.2 THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE -WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, 1894. BASE Pitchers Hodson and Flmaghan Too Much for Kelly's Pcaniuters. AN EXCITING TWELVE INNING 6AIE Scranton by Timely Hitting in the Twelfth Inning Tnlces a Lead Which the "Oniy Miko" Could Not Over come Hatvisburgi Haileton and Altocna tho Other State League Winners Yesterday National and Eastern League Results Various Base Ball, Eicycle, and Other Sport ing Notes of Common Concern. ARRISBURQ still cotititiuos to iuud tl,,. &.u.- I i to ..' rln' in the r.lCO r tpKis ioi the pennmtt by a tfocnl Hirudin, while Huzleton is "if:, triviiiL' Allrutowii u intra tui-siu lor second pluoe, f ol Ipwed by Beading. Soranton appears to hold r tenaoiomly as eyer loader ol tho second division an it did erliur in tho season to tho tail end. How ever her chimces for (liataucinif Bead ing for the pinea ar very assuring at present. Altoona, Potuville and IZm ton tiriutf up iu lUo rear in the order named. The following table gives the par- eentagei of the clubs, together witn the number of gamei won and lost by each, and their standing in tho cham pionship raosi Won. Lost. Per C't. Harrltbarg 'J4 7 .774 Allentown 81 II ;9B Bssletos 10 Id ,57t , Heading 14 10 .4H7 Bcranton 13 17 .4:13 Altoona 19 17 .414 Potteville 8 17 .aso Eiistoa 7 10 .CO! SLTIkDULK FOR TODAY. Eabton m Bcranton, Allentown at Hnzleton. Beading at Harris bars, l'ottsville at Altoona. EXCITING TWELVE INNING GAME. It Was a Lonir Pall and u Hard Pull, but Our Pets Won. "Now watch me co out and do np those dnbs of yours," laid King Kelly yeoterday afternoon in the cafe under the grand stand, as he wiped the litigvr ing drops of ginger ale froiu bil chest nui moustache. That was before the game. When the oonfliot was over and a victory had been recorded for Bcranton the lordly Michael paid uever a word, hut he looked untenable tbingl at Umpire Rinn, and the light that shown in his ey. s was not exactly kindly at he trazs l cu Pele Browning, Joe Mulvey and other members of hisjgaloxy of stars of tlio past. . It was one of the uust exciting gMMflof the season and twelve In ningi were played before Bcranton conld claim it us a victory. "Onr pets" got together in the twelfth and lined out sufficient hits to bring foiu1 runs iieross the home plate. After that Kelly Rare up the struggle. IT WAS A PITCHBB'B UATTLE. Hudson was the Bcranton pitcher and Mark Baldwin did tha twirling for the visitors. Before Hodson went out to the park he said be was olug to pitch the game of his life, and ne cer tainly did do splendid work. In tiie first seven innings only twenty-sis of Kelly's ' 'Old Guard" had been at bat, Btld they found the ball for oaly two Biiinhs nnd a douide. Tho double and and single wsra made by Browning and .Mulvey In the fourth, and enabled the visitors to score the only run they obtained until the eighth inning. During the first three innings the home team fell an easy victim to Bald win's deceptive curves but in the fourth he gave Staltz a base on balls. Phelan'l simrifice advanced him to sec ond and be went to third on a wild pitch. Mnssey's single enabled Staltz to snore, tho big firt baseman coining home on Westlak'-'s drlvo for three bases. The latter diol at third, R.'gers goiug out from Sweeney to Kelly. CHA'OE IN TIIE SIXTH. In the Sixth Patcben scored another run for the home team. He was given u bas:- on ball , got as far as seco.id on what Btaltl Intended should be a sa -ri-tiee, stole third and reached the homo plate on Phelan'e long -.Irive which was neatly trapped by Old Man Browning, During the Brat five luniugs Kelly hail held down first base, but in the fixth he sent Mllligao to first ami dobned the musk and breast plate him self that he might have a better oppor tunity to mzlfi-dszzle tho umpire. His protests and antics drew forth ihontl of derision from the nudijnee. It was evident that Michasi'a kingly title did not impres them a hit. Thou the beauty became angry and pouted and shouted, but .