The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 13, 1894, Image 1

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    Koit THE HKST
pagk op spoiitinij xmvs
The Miners Are Opposed to Accepting Terms
Agreed Upon at Columbus.
Coal Operators and Miners Hold a
Fruitless Convention at Altoona.
The Indiana Workers Disposed to
Disregard Agreements Made by
Their Representatives Strikers
Show Signs of Unrest at Union
town Intelligence from Other
Altoona, P June 12.
WOAL operators and miner of Can
LI tml Pennsylvania ioM confer
n once lu re today for the purpose
dJ of endeavoring to reach an
1 c 1 njHiit whereby the strike oonld be
Milled, The eiforis were fruition",
however, and n eettlement is as fur off
us ever. At the attempted conference
on Saturday tn operators refilled to
recogniz' i lie United Mine Wortteri
m mi organisation, btu expressed
williugneri to meet direct representa
tive s of their men. This point was eon
ceded by the mitten, and today' cou
fereuce vy the result. The meeting
win ciillofi to order by Tbomai H. Brail
ley, district president of the miners,
nml Thorn ai Lloyd, of Qallilien, was
chnten aa chairman, Mr. Bradley, on
be: aif of the miner, aeked for a res
toration of the Wauei which prevailed
at the rommeno m nt of the ini scale
year, SO cents i lull.
Bcrwlnd, for the operators, stated
that hot M cents would bo paid. This
rule the miners refined to accept and
tho conference adjourned without imv
ins accomplished anything. This after
noon tiiH milieu submitted a proposi
tion to the opera 1 on statins that they
would compromise npon a 45 cent rate,
Tins the operators related to consider.
Tf.iikk HaUTK Ind.. June 12 The
reports from the Indiana bitamtOOIII
mining ilisuict are to the fleet that
the men are seriously opposed to ac
centing the terms agreed npn by their
delegates to the Columbus c inference,
While the agreement is looked upon as
tliu beginning of the end yet
be enl in fact is not near as
ilia general putilic may suppose.
Die miners believe that tney could
have gotten what was agreed npon
wutout going 00 a strike. However
much they may be in error in that bi
llet, they sr roundly denouncing the
i fficlnll of the United Mine Workers
for yielding to any compromise. Tiio
operators believe that the men will go
to work eventually, t at that it will be
two or three and perhaps four weeks
before all are at work,
COLUMBUS, O.. Juno 19 The reports
of the way the settlements of the ttrike
in this district is received by the
miners .ire not at all encouraging to
tbe National Miners ibfficers, bui they
hope that on mature deliberation the
inii.ers will think hotter of the agree
ment. A telegram from Execu
tive Cm. mltteeman Morgan, of
Indiana, to P. II IVnna, tins
morning asked tor particulars as to the
ugrsement. Prom newspaper accounts
he said the IlldluBa miliars were (lis
ts s-il to denounce it. Pennsylvania
explained it and a subsequent teleuram
fn m Morgan stated that the Indiana
miners conld probably ultimately ap
prove the eettlement. The national
fficers aro now preparing tho official
circular of announcement of the sot
tlement, and it will probably be mailed
threatening: demonstrations.
Uniontown, Pa., Juno 12 John
Mok iff, the Slav killed iu the battle
with tho depaty sheriffs at Letnont on
Sun 'ay Was buried at Loisenring this
afternoon. Between six and seven
thousand coke region strikers attended
the funeral. Instead of dispersing after
the funeral, a meeting was held and
the strikers started on a inarch to
Frick's Trotter plant, where it is feared
trouble will occur. Secretary Darby,
of the miners' organization, threatens
to resign unless the foreign strikers
settle down at once.
Pllll.irslilT.o, Pa June 12 A groat
many miners in this region are dissat
isfied at the kind of settlements that
have been made with the operators in
the west, and expressed satisfaction
Hint the operators did not accept the
preposition made them by their repre
sentatives in Altoona today.
outlook at punxsutawney.
ter receiving tho news of the failure
today to effectra settlement at Altoona,
there miners here spent tbe time
In giving the situation the most
serious consideration and tiny ad
mit that the most critical period
of the strike lias arrived. Few
hnvo been seen iu town or in the neigh
borhood of the mines which are at
work. Th-y will say little until to
morrow, when the delegates to the con
vention return and make their report,
which will likely bo done at a tunas
meeting. What may then take plnce
cannot now be conjectured, but there
B'ro few omong the miners who believe
they wili make any change in their de
ninnds. Everywhere the leaders are caution
ing tho men to b" peaceful. To a dele
gation who came hero from Glen
Campbell, and who wanted orders to
liinrch the nieu from that place to
I uuxsulawney tomorrow, a leader ad
vised them to keep the men at
and to see that no interference with
persons or property took piaco.
