The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 13, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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IS Mill
I I p
They're the kind yon expect to
pay $2 and 94 for. Children, i! to
5 years, ilio price-; are
$1 TO $2
Ono advantage of past week's
stormy weather was opportunity
to reinapeot departments. Where
stoaks are great and assortments
varied, constant supervision is
necessary (o present only the best
and newest. Those who visit OS
this week will reap the benefit of
reduction in
Silks and Dress Goods,
Cloaks, Capss and Jackets,
Laces, Hosiery and Underwear.
Great Reductions in
The prices of some of the seas
on's most exquisitely Trimmed!
lints and Bonnets have just hyfh
reduced one balftoeffeota prompt
distribution. The styles are many
and the prices, previously moder
ate, cannot tail to appeal strongly
now to the most economical.
Please remember the reductions
arc most carefully stated.
Beginning today we shall sell
Trimmed Hits and Bonnets that wore
S AT $2.80.
Trimmed Ht md Bontiets thut were
7 AT S3.50.
Trimmed Haiti and Bonnets that were
$10 AT $5.
Trunin. . i Hn'ij and Bonnets that were
l'-2 AT S6.
Triinii; .'! Bam and Bonnets that were
jit AT S7.
W. M. Denison spent Saturday and
Sunday with friends in Scr.nton.
Daniel Gnrr, who for n lone; time
hua been Mil Died with iisthma, uied at
his home on Friday at 11 p. ra.
The afternoon was s;iout at boating
and rambling among the pleasant
groves surrounding tho lake. At 5 ')0
a delicious rapper was prepared, after
partaking of which the happy assemb
lage started to return, each one feeling
that such a pleasant occasion had never
been enjoyed during their connection
with Keystone Academy. Those pres
ent besides the members of the senior
class wore: Professor E Ilnlley, Miss
Muv F. Reynolds, Miss Lodtuky
Barnes, Jennie Reynolds, Annie Thom
as, Adda JeflVrs.Miiy Huyuolds, Bertha
Holgate, Fannie Coleman, undE. J.
Dunklee and D. L, Gardner.
The following is tho programme of
the exercises attending tbe twenty fifth
anniversary of the academy: June 13,
8 p.m., in ladies' chapel, piano recital
by Clara M. Gardner; June 10, 8 p.m.,
principal's reci-ption for the senior
class; Juue 17, 11 o. m., in Baptist
church, sermon before graduating class
ly Dr. A. W. Roynolds, Crozer Theo
logical seminary; 7.30 p.m., sermo,i by
Rev. James Fielding before the Young
Jlwn's Christian association and Young
Women's Cliristlan association; June
18, 11) and 20, written xnminntious for
tho term; June 18, 8p.m., in main
chapel, benefit concert by pnpils in elo
cution; Juno 19. 8 p. m., senior lawn
eoclal; June 20, 8 p. m , Pruf ting's con
cert in ladies' chapo), by pupils In
pianoforte department; June 21,2 30
p. in , in main chapel, exercises ley
representatives of the junior class; 8
p. in., prize aesitys and orations of the
middle class; Jnne 22, 10.30 a. in., in
ti.e grove, xradnatiug exercises of
senior class; 12.30 p. m., alumni din
ner; 2.30 p. in., address, "Education
for citizenship," by Rev. VV N. Clarke,
of Hamilton Theological seminary; 8
p. ;n , in main ohapel, meeting of
Alumni association and public exer
cises; 8 30 p. m., reception to alumni
and friends in the parlor. Music by
Bauer's orchestra of Scranton.
The cssentinl lung healing principlo of
the pine tree In, finally been successfully
Repainted ami reflued into a perfect cough
medicine, Ur. Wood s JNorway 1'iuo Byrup,
Sold by all dealers on a guarautee of satis
faction. VANDLING.
A very protty wedding look place at
the home of Frank Kendall, Saturday
afternoon at 2 o' being the mar
riage of their daughter, Jonnie, to John
Luce, both well known young people
of this place. 'Squire Brydeu per
formed the ceremony. The bride looked
charming in a dress of tan honrietta. A
honntif ul supper was served and a jolly
time was had by all. Dancing and
singing was Indulged in until 2 o clock
Mr. and Mrs. Luce will go housekeep
ing at once.
