4 THE 8 CB ANTON THIJJUNE-TUESDAY MOItNINOJ. JUNE lii, 1894. Published daily in Schanton, Pa., by The Tmauw Publishing Company. E P. KINGSBURY, QCNERhL MANAGIH New York Orrtci i Thibuhe Buildini. Fak CAAV. MANAGtR ENTERED AT TNT POTOfncC AT tCIKNTON, Me) CCOND-CLAOS MAIL MATTER. SCUANTON. ,1 1 " N E 12. lM. KtPU ESLICAN STATE TICKET. For Qovtrnott DANIEL H. HASTINGS, 01 OBMTIR. For Liiutamnt dntrrnnr: WALTER LYON, or AtucoBimr. lor Auditor Qmtral; AMOS II. MYI.IN, OK LANCASTKIt. For Btcrttory of lttrnal Affairs: JAMES W. LATTA, of PHILADBIPBIA. For ConsfetMtttetfnt'Lnrgei ' QALU8HA a', unnw, or srsytJKMANNA. GEORGE I'. HUFF, OK WL'STMOKKLAM). Election Tun,-, Nov. O Law DEFIANCE rests Itl eiime on a slander found ution when it offers an escme tlio faot Hint it does not like tbo ; rsiu who enforcrs tho law. The Strike Settled. The ttrmioatioo of th bitnminous miners' triko lust evening, ai a remit of the C'olumbua conference, is n vic tory for the pnbllc of greater liynifi cance than it is lor eitiior of the par ticipant, We in the anthracite region can bhv this with the jjro.iter sincerity, iuustnncii as the continuance of the B'riUe would in bpiuo directions have r edounded to our profit. Such an in tereit, however, is infinitely surpassed hy tho ifaueral lutertsts of the public, Including the hundred of thousands of woikmen in all pirtaol the country, Who, by the strike had been thrown, nt a time of already flerions depression, Into Involuntary idleness and want. Considering the strike's magnende bu 1 complexity, it is apparently fair to confecs that it has been managed with unu'uul success. But it is a success that ut beat is qi:ivalent to, if not worse than failure, The sceni of vio lence and bloodshed that have attendtd it might easily have been worse; but such as tiiey wore, they have afforded n renewed eviilenco of tile utter bar beritv of the strike as a wenpon of eco nomic warfare; and have, it is to be hoped, greatly accelerated the day when all sucii differenoii shall be beard in the eourli of arbitration rubor than in the camp, the hospital, the alm-homi sod the prion. V" do not wish to imply by these re marks that we regard tbo ni"jrity of the nm tbemrelvea as deserTiu;; of tho chief censure ,.f tho unhappy incidents that iiave characterized the progress of their strike. Hack of all that they have done, behind all their errors and, in some instnncos.crims-'.cau be discorned tho crowning atrocity of an economic policy that is indefeasible. Let it- bo clearlv understood that there is, among iust men, no sympathy with and no tolerance for tile greed of those cap tains of capital and industry who have been responsible for the introduction Into this country, under contract, of large numbers of ignorant work men from countries where only the Wrong nrm of the militia is able t0 maintain a semblance of law and order. The honest, self-supporting and law-ubtding foreigner will always n-celve a welcome in this country, no matter whence he comes to it. But it is high time to put a firm foot down npon the vicious and the criminal im migration which, in this luteal war of employers and employed, has again feiz d hold of each recurrirli: occasion lo throw off tbeyogeaod take up trie pietol and the torch. And if, in the ndoption of tuis course, it should bo come nt oeaiar to m -teout justice to the agents of their importation, regret will be snrdl and tears siturco. Another phase of this vast difficulty which should not be permitted to pass without careful investigation is the re peated charge of daring and fliirrant discrimination by curtain soft coal car rying railroads. We have bad instances of this thing in our own territory; and nnd they have been sufficient to inske entirely plausible the contention that nnfalmeai in the matter of freight re bates has had much to do with the de moralization of wages iu the bitumin ous regions. To compel tho interstate carrier systems to observe fair and honest schedules of chargoi is a difficult if not an impossibla task. But it ought to possible at least to limit the enormity of their past and present discriminations, and to reduce to a smaller margin tlian tho present one ihe range of their rate shadings and ilnctuations. If the two evils of vieiouB immigration and vicious dis crimination could in some manner be scaled dowu, it woald perceptibly re duce the liability of frequent strikes, with all their vast volume of attend nnt annoyances, loss and misery. By common consent the Democrats might give Mr. McDonald, of Kings ton, the cold comfort of a gubernator ial nomination that nobody else seems to want. Let Us Have No More Trifling. It is announced in certain prominent Republican newspapers that by mans of a fusion with the Populists tbo Re publican campaign managers at Wash ington hope to capture several more or less doubtfu'. Southern states. We trust that this rumor