THE FCRANTOT TIHPTJiVE TCESDAY MOttJSTmG JUNE 12, 1894. - copsn.rtCP. um (VMtRicAN CHAPTER VII. MAXF.Y HAKES A PEdlN'Nim Miucey rend tho letter in tho fading light by the window, while tho messen ger who had brought tho note to his rooms waited, cap in hand. It was as follows) Hospital, Deo. 00, 1881 Tho girl hu spoken. Her name is Dye. Her fethor lives In Flood struct Lajiah. 'liort, epigrammatic, to tho point. "There will ho no answer," said Maxoy. He heard the door eloso behind the retiring messenger and began to pace tho floor, his luiir erect and his necktie a. kow, whilo his impatient thoughts travolod over tho wide rangoof pnssibil iiics which tho Information in the doc tor's letter seemed to opon boforo him. barely uow ho was on (he verge ot me most important revelations, and yet ho 1, Itfttod for the inonu nt how to act in the emergency. It was a question to him whether it were better at once to intrust this mat ter to thosewhose business it was to in- vostigato crime or to attempt that in'- VOBtigntion by himself, ali.fio and mi nified. In tho first case there would bo the ex peri noe and educated aonteness of a craftsman plying his vocation. In the second ease there would Imi tho native shrowdness of a novice whose heart was llnvl with an enthusiasm, and whose mind was stimulated by an interest, for the intensity of which Mozey himself was sometimes, in' tho rare moments whou ho indulged in self examination, nt a, loss to account. Whilo the artist was still debating With himself this problem Miss Maxoy Came In. She cried out almost before eIio opened tho door: "Oh, Julian, havo you heard f rem tho hospital?" "I have. Annette has spoken. She has told h'T fatlu r's name." Miss Maxoy uttered a glad cry and somowhat astonished her brother by im pulsively throwing her arms about his neck and kissing him. "I am so glad I could cry," she ex claimed. "She will get Well, Julian. She will getwell in spite of everything! Tell me the rest at once. Who pushed her from the road? 'hy did he do it? Why didn't her father answer the ad vertisement?" "My door sister, you forget that she must still bo a vary sick girl. It is a terrible op; ration to survive. Dr. La mar told me something tSxrat it. Ugh! They lulve to go into the very brain it- iclf." Miss Maxoy shuddered. "Don't, Julian please don't!" "Forgive me. I forgot your sensitive ness. Let us come to other things. I want to know what you think about a certain matt r that has been troubling UK. Shall I put this new clew in the hands of the polios, or shall I undertake to investigate it by myself?" "I3y yourself, in tho name of all that leads to success. How many times hffre We been to tho police? And what have they done for as? Julian, we have tried them. We know what they con do. Now try yonrsi If, and if you fail" "Yes," assented Maxoy, "if I fail?" "Why, then we shall see what I can do." This was so good a joke that both of them so ignorant aro wo of that which even a few days may bring forth both of them laughed. "Still I think you are right, Ellen. Our private affairs have been sufficiently discussed in the public prints already. It is about time that we again relapsed into obscurity. The polios Includes the press. That is my first objection, and that decides me. I will go on alone at hast till I encounter something that looks too big for me to cope with Yes, I'll do that, and I'd begin at once.". So Julian Maxoy, tho artist, putting on his outer garment:-, set forth from his lodgings in the gathering dusk of a De cember evening to begin tho unraveling of a very tangled skein. "Dye! Dye! I am very positive I never heard that name before," he said to him self as he went along. "It is hardly probable that there is more than one family of that uamo in tho city." To nssnro himself of this fact ns well as to save himself tho trouble of under taking a lengthy task in Flood street) Maxey went into a store and consulted a directory. He wim very much disap pointed, though not a great deal sur prised, when an attentive perusal of the names beginning with Dy showed him that no such person as Dye was recorded in this registry. The possibility of La mar's having made a mistake occurred to him and led liim to devise some curious combinations of letters which