-till tho crowd guyed and guyed ontil." the only" was quite disgusted. THOBBLB IN TIIE EIOHTH. It looked like a certain victory for Bcranton Until the eighth. Bildwin went to first on Wetzel's error and Wood followed with a Texas league hit that Hogan and Phejan went for, but between them contrived to let fall to the ground, Wise bunted and Pat cben lined the bill to Weetlake, who failed to handle It properly, and Ii.il il -wiu was secure on third. Then ths king want to the bat aud sent a fly out to George Stall It wns trapped, but before it could be returned to tue in field Baldwin had scored. Browning then came to tho rescue with a hit between Mateey und Phe Inn, on which Wood and Wise scored. That put the "Old Guard" in tho load. Mulvey and Willigun, the next bats men, were put out, but there was a large, ominous cloud of gloom In tho grand sUud at that time. M.issey opend tha ninth inning for the home team by going out from -Mulvey to Milligun, but Westlake had bet ter luck aud made a single. Rogers also went out from Mulvey to Milli Kuu, but Westlake moved up to second. It was Hoilson's turn to bat, but Man ager Swift directed Doran to take bis lilRce. DOHAN'B timely hit. It proved a wise action for Doran hammered the ball for two-base9 and WestUke brought in the ruu that tied tho score. Hogan wont out on a fly to Browning. As Hodson had boon taken out of tho game when Doran was sent to bat in his place, he could not again go in the box and Flanaghan was directed to pitch the remainder of tho game. Ho (lid superb work and was given fault lei's support. No runs were scored by either side in tho tenth or oWvonth, but in the twelfth thera wal a great display of fireworks. Hogan flted oat to Swoeuey, but Wetzd and Patciion. the succeed ing bataman oach secured singles. SV'Bz Struck out and the hops for tho KSmi centered in Phslsri, Ho reached first on Sweeney's error and Ifasse; went to the bat with tho bases filled and drove nut the ball for two bases, allowing Wetz I and Pato on to score. WE.sTt.AKK TO THE RESCUE. Westlake followed with a eorkittg single nnd Pholsfl and Mailty snore 1. Rogers, the Hex' batsmaOi also mad.' a tingle but tho Inning was brought to a olote by Flanaghan, being r- tired from Wiea to Sweeney. Allen). wn could not score in tho iweKth and tha bv.ttle wan won by Bcranlon, The sooro: BUB ANTON, v.. it. ro. A. E. Hogan, c. f 0 0 8 1 Wetsel, s 1 u j; 1 i Patcben. 0 8 18 10 StnllZ, 1. f 1 1 4 0 0 Phelan, -:b 10441 Uasaey. lb 3 3 ji 00 Westlake, Kb 13 111 Rogers, r. f u 1 I i 0 Hodson, p 0 1 U 1 u Doran. 0 10 0 0 Funagban, p 0 0 1 0 u Total 8 18 86 19 4 ALLBNTOWN, it. 11. ro. a. e. .Wood. L f 1 3 1 0 0 Wise, 8b 10 3 0 1 Kelly, lo,o 0 0 18 8 1 Browning, c. f l 9 3 0 0 .Mulvey, 3b 0 1 0 4 0 Mllligan, c, lb 0 0 8 8 0 Coatello, r. f 0 0 1 :. 0 Sweeney, k.s 0 0 4 4 8 Baldwin, p 1 0 1 8 0 'i'otnl 4 0 88 88 4 "Doran batted in iloiison's place. Bcranton 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 8 Alientown 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 04 Earned runs Scran ton, 8. Two base hits Doron, Browning, Throe b.iso bit Westlake. Saci flee hits l'helau, Sogers, Stolen bases Eat Chen, Wood. Double plays Hogan to Massey. struck out By IJoiaon, 5; Flanaghan, S; llnldwiu, i. Firnt tnse on balls By Ilo lon, 1; by Baldwin. 3. WilJ pitches-Baldwin, 8. Hit by pitched ball Ivelly, Mllligan. Ti:nu of game 8,85. Umpire itinu. OTHER STATE tAGU C.lfiflSS. At Ilarrlsburg Barrlsbnrg, ..0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 l'ottsville 0 000004004 Hits UarriHlmrg, 10; Potteville, 9. Er rors 11 arrisburg, 5; l'ottsville, 8. bat teries Huston and Wentei Hughes and Digglns. Umpire- Mitchell. At Hazletoa Hasleton 2 2203003 C-18 Easton .0 00200001-3 Hits Hasleton, 20; Eiuston, 5. Errors Hasleton, 0; Baston, 7. ustterles Jor dan and Moore; Carr and Fairhurst. At Altooun Altoona 0 0 0 8 4 ". 