The green bands accomplished but
little worn in tho uiinoi today, only
two oars of coal being shipped. Addi
tional gunrds were placed about the
premises tonight, the company fearing
un attack bemuse of the operators re
fusal lo make n settlement.
The mines were visited by a govern
ment Immigration ngent to see if the
contract labor law had boon violated,
mid also by the mine inspector of the
district to note tho condition of the
mines. No additional miners have
been employed since Friday last, and
oot one of the oi l employee has asked
for work.
Thirty of the policomm were sent to
Cush Creek today, the sitnatiou at that
plnce b dng omtooui of trouble.
BlLLAIBI. O , June 12 It seems to
be the feeling of tho coil miners in
eastern Oiiio that tho price, 00 ceuts,
will not bo adjepted by tiioin. and that
they will hold out for tho 70 cents
They are better Hied to live now tlmu
they were four weeks ago aud more
determined th in ever.
Potsburq, June 18 -Fifty-seven
conl operators and companies In the
Pitlsbnrg district, who had pledged
thmselvs to abide by the rejtilt of
yesterday's conference at Columbus,
lire preparing to resume work at the
compromise rato agreed upon. Many
of the operators who opposed the con
fereoossay they will not pay the fi!
cent rare, and tbe strike will doubtless
be continued at their pits
Tho miners of Westi i n Pennsylvania
were generally in favor of insisting
upon the 70-Oent rate. The s-ttletnont
on a basis of CO cents for Pittsburg
proved s disappointment.
Wheeling, w. Va., June 12 Ex
treme dissatisfaction prevails among
the miners throughout this section
over the s trike settlement. Leaders of
the miners say that fully S, 000 votes
will he cast by tho miners In this sec
tion against the ratification of the com
Wheeling Creek, O., Juno 12. The
miners here ure Very angry aliout tho
result of the compromise settlement
and reiterato their declaration that
I hey will not stand by it. At 9 80 to
night General Howe received a tele
gram from Colonel Drrow. in com
mand nt Canal Dover, stating that
an attack was certain and call
ing for Immediate reinforcements
and gattliug guns, Company C and
battery II at Uldvale, were iinmedl'
ately sent to reinforce Colonel DarTOW.
Firing is in progress at Canal Dover,
but the effect is not known here. Col
onel Bodgers has toh graphed Governor
McKinley that the attack tonight is
the result of a mating of the miners
held this afternoon about five miles
from Canal Dover at which 000 miners
wero present.
CONNKLUVILLE, Pa , Juiu 12 Great
excitement was created here at 11
o'clock tonight by fifty armed strikers
taking possession of the Baltimore and
Ohio mine. Their objective point was
tno air shaft where the watchmen were
driven i li and threatened under pen
alty uf death not to return, The watch
men on the tipple at tho mine entrance
was aiso driven away. Ail the miners
have 1 ft the mine and ure feing
taken through the hack alleys to their
Where the raiders came from is not
khowu. The nriae has been iu con
tinuous operation. It is within the
borough limits and Burgess Kurtz and
the police foTOO have been called upon
ny too Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
company to recover possession of the
shatt. The mine has be-n the chief
supply for tho railroad. Sixty miners
were employed on Ihe day aud night
shifts. The Objeot of tho strikers seems
to be 'o prevent tho miners from going
to work tomorrow morning
COL-TJUBCB, 0 ,Juno 2 The circular
of the national i Ulcere of the United
Mine Workers announcing and explain
nig the settlement made wltu the
operators here yesterday, was issued to
the miners touignt. It is a voluminous
document of nearly 5,000 word-", but
much of it is a history of thu strike.
ihe most interesting part of thu cir
cular is the .close, as follows:
Fellow Miners In thus terminating the
grandest effort of combined labor that
was over engaged in by any body of men
ut any time, We know that you aro disap
pointed and assure you that we shaio
your disappointment. We assure yon that
we did not enter into this agreement be
cause it wan pleasing or even satisfactory
to us, but because wo seriously believed
thai hotter could not bo got, no matter
bow long ihe struggle continued.
