V&K SCRAKTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 12, 1894. 8 E MATCHLESS SHAW PIANOS. STELLE & SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AVE. vnrcrt, SHAW, EHKU80N, FINEST LINE IN THE CITY I 'OK TlIM PRICE! SiEW ANi) ft Fos to Dyspe GOOD BREAD -USE THH- And always have Good Bread. MANL'FACTUtinD A.'D FOR SALE TO HIE TRADE BY The Weston SII Co, GF COUKTEEfEITS ! Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS B. & Co , frnn-:-i,'-t n F-rth Cnr. Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. (i.l i.i HUUSS ui;aivK. DR. H. E3. WARE! sn: i.w.isr. EYE, EAR. NObE AND THBOAH OFFICE HOCUS : UMSttf, 135 WYOMING AVE PERSONAL. George J. McDonald, iloket agent at tho Iii iilse wtreot depot, :-pcnt yesterday iu Wilkes-Bar re. Dr. A. J. Coonell, who hns bS0O ill for a r,'i k. Im- r. (timed his practice uiul was at his officii yesterday. F.. D. Bovardj principal of the Jermyn public tcnoola, was here yesterday, Dur ing the rammer h will represent tho sehool supply Iioush of Qreenwood & Co. I. W. Pasin is in th city conferring with members ot toe board o( control relative to Introducing .Mrs. Pollard's system of synthetic reading and spelling into the school, Miss Cora Doctor baa been selected to represent the Bsound Presbyterian churcii W delegate to the National convention of Youtlg People's societies, which will bo held in Cleveland on July 11. Tim Rev. B. Fay Mills, the evangelist, v, hoso recent cngagoment iu this city is so pleasantly letuembered, is doing pood W rk down east. He has converted 2.500 prisons during two weeks stay in Halifax, N. 8. Announcement is made In tho Btrouds buru; Times that Iiev. 1). M. Stearns, who for several years hns tanght a larjto IJible elasa in thai place. Trill this summer rake lin extended vacation tour of Europe. Rov. Mr. Mtearns has many friends in Scranton who will wish him a pleasant rest. KILLED AT 3T08RS SH;Fr. Traffic Dath of K.chnl Walsh, of Prov idi-nc, Yutrrdiv. Michael Walsh, aged 33 years an 1 unmarried, n miner, living nt 1820 Cuick nvonne, was instantly killed ut the Storrs shaft of the liilaw ire, L iclc ovvnnna and Wtatoru railroad yester day morning. Walsh startod to crons tho track in front of it loaded trip of c irs which were being run out of his chamber when he at am bled and fell across the rails. H was cut nearly in twain, Tun remnins were convoyol to O'Donnell'.s audartakiog establishmsut ut Providence. Ecranton's Business Ii.t-r .ttn. Tiik TnriiuNK will soon publish a caro fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing ami professional interests of Scranton and vicinity. Tne edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure viown of our public bntld IBgS, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of loading citniens. No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Bcranton's many Indus tries, It will be nu iuvalunblo exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside tho city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be nn unequalled ndvprti60inent of tho city. Tho circu lation is on n plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city ut large. Representative of Tin: triku.vk will call upon THOU whose names are DK8IRK0 ill this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring viows of their residences in tnis edition will please 1 avo notice at tho office. nthnrul Mothers!! Mothrl!I Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has lnen sed for over fifty yt urn by millions Oj mothers for their children whilu teething with perfect IUCOSSS, It soothes the child, softens the gums, ailays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the hest remedy for di arrhoea, sold bydinggiats in every part of tho world. He st.re aud ask for "Mrs. Wiuslott's Soothing S)rup,"nud take no no other kiud. Twenty -livo cents a bottle- Dn. A. E. Burr, having opened his of fices in tho fiurr building, Wnshlncton avenue, will