A birthday party was held at the
home of Mr. Thompson, it being the
thirtieth birthday of John Thompson,
jr. Refreshments were served; danc
ing oud games were kept up till morn
Euokleu's Arnica Salve.
The best salve lu the world for Cut
Smisca, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Hheum. Fever
C ... '',.! t. r l,i. .... ...1 TrailI 1-lillVilnitia
, . . ii. . .......... ........... ,.
Corns tind all Skill Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or uo pay required, it
it guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
hoT. For bjlIa hv MaI1.,ihisi Hl-OM.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Misses Belle Baker, Eva Wheeler,
Clara Davis and George Nicholson, of
Jermyn, were tho guests of Helen and
Carrie Batten berg Sunday.
Harold, son of Professor R N. Davis
is slowlv recovering.
Mrs. Isgar and children, Mildrel and
Harry, of Carbondale, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Albert NleoL
Rev. J. C. Rudolph retnrnod Friday
evening from n visit with friends in
Hanover Haw,
Mr. Shaw, a prominent linen manu
facturer, of Belfast, Ire., is the guest
of his brother, Rev. W. W. Shaw.
Children's Day was observe I in an
appropriate manner by the 'children of
the Presbyterian church. A program
of much merit and excdlenco was In
terpreted. James, son of Willian Kleos, is very
sick at his homo on North Main street.
Thomas F, Wells, of Church street,
has bought tho Mansion House on Main
street, now occupied by M. F. (Jeffrey
and for years managed by the late P t--r
J. Oat The consideration was At. 000
The property yields a good revenue and
will prove a tirat class in vesuueut lor
Mr Wells.
Burt R. N. Davis was a visitor in
Scranton yesterday.
Agnes, the 1 -year-old daughter o
Brian Kearney, of Cemetery street,
died on Monday after a short illness
Her death was due to fever.
The Knights of Father Mathew in
tend to hold a b ind tournament on
their exonrston to Fnrviaw next month.
Prizes o! 135, 10 and 5 wiil be award"
i (1 lor the best rendition of pieces to be
selected by J. A. Foote, tho secretary
ot the society.
The Wonderland stock company la
filling a week's engagement lu Father
Marhew ball,
An important meeting of the school
board was held on Monday evening.
All the members were present except
Mr. Duffy, and President LUy pre
sided. The tux levy for til? present
year was considered, and it was de
cided to fix the rati at 18 mills, the
same us last year, 5 mills to be dovoteii
to educational purposes and tho re
mainder to building and other neols.
Tho overcrowded condition of the
ungraded school in the Second
ward was also discussed, and it
was the sense of the board
that something should be done to rem
edy the defects complained of. Accord
initly the building committee was di
rected to report as to the advisability
of erecting a now building on the same
lot or slat; adding to the old one,
Tho committee will report at a special
meetiug to he held next Monday eve
ning. I'rusident Lally appointed the
following committees at last evening's
meeting: Building, P. H. O'Ronrke, J.
W. Beck and J. J. Barrett; supplies,
P. J. Lolly, Henry Myers and John
Duffy; educational, T. J, Kielty, M.
Toolan and Thomas Price.
The present ungraded building in
the set ond ward is greatly overcrowded
and more than 100 children are now
attending school there. Since tho build
ing contains only ono room, and that
not very large, it will - readily be seen
that something must be done to make
tliinus agreeable for the puipls uu l
t nchers.
The borough council met l nt even
ing, but owing to the absence of soul I
of the members, adjournment was had
until Saturday evening,
Crl'icielnt? a Young Lady.
"Sho would bo a pretty girl for but one
"What's that?' asKcu Uiarloy.
George Her face is olwayscovored with
purple and red blotches.
Uiarloy un, mat s casny enougu op
posed of. Used to b ) the i-amo way my
pelf, butlcuughton to tho troublo one
do-, ond got. rid of it in no time.
