SHE SCKANTON TRJBTTKE WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, 1894; IE OF INDUSTRIES Under tus term of an order just is ined by Bnpttlotendent Alex Mitchell of the Wynming division of tlio Le high Valley, nil engineers mid firemen will hereafter bo under the direction of the muster mechanics and road for meu of engines, except when on duty on the road. The mailer mechanics nnd road foremen will alsolmvo charge of the assignment of engines and (he mus of euuinecrs end firemen. Here tofore the dispatchers had Charon of all engineers and iiretuen, but they were not sufiicicntly familiar with Buch duties. George Cromwell, ironoral manager of thp Indiana Iron company, of .Mutt oie, lad. , an institution which sac cee'led In keepin; its mills running during the past year, says regarding the outlook: "I think that by next fall the iron business will pick up end will aee a general resumption in mills nil over the country. The stocks on hand in most of the warehouses are being cleaned out and better prices will follow." At today's meeting in Now York of representatives of the eastern trunk lluoe it is thought the problem of the cancellation of through rates will be settled finally. Eastern offiol tlx tnnni luotisly favor the coiititiunuce of the present system, but acknowledge th'-y mnst yield to the demand of western lines. The, hneis of equalising ri tes via the different junctions will be that western lines will stand the lots on westbound tonnage nnd eastern linei oa eastbound. Owing to the much l irgr eaatbouud touuHa the eastern lines wiil be tlio greater sufferers. To attempt to figure out the details of the equalization would bo idle, as there are juuetion points every twenty mill I be iweeu C'nicigo and JSt. Louis an 1 a dozen or more connecting lines for short distances between eastern and western roads. All rates will be based on the Finn of the locals and through billing wili be used as at present, the position of tho shipper not b dug chang ed in the least. Oa grain via Ubtoago for example, at the 20-2ent rate, Chi cago to New York, the through rate will be so divided as to make the East ern proportion 19 cents. In no case will there be a greater difference than 10 per ceut. of the rate, tho average beiug nndoi ."i p?rcent. This, in mm, will be nearly evened up on traffic in tho opposite direction, making a los in gross earnings to eastern roads of barely 1 per cent, by the cancellation of through rates. A nest of four boilers has been put in place about 3,000 feet southwest of the Vundling breaker. A correspond ent of the Forest City News says: The boilers are to be used to generate steam for a hoisting engine, which will he lo cated near the boilers, and for the steam pumps in the mines. An eighth inch bore bole has been put down, about 400 feet west of the boilers, to carry steam down to run the pumps. A 0-inch pipe is put in the bore hola cas ing and a 4-inch steam pipe i3 placed inside the larger pipe. Between the outer edge of the bore hole and the first pipe cement is run in. Northeast of the boilers another eighth inch pip will be put in, which will carry a rope from thu hoisting engine down into the mines una which will be used to pull cars to the main level. A threi-.dghths inch pipe for a speaking tube, and an electric bell signal will also he con veyed from the mine to tho top by the tine bore hole. Ground has been broken for the water tauk which will supply the boilers. It will be 20x12 feet in dimensions and wiil have a ca pacity of about 5,000 gallons. jMinok Notes of Industry: Firo on Monday threatened tho Lnttirner breaker for a time, but was extinguished without groat less. For the next few months A. P. Van Wicklo's new Beaver Meadow breaker will be forced to its utmost capacity. The Beaver Brook colliery shipped HO cars via the Jersey Cuutral to tide water on Thuiaday and about the same amount Friday. Tho Cooko Locomotive works at Pnter fon aro entirely shut down, no men being employed thero except those neoesiary to keep things in order. The striking miners of the Silver Brook colliery returned to work