resume tho practice of bio precession, whore he will be glad to serve is old patrons nuu public in general. " PIANOS ali.tkices ylMHW t e $ 1 hLOUR EWS OF WEST IE Celebration of the Anniversary cf Ir. and His. V. C. iftlllams' Marriage, EVEKT WAS A PLEASANT ONE Many Valuable Presents Given Those Who Attended Funeral of tho Late Captain Davis Will Taka Place This Afternoon Those Who Will Con duct Services Personals and Little News Notes. The West Side office of the Scranton l imn m: is located at 118 North .tuiu aVe uue, where subscriptions, advertisements and communications will receive prompt attention. The home of Mr. and Mrs. W C. Williams, of Tenth street, was the n-ene last oveuiug of the celebration of Mie twentieth anniversary of tin-ir mar rings. The spacious parlor and Hull were elaborately decorated with plants nit tenia, wtdlo tne front bay Window wul conv. rted Into R veritable bower. Mil. W. C. Williams, the llOStSSS, re ceived her guests Ifota 8 until Bu'clOoS, istilted by Mrs. li. Williams. Toe 'tipper was served in the dining room it Id o'clock and the menu was excel lent. During the evening impromptu Ipeecnea were made and singing was reudered to music on tne organ. The members oi the Willlaui family that were in attendance were: J. D. Wil liams, Ebeucz r William-, K, J. Wil liams aud laiuily and (Heir mother, Airs, M, J. Williams. The presents composed childly silks, china aim linens. AlU 'iig ttioso pri sent were: .Mr. mid Mrs. T. H. Dale, W. Utylord Tliumus, Miss Lwif, Mr. and Mrs. V. li. Mil iar, Mr, :-.nd Mrs. 11. E Paine, Mr. aud Mrs. 11. ti. Morgan. John T. Richards, Mis. bteeuback, Mr. and Mrs. J, (J. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. K'tse ii. brooks, Mrs. J. J. Zintell, .Mr. und Mrs. Prod B.-cker, Mr. and 31ra. A. D. Unuae, Mr. aud Mrs. W. V. Davis, Mrs. Josllnn Williams, ex-Mayor John 11. Fellows, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Freiir ud sou, of West Pittston, Mr. und Mis. A. L. Godshull, Mr. and Mrs. orgo VV. Junitius, Mr, and Mrs. tallie Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. .R. T. Dram, of Dover, N. J.; Mr. und Mrs. f. L. Phillips, U. W. IJuillips, W. W. Phillips, U. T. Richards, J. r. Schnell, and John Suier, oi L hi.,'h. FUNEKAL OF CUPi AISV OAUIS. jmvicm Ovorlhi R uitus Will Be Con ducted Thli Ai'.drnoon The reuinioi of Captain Davis will bo conveyed from the family homo on ,orlti Hyde Park avenue to the S:iup ioti MetUodist Episcopal church today, as the Weluh (Julvinistia Methodist church will be eiiureiy too small, The officiating clergymen will be R v. J. 1. Morris, of the Welsh Culvuiistic Methodist churc.i ; Rev. N. V, Btahl, of the Qreen Ridge i'resbytsriun ohnrobj Rev, U. Q. Joues, of the Sum tier Avenue Proabyteriah cbnrcb, uud the pUapluin ot G.itUu post, 131), (irand Army of the Republic, interment will te made in the Wash burn bueet cemetery. The members and ex-members of tne Franklin Eire company nro rtqdested to meet ,a their engine boose at 1 o'clock this after noon, Ttie West Stdo Central Reput, iicau clab will meet ut their rooms at Main avenue and Jackson street. John R. Kinie is now acting as tempory per muuuiit mm. LITTLE WfcSr blOt- NEWS NOTES. Judge Q, 11 Edwards Mas returned from New York city. Tho Wol.-b Calvinistic Methodist church will run an excursion to Lake Ariel today, R v. Hugh Daviea, pastor of tho Welsh Caivanistic Metboaist church, left yeter day ou a western trip. A young chi.d of Tiiomas Joseph, of Bromley avenue, roll down stairs und frac tured an arm ou Sunday. Tho ladies of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church will hold their regular monthly free entertainment and bocial next Thursday evening. The Scranton Traction company has doubled its service on tho Taylor line. It began on Sunday and was coutinued until about 8 o'clock at night. A regular meeting of tho West Side board or trado will bo bold this ev ning in Ciark's hall on