2 TI7E SCHANTON TOIBTOE-TIIFESDAY MOHNIKG. J1TNJ5 14, 1594. BA Xjftf ""II BALL Swift's Sluggers Capttura a dm; from' the Btoittniisd E istoDiaas. HAZLETON DEFEATS ALLESITOWN Harrisburr; and Altoona tho Other Winners of Yesterday's State League Base Ball Contests Standing of the Clubs in the Race for the Pen nant City League Game National and Eastern League Results Notes of Interest to All Classes of Sport Lovers. HAMPION8HI P dimes in the State 1 o ii g lie yesterday did not obange uf standing of m:y of the clubs with tho i se9DtioD or Scran iim ileitis Heading for fourth position Kine Ki'llv met tfitii doro it t tho lintulfl of Hnnlon'i HillttOO liuns. while BWMlton, ilar rismir.' ami Altoonu took ouch tgams from Easton, Reading uinl PoitsvlUe respectively. The following table gives the pr bentagts of the clubs, togethaf with the number of gameawonand lost by each, an J their standing in tho chum- plontblp rac t Won Harritbnrg Allentown 81 Hasleton 17 Beranton M Beading M Altuoun 18 Pottsvllle B Lastou 7 Lost. Per C't. 7 .781 13 12 17 17 17 18 17 .11 18 58U .l.VJ .488 ,m ,808 .'.'92 SCHEDULE FOB today. Easton at Beranton. Allentown at Huzlpton. Kadim; at Uiirrisbnrpr. PotUVllle at Altoonn EASTON WAS F.ASY FOR US. Parka Man OottlS Da Nothing: with Manager Parks' reconstructed Easton club made it first a: pcarauce at the tali park iu tuiH city yesterday after noon, untl while it wai not strong enouir'n to take u guTa from "our pete," it played a very good g a ran of ball and Menu destined, with judicious buedlin.r, to make) u good showing in the Scute leagus rae. Long 'iota Flanaghsn pitched a su perb gam", only fiv siugles twin? so cured oil: of biui. He struck out xeveu muii, Ha opened up by aiviur WiLle base on balls, tho runner going to tiiird on Pittchen's will throw to rc ond. He soored on Helen's single Tho Visitors did uot ei'oro aairi until the sevvntb, when on mi error of VVest lake'a and base bits by Moran, Walton and Battam, they aecured two runs. Duriug thw game tuey bad only tuirty lour 111. u at the bat. WOBI OF THH SCRANTON nOYS. Edward Walton, of this, city joined the aston club iwe yesterday and did tht tack stop work for them. Hj made a t;od impression. He is au ac:ivj little fellow, a sure catch r.ud a i;oud thrower of Inscs. He Iiad one of the five singles the club made yesterday and IJojf an, by one of his st'iisational oatohes, cut oft what would have beeu a two base hit for Walton. Mark Morau, another Scranton young mini, covered left field for Beaton nud made two singles uud one of the t!:ree runs his club is credited with. In the eighth inning he pulled dowu a fly from Hosun'a bat just as it was sailing over bis head. HOW WE WON THE GAME. . Dnnn, the yotmif man who first ss sny?d the role of pitcher for the visitors evidently lacks what many talented base ball Wl iters term ''ginger," for want of n more explicit term, But whether a shortness of ginger or absti nence from tobacco,or natural aversion for obeyenne pepper that caused it, certain it is that Mr. Dunn was an easy mark for the Swlftttta, In the first Inning he gave Ilogan nn Wetzel bases on balls and followed it up by nllo svln jr Staltz, Phelau and Masfloy to secure singles, all o', which were responsible for the two runs that tho iuning netted. FOUIl BUN8 IN THE THIltD. Mr. Dunn was moro sucoisful in the second, but in tho third the home slupgeri again opened cn him, and on a base on balls to Wetzjl and bits tiy Patchen, Phelan, Mansey and West lake securod four runs. A youug man named Kimball was substituted for Dunn iu the fourth in ning, the luttsr going to short and Fonlkrod retiring from ttio game. Mr. Kimball was inoro lUeoessful than his predecessor. He was tonched up for two runs in the fifth, but after held our batcniun well in hand uud there wiisno further run-making. Yis'.erday'S victory enabled ns to tie Reading for fourth place. The scare: 6CRANT0X. Bi B, ro. A. K. Kogan, c. f 0 n a u o Wetzel, Si 8' il 0 0 1 Patoben, c l l 0 a i Staltz, It 1 1 I 0 o Phelan, Kb 2 8 4 1 0 Massey, lb 8 3 4 o o Vestbke, 3b 0 1 0 2 1 Rogers, r. f 0 0 0 0 0 Flftunghau, p n u 0 2 o Total 8 11 27 8 3 EASTON. n. h. ro. A. E. Weilsle, c. f 1 0 2 0 1 Foulkr'd, ss 0 0 0 2 0 kBasen, 3b 0 l 3 a i beUney. b o o 2 2 1 Pluck, lb 1 (1 13 0 1 Morau. 