0 0 0-8 Beading 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-4 Hits Altooun, 9; (trading, 8. Errors Altoona, l; Heading, 4. Batteries Scbielel and Cote; Deauion and Uoudhart. D n piru Corcoran. ATI0.'4(.L LCA0UC. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-8 Cincinnati 1 01000201-6 Hits Brooklyn. 7; Cincinnati, 13. Er rors Brooklyn, 0; Cincinnati, 0. Bat teries ia-tnght and SinsloWi Chamber Iain and Mnrpby. Umpire Swartwood. At New York New York....0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 x- 4 Louisville 0 01000000-1 Hits New York, 8; liOUi..vil!e, 4. Er rors New Yorn, It Louisville, 8. Batter is Meekin aud Farrelt) Knell aud Urim. Umpire Emslie. At llostou P.oton I 0 0 0 3 5 2 1 s-12 Ciiicago 0 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 2- 1) Hits Boston, 18; Chicago, 14. Errors Boston, 8; unicago, 0. Batteries Nicnois and Ryan 1 AlcUill aud SChriver. Umpire O'Kourke. At Philadelphia- Philadelphia.. 1 0 5 2 1 0 2 3 4-17 I'lttburg 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Hits-Philadelphia, 98) Pittsburg 8. Er rors Philadelphia, 2; Pittsburg, 8. Hat teries Taylor and Cross; Ehret and Mor ritt. Umpire Lynch. At Washington Washington.. 8 00000100-4 St. Louis 0 0000000 3-3 Bits Washington, 0; St. Louis, 10. Er rors, Wasbiugtou, l; st. Louis, 0, Batter ies Meroer and MeQniroi llroitenstelu and I'eitz. Umpire Hurst. EASTEliM LEAGUE. Troy, 14: Blnghamton, 1. buli'alo, 13; Bpringfleld, 10. Provi lence, 8; Erie, L Syracuse, 10; Wilko-iiane, 4. COLLEGE G. MES. At Philadelphia UniV'ty of Pa.O 2 0 10 3 3 13 0-22 Princeton it 1 0 0 2 8 0 0 1 '.) Hits University of Pennsylvania, 20; Princeton, 13. Errors Univcisity of Pennsylvania, It Princeton, i. Batteries Sboenhutt a;.d Congan; Llltserot and Williams. Umpire- Bl . . GLKiTS FilOJU THE DIAMOND. Hog an had nn off day at ibe bat yester day. . Whin Kelly. Struok out in the sixth in ning, a migbti cheer went up, sue 1 as had not previously been heard on tin grounds. If 'or pets" wonld strugjlo oftener for victory as they did yesterday after the eighth inning, 'they would wiu many moro gam s. Tno Young Mon's Christian Union ilae Pall team, of oiyphiuit, defeated the Adonl3 chib yesteritay aftornnoii . u a sc re of 10 to liO, On account of having failed to cbsy Manager Swift's instructions while ,-.t bat yesterday, Higgius iras gives u day eff for repentsnce. The American Stars defeated the Poiin Avenue Htsrs yesterday by a score off to ti. Tho game was played on ibe Peuu nvenna grounds and was witnessed by a largo nnml er of persom. June 18, 1801. To whom it may concern: This Is to certify that tho bass ball grounds known as tho "James Boyt.' Grounds" havo been lot to tho St. Thomas CollegoBase Ball club to use ou Juno 13. 1804. All rights re served for the t-nid club. Signeil. John MtJLLARXT, Manager James Boys' Ba60 Ball club. The stockholdero of (ho Base Ball asso ciation held a meeting last evening it which overtures were made for tho amica ble Settlement of tho differences that exist with regard to a board of directors. It is probable that at a special meeting to be hold tomorrow night a settlement will bo arrived at At the same meeting a cousti tion and by-laws will bo considered. The Scranton Juniors defeated tho boot blacks by u icoro of 14 to 5 yesterday. The Juniors aro Kooator Tiorney, manager; Stanley Moyer, captain; James Cooper, pitcher; Stanley Meyer, catcher; Eugene Trott, second catcher; James Arigouia, Bhort stop; Austin Gorman, first base; I raim Arigonia, second base; Frod Straw, third base; Charles Schrader, right Held; Johu Brown, center Held; Harry Decora tion, loft Held. NOTES ABOUT BICYCLE MEET. A handsome banner has been stretched across Lackawanna nvonue. advertising the Scranton club's meet ou July 4. The task of supplyinc refreshments for tho wheelmen will be no small one, but tnose wno i.now tue Mcranton boys need not ieur mat inoy win not lie equal toao It. The club house pn Washington avenue is oecorateit witn Handsome banners and siitns ndvortising the meet. Verv many members meet tboro every ovening nnd nil aro enthusiastic In working for tuu suc cess of tho enterprise inaugurated. This is the greatest undo; taking th club has evtr -unit upon its lianos, bat it ld'.