The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 12, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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for one week
We will sell our entire stock of
New and Stylish TRIMMED
PRICES. Come and see theni at
Hve your COLLARS Rtnrvkrd in tho old
way, when you cnii lmvo them done with toft,
plisblo BnttonholeB (or TWO CENTS EACH.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
Thursday, June 14.
Remnants Id Dress Goods,
Silks, Trimmings, Ribbons
and Wash Goods,
lears & Hagen
If you want
Carpets. Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
127' Wyoming Ave.
Company B qualified four members yes
terday at the Dickson City rifle range.
Professer Howard's concert at the Penn
Avenue Baptist church. Thursday even
ing. It is expected that the Parker street
bridge will be completed the first oC next
The streets and bridges committee will
meet Swotland street property owners
this evening.
A lurae and conveniently arranged cab
inet for keeping surveyors implemeutj
has been placed in tho city engineers office.
'Ihe Providence Women's Christian Tem
perance Union will meet this afternoon at
2. ..0 in the Cnristiau church, Worth Main
Rev. J. W. Williams, qf the Dunmore
Presbyterian church, will speak this oven
ing in the Rescue mission on Franklin
At the McAU mission auxiliary meet
ing held yesterday afternoon at the resi
dence of James Arcbbnld, 434 Jefferson
RTeuue, nbout forty ladies were present.
No special business was transacted.
Tho Welsh CalviuMic Hethodilt church
will conduct an excursion to Lake Ariel
today. The train will leave the Erie and
Wyoming depot at 8.30 o'clock. Special
cars will leave each terminus of the West
Side lines. at 7.45 o'clock.
Oliver Kreskie, a D.-Inwnre, Lscka
wanna and Westoru brakeman, while
coupling cars at Stroudsburg yesterday
morning, hud his right hand mashed be
tween the drawheadi. He was brought to
the Moses Taylor hospital in this city
whero three lingers wero amputated.
Open All Illght
at Lehman's Spruce stroef.
Y. W. C. A. NOTES.
An informal social will be ho'.d at
Young Women's Christian ussociaiiou
rooms tonight from 7.30 to 'J.8X
Tho postponed excursion to Farview
will occur on Saturday of this week. Tick
et! cau be purchased at Stelle & Socley's
end Sanderson's drug store.
The annual meeting of tho association
will be hold Thursday evening, Juno U, at
So'clock. Members are requested to be
present to cast ballot for ollioers and
board. Miss M. S. Dunn, 3tato secretary,
will givo a short address, and reports of
the work will be given by tho seor-tarios.
An invitation is extouded to lady and
gentlemen friends of the association
On Friday evening at 8 o'clock thn
Chautauqua circle will give literarv r.ud
musical entertainment. Essays will be
read by members of the circle, Owing on
the course of study of the past year. La
dles and gentleman ure invited to be pres
ent. Admission free.
Objsots Are Crmrnandnbln
An application for the incorporation of
;he Polish Literary society of the borough
jf Dickson was tiled yesterday in thu pro
thonotary's office. Tho purpoBO i f the so
ciety is stated as follows: "For the educa
ting aud instructing of the BMtnbm in H
knowledge of the English language aud tho
principles of pcpulur government.
Examinations for Freihmon'i Clan
Examinations for admission to the fresh
men's class of Princeton college will be
hold in the office of Attorney John M.
Harris, Commonwealth building, Scrautou,
on Thursday, Juno 14. Examination pa
pers will be opened at 10 a. m.
Kkm.n an i s for children's dresses at half
price at our talo of remnants Thursday,
June H. Meahsi & HaoeV
Matchlsss Shaw Pianos Every cus
tomer recommends them. Stulle & Seeley,
184 Wyoming avenue.
Williams k Mc An ulty
Work Done to Mik; the New High
Building Safe.
City Threatens Suit if Assessments
Are Not Paid Recommendations
of tho Building Committee Con
troller Evans Objects to the Site
Selected for the New No. 10 School
Tho hoard of control held a meet
ing last evening for tho transac
tion of reyular bmincm. Two coininu
iiloatiom from City Solicitor Torre y
were rend. The first stated that tho
city treasurer bad certified to Mr.
t'orrey for cnlleotlon the Hg's8iiient
for grailiog Van Bureri RYenoe, school
No. 1, the aiiioiint of siO. 1 7. with in
terest from July 10, 1801. Unless the
-Hue shall be paid, tho city solicitor
threatens to bring suit Tho other
commrjnleiitlnn was In reference to a
hill of $ Ill-s. 17 for fcrnding on Ma lison
i venae, and was ncootnptnitd by n
similar threat f legal proceedure un
less the amount is paid.