yesterday, Ttie slate pickers pet 5 cents more per per day auu me uuibiuu men lucenta more. Some timo sgo it required ten hour to bring from 200 to 250 cars to the surface at No. 1 Ybrktown slope. Unoday last week 808 cars were hoistod out In niuo hours. Tho Lake Erio and Western shows an increased burdness, receiving and forward ing at lndinuapolis 403 loaded cars, fifty five more thuu In the week ended Juno '20. The shipments of anthracite by take thus far this reason show a decrea of VMi, 187 net tons a compared with 1803, and n de crease of 52,Gl-li net tons as compared with 18!tt. The Pennsylvania lines are doing hotter, last week handling at, Indianapolis 3,530 loaded carp, against 8,188 In the Week ended June '.I, and against 3,404 in tho cor responding week of 1393. In a rock drilling contest at Suburban park, Wilkes-Barre, last Friday, Lewis Bevon and party, of .Miner's Mills, drilled soventeon inches in ten minutes, winuiug a prize of J18 against four contestants. The train crews on tbn through lino of the Wilkes-Barre and Eastern change at Stroudsburg. Those between Wilkes Barre ana Stroudsburg make two round trips a day, and between New York and Stroudsburg ono round trip, Lizzie P. Ryinati, w idow of W. S. Ry mnn, who was killed at tho Haalestreet crossing of tho Central railroad at Wiiki s Barre, June 0, will suo tho company for fci5,ooo damages, ohariing reckless run ning of the curs over the crossing. Soys the Stroudsburg Times: John White has been changed from tho mail to conductor of the fast train between diseases are caused by im pure or depleted blood. The blood ougiit to bo pure and rich. It is made so by Emulsion the Cream of Cod-l!vcr Oil. Scrofula and Anosmia are Overcome also, and Health y Flesh Is built up. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't U decGlvsd by Substitutes! Prepared by Scott i, Berne, N, Y, AO Dimsijis, GENERAL NEW I RtrondshiiM and N aw York. He mnko'i I ouo rouud trip daily, Williams Monks has been promoted from the way freight to conductor of tho mail to Bucceod White, and Jabez Shannon will manage tho freight between Two Bridges and Strouds burg. The "Dinkey" combination was left unbroken, and "Al," "Bert" aud "Mike'' are still in charge. The Pennsylvania railroad reports that its coal and coke tonnage (or the year thus far has been 5,888,9T8 tons, compared with B,7T9,718 tons In the corresponding period of 1893, a decrease of 8,948,748 tous, of Whioh 4.883,498 tens wore coal, a decrease of 1,731, 'Jill tone, and 1,181,477 tous coke, u decrease of 1, 118,894 tons. Tim Wilkto-Barre and Bias tern people an undoubtedly contemplating an ex ension through to wflllamiporti One route in high favor would bo from Harvey 's Lake on through Boss township, down Banting ton creek to what ll known as Marshall Hollow, coming out near Register and fol lowing the creek around, crossing the Ber wick and North Mountain turnpike near wnat used to bo Ash's tannery, or n mile and a half north of (.'ambra, and continu ing on along Raven creek through Money. If this is put through it will make a much shorter route to and closer connection with Vi'illinmsport than thero has been heretofore. EysrPi and IiutiKSStlon In their worst forms are cured by tho use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if you need a tonic to regain fleas and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take p, P. p., aud you will be strong and healthy, fe'or shattered constitutions and lust manhood P. P. P. (Prlokly Ash, Poke Kootand Potassium) is tho king of all medicines. P. P. P. in the greatest blood purifier In the world. For sale by all drnggisU, In Holland, Mich., 0. J. Doesbury, pub lishes the Ni'ws, and in Its columns stront ly recommends Or. Thomas' BcleotrioOil for coughs, colds, sore throat, catarrh a-id asthma, FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stocks and Ponli. NfSW York, June 12. There was a firm opening to the railway aud miscellaneous snare speculation on the announcement of tho settlement of the coal stiike. Most of the b'iyi";:. however, was for the account of tho shorts who