The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 12, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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When the Jfftest transit scheme geta
fairly goini; on something more sub
atantial than paper, it will surprise
folk. The inventor, Mr. Johnston, is
u Cbieagoan.his company is CbiotgOkn
and the scheme itself in grandly und
chsracteristicnlly CbtoUgoan. It pro
poses to convey puts tigers from Chi
cago to New York, 750 miles us the
crow flies, in ox ictly six ho lira. The
noheme goes under the name of the
Elevated Suspension Electric Railway
compauy, and hopes to no iu another
way soon. The railroad is literally
snspvnded in mid air. with its cars
planned to run iu between, so seourxly
that accident will he almost impossi
ble. The electric rrnHor power is ap
plied very much nn iu tho present trol
ley system. Sixty miles iiu hour is
regarded as a snail's pace for this sya
tern, which pledges itself to go 120 or
even loO miles per hour with the ut
most safety and ease.
Tho cars on this system are about six
feet in width by twenty feet in length,
with a seating capacity of thirty per -sons.
The weight of tho c ir proper is
1,800 pound.", of tne trucks and motor,
which are above and upjri the raiie,
4 200 pound, and of the paaieogers,
0,000 pouuJs, mskin the strain upon
a single cable of 150-foot spat), with a
loaded train of two cars upon it, nine'
teen and one half tons wlieu the train
is at rest. The cable is three inches iu
diameter and capable of standiug a
tensile strain of over 30i) tons. The,
cost of construction for this system
does not exceed 20 per ceut. of the co. t
of steam elevated roads under ordinary
drcuinstanoos, whilj the crtsjing of
streams and the overcoming of obsta
cles to baUdlDJtl can le accomplished
by the use of longer spins without a
material increase in expense. Abcut
$80,000 per mile fully covers the cost of
construction of a four-track road, and
$10,000 per mile its equipment, while a
two-track road can be built an 1 equip
ped under $00,000 ;?er mile.
The objectionable features of the or
dinary elevated railroad are said to be
reduced to a minimum or entirely ob
viated by this system. The amount of
light obstructed by a cable, by a stir
rup live-eighth of an inch in thickness,
by potts and trusses 150 feet apart, aud
made in lattice work if desired, aud
the continuous rails, is s j alight as to
produce no appreciable effect iu an or
dinary street. There being no solid
structure to act as a sounding board,
the noiBe is less than that of auy other
system. The liexil ility of this system
Kives an agreeable motion in riding
and relieves of all jolting und noise of
the rigid structure. Tue metal cable
and structure overhead ara protection
against lightning interference in the
severest storm. The hooded wire pre
vents any hindrance from sloot iu the
most inclement weather. The bottom
of the cars being the lowest part of the
structure reduces the ascent to the sta
tiou from twenty lour feet to about
sixteen feet. There is perfect freedom
from dust, smoke, steam, and cinderc,
and iu matter of speed it is beyond
conmarisou. At leust, this is what is
claimed for it ; aud tue claim really
does look plausible when you study it
Those in a position to know iutiraata
that there is no longer reasou to doubt
the speedy construction of the pro
posed Carbondale and Forest City elec
tric street railway. The new liue, con
struction on which will bo begun at an
early day, does not touch the line of
the Carbondale Traction compauy at
nny point, but will extend from Car
bondale along Dundaff street to Far
view Btreet to Forty-third street and
thence will diverge, one fork extending
to Crystal Lake and the other to Forest
City. This will take in Eichmoudale,
Vandling and Clintonviile as well.
Forty of the Reading company's
fifty-two collieries are now working,
and shipments of coal are being pushed
forward rapidly. Oa Friday last the
shipments from Palo Alto on tho main
liue, were fourteen loaded trains, com
prising 020 loaded cars, or 13.772 tons,
or nearly double the quota at
this season of the year; and in order
to keep up the supply of empty cars,
the Reading has ordered the. old eight
wheel cars into temporary use. Ship
ments south via the Philadelphia, Har
risbnrg and Pittsbunr branch of the
Reading have increased to such an ex
tent that the ten crews of the road
have been put on double taru, and are
now making ubout ton days a week.
Minor Industrial Notes:
Oar telegraph lines stretch 210,000 milo.
Scarcity of coal is having a steadily in
creasing effect on industrial operations.
The Blading company has 3.200 cars on
sidings awaiting repairs, which will boom
ts car shops.
For $500,000 eastern capitalists havo
bought the Cleveland General Electric
company's plant.
Tho larger proportion of utreot railway
mileage; in tho United States la now opei
ated by electric power.
The average watch is composed of 97
pieces, and its manufacture embraces
more than 2,00(1 distinct operations.
Saturday 7f-5 tons of Erie coal were
hauled over the Jefferson division. A con
servative estimate places tho number of
tons at 10, WW.