Tho members mated the mtttet very
philosophloall, Mr. Wormier and
other vtiiting that while th board
had men in the habit of paying sooh
claims for tho mite of encouraging pub
lic improvements, yet it was under no
obligation to do so. The olaltne were
referred to the bnlldtag committee,
Tiie building committee inbmltted
the following reo itnuiendstloni,
That Peter Cavell be appointed janitor
at No, 88, the position made vacant ov the
death of James K -lly, nt a salary of $35
per month.
Tnatl L Williams be employed ai ar
chitect of the two room building to be
erected on the lots recently purchased in
ti e Nineteenth ward.
The following bids were received for the
construction oi s retaining wall at No. v.
Max Phillips, I8TS.80; M.J. Buddy, $2;
Moldoon & Bowe, $823; Gray & Co., ?I37.
We therefore recommend that Ihe con
tract be awarded to M. J. Ruddy, ho being
the lowest 'bidder.
We .recommend that James Kelly be em
ployed as watchman at Xo. 12 ut $1.50, tho
contractor having agreed to pay one half
the expense; the hours to be from Up. m.
until 7 n. m.
We recommend that fl.igiiug, curbing
nnd guttering be placed on the Margaret
Street si lo of No. 20.
That long distance'telephones bo put in
the secretary's nud superintendent's of
fices, the cost being $4 per quarter each
That the secretary be Instructed to ad
vertise for bids to furnish 2,0(1:) school
desks to be furnished as required.
We also recommend thu payment of the
following bills:
Conrad Bcuroeder, on No. 12 cer
tificate ,.f L W. Williams ?2,2:.0 01
Mark McDonnell 28 50
David Watson , 54 75
James Hnwley 40 00
Delaware and Hudson Canal com
pany 3 92
Max Phillip 5 00
Green Bidge Lumber company,
rent 1)0 0J
Tne report of the building commutes
wss adopted, as Wits also rt resolution
offered by Mr. Wormser that Architect
Williams tes informed that the cost of
the new building for the Nineteenth
ward must not exceed $8,500.
new man school foundation.
Civil Engineer E. A. Bjrtl, who sn
periuteuJed the work of securing tne
high school plot, also scut in his report,
giving a detailed account of the opera
tions of the Luckawanua Iron and Stoel
company in tlio premises. The outlets
In the big vein were first closed with
b'avy dry walls uud such substantial
masonry suppliol as was necesiary.
Dirt was then shoveled in nud slushed
to within three feet of the ton of the
working. Tho remaining spaca was
slushed tight to the roof with cniin
Mr. Brti spoke in complimentary
terms of the efforti of tho LlOkaWanua
Iron and Steal company to mike the
plot secure, and rt quested that the
school board visit the scene of opera
tions and inspect the work. It was de
cided that the members meet at 1
o'clock this afternoon foi the purpoi
of complying with Mr. B irtl's request
The report was accompanied by bills
from the LsOkaWauna Iron and Steel
company aggregating So 789 51, a bill
from Mr. Dirtl for 1 10 SO for services
renderod. and one in favor of the
Boranton Gas and Water company for
61 lor water used in slushing. The
bills wero ordered paid.
On motion of Mr. Wormser it was
decided that ft resolution of thank,
signed by the president and secretary,
be forwarded to the Lackawanna Iron
and Steel company, and that Superin
tendents Morgaq and Powell also re
ceive the thanks of the board.
Tho application of Charles S. Gil
bert, delinquent tox collector for the
Twelfth nnd Twentieth wards, to have
certain lots on Stone avenue released
from of judgment bond In order that he
may sell them, was referred to the
proper committee.
wants the site changed.
Mr, Evans raised the question of the
site of the proposed No. 10 school, urg
ing that it be changed from the plot
selected on Rebeooa avenue to the cor
ner of Evans and Lafayette, giving
us bis reasons that the former is a much
more cntrnl as well ft lettable loca
tion. The motion to effect tho change
was warmly oppoted and was disposed
of for the time by referring the m liter
to the building committee in conjunc
tion with the controller of tho Ward.