South .ilain avenue. D. M. Jones, tho now president, will name tho committees for the j-pt, and it is ur gent that there bo a full attendance. NiWS NOTES FROM WALES. LOHOOIT. June 1. A thrill of horror has baen felt through the length and breadth ofSouth Wnles by tho report ot this horrible outrage: The wife of David Jenkins, of Bryu vvyudUaiu Terrace, Treherbert, wbo hitherto has been regarded as an affectionate mother, chopped the head of her baby clean from tho trunk whilst her husband was In bed. She was tho mother of twelvo children ard it is generally supposed that the crime was committed in a paroxysm of madness for which she is to be pitied rather than Condemned. An occurrence of this kiud, fortunately, is very rare in Wales. e a Sir John Llewelyn has been presented by the inhabitants of Swansea and district With a life-lik( portrait in recognition of hi- eminent services to Swansea. Sir John, In accepting tho gift, said he would be rdensed to offer it to the town council for their council chamber, which was accepted. At Brecon eisteddfod Lord Tredgar was presented with the freedom of the borough, and Surgeon-Major Williams, "The Jubilee Mayor," with a portrait of hlnrself. The portrait will be hung In the council chamber. At the same eisteddfod the Rov. John Thomas Job was the "chaired bard." It the great choral con test the Ruiltli choir was awarded the first and tho llryuinawr choir the second prize. As the result of a glove fight at Aher daro betwonn David Rees and Thomas Kobert bdwurds, both of Cardiff road, Aberaman, the former died at tho end of the contest. Aberdnre lias nevor been so intensely excited over any eveut as it has over this unfortunate calamity. Twelve of tho promoters of the contest have been committed to the Ass.zts upon a charge of murder and however rare prize fights are iu Wales they will be more bo iu tho fu ture. A concert was held nt the Queen'B hall, Lnm'ham piece, in memory of iho late Haydn Parry (sou of Dr. Joseph Pairy, who Is on his way to visit the state-) and was rendered unique Uy the fact that all the leading Wel-h artists assisted by sev eral English artist- including Automate Sterling took part. Such a galaxy of miisicnl talent is a rare occurrence and shows the respect In which the deceased musician was held and the great desiro to assist the Widow and children, which was the special object of the concert. The death is announced of Mr. 0. P. Hett, of Cardiff, at the ago of 27. Do censed was the sou of Mr. E. (J. Hott, chairman of Messrs. Wilson it Co., and di rector of the Ocean Colliery lioy. Mr. H. Afonlsis Lewis, the well known tenor of Aboravon, died recontly ut tho age of 37. owen. L.itu ClerkBsnd Offlon Men. Wo will he nt Woodlawn Park from f. to 8 p. m, to meot clems and office men. HOW ABOUT THIS FLAN ? Courso Ou'.llnrd by Which ft.-eot Cor Lines Would Bach tho Flatj. The number of tracks in the vard of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Wos tern railroad crosiug South Washing ton nvenu!, the stoeu hill leading to the Flats anil the dangerous railroad crossing near the Asphalt works oppo site Harvey's Silk mill are the obstacles that have prevented tho Scranton fraction company from extending branch of its road down South Wash ington avenue to accommodate the people living along the route with transportation and also to provide for the large gathering that assemble at the picnics held during the summer season in Centra' Park Garden. A course winch a street car tnck might follow that would accommodate the territory mentioned at proseut without facilities except thAse cftVred by tho Delaware und Hudson Canal company, is the extension of tho Belle- vuo line from its present tofmiuus till it reaches a point oppodte tho Elm street bridge. Tho truck could be then turned across the Dridga on Elm street to South Washington avenue and along the latter as far ns the Sauqnolt Silk mill, The trip could made in twenty minutes. It this suggestion is worth anything fHB Tribune offers it. free of charge to uenerul JUunuger tV'teiu. NORTH END. f'fhe Ninth Fed elflee of the ScilANTov 1'HIDUMI IS lOCatCU at the LeWIS UtVg Store, where subscriptions, advertisements and com munications will receive prom I attention. FA RtWELL TO MR. AND MRS. JONES. Many Presents and a G d- pard from Kumfru Frinod. A very large surprise pirly was ten dered h. D. Jones and lumily last even itig nt their residence. 