Persons well informed say that the
southern rato war, if kept up any length
of time, will eud iu a number of railroud
The reduction in freight rates to Rotith
eru points, made to put western cities on
the name footing with the east, wont into
effect yesterday.
Production of soft coal has latolv shown
a slight Increase through tun return of
some miners and (he failure of tho coal
strike in Alabama aud southern Tennessee,
A new time table will bo put into effect
on the Erie on June 17. under which the
run between New York and Chicago on all
important trains will bj shortened one
The New York and New England hns
withdrawn its request for bills for 10,000
tons of anthracite coal, having ma le ar
rangements to get its coal supply from
Nova Scotia.
Twelve Erie firemen from this section
are on their way to Chicago to show tho
western division men how to uso nnturu
eito. Tho settlement of the soft coal strike
may call them back.
It is expected that all the water will bo
out of the Vandling mine by Wednesday
rooming, permitting tho return tofwork of
forty men who have been idle about two
weeks from this cause.
Coke production in the Conncllsville re
gion continue to gain Blowly; shipments
lire increasing proportionately. Last week
there were gaiusof more than (1,000 tons in
the estimated production and 600 cars in
the output.
It is rumored that tho Jersey Central
car repair shop and round house at Eliza
betbport will soon be removed to Dun
nellen, where, It is said, the company has
purchased a large tract of land. Nearly
COO men are employed iu the shops.
The pay roll of a certain Mount Carmol
colliery is said to disclose the fact that the
superintendent is on American, the book
keeper a Canadian, one of the assistant
bookkeepers a Frenchman, the outside
foreman ad Englishman the breaker bo9s
a Dutchman, and tho shipper a Welshman.
Tho miners are Irish. English, Dutch, Po
lish, Hungarian, Italian, French, African,
Russian! Swedish, Norwegian aud Aus
Etocks and Eondi.
Naw Yobk, June 11. Contiuued liqlrt
dation iu sugar :is well as otne selling for
the short account, lower prloes froQ Lon
don, the engagement of ft, 000,000 gold for
shipment to Europe tomorrow assisted the
bears at the stock exchange in briugiug
about a lower range of prices.
The following complete table showing the
day's fluctuations in aotiYSj stocks is supplied
anil revised dully by LalUr A Fuller, stock
brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue:
Open- Hub- Low Clos
ing, est. int. hie.
Am. Cot. Oil &H H 21M H
Am Stunr. 101 ICtH HiOtJ lu:4
A. T. IH m 1 Mi
Giro. So fci 50 4'ii WH
Can. N.J 17 li W7 in?
cbio & . v." ryewt ic9u ipni hum
o.. D. & j 7m 7Bf ?:'i :r-ii
Chic, (las 77 77 76?S Tdlj
C. , c. c, a wt. L
col., Hoek.Va), & T
PL. W lWW lil i IttM Vi)$
).& C. F 2.V1J Vil VIS
Erie lie, llli J i J-.t IIU
(. E. Co S7H U7m HI SUM
Lake Shore HUM 181(2 13194
L, N ISU 4.V . 45 ii
Manhattan ll-ll 115M lit liMs
Miss. Pan :m Ssm m zlh
Nat. I,ead ,'IK'a 88M 88 38M
if. y. aS. i :
H. Y. Central W M ICS- Wis
N.Y.. O. W IfiU li(2 ISM ISM
N. Y.,H. 2 W lot. ISM l.vsj lfM
U. s. c. Co 24 )U t'HH MM
North Rao
North Pae. pf I6U I0M IS! I ISM
Omaha SOU Bum !M?h WM
Pae. .v.aii
Beadlna IJM liH IT I'M
Uo.-l: Island Ml SB tl j
U.T Il IIM ll'i, ll!d
t. Paul iiSJa SUM
T., C. AI lsa PU IS
Texas A Pae BN 8M DM h,
IJaionPacida ISM 14)4 IsH i-V-j
Wabash p' iv5 ' -'s Um
Westora Vnion K4 Mi H)b B)
W.A- U If ins IIU UM 11W
W. i L. E. Of -114 lN U U'M
riilcauo Gratn nd Provltlout,
BOBAHTOBT, Juuu II. Tl e followlui quota
tions ore supplied aud eorroeted d lily by La
liar lit Puller, Stock broUors.Ul Wyoiuiui ave
nue. WHEAT. .tnlv. Sent. Doc
Opening 5Si tw im
HilCUest 61 SIM WM
Lowest fi7;J li'Jl),
Closing roH uK 6a
Opening ., mi Slii
Highest 41 4lij
Lowest B9M 3Wi
Closing 41 41'g
OA! S.
Opening U7I1 '.!J
Highest Wd 2'tJ
Lowest T J.-s 1!7
Closing us ' UM
Oponng 1S2 1318 ....
Highest Ulil 1217
Lowest iSHsj Mill
Closing mo U1S ....
Openiog 07 (so
Highest ttkl
Lowest Mli7 (80 ' ....