Ueorge What wos lit
( hurley Simply blood eruptions. Took
n short course of 1'. P. P. I tell you, it's
the boss blood corrector, Tho governor
hod rheumatism so bad that you eould
hear him holler clear ocross the country
every time he moved. He tried it, and
you know what an othlntic old cent he is-
now. it somebody would give .uiss uai-'y
a pointer, she would thank them after
wards. All tho drug stores sell it.
Miss Kena Day. of Scranton, was a
recent visitor here.
S. W. Arnold and Charles Gray are
fishing at Like Poyutelle.
Chief of Police Simpson, of Scranton,
visited his brother Harry and cousin
Frank in this placd recently.
Children's Day was observed in both
churches hers last Sunday. The
churches wore beautifully decorated
and the attendance was large. All
were delighted with the exercises In
which the children took part. The
p istors made remarks fitting the occa
sion .
Mrs. W. S. Bloes Is visiting with
friends In Wayne county.
John S Jenkins, of Pittston, cireu
lated among friend in town yesterday.
Mr, and Mrs J. E. Milroy, who re
sided in this placo for a good many
years, hnvo removed to Waverly.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kizar, of Kizir
ville, nre guests of their son Alton and
daughter Sylvanin
TKe gentlemen connected with the
Methodist church will serve a supper
Friday evening, Juno 22, which they
hope the ladies will patron i. liberally.
Bsrt Tri,ui ot Forost City, is the
guest of his sister, Mrs. T. B. Craw
ford. Mrs. H. D. Swiek and children nnd
Miss Dana Rymer are enjoying the sea
breezes on tbe shores of Lacy island.
The Bronson Literary society will
hold a meeting in their hall this even
ing. Yesterday C. D. Winter transacted
business in Scranton.
The board of trade held a meeting in
the Press ollice last evening. The man
ufacturers' committee were instructed
to communicate with parties who are
inquiring in regard to sites for facto
ries. Miss B. Flaherty, telegraph operator
at the Ontario and Western station, is
sick at her home in Deposit, N. Y.
Arthur Fowler is filling the placi tem
porarily. Hiram Neal, of Thompson registered
at the St. George hotel yesterday.
The unusual spectacle was experi
enced here yesterday a hard rain in
the upper end of borough, while at the
lower end there wns not enough to lay
Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
the lust, in Mayfi id the streets wer
small rivers and hail stones as large as
p .as fell thick and last. The electric
cars were compelled to stop about an
hour on account of the lightning.
R M. Blocker, of Honesdole. is the
gnst of his brother, J. D Stocker.
Richard Simons called on friends in
Archb.ild vaster lay
The picnic of the Sunday school of
the Sacred I!art cnuich, will tak
pi o9 Tuwa My the 10th.
P. H Bik r is p tin ting and other
wise improving his M mi stret prop
erty. Among those in town yesterday ware
M. B. Peck and W. fl. Withers, of
Scranton; Mike Naiou, of Arch bald,
mid P. B. Flani -an, of Otsego, N. Y
Mrs. Thomas . Robinson, of Ceme
tery street, is confine i to tho house
With erysipelas.
The board of trade, having nothing
else to do, might take up the subject
of a Fourth of July celebration. We
should be patriotic eOOUb to celebrate
once a year
Children's day was fittingly observed
by the churches af Delaware Water
Gap. Both were beautifully decorat d
and crowded with visitors. At the
Presbyterian church the following pro
gramme was given: Song, by school,
"Sunshine and showers;" scripture
reading by the Rv. J. H. Brown; song
by school, ''The Glorious Army ;" dia
logue of the clou is jrecitaliotis by Ethel
Bar teat 1: singing hy congregation; ad
dress by Rev. H. V. Voorhoes; song.
"God is Love," by Infant class, roolta
by live little girls; pong "Wonderful
Love,' by infant class: recitation ''My
Usar Papa" Harry Boragle; song by
school, "The Wonderful Company Col
lection ;"song "Little Lights" by Leroy
M iredith; '-The Song we love to hear"
recitation by five girls; duet bv school;
benedition by Rev. Lord. Miss Bertha
Broadhoad rendered on tho piano the
opening and closing marches.