1. f 1 2 1 l i Walton, c 0 13 2 0 Batumi, r. f 0 1 1 o 0 l'unn, p., ss 0 0 2 5 0 Kimble, p 0 0 0 0 0 Total 3 5 27 15 5 Scranton 8 0402000 0-8 Easton 1 0000 0 20 0-3 Earned runs Scranton 4, Easton 1. tiac ridee bits Patchen, Westlake, Rogers. Hit by pitcher Flansgban. Stolen bases Ilogan 2, Wetzel 8, Phelan 2, Massey, Weible 2, Moinn. Doubl play Patchen to Phelan. Struck out Uy Fianaglian 7, bv Dnnn L First bs? on halls By Flana ghau 3, by Dunn 4. Time 1:35. Umpire Rina. OTHER S T A 1 1 LEAGUE GAMES. At Hazletbn Hazleton 1 0 2 4 0 1 0 0 3-11 Allantown ... .8 ooooosoi-e Hits Hazleton. 13; Allentown, 12. Er rors Halle. on, 1; Allemowu, 3. liat 1 cues Ely and -ioore, Donoghuo and Mdligan. At Hairlsborg - Harrieburg. ..0 10 14 8 10 010 Readiug I il 1 I 1 2 0 0 2-9 Hitu iiarrlsbnrg, 14: Reading, 14. Er rSrs Harris bnrg. ; Reading &; Batteries Me timy ud Wente; .lones aud Uood burt. Cinplre-MitchulL At Alfcona Altoona 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 19 Po'.tsvillo 0 ,0 0 0 4 0 0 27 Hub-Altoona, 1S Pottevtlle, 17. Er rors Altoona, 1) Pottsvllle, 3. Batteries M est. bclielblo aud Cote; Clure aud Dig gius. Umpire Corcorau. ANOTHER FOR ST. THOMAS CLUB. It Defeated th Olyphaut Browns, J. with Ease. On the James Bjys grounds, nt Pine P.rook yesterday ufteruoon, the St. Thomas College club defeated tho Drowns, jr., of Olyphant. i It was an interesting contest, the features being the one banded catches by Cneiok ami Oieary. The score in detail is as follows: sr. tiiomas. I nnowN's. jr. n. il. o. A r. it. n. o. A. U. unv.ak. i t i Bar'att,8b.l i l l i I'li inV. 3 i (I 1 Wvlsli'U.l 1 0 i Oillisoie.cO 0 4 2 0 Burke, ot.l o n " 0 Mie'im,lh.U lull UoBalcasO 0 0 0 2 Roe, If.... (I 10 0 2 8'erld'D,rfl 1 i U o P'tgr'w,lteO 10 0 0 Bart, e....4 Cusiok, i-n.i Boland.2bJ 1 S 2 II '-11 I 0 ii Wler, f...U 1110 Welsh, D..o 2 o o o Lynott,lb.O 15 0 0 Jrhen,rf.2 0 0 0 (I Baddy, of .o o o o 1 Dugau, tpjt 1200 Total. .If 13 17 6 J Total... 0 10 18 ti 8 St. Thomas I o n o 0 1-15 lirowns. Jr 2 0 2 1 0 0 18 Eiaraod runs- st, ThowaSi 7; Brown jr.. 8. Threo-base lilts-Dit.-ituu. Welsh, passed balls-Glllesple, 1; Hart. 3. Wild pitches WvIhIi, i. lut by pitcher Welsh, 1 1 Oloaryj l. Bases on balls Welsh. 1. deary, S. Btruok out -Welsn, 1; Cieaiy. 2. '1'tme-l.lj. Liu pires Fitagerald and Qilllsple, ANOTHER FOrt SCRAN70N B07S. Defeated WyoiTilna; Seminary Team al j : . . m Yesterday. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion club played Wyoming Si miliary a return game of ball at Kingston yes terday afternoon and defeated the young Bum by a score of 5 lo li. Jayne, one of Princeton's pitchers, was in the box for Wyoming, and Pos ner for Scranton. Ths scire: Y. M. C.A. R, II. 0 s. . M.P'n'r.p.0 0 0 2 1 Hoffn"r.lb.O 2 U 1 n Bltt'h'der.S o n o o Brooksb-O ! ! 1 1 Burdau ,cfl 1 s u o J.Posnsr.oO 0 7 0 2 BBMINABY. II. II. o. A. K. Drum. !liO 1 M ! 'ndlL8b 1 2 2 2 1 1 lorn ii, of a 2 2 0 0 Dorr la. o. 0 1 ii Rymer.rf 0 18 0 0 Jajrne, p. 1 0 2 2 0 King, as., a l 1 4 ii Doran, rf 0 8 3 0 0 Core'n, If 1 2 10 2 1 8 ii 37 18 4 White. SS..1 1 1 4 I Huie, ct.J 12 10 Allen, 31...U U 0 0 1 Total,,. 