The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 13, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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Tridun PuuL!3Hia Company.
New Venn CJmcc : TnmUNC DuiloiNQ. FAANA
CrtAV, Manager
republican stats iickst.
For QOVtTIXor!
01 LUNTElt.
For Lieuttiuiiit QnwmOT!
or ALi.i:iiUKv. '
For Auditor General ;
lor Secrt far; ofltetiud Affair:
lor Coii'.n smrn-al-L)Uye:
of vnunioiiBLiAin),
BltCtlOtl Tillli', -Nov. (I
Wh can oordltlly ooDoarin unvraon
tioii of the inline of Charles Emory
Smith which hs for its ptirpoaw tbo
oilliiiK of public attuntion to his titness
for a United States eenutorsMp. W
do not know that ill-. Smith is a can
didate for eenator; nor tlint be would
accept if chosen. But wo do know
that it would on a happy day which
should iee in the senate from tbil stato
a Kontleinau of Mr. Smith's varied
learning, irraoe, polish nod eloquence.
Then indped would "the man and the
occ:ision meet and match."
Compulsory Education.
Under the provisions of tho Pound
law, which has recently been enacted
by the legislature of New York, chil
dren between tha ages of 8 and 10 years
must attend fume public, private or
parochial school, or receive noma train
ing during tho entire school year; chil
dren between the Bgei of 19 or 14 must
rcoelTO schooling at least one-half of
each school year; whlla children be
tween 14 ami 10 must no either to
school or !o work. Iu tho enforcement
of these provisions penalties aro pro
vided for daliberataly negligent par
ants and guardians ; while Intneosss
of inoorriglbU truants, certain magis
trates uro clothed with the power of
committment to special schools.
Ia connection with this law tho fol
lowing statistics, compiled by tlie Wil
1. .import Times, u Democratic paper,
are ihtereatlng, particularly wuon it is
remembered that a Democratic gov
ernor of Pennsylvania one year ago
vetoed a timilar bill, introduced by,
Representative John R. Parr. With
tho prefatory remark that "New York
had need of some law to cimp-)l chil
dren to attend Bchool,",tbe Times says:
"Of the l,07ii. 01)o pupils enrolled in
1888, then was an average attendance
ot 665,574, about CO per cent. This
average attendance was less than of
any state having a COmpullory educa
tion law, Take Massachusetts
ior instuuee: Its 333,210 enrolled
pupils furnished inn average daily at
tendance of 288,648, upon public day
Bcboole alone. All its largest cities
have parochial and evening schools,
Statistics of which, added, would in
crease tha attendance. AJ far as the sta
tistics show, tho average attendance in
Uaiaacboiettt ia SO per cent, of the
total enrolim-nt, a Very siunific.ut ex
hibit. Alter N'ew York's law lias bed i
in operation as many years it onght to
show as favorable results for that
state. Pennsylvania stands next to
New York in nnmbn- oi' pnpill en
rolled, namely 1,032,118, with an aver
age daily attendance oi." 70S, 719, or io
per c?nt. spprox'.m itelr. It ranks very
weli among states havint; no compui
eory education law, and it might rauk
very much better."
The opposition to compulsory edusa
tion iu this slate is based chieiiy upon
the argument that compulsion is not
the kind of force to employ. Yet these
same opponents of compulsion in mat
ters of education tiurtsorvedly favor
compulsory arbitration without ex
plaining their inconsistency Tha agi
tation of tiiis Hiit'j-ct in other utates
has Invariably had the effect of demon
strating that along wise aud liberal
lines state education, even witb com
panion as n feature for those who re
fuso to bo led, is a BUCOeufu safeguard
of citizenship and ouo which the state
may well insist upon in sheer self do
fens Representative BbYAN of Nebraska
tas a clever plan to m iko Uncle Sim
the banker lor tho Nicaragua canal
enterprise, by means of n big issue of
iiat money. Unfortunately for Repre
sentative Bryan, the Nicaragua canal
fover has abated a great deal of late;
and an application of worthless money
will not tie needod to insure the pa
tient's recovery.