We feel that mucb has boon gained by
this effort which could not have been
secured by any other method. Wo earn
estly advise tLnt yon accept the conditions
made and resume work on June 18 as pro
vided in the coutract. We are so confident
of tho correctness of our position in
inning and advising the acceptance of this
contract that on its acceptance or rejec-,
ticn by you we stake our reputations an
your servnnts and our further Continuance
in ofhcial position,
Stiingnnt Ordinanco for tin Prevention of
Tiadnon thi Lord's Bay.
CHICAGO, Juno 19 Tho Sunday
closing ordinance was passed by the
city council last night by a vote of 40
to 12
Tne law is directed spcciullv against
the Bale of clothes, drygoods, huts, caps
furnishing goods, jowelry, boo s.sboes,
hardware, furniture, ineuts and gro
House Split in Two and a Family
Shocked at Phllllpsburir.
PaiLLlFSBUBG, Pa., Juno 12 During
a very severe hailstorm this afternoon
u houso tenanted by George Bean was
struck by lightning uud nearly snlit iu
The whole family recoived very
severe shocks and Mis. Bean, an aged
lady, wue fatally injured,
Milk from malt-fed cows is killing babies
in Allegheny City.
Slot machines are to be pitched out of
Harrisburg by order of tho court.
Tho nresiileut yesterday sent to tho sen
ate tbe nomination ot Elliot P, Kisuor, to
bo postmaster m llazletou.
Lancaster county's liar USOOiation yes
terday discussed the prupo itiou of organ
izing a State liar association.
Bricklayers employed at the Soldiers' In
dustrial school, at Scotland, struck yes
terday because the contractor refused to
pay them every week.
Hon. Edward Mcpherson yesterday
publicly declined to bo tho Republican
candidate for congress In the Ninetoonth
Pennsylvania distriot.
The weekly telegraphic crop repnrtB re
ceived by iho agricultural department
shows tlio following results: Pennsyl
vania Co iditions favorable during latter
part ol week, and considerable replanting
done; wheat looks well and grass fairly
Mr. Quay Introduces a S:vcih Installment
of 157 Printed Pages.
Progress Is Not Made in the Open Ses
sion in Hie Senate During the
Greater Portion of the Day the Ora
tors Spout to Empty Benches The
House Considers tho Indian Appro
priation Bill Measures to Provid
for a Home for Colored People.
Washington. Jnne 12.
F any progress was made today in
the direction of a riiial vote 011 the
tariff bill, it must have been In
1 rivate consultations such as thOSS
uliieh yesterday removed all obstruc
liODI from the path uf tho cotton
schedule, Iu the public open Besaion
there was not a step of progress made.
During tho greater part of the
day the seats of senators were mostly
vacant, tliu chamber presented a des
erted appearance, there wore only a
lew listless spectators in the galleries,
the atmosphere waB oppressively hot
and itiflmg, and no one made a pre
tence eveu of taking the least interest
iu any of the half doiSU speeches read
to the somite. It was on tbo whole tho
most tediously wearisome day that bus
passed since tbo tariff bill was taken up
111 tbe senate ten weeks ;go.
Before the wool schedule was en
tered on Mr. Hoar reverted to action
tak 'n several weeks ago on tho para
graph putting a duty of 10 per cent, on
spectacles, eye-glasses and opera
gu.sses, and read a speech in commen
dation of the men engaged iu that in
dustry in Massachusetts and other
stati s His motion to increase the rate
ofdmvtoGO p-r cent, was defeated,
yeas 21, nays 30.
Then tho wool schedule was taken
np, and Mr. t lay began to road the
seventh installment of his speech which
he started to make on April 14 last.
As be had himself with a vol
nine of 1ST printed pages lor today, he
appeared to be in no hurry to re luce
tue i ul k of that provision aud yielded
the lloor willingly tu senators
MuMillin, Pitligrew, Power aud iJef
fer, who severally addressed the senate
in favor of protection of the wool
growers. He also allowed a motion to
be mude by Mr. Mitchell, Oregon, to
postpone the bill indefinitely, which
motion was defeated yeas 22, nays 113.