he thought might bo susceptible of a similar pro nunciation. But his success was no bet ter than before. Digh, Dygh, Doy imd similar barbarous expedients met with tho same disheartening fate. Clearly there was nothing to do but to pluugo into Flood street and question tho in habitants. Fortunately thiswns not an extonsivo avenue, but it made up in tint density of it ; population what it looked in length. Thoro was moro humanity hero to the srmaro foot than in 10 streets out of any average dozen in tho city. It was a cross Street stretching between tWO brilliantly lighted thoroughfares, easy of access and bl)t a dangerous neighborhood, but per vaded with a general air of dilapida tion and thronged with a most hetero genous collection of people. "Cheap lodging houses," thonght. Maxoy as his glance wandered along tho fronts j the dingy brick structures. "Truly I have undertaken a serious task. I may as well begin at tho first house and go through in order. I shall never find out anything by random queries." Maxey did not at all ovorestiuinto tho magnitude of his undertaking. If ho had been on an ordinary errand, or in an ordinary mood, ho would havo retired in disgust oro ho was half through. Ho rang at least two-thirds of tho bells in tho street and followed each ring with A lnoro or less tedious inquiry iuto the prlss association personnel of tho inmates of that house before ho met with an encouraging re spouse. At the door of No. 40 he put tho usual question to an overgrown urchin, who answered his summons, and received tho customary reply: "No such person here, i-ir. " "Sure?" ''I urn sure," said tho boy, "lint I will ask pa if you say so. " Pa was a small, wiry man, with a sly fact, who came up from tho basement wiping his month on his sleeve when the overgrown urchin called to him He looked at Maxey with no small degree of curiosity while tho artist repeated his inquiry. "I am looking for a man named Dye. " "Well, sir, you won't find him here. What did you want with him?" .TV jfri":'s "Vim won't find him Inn:" "In view of the fact that ho does not live here," returned Maxey sharply, "1 don't seo what difference it makes to you." "Nobody of that name lives here, troo enough, but thoro aro two rooms let out in that name on my upper floor. That is why I asked." "Oh, that is why you asked? Very well, sir. Let mo see tho landlord nt once, and pray tell him that my busi ness is pressing." The sly man surveyed Maxey with in creasing curiosity and answered in n confidential tono: "Well, sir, yon see the landlord. What can I do for you?" "Isn't there a place where I can speak to yon privately without fear of being overheard?" "To Ik- sure there is!" exclaimed the s'y man, with great alacrity. "Come right in. " In a minute or two Maxey was, closet ed in an unpretentious parlor with the landlord. The artist began by taking a card fri mi his pocket and passing it across tho center table. The sly man seized upon it witii avidity and devoured it. "Oh, yes. Maxey, m'tist. Happy to meet you, Mr. Maxey. My name is Bel fry." "Air. Belfry," said Maxey, after a momentary deliberation, during which he had keenly scrutinized the landlord's face, "I come hero on important busi ness, and business which is quite as pri vate and confidential between you and nie as it i.; important. I desire infonua tio.i, and for it Ishall pay liberally." Evidently the artist had made a fe licitous, beginning. There was no mis taking the radiance that lighted up the sly man s face at the mention of the lust essential detail. "Oh, don't mention it, sir! If I can ho of any service to you, Belfry is your man. " "Thank you. Now I will bo explicit. I want to know all about this lodger of yours who calls himself Dye, every pos sible detail connected with him, but I do not want him to know that I have made any inquiries concerning him. I desire to keep my interest in this matter entirely to myself." The sty man's face visibly elongated at this announcement "In tho first place," wont on the artist, "who is Mr. Dye?" "May I bo blessed if I wouldn't givo a trifle to know that myself. But judg ing from what I have seen of him and of tho people Who inquire after him, ho is a pretty curious and mysterious sort of Individual." "What do you mean by