Literary Hallucinations.
Mrs. Richard Raalf, widow of the
Pittsburg poet and newspaper man
whose writings iu verse have gained
coneiidrablo renown, addresses an inter
esting letter to tho editor of the Pitts
burg Times Having noticed in that
journal a reproduction of the versos,
"What My Lover Said," with their au
thorship credited to Colonel Realf, and
doubtless stung by The Tri hush's ex
posnreof that false crodit, Mrs. Rjalf
now writes to inform the Pittsburg put"
lie thaf'Richard lloali's literary ability
is ton widely known both ia Amsrica
and Europe for him to be accused of
theft at this lato day. Thore have of late
years been different individuals trying
to use his productions ss their own. It
is not my intention to rob uny individ
ual of bis glory; yet, how dishonorable
to try to rob the dead of tits glory I"
In law this communication woulJ le
oalled the retort evasive. It is shrewd
enough not to claim for Colonel Realf
the authorship of Homer Greene's
beautiful poem, but by, n thoroughly
feminine appeal to tho sympathies it
seeks to create tho inference that Col
onel Realf and not Greene really did
write the poem. The point nt issue is
n ptn'ull one in tfffct, for nobody of
character iu literaturo longer doubts
tiie genuineness of Mr. Greene's claims
to the authorship-of the verses in ques
tion. But in principle it illustrates
plagiarism at its worst and calls re
new, d attention to that peculiar possi
bility of the humuu iniud which, as a
re ml) of fruj-.iaut repetition of a given
falsehood, gradually ltliplrei the fal
sifier with a belief in the truth of his
own deliberate Imaginings,
Munchausen, it it- said, lied so long
and earnestly that ho eventually be
e :r.iii a convert to hi own romaucea.
Dsudet, la bis inimitable Taniscon ie
ries, has, in the person of the delight
fnl Tartarin, given us a capital dopll
citoof ainucbauwn in this respect.
Bun are "light in the upper story,"
:s- perchance thay would not be so
raadiljrjeiMeoelvad, Ami it is poani
that iu ths cu3 of several claimants of
Homer Greene'i laurels there is less of
criminal intent than of nufortnoate
hallucination. At tho aaitlJ linn it
would bo uujmt to all concerned to
permit this speciss of imposture to at
tain its ends. Yhn an author works
f o well and so steadily aa Homer Green
has workfd and is working in litera
ture, be deserves the full credit for bis
labors, whether the man who would
tilch them from him be an Inspired en
thusiast or merely a mean thief.
Even the Ditnocratic Philadelphia
Record is compelled to admit that a
duty of one cent per pound ou sugar,
raw una refined, would "pull the claws
of the sugar trust" nud lot the Demo
cratic party on: of the "coil in which
corrupt schemers havs contrived to en
mesh it." This ia equivalent to con
fessing that as the thing itandl, the
corrupt schemers nud tho sugar trust
have li shade tho beet of It. Ic may bs
important to bear this in mind.
Why Not Robinson?
A dispatch from llarrisbnrg an
nounces that unless either ilurrity or
lleusel can be persuaded to sacrifice
blin.Mlf.tba Democratic nomination for
governor will ueod to go to some one
like ex-Sheriff Robinson of Lacka
wanna, who can afford to sustain the
expense of n losing campaign, in rec
ognition of past favors aud us a proof
of party loyalty.
Inasmuch as Uarrity and Ilaassl ex
hibit no frantic eagerness to stop up to
thoir medicine, it would soein to be
Rabinion'l opportunity. He has long
wanted to be governor. Inasmuch us
ho cannot bo thai, th next nearost
thing would be to be nomiuated for
govern r and jet roundly beaten. Iu
the roie of martyr, our Charles Would
look itatneinue and pretty; an 1 the or
ganization, whatever that is, would
remain intact.