is untrue. Wo bope that tho active management of the next Republican congressional cam paign will not beconn so eager for party snccess as to offer or accept any overtures looking to the placation of t o Populist movement as it is now constituted. The Domocrats can outplay the Re publicans in this kind of demagogism, every time. This is a good year to nail the colors of tho party fairly and unflinchingly lo tho masthead; a good year to stick flitly to honest principles. We have no hesitation in saying now, without hesitation or equivocation, that the masses of the party are in n j mood to ratify any bargain which exaota as its price a compromise with the ignorance, the viciousness and the illimitable political vagaries that form the Popn llitlo movsment. The intelligence and the, conscience of the p?ople nre today turniDg to Republicans for help. They are holding to it the outstretabed hand of renewed conndanoe and offering to it once more the pledga of their frank trust. It would be suicidal to spurn this overture by proffring a hand be fouled with the heresies of socialism an 1 fiat money. Republican leaden mnst not repel the great present opportunity. The occasion culls for etanch nnd stilling patriotism, tor unyielding foulty to established principle. Ooly along this Hue will tho party regain its former strength uurt prestige. Only by such a course will tlwro come to its support that growing incitpindent ele ment which casts its vote, not us it father did, but as its own reason dic tates and as its own CDiissienoe ap proves. This Dots not appear to be Richard Croker's lucky year. The DEFEAT in the Fifth Luzerne district of Captain John T. Fiannery for renomination by the Domocrats was caused by n combination of the other candidates, upon W. II. Rut ledge, a gentleman of excellent reputation and much builneil ex perience. Individually, both Mr. Rut ledge and. the captain are energetic men. who would creditably represent their constituents at II arrisbnrg. But the circumstances of the l itter's re tirement are such as off-r strong hops to tho Republicans of the district; and if they should match tho enemy's candidate with one equally popular, there would be more than common op portunity to reclaim the district. Democratic hakmony in Lickawan n.i county at Way I shows up big except oti election day. To Stop Railroad Tie-ups. Reference has already been made to certain proposition? advanced at Washington by congressmen who hone to nbridge the erowitic tendency to hurtful railway strikes. Some of these measures ure obviously extretii", but one has been jointly formed by Repre sentative! Tawney, of Minnesota, anl Hartman, of Montana, which appar ently oilers a good bnsis for expsri mnt. The general intent of this bill is to eornpel tho arbitration, before the federal district courts, of such wag) disputes as are calculated to interfere With interstate commerce The bill's detailed provisions are thus outlined in a Washington diipatoh: When a controversy exists between a coi. pany ai.d its employee which Impedes or threatens to impede the transportation of passeugeii or property or uiniK wither party, by Uliug a petition, may secure from the circuit court a citation directing the Other party to the controversy to appear nu.i answer. If neither party exercises this rik'lit either before or within a rea sonable time after the strike occurs it is made the fluty ot tLe district attorney or the United sut', upon the request of any hoard of ira'.te or of any ten citizens, to luing tho parties into rom t for tliu set tlmeut of the dispute, Upon the consent of the parties it becomes tho duty "f the I court to hear and determine tho contro- ! versy in the same manner that it would hilar aud determine any matter properly be j fore it. Jt the parties do not content to the court hoariag ;ho controversy a board of uruitratton is to be appointed to wnoni tho matter is referred. Within three daya after the award ii hied either party may move to have it vacated or modified, but only on the grouud of its having been procured by fraud or corruption or upon errors of Law materially uffuctins tbo rights of either party. When confirmed the award become! the decree of the court and is to be conclusive. Severe penalties are imposed for a failure or refiir-al on the part of the company to comply with tho judgment, provided inch refusal causes a strike. But if the company complies with the Judgment so long as tho conditions in force when it is rendered remain un changed it is declared to b a misdemean or for two or more of tbo employes or for any outsider to combine or conspire for the purpoHO of caustug a strike or for tho employes to go upon a strike on account of uuy matter previously determined by tbo judgment. This is an offense which must b proved by a jury trial. Tho fatal objection in most schemes ot compulsory arbitration by