A resolution pasted r questing Arch
itect Williams to have the plans for
the new building in the Nineteenth
ward ready for prsentntion at the
next tneoting of the board.
In accordance with the request of
Miss lioice, principal of the training
school, the members of the board will
visit that institution next Friday after
County Treaaurer D. W. Powell Acted
as Ihfl Auc'ionoAr,
The comity treasurer's sale of seated
und nnsented lands to satisfy unpaid
tuxes wis held in the court tious. yes
terlny. City Clerk Martin Lavelle bought
the Widow llreunan estate in Carbon
dulo township; thr.?e lots of S. II.
Rhode's in Covington township were
sold to Attorney George U. Taylor;
Edward C Owens bought a lot b, -longing
toJobnPloom uud the prop
erty of Edward Walter in Dickson
Following are som 1 of the other
sls :
In Dunmort borough four lots, the prop
erty of Peter Bnrechel, were bought In
by M. P. Mulligan: H. M. Ntroetei -purchased
E. y, Freer1 i't, 'faults Miller
bought Benjamin Howeiis' property, u. J.
Kocrner, J, K'i-rn"is'; J. 'W. Mock, J. S.
Price's; James O. Mssters, Johu Jluiphy's:
'Squire Snyder, Mary Reese's, and It. W.
Hnpt, Flunk Taney's estate.
W. W. Mills purchased Mrs. H. A.
Rhode's lot in Unburst borough. In Fell
township, 8. U. Piico bong. a LaMott
Blanchard's property; John J. Fahey, E J.
Mulhollaud's and David Thomas'; M.
Moran, Moses Morris': F. A. Beamish,
Michael Qrten' aud Jamos Olossmer's.
In Lackawanna township F. A.
purchased JaC'b Lota' property aud
Ueorge S. Horn. N. Wills'.
Sung lu a Splendid Kanner bv the Mac-
Kav-K-jnny Company.
The second week of the summer sea
son of light opera at the Frolbingham
was opened last night by the presenta
tion of ''La Mascoito" in n most pleas
iug manner by tho MacKayKnny
There is more of the comely element
in "La MsSCOtts" than in either of the
operas ee-n during the opening week,
and D.iu Young and Tom Whyte, the
comedians of the company, hud a splen
did opportunity to distinguish tueui
selves. As Lorenzo XVII aud Rocco,
his chamberlain, they brought out in
strong relief tits droll and laughable
characteristics of these worthies with
out descending to horse play or buf
foonery. Miss fanny M.nera was n charming
Uelulua, the mascot, and she sang the
tuneful numbers with which her role
is Interspersed with her usual easy
grace and sweet USSS of voice. As the
daughter of Piiuc LoreUSO, Mus Liz
zie fjouiilcc was soeu to belter advan
tage than in any of her previous roles.
Bylvain Langloi and Charles V.
Holme gave the characters g iv. the
oharaoter of Pjp;,o aud Frederic ft
splendid Interpretation, Their vocil
tsorU won Hearty applause.
"La MatCOtte" will be repeated to
night and tomorrow night ami touioi
row afternoon, and on Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday nights and Saturday
afternoon the ' Chimes of Normandy"
will be sung. "Olivottu" will uot "be
hoard this week.
Tho bouse is well adapted to summer
opera. I: was one iTf the coo-iest piaoe
in the city last night. There was n
perspiring or disoomfortur occasioned
by tne heat. Beginning tonight loe
Water will be served botwoeu ths acts
eaoh night.
Bricklayers Obtain an Advance of Five
Cents an Hour on Pressed
Brick Work,
At n conference held yesteiduy morn
ing between ccmmltteti repreienticg
the striking bricklayers nud lossi-s, it
was decided that the men would return
to work. The meeting was held in the
office ot Conrad Schroodir in the com
monwealth building.
The following notice was issued from
Ihe Union :
The arbitration committee of the Hriek
Lavers' Union, No. IS, met the bricklaei
Contractor ot this city today and have
agreed upon terms, for the settlement of
their grievances for one year, to the first
of May, 1808. Approved by the president
ot the union. William JohiTOoM,
Tiie workmen nnd contractors bad
held n conference Saturday at the
room of the Builders' esohange, where
the ultimatum of the builder was an
nounced that the men should return at
the old l'5-cent scale. A compromise
was offered by the men an 1 refused by
the contractors, involving h rate higher
than tho old one but less than th- rate
demauded by the men when the strike
recurred. The Saturday maeting ad
journed without any agreement, but
to reconvene in Mr. Sobroeder's office,
where the men signified their willing
ness to return to work.