Closing ti7J 18)
BHOKT Kliia.
Opening ft- c?i
Blgbest cj; tea
Lowest U2S C'.':; ....
Closing c:r mi!
Scranton V.'h:daale Mnrkst.
BOSASTOV. June 11. Fnorr and Pito
dock Dried apples per pound,6a7c.; evap
orated apples, llaUc, per pound) Turkish
prunes, BaSC! Knglish currants. Sa'Jifc.;"
layer raisins, $l,?Sal,80i muscatels, $l00a
I. 40 per box: now Valeucins, 7a?j$c. per
RAM ri'-rtw-fta tfi ea0 Art
bushel; mediums. 1.75al.90,
i'BAS ureen, Si. per busbeljipllt,
IS.S0a3.e0; lentels.6 lofc. per pound.
Potatokb il.0Ual.0o ptr bushel.
Onions Bermudas, crates, ft.40a9.fi0;
Egyptians, 3.UUa3.3 bags.
Bottkk 10a. to lS',c. per lb.
CHEicait OslOcH'. per 10.
Eoes Fresh, llallc
Po'.l.THV Chickens, dressed, 12 to 13c. ;
turkeys, 12 to 18c.
MgATS-Eams, lie: small hams, llJic;
skinned bams, lOc; California bains,
80.1 shoulders, U.'iC jbellies, b4c.; smoked
breakfast bacon, lie.
smokid Bur Outsides, HKe-; ets,
18)4c.; Insidesand Knuckles, 15c.
Pcihk Mess at $15: short cut, 110,
Laud Leaf In tierees at 0c; in tnbi.
OJg'e.i in 10-pound pails, 0.(c: luS-pound
pails, 0;a'c.; S-pound palls. Ills, psr
Lkkf Choice sugar cured, smoked beef,
Floto Minnesota patent, per barrsl.
ti.20a4,40 Ohio and Indiana anbsr, at
?3.60; Graham at IS.50; rye tlonr, at
1'eid illxed, per cwt., at il.on,
QllAIX , ' Tt- KM rf.r,. AO tn Kid I ...
50 toKllc. per btmheL
14YK MiiAW-tJor ton J'3al5.
BAT-tlifiOto fid.
Kew York Produce Market.
NEW Yoiik. Juno 1 L Fuiim-nni.i
held firmly.
INTKK MEAT Low prnrlAn fit fi.tnl KO.
do. fair to fancy, $2 4(ln2.90; do. patents,
t3.90a&8fi; Alinuosota clear, J2.25a2.C5;
do. straights, 8.00a8.00: do. patents, 19.30
ft4.1o; city mills, i3.45a3.55: do. patents.
BBAT-ModaMtnlw lii'tivn Hrm.p. V
2 red. store and elevator, OlaOlC; afloatj
niaoic; r. o.ti., nngiaded rtd,
STaOICl No. 1 northern OOc; options
closed llrm at ,. over Baturday; No. 2
red, Juue, 01(C.i Jn'y, 12o.; August,
OJc; Beptembeflcj Ds-cember.Slc
i (in .'louernieiy active; No. 2,
I 5,i 45'. .'c. elevator: 4."i4ri .,...
options closed Arm at XtMU' ovor Satur
day; June, 44Kci July, 46Mc. August,
toCj n-ptemix'i- sofo,
Uats Quiet, firm: options dull, Irroiju
lar: Jnne.tCk'r.: Jul v. 44' :c Anvnat. ST.. -
September, 31c. Bjiot prices,' No. 8,
47H0-I No. 2 white, 48e.; No. Chicago,
i'iUh'i iio- 9- 40a47c: No. 3 whlto, 4CV
47c. ; 'mi:;ed western, 4MJc.; white do.
48afilc.j white state, 48aolc
BctF-Steady: family, 19al4j extra
mo-a, 8a8 50.
Befk Bams DuIIi tiSais.wi.
Titi,e,:i) 1IKF.K Quiut; city extra India
mess, $18ali.
Cut blATS-Qaiet, firm; pickled bellies,
OHcflKe-1 pickled shoulders, fiaSjic;
pick 0 d hams, 10103c.
Misolib Nominal
LARD Firm, qnlet: western stoam,
f7; city, OKaOWc; July, 17.05; Soptembjr,
t'7.15; refined, dnll; continent J7.3S; South
America, 7.80: compound 5;a'a(lc.
I ORK Quiet, flrtni mess, l3.25al3.G0;
SZtSa prime, il2.50al3.
BtllWR Fair demand, firmer; state,
dairy, ISalSc; do. crenmerv, I5ilj.:
Pennsylvania, do. ifialOc.i western dairy,
lOaUc.l do, creamery, 14aJ0C.j do., fac
tory, Oxalic.: slgins, lBJalOc; imitation
creamery, lsalOc
CBXau Moderate demand, weak: stat o
large. 7iiil).;do., fnncy, BKaSo.ldo., small,
TKa034a.j part skims, SHafc; full skim-,
EuriH-Quiot, steady) state aud Pennsvl
Aniiin. J4Wal.'ie v.. :i.n r.
do. per case, i.5')a$3.50.