action of tbo state, that of a lack of enacting piwer, would saem to be avoided in this bill. There uiuy be exceptions, yet as a rule it is concedod that when a dispute of this character gets square ly before a United States court the finding of that court will be obeyed. It is. n habit of our federal tribunals to tolorateno nOMSni As a rule, too, the decisions of the federal courts are fair, candid and just. The cry that the corporations could unduly influence them is for the most part false. If tills particular bill is ever accorded an hon est test It will undoubtedly prove so satisfactory to the general public as to become thereafter an accepted function of the courts and a valuable protection against wags wars in which the most victimized class is that which, at present, hr.s tho smallest voice in tho controversies. If Postmastkr General Bissell can stand without wincing the deliberate thrust of his official superior in the Water's abrupt substitution of Van Scoy for McDonald, in connection with the Kingstou post mastership, he is less sensitive and less independent than most persons believe. For such an insult there is apparently only one rebuke that of inimediato end indig mint resignation. TbbbB ahe several oitizms to our knowledge who would bi willing to pay a fair reward for definite informa tion as to tho oauso of the present do lay in getting to work ou those 'lew bridges. It is about time thero was a new rumor of cabinet dissensions. For a collection of curios such as it is, Mr. Cleveland's official family is evincing u cohtsiveness little short of remarkable. Chicago is to have a new hotel with 6,194 rooms, proiuinably to accomodate tho deninud for apartments on the "first floor, corner." The Demockatic party is a poor party to intrust with the investigation of its own crookedness. Choker's motto appears to be; "Bet ter au outing in rxile than an inning in jail." Give even Hines hia just due. He is learning how to work as well as boast. Mr. Bisskm, has the floor for explana- tlous. It is a tolerably safo gneps that there was no provision made in the Colum bus agreement for the several hundred thousand innooent Amerioan citizens who were foroed involuntarily to sus tain loss through u strike iu the msrits of which they had absolutely no direct concern. Lillian Russell, in announcing her deteruiiuatiou to shake the dust of America from hr feet nnd seek pas tures new, heedlessly omits mention of a farewell tour, but it is all right. We can readily conjecture that. It appears to be the belief of some of our esteemed Republican contem poraries that the currency question will solve itself. This would be a con soling hopo, if well grounded; but, alas, we fear it is vain. TnE Tammany tiger is justifying Its name. In victory, invincible; in de feat it becomes invisible, cowering cringingly beneath the lash, until whipped into hiding. The Wilkes Barre News -Dealer looks as pretty in its new dress as a new press nnd a tip top sat of brains can make it. Success tn it. A S THE Coffee Cools. People who believe in the effect of evil omens found ample illustration to sustain their views in a scene that was enacted on Washington avenue yes terday afternoon. About 5 o'clock H covered wagon drawn by u handsome span of dapple gray horses rolled up Spruce street in the vicinity of the commonwealth building at an easy gal'. The vehioie boro inscriptions that indicated that it contained wares from tho establishment of Bros & l'iro, macaroni manufacturers. There appeared nothing nmisi about the turnout except tho driver. The youth who held the reins had the languid air or a Venetian nondollar, nnd seem1 lll-tittsd to guide a four-wheeled era!; on tho lively streets of Scranton, As the team turned into Washington avenue an evil omen appeared in the shak)e of a white dog. The cur mined into tho street and barked fiercely at tho maccaroni equippago. Tho team did not appear to be affected by the ac tions of the dog, but the gondolier WUS vitably moved. Ha gave one of the most remarkable exhibitions of horse manship ever wltneilid on the avenu". Lty a turn of the wriit tho team was guided down the embankment between Frank Johnson's paint shop an I Bick ns' saloon. Miking a eircle the team came out with the wagon riifht si le Up on tho sidewalk in front of Baokna's place. Af a "iitle, pac the Jehu then directed tuo steeds t the street pay ment again, but Iu an Instant had them over the sidewalk on the poatofflct plot. By this time the spectators about the street begin to realizf that they were not acquainted with the curvss of the driver, and when the horses were turned into tho street again Ilia pedtstriaus began to fl;o in every direction. The team was turned up th avenue and dippod an acknowledgement to thu statue of Washington as itpussed on two wheels. At this period tho companion of the gondolier lost his affection for