had sold the market yes terday. London came higher bnt bought few stocks. The early advance was equal to Mi per cent, the Grangers, Chicago (ins, Luui'ville and Nashville, Genera) Electric, Missouri Pacitic nnd Northern Pacific preferred, beiug most prominent. In tho nlternoon weaker tone pre vailed and thero was moderate sellieg of Burlington and St. Paul. The decline ill railway stocks outside of Burlington was only to per ceut. In the last hoar the list Improved all round and It ft oS linn. American iSugnr was very active and erratic. It first declined to 10i rose to 108)4 and closed at B'-ii. Chicago Uaa and General Electric weie slr t.g, while the other industrials were barely stoutly. Net changes show advance of 4 to Burlington lost ; Whisky J;, Lead , and New York Central . The following complete, table sbowina the day's fluctaatioas in active stocks is supplied Hud revise. 1 dally by Lallar & Fuller, stock brokers, lit Wyoming avenue: Open- lli.'h- Bow Clos ing, out. est. tat;. est. ldohi m VAi 107 KKtt m I7B Am. Cot, nil Am Sugar.. A. T. ft Eh F. Can. So. Cen. .N.J... iut 8 m in; III8M IM ... 8M .. VM 10l '' ..lUtlZ .. m s 4M4 Pi.i.j loou m ("hie .t N, Q B. ft Q vv. Ohio, tai ('., O.C, ft St. L.. col.. Hook. Vol. T, i). an.. ,,18011 180U 180 I8I m im tm ss.'.i is" vm siii 1:1111.5 :."eH sfii I8I2 48W I1AU K7U !' I).. L, ft W d.&u. v iCrla ' i . E. Co Lake Shore L. ft N Manhattan ill.. Pae Nat. Lead N. Y. .V N. E..., N. Y. Central.,, N. Y.. 0. ft W X. Y.. H. W U. S. C. Co N orth Pac North Pae. pf... Omaha Puc. Mail Reading Rock Island It. T St. Paul T., C.& I Texas A Pae..., I'uion Paelllc... Wabasb p' Western Union. , W.&L. 1 W. it U B, pf... ,,,,100 .... SUM if" ,...18111 .... m ....urn .... !8 .... 884 feii .... iH iiii IBM le m m 181 m HtW m m U?s i," uii m IUr eofj , I8M Bfl eQ 168 i I7M s!m in m m nil Wb im 11 (leSj im 8H IT l 8H ISM ISM ' eia I C)Jfl Clilcaio Ciralo aiut ProyKlons. RrnAN'i on, .Inuo II The followlne quota t ions are supplied and Corrected daily hy La liar & Fuller, stock hrokers,Ul Wyoming ave nue. WHEAT. Jnly. Sept. Dec Opening mm tVj inm Hlghtst iaH wii mm Lowest, fSOfat iLnii (I.1S1J Closing (iiu raj;; (j8 COllN. Ononing 41-j 4'J .... Highest 4:14 im lowest tl 411B Clostog iWi u OATS. Opening 39 ?!I1$ HiKUeHt x tOjfj :i'iH Loveet WM Mi Closing ml POHK. Qpsniag iLrsi Highest li? Blii Lowest 1SSS nM ,.. Closing rt 117 UB8 LABD. Opening (77 f-7 .... Highest 681 (irl Lowest . 878 IN) 887 IK Closing S1IOKT HI1J.S. Opening Hlgtieai Lowest , Closing in wi no iicu rss no ti'J (.17 Kew Yoik Produce Market. New Yomc June 18. I-louii Firm. 10 coots higher, WriKAt l!c. higher with options check ing business; No.'J rod. store and elevator, 82aOSKe.t nlloat, 88a08a; f. o.b., aai C;ic. ; ungraded red, .aSalWc.-: No. 1 north ern TilJ'c. ; options closed firm at le. over yesterday; No. 2red, June, C2c; July, tliyfe.; ('ptember, ttkc; Lecem bi r. 0!c. (John (niet, hlgber, scarce! No. 2, 4fic. ; elevator. 4tW-)fijc. afloat; options moderately netive and Jc. higher; July, iGXc; August, 4)08,: September 47X0. Oats Hull, mixed easier; options ir regular; June, Jc. lower, other! Hale up: June, iOc: July, 45)i'c.; August, hSc. ; September, 88c, Simt prices, No. 2, 17c. ; No. iJ white, 4s.; No. 2 Chicago, I7KC.; No. 8, -i6c: No. 3 white, 47c; mixed weetern, 48c white do. Pja&l6c; whitestate, llaotMc. Buir-tDoll, sii aiiy. TiKSOsn BikiMDall, Cur , j:ATs-(Jniot, firm. MlnpLSR Nominal. LAJtrA-QuTeti firmer, western steam, ?7."io; city, 6WaSkc, :Jnly,C-7.1o,Seplomber, t7.0; refined, qulet;coiitineiit, c7. !ij; bouth America, IT.eOi compound anaOo. Pong Moderate demandj iirmcr, liUTTitlt Pair demand, steady : state, dairy. 