The house today returned to a con
sideration of the Indian appropriation
after spending two hours iu passing a
bill to aid in tho esiablishrnnnt of a
national home for aged and infirm col
ored persons in the distriot of Colum
bia. The bill appropriated $100,000 of
the half million iu too treasury belong
ing to tho estates of deceased colored
sol lb re, to build a home on the siie
already secured by the Colored people
of tho district. It was agreed that tho
institution should never become a
charge upon the treasury of the llnitod
States and that tho expenses of the
homo should bo charged to the reve
nues of the dislrict.
Iu the course of the afternoon
twenty-seven pi gee of the Indian bill
were passed over in committee of the
whole. Tne committee had cut out
the appropriatio i for the expenses of
tho Indian commission appropriate i
under authority of tho ac: ot ltjOO,
practically legislating it om of exist
enc. Air. trillion. Illinois, niiereu un
amendment to restore tho appropria
tion for expense, but after an argument
of an hour the amendment wus de
Rpp-irt In Lxln(jton That Hn Will Re
tire From the Congressional Raci.
Lhxington, Jnno 12 There is a
rumor ben; that Colonel Breckinridge
will withdraw from the race.
His broth-r, C.bel Breckinri lire, has
been hero to consult with close friends
of the colonel, and it is said to be their
wish, ns well as that of the relatives of
Colonel Breckinridge, that ho should
withdraw, to spare his family and him
self furthor disgrace and notoriety and
also to prevent tho disruption of the
Democratic party in tho Seventh dis
Horiib'n Death of a Little Fellow Whose
Father Mad Him Drunk.
Murphy, N, C, Juno 12. News of n
horrible accident that occurred at
K lilh's still house near Cnlberson has
just reached hero. Frank Carter car
ried his 0-year old eon with him to
Kiiilh's still house, uear Culberson, got
drunk nnd made his son drunk.
In the Btill house was a vat contain -ing
150 gallons of boiling stillslons and
the little fellow fell into it. H-i was
taken out immediately, but in twenty
four hours ho died.
Fifteen Hundird Deaths in Hone IC on.-.
Industry Paralyzid
HoNfi Kono, June 12. The Bubonic
plague is creating a panic. Half the
natives have fled from the city. There
have beon 1,600 deaths. Many Euro
peans huvo boon selz-d with the illneas
mil one bae died. Industry is para-
A hundred deaths now occur daily.
The government expects a failure of
the opium revenue and proposes to de
stroy the uuaanitury native quarters of
tho city.
Two Families Ftffht on lh Way Home
and Carvn One Ano h r.
ALBXANpitlA, La.. June A freo fight
occurred ou Sunday noar Poland, this
parish, botwoen tbe Beavers and Pitt
m.ii, , fathers and sons, three on eaob
side, All the parties ure farmers.
They were returning home from Sun
day school when a disparaging remark
was made in reference to a young lady.
A geueral melee ensiled in which
knives, pistols and bludgeons played
leading parts.
William Buiver woi cut on the
shoulder and arm and Steve Pittman
in tho neck, arm and shoulder. John
Pittmnb was Bhot in the left arm and
in the fleshy part of the right log. Ben
Pittman, the father, was dealt a power
ful flow on the head. Stove I'ittmun's
condition is considered serious.
Various Appolntmsnti and Dlccharses
BaRBIBBUBG, Pa., June 12. Orders
wero issued from National Guard
headquarters tonight granting honora
ble discharges to ihe following officers:
First Lieutenant Dwigut Bailey Ful
ler, jr., assistant surgeon battery A.
Captain Gnorge B. Moy rs.cnmpany E,
Third regiment; First Lieutenant
Frank Morrison Webster, company C,
Sixteenth regiment; Second Lieutenant
John E Cumin, company E, Eighteenth
The following stuff appointments are
atinounc d: Lieutenant Colonel Thom
as Potter, jr., of Pniladelphin ; side-decamp,
Sergeant Major Percy Webb, of
Harrisburg, vice John D. Worman to
quartermaster State Fencibles b ittal
lon. Some slight changes have been raado
in tho button for the National guard,
and that all may bo uuiform a suffi
cient numbers of buttons to replace
thoo now on the uniforms have been
sent to the different organizations.