5 27 U 4 SCHAIJTON PftlNTf RS VICTORIOUS. D.featod Thiir Wl!kea-Brre Erothren on J h Laku U rounds. The Printers' JJase Ball club of thi eity defeated a team composed of Hues-ll.srrs printers at tn Jolmsou L.iki grounds yesterday aftsrnoon. The Scranton battery whs Donnelly and Jaiibon, and McMouigle and Sbnrkey did th same service for Wilkes-Barre, The score by Innings w is: Scranton 4 7 3 2 3 2 525 W illtej-ilnrre u 1 0 2 3 2 1119 During tne gams Garvin, of Wilkes bnire, injtirsd his aukie and bad to rti- tire. A retuiu gaiii will bd played at vv UKee-iiarre July o. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Brooklyn- Brooklyn 0 2 0 1 3 1 2 3 x 11 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 25 Hits Brooklyn, it: Cincinnati. 11. ! rors Brooklyn. 3: Cincinnati. 5. Lat teries Daub nml Kinsiow; Parrott jaud llurphy. Umpire Stvartwoud. At New York- New York....l 0 203010 x 7 bonisvute i 001 11100 8 Hits Now York. 12: Lonisville. 8. Er rors-New Yuri;, 5: Louisville. 3. Bstter- ise R.isii nnd IVrrcll: Humming nnd (.trim. Umpire Emslie. At Bostou Boton 0 000 2 000 0 2 CI icago 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 x 6 Hits Bostou. (I; Cliicatto. 9. Error. Boston, 3; Chiriigo. 8. Batteries Con naughton and Gauzoll: GrilUth and lvitt. ridge. L'mpiie u'Rourkc. At Philadelphia Philadelphia.. 0 0010203 00 Pittsbuig 0 5000300 x 8 Hits Philadelphia. 10: Pittsbur.-. 8. Kr- rors Philadelphia, 4; Pittsburg. 8. Bat teries Carsey and Crussj Nicoll and Mack. empire L,yucu. At Washington Washington ..0 2 1 0 fi 1 a n 0 ia St. Louis 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 03 Hits Washington, 1t; St. Louis, 0. Er rors, Washington, 3 Bt, Louis, 4. Batter ies Esper and AiiUoire: iilenson noil Buckley. Umpire McQaald, At Baltimore Baltimore. 0 0120311 39 Cleveland 0 0000003 02 Hits Bdtimore. 19: Cleveland. 0. Er rorsBaltimore, 0; Cleveland, 1. Batter ies McMnbon and Robinson: Clarhsnn and Zimmer. Umpire Stage. (EASTERN LEAGUE. Troy, 22: Binguanton, 15. Springfield, 11; Bullalo, 9. ProvitlonCf, 18 Erie. 4. Syracuso, 2; Wilkes-Barre, 14. ELKS AT LAKE ARIEL. Soma of thi Atlantic and Aqiatio Fja'.- uies of Thatr Excursion. One of the f sutures of tlio excursion to Luke Ariel, which is to b run by 8oranton Elks July 11, will oe tho hold ing of crack races on an eighth of a mile, track which Will bo put in sneciul read iness for thi3 purpose. These races will incindo bioyois matches, snrlntina contests and other special events of unique interest. l. tre will be sculling matches on the inks and also a divers' race, the like of which has uot previously been soon in this part of tho state. No exnente will bo spared to make the occasion at tractive. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMON0. McUnaid, of Harrisburg, has boen sus- pended for Insubordination. Treasurer Vonderhost is renorted to have said that if the Baltimore end m good as fourth ho will ho pleased. The Emmet Street Starlitrlita challpnuo any club under 12 yeurs of ngo. John v iison, capiuiu; u isarroit, Manager. Buffalo has participated in the tvo loact- C8t games of the seasou, lifteeu innings with l.ne anu lourtoon with Syracuse Thursday. Hamburg, of Harrisburg, collided with Third Baseman Humphreys in the Poits- Villegame, and "Ham" is nursing a bad ankle as u result. 