Philadelphia Tallow Markst.
rnlLApKLPiiiA. June 11. -Tallow was
dull and unchanged. Prices were: Primo
city in hi jjsheadH, 4c; prime country,
In barrels, 4,'c; do. dark lu barrels,
4c.; cakes 5c. ; grease, 4c.
In Holland. Mich., C. J. Doesburv. nnh.
lishes tho News, nod ib its Columns stronsr
ly rocommonds Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
lor coukub, colds, sore tnroat, catarrh and
A Quarter Century Test.
For a quarter of a century Dr. King's
New Discovery has been tested, and the
millions who have received benefit rroni
its use testify to its wonderful curative
powers in nil diseases of Tltroat.Chest and
Lungs. A remedy that has stood the test
so long aud that has glvtfn so universal
satisfaction Is no experiment. Each bottle
is positively guaranteed to give relief, or
the money will he refunded, it is admitted
to bo the most reliable for Coughs ana
Colds. Trial bottles Free at Matthew Bro's.
Drug Store. Largo size 50c, and $1,00.
Or don't you notice tha difference in our pric93,
and the prices usually charged even by the
stores that claim to sell very low. Why the
simple fact is we are away below any store in
this valley. Yea we repeat we are away be
low any concern in this valley or in the state
in prices on first class good3 so far as we can
learn. We do not handle a large line of fancy
goods, but we do have a big stock and full as
sortment of strictly FIRST CLASS staple
goods. Nor do we use any one or two articles
as bait to draw trade. Our plan is to cut the
price on everything just as much as we possi
bly nan so that you will very seldom find a
single' article in our-store that we are not sail
ing for less than it can be bought anywhere
else and furthermore while wa ara always do
ing our best to get at and keep the prices down
we never for a moment loose sight of quality.
No article can como into our store unless it is
at least standard quality but is much oftener
EXTRA than otherwise.
We have a large trade and we often think
when we put tho selliug price on an article and
know what tli3 same goods are invariably sold
at that it is strange why we do not sell all the
goods in our line that is sold in the city and
have to conclude that it certainly is not on ac
count of quality or price, but mustba for some
other reason. While we did not intend to
quoteany prico3 in this article we will men
tion a few just to prove what we say and sea
if you don't wonder also if what we say is cor
rect why we do not sell all or nearly all of the
good3 sold. Ofcour.3e each dealer has friends
who trade with him for friendships sake know
ing all the time that they are loosing money
by so doing. Now while we appreciate friend
ship yet we want every person who buys good3
of U3 to be fully satisfied that they get good
value for their monoy or we would actually
prefer to miss the trade. But here are some
prices as proof of our statements, we avoid
the large articles simply to show that we do
not confine our low prices to some of the lead
ing articles:
Canned Tomatoes, extra quality, usually sold at
12; j a, we are soiling for 8c.
Bartlett's Shoe Blacking,larg9 box, regular price,
10c; we give 3 boxes for 10c,
Vienna Bread, large loaf, neve- sold less than
10c; you can buy it from us 2 loaves for 15c.
Fancy Table Butter, that sells for 20 to 25c, we
offer at 17c,
Tea that brings 75c a pound and in some stores
$1, we only ask 45c,
And Tea that sells for 40c. you can buy from us
at 19c.
Gloss Starch, pound packages, worth 8c. , wo will
sell at4,
Corn Starch, also is usually soid at 8, we sell it at
And a 3-pound can of G'oss Starch that you
would have to pay 25 for anywhere else, you
can buy of us at 14c.
Abie's Pie Preparation, always sold for 10c. or 3
for 25, we offer you at 5c.
Cigars that could not bo bought elsewhere for
less than $1,25 a box, we sell at 60c.
And aside from offering goods much lower
than any other establishment in the state wa
believe we have one of the most complete
stocks of groceries in the state. Whenever
anything new in our line comes on the market
and has merit we add it to our stock. We
wholesale a great many goods- and at figures
lower than exclusive wholesale houses. Our
cigar and tobacco stock is complete. Our tea
and coffee contains as fine a line of both as can
be brought together. Our confectionary stock
includes the fine grades in abundance as well
as the more staple varieties of confection. We
serve as fine Soda Water at 3c. a glass as can
be had in the city at any price. In our butcher
shop we handle as much and as fine a grade of
beef and other meats as any in Scranton and
from 2 to 4 cant3 a pound lower than any shop
in tho city. On Tuesdays', Thuusdays' and
Saturd iys' we have a full assortment of green
vegetables 25 per cent below market rates.