A-i E:drly Cbillan Fuund with
Skull Crushed In Ar:zina .
Phenqc, Juno 12 K unou Coronal, a
Chilian about SO, aud a prospector,
was found with his skull crushed iu
half n mile west of this city yesterday.
Warrants liave been issued for Vin
cento Franco and wife, oil whoso ranch
tho murder was committed. They are
missing. Coronal had considerable
Committee Appointed by the Senate
to Investigate the Subject
of General Interest
Washington. D. c, Juno 12 The
special committee appointed by the
senate to investigate the causes of the
prevailing distress held a preliminary
meeting this morning. The subject
which had been referred to this com
mittee was the petitlou of Morrison J
Swift and others, indorsed by many
meetings of workWgmen in New Eng
land and adopted by the New England
Industrial congress in which tho fol
lowing seven r-queets wre made:
First To provide fnrm.i nnd factories
whero tho unemployed now and at all
times hereafter may be able to apply thoir
labor pioductively for tho supply of their
own wants.
Second To take step', to amend tho con
stitution of tho L-ni;od States so that it,
shall affirm tho right of every ono to have
Third. -To abolish interest hearing bonds.
Fourth. To turuish immediate employ
ment for the unemployed by beginning
the construction of good roadsona large
scale throughout the country,
Fifth To nationalise tho railroads, tho
telegraph and the mines
Sixth To see tlm: all land in actual uso
is thrown open to cultivation by tkoso who
are willing to cultivate it.
BoVOUth To establish a com nils don to
Investigate the nationalities; trusts.
It was decided to invite from the
proponents of the proposed measures
f relief, written Statements of their
views, an I the cnminittftj to give a
hearing tu on accredited reprosenta
ilvo ol any organization which inay U
sir to bo board for su 'h limited time
as it will bo possitd'e to bestow on sne'h
Twenty-'.hfd Annual Meotine of the
Central Pennsy.v inia In
Lancaster, Pa., June 12 The
twenty-third annual convention of the
Protestant Episcopal dioceses of cen
tral Pennsylvania began here this
evening. Assistant. Bishop Hudson pre
siding. After religiom services t he-
bishop read his annual address, show
ing marked growth during tho past
year, although the church work had
been retarded ly tho depressed times.
Guy E. Farguhar, of Pottsvllls, was
re-elected secretary and Rev. T. B.
Aogell, of Harrisburg, his assistant.
A message of affection and best wishes
was sent to the venerable1 Bishop
Howe. The remainder of the session
was devoted to ion tin- buiiuess.
Lord Chief Justice Coleridge is in a dj
ing condition.
Kneh. tbo bacteriologist, him gnno to
Dantzig to tackle the cholera epidemic
Counterfeiters raided at Elmsbuetel,
near Hamburg, had 1895,000 in bogus cur
If Scottish coat niino operators rednco
wages a shilling a day on Juno "4, their
"O.liUO miners will Striae,
The Friedbnrg brewery, nt Augsburg,
Bavaria, was burned yesterday. Six men
were killed by the falliui; walls.
Lord RoseOory has presentoel to Ambas
sudor Bayard one of the plntes worn by
Ladaa when sbo won trio Uorny.
Algerian police seized seventy pounds
of dynamite and other explosives im
ported to blow up the theater and bar
racks. The London court dismissed tbo Antl-
Unmbling league's case on the ground that,
lehsees of tho race track wero not aware of
the betting.
Emperor Francis Joseph of Austrin
Hungary yielded to Dr. Wokotlo and per
mitted ihe appointment of Desidcrius von
Szilngyi to tho cnoinet at isuuii rest.
Prince Frederick, sovereign of Wuldeck
Pyrmont, Germany, and son of Prince
George Victor, announces his engagement
to wod Princess Uatliiiuis, ot BciiauuiDurg-
Lasard Frores, the London bankers,
have received a cable messngo confirming
tho report that tho revolution in tbo re-
nulilic of Snn Salvador has been success
fill, and adding that the country was now
Mrs. John Mackey cave a ball last night
in honor of the officers of tbe Uniteel StntcB
cruiser Chicago. The members of the
United States embassy and a largo num
ber of porsons prominent in England so
ciety were present. 1
Attorney Wellman Opens the Case for the
An Outline of the Charges Against
the Defendant Given by the Assist
ant District Attorney Alleged Mis
appropriations Terms of Agree
ment Between the Company and
the Defendant Wiman Was Never
Partner in tho Firm of Dun & Co.