maca roni and dropped out of tho wagon In the endeavor to describe another eircle in the vicinity of Browning's market, the driver encroached upon the laws of gravitation iu gnoh a manner that there was a Visible fall in macaroni. As the wagon, driver and all went over in a heap, th dapple grays freed themselves and galloped for the undeveloped town lots of North S:ranton. When ho emerged from the wreck the driver looked nrouu 1 for a white dog. But the animal tied vanished There were no white dogs about Wash ington avenue. Tho mystery as to the identity uu I ownership of the dog lies not hewn solved. The good official! of the court house, who witnessed the ex -blbltlon, hava tried in vain to aooount for the appearance and disappearance of the cur. Many thought that there had boen no dug in t.ie case, but Attorney George, Davidson corroborated tin driver in his statement that u dog, spectral or otherwise, bad cross -d tli path of tho ill icaroni seller. At th prothoaotary's oflloe trie opinion is unanimous that he who disbelieves in ihe sign of disaster as given in the strange appearance of the spotless can ine will do well in future to beware of the dog. la the general hnlub nnd smudge that will continue from this date until July 4, many of us will pro baby forget that we onci were boys. It is well that national independence should bo given a proper send off once a year, but the prolonged period of rejoicing ou part of the enthusiastic small boy has a wearing tffect upon all stva dealrs in fireworks. Nervous people regard with apprehension the prolonging of the Fourth of July tsasou with each re turning year. Iu olden times the pat riotic yonth contented himself with making it racket for a period of twenty-four hours ; but tho ever glorious iu this age that, does not all rw a fusillade of crackers and bombs for at least four weens is not considered much of a Fourth. The memory of the events which havo oc casioned tli j annual dim, however, should reconcile nervoue citiz'ns to the infliction of today and aid them in en during the results of young America's onenrbed enthusiasm. LIVE POLITICAL NOTE?. Venerable Andrew U. Cortin nnnouucis his Intention of voting for Hastings. Senator Qnav denies that lie has n pres idential b'e buxzing iu h'.s bonnet or even a mosquito. It is said that A, N. Loote, now con nectod with tho Sunday News, Is solicit ing stock subscriptions torn new morning Democratic journal In Scrauton. Qeneral Beigfried. of Behuylklll, could be, it Is intimated, persuaded to over come li is reluctance to entering tho next stnte cabinet ns attoruoy general. Representative Joseph A. Scranton did not return to his homo in this city last week, as bo had nt first intended, but is expected back early this coming week. Under trying circumstances John Lois enring, ot Upper Lohigh, the Luzerne as pirant for congress, receutly held his beud nobly, aud is daily making many warm friends, Nothing nt this date seems to over cloud the prospect of George S. Ferris' candidacy for the Republican nomination for orpbttus' court judge of Luzerne county. Ex-Judge Smith's sudden resolution to accept, h lenomtnation for the judgeship is doubtless conditioned upon an unselfish desire to let the Democratic leaders dowu easily. It can hardly be intended seri ously. Mr. Powderly has wisely decided that this is not n good year for honest friends of the laboring man to bo caught dallylug in the free trade camp. lie will not be a candidate on auy ticket, but will no doubt vote for Hastings, Tho senatorial battle ou tho Democratic tide is proceeding leisurely. Both McDou- ald aud Sando are disposed to await the completion of the county slate before both ering much about the pursuit of a nomina tion v. ich Governor VVutres, If he runs, wdl soon uiake an empty one. As a rule these days Democrats are not hnppy. But there is one notable exception P. A O'Boyle, of West PlttSton, He is now astistaut district attorney and thiuks he sees his way clear to n promotion next November, which delusion Itepublicaus cannot puncture without tho perfurmuuee of hard work. Seldom before, in thi memory of Lack awanna Republicans has greater energy been displayed than now iu the prelim inary battle' for delegute credentials to a Republican comity convention. Every district has its aspirants, not ouo or two merely, but dozeus. A "lively timo of it" is everywhere predicted. THC OPTIMIST. What's the use of growling, What's tho uso of howling, What's the use of yowliug, When "the world is going wrong?'' What's the use of sneering, What's the use of jeering! ilen urekick of hearing That o'ld, djapeptic song. See tho flowers springing, Hear the robins slugmg, See the glad sun hinging His light across the sky t Earth's n sea of gladness- Brush away your sadness; ENh, In all your badness, Go, crawl away and die. ( 'levi'lnnd I'lain Healer. mages. efrigerators AND Hill & Oonnoll 131 and 133 N. Washington Ave. Jewett's Patont Charcoal Filled Water Filters, Coolers and Refrigerators Also a full lino of CHINA, CBO0SBR7 AND (.1 u M.I , ) & Co. 422 LACKA. AVE. SCIENTIFIC HORSE SHOEING AND Till: TREATMENT OF I ami. Nli.