Finally we think wa are safe in saying that
we give more and better goods for the money
that any concern in Pennsylvania. Here are
some of the reasons we have for' wondering
why we do not sell all or nearly all of the
groceries sold in Scranton. Come and see if
you can fine us misrepresenting facts in any
of the above assertions. Ve would like to
have your trade or part of it and will make it
worth your while to buy of us.
F. P. PRICE, Aent.
ltavlne suffered from Dyf
pepsin for threw years, I UJ
cklcd to try Unworn Uwo
Bittf.ils. aud aftur uiiit; oua
bottle I found myeeUw) muck
better that 1 was encouraKod
to use anuthor; after taking
this I dud myself ho full y re
Rtorod that I do not need any
more medicine, feeling truly
grateful to B B. B.
Miw. Q. Whitb,
Taberg.Uneida Co , S.T.
JULY 4th
Application for privileges
! should be made to H. B.
CHASE, 312 Lackawanna
S. A KING, of Bingham
ton, has been engaged to
take charge of the Score
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
; Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, ae what
will recommend them to our
s Sons'
Mnnnfacturera of the Celcbratal
100,000 Bbls. Per Annum,
tas 1 and 2 Comnwaltb Bid's
liadbatthn MOOSIC and KUdU
LnfUin & Rand Powder Co.'
Electrlo Butteries Fmo for esplol
lug blast. Safety Fuse aud
RepaunoChemical Co.'sHigh Explosives
rVmlof tho tioet quality for domestic use.ana'
of nil Nlzos, delivered In any port of tho cltj
It loweet price.
Ordan left at my ofllce.
ftonr mam, nrt floor, ThtrJ National Bank,
or lent by mail or telephone to the miuet will
receive prompt attention.
Mioclnl eouiracta will be made for toe aaU
aud dulivery ut Buckwheat Coal.
Driving Pari'
DRh; EUAB DEAN hU reacted to CM
MMfeJ f r,u",8trMt. Scranton. fa. Uuit op
I'Qslte cuurt-houie Square.)
DK. -r11 otD M Waahmgtoa
nSSJS "tore. Bealdenoe, TH Vine at.
iSStSK1 tu S d 7 to 4 aud
lyu to 7.JU f. m. BuudayJ to 8 p. m,
1H. W. t ALlYn, Office cor. Lacks.
id .T,-"? Rn1 5aW ST" J Leon
ard aboe atore; olBce faoure, 10 to 13 a. m, and
WaaalAkS-j11 lug
treot Wyomin Bealdenoe, W Vine
DKV.M- ?ATK1i 5 Waahiniton Aveuna.'
Ay Office houra. e to "a.m., l.ioto 8 and?
p,lnl Rl(ienco3ll9 Madison avt nue
1UHN U WENTZ, M. D., Offices M and 41
O tommonweallh buUdlna: realdenoe 711
WadlaJuavo: office hours, 14 to 12, 1 to 4, I to
B; buudays 2.80 to 4. evenines at residence. A
specialty mado of dlfeusos of the eye, ear nose
aud throat and gynecology'
5? C-MRASi-'KJ!i Uw na ColleoUoa of.
ficfi Nn HI7 y-. r, ..... .a i.
i ouna. Hfrontnti 1j . 117-aiyr iZm
tbrouifhout Pennsylvania; Tollable corrosponcf
....... ... .mi j i mi u iy
"A.N U Attorneys and Counsel.
vSSl i anmouwealth building.
Washington aye. w a jEMP,
Horace E Hawix
yiLI.AHD WARREN 4 "KNAl'P. Attor
r neys and Counselors at Law, Republican
bulldina, WasUnatOB ava.. Hcrantnn Pa.
I lATikkmiM w . i . ,. . . 7
"".wa, Aiiorneys an I
i CouueeUors at Law; ottlcoe U and 8 Library
tulldiinf. bcranton, Pa.
" I Ll.l AM A. WIIXOX,
f nJ?nWlM" Counsellors, Commonwealth
building. Room, m, ou UU(i i.
v. a..... . . Tr. :
on ri , ' : ! " "i-i.i.,nui.i anu
20, Burr building, ashington avenue.
E?H,u M- ,2,E,SLX Lrw ofti la Price
....uiui(, i.u nsnington avenua
A.K.ti iill''L. Attorney at Uw. Room
I). Coal Klchnnrrn UFn... t-
I H Vi in iii i?i)i 'ii' Att'ys, ttt Washms-
- fL yy03i,Ritil ton ay.. C. H. wiuaro
Aa,K W. OAKKOKD, Attorney at Law?
lLri!!l B3.Ji5dtt5, Otimmoawaalth bTr
S'.';!,ulili..W- KDUaR, Attorney at Law.
tj uince, .117 bpmcest . Scrunton, Pa.
A. WATBSS, Attorney at " Uw. 42J
Lackawanna aim. Scrantoi. Pa
' .i-uuu'olior at Uw. Office.
rooms 61. if,. 56 Cimiiumweiilth building.