18al8c,l do. creamery, lj(all)c: Pennsylvania, do, I6)tjal9c.i western dairy, lUaJSc.i d. eteamery, 14al0c.; do., fac tory, UXaHc: dgins, 18JgJa19o. imitation creamery, IgalCC, CiiEEiiK Jlodernte demand, ensy. Enus (uiot, steady 1 state and Pennsyl vania, iiattc.) western fresh, 18al4c,; do. per case, ISfMatASft, Fhiladslphia Tallow Harkst. rniLAnvLriilA. .Tinin V' Tll.,r ... dull and unrhanved. Prices were: Prime city in hogsheads, 4c: prime country, in uam-is, itc; uo. unrit in tyirroi.', ; cakes 5c. ; grease, 4c. A Qunrtsr Century Test. New Discovery has been tested, aud the minions wi:o nave received oeneht from its use teatify to Its wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. A remedy that has stood the test bo long and that has given so atrWertal Fatisfuctiou is no oxoriineut. Each Bottles i positively guaranteed to ptvei lelief, or tho money ivill he refunded, (til admitted to lu. t.hi. mim i;..Kt.. .. ruki ..... -olds. Trial bottles Preo at Matth-w llro's. "t ux ,-jturo. ijargoslza hue, ana DO !0U EVER Or don't you notice the differenca in our prices, and tho prices usually charged even by the stores that claim to sell very low. Why the simple fact is we are away below any stcre in this valley. Yes, we repeat we are away be low any concern in this valley or in the 3tate in prices on first clas3 good3 so far as we can learn. We do not handle a large line of fancy goods, but we do have a big stock and full as sortment of strictly FIRST CLASS staple goods. Nor do we use any one or two articles as bait to draw trade. Our plan is to cut the price on everything just as much as we possi bly can so that you will very seldom find a single article in our store that we are not sell ing for less than it can be bought anywhere else and furthermore while we are always do ing our besL toget at and keep the prices down we never for a moment loose sight of quality. Ho article can come into our store unless it i3 at least standard quality but is much oftaner EXTRA than otherwise. We have a large trade and we often think when we put the selling price on an article and know what the same goods are invariably sold at that it is strange why we do not sell all the goods in our line that is sold in the city and have to conclude that it certainly is not on ac count of quality or price, but must 1)3 for soni3 other reason. While we did not intend to quote any prices in this article we will men tion a few ju3t to prove what we say and see if you don't wonder also if what we say is cor rect why we do not sell all or nearly all of the goods sold. Of course each dealer has friends who trade with him for friendships sake know ing all the time that they are loosing money by so doing Itfow while we appreciate friend ship yet we want every person who buys goods of U3 to be fully satisfied that they get good value for their money or we would actually prefer to miss the trade. But here are some prices as proof of our statements, we avoid the large articles simply to show that vie do not confine our low prices to 3ome of the lead ing articles: Canned Tomatoes, extra quality, usually sold at 122C, we are sailing for 8c. Bartlett's Shoe Blacking,larg9 box, regular price, 10c; ve give 3 boxes for 10c, Vienna Bread, large loaf, neve- sold less than 10c; you cm buy it from us 2 loaves for 15c, Fancy Table Butter, that sells for 20 to 25c, we oner at 17c, Tea that brings 75c. a pound and in some stores $1, we only ask 45c And Tea that sells for 40c, you can buy from us at 19c. Gloss Starch, pound packages, worth 8c, we will sell at 4. Corn Starch, also is usually sold at 8, we sell it at 4. And a 3-pound can of G'oss Starch that you would have to pay 25 for anywhere else, you can buy cf us at 14c, Abie's Pie Preparation, always sold for 10c or 3 for 25, we offer you at 5c, Cigars that could not b3 bought elsewhere Tor less than $1.25 a box, we sell at 60c And aside from offering goods much lower than any other establishment in the state we b&Leve we have one of the most complete stocks of groceries in the state. Whenever anything new in our line comes on the market and has merit we add it to our stock. We wholesale a great many goods and at figures lower than exclusive wholesale houses. Our cigar and tobacco stock is complete. Our tea and coffee contains as fine a line of both as can be brought together. Our confectionary stock includes the fine grades in abundance as well as tho more staple varieties of confection. We servo as fine Soda Water at 3c a glass as can be had in the