4 Knusus City has a playing captain, man ager, owner and president or tne club in the person of Second Buseman Muuning, the ex-L"Hgue player. Theliianl must uot be counted out of the chainiiionshli) race. When thnv w o In 1888 and 1889 thoy were further bohind tho leaders at this season of the year than they uro now. The Little Potatoes Hard to Peel yester day defeated tho Little Tycoon, upicked nine, by a score of 20 to 4. Tho Potatoes' battery was Moyer aud McNinny: and the Tycoons,' Tewkebury aud Rothermel. The Cleveland L?ader announces thut any good, reliable pitcher that ran win six gamos a week ran find au engagement with tho Cleveland club. That kiud of a pitcher has yet to be, born, says tho Sport ing Life. While no notion has been taken it has been airroVd bv the directors nf t.hn I.niiU- I vilio Base Ball club to remove Manager r, 'i ,.,. k . ,i - f . uu i ii i i n low uajn end the new manager may be iu charge when ths club returns home. Big Bill Brown, the National leaguor, who guards first baso for tbu Wdkee- Barres, acts like a bad mau at tho bat. Hh Is iirobably the bl ;gejt man in the Basteta lengae, and he goes at (ho ball as thougii abla to semi every pound of wolght with the bat. Buffalo Courier. ilauuger Parks of Easton bad a confer euce with Pitcher Began of tho Eureka club, of Provideuce, yesterday. Mr. Re tail could not go with tho club before tho end of the month, nud Mr. Parks said lust night that ho could not wait that loug for him. Pitcher McMauauy was tuld to re port nt Hazleton Monday, but fai'.od to do so, ami Mr. Parks says he bus now com pleted other arrangements. Tho once famous "Buck" Ewing is no liiuaer one ot the stars of the wue ball arena. Ho at one time hold tho belt for being tho best all-around player iu the league, lieuiuu tne oat ua uaa lew equals, ami no superr rs in catching, throwing, battinj and base running. Now ho oc cupies n position in the outfield of the C eveland team, nnd judging from his Word lately, lie win nave to uustlo to Uep iiji with tlio "colls" iu l'atay Tobuau'a stu- ble. Harry Taylor, the young lawyer who last year played ltrst ouielor tho orioles, will rejoin the team next week. Hanlou yesterday received a letter from him ask ing if there was a placo for him on the team. Ho was ordered to report as Boon as p. stable. Taylor is a gooij all around player. He will probably be put behind tho bat to relievo Robinson. Sinro Inst season Taylor has been practicing law iu Biitialo. Ho is a graduate ol Cornell Uni versity. Commenting on tho Saturday Easton Beranton game, tho Easton Free Press layst One of the features of the game was the catch of a lino hit by Phelan in tho ninth inning which enabled the lutter to tnako a double play unassisted uud probably kept Easton from scoring. At the time Plock was on third and Morau on second With nobody out. Tho same paper laysi Easton Is endeavoring to siu some good pitchers. Parks has (slo- graphed for McManatuoe, n twirler from Beranton, to join the team at lt.izleton to day. MoMannroee was recommoudod to Parks by centre-Holder Moran. NOTES FOR fHI WMEELMEM. The baby club of this section is that or ganlzed In Great Bond last week. Thoy win attend tne meet almost to n man. The largest number of wheelmen thm far seen at practice at the Driving park were out on Monday evening. Several Ureeu Ridge cyclers were also out. An application for a number of entry blanks was received from Aileutown yes terday, ah entries should be svut to U. B. Chase, 312 Lackawanna avonue. Orders for grand Btand bo.ios hove been received from Philadelphia, Aileutown, Reading, Wtlkes-Harre aud Honesdale. The tiret order came from the latter place. The wheelmen who will be Lore from E.iutou, Aileutown, Bothlebeni and Read ing are accustomed to good roads, nud will undoubtedly maks things interesting for the riders from this part of the btnto who enter contests with lliein. G HAL SPORTING NOTES. Arrangements were made for a cocking main between Summit Hill nud Bhouan doah birds to bo held at Lakeside on Julo SB, On Saturday evening P. F. lie.'ron, of Mllnesville, and Eli Fritziuger, of Free laud, tied a pigeon match for S300 a side, The event will fake place at Froeluud ou the morning of July 4. Captain Paige and bis English crew of twenty-five men received their discharges from