THE trial of Era
the ludiotme
with forging
B W. Bullin
NEW York, June 12.
hrastus Wiman, under
out charging him
the endorsement of
ulliuger on a check for
$5,000 drawn to the hitter's order on
the Chemical bank by It. G. Dun &Co.,
was continued this morning before
Justice Ingraham in the court of oyer
aud terminer, The jury having been
completed yesterday afternoon, tho
case of the pros "oution was presented
to the jury ihis morning by Assistant
Dintrict Attorney Francis S. Wellman.
Mr. Wellman began his opening at a
quarter to 11 o'clock. Ho said that on
February 21 of this year the grand jury
ootids county, aftor a carofnl considera
tion of the facts in thiscnie.directed tho
district attorney to call Erastus Wiman
to the bar to answer to tbe charge
of forgery in the second degree.
After explaining to the jury tbe
legal distinction botwoen forgery in the
first nud in tho second degree, he told
them that tbo indictment under which
Mr. Wiman was being tried contained
two counts; one chsrgiog him with
forging the name of E. W. Bulllnger
upon the cluck of It. G. Dunn & Co.
issued to Mr. Bulllnger for$o.0C0; the
second charging him with Knowingly
Uttered this forged commercial paper
Mr Wellman then sketched tho bus
iness of It. G. Dun & Co. it wus
founded by It. G Dun forty or fifty
years ago, and for yours had been one
of the leading commercial agencies of
the country. At first it was known uu
der the name of Dun, Barlow & Co., then
as Dun, Wiman & Co., and fiually as It.
G. Dun & Co. W by tho name of
Mr. Wiman had beon dropped from the
title of tbe firm he did not feel it nec
essary to disclose at this time. For
twenty-live or more years Mr. Wiman
h id been connected wit li tbo business,
He had entered it as a clerk in u branch
office in Canada, of which ho became
manager, and eventually came to the
central i nice in tms city, aud rose to
be luanagi-r of that.
To the outside public, continued Mr.
Wellman, Mr. Wiman doubtless was
supposed to be a partner, Iudoed, It.
(J, Dun ifcCo. probably held thi-mselves
out to the public as sncli. It was cer
tain that Mr. Wimuo had largely the
managership of the business. Yet in
reality mere was atisoi utely no part
nership at ad. Mr. Dun was,
and always had been, the sole owner
of tho business. Mr. Wiman was
limply a salaried manager for Mr. Dun,
and this relation ho perfectly under
stood as thoroughly ns Mr. Dun hini
ielf did. In proof of tins relationship
aud or the undoubted full knowledge
of it by Mr. Wiinan, the people would
place In evidence the articles of associ-
stion under WnlOll Mr. Dnn and Mr.
Wiman did business together. These
articles were redrawn In 1889, and were
as precise and unmistakable in lan
guage ;ih it was possible for them to
be. In these articles it was clearly
stated that Mr. Wimau'a compensation
was a salary, aud that the amount of
the profits was to form the basis of its
computation. Mr. Wiman was to re
ceive 1(1 per cent, of the net profits,
Which amounted to between Ssdli.OOO
and Sf80,000 a year.
Mr. Wiman, continued Mr. Wellman,
had exclusive charge of tho printing
aud publishing of the reference book
issued by the' agency, Among outside
persons who had connections with this
part of the business1 was .1. M. Fitzger
ald, who supplied about $70,000 worth of
paper n year, and h. W. Bulllnger,
who furnished tho book called 'Bullen
ger's guide,' which was sent out with
each copy of the referenc-" bo.'k and
ost between SI. 1.000 and $10,000 a year
All this was mi exclusively under the
control of Mr. Wiman that nobody elso
in the business knew anything about it.
Mr. Wellman thon related the cir
cumstances attending tho particular
act for which he wus indicted. On
Feb. 6, 1808, Mr. Wiman went to Mr.