-o- uuuraKing to see each member resolving Iriinsell .utu 11 coutfuitteo or cue to woi for tho success of tho Bifalr. Tho prise 1 tiered for the largest number of wheelmen in tho purnde anould excite a great deal of rivalry among ibaclnb In this section. The prias is valued at HO, A large number ol cyclers from Bingham- ton are expected to participate. Bbvolniou Oaasa. S. n. Clifford, Now OassaL wis., was troubled with !-.!. and meutnatism, bis stomach was disordered, his liver was affseted to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and ho was terribly reduced ia flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Bhephord, Barrisburg; III., hud a running soroon bis leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Buck Ion's Arnica Balvo and his log ia sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had live lam fever sores 011 his leg, doctors said lie was incurable. On- bottle Electric Bitters and on.) box Buckleu's Arnicu Salvo cured hira entirely. Sold by JJnt buws Bros. CARBONDALE. The Oermani.iu are making extensive preparations for their ball and social which will cccur on June 19 In Key stone hill. t). E Ensign1, of Way mart, was a oaller Here yeetsrday, fliis Lizzio KMwards has returned homo from a visit with relatives iu Brooklyn, N. Y. Tha final examination of the gradu ating class of the High school ends.! yesterday, 'llio Lyceum Opera company ure ad vertising tho repeating of the recent successful opera, '"Pirates of Penz ance." It will occur on June l'J A union picnic of Oarbondale S.b bath schools is being planned to be held Ht Farview this summer. The work on Hotel American is nearing completion and the new up town hotel is nearly ready to bo opened to tho public. Miss Stella Hathaway will loave on Friday for tho Lodiie, Preston Park, that being the opening day of the sea sou at that popular resort. Mrs. Divld Zleley, jr., of Brooklyn, N. Y., is tho guest of her mother, Jlru. B, Manvllle, at Oak Cliff. Farview. Rev. E J. Balsloy left yesterduy morning for a short stay at Lancaster. Building lots have bon purchased on South Spring stroot by Chauucey Hart and M, K. Hurdy, who will soon havd homej erected upon thorn. Adolf Lali.oz, carriage manufacturer, 110 Carroll street, Buffalo, N. Y states; 1 was troubled with nausea of the stomach, sick headache and general debility. Bur duck Blood Bitters cured me. HALLSTEAD. Three men who were resisting arrest in Bntqmehanna yesterday, were ar restod and brought before Justice of the Pence Tiffany of that place who sentenced one to six months in the county j ill at Montrose and tho other two to thirty d,;ys at the same place. Chief of Police MoMabon, of Susque hanna, was iu this place with tho prisoners today on bis way with them to the county j lil at Montrose. Chas. Lawrence's house is receiving a c at of paint. Fiora Johnson spent Sunday with friends and relatives in the Parlor City. Maggie McAloon, of Nicholson, is visiting her brotlur, John MoAloon, in this place Mrs. W. H. Doty, of Patterson. N. J. .is visiting at H19 residence of G.orge Wilcott, on Cliass avenue. Mrs. Will Hoover and sons, Ira and Louis, are visiting friends in Elmlra, Edward Hendriek has tho founda tion laid for a new hjuao 0:1 Chase avenue. L. D, Sawyer, tho popular grocer of this place, has attacucd a caboose to