This is really the time for Licka
W.;un;i to get bnother high place on
the roll of larae. We should naturally
prefer to see this stiggsstion emanate
(rem o Democratic tH.urc): but if it
cannot do that, then we'll start tho
boom ourselves. This coy and shrink
ing modesty role does weli in plays and
novels, tut it will not declare divi
dends in polities. Now ia Robinson's
chance to drink deep of the acrid wa
ters of ambition; now is bis time to
Light, Llto i and dio.
It will be exceedingly difficult to
make the numerous friends of Eraatni
'Vv'imau in Sernnton believe that he
has been guilty of deliberate foriiery,
with full foreknowledge and criminal
intent. That the uiau liuy not have
practiced as prudently as ho preached
is possible, if not probable, That he
my have be"a cureless in money mat'
ten is elso plausible, But so far as
cau be judged from evidence thus Isr
available it certainly does not appear
that he haa been ;t hsart a hypocrite
aud a deceiver, The cage against him,
on tho contrary, b ars symptoms
which make doubly uecesparv a sus
pension of harsh judgment until the
defense ebali have I - en complete!
After the Tariff, What?
Judge Qroesoop, of Illinois, says he
believes the tariff question has been
taken out of party politics to a largo
degree, by the instructive action of the
Democrats in seeking to ovi r throw pro
tection. For another generation, at
ieasf, he thinks the American people will
permit no departure from a protective
tariff basts. The next issue to which
he espucts to see the Republican party
address itself will be tho solution of
the wage earner's problem; in other
words, tho institution of such wise and
Balutary reforms as will tend to check
the growing tendency in this country
toward a ;dtstructive secutniic war be
tween the chassis. Dut perhaps we
cannot do better than to qnote s por
tion of the instructive! address which
he delivered at Gnlesburg, on Memo
rial day last:
I havo uo quarrel with tho labor unions
as organisations, but the rwht to accumu
late nud the right to work is the right of
each person as an individual. It is not de
rived from the state nor from society, but
trum laws higher thau eiiher. It. is a
personal iig':t, not becnuse of cit iz-nsinp,
but because of manhood. Mo government,
no aggregation of Individuals ean right
fully interfere with or restrict this right,
E-aeor simply turns into the uses of ctvil
bullion what tba Creator baa laid at onr
door, and the individual right to do tbil
ami to use unrestrictedly its fruits lathe
primary ami highest Inheritance of man
kind. It will be a mighty boulnvorsemont
when tho owner of the biawny arm aud
tho willing heart can uo longer employ
then on whatever ho finds to do; when
the poscssessor of a teeming brain shall
have lis children taken away the moment
they are born ordevelop useiulues; when
the earnings of labor and brain, their
stock of tavings, cense to be in the exclu
sive touch and control of the producer.
Would you mortgage arm ami intellect
before they are bomt Would you bar
them out of lields to which civilization
has beckoned themf Would you paralyse
tho uorve centers of civilization by re
moving every inducement and inspiration
io individual effort? Then listen to those
dreams ot socinllsm that would level out
with a heavy roll all individuality and
personal manhood, and crush nil brains,
arms aud hearts into the sodden mass
called communism. Iu that day a man
will no longer bo a man, no lunger even
an individual unit, but blended into the
mass will be shorn ot individuality aud
robbed of incentive until li.'o aud effort
have become without a note of hope to
herald tbo dawn of a better day. From
independent princes masters ot their per
sons and belongings sent out on the con
quest of greater things men will become
spiritless slaves iu u gang of slaves.