city at any price. In our buJcuer shop we handle as much and as fino a grade of beef and other meats as any in Scranton and from 2 to 4 cants a pound lower than any shop in tho city. On Tuesdays', Thuusdays' and Baturdiys' we have a full assortment of green vegetables 25 per cent below market fates. Finally we think we aro sefe in saying that we give more and better goods for the money that any concern in Pennsylvania. Here are some of the reasons we have for wondering why we do not sell all or nearly all of the grooerlas Bold in Scranton. Come and see if you can fine us misrepresenting facts in any of the above assertions. Wo would like to have your trade or part of it and will make it worth your while to buy of us. THE SCRANTON F. P. PRICE, Affent. ornnnn mm WEAK MEN Y0U: ATTENTION 1 I M l .1.1.:. 1, TO Tim Croat iluclibh Komody, Gray's Specific Medicine IF YCU SUFFER trom Ner 4 V . l!ii Tr in, m ill bility, Wenknetu ol Body nml Mind, .sporma- vous ua iui i u.-a, auu niii'i'i . nun uu niMMtf tunc nrl" frum OTer-Inaolgsnce una M'lf nlnmo, u Loss of Uemory and Power, Diuiuau of Vit' Nit; Premature Old Abound many other diV caws that Innil to Insanity or Ciiiisumptiou and an early grare, write for a DanvDhlet Add- (MAY MEDICINE CO., Buffalo, N. Y. Tho Socilic ItednUM is sold by all drutriiists at S per package, 'nr six Mongol for $5,or sent hy on rcvelpt of monoy and with every 16.0(1 order, WE GUARANTEE a cure or money r ifundi 1 i , '." ('n accoii'it of counterfeits we hava adopted tho Vol iw Wrapper, tho only (fonu ine. hold in Scranton l,v .Matthews llros. AT TUB Scranton . rag mi JULY 4tb shouid bo mado to H. B. UnAbiii, J 12 Lackawanna avenue. S. A. KING, of Bingham- ton, has baen engaged to take charge of the Score Card. prmg We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, ae what will recommend them to our patrons. DC inn D! i i IB PITT8T0N. PA. E tins i ill Beer Brewery lltir.nfncturcrs of tho CelcbrataJ PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbk Par Annum, I mm KCHANTOV, PA. MINING and BLASTING Undo nt thu MOOSI0 nnd liUdH JJALK WORK Lnfilin & Band Powder Oa'i ORANGE GUN P0WDEI? Llectric Bttterlea, Fusoi for oxploi ilift blasts, tfufoty Fuso und HepaunoChcmical C j.'sHlgh Explosive) MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RBTAIIa 001.1 of thn t)pst quality fjr domestic ase,and : nil slicos, didivorod in any pure of tuo clt; at lowpst lirire. ui uors luic at my ornco, . 118, WYOMlNn AVKNUB, , Rosr room, llrst floor. Thlr J National Ranlt. or hctK hy mull or (.di-phono to the uttne, wiil rcelvo prouipt attention. tfrMiu aotitrMta will be mado for the salt cud (wuvery ot Baokwheat CoaL WH T. SMITH. MM BICYCLE RACES Ml L WAREHOUSE Sgos oir nn SCO oil ruw BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL I'HYSIHANH AM) MIIUUINS, "T)R. (J. KDGAR DEAN has removed to 118 JL Spruce street, Scranton, fa. Uut on jiosite oourvhouae Square.; T)K. A. J. (-ONNELL. OlDee 2U1 Washington ju avouue. corner Kpruoe street, over nwuka I dreg (tore, Residence, 123 Vine at SfaLSSS i0-Uu to 12 m. nnd to! and p. m. Sunday, L' to 3 p. m. I)1- S 16 AkN. OUico" cor. Lack J-f wanna and Washington avos.: over Leon ard shoe store; oilico hours. 1U to 12 a. m. and BM I D. m.j evenings at residence. GUN. v ashhiKton bvo. IU U 1, EKEY, Practice limited to Ui im e8?"! ?!, tbo Kye' Ear- Nn9 nd Throat; Etreot m"J'"' "Va Itu3lauI10B' Vlu I )KV,V,-M- ?ATE8. US Waahinifton Avunuo. OUice hours. S to a.m., to a and X to p.m. Residence a Madison avi uu OHN L WBMx,"M7t), OtBces 6aidI (omnionnualth building: reeidenoe 711 e, bmidays 2.80 to 4. evenlnire at residence. A specialty mado of dlceae. of tho eyo. oar, noss aud throat and itynooology. LAWYEKS. T Jl. U HAJ.CK 8 Uw and CollooUon of. O, flee. No. 817 bnruco at., opposite Forest Houso. Bcrnuton, Pa,; collections a specialty throuiihout Pennsylvnnla; ruliablo corresoond ClltH 111 P.Viirv .,.11..,.