Cicero Williams is a colored man
well known in Stroudsburg, got loaded
on Saturday night and wanted tode
crease the population of this town by
means of n revolver. lis stood upon
the bridge, not at midnight, but just
an hour from it, and as the people
crossed it he informed them that be
was going to shoot them. Thev notified
Policeman Welter of Cicero's actions
and he walked up to the geutleman
and arrested him. It was no easy mat
ter, lor the colored man threatened to
shoot him so full of holes that he would
not hold water, A little mutter like
that did not deter the officer and he
promptly landed Cicero In the lockup
.Mayor Ivistler gave him forty hours
the sale of H"atod ami unseated lands
took place in the treasurer's office this
afternoon. A largo number of out of
town people were present.
John Hill was in Hampton Junction
E. J. Schwarz and wife returned
from Dover, N. J., yesterday.
Misses Myrtle Stauffer and Julia E.
Simpson were visiting Parkside today.
Ira Krosge while coupling Dala-
ware, Lackawanna and Western cars
this morning at the switch at East
Stroudsburg, had his hand severely
lac rated. Dr. Walters dressed it suf
iieieutly to allow the man to proceed to
Sarant m in order to go to the hospital.
He will lose three fingers.
An effectual attempt was mid' by
unknown parties to rob tbe West
Bangor supply store last week.
F' Hi earache, toothache, soro threat.
swelled neck and the results of colds aifd
inflammation, use Ur. Thomas' Eclectri
Oil the great pain destroyer,
Miss Lena Reynolds is visiting Gib
son friends.
E 0, Brady, of Wilkes-Barro, will
open a clothing store in tho Beuj imin
Mux y hloerf tudiv.
The funeral of Mrs B rt Gibson was
held Saturday at lbs Methodist Episco
pal church at 11 o'clock. The funeral
was largely attended, lbe pall bear
er were members from sooieties of
which Mr. Gibson is a member.
W. H. Hollenbnck nnd family, of
Carbondale, enjoyed a ride behind
fast team to this plac Sunday.
Editor John M. Brown and Benja
min 1'. Maxey visited llonosdale Satur
Supreme Secretory F. J. Osgood, of
the Order of Solon, is in Now York
state this week addressing subordinate
lodges of the or ler.
William Jennings, jr.. is occupying a
position in the Hillside Coil and Iron
company s office in Scranton.
A Christian Endeavor society will be
formed in tho Presbyterian church
Thursday evoning.
E.J. Coney, of Sncquehonno, male a
htimneps trip to this placo yesterd iv.
Miss Kittie Smith, of Susqusliiiuns,
is instructing per class in art in this
borough lor a few days
At the last mi oling of the Hill -i le
Coal and Iron Company department
l he following able officers wro elected
President, J. D. Caryl; foreman, J. F
Gallagher; first assistant, II. E Band'
all; second assistant Joan M-lviu
pipenini, W. X Reese; first assistant,
John AleUdleton; second ostnstant
John Pohren; third assistant,' Frank
Meddle ton; socretary, Joseph White
treasurer, J. J. Walker; teamster,
Chris Wirtz; aB.sistant teamster. Sain
nel J. Jennings; engineer, Henry S.
About twenty enterprising citizns
of this borough met in Attorney L P.
Wedman's office, Fiiday evening, and
organized a board of trade and one
that intends to live.
The following officers were eleclod :
President, B liior John M. Lire wu; re
cording s'cretiiry, H. A. Purple; or
responding secretary, Bsnj, Max-y, jr. ;
first vice-president, Burgess Benj.
Mnxy; second vice-presid-nt, Rjv. J.
C. Hognu; treasurer, Henry Box.
After BeVtral committees were ap
pointed the board adjourned to meet
each Friday evening in the Muxev
When Baby was stek, we Rave her faatorta.
When She was a Child, she cried for t'ostoria.
When she beoama MIsr, Rho clung to Qastoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorl.
Miss B le billuner, of Pitiston, is
visiting ar aister, Mrs. A Tolley.
lolwi Wooden, who has boen attend
ing the state encnmpmmt of the Sjns
of Veterans, has returusd home.
W. M. Gardner ontertaiued a num
ber of guntlemeu friends at bis home
on E isl street lust evening.