A. J. Drexel's steam yacht, tne Mar garita, and left ber ill Philadelphia yester day. An American crew ban beeu select ed and will lake charge et the vessel to day. Captain Dudley Brandt, formerly of the steam yacht Wanda, will Ce the new commarder, and Captain Sanford Minor, of New Louden, a deep water skipper, will "03 tho chiof officer, Business With tho bicycle manufacture rs has beon dropping otf the last few days, April, Muy and Juno are tho host months In which to sell bicycles, and tho sales up to a few days ago exceeded expectations. About three mouths ugo the express com panies made a ra e to the bicycle manu facturers, which has been a good thing for both tho manufacturers and tho express Companies, uud in the lust uinoty days several thousand bicycles bnve boeu ship ped by express. The eighth nuuual handicap races nndor tho auspices of the Pelican Athlotic olub, of forest City, wiil be held July 4, to com jnenceat 1 o'clock on the grounds near tho Erie station. The programme of events is as follows: First, Ui-yard race, opeu to all comers, first prize tU becoud priro 2. Second, 510-yard rac., first prize 410, eecond 14, Third, 75 yard sprint race, prized. Pom tli, tug of war, ton mon on each side, piize $5. All races will bs handi capped on the grounds. Tho all-around cbampiouship of the Am ateur Athletic nnion of tho Uuitod States will bo held JulyC-l, begiuuiugat 1 p. m., on tlio grounds of the New Jersey Ath letic club at Bayouno Citv, N, J., and uu der tho auspices of the Now Jersey Ath letic club. Tho following is the order of events: One huudred yard run, putting 10-pound shot, running high jump, 880 yard walk, throwing Hi-pound hammer, pole vault for height, 120-yard hurdle (10 flights, 8 feet 0 inches high), throwing 50 pound weight for distance, rutiuiug broad jump, 1-mile run. Tho entries will close with James E. Sullivau, 211 Broadway, on June 25. Bpecimon Cnses. S. U. Clifford, Now Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia aud rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver ws affected to an alarming degree, appettte ftil away, and ho was terribly reduced in lltsh and strength. Threo bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running oro on his leg of eight years' btanding. Used threu bottles of Electric bitters and seven boxes of Buck leu's, ArnlCS Salve and his leg is sound and weU. John Speaker, Catawbn, ()., had ttve largo fever .-ores on his leg, doctors said be was Incurable, One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Buikleu's Arnica Snlvo cured him entirely. Sold by Mat hews Bros. Adoli Lalloz, earrings manufacturer, no Carroll street, Buffalo, K. Y states i l was troubled with nausea of ths stomach, pick headache and genera) debility. Hur t'ck Blood Bitters cored me. BuslneM Opportunities. CTKDI0AT8 S'UfrTTBR O est for modern investors; 'a:'i:est dlvi u ends on roeor.l; the American Svudieate tabllshed ISHt conservative and reliable bank reference; 10 to $1,000 inereasen riqii lly Oy t ii'j plan; niunual of Information tree. A. O. HAMILTON k CO., 8 Pacific avenue, Chicago. LCRll 17 STATE OP DAVID P. THOMB8L LATH J i of tho city of i anton. omiuty of Lanka wanna, stat" of Pennsylvanis, deoeassd. Letters of r.rlministratlon upon the above num il estate having been granted to thy un Uersiijued, all poi sons havlui; claims or de mands against the said eatato Will present tie m for payment, and those indebted ihoreto will plssse mjko Immedlato p:ivment to MELBIOS H. I'ROMAS, Administratrix, I HOC Church avenue, bcruutju, Pa. W. OAY1.IUIO Thomas, Attorney. Re)mbllcnn Bulldimr. i I i 1 J, SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES TO NEW YORK roit iiiii 17th National Saengerfest of 1111. Northeastern Siieiif,'erbiinil