tho people who inquire alter him?" Tho habitual sly look became a shade slyer. "Well, you, for instance. There has been nobody else to speak of, with one exception, Which doesn't matter, nnd never mind, for as that was confidential between mo and her I am mum. But ipeaking to you now, sir, I may say that a man giving his name as Leander Dye Came to this house one morning something over three weeks ago and Wanted to hire rooms. But being that there was that about the looks of this man that made mo think of back rents that never could be collected, and being that Buifry is a poor man and must live, I said at onco to this shabby gen tleman that I was not looking for tran sients, and if be wanted to come hero I should require three months' rent in ad vance. He gave mo such n start then that I haven't got over it yet, for he draws out a roll of bills as big as rhyfllt and counts out tho money at onco. That's tho first I knew of that individ ual. Ho took tho rooms nt sight, and I dusted out, and ho moved up a couple of trunks, and I didn't see no nioro of him for two days." "Was lio alone?" "Pretty much, only ho had a woman with him." "Was she young or old?" "Couldn't say. She wore a veil. Ho called her his daughter. Perhaps she was. Belfry is still undecided nbout that. III! has kept a lodging house long enough to know shy-conory when ho sees it. I think I may remark that of Belfry fair and candid. I would mention that this woman woro a veil that con cealed her features; that sho got out of a bus at thy door iukI went straight up to hor rooms. Nobody got a good look at her, though divers persons to my knowledge tried. All I can tell you about that, personage, Mr. Maxey, is T ' II I. - r ' !. .1 I n U- to I lV'" . v . s '('Jiv-t-x''''-'' i'--'A ' WWtWt that she woro tho clothes or a and was of a melancholy disposition." "How do you know that?" "Because the partitions aro not over thick, and tho lodger in tho next room heard her Crying, " "Is that ail he heard?" "You are surprised, Mr. Maxey, at that lodger's stupidity. So was I. Tho man was an ass. Why, ho didn't even take the trouble to put his ear to tho wall. When I talked with him about it afterword and expressed my feelings plainly in a pitying smile, ho could not see it even then. 'You don't know what you've missed,' says L 'Don't want to, ' says he. 'If I got out of bed to lis ten every time I heard a woman squall, I shouldn't sleep at all. Womou uro al ways crying.' " "Well, and what becamo of this man Dye?" "As I was telling you, Mr. Maxey, ho was invisible for two days, and then one nhrht I met him coming down stairs with thi' key of his door in his hand. 'Mr. Belfry, ' he says, 'business calls mo out of town' them wio his very words 'my daughter has taken her opportu nity to go and visit friends of hers in tho city. Unfortunately sho went away In a hurry, and I forgot two things to leave the key to the rooms with her or to give her any money. ' And thereupon he handed me the key and fetched out of his pocket this very identical bill which I shows you now, Mr. Maxey, and went his ways. " Mr. Belfry passed over for tho artist's scrutiny a clean, now $20 bill. "This I Was to givo to tho woman should she come back in his absence; but, as you have gathered, I.guess, I havo never set eyes on either of them from that day to this, which, if I do say it, In the estimation of Belfry has all the ear markings of shy-canory on tho faco of it." "Mr. Belfry, you referred to another inquirer alter Mr. Dye. Did I under stand you it was a woman?" "Very like, Mr. M.ixcy. Do von know her?" "Well," returned Maxey in a non committal way, "what if I do?" The landlord's left eye (dosed and opened in a suggestive manner. "Name begins with F, eh? Pretty Well up? Something of a stunner for looks?" Maxey's blank faco almost caused the sly landlord to smile, but he bit his lip and went on: "Oh, well, if yon don't eomo from her, I shouldn't feel at liberty to speak about a confidential matter, of course. That wouldn't be proper, not unless I felt and believed that I was working in a good cause. A man's conscience might Sometimes lead him to do something which, generally speaking, ho mightn't bo anxious to do. " Maxey deliberately took a $10 bill from his pocket and placed