About 3 a. in. Monday a loose ensine
went off from the truck of the Erie
railroad near tho bridge that crosses
tbePuup.ick creek at Huwlev. The
engine struck tho bridge and forced
on- spin iiiloth" river, the other sp in
was wrecked. It will r. quire two or
three days to rebuild the bridge. Pas
songers and baggage have to be trans
ferred, delaying mails, etc.
lrvin.: lirown is visiting .Mr. Simons
at Salem.
Cirds announcing commencement
xercises at Wyoming seminary have
h.en received Mead Scbetick and E I
Koz, from Honesdole, and Miss Cora
Aminenn'tn, -from Huwley, are umong
the era luates
Miss Grsce Wilder left for Philadel
phia Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs At. C. Addons and
laughter, of NVw York, are the guests
of Judge Purdy
.Mr and Mrs. Andrew Untismore left
for Weilsboro, Tioga county, where
they will m lice their future home.
Curds are out announcing the mar
riage of Lucy M. Heft to Percy Living
ston Cole at Grace Episcopal church,
Wednesday, Juti- 27, at 2 30 p m. Mr.
Col" was formerly ot DuuMpre.
Hurry Blseelf, of Carbondale, wits a
vi itor in town Tuesday.
William llrown, woo has been visit
ing his parents here for the past lew
wo-ks, returned to Pittsburg Saturday
Mrs. Warren P. Srhenck passed Sun
day with her son, Giles Schenck and
wife, of Scranton.
Miss Anno Truoey, of Portsmouth.
N. H, is the gnest of Mrs. Miles L.
Ed Burns graduates from the Cor-
negie institute, New York city, today,
and will receive the degree of medical
doctor. Dr and Mrs, Burns and Miss
Woodward are in attendance at the
Mrs. II. T M 'iiner, Mus Antonette
D Ball and Miss Florence Haw are at-
tending the commencement exercises
State college.
Ihuinas Stephenson nnd two other
employes of (.Turk & Co.'s glass cutting
factory, left for New Bedford, Mass.,
where they will continue their voca
Roswsll P. Miller, president of the
Chicago, St. Paul and Milwoukee rail
road and wile, who have iust returned
from Europe, ure the guests of Miss
Horace Andrews, of New Y. rk, Is
visiting his grandmother, Mrs. C. A.
The fire department committee of
council will attempt to hold a meeting
this evening in the JNiagara engine par
lors to cousider th"o resignation of J.
II. M ulhii as chief of the fire depart
While tied to a post in front of G.
C. Glide's drug store yesterday, Dr. R.
II. Hotchlus' horse became frigutened,
broke tho halter and dashed down Main
street at n lively rate. The buggy was
completely weck"d.
Some miscreants, about 2 o'clock
Monday morning, hurled two large
stones through the parlor window of
John Moron's house on Butler street.
The window whs completely wrecked.
R. D. Lacoe and daughter left yester
day for New York City to be gone sev
eral days
Attorney J. N Anderson and D. E.
B Long are engaged in angling for
trout among the streams of Susquohan-
na county.
Evangelist R. N. Harris is spending
a few days among old acquaintances
in tills place.
Miss Badkin, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
who has be.-n spending a few days with
friends in this place, has returned to
Wilkes-B.irre where she is visiting
Mrs. J. B Hoyt and children, of Car
bondale ore visiting acqmintances on
me west fjiiie.
Mrs. W. G. Strong, of William street,
are visiting the former's home in Cata
wissa. rrank Smith, n Russian aged 18,
was seriously injured lost ovening at
the Schooly shaft hy being crushed be
tween a rib and a cor. He has boen
taken to th hospital for treatment.'
1 he school board held a meeting last
evening at which Hie bond of the trea
surer was increused from $2.,000 to
IfdO uuu.