Dut the judge's plea for individual
ity doea not end here. Ho very wisely
and justly turns to the other side of
the case, in language rem irk able for
its candor:
Neithor have I any qnnrrol with tho
mobilization or capital wlncli Is essential
to some of the great projects of Industrial
development. The railroad, the telegraph,
the steamboat a; d many of tun adjuncts
upon which the movements of the present
day are carried must, iu tlie necessity of
their constitution, gather into a central
management the control of individual
capital. They aro tho legitimate objects
of corporate existence, that intangible life
to which tho stato gives birth iu the pro
motiou of its great purposes, lint, it is
time that wo should consider Whether
corporate and all other consolidated
mausumout of individual holdings should
not be dcuiad, except in those necessary
agencies witnout which industrial pro
gress oould not, b- aobieved. It is unit,
that we Hhould reverse, 1 think, the gen
e ral policy crown up in the (Totted Btatea
of conferring corporate existence upou
any lawful project, The license thus ex
tended has done more thnu anything alee
to obliterate the individual from onr in
dustrial system, it is especially time that
in tho management of baataoM enterprleea
the old privileges of competition should be
re-establilbed and the heavy bund of im
personal combination removed. The ex
ercise of a power that prevents any man
from tho pursuit of anon a calling aa his
means penult, without subjection to the
obstacles of unequal conditional ought to
he us lawless as the imposition of restraint
upon a right to work.
These words are general, and do not
point the way to particular remedies;
but they are nevertheless sufrt.dently
clear to serve as a guide to much fu
ture legislation. That spirit is foreign
to our people and to the igal purposes
of the Republic iu party which seeks to
bring into this country a repetition of
the wage conditions visible abroad.
Whatever it is that teudt to rob our
workingtnan of his individuality as an
independent citizen and civic unit is
wrong and hurtful; and tho political
party which lias successfully estab
lished protection aud honest money
need not shrink from carrying its good
work out to its logical completion iu n
curtailment of the tendency which
seeks to sink the man in tho mass and
to obliterate personality in dangerous
economic aggregates.
Choker's EUROPEAN trip was only
his annual outing, of course, Dut it
catno at a time so o pontine as to have
all thu symptoms of a slide for liberty.
MUSIC . .".
and Musicians.
The Philharmonic Choral society,
recently organised for the purpose o,
i nt ring the competition on "O Father
Whose Almighty Power" at Lake Aru 1
on the Fourth of July, is comnosod ol
some excellent mniloai talout. Thom
as M. Watkiue, who has b-eu ohoseu
conductor, is one of tho best known
musicians and preceptors in the valley
When about 18 years of age, iu his na
tive country, Iu vanquished some of the
leading lights in choral work. An
ezeontlve c immittee has been appoint
ed and is as follows; benjiuuiu Hughes,
Thomas D. Davits, T. li. Jones, Henry
P. Davies, Jauies A. Evans, T. Ells
worth Davies, V. G. Daniels, John D.
Richard, EdwurJ E. Thomas, John
Ileiirv Philiips, William W. Evans
and Roland 1), Thomas. This evening
the sooiety will moot for rehearsal at
the Welsh aptiat church.
The young ladies oonnectsd with tho
grand production, the "Pall of Baby
lon," rehearse every afternoon at the
armory under tho direction of Tallte
Morgan. A glimpse obtained of the
eborus yesterday afternoon as they
moved through the intricate marches
revealed the fact that the enthusiastic
yonug people had gained n proficiency
that was remark ible, considering the
timo they have been engaged in the
work of rehearsal. From present indi
cations the "Fall of Dibylon" will be
one of the finest exhibitions iu a spec
tacular way ever witnessed in Boran
ton. The concert at the Penn Avenue
Baptist church tomorrow evening will
he the occasion of the first appear nice
of ssveral young voc I lists and elocution
ists, araonir the number being Miss
Lulu R-'ed, .Miss (irace Howard, Miss
Mabel Howard, Janie Wilson and
John Howard, jr.
De Koven is hard at work upon an
other comic opera, As a successful
American composer Ds Koven is on
titled to all of the smiles of Heeling
ixlory. The position ot the two most
fortunate of AmeriOau comic opera
writers, Wiilnrd Spenser and Reginald
De Koven, is a striking illustration of
fame's vagaries. Doth have made for
tones froin their op-ra. The works of
Do Koven nro musical and inoritorion.
while Spenser's productions are trash.