his delivery and which is ofteu seeii run by a pusher. During the severe thunder storm yesterday tho telegraph wire which runs from here to Great Bend was struek and torn from the bridge. R. MURRAY. M. D., Surgeon General ( Rotlred ), U. S. A. Philadelphia. V.SITES AUOUT Nervous Dyspepsia "As ,1 dietetic prcpnration I believe Bovinine of great value. I have used it for more than a year in a very aggra vated case of nervous dyspep sia, and found it very much superior to any other meat extract food. " I also find it keeps in the warmest weather. It is easily prepared for administration, and has been successful in every case where I have tried it . " Sold by all druggists. TWi BOVININE CO., NEW YORK. DUPONT'S MININO, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at tno Wapwallopon Mills, La xorno county Pn nnd at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr, General Agent for tho Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Third National Bank Building. AOBNOIM, THOS. FORD. Pittst ai, Pa. JOHN U SMITH .t : ON; Plymouth. Ta. E. V. MULLIGAN, Wllkeu-I'arre. Pa. Ageiim for tho RopaoM Cnouiiual Com lauy's High liaulusirea. x f I X BOVilSlFl : A Word. ranf of all Mnds cost that much, ea tept Situations W uiUcd,which are insert Flues. Situations Wanted. O tarn, Syoara of sre, drtvtof delivery a oil or any hoasst wrk. Address A. L. Tuibuss ofBce. OITUATIOK WANTED A8 BABTENDEB tj by a young man of exptrlenoe, Bestol reference. AadreM, Bartender, Box 'Alt, MontfoS', Pa. LADY WMfl.n I.1KKTO DO WASHING - V end Ironing at her home. Apply at M .Mldben-y stiisji. 1X7" ANTED YOCNU MAN, WANTS VI liiilit position; has S knowledite of shorthand and bookkeeping) g ud references it required. Ad on ss A W , this ollipe. yA.TF.D-A MIDDLE AGIU) WOMAN VV wants WRsliinK or scrubbing by the day. Address 514 l nimett street. CITIJATIOB WAN PED -llYA YOUNG O man Is years old, na olerk or bookkeeper; I 1 tain writer andsaconrate at flgurss Address 2. K. W.. No U Hal'! btroot. POSITIDN WANTED AS GROCERY I clerk ltii the 0 nance of working up; no had lniliits; can furnish nodd r, feroace. Ad drets I'". C 1h x M, Montrose. 1J, Wanted. WAN rid) to BUY COMMON PIGEONS; Will etve 85 cents a pair. Call at room 2, 1 Hen Building, i-'i Washington avenue, er aidl ess Kilters to 1 ost Office Ilex RH, Koran t. n, Pa, Agcnta IVaiited. IIT ANTED MAN WITH LIFE AND VIBE f insurance experieucu as solicitor in Lackawanna county; good inducements ta right man. Address lia-ai Bets building, lidladelphiii, PjL Help Wanted-Male. ' AXTKD-M.-n to dlsiribute idrbirf and VI collect named )iich s: 1 rii es imid. In vestlgate, MEBOHANT A CO., Merchants' Klil., Phils. 1 17 ANTED 17 YOO ABE A CATHOLIC I r nnenployod and will work tor $is per week, write MucCounell Bros., 11 Frnimllu street, Boston, Mass, U-ANTHD-AN KNEHGET1C MAN WITH J at" lit (180, Can ei an Bgenoy Whioh will pay f-.'i a week and expenses. A. A. BARNEe, Conway Rouse. boarding. rpwo OR THKER RELIABLE MEN CAN JL And board at !6H8wetland strost (J U.MMKR I'.OAi HIXti -I'OCl: HKHl'KCT l Sbls Persons can find first class board With sniuil family In la ge, airy house. Hot 1 nd eoid baths Free carriage to depi t ami cliui'ch Tliree-quarters of a mile from Ma tion. Hoaltfiy locality. Address bos 88,Clarks' Summit. For Kent. i 'o LET KOB A TERM OP YEARS Psrt or all of three QUO li-ed feel of van! roem iilonu railroad A;ly at ItW Pranklln tvenuo. 