The future rate will be the same ns
the old one, 35 cents an hour, except
that 5 cents per hour addltlodal Will be
paid men laying pressed brick
A number of the men will begin
work at onco on the new ltobinson
building on the Sonfh Side. Mr.
Bohroeder has a number of Pniladel
phia bricklayers at work on the brick
foundation pillars for the now Mears
building at the corner of Spruce street
and Washington avenue. As loug as
they give satisfaction they will bj re
tained. The result of tho strike is nlmot a
complete victory for the contractors.
Nothing was gained by the men ex cept
ing the additional 5 cents per hour on
pressed brick. It is quite likely that
this item could have been obtained
without resortiug to the striking meth
ods. The mtm have been out about
live weeks.
Pissed by the I'resbyUiian Cloric at Its
At a meeting of the Presbyterian
cleric held in this city yesterday the
following resolution was adopted:
Besolved, That the Presbyterian cleric,
composed of all tho Presbytetian pastors
of Scrautou and vicinity, hereby unani
mously declares itself as heartily in sympa
thy with the movement now on foot by
the Christian citizens, through thuir com
mittee, to enforce the legal observance of
the Sabbath. In order to nmko this sym
pathy practical at tho present tune vu
hereby earnestly petition bis houor, the
mayor, to see that the law touching the
protection of the Christian Sabbath shall
bo faithfully executed in the city of Scran
ton; also that he will accept fully and cor
dially the aid which thes-i Christian citi
zens, by their committee, may b I able to
bring to him, iu order to secure our
cityagainf-t tho unwarrantable disobedi
ence to the Sabbath law which is now so
proval-nt and i hat a committee, consisting
of Bev. 0, E BdblnaoU, D. D Hv. s. c.
Logan, D. D., aud Kev. Mr. McLean, be
appointed to wai t on his boner m this Da
half; also that this action Be brought to
ihe citizens' committee.
Director Marlin H ! i till Asslstaucs of
the Liw.
On the representation of A L Mar
tiu, one of the directors of the Sontn
ton Dase Bsll association, Judge (Ed
ward yettettUy gruulud a rule to show
cause why n writ of quo warranto
should uot be issued against it to show
by what authority certain members of
it now exercise the privileges of direc
tors of said ass elation.
Mr. Martin set forth in his etate
ment that W. A. St, John, William
Bjtts, E Ii. Uouinaun l'.itrick Jordan,
jr., and Alexander MtEee, without
legal notice or authority, organised
themselves into a bjaard of directors
uud that they iiro now acting illegally
in such capacity. The rule is return
able June 1 !
To the Fire D p artment.
Tho officers aud members of tho Scran
ton Fire Department are requested to
Uicet at Franklin Engine house on Tues
day nt I.3U p. m. to attend tho funeral of
the late William Davis of said company.
Ukoi.oe R. Siydaii, Acting Chief.
Byan, the druggist, will givo to callers
who me troubled, for one week one boltle
of Dimmock's kidney and bladder euro
fre, or will sell two hundred doses for one
dollar, guaranteed as i eprouiated.
BaMAINS in silks, trimmings, ribbons
BOd Wash goods at oar, sal - ot remnants
Thursday, J uue U MaUBI fit H aokn.
Lo's I r 1 u tna Men.
We wiil be nt Woodlawn Park from 8 to
8 p.m. toduy to meet the business meu.
U Occuf ied Um Attention of Court All Day
The German Physican Gives Testi
mony That Evidences His Medical
Learning A Small Strip of Moosic
Land Causes a Big Law Suit Rob
ert Tinsley and John Walsh Are the
The trial of the case of Dr. D. B.
Hand ngaiust ( the Central Telephone
Company, was resumed b?fore Judge
Arcbbald in court room No. 2, yester
day morning. A massage specialist,
Mrs. Cspweli, was placed on the stand.
She had examined tne arms of Dr.
Hand and found that one of them was
not properly developed, On cross-examination
she admitted that she could
not tell tn- difference between a para
lysed arm and one that had beeu af
fected by being carried in a sling.