Yet in every city save New York the
"Little Tycoon" today would probably
riraw as large an audience as "Robin
Hood ' Hundreds of managers about
tho country who huv-j wasted thorn -anda
of dollars in operatic Ventures
good, bad and indifferent, would hail
an explanation of this statu of affairs
with delight.
The musical programme for the high
sehool oommenoement exercises in this
city will, as usual, be iu charge of
Charles li Derman, who has conducted
the music heretofore. A pleasing pro
gramme is being rehearsed for the oc
casion. Under Sir. Dermnn'a direction
the musical features of oommenoement
exercia s in tho past have been among
tho most attractive, and it is a pleasure
to uoto that the able director will be In
charge at the exrrcises, which take
place on the twenty-teveatb iust.
V a r i OUB D r m i ij u a v sits :
Professor Heniberger has returned from
('. B. Derm tn has recently composed
am -..d line numbers for guitar.
j. iv. Draegher Will enter upon duty as
cuniralto at film Park church ou Sunday
l'rofcs-or A! bin Kern and pupils will
givo a piano recital at Powell's early in
Jtdgt Qro$m up a OtMburg
Tho further growtu of labor aud Indus
trial organization by law, can hive but
one end. It has but one tendency. It di
vides mankind into two camps." Iu one
tho discipline enforced leaves uo will but
that ot the leader, no Individuality except
that of the corps d'esprit. In the cither the
loom of Consolidation is weaving into sin
gle fabrics tlie individual holdings and
personality of American proprietorship.
The present industrial condition of Amer
ica, by unnaturally deriositlug the Inter
ests of life into tho keuping and discipline
of these antagonistic organisations, can
only bo a repetition of history. It i-.
the drawing of a Hhluo between
tho men of toll and the men
who own, and conflicts like those of the
Teutons and tho Gaql must bo expected.
Obliterate this river of division I Restore
toeich individual by law, not simply his
right, but hit duty to control his ow n per
sonality and property I Soto limit to the
Hold Of organhution and the people, get
free fem tho restraint of interest and al
legiance, will again intermingle und tho
clash of antngoiiHin bo replaced by tho
sympathy aud wisdom that attend th
peraona) association ot Independent meu.
we ean hold to and toarii tin g ispel or In
dependent manhood. Untangled in ,j,
meshes of Industrial aud labor artitlciali
ties wo must keep steadily iu mind that
every man is an independent personality
who must be restored to the duty of pur.
sonslly controlling himself and all that he
has achieved.
The Bascaln Ars Ecattsrlng.
-Vcie Vorfc 7r.6un.
Tho whole cdiflco of Tammany mlsrulo
and corruptiou is mumbling and tho ruts
hre on the run. The precipitate flight of
Crokor is only oue indication of the con
sternnllou which has overtaken the cor
rupt luuu who havo so long pluudered this
town, and who only n few weeks ago wore
either contemptuously deriding or auda
ciously defying the effort to tUlodgo them.
Unless w greatly mistake, the coiuing
week will bring now revelations and d-Velupmeiit-.
wblch will greatly Increase
their discomfiture and S 'nil more of them
whirling, perhaps out of the country, per
baps up the river; at any rate, out of
public lifo and into tho obscurity of dis
grace. Should IWo th Conventions.
1 Itlilun dat'tlr.
Hamabnrgere certainly should make an
eft"-a t to at least provide a building suita
ble fur convention purposes, If it does not
give evidence in the near future of a desire
in this direction, it can expect nothing
less than a chauso of me eting place to
some oil y that will tarnish the desired ac
Tho time for ice is with us, and the dealer
comes arouud,
Aud bauds it out in ounces while you pay
him by tho pound.
nd the thing itmt really strikes you in the
nature of a chill
Is the feeling hovering 'round your back
wheno'eryou get his bill,
llut the people havo to bavo it iu tho sultry
days of Juue;
You might as well go bsukrupt as bo
Scorched to death at noon.
If discomfort overwhelms you, what's the
use of bnck and loam,
So we'll put another m"rti;ago on the dep.r
old home. WttihinQton Star.