The trustees and teachers of the
Primitive, Mathodist Sunday school
have decided to hold their elevouth on
inversary on Sunday, June 17, On
this occasion special music will bs ren
dered by the children and choir, hi
sisted by the following well known in
strumentalists: First voillus, Messrs
J. Slopford and Hns Worth; second
violin, George and G. Cooper; clnr
After Typhoid
and Malaria
Hood's Snrsaparilla Purified ant
Built Up tho System
"C. I. Hood fi Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"OeRtlenwn Two years ago I was take'
..Itli a t : severe illness, beginning with cry
llpelas, and then had typhoid and malaria let
After 1 got up and out of bed I thought I was
itred, but was mistaken. In a short time a
humor broke out OU inv luce, at first causing tin
skin to he rough and Itchy ami gi .ideally (level
ci..;, into sores, Willi n spread until
My Head Was Covered
With them. No one can Imagine how I suffered
ivlth the great Itching and burning. Prstorlp
ions had no effect A friend advised me to take
.food's BaiMparilla, so I concluded to try a hot
tie, and I soon found a great change in my con
dition. Tho sores began to disappear and I was
soon entirely cured. My general health has Im
proved anq I 'eel likn a new man altogether. I
sleep well at niglitiuid have no trace orthat Itch
ing and burning sensation." Jamkb J. Wki.sii,
. . .....i., . , . i, i I.,
, i , ii. i ii' m i, , :inin i, tiniu.
Unnri'i Dills cure all Liver Ill's, liihoiisness
Jaundice, ludlguslioii, Sick Headache. iUo.
fe Yi .ip
James .. Welsh
Creighton, Pa.
inpf. P. McGintrie; cornets. Mossru.
Hartshorn ami Wright : piolinoelto, J.
Chilton; trombone, VV. Craven j oranlst,
Miss W. Hull ; conductor. Jus. Wutkiss,
Appropriate diulognni and recitations
by the children. Services will com
mence in the morning at 10 30; after
noon at 2 30; '. veiling at 0 30. A col
lection will be taken at the close of
each service in aid of the school fund.
George Adams, of Diokson, is on a
visit to friends in Shamokiu.
A disgi so-ful racket took place in
one of our uptowu saloous on Suuday.
We are glad to state that it wjh not
our citizens that caused it, but bloods
from Scranton, who are exiled from
that city by the Rjv. Dohy and his
watchful assistants every Sunday.
They cotuo here to make a beer gardeu
out of our usuallv qniet town.
An adjourned regular meeting of the
1 orongh council was held on Saturday
lbe board of trade held u meeting on
Friday evening last. In theobsauca of
Chairman I T. Keene, A. B. Dunning,
jr., was elected to fill the office for the
evening. A motion to effect a perma
nent organization was adopted. Chair
leciarea nominations in order for per
manent officers and the following
nsined were elected by ballot: Bresi-
lent. J. ill. Kho'les; vice president, A.
B. Dunniug, jr. ; secretory, B. D.
Cooper; treasurer, R F. Butterfleld;
trustees. Rev. E McLean, for three
years; Byron Buckingham, for two
years, and A C. Duuning, for one your.
The next meeting will be at the call of
the presideut.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hnlmes, of
Scranton, visited Mr and Mrs. Bvrou
Buckingham ou Sunday last.
A lntlo son of Thomas Ward was
ast week severe! v bitten by a dog
owned by Andrew Nagley. The ani
mal was immediately shot.
b. Li. Carr has erected un airmoter
near hin house. It will be used for
pumping spring water to his house.
li. G. Thayer, of the Kenstone Ex
tension L older company made a busi-
ess trip lo Scranton on Monday.
Children's duy was npnropiutely ob
served by the Methodist socie'y Sunday
lust, in U ium inn s hull. The services
were very interesting throughout. Re
marks were mode by the pastor, Rev.
S. C. Simpkins.iRev. F. A. Matteson,
of the Baptist church and W. F. Clem
ents of Moscow.
The Loyal Knights of America ex
pect to run on excursion to Harvev's
Lake in August.
Misp Battle Dovany, of Cirbondule,
was o visitor in town over Sunday.
Miss Maggie Heltron and William
Brennan, both of this place, wero
united in marriage at St. Patrick's
church ycstanloy afternoon, after
which they proceeded to the bride's
home, where a sumptuous repast was
served to a large number of friends and
A musical recital will bo held at St.
Potrick's parochial school Friday
The Hibernian Benevolont associa
tion will hold a drawing for a (80 gold
piece at Keystone hall this evening.