- It.sSLif.Sii M '.ii a,,... , .. tJ tors at Law. toinmouwealth buUdlnx Waahlngtoo ovo, w.h.j8mup, HoiiAr-w K Tlivn W. H. Jesscp, Ja UMLLAHD. WARREN & KMAPP, Attor I in npyw Coln"l"rs ot Law, Kepublioan - ' ..if i n ncraiuon, i ;u pAl'TEIWUN & WILCOX. Attorneys au-l A Counsellors at Law; ullicua (1 aud S Ubrury Wiildiug, Uciauton, Pa. Roswr.r.t, H. TArrgitfloa ' U.I.IAM J. WlbCOZ, ""LSvl Co,u,"oi'w-'iUt!i VV ' Attori:i.y.ut-Law.Nos.l9 and i - ' utr building, Washlnston avnnue. bUllll 111 07. 1"U :N.iil,.,l,. PRANK T. nKi.I.L, Attorney at Law Room 1 ' 1 schange. .Si-ranton. l'a. ' : .A.1- .Y0?-1 oBOU. ( ton v C. H. square. , JAMksW OAKKORp, Attorney at Law. "j''3 w nii.i i.,'i, conn.ionwealtli bTg. Iil1.:, Jf EDuaU, AtUimay at Lam . . " "l -' Mrucest.. Hrrnnton. l a. L. A. N.AIUM,, Attdrnuy at Law, Lackawanna sue.. Scranton. Pa, HI l) i. hiinil . (.ouuschor at Law. olTloe, A . rooms 51, 55. M Commonwealth building. ( ' R. PITOHIH, Attoiuey at Uw, Com- . i"ot,w...- til bullniiig. Scranton. l'a C. CoilKUVa. m Spriieaat. S) 5 KLTUIULE, Attorney-Loan, noiio t . tiHted on ri'.il , uta Koi-urlty.lOij Spruce. It y. KILLAM, Attornev at-Law. lai V ominiriienuo. Scranton. Hiimi. KCHOOI.t, S?LpL ' 555 Lackawanna, sora , l n I'.'l'aros boys and girls foi coU ig. i business: thoroughly trains young cluldrott. I atalogua at ruquost. Rev. Titovas M. cx V.'ai,tsr if. riuui.L. 'UISS WOHCEHTKK'sj KINDERGARTEN .'i and Fchool, IJ Ad.n-a avenue, fundi April? " ttal0 Kt term will open DKKTinyn " " P LAUIIACH; tJurgooiiDuutiit, No. Ill . wyomimr avo. H .niATO'X. offlne Onat Kxehance I.OA.NS. rpHK BKPIJBLIC Saving, and Loan Aw elation will loan you lnouoy on cusiw terms and pay you bolter on luvustmont than sny ' SSST association. Call on .U. N. CALLLN i 'Kit, li'me Ran ft hulldin? SEEDS, pL H. CLARK & CO., Beodamen, Kloriste vj i and Nurserymen; store 16 WashingUiu avenue: preen house, 13W North Mala avunuo; torn teleilhoim T8S, IK V8. KRANU UN ION TEA CO., .Tones Bros. Villi; M KKI- NR. TOS. KUETTEU M Lackawanna avonu rr HmntOB, rl . mannrr at Wire Wr-rwus HOTELS AND 11 EST A lT It ANT v. THE WESTMINSTER, 2JT-21:i Wyoming J ave. Rooms heated with steam: all nvid ' : roveinente. C. M. Tbomaii. frop. 'THE ELK CAKE. 113 and 127 Krun'ilin ave x nue. Batei reaaonable, . P. tlBOMW, Proprietor. ITE8'fAlililTER HO'fElT ' . . .. . Q.SCUKNCK, Manager, hlxteontb street, tne biock east of Rxoudway. at Union fnuaro. Now Vnpk American plan. $) per day and upward PdlMS liOUSK, Kuroiiouu plan! ipuitu plan: good i, "P" uiguu uar suu- l Ued with the btct , 1J. n. COYNE, rrorrlwtor. CCRANTON HOUSE, mar D.. L. W. pa IJ acngor depot Conducted on the European P'an. Victok Koch. Proprietor. I IRANI) CENTRAL. The largest'and DoeT VI equipped hotel in Allontown, Pa; ratej fi and SiiO per day. Victcii D. Haiiner, Proprietor. roo lis. . 'u i an,. A ItC'H ITKC rs. I) AVLs v iu L I' J'. ArclMteets. Rooms 21. r., nnd 2m Commonwealth b'ld't:. Scranton. If L. WaLTKH, Architect Library build ' ' inir. Wyoming avenue, Scranton. IJ L. BROWN. Arch B, Architect, Prlco 1 hnlldlng.HB sshtngton Ave.,oranton. 5IIS( EI.I.ANE4U S. BAUEB'S ORCHEUTBA - MU810 FOR balls, plcnic partiss, recepuona wod dings aud concert work furnlshod. For terms address R. J. Bailor, condnotor. 117 Wyomluj avo., over Hulbort's music store. ii (IHTOM 11. KWAitTK a i.n i lumbor, Price . buildiuv. Scranton, Pa MidAROEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., bcrantyn Pa. POOTE'H LIVERY. 1513 ( apouso avenue I First class carriaees. D. L,. FOOTE, Agt Funeral Director nnd Embalmer. T tj . v-ir ti nnii.u r.. .l.'Jk I. UWITfl ,K K) Vt HOLE o.iiu ii'.TiB 111 "oouwuro, Lorun, Oli Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna avenue. tt.iiu o.'H.'rrb in .Miotiwuro, uoroage aud ITZRA FINN A BUNB, builders and contrac-X-i tors. Yards: Corner Olive st. and Adams ave. ; corner Ash si. aud Peng are., .Scranton THE IS THE Bf ST. Get prices tinJ ice the lurnne9 nnd be eon vlnctKi. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gaum Door BangMs CONLAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON PA. Latiies Who Value 1 A rcflued complexion mnst uso Pononl's I'o dcr. It produces n soft nnd beautiful skin THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. ECRANTON" AND WILKF-S BARUE, PA. MANUFACTURERS Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. I CENTRAL RAILROAD OP & J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal need exclusively, insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIMK TABLE IN SHfKCT MAY 20, 1S91. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes. Barre. etc , at 8 20, 9.15, ILK) a. m., 12.5'J 2 OA S im, &M 7.2.V 11.U5 p. m. Bundaya, D.lj a. m. 1.00,8.15, 7.10 p. m. ' For Ailantic City. 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Eliznboth, 8.'n (expressl a m., 12.50 (nxpross with Buffet parlor cur), U.aO (express) p. m. Kuuday. 2.1j p.m. I' OK UAUCB Cni'NK, Al.LEKTOWN, BeTIII.. hem, Eastob and Phh.auei.pmia, 8.20 a. m.. 12.50, IM 5.110 (except Philadelphia) p. in. Butidny, 2.15 p. m. For Lonc. BHANcn, Ocean QnovE, otc, at D.u n. in., u.;w n. m. Km- Heading. Lebanon nnd nai'l isbiirK, via Allentown, 8.2U a. m., 1ZM, 6.00, p.m. Sunday, 2.15 n. m. For Pottsville, 8.20 a. m 12 CO p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Liborty Street, North river, at MO (express) a. DL, 1.10, LIB, 4.30 (oxiiress with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Bundav. .) a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Rending Terminal, 9.0.) a. m., 2.00 and 4.3J p. m. Sunday, (1.27 a. in. Through tickots to all points at lowest ratoi may be had on application in advanco to tbj ticket a'uut at tnu station. 11. P. BALDWIN, Ocn. Pass. Agont J. H. OLHAUSEN, Clen. Sunt. DELAWARE AND HUD SON RAILROAD. Commencing May 29, 189X trnim will run as follows: Trains leavo Bride" Street Station, Scranton, for Pitts- tun, Wukea-Barre, eto, .), .'.'17, U 37, 10 42 a. in.. 1110, 1,25, 2.38. 4. Hi. 5.15, (1.15, 9.U and 11 115 p. m, For New York and Phih ooh.hiii. H nil ,i hi. l-MIl ! . 2.38. lid nnd 11.80 n, m. For llonesdaln (lrom Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot), 7.00, 8.30, 10.10 , 12 m) m 2.17, 5.10 p. m. For ( arbonualo ar. i lntormodiate stations, 6.40, 7 ft). k:. 10.10 a. m . IK.00 m ,2 17. 3. 2.3,5. 1(1. Ii 2) and 9 35 p. m.; from Iiridgo blreet Depot. 1.00 a. m.. 2.17nnd 11 :J y. m. Fast express to Albany, Mtrat-. i .'.d -rondack Hoontalna, Bost'in and Sew England points. 540 a. va., avrlv nr at Albany 12.4',. Saratoga 2. 2d p. m, sud leaVulB Scranton at I p. m.. nrrlvini? at Al'ian.' at t.W p. m., Sara toga. 13.63 lb in . and BcDtOO, 1.00 a. ta. The only direct route between the coal Heidi and Huston. "The Leading Tourists' Route of America" to the Adirondack .Mountain re forts, Lakes Cicorgo and Champlain, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train sorvlce between stations on all drrUtoni Dole War and Hudson system, nmy be obtniuod at nil Delaware an-'. H idsju ticket ofUcea 11. U. YOtflfO, J. W. BUR DICK, Eccond Vice Pre .iilent. (ien. Pass, Agt, Wi'$Mmu!,W fir: . , WJ'c . -J 'MVA'lWO.: MAY 18, IS'.il. Train lesvos Scrnnto:i for Philadelphia and New York via. U. 4; II II H. at 8 a.m., 12.10, 2.3'Jandll.3ip. m via D, Lit W. R. R., 0 00. 1.08, ILi) a, in., and 1..W p. m. Leave Scranton for Piltston nnd Wilkm Barro vial).. L. & W. R. 6.0), 803,11.2) a. m , 1.30, ttO, 0.07, H. 0 p. m. L.-ave Scrautou (or Whltu Haven, Ilazloton, PotuvlUe and nil prints on the Beaver Meadow and PotUvllfe brauches, via h. & v. V.. 0 (Os.m., via D. &1I. B. It. at H a.m.,, 2.38, i.K p.m., via D., L. ,v W. II. !(., (i.UO, 8.0), U.2:in. in., 180, 8.50 p.m, Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, llurrlsburg and nil internudlati points via D. a It. It. P.., 8 u m .12.10. 