June 22 to 26, 1S94. Affording the residents of SoMntou mid Vlcln ty an excellent opportunity to visit Now York and ita aurrcmndlug jiointB of In terest at tho most delightful gumun of the year, peelal excursion tickets from Scranton will ho sold, good to no on any train Juno VI to 21 inclusive nud to return until Juno SO In clusive FARE FOB THE ROUND TRIP $4.33 A Word. tf ants of all Mndl cost that nivclk, n ttpt Situation) II jnt0taMft or inatrta Situations Wented. CITUATiON WANTliU BY A YOL'NO o man, who wants a porm inent position, who Is Dot afraid of work; mutt have work at once. Kolluble. llll'J Jaekion street, Scran ton, Pa. OITOATION WANTKD-BY A YCiUNG Vj man. 6 years of age. driving delivery Waion or apt lioueat work. Address A. L. TBff pm offlee, CJITUATION WANTED A8 BARTENDER ij ny n young man of experience, Best of reference, Address, Bartender, Box 1X12, Muntros , Pa. A LADY WOULD LUCE TO DO WAS BIND - and irouletf at her home. - w 1 i ut -Vo Mulberry utrcnt. VVANThD-YOl'K'a MAN, 83, WAMb lit,'ht position; has a knowledge of shorthaud and hookkoopiuui Rood reference's if required. Ad'iress A Tw., ibis oilico. Ur ANTED A MIDDLE AUED WOMAN wants washing or scrubbing by tho day. Address .',11 Kr.imett street. (J 1TI ' ATK I.V WANTED "-"by" A YOUNU Vj mau is yearsold, as cl irk or bookkeeper; plain writer and an urate at flgUNS Address K. Ii. W No. ti lint' .-trout. )'; IT in:; WANTED AS GROCERY i clerk with tin ehanee of working up; no bad luiliiis; ran luriiish wood refereuce. Ad dr. ts V. i'.. I,-,;; ,sj, r,,i,tn,.,., p..,. Armenia Wanted. AljTDArfllljFE msnranes asperlsnoa as solicitor in Lackawanna eounty; good indueumeuts to right man. Address Dtt-JM Beta buildlno. PMIadelphia, Pa. Help Vjanted-Msle. UrAi&TEfciJOtjlu unomployod and Will work for SIH per week, write MiieCuiinell Bros., 11 Franklin str"c , Ttostou. Xui. Helo Wanted Females, UfAlmLelX"U " years to d j onauds for tho .house, lilij 1 ranklln avenue. Boarding. EUM3ilWB8A 13 able psrsoQI can Hud lirst eluss b( nrd with hiuiiII family In la ge, airy hoiiBO. Uot and cold baths, free carnage to depot and cliureli Thiwiiunrters of a mile from sta tion. Healthy locality. Addri ss box ui,ciarU' .Summit. 'for Kent. OirKlNT-hTui7K''6U l"a7avTna A Ave. Inquire of HENBYFittiT, 421 Lackawanna Ave. for Sale CH)R SALE A 'viH'6uliAK'KH, " ieo ri ii ..I i - . i i '.',,-!. ,l. ...... .. large business. Call at 8M Pettn avenue. Special Notices. rFO THE OWNEB8 OR REPUTED OWN. ers or property Dounuing ana abutting on loth tii.es of Pine Street between Wash IngtOU and Olay avenues, In the Ninth ward ol the city of Beranton, l'a. Take notice that under tlio direction of councils I will make, ihe aseessmonl for laying sheet np!ialt pavement OU h concrete base on Pine Street, from Washington to Jefferson aw nue. and from Hadison to Clay avenue, and ror laying stone block 'pavement on a eon frets base OU l"iiie street from Jefferson to Madison avenue; also for setting and reset fmgpurb oaths said Pine street between Washington and ( lay avenues, on Thmsdav, the 21st day of June, A. D. Ism, at IU 0'eloos a.m.. at my oltlce in tin Uunldpal building, c.ty of Scranton, l'a., ut which time and plmu yon may appear and be heard if von so de sire. JOHLl'll p. PHILLIPS, City Eugiuoer. B LANK BOOKS, PAMPBLETS. 1.0, i-iiairtijji!.ir, jiaua TmntlMS otlice. prices. 2iiiih3, cic, uounu or reiuuna at TnK Id yulck work. Keasonablo MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT HI, corner Bprues street and En.nklih avo nue. Twenty uioal tickets for ja.J0. Uood table boanl . Resl Estate. T OTS, HOD8E8I BEST LOCATION; 10 i-J per cent.: growing v,lus; livo In the city; l'heapcr; better; don't be fooled) don't uuow away your money; live m ar depots, lin tels, churches, stores, theatres, doctors: don't waste all your time and nunu in .