A social will be held after tho draw
A strawberry social and entertain
ment will bo held in the Welsh Bap
tist church on .Inn" 20
Pimply Girls
Pimply Boys
And Every Person
Afflicted with
Humiliating Humors
Find Instant Relief
And Speedy Cure
By Using
Cuticura Remedies
Pnld throughout the world. Potteo Dnt'O
aim ORSX.OuaF..nMton, Hole Props. (9 "All
almut tliu Wo. i.l, Skin, Scalp and llulr," freo.
Kf-riniple", blsekhesds, ollvskln and falling
hnir prevented mnl cured by Ootleara .soup.
creasing the indebtedness of the borough
of l'lttstiui.
Whereas, The ocrrornto authorities deem It
ndusiii io to inakecortaiu iniprovem nts, nut
uro unable lo do so without the assent ot tho
el.ictiir-. I herolni'c
Sect n ni I, Be it ordained by the burgess and
Town Council of the llorouiih of I'ittston. in
Town Council assembled, that they hereby
signify a desire to increase the Indebtedness
of said borough In tho sum of 138.000 for tbe
i un f laying se'wers and paving, streets
therein with modern oavament; and that tho
secretary shrill give notice duriiur at least
thirty days, by weekly advertisements in tie
u intuitu, oi a public election, wnion is nor ny
ordered, to bo hold i t the usual places of
holding the borough lections in said borough,
on Mondov, tho L'd day of ,iulv. ,. D. ism For
tho purpose of obtaining tloi'ssenl of tho
electors tnereoi to saon increase or inaentea
no. h.
ra sed finally In Council tho 21st day of
May, A. li. imii.
JOHN J. MANOAN, President.
Attest: .1. E. UEMPSl'.V. Sec'y.
Approved d day ot Kay, A. I). ISM.
1 HOSiAM MAI. ONE Y, Burgeiw.
li law nnd tho foregoing ordinance which is
mnoo iipari nereor, notice is nereiiy given ot
miblieol c.tion to ho helil at the usual ltluces
of holding the borough elections in tho
borough of Piltston. on Mcndiiv. the 2nd day
of J nlv, A. 1). 18M, from 7 a. in. to 7 p. m , for
the Mirnoso of obtniniinr the assent of tho .dec
tors thereof to an increase of the Indebtedness
ol said borough in the sum of .'IS,WHl, for tho
purpose of laving sewers and paving streets
thoruin with modern pavement.
Amount of Inst assessed valuation.. J7ull,!24 of)
Amount of existing debt (ft H.UKl 00
Amount of proposed Increase IH.OOO 0(1
I'vr'tago of proposed increase about 5 jior
tn I The $18,0110 bonded debt, the original of
which was incurred prior to the adoption of
our new constitution nnd before tho
cent, limitation went into effect, is not (nnd
ought not bo; included in tho existing debt
supers. J. r. in. htm. i ,
Borough Secretary.
Ladies' Kid fcs
5 and 7 Hooks,
3 A LE
Remember, The Fair
China, Florentine and
Never have goods of the same character been sold
as low as we will sell them now.
They are especially adapted for Pillows, Draperies
and Decorations, and many of the designs are suitable
for Evening Dresses and Tea Gowns.
The line comprises printed and plain China Silks,
Cheney Bros.' best quality plain and printed, change
able Brocades, armure printed and satin stripe Silks.
On sale in Drapery and Upholstery Department.
Something new, rustic
Complete with cord and pulley in the following sizes:
4x8, 6x8, 8x8 and 10x12 feet.
406 AND 408
One Hundred
and Fifty
Baby Carriages
Will be offered this week at
TION. After making your pur
chase, we will give TEN PER
CENT, of your purchase back.
Then, remember our Porch and
Lawn Rockers and Settees,
China, Japanese and Linen
Warp Mattings. Also, Re
frigerators and Ice Chests.
Au Onyx Finished Clock with o0 pur
chases or ovor.
A 100-pisce Dinner Pet with $75 purchases
or over.
Armure Silks, 32 and 36 in. wide.
and inexpensive for summer