K. HITCHKB. Attorney at Law. Com-
" .peranum, i'a.
C. COMEUYS. b'2l Spruce st.
llb.rt.tutl v a.. .
... j irfomns neo-
. tiated on real est its ReenrltV.4ft1 Hpruce
I.' VI t t . " : ' i
. . u.uAai, aiwstT at Law. JUi Wy
omuigavenuc, bKranton.
M lllllll.N.
D ton Pa prepares bojrs and girl. for coUoge
oi business: thoroughly trains young chiidrea
Cataloguo at request.
Rev. Thomas M. can
. Walter H. Brai.t.
, . bchool, 412 Adams avenuo. PupiU
ApHlT tlma KcXt Utm wlU 0en
p C. LAUBACU, buigeou Dentist, No, 116
V . Wyoming nve.
H M. .-I KA ITQN'. nmrw rn,i Kicb.nw.
rjniE REPCBLIO"" Saving, and Loan Aeso'
A elation will loan vou monoy on ousior terms
.ind pay you better on Investment than any
other association. Call on S. N. CALLLN-
o mi' pans punning
NEB lit.
GB. CLARK A CO.. Seedsmen, florist
and Nurserymen; store 14t Washington
avenue; green houae.1360 North Main avenue-
store telephone 78S.
Tt AS.
Q HAND UNION TEA CO.. Jones b7os
1 OS. KUETTEL, 5ij Lackawanna avenu
" scranton, i'a jnanorr .f wire Screens
a uve. llooies heutud with t.. ,.,. aii
I .j , Ai.-Aiv uyoming
21T-219 Wyoming
ern improveniouts.
C. M. TrjMA. nop.
rPHE ELg CAFE, 125 and 127 Franklin avo
X nuo. Kntes reasonable.
P. ZiEoi.r.n. Proprietor.
VyLSTAUAofER uotelT '
aU. W' a- SCBENCK. Manager.
sixteenth street, ono block uaatt df Broadwav
Af ITnlnn XT V u
. , .... i i. ww lorn.
Arnerlran plan. C50per day and upward.
'OlMi HOUSE. European nlan: moil
v rooms. Onon day an
night Bar sup-
pueu witn tue test
IT. COYNE, PrporletOT
OCRANTON HOUSE, near D., L. & W. pa
1 3 seuger dopot. Conducted on the Enrovean
I'lnn. ViCTonKncH. Proprietor.
nKA.ND CENTRAL. The largest und best
VI equipped hotel In Auentowu. Pa. : rates
S- and $!!.6o per day.
Victor D. lUnsrn. Proprietor.
AVIS HOUPT, ArchitecU. Rooms 'it
26 and 26 Commonwealth h'ld'g. Scranton.
L. WALTER, Architect, Library i,ulid
ling. Wyoming avenue. Scranton.
1? L. BROWN. Ann B. Architect Price
1 . building. 136 V nililngton Ave., Scranton.
J J balls, plonios, parties, receptions, wed-
illngs and oonceit work furnished. For terms
address B. J. linuer, conductor. 117 Wyoming
aye., over H.ilhert's music store.
Inmbor, Price buildiu Scranton. Pa.
IV I suppllea, envelopes, paper hags, twin
arehoua 130 Wasnington avo., Scranton
UOOTE'S LIVEBY. 1533 Cnpouso avenue
J First class carriages. D. L. FOOTE, Agt
Funeral Director und Embalmrr.
1 --l .1 1....- : . a .
Oil Cloth, 1 20 W. Lackawanna avesue.
owiti 1 1 ' n j f i a iu n vvawMii .oraniio uo
Ho la TV T 1. "
7ZBA FINN A SON8, builders and rontraV
1 j tors. Yards: Corner Olive st and Adami
avo. ; corner ash st nna I'mn ave., Scranton
IS THE BEST. Oat priCN nn
ee the funnies and be aon
vinced. A full Hn of HEAT
ERS, Appollo and Uacza Door
Lost Manhood
and vlftor qulrkl;
ulirlulv eiuU.iuni.
rouliv. te. hUrelv Clll.'il b l.NIIAI'O. tlln L'rat
mrely . n I by
HlnJuo Kfllltdy. With "rlll.unar.Blr.lonr.. aola by
tl 1 1 iuu UilDS . Urugi'litt, Scrsnlon, fa.
Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring
clooulineas and comfort
Trains leave Scranton fnr ...t m w i- . ,
Bsrre, etc , at 8 n 0.16, 11.30 a. m., 12,(0. 2 tu,'p.'m5 WMOa.S
! For Atlantic City, ( J0 a. m.
For New York, Newark and Ellzabotti, 8.21
(express) a. m., 12.50 (eipross with Buffet
parlor car). 8.30 (express) p. m. 6unday, 2.15
i P. ui.
