPlT; PH. Wont out rowing. Hocked the boat. Gabriel's blowing Oiio soft note. Huston Traveler rifferafors AND Hill & Council 131 'and 133 N. Washington Ave. ICE CREAM Do ycu muke your own Cream? If so, boy TRIPLE MOTION White Mountain Freezer. "FROZEN DAINTIES' A book of choice receipts for Ice Cream. Sherbet's Water Ices are packed in every Fror zer. ALSO, A FULL LINE OF Refrigerators,Water Coolers, Baby Carriages, Hammocks & CO. SCIENTIFIC HORSE SHOEING AND UIK TRKATAIBNT OF LAME MOSS OK i M.M To thoso branch'! I devote especial atten tion every atlcruoou. Office and forge atthe BLTJHB OABBIAOB WORKS, 113 OIX COURT, BCBAHTOIf.PA. DOCTOrTohY HAMLIN Grpduato of tho American Veterinary Col lek-e. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St, and Adams Avs. Couur House tiuuAita All kinds of Lanndry work Kuarnutei the best. AYLESWORTH'3 Meat Market The Finest in the City. The lnteet improved fnr iilsliitiKfl and Apparatus for keeping meat, butter ami e gee. S33 IVvomlnK Ave. BUY THE Baby Carriages 01 Cedar Ghosts COURSE! CtEMONS For many years this Piano has stood in tho front ranks. It has been admired so much for its pure, rich tone, that it has become a standard for tone quality, until it is considered tho highest com pliment that can be paid any Piano to say "It resembles tho WEBER." We now have tho full control of this Piano for this section as well as many other fine Piano3 which we are selling at greatly reduood prioos and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you sto our goods and get our prices GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE GOLDSMITH'S HERE'S G-OOX3 NEWS We've often thought, while watching the feminine throngs about our place: "What would the Dry Goods business amount to if it wasn't for the ladies?" Equally pertinent, however, is the natural retort: "What would the ladies do if it wasn't for the Dry Goods men?" We do our share in the mutual benefit business by opening up this week. IN WASH DRESS GOODS 250 pieces beautiful Chiffonettes, warranted fast colors, Sc. Per Yard 100 pieces 32-inch Creponettes, a regular iSc. article. Our Mqw Price, S22C. 73 pieces Wool-filled Challies. French Dyed and Printed Bengalines, worth 25c. Goldsmith ITictors With tho New Valvo; Out of Sight. I Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store, VICTORS, SPALDING, CEEDENDA, GENDRONS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are male ing extremely low prices on Secondhand Wheels. uumiLLinmuv&uiiuj 814 Lacka. Ave. BLANK BOOKS A Fall Assortment hk Copying Books OUR SPECIAL: A 500-paga 10x12 Book, bound iu cloth, sbcup back and comers, guaranteed to givo satisfaction, Only 90c. FINE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING. Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers, 317 Lackawanna Ave. Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists f t teeth. tS.HO; best sot, f 8; for gold oapj nd teeth without plate, called crown and bridge work, call for price, and rcferenoes. TONALOIA, tor extracting teeth without paid. Mo ether. Noga OVEli FlllHT NATIONAL BANK. 224 1 M. C. A. BUILDINQ. 1 nuKiiiiiiMjf.Rpn 8 G.8. Brothers & 2jtt9IIIUU!!H's.S2iSiUK23KC32U a V- j 1 These Magnificent Bargains CSosEiig Price, S 2lc Our New Price. C. a r' -'Tir"''- .'Sg--'-.-- iBiaagfiiRBiaaciBaiBSUtssiaieiiBBiEssBBi5yga5Bi9iii8iBiiiaiifliiaee?scaziisisiES5ifiiziiiai i lie !Ii-.'' fcje! II T,' '' Pure Extract OF- Boiled Down and Refined. FOOTE k SHE! 513 Lacka, Ave, Berries aro arriving in very lino 'condition and prices low. Fancy Peas, Beans, Pqnash, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Beets, Cucumbers, etc. Pierce's Market PEIMIM AVE. and Get the Best. WYOMING AVENUE, BUKAJN TUJM, no STRAWBERRIES ibazaar 5c. Compnay. THE COLUMBIA BICYCLE AGENCY, Opp. Tribune Cfe m Sp'iice St IlavitiK ii years' exporieiico in tho Bicycle busi ness auil ttw anoiicy lor loailinfc Wlnvla of a'l erados, wpari' prepared to guaranty satisfaction. Those In tending to purchase are Invited to cull and examine our complete line. Open evenings. Call or send stam for catalogues. MM IS II 1 ( ) I A BEAUTY? i 3 THE GAITER Globe Shoe Store ! 227 LACKA. AVE. Evans & Powell FIRST MORTGAGE OF TUE FORTY FORT GOAL COMPANY. A limited number of the above bonds are lor sale at par and ac crued interest by tho following Vai ties, from v.hoiu copies of tho mortgage and full information can be obtained: E. W. Mulligan, Cashier Second National Bank, "Wilkus-Barre, Pa. W. L.Watson, Cashier First Na tional Bank, Fittston, Pa J. L. Polen, Cashier Teoplo's Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa. A. A. Bry den, President Miners' Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa. And by the Scranton Saving! Bank and Trust Company, Trustee under tho Mortgage. T. a Merlon, Ccnnssl, W1LKES-BABRE. PA Wedding Ringa The best is none too good. Ours are 18-k. All sizes and weights. LLOYDJEWELER 423 Lackawanna Ava Inserted In THE TRIBUNE at ths late ot ONE CENT A WORD. fcLfcb KA 0 BOIwS i WANT MS.