it on tho ta ble. "You aro working in the best of causes, " he said. "Let us know all about tho lady. I know I am trespassing on your valuable time, Mr. Belfry, and I simply want to show you that I do not mean to overlook tho fact that tinio is money." "Oh, don't mention it, Mr. Maxey. I shouldn't think of charging you any thing for my little trouble, only I would liko to feel suro that you are on the right side and that all is confidential between us." "Rest assured of all this, Mr. Bel fry." The sly landlord's glance rested ab stractedly on the bank note on the table. He seemed to have entirely forgotten its presence. "Tho word of a gentleman ought to be enough for me, Mr. Maxey, and I will corneal nothing. Within the last three weeks a certain mysterious female has rung at my bell at least four times. Sho always comes in the night pretty late, alone and with a dowdy shawl on and a good, thick veil over her face. But don't think I'm an idjot, Mr. Maxey. After being in the lodging house busi ness for 10 years I am US) d to shy-oanery a little. She's no servant girl, for people like her can't pick up the ways of serv ant girls so very easy, and they only mince the matter when they try to pull the wool over the eyes of so old a bird a; Belfrj-." The sly landlord chuckled and con tinued: "First two times sho acted nervous and only came to tho door and seemed to be .covering up her real voice. Tho next two times she was nervouser, but she camo in. Tho last time she got a little scared at her own boldness and left a letter to be delivered to this man Dye immediati ly on his return, to save her self the trouble of calling again, she said." 'A sealed letter?" "Oh, ho, of course, of course, Mr. Maxey. Don't think she would tell Bel fry any of her business. Oh, no! Sho vas mighty particular about that, but sh brought me tiiis envelope nil sealed and directed in as pretty a little hand, as nice as you please. " "I suppose," began Maxey hesitat ingly, "I snpposo it would bo scarcely Justifiable for us to open that letter?" The landlord responded promptly! "Oh, no, certainly not. And besides it it wouldn't do you any good. I think in fact, I I kinder guess what's in that letter." "Guess? How? I don't understand you." Tho sly landlord winked so profusely that he actually succeeded in stimulat ing Maxey's limited knowledge of hu man depravity Into a comprehension of the situation. "Oh, I see. You mean you havo al ready opened the letter." "Tho letter is just as good as ever it was," returned Mr. Belfry evasively. "It is sealed up as good as before, but a man keeping a humble lodging house can't afford to countenance any undcr- Rcecham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills-25c. At drusjstorcs.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. handrrtness, yon know. I liko to know tho nature of any mail I'm carrying. Belfry is cautious, or he's nothing." Maxey smothered his secret contempt and 'smiled. "Well," ho questioned, "and what did the lottor stvy?" "Tho letter said," replied Mr. Belfry, marking off the words on tho tips of tho fingers of a not superlatively clean hand, "tho letter said: 'Leander Dyo Como to mo in tho evening at 1(1 Livingston street. Como for your own interests and fail to oomo at your ix-ril. I havo some money for you. Tho sister. ' That was tho only signature What do you think of that?" Maxoy was silent. "As for me, "went on tho sly land lord, "all thoso circumstances look queer." "What did Mr. Dyo leavo in his room?" "Ho left two trunks locked and noth ing in them but old clothes, ono of them women's and the other men's. Thoro worn't much finery. His rent ain't up for over two months, you understand." "I understand. What sort of a looking man is Mr. Dyo?" "Belfry's notion of it is that he's some very badly run down parson. Bel fry may bo wrong, but that's tho way he sizes up L Dye. Ho might havo been enjoying himself too much and tho con gregntion got down on him. It's my ex pi Hence, Mr. Maxey, after years in tho lodging house line, that most of the re verses of this world can be traced, moro or l. ss direct, to shy-euncry. If a man's down and you go hunting around in his records for the reason of it, 40 to 1 you'll roll against a piece of shy some where, and