'TO RKNT- STOilR 25x1V! OR FURNISHED 1 hall en Green Ridge street. Very deal ra ck) location and on reasonable terms. Apply to V. E NETTLETON or C. S. WOODRUI-'l' Republlcaii lintldlnR. For Sale iy6TkT't&LEiXT 1 tyjow iter cakin-t for hide. Room 4, Price building. nOR SALE THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED I Photograph Galle.y. will sen at one half the value on scoonnt of other business Apply to I). R. BRAMAX, Forest City, Pa. COB BALE-AN IDEAL OOUNTRYHOME F T SCNe of land, line urge h use. iuo-1 ru Impreyeneata Easy dlttanoa trim Heran- ton. Also 7 d'-sir li nuildiiu- lots in (ountry. D. W. BROWN, Att y, Spruce street. L-OH SALE OR EXCHANGE FOB SCRAN 1 ton property A bearing orange irrovo Increasing iu nroonotion and value yearly iu ths orange section In Florida. Addres V. E. NETTLETON, Uake Helen, Fiorina Special rtoticca. liLANlv BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, maga I) silieH, etc., bound or rel.omid at The TRIBUNS office, yuick work. Rcaionablo I riee. MEAL TICKETS CAN HE HAD AT 1. corner spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets lor 3.50. Good table board. erimzers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bono Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELLCO. I Of the Pomphrey k Morton Stock Is Great Slaughter ol Prices in all Departments. Millinery, Ladies' Hats, Gents' Straw and Fur Hats, Clothing, etc., Almost Given Away. Dress Goods, Silks, White Goods, Muslins, Curtains, Ladies and Gents' Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Cloaks, Suits and Capes, Children's Reefers, Shirt Waists and Blouses. At prices you never heard of in your life. Come early, boforo assMtiuont is broken. f J) I you wear Silk Gloves? Do you have trouble with the finger tips wearing out? It can be avoided. By buying the Kayser Pa Black, Modes, Tans, Slates and Greys. PRICE 75c. and $! They are sold with a guarantee ticket in each pair, en titling the customer to another pair free of charge in any case where the tips wear out before the gloves. CONNOLLY & WALLACE urniture Upholstered By the most experienced workmen in the city. NO FANCY PRICES. r K. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, J W XOJ11XG AVK.. BORANIO BTFINWAY ft SOH DECKER UHOTHKUS am EiKAMCH & BACK OtsusU Vl'Ull'Z ill liAUlillt aJc a large stock of fint-olaa IIUSICAI, MKltCH A N lit all blij, KTU. tllU iCK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW. VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON B R I C Best in the market K OFFICE: Blnghamton. N.Y. FACTOAY: Brandt, Pa. PIANOS 3 Brandt ClampuUctCoi FOSTER Sl CO. g. ten! Finger 209 COR. LACKAWANNA AND ADAM'i WHY 111 See our FIFTEEN DOLLAI1 Solid Oak Bedroom Set? We sell Fttrnittiro as cheap as any house lu tho aountry that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Mull 4 Co tot ud iti IRON and NOItWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND SILVER EXTRA SPECIAL KANDEItSON'S ENGLISH JKSSOP'S ENUIJSU CAST STKEL HOUSE SHOKS TOR CALK II UK MACHINERY SPHINO SOFT sii;i:i, ANVILS BELLOWS no; si; nails WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS TIROS. CUTTING MACHINERY. ittenbender&GoJoranton, Wholesale and retail dealers' in HTPPLTyq LOUIS B. SMITH Dealer in Choice Confections and Fruits. BREAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouse Avenue. Sale Now Going On, Tipped Silk Gloves WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. AVENUE. mmw AVE. as WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS Ht'RS ui'okes RIMS BTEBL SKEINS R. R. SPIKES SCREW Wagonmakers' and Blacksmiths' ( PAHLOBS OPEN FBOM 7 A.M. TO 11 P.M. - bPECIAL ATTENTION GIVKN TO SOP ( PLYING FAMILIES WITH ICE CHE AM. WE'VE BEEN IIOUSECLEANING Give us a call and tell us what you think of the many changes aud improvements. Paper aud paint have wrought wonders, but And our new Cash System ho done much moro that U, perhaps, Of greater interest to you. Prices have dropped and qualities have have goua up. That's the case in a nutshell, but yon may want more tangible proof of this. If so, you'll find it at the store. Look in our windows. FREEMAN, t ash Dealer in Diamonds, Watohes, Jowulry, i; c. Cor. Penn Ave. anil tyrncn SL What is More Attractive Than a pretty face rlth a fresh, bright compleilont For It, use Pozronl's Powder.