Assistant City Clerk Evan L Morris
tealified that the defendant company
bad been granted no license by the
city. Ilicliard O'Brien, however, had
si cured the rig:. t in erect poles and
maintain the telephone system. For
the maintenance of the Gitnew.dl fir
alarm system a contract exist between
th" company and the city.
Dr. L. Weill hi was kept on the
stand lor a long time He treated Dr.
Hand prior to and alter tlu iiccl leul in
1880 and hiaevldenoe wan therefore of
considerable importauoe, He was sub
j ct-.-d to a severe cross examination at
the bands of Major Warren and bore
tbe test well. During the trial it bat
been developed Dr. llend Buffered blood poison while a medical stu
dent, the cause ut Which was a dissect
ing wound, nud that he Was hurt while
being thrown from a horse wblls in
California, Dr. Wehlau, however, did
not attribute the plulutiff's p resent
condition to thoie caiis-s. Dr. Wehlau
has n big store of medical Information
on hand aud is consequently Interesting
as n wiluess.
The esse of Robert Tinsley against
John Walsh wa called iu No. 1 noforo
Juilg-s Edward yesterday forenoon,
Hultlander and Voihu 'g represent the
plaintiff and Judge Stanton the do
lendant, The plaintiff owns three lots
of land in Moosic having a frontage of
lot) feet and a depth ol 300 feet, Walsh
owns a lot in the of Tiiu
ley. The latter built a rear
fence, but Walsh claimed it was
on his land and moved it hack, placing
It diagonally across Tiusley'a lots,
Both claim the ownership to t he piece
of land cut off from 1 iusley. The strip
iu dispute is IU feet wide at one end
and -10 feet at the other, both claim to
have a deed for the same. The cast
occupied the attention of the court the
entire afternoon and thu triul will be
resumed this morning.
Judge Edwards yesterday approved the
Charter of the Bcranton Theatrical com
pany. The will ef James Kelly, Into cf the city
of Bcranton, was admitted to probate yes
terday. In the matter r.f tho lnfdlvency of
Charles Woods, Ihurs lay, Sept. gJ, Was
lixeii for tho hearing.
in the estate of Dortl.a Thuinni, lato of
the Clay of Scrautou, letters of administra
tion were granted to Johu Charles Miller.
Court yesterday allowed the transfer of
the license of Fahey ic Dougherty, do
ing business at 320 Wyoming avenue, to be
mads to John L liibbons.
A rule WSS granted in tho case of S. P.
Mott, assisnee of the Hyde Park bank, to
show cause why a new trial should not be
granted, rule returnable at urguuient
E. K. Hendricks, Mayor of Carbondale,
yesterday begun ejectment proceedings to
i ust J. J. Ullama, J. W. Aitkin uud J. D.
Su cker from the occupancy ot a piece of
land In Carboudalo known ns tho "Dart
S. S. Yeager, of Madison township, yes
terday u sde a voluntary assignment to
William L. Carr for. the benefit of the for
mer's creditors, and court appointed John
Noacll nnd' Milo Lyman as appraisers ot
.Mr. Yeeger's estate.
In the case of Jasper Shoemaker against
thu Delaware. Lackawanna uud Western
Company, Judge McPherson has granted a
rule to show cause why a new trial should
not be granted. The rule is made return
able tu argument court.
Clerk of the Courts J. II. Thomas yester
day granted marriage licenses to1 Daniel
Moriiaui and Fraukje-ko Zorule, both of
Pittston; John If, Boland nud Maggie A
Duffy, Arcbbald; Claude Ktllam, Scru'n
tou, und Nellie Brannon, of Wimmers;
Qordin Miller, Bcranton, and Martha Den
nis, Madiaonville; William Farroll uud
Mary A. Kelly, Bcranton,
Will Observe ih. Saturday Hilf Holiday
During- ths Euminir. f
Tho undersigned jobbers aud manu
facturers of this city agree to close their
places of business every Saturday at 12
o'clook noon, beginning June 10 and
terminating Spt. 22:
Rice, Levy & Co. ; T, J. Kelly & Co ;
Giitnore & Duffy ; C D. Wegman &
Co.; the blowers' Fucking company;
Charles Gro zitiger; Mogargel & Cou
uell; Cleveland ifc Roberts; the Ssran
tou Packing company; C. M. Butts;
the Weston Mill company; J. L. Hull;
the Jones und Spruks company j F. St.