bigger rather than littler, generally, too. That's Belfry's ulti matum." Tho sly landlord might have moralized for half an hour if the impatient Maxey had not interrupted him: "I understand all about that. But what I am after now is Mr. Dyo. Can yon tell me tho exact date of his coming and his disappt oranco?" Mr. Belfry referred to a greasy pocket diary. ' 'Ho camo on Dec. 7, Mr. Maxey, and ho went on Dec. 0. ' ' Maxey's hair rose at once, but ho con trolled himself and went on: "Very well, Mr. Belfry. I now havo a proposition to make to you one that may prove exceedingly profitable to yourself. If you will by hook or crook gentle moans if possible, forcible means if necessary bring that Mr. Dyo to my rooms the day he sets foot within this house again, or failing to do that keep him a prisoner until I can bo sent for if you can do this, I will reward you most liberally. Meantime I shall probably see yon again very sixm. " Maxey, having transacted his business, arose 'to go. Tho landlord's eyo rested abstractedly on tho $10 bill lying on tho table, but again he did not seem to see it. "Belfry is always glad to accommo date a gentleman," he said. "I want no pay for what I da I'll see that the rascal is kept for you or brought to you for tho sake of helping a gentleman in trouble. It will be all right, sir. Trust Belfry. If he ever sets his foot in this house again, you will know it, if you aro at home, within till minutes." "And bo sure," cautioned Maxey, "that ho sees me before ho reads that letter." The sly landlord chuckled and deliv ered himself of a comprehensive wink. "I'm not an idiot," he murmured. "whatever I am, and I'm somewhat used to shy, Mr. Maxey shy for short, you understand." "By the way," suggested Maxey, turning almost on the doorstep as a thought occurred to him, "of course you don't know who lives at 16 Livingston street?" "Oh, don't I, though? I may mention that Belfry looked that up at once. She's a widow, and she's very rich and very stingy. Her name is Foifytho." There was a ringing in the artist's ears as he went ont into the lighted street again. All the Way back to Bal lavoine place four little Wordsof tho sly landlord were Bounding in his mind: "Her name is Porsythe." Was it possible that this was tho lady whom Lamar was to marry? to be continued. MINISTERS ENDORSE IT. Donnofid, Parttftft C'n., N. C. Dr. K. v. PntRCK: Dear Str- For some six Or seven yeurs my wlio IukI been an Invalid. Be coming convineetl that it whs lioi only hope, we bought six liottlcsof Dr. Ploroe'l Fnvnrito Prescription ami "(iolti en Medical Discovery." To tho Mirpriw of tlio community ami the joy of myself ami family, in one week my wifo eoni- . 1 f 1 -1 I In llimmrn ..! tflnnir licforn h1h hml 4 iPWpPli V taken tin- last t-.,;tlc fIic " lam'ei'' m wns BD'e to do her own work (Hlic had not ueen ftblo to do it before for soven yearn), ami when Rhe had taken the last Mrs. BriHPSON. Of tho medicine sho was soundly cured. Yours truly, BOV.T, H. S'l'IMPSON. For women raftering from any chronic " female complaint " or weakness ; for women who are run-down or overworked ; nt tho change from girlhood to womanhood: ami, later, at the eritieal "chango of life" "Favorite Prescription "la a medicine that safely and certainly builds up, Strengthens, regulates, and cures. DUPONT'S HIKING, HLA8T1NO AND BrOUTINQ Manufactured at Iho WftpwiUopen Mills, Lu seruo county Ph.. and at Wil tuinctou, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr General Agent for the Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa Third Kutlonal Ttank Dullding. TITOS. FORD, PitlHt.n. Ta. JOHN B KV1TH & KON;Plymouth fn E. w. mulligan, Wllkoi-fiarfe, Pa Agents for the ltepauau ChoiuioMi Cue I'll)'" Ulub Extloulvdt. I prmuienUyc-irc;! fn20 toOOdiyi bv ,' ayi undfM- (iiarnnty, biM ry wu,uw n . m. i I Poaitivo proofs and 100-pfit biok . ill-Jitrattd from I I y runil When lIoiB,irin5 I Itnd Miimiryftii, Our M,ialc Remedy wllll I tw-Uiw'v r-tro. O0H MtRtflO fit., rfelravo, 1)1.1 POWDER flH iNTERESilHG STORY ThW National Told By Mrs. Cook, of Broollp. AND CAREFULLY RECORDED A Pago From Real Life Which Can Be Read With Interest and is Certain To Be of Value. Ou a recent Snnaay afternoon the writer Rave interested attention to the