2.IH, ILU p.m., via D., L. is W. R. R.,i;.oo,, 11,20 a m Lrt'i p.m. Leave Scranton forTutikinmock, Towand. Elniira, Ithaca, Qouova and all iutormedtit) points Via D. H. R R..M 7 m.. 12 lo and 11.33 Ik m..via D. U & W. It. R.. 8.01 a.m.,1.10 p. m. Leave Sorsntou for Hoonestor, Buffalo. Hi sgara Falls, D ftreit. Uhlntgo and all point, west vial). & II. P.. K. (.07 i:.m..l2.10,i.lUI.S p. m , via D. L. & W. R, R. and Pittsto 1 Junction, 8.08 a.m., 1.39, 8,0 1 p. in., v. z li x W 8.41 p. m. For tiliu.ra and tin weit via Kal untuo t. vlt I). Al 11. K U 0.07.1,111.. n. m . via D., L. it W. R.R.. .8.08 a.m., 1.30 and 0.'I7 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cats on nil trains between L. & 11 Juncti ri or WHkes-Bsrn nnd New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo and i-usoi'ii-ion Bridge, KOLLIX U. WILBUR, lien. Supt. East Die. CIIA8. S, L".B. (l-a. Past. Ar t, Piiiia.Pi. A. W.NONNEUAOHEB.Ass't Qju.Pass. Ag't, Voutli Bethlehem, lu DEI.AWARK, LACKAWANNA AND WEBTEBN RAILROAD Trains leave Scranton us follows: Ezprosi for New York and ah points East. l.W, 2.50, 61.", 8.0,1 and 9.6.1 a. m.; 12 5i and 3.50 p, m. Express (or Eatou, Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, 5.15, 8.09 aud 0.5 a in.; 12.55 aud 3.59 p. in. Washington ami way stations, 3.55 p. m. Tobyh.inna accouimodaiion, (i.hi p. m. Expr ss for Binchamton, Oswego. Elmlrn, Cornlngi B-ith. DsnsvUle, Mmir.t Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2 15 a. m. and 1 21 n. in., making 1 Ipse connections at Buffalo to all points iu the West. Northwost ami Southwesu Bath accommodation, II a m. Blngliamton nud wny stations, 12.37 p. m. NiouoLou Rocommodtttion, at 4 p. m. and o in p, in. Blnghsmton and Elniira Espro.s, 0 05 p, m. Express for Cortlsnd, Syratuso, Oswego. 1,'tica aud Rlchdcld Springs, 2.15 a m. aui l.2i p. m. Ithaca. 2.15 and Bath tin m. nnd 1 21 p. m For Northiimbcrland.Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsbnrg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Willlnmspoit, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash, ington nnd tho South. Northumberland and intermediate stations, 0.0(1, 9 55 a m. and L!W and (107 p. m. Nanticoao ana intermediate stations, 8.0J and II.211 a. m Plymouth aud intormediatj stations. 3.50and 8.5.' p. 111. P oilman parlor and sleeping coachos on all express trams. .... . , For detailed Information, pocket tim tabl i cm.iv t.. M. L. Smith, city ticket offlcj. 8x8 Lackawannaavcnue, or depot ticket otac irRAITttN IUVWION. in LiiYct Jaannry sti,. lsnt. Nnrili (tu nnd. souih Bonnd, 200 rorrvoa '21 904 1881 Stations S -(Trains Daily, Ex- 3 0 g v. i cent Minday.l r r3 x 1 cept Minday.i p mAitIvc Leave 7 25N. Y. Franklin si. ; 10 West 42nd street 7 00 WeenawKen 1.1 .7 88 . 7 80 . 81U K . "08 .; 2 11 . 2-1 r h r a.Arrlve I.ciivca m: 8 2il . B 10 . 1 i.'illaucn'k 0 no .. 8 lit ., 6!8 .. 6 25, .. 681 .. 0 4 ' .. 1 451 . . 6 631 .. 0 681 .. 7 iii'a 1 00 1; i. '; SlarlLIU Prustuu Park I'ouin PoMiiclln lleliilont Pll-snant Mt. UiilomlAlo Korsct City Carbondaie White Bridge MayReW Jermyn Archibald Winton PeocviRe OLvphant Ulcksoii Throop Provide 88 l'ark Place 7 is, 7 SI 12 62 2 31 41 1 61) 2 68 8 03 8 M 7 45 711 12 4 nn 18 25 7K 12 13 1180(1 11 ti 17 itf . 7 Mb 3 10 0 51 888111 41 7 24 0 45! 8 31 V IS 18 34 8-H'6 27111-10, 4.')lfr. 22 .... f; .'laniMtD 43 611 0 8.'i f,1 IK 8 Siii II 33' 3 llll I 88 5 nrmsH 7 HI O.'.fl 8 13 7 4'.i )0(t;: 81 7 43 10 06 3 M 7 48 li' 10 3 69 7.'2 HI It 4 04 7 64 10 17 4 (,7 7 50 !0i 4 10 8 0il10 24 4 14 k na-1 0 sr 4 IT 8 0.. In 80, 4 81 I KA U F Si 6 2.1 8 25 n si 11 1 6 21 11 15 II IS II b' f6 )'. 6 15 f6 13 HO 6 10 II 06' set ant on r v 1 hi Leave Arrive All (tains run dully -except BUQdaJ. f. sl'.'iilllcs (hut trains stop on si nal tor pas lengers. Additional trains leave Carbondnle lor scran, ton 1.10 and 0.15 p. m., arriving at uciauton 1.58 and 7.00. Leave scranton tor carbomlalp 6.6,i and 8.30 arriving ai. carboudsle al T.I8 and 8.18 p. 111. bccure rates via Ontario a Western before SurchHslng tickets and save mouoy. Day aud llhgt Ui press to the West. 1. C. AuduiBon, Gen. Pass. Agt. J, Mltcruit, Dir. l oss, Agt. Sctauton, Pa. T?KIE AND WYoailWtl VALLEY BAIL Et ROAD Train-' leave Scranton for Now York nnd in terim dinto points on the Erie railroad at C.H5 a. 111 nud 3.24 p m. Also for Honesdale, llnwley and local points at 6 33, 0.45 a. m , and 8.21 p.m. All tho above through trains to and from Uoneadalo. Au additional train leaves Scronton for Lake Ariel at 6.25 p.m. and nrrivos at Scran ton from tho Liko at 8 40 a m and 7.146 p.m. Trains louvo for Wllkos Barro at 6,40 a m. nud 8.41 P in. Cieucrul Ouice, tjCUAJTON, FX I'o'.'k'iiznf' L -