Armand; P. F. Cawley; Emil Scuimpff;
Ktiddy & Co ; Scrautou Preserving
company; C. P. Matthews, Sin & Co. ;
E. E. Teal; Ira Bennott & C ; L.
Liodley Sc Co. j Dale & Co.i Kelly &
Mealy ; Frank P Brown & I'o. ; A. S,
ChVelsnd; Ackenn-iii Bros; A. D
Sarsaparilla, )
Birch -
Ginger Ale, . )
Birch's Crystal Eelfast
Ginger Ale, $1.50 doz The
celebrated Cromac Crystal
Water used in this ale.
Fruit Syrups and Rasp
berry Vinegar, 25c. bottle.
Root Beer, 15c; $1.50 a
429 Lacka. Ava.
Pierson; Scranton Beef company: H.
Montgomery & Co. : the T. H. Watts
compuny, limited; J. J. Bobbins; G.
J. Babcock & Co.; Calvin Sejbolt; the
Beliuble Preserving company.
Basid on Ooal Outpu', Rivival of Trade
I Predated.
At a lime when the whole country is
in the midst of or recovering from a
general financial depression, whichever
way it may individually be considered,
it may bs of interest for Scranton busi
uess men to know that Hourly all the
miues ran on fail time during the lust
two Week in May. Acsording to a
gentlem iu who is oonvcrsint with coal
matters, tbe future outlook is bright.
"Following the Stlmului given the
anthracite trade an 1 local buoyancy
givun by the May output, comes addi
tional gratification by reason of tho ac
tion of tho operators in deciding that
the June output eh ill bi at least 03
n-r cent., bused on October figures
Up to yesterday the mines have been
running full time and exo'ediog the
percentage, Tnis shows it quickening
of trade, not considering the labor
troubles iu the soft coal regioas.
"While this stale of sffalrs, in my
oplnio!i, will not last for any groil
perio I of lime, I do anticipate a slight
revival of business generally nfur this
month. Th" ooal trade any not bs as
active a dnca May 15, but it will bo
tetter than for 111 my montns previous,
"Ip regard to general Industry tbo
coal business is a good barometer.
When finanoe nre diiturhed uud geu
eral traiio ts dull the coal business feels
aud shows it. Just now this barometer
is lending toward the normal aud sig
nifies better t iui'S.
"There may ba many Scranton bus
iness men who do not take as hopeful a
view of the situation as I do, yet I
firmly b- llev what I liav told you
and think ttllure events Will show that
I hsvo uiad-j a correct prognostica
tion." .
Committee .ppt luted on Consittution
ai d Ei-Liws.
The young men of the Cathedral par
ish who purpose is to orgnnizj into a
a body where the members can meet
for moral, intellectual nud physical
benefit, assembled last night in College
hall. D. J. Heady was chairman of the
Secretary John F. Diylo road i.Is re
port in regard to procuring copies (if
oy laws iroin different societits
throughout the country formed on tbe
plan which this one intends to follow.
In order to adopt u constitution and
by laws the following committee was
appointed: K. J. Beamitb, George J.
McDonald, John J. Cordon, William
MoCormiek and John F. Doyle.
Tho above Committee will report at
tbo n Xt meeting und then it is expect
ed that permanent organisation will
be ellected.
There is no limit to tlio territory
from wuicii member applying for ad
mission to this society may be taken.
A desirable candidate will bj wel
comed, no matter wher-1 he lives.
Several new Dame were added to the
list subscribing for membership The
meetings will be hold hereafter each
TuesJay night, tonight excepted.
Propjrty Ownora May I revent ths Grad
ing of Parker street.
The board of viewers appointed to
assess damages in th-s matter of the
proposed grading ot Parker Street, met
iu the office of City Engineer Phillips
last evening for the purpose of listen
ing to the property owners concerned.
Cjtiite a number of the latter were pres
ent City Engineer Phillips was also
there aud explained the maps ae occn
sioa required.