narration whioh follows. It Is here re- proilnoeU almost cx.ictlv (n the wordi of the ludy from whoso lipj it fell Mre. S B. CooW, of 250 Tompkins ave une, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Cook anil nivself sat at the front windows of their homo over looking the park, hb Mm. Cook gave thin leaflot out of her life, ono of her children nestling against ber knee. "My hnstiand and I have boon mar ried, "snid the lady, "almost nine yeura. Bffore my marriage I was often tired, weay, exhausted, and mv streneth setmoii to be passini; from me. I was men trouoleda great deal with Indiges tion and dyspepsia, and ountiuiea since. I would be well two or Hire months and sick two or three months. off and on. That was the hittory of several j ear? llteplng badly and eur terin;?. I conld not eat any solid I lived on boiled milk, taken hot, right ufftliBBtove. That Was my'diet, nnd I aoi very tiTed of it; but I was afraid to touch anything else. "Now to get back to the year 18011, Inst year, was a lung and sad one for uie. As the warm weather tame on I hoped to get butter, but did not. The opening buds on tho trees out thero in 'he park found me as weak, low and miserable as I had been in the winter. I waa loeing fhh nnd atremjtu, slowly hut surely, all the time. My nerves were foeble and shaken 10 that my sleep was habitually b id. "At last, by the advice of my friends, I went to Peektkill. where 1 remninod for some tlm, but my friends saw I was growing thinner, and expressed the opinion to ono another that I was in a decline. "The doctor suggested that I take cod liver oil, but I told him I couldn't boar the looks or tho taste of it, either in its natural Ktato or as an emulsion. He lookod gruve at this but sai l no more about it. So I lay thoro and lin gered and sank; that is all there is to say of the result of my trip to the country." "Eyory time I went up to visit my wife, ' enid Mr. Cook, "I could see she was much thinner and more feeble than before, althouuli Bhe didn't liko to admit it." "Well" continued the lady, "I felt that If it were physically poasihlo 1 must get home, aud so, on tho 3d of November, they wrapped me up and brought me home, wuat was left of me; and what there was of me weighed jnst OS pounds, 37 less than I weighd in my girlhood. Here I could do noth ing, eat nothing; only wait for what might happen. I had tried doators and dru(jS often useful to others but of no use to me. "On the next day after my return my husband brought me a bottle of prt -digested food, and said that a frlsnd of his had rocommonded it, and hopod I would try it. I tasted it and it Utod -i ii I, nothing like cod liver oil I oe gan taking it according to directions without feeling tho least confidence iu it or indulging any hope in it But it did have a good effeot and that quickly, It gave me an appetite. ''I could i at the old kinds of foo l and they ilidu't distress me. Then I began to got eome strength. At hte end of a week, to my surprise and de light, 1 found i had gained two pouuds, At the end of two weeks, two more. And soon, gaming two pounds every week. "It Is eight weeks now, and I weigh 11 1 pounds, jmt 1G pounds more than when I camo home. I can eat anything, havo no pain, no cough, no headache, can run up stairs like a girl, and 1 know you will believe mo whou I -uv it is nil duo to I'uskola.'' "Ahd you think the pre-digi sted food Pi'.akoln did all tlds for you, Mrs. Couk V ' "Certainly ; if it didn't, what did t" never felt so well nudlike .living iu ten years us I do now." It isn't my wife's inerens i in wsight aloue" remarked Mr. Cook; "but look at her! her strength ! ber onjoyment of berstli'f her bright spirits! Stia had none of those things nulil Pafkola gave them to her. If it can do as muoh for other peeple, through her statement being puolished, why it ouht to be published." "What my husband says, I say," added Mrs Cook; "anything less would be ingrntitude on my part and culpa ble indifference to tho Buffering of others." Has this case any lesion for you ? Are you thin ? Are you famiBhing for food which tho palate refuses aud the stomach cannot digest ? Are yon pale lor the want of red blood 1 Aro ron chilly because yon have not flsah to feed the vilal fire ? Aro ycu weak be