Barrul, the cashiir of It. G. Dun St Co ,
and told him to draw a check foi $r,000
on the t In mini iN itional bank to tho
order of E. W. Bnllinger. Mr.
Wiman then signed the name of
B. G. Dun et Co. to tho check
as ho bud a right to do. Then
he wrote on the buck of tho check
the name of
under it, his
B, W. Bulling, and.
own name. Tho check
did not go
to Mr. Bnllinger nor di
rectly to the Chemical bank. It went
to the Central National bank, where it
was deposited to tho private iicconutof
Mr. Wiman. To show Mr. Wiman's
knowledge that he was uttering a
forged cheek, tbe prosecution would
prove that ho had beon uttering forged
checks for a year.
Tbe Report of Their Eniraaemsnt Pro
nouno-'d Untrue.
Baltimore, Jnno 12 Tho reported
engagement of Nellie Urant Sartoris to
Adjutant General II. Kyd Douglas, of
Maryland, was the absorbiug topic
here today. General Douglas is one
of the best known and most popular
men in the state, and the linking of his
name with that of Mrs. Nellie Grant
Sartoris attracted universal oommeut.
The United Press is authorized to
tut, however, that the reported en
gagement is untrue.
General Douglas first mot Mrs.
Ulysses Grant and Mrs. Nellie Grant
Sartoris at Dolmonico's in New York,
four years sgo, after having delivered
an address nt n memorial dinner In
honor of General Grant General
Douglas, who was ou Stonewall Jack
son's staff, distinguished himself by a
tribute be paid to tho memory of the
northern hero. Tho aeqaaiutano be
tween General Douglas aud the widow
and daughter of General Grant has,
since that time, beeu most pleasing,
but there is not, nor bus there been,
any foundation for the report pub
lished today.
Mrs, Ulysses Grant nnd her daugh
ter will spend a few weeks t the Blue
Mountain bouse, Maryland, where they
.to expected to arrive next week. Gen
eral Douglas engaged their apartments
and this fuct may have revived too
heretofore contradicted report of an
engagement with Mrs. Nellia Grant
He I muM Hla Bogim Coin on an Indian
Territory Dank.
TaleQUAH, Juno 12 Petor Cheney,
tho Chicago counterfeiter, has been
arrested here by Unitod States officers,
Ho was seon to make and pass u $10
gold piece on the bank of Talequab,
A witness to tbo making aud passing
of tbe coiu is also iu the custody of tbo
William Dunn, of Honesdale, Meets
Death by Having His Head
Crushed by a Wagon Wheel.
Hrecial In the Scranton T'ibum.
Honesdale, Pa., Juue 12. About 9
o'clocK last uigfit word wag lectdved
thut Willi 1111 Duuuof the firm of Dunn
Bros, butchers had mot bis death in a
ruuaway a fow mil ?b above town. Mr.
Dunn left hero ut 5 a. in. Monday on a
nip up the Dybeiry to purchase calves
aud was roturuiug at 7.30 p. iu , when
he reached the hill just south of Mrs.
Scumbles about seven miles lroui
Ilouesdule. Tue road bud been under
going repairs and the supervisor had
made a w at r bieuk at tue top of the
hill nbich was about eighteen inches
high aud nearly perpendicular.
Mr. Dunn had seven large calves iu
his wagou and was coming along tit an
easy trot when thu front wheels of the
wagon struck this kuoil, throwing
hnn forward irom the wagou, tho
wheels of which p,used over the right
side of his beud. His temples were
crushed in.
The horses ran down the hill and
wero stopped by Fred Brooks, who
waited an. ut mi noiir lor the owner to
come along. As no one iu an ap-
pcarauce. Brouks usceud-id the hill and
liscovered the terrible accident that
had happened.
Corouer O Loruiell was summoned,
but did not deem it necessary tu Im
panel a jury. The body wus hroubl
to Honesdale nud taken to tue homo of
his mother iu Traceyvillo.
Ihe funeral will be held Wednesday
morning at 10 o'clock.
The Insane AVif-.durderer Will E
Tried iu Septfmbir.
CHESTER, Pa., Jane 12. Professor
S. C, Shortlidge, who is charged with
the murder of his wife, was brought
into court today tor thu purpose of
having bis bail ruutwei nnd his caso
continued until tbe September term.