"OK alAVCM Chdnk. Au.ektown, Bitiile
. BEil. EastoI and PRii Anri pi... a ...
12.50 S.SB, 6.U0 (exoopt Philadolp'hlu) p.' m.'
Bundav, 2.15 p. m.
For Bhahcb, Ocean Obove, etc., at
8.20 a. m., 12.50 p. m.
For Keading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via
Allentowii, 8.20 a. m., 12.50, 6.00, p.m. Suuday.
US p. in.
For Pottsville, 8.20 a. m., 12.50 p. m.
lteturniug, leave New York, foot of Liberty
street, lorth river, at U10 (express) a. m.,
1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car)
p. in. Sunday, 4.30 a. tn.
Leave Philadelphia, Hoadlng Terminal, 9.0J
a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 6.27 a. nr..
Through tickets to all points at lowoit ratoa
may be hud on application in advance to the
ticket agent at the station.
. . . acn- pass. Agent.
Gen. Sunt
Comnienclug May 20. 1892,
trains will run as follows:
Trains leave Brldgo Street
Btatfon, Scranton, for Pitts
ton, VVUkec Barre, etc., 8.00,
il."7. 9.JT, 10 42 a, m., 12.10,
1,28, 2.88,4.10. 5.15, 6.1 9.13
and il.jj p. m.
For New York and Phlla-
flalBBlo. IDDl m. 19 1ft t '.
j a ii'. anu n,i p. m.
i For Ilonesdale (from Delaware, Lackawanna
and western depot), 7.00, 8.30. 10. 10 n.m.. 12.UU
ui , - ii, o-iu p. m.
For Carbondale and Intermediate stations,
6.40, " 00, fc.30, 10.10 a. m., 12.00 m ,2.17, 3.25,6111,
8 !il and 0 35 p. m ; from Bridge btreet DtDot.
2.03 a. m., 2.17and ii m.
Fast express to Albany. Saratoga, the Adi
rondack Mountains, Boston and New Kugiaud
points, 6.40 a m., arrlv;n,- at Albany lil.
harntoKa 2.20 n. m.. und leaving Scranton at 3
I p.m., arriving at Albany atit.50 p. m., Sara-
uga. n.m a. m , ana ts ston, . " a. m.
Tuo only direct route between tho coal fields
and Boston. "Tho Leading Tourists' Route
ef America" to the Adirondack Mountain re
sorts, Lukes Ocurgo and Cuamplaiu, Montreal,
Tlmo tables showing local and through train
service between blatlans on all divisions Dela
Viiiiji and Hudson system, limy bj obtained at
all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices.
H. ii. YOUNO, J. W. BUUD1CK,
f ecund Vii'o President Qtn, l'as. Agt
MAY 13. im.
Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia an !
New York via. D. & II. It H. at S n.m.. 12.1 ),
2.D8nndI135p. m via D , L. & W. It. R, 000,
ivila. 11.20 u. m.,und 1...I p. 111.
Leave Scranton fur Pittston and Wilkss.
Barre via D.. L. & W. H. B 6.00, &08, 11. 2J
a. m , 1.30. 3.60. 6.07 fl, 0 p. m.
Leave Scranton for White Haven, Hazloton,
Pottsville and all points on tho Beaver
Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. & W.
V., 6 40 n.m., v.a D. Jill It. B. at S a.m., 12.10,
2.38, 4.10 p.m , via D., L. & W. B. R, 6.00, a.WJ,
11.20 a.m., 1.30, 150 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Bothlehem, Eastou,
Readiug, Hurrlsburg and all Intermedial
points via D. & II. K. It., s a m ,12.10. 2.3i U.3J
p.m., via D L. & W. B. R..6.00,b.08. 11.20 a. m.,
1,30 p.m.
Leave Scrnnton forTunkh nnock, Towanli,
Elmira, Ithacn, Oeuevu and all Intermedin
points via D. & U. R.B..0.0T n.m., 12 10 and 11.31
p. m..vla D. L. & W. B B., 8.04 a.m., 1.30 p m.
Leave Scranton for Rochester, B.illalo, Ni
agara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all point!
west viaD. A H. R. B. 9.07 a.m..!2.10,!U.;i.ll.8!
p. m . via D. L. & W. R. B. and Pittston
Junction, 6.06 a.m., 1J, 8.5J p. m.. via E. A W.
B K.. 3.41 p. m.
For Elioirn and thi west via Salimmoi, via
I). . H. B. B 9.07 a.m., 1 10,6.13 p. m , via D
L. A W. K.R., ,8.03 u.m., l.j and U.H7 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping oc L. v. chair
cars on all trn'ns between L. A B. Junctliiu or
Wilkes -Barre and New York, Philadelphia.
Buffalo and Suspeu'ton Bridge
BOl.LIN H. Wlf.BUB, Gen. Supt. East Div.
CHAS. S, L",E. O.Mi. 1'aas. Au t, Phlla.Pi.