cause your food Is not assimilated V Are you slowly sinking like a scuttled ship? Millions are- Abandon the use of drugs and msdioinss, aud test the modem scientific treatment. Pnskoln is a food, and enables tho system to use all other food. It arreste emacia tion, re-establishes, nutrition, till np the hollow cheeks, aad uut of weakness develops power. Apatiiphlot on food and digestion will be mailed fres on application to The Pre-lXgcsted Food Co., 80 Hoade is.. New York. The GENUINE New Haven ESTABLISHED 1808. New York Watoronnis No. 80 Fifth Avenuo. E. C. RICKER & CO., Sole dealers in this section. OFFICK 121 Adams Ave., Telephone BTd'g OOF ttnnlnir and Roldotlnu all done away witlt by the UNOot HAKTMAN o t AT ENT PAINT, which consists ot inerodl nta well-known to all. It can bo applied to tin, calvanizeil tin, sh"nt iron roots, ai no to brick dwelllncH, which will prevent absolutely any j cruinonn, cracking or urnaKing oi tne brick. It will outlast tinuinu: ot any kind by many yenrs.aud It's cost docs notexcood ono fifth that of i ho cost of tinning. Is sold by tho job or pound. Contracts taknn by ANTONIO 11AUTMANN, 10 Lirch 3t A Maindsomo Complexion Is one of the greatest charms a woman can 9 H I possess l'u,.:u m's Coupusxion Powdub gives it. "Mattiushel" Pianos mt& Bank of Scranton, ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS, $250,000 This bank offers to rtrpnsltors every facility w arrant by their balances, bun!. ue( ana ri-KMuiiHlbHlty. Nim.cImI Bit,. .-! . . i . uiY.'ii ii. i it i .1 ii,'.'. no count lutciegt iiulil uu time lciiulU. WILLIAM roNM'i.i, President ono. ii. (, vice-President WILLIAM U. VliCli, Casblcn DuucGTona Wiiiinm I'onuell, George n. Catlin, Allri-d Hanil. Juuins Arclibnld, Henry lid In, jr., Millluui T. tjitli Luther It, .11.. r OKSTKR BUUN tit., luo'lU upltal, tfl .U(M.OftO. BEST ti!.:.0 KHOJS IU Till'. WOBXD. "1 dollar tavsd ii a dollar tarntd" ThlsL miles' Soliil I rencb DciujdIh Kid But ton Boot delivered freo :my where In the U.S.. on receipt ot Cnnh, Monry Older, or I'oital Note for $1.30. Kqnal every way tho boot sold In nil retail stores (or Si.'iO. V't) mate this boot curiielveH, therefore wo jyuar aulcr tbo Jittttt1? aitfl MWOf, n,.,l IP iv,.n i.i ...I ETv "SrlfA w" Hifunil tho m.iuey "i''ri or need another . air. Opera C1'''',iJivvK 1'Ul' "r Common Bcnse, Dexter Sho Co" KsSIS:' 1 b i-j. sm : " V I J V'.: .ii- l to 8 wul lull ElM 1 IK 1WV SrndyowUi; M'1 1 : -.SL iiuiiirui..j in!!! ,a ,,. '"TtMiTr SUPERLATIVE AHD GOLD MEDAL The above brand of flour can be had nt any of the following merchants, who will accept Tur. TriBDNE FLOUR COUPON of 25 on each one hundred pounds of flour or 50 on ouch barrel of flour. Ecrantcn F. P. Price, Wasblnstoa tvenao I Gold Meda Brand. . Dunmore F. P. Pries, Gb'.d Medal Brand. Dunmoro 1'. D Manloy. Suparlntivo Kranl. llyde Park Ciibon ,t Davis, 'A--hl)uru St. Gold Medal Brand; J soph A. Mears. Main avonuft, Buporlatlvs Brand. Green Uidgo- A.Ij.Speacnr.Guld Modal Brand. J. 'I'. McHale, Superhitive. l'lovli'.encu Fenner ftChappolLN' Main ave nue. Buporlatlvo BrandiU J wlliespla Vf. stroot. Gold Hedal Llrand. Olyphant James Jordan. Superlative Brand. PecklUo Shaffer i! Ki Is ,r Superlativj. Jenuyn- O, O. Winters .t Co buporalattvo Archbald Jones, S mpson & Co . Hold Medal. Carl ondllle B. S. Clark, Gold Medal Brand. Honesdale-I N, Foster ii Co. Gold Medal. Mmooka M. II. l.,v.. 'No star v;as ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF Scranton, l3a. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US That we will GIV3 you baautiful n9W pat terns of Sterling SiLVES SPOONS and FORKS for an equal -peijlit.ounoa for ounca, Cf your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved froe. A larG variety of now pat terns to select from at HOT l.At'CiA H rimiiiilon or Insanity. KmP.llnl2Vil.l With n..'..., ,i.. ...... .v. other. Address NfeKVE IBEB CO., Masonic Temple. Cmoioo.iLL. For Saloin Scranton, Pa., by IT. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cor. WnshinptoD nnrl Snrtioe utrecR i'i'at Mir.iitlon and UKiouis Avri ai.-.