-nr Journeys 1 will sell Que loti on avenues cheap. Call. W. GIBSON JONES. mi Spruce street U MtWi 81 I " Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. IDHT CONNELL CO. antaraDt Sale Mi and I 1 u Of New, Fresh Goods at the store of GROSS, FOSTER & CO. Dress Goods, Silks, Gents' Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Cloaks, Shirt Waists and Blouses and Several Hun dred Other Articles. These goods' Wre purofcftiecl sit SHERIFF SALE and the people ara benefited thereby. No merchant to the world iu buygooflsin the regular way ami compete with our prices. Tho reserved portion of this stock will bejplaoed on salo during this week. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT will bo closed out for almost nothing to make room for other goods. So many come in the afternoon aut to come In the morning, but if for you will not have anothor chanco to get fresh goods for so littlo GHOSS, 31 313 LADIES ! Do you wear Silk G1ves? Do you have trouble with the finger tips wearing out? It can be avoided. By buying the Kayser Patent Finger Tipped Silk gloves Black, Modes, Hans, Slates and Greys. PRICE 75c. and $! They are sold with a guarantee ticket in each pair, en titling the customer to another pair free of charge in any case where the tips wear out before the gloves. Furniture Uphols By the most NO N. A. HULBERT'3 City Wlusio Store, - W VOMI&tt A Vfc . 8CKAMTO& 8TKIJTWAY SO!f DECKER BROTHBBI abb K.HANICH & RAOtt 888B8S1 VH.Jl.i-Z it UAUKU Six a is run atook of fi rtt-nl o UVSICAL MERCHAN01SI4 DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW. VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in. the market OFFICE: DinKhiirnton. N.Y. FACTO ATt Brandt, l'a DRiCK Brandt ClamoWGoi Dimes Are Like Dollars -AT THE GREAT of tie Pomirev White Goods, Muslin that there is scarcely standing room. It would bo mucb. moro pleas- you can't como in the morning, come: any time FOSTER & CO. Lackawanna Avenue 8J1 P 209 3, experienced workmen in the city. FANCY PRICES. COR. LACKAWANNA AND ADAM3 Seoour FIFTEEN DOLLA1J Solid Oak Bedroom Hetf We sell Furuituro a3 cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for tho money. Try us. Hull 4 Co 205 AND 207 IRON and S NORWAY IRON BUACK DIAMOND SllA'KR EXTRA SPECIAL SANDERSON'S ENGLISH JEBSOP'S ENGLISH CAST STEEL HORSE SHOES TOE CALK TIRE MACHINERY SPRING SOFT STEEL ANVILS v BttLLOWS HORSE NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND CUTTING Bittenbender & Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagosmaken' and Blacksmiths' euppLiEa LOUIS B. SMITH Dealer in Choice Confections and Fruits. BREAD AND CAEES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouse Avenue. & Morton StOG Curtains, Ladies' and money. WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court Housa. AVENUE. 1WMIJ6 ME. WAGON WHEEL9 AXLES SPRINGS in its BrOKES RIMS STKKL SKEINS R. R. SPIKES WELLS Tift OS. SCREW MACHINERY. ( PARLORS OPPIN FROM 7 A.M. TO 11 P.M. 1 SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVKN TO SUP PLYIsTU VAHIUBS WITH ICE CHEAM. WE'VE BEEN HOUSECLEANING Give ns a call and tell us what you think of the many changes and improvements. Paper and paint have wrought wonders, but A Brand New Stock And our new Cash System have done much moro that is, perhaps, of greater interest to you. Prices have dropped and qualities have have gone up. That's the case in a nutshell, but you may want more tangible proof of this. If so, you'll find it at the storo. Look in our windows. FREEMAN, Cash Dealer In Plsmonds, Watcho Jewolrr, K.o. Cor.Ponn Am and Jprnce St. Tor Delicacy, For purity, aad for lniprovoment of the com plexion, nothing equals Poszom'a Powder. GoJcranton,