He was accompanied by bis brother,
Mayor Shortltdge, of Wilmington, aud
hie attorney, who arrived with the
patient from tho Norristowu Insane
asylum, whero be bus ti.-n confined
since the time of the tragedy.
Hie prisoner was quiet while in
court, but tuere wus a markod change
in bis appearance and very fow recog
nized bim us the once noted athlete
and principal of tho Media college.
Iho court granted tho application und
Prof ss ir Shortlulge wub taken buck to
Strknga Infatuation of a Youa? Couple
at L-bnnon.
Yoiiic, Pa., June 12 Daniel and Al
ice, tho son :'.nd daughter of Joseph
Asper, of North Lebanon, aged, re
spectively 28 and 14 years, who eloped
together on Tuesday, wire arrested and
bandcnlfed by n Lancaster detective
today, uear Thomasville.
They are Asper's ohildren by differ
ent wives. Howards having been of
fered for their capture thoy finally
avoidod railroads, and walked iizt en
miles. At each settlement they applied
in vain lor a uiarriaao lie 'tise. They
have beeu taken Home to Lebanon.
Actor Pielasco was committed to jail In
Now York for Don-inpport of his wife,
lirace Wallace Belasco,
The Virginia negro, anrrps Terry, who
took smallpox to KnoxviUe, Tenn., was
killed by Indignant citizens.
The government bus nindo a new map
of the united States, Canada and Mexico,
ami will distribute H,ini eoplei of it.
Iu Doaton the Edison Electric Light
company lias restrained the Huston com
pany from manufacturing incandescent
An expert cornet player, Louis Hard
ing, a lad residing at Cnmbridgeport,
Mass.. was kidnaped on his way home
from school.
A jury in New York nwarded W. A.
Leavitt 17,000 for tho affections of his
Wife, alienated by E. A. Maurial, a Wall
street broker.
Wealthy Lawyer William Cookson Car
penter, aged 01, has practiced his profes
sion far more than seventy yonrs m New
York, and says he'd die if ho retired.
Dr. Pin cell, of Denver, Col., who wont
assurseon fir the fleet with n gang of
Coxeyltes In beats on tho Platte, was
drowned on .Sunday by tbo overturning of
n boat.
Miss flessio Cleveland, cousin of Presi
dent ClevtdanJ, wa- married to Dr. John
A. BnrKe, of New York, at 2:80 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. Tho ceremony was
portorined nt tho groom's father, Jumei
liurke, of Tacony.
WASRIKOTOH, June 21. Forecaxt
fur i rfnesd!i:tor ICnstern I'cnn
tylvanfa, OpntraUy fair but
".vith indications of tikundtr
KOWSVS in the afternoon, continued high
temiiertiturc dnring the tiatt, went wftloY
For iicsfoa Aaasyltaaia, ,.'
leeatasr, eonUnwed high tcmjicrnturt, va
riable winds.
Linen Sale
We still find oar trade in Houses
keeping Linens very activo, and
we submit a fow tliinp for your
consideration. We will not test
you they are worth 40 or 50 per
cent, more than wo ask, but leave
their value to "YOUR JUDG
MENT" after an examination.
51 inch Cream Dimask 25a
oO-inch Cream Damask 81 to 87a'
00-inch Cream D imask 89 to 45c j
(Hand 60-in. Cream Damask, 48 to. 58c.
72 inch, extra value 69 to 85c.
54-inch Bleached Damask 45v,
08 and 60-inch Blenched Damask.. 60s.
64-icch Bloacbed Damask ,89s. ,
06 Inch Bleached Damask 69c.
72-inch Bleached Damask, 85o. to f2 50'
In BLEACHED GOODS we kee-p a
lino of John S. Brown's, of Bedfast.
Bleached Damask at 45c.
Thoso who have used these three
numbers know their value.
We are closing out a lot of Hand-
At Greatly Reduced Prices
Maltese Cross
And Oak-tanccd Leather Belting.
H. A. Kingsbury
513 Sprnca St., Santa, Pi
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
In Russet Shoes.
114 Wyoming Avo.
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge. If a doctor
is needed yon aro promptly
told so. We also guaranteo
a perfect lit.
All SILVERWARE and Damaged Good
at Arcade Fire will be aold at
SO Per Cent. Below Coat
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
1 . ran