-i. i nstsil uinee iiM-uru '-r reiuno ine ineneT. oo lllM-uu porDOCVpons " for S i.ou. 1)B, MO'l T'U Cii KM U-AJL C.. tlcvcluud. utile. il UyC 11 IIAKi.l '. UriiggUt, ri ; I'eim Aieime. Npw dinroTcrT. iii'iotf iuil AlivE Louie;. orlf TAL MITiU'lNii CO. Forsate by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvucc Street, Scranton, Pa. Dr. Grewer Tbo 1 lilladelphi i Sn'riilfnt, nt:d bis nmnclated Htaff (,f English and Qoruau physicians. arc now peraanenUy located at 11 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON. The iloetor is a graduate of the Uulvorntty of I'ei nsylvania.fori'iorlv domnnstrtitorof nhvli- olosy and surgery at t'.i" Medico .CbJrnrgkal t pllogp nf Philadelphia. A specialty of li route. Nervous, .Skin. Heart Womb and lllimd diSv'abcs. DISEASES OF THE RERYOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which an dizziness, lack of confidence, soxniil wetkneM in men ami wo man, ball riniiio; in the throat spots Boating before the eyes. in.sof memory, unable to con, centrato tin, mind i n one subject, eauilv startled when suddenly spoken to. and dull, distressed mind, which unfits them for per forming Iho actual duties of lite, making hap piness Impossible; distressing the action of the heart, canting flush of heat, di pressloit of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tiro easy of company, feeling as t Ired In the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, oonfusioa of thought, depression, constipation, weakness of the limbs, oto. Those so affected should consult u-: immediately and le restor ed to perttet health, LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Youii,p Men Cured. If you have been given up by your physician call upon the doctor and M examined. IIo lives the worst cases nf Nervous Debility. Scrie la, Old Bores,CatarrhPiies,Female Weakness, iloctloltsot tbo Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat, atbma. Dealt, ess. Tumors. Cancers and Crip Isaof every description. Consultations free and strictly sncred and confidential. Office hours daily from Ua. m. to'.i p. in. Siindev '.i to L' Jtutu the X 1. Viifrunc, Aoc.l, HIS. "CllICAno, Oct SI. Fhe first official announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been mads. A medal has been awarded by the Wovlfi's Fair judges to the flour maun fncturod by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in the groat Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as iirfet-clats patent flour lor lumily and bakers' use." & COMNELL WBOLK8ALK AGENTS. Taylor Jndce & Co., Cold Medal; Athorto? Co., Superlative. Duryea Lawrence Store Co.. fiold Medal Mooslc John Mcfrindle. Oold M.laL Httsbm-M. W. Q'Boyle, Gold Medal. Clark's Uteen Frnce Parker, Superlative. Clark's Summit - K. H. Youug, Wold Modal. l):ilton-S. E. Finn & Son, Gold Modal Ilraat Nicholson J. Harding. Wavcrly- M. V. . Ulms Son, Oo'd Medal., Tn. t iry'villo Charles Gardner, Gold Medal Hopiu.ttom M. l inn oc boa, liold Jleaat Tobyhanna T bvti.inna & Lebi-ja Lumbir Co.. Gold Modal Bran 1. Gonldsboro'-B A. Adams, Sold Mela'. Uraad, Btoscow Qaige A dements, Geld Modal. Lake Ariel James A. Bortroe, Gold MedaL ForeBtCity-J. L. Morgan & Co., Gold Mods O i . i' IVX '. VI The Flour Awards LISdSBwvip!iiJ IcilicVS tl WIIiwIbI 0 wImxI titori all irii di cum ' fueh us NVeek Memory. lynsof Brain 1'oiTer.BeadaehO. Wakeftuncss. Com Uanbood, Nightly felsslohs, Rerroasnei,alldralnsand lossol pewer InOeuomtlTeOriransoteltbersezeatiiodbyori reMrton.yontApmrs. ,..,,,,. i .n-ea'ep.orliimorftlieulants, which lead to Innrmlty, Qpn Can booarrlsdln vestpoitet. 1 rev box, o terra... a K& order we irlvo wrltien Biiuranter li. euro Clrenlav freo. Sold bv al I rtvujSHts. Afk tor It, ll.o DR. MOTT'S MCBVKB1NE rs i o o RESTOREu HUH The groat remedy fornorvous potrattnn nnd alliiprvousdlfic.t.'e.i of tho Kene rati ve oranns of clthiTpex. sccli aA Nervous Prostratli n, Fall Inn or Lost manhood, lmpotcticy, Nightly KnilsslonB. Youthful Krror3, Insanity. With every 85 order we give a written aar LOST YlfiOR Will braep Tnn nnfn wrok fl.ilrt with VFr.ITTT'V 'It A HAN t EE to Ouro NerTus Dihility, Lon.i of flexii&l Power in oithci ;fx, InvolunttrT Kmlnsltiue from My CRiiie. If nofllcrtei, pucb troubles Irnd t. cmiMiinption or iDsa tty, (l.iHIprr w by uinU.fl bdxen for gl. With ot- r ? uiyi- wruu'n puai.imi-f n cure or it ruiul ltn mou.-y. .vin Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and i