The damage claims put In by the
property owners aggregatel $1,000, to
which it is estimated 440.50 should be
added for court expenses. Those two
items present a serious obstacle in the
way of the proto-ied improvement, nnd
it is tiu-refore tuoro than likely that
the street will uot be graded as in
tended, More Aid lor striking Klaers
Tne following additional enntribations
have been received Since the last report by
Messrs. McUee aud AicDorinott for tho
itriking miners in the sat coal region:
For the children's sake, $5; Ueorge. Mc
Donald, a-. Cash W. c, MjC'ash, It; John
R. Farr, 12: Jostph T. Phillips, 5i; Gold
smith Bazaar, 5; Boilermakers' nniou, $5;
Oxford Mine Accidental fund, i"; Carpon
lers nnd Joiners union No. 718, Wj Ut-rmnn
Progressive union No. (lid, 0; No. 19
Order Ballrond Conductors, iiH; Cuyuga
miners; (81,40; total, J130.4U; previously
acknowledged, 974.08.
Bxm I Boom ! Bojm!
Wi odlawn Park' lots take the lead.
They are going fait. Bou't fail to go to
day aud make your selection at the of
fice on plot from II to 1-, and from 1 to 5
p. m. and from 0 to 8 p. m,
Commonwa'.th Shoo Store, Washington
Fiuo shoos; latest fads iu rnssot Biul
patent leathers. Some entirely n.-w styles
in ladles and gents.
J3l r quality oil clothing, miners hats at
wholesale and retail at 11. A. Kingsbury's,
818 fc'pruce street.
Buy I ha WVbir
and get ti e best. At Guernsey Bros.
And Right Up
to Date. . . .
We have Artistic
Designs in Wed
ding Gifts and all
the Latest Novel
ties. W. W. BERRY, Jeweler
Best Sets of Teeth,$s,00
Including ihe painless extracting
tl teeth by uu tulireiy uuw yisr
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
lb V AOAtl.W AVii
Muilc 15 xi Exclustvly.
Eest made. Play unv desired number of
tunes. 8aatschl & Sou? , manufacturers,
1080 Cbestuut street, Ph ladelpbla. Won
derful orchestrial organs, only t& and $10.
Specialty: Old music b xes carefully re
paired aud improved with new tunes.
As ordure! by Hoard of Lloalth.
m "A bit of everything under tho sun, 5
rrom a i:sn noon to a (Jailing gun."
On M n'ar. ,'n e 11, e wll bare an
i rio i o O rset - oma i frcm .ew Voik
Who v, 1 1 o .h b t a, d t.t t ic eoabra od
Wo will plei.a.d to fit evorv rnovrho
ci r.'s tobuve a Porl0. F t ng t ors it,
Wo are nlto preiurid tu Ht hay Corse)
train SUc. lotheiif;ber prices.
128 Wyoming Ave.
Tliat tbo natural outliues of tho foot should be preserved
rather than interfered with; if you believe In comfort uud
lit as woll as style; if you believe in shapely shoes for shape
ly feet; if you want service, then put your money, as well as
your feet, in our shoes.
We shovf and sell tho grandest and greatest line of
Tootwear that tfVer adorned and protected tli3 feminine or
masculine foot.
Ladies' Beautiful Russet Tipped
Oxfords, all sizos,
Ladies Lxtra Quality Russet
Misses' Best Quality Russet Goat,
spring heel, button,
Child's Extra Quality Patent
Leather Tipped, button,
Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA.
REMEMBER- -Every purchaser of $1 worth or over receives a chance oa
the Beautiful PARLOR SUIT.
! $
ff -4 TH,S-
11 TO 2 $1.25
VA TO bA $1.50
EACH day this week we will offer bargains appro
priate to the weather. If rainy Umbrellas and
Mackintoshes; and it clear weather, Straw Hats, Mil
linery, Shirt Waists, Ladies' Suits, Neckwear, &c.
Special for
WE will sell our en
tire stock of Mil
linery Goods, Ladies'
Coats, Capes and
Blazer Suits at
50c. on
the Dollar
to make room for the
immense stock of
Furs we are making.
During tho Summer.
138 Wyoming Ave.
Men's best grade Ca3CO Calf, laeo
and Congress, London aud
French toe,
Meu's extra quality Russia Calf,
hand welt, lace and Congress,
Youths' exlia quality B Calf,
tipped, button aud bals,
Infants' best quality Tan and Red
Goat, button,
That Boy
Of Yours
Wouldn't wear out so many Shoes
if you bought him
The Owl Shoe
Try a pair next time. Our spe
cialty is good-wearing and good
looking Shoes for Children.
Banister's Shoe Kouse
This Week:
m i
S jP
tit H MB BS M yJv