-sb OK HtlltSlOS. To theso bran bus I devote especial atten tion every afternoon. Office and forge-ntthe BLUMB CARRIAGE WORKU, 115 UfX COURT, BCBANTOK.PA DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Graduate of tho Amerioan Veterinary Cot- lege, Eureka Lanndry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ava. VOOBl Uousa UO.UAKI. All kinds of Laundry work guarantee the best. AYLESWORTH'S ml flUU The Fines t in the City The latest improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wvoralna Ave. O- Cedar Chests COURSEN CLEMOKS B BUY THE WEBER For mnny years this Piano has stood in tho front ranks. It has been admired so lnuoh for its pure, rich tone, that it has become a standard for tone quality, until it is considered the highest com piiment that can be paid nny Piano to say "It resembles tho WEBER." We now have the full control of this Piano for this section as well as many other lino Pianos which wo are selling at greatly reduced' prices and on oasy monthly payments. Don't buy until you see (Tur goods nud get our prices GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE, m wS0toh.e1,ue' GOLDSMITH'S $ THE BEST ADVERT Is a well-pleased customer. We doi't export to nuke oar evaclajJiaj fortune this year but we do expect to so increase, our following that sueoen will b3 ourj In tho terrestrial bye and bye. Just now, then, wo would ratliar mike ctntomi-j than money -rather havo a big crowd and a small profit than a big profit and a small crowd. Eventually wo know like Constautine ' ' By swiss embroSereIISerchiefs JUST PURCHASED From another unfortunate importer, who required our cash more than he did his goods- not the ordinary scrawly, un sightly sort, but the regular 25c kind. They are now on sale at Handkerchief Counter, middle aisle, main floor. Many or few as you want. Nobody limited long as they last. Your Choice, I2ac. Goldsmith Brothers & Company. With the New Valves Out of Sight. Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, &ENDRONS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices Second-hand Wheels. on J 1 LI SHLacka. Ave. LANK OOKS A Foil Assortment Letter Copying Boob OUR SPECIAL: A 500 page 10x12 Book, bound in cliilh, sheep back nnd corners, guaranteed to give satisfaction, Only 90c. FINE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING, Reynolds Bros. S tationers and Enrravors, 317 Lackawanna Ave. Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists tH teeth, STuW; boat set, fS; for gold raps and teeth without nlates. called crown and brldgo work, call for prices and reforenoes. TONALOIA, for extracting tteta without, oveu film national hank. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. n wii 1 im m Ron IMLLiniVIU VI UIIU ISEMENT These Signs We aiiiiiiaiiBJiiiniiisiiiiBiuiEEiniiiSBSiaiuoiiiiiiiiiiiNniiiiiiiiiuMiiiiiiiiiiiiiHu niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiBigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBjiHiiigiiiiiiiiiiimiS 'Ml Pure Extract -OF- KUMFORT Boiled Down and Relined. FOOTE I SHEAR CO, 513 Lacka. Ave. Berries are arriving iu very fine condition and prices low. Fancy Peas, Beans, Squash, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Beets, Cucumbers, etc. Pl O TC 6 S Ivl 3 TlKSt F E IM N AVE. and Get the Best. STRAWBERRIES BAZAAR Shall Conquer. THE COLUMBIA BICYCLE AGENCY, Opp. Tribune Office, IH Spruce St. Having had IS yonrs' cxperipneo In the Bicycle busi ness ana the agency fur loading Wheels of ail eradua, we are prepared to guarantee mttisfactton. Those in tending to pnrebsse are invited to call nnd examlno our complete line. Upeu evutfings. Cull or send stam lor catalogues. IS IT NOT A BEAUTY? i THE GAITER Globe Shoe Store 227 LACKA. AVE. Evans 8t Powell 3 FIRST MORTGAGE 6 OP THE FORTY FORT COAL COMPANY. A limited number of the above bonds are for sale at par and ac crued interest by the following parties, from whom copies of tho mortgage and full information can bo obtained: E. W. Mulligan, Cashier Second National Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. W. L.Watson, Cashier First Na tional Bank, Pittston, Pa. J. L. Polen, Cashier People's Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa. A. A. Bryden, President Miners' Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa. Aud by tho Scranton Savings Bank and Trust Company, Trustee under the Mortgage. T. R Atherton, Counsel, W1LKES-BARRE. PA. Wedding Rings The best is none too good. Ours are 18-k, All sizes and weights lloyd.Teweler 423 Lackawanna Ave. Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at the tate ot ONE CENT A WORD. ELECTRA WAIT AO .