A. W.MONNEMaCUER. Ass't Ojn.Pass Ag'U
South Bethlehem. Pa.
Trains leavo Scrunu.n as follows: Express
for New York and ah poiutB Enst. 1.40, 2.50,
6.10, 8 On and 9.0i a. m. ; 12 50 and 3.50 p, m.
Express for Easton, Trenton. Philadelphia
and the South, 5.1. 8.0U aud 9.5, a. m.; U5)
aud 3.50 p. in.
Woshiugtou aud way stations, 3.35 p. m.
Tobj hanna aocomiui.Hlatlon, 0.10 p. in.
Exnr ss for Biughamtun, Osweyo, Elmira,
Corning, Buth. Dansvllle, Mount Morris ana
Buffalo, 12.10. 2 15 a. in. and 1 24 p. tn.. making
close coui.ections at Buffalo to all points lu the
West, Northwest and Southwest.
Bath nocomiuodntluiii 9 a. in.
Biughamtun and way stations, 12.37 p. m.
.Niouol-oa uecouimodatioii, at p. ui. and
6.10 p. m.
Biughamtun and Elmira Express. 6 05 p, m.
Express tor Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego.
Ctlca aud BicUflcld Springs, 2.15 a. m. and 1.2
p. m.
Ithaca, 2.15 and Buth !ia. m. and 1.24 p. m
For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes-Barro,
Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Danville, makinj
close connections at Northumberland for
WllLiamspor.t, Hurrisburg, Baltimore, Was a.
lngtoii and tbu South.
Northumberland und intermediate stations,
COO, 9.53 a. m. and UN and 6 07 p. m.
Nauticoke ana intermediate stations, 8.US
and II.!)) u. m Plymouth aud intormeduts
stations, 3.3J and 8.5.' n. m. .
Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all
express trams. , ... ,..,,
For detailed Information, pockot tlm 1 tabl ii,
etc , apply to M. L. Suinh, city ticket offlJ,
32d Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket OffiO
In 1 11, ci Janunry USth, 1804.
North llnuna.
miuib Hound,
207 205
iOt iM OH
(Trains Dally, Ex.
el ,
IT. "
Arrive Leave
N, Y. Franklin st.
7 10
7 00
r h
T 15
West 4i!ml street-
P u
Arrive Leave
llltiiCi'l'i. .liUlCllOIl
8 10;
1 00
IS wj
7 61
Prestu.i Park
rie.isaat Mt.
6 18 ..
6 23 ..
0 3 .
7 22
4 'i ..
6 45
6 53 ..
6 5i ..
7 10 a
12 n
7 08
a 59
l'orsct Cltjf
i 1. i' 1 1
White Bridge
l'ark Place
Leavo Arrive
7 24 9 M 9 34
7 3f 0 4& 13 3it
'37 II 140,
f6 4.1
1322' ....I
V flu rn 33 ts 41
e, n . ,.
6 41
J'.V'll 33!
11 2S
V 4,1 10 0ft 9 61
T i3 10 C.B 3 .
7 v in 10. a 39
7 32 10 15! 4 04
7 54 10 17i 4 117
7 56 10 20 4 10'
8 i" 10 '.'4 4 14
8i"'jioa; 4 17'
8 0311090 4 20
1 ra urn
n 1
e ss
11 21
II 17
11 15
II 13
II 10
11 05
f6 111
4 4t
6 15
f6 13
4 6Ui
All trains run dully except sutidny.
1 slgnlUcs that trains stop on sl-nul tor pas.
Additional trains leave Carbondale tor scran,
ton 1.10 and 6.16 p. m., arriving at Scranton 1.51
and 7.00,
Leave scranton for carbondale 6.30 and 8.39
arriving at Carbondale at 7.36 ami 9.13 p, m,
rccure rates via Ontario .1 Woatorn before
purchasing tickets and save money Bay and
Hlugt Bipresstotne West. s
J. C. Anderson, Gan. l'ass Agt
V, milorotl, Dlv. l'ass, Agt. Sci antun, I'a.
Trains leave Scranton for Now York and lu
termedlaie points 00 the Erie railroad at 6 3J
11. tn, und .1.21 p m. Also for Honesdule.
Hnwley and local points at 1! 35, 9.45 a m , and
324 p.m.
All the nliove uro through trains to and
from Honesdale.
An additional train leaves Horanton for
l.ako Ariel at 5.25 p.m. and nrrivos at Scran
ton from the Luke at 8 40 a in and 7.35 p.m.
Trains leave tor Wllkos-Barro at 8 40 a. ra.
and 8.41 p. m.
General Offlue, SCRANT ON. PA.
l " LS
I i H
.... .... 789
.... .... 730
...... HUB
H ... ) M
tun 2 05
6 or. u it
.. 2 24
.. i31
..I 241
..2 80
..12 6)
..13 0J
..I 3 09
11 8 19