I flm3fiVa
131 and 133
N. Washington Ave.
Jewett's Patent Chnrconl Fillod
Water Filters, Coolers and
AIo a full lino of CHINA, CKOCKETtr
8c Co.
To these branches I dovoto especial atten
tion every afternoon.
Office and forge at the BMJME CARRIAGE
Graduate uf tho American Veterinary Col
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor. Linden St. end Adams Ave,
Couur House byuAiia.
All kinds of Laundry woik Knur.''
the best,
Meat Market
The Fines t in the City,
The latest Improved fur
nIshlriRi and apparatus for
keeping meat, butter mid eggs.
223 Wvomlng Ave.
For many years this Piano lias slojd in tho front ranks. It has been admired so much for its
pim, rich lone, that it has becoino a standard for tone quality, until it is considered the highest com
pliment that can be paid any Piano to say "It resembles the WEBER."
Wo now havo tho full control of this Piauo for this section as well as many other fine Pianos
which we are stilling at greatly reduced prices aud ou easy monthly payments. Don't buy uutil you see
ou'r goods and get our prices
Is a well-pleased oastomer. Wo do i't etpeat to mike our ewjflaitin fortune tMs year,
but we do expect to so increase our following that success will ba out3 in the terrestrial
l)j o and bye. Just now, then, we would rather make cuto ueri than money rather havo
a big crowd and a small prolit than a big proiit and a 3iu ill crowd. Eventually, wo know,
like Constantino
By These Signs We Shall Conquer.
From another unfortunate importer, who required our cash
more than he did his goods not the ordinary scrawly, un
sightly sort, but the regular 25c kind.
They are now on sale at Handkerchief Counter, middle
aisle, main floor. Many or few as you want Nobody limited
long as they last.
Yoyr Choice, S 20
Goldsmith Brothers & Company.
With the Nov; Valves
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
I Ul
314 Lack a. Ave.
A Fall Assortment
Letter Copying Books
A 500 pago 10x12 Book, bound
in oloth, sheep back aud comers,
guaranteed to givo sat Ls faction,
Only 90c,
Reynolds Bros.
Statiomrs and Enrravjrs,
317 Lackawanna Ave.
Dr. Hill & Son
Prt tvth, 13.311: bent not, $: for (told cap;
and teeth without iilutcs, ralloil crown and
briiluo work, call for ;rlcoa and rcforonO'.n.
TONAl.uiA. lor extracting ueiu www
pain. No othor. Ho Kan.
u (LLin vlu Vft
9 riVKfl VIllST KATIftXAT. 11 ANIL I
S $
7 5
Pure Extract
Boiled Down and
513 Lacka Ave,
Berries are arriving
In very line eouditiou
aud prices low.
Fancy Peas, Beans,
Squash, Tomatoes,
Asparagus, Beets,
Cucumbers, etc.
Pierce's Market
and Get the
Opp. Tribune ice, 211 Spce St.
Bavins bad 12 ycar3' I'xpnrienco In tbo Bicyrlo busi
ness ani tins ai:eiKy fm- loading whssls uf al grades,
wears prepared to guarantee satisfaction. Those in
tending to purchase aru invited to call and examine
cur complete line. Upon evening!. Call or send stum
for catalogues.
Globe Shoe Store
Evans & Powell
A limited number of tho above
bonds are for sale' at par and ac
crued interest by tho following
parties, from whom copies of tho
mortgage and full information can
be obtained:
E. "SV. Mulligan, Cashier Second
National Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
W. L.Watson, Cashier First Na
tional Bank, Pittstou, Pa,
J. L. Polon, Cashier People's
Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa.
A. A. Bryden, President Miners'
Savings Bank, Pittstou, Pa.
Aud by tho Scranton Savings
Bank and Trust Company, Trustee
under the Mortgage.
T. H. Athertoa, Counsel,
The best is none too
good. Ours are 18-k.
All sizes and weights.
423 Lackawanna Ave.
Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at Uis