1787 Summit avenue. Providence, in view of their leaving Providence tor Atianta, (la, Mr. Joues, who camo from Aberdare, South Wales, hus been B resident of .Scranton for a psrj0j 0 0VBr Lwoaty eight years and for over twenty years has hsld the important position of in side foreman with the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company. For twenty tivo years he lias acted as conductor of the Welsh Baptist chnreh choir, Prov idence, and for many years us conduc tor of the Providence Choral union. Mr. Jon." is also the proud possessor of a bardic title, "Iorworttt Ulan yr Afon," a title awarded him thirteen years ago. His popularity was, there fore, secured in many directions, and this accounted for the very largo at tendance at tiie party last evening, Th following presentations were formally mule during the evening: By the Sunday echool of tho Welsh Baptist church, an opera glasd to Mr. Jones; u plush sugar case, silver knife, sliver shell, ugar knife, silver sugar spoon to Mr. Jones; and a pitisu, gold topp id toilet case each to 31 aggie I. Jones ani 3lumte Jones; by the supcriuten lent of the Sun day school, Thomas Jehu, a gold brooch was presented to 3Iamie Jones und u gold hair pin to Maggie J, Jones. A gold watch chain with locket attachod was presented to .Maggie J. Jones by her friends of the Sunday school. Many other costly presents were admired by a throng of visitors. The presentations were made by Llewelyn N. Roberts and Mrs. W. F. D i vi "s, the wile of tho pustor. Botli spoke of the very high esleern in which the couple were Held, not only by the members of tie Welsh Baptist church but hv tho community generally. Rev. W. F. D.ivies followed and dwelt upoft the eminent services rendered by Air. Jones in hi8longnnd honorable connec tion with the Welsh Baptist church. Some Welsh versos were read by Thomas Jehu. The school gifts were preseutod as follows: Miss Mamie Joiifln by Miss Katie Griffiths, mi l to Miss Maggie Jones by David F. Davie, who dwelt upon the great services rendered by the young ladies in connection with the Sunday school. 31r. Jehu then presented his gifts as superintendent, and in referring to tho readiness of toth ladies in all good works he wished them God's blessing in their future career. Mrs. W, R Owon thon pre sented the braoMet ou behalf of her numerous friends to Haggle Jones. The proceedings throughout were of a most enjoyable nature, and although the spacious rooms were crowded, ev ery one was hospitably provided for. The only mar to the complete enjoy ment of the evoning was the departure of the family from their numerous and affectionate friends ALDERMAN WILLIAMS THE AUTHOR. Many Attampts Mid to PlagariZ) HI& V. eloh VerCBi. Enquiries are being made In several American papers, aud renewed in this week's "Drych,"as to the authorship of the Welsh verses, "Ueisyfiad y Wnur," which have been set to music us a well known glee by Gwilyin Gwent, the celebrated Cymric com poser, and forms the subject of a com petition at the Royal National eisto Id fodd at Carnarvon, North Wales, this summer. It, will interest many to know that in conversation with a TBIBONH repor ter yesterday Alderman D, M. Will inms produced the authorized pro gramme of the Plttstou eisteddfod of 1871, containing tho verses to which is attached the alderman's nam, and ab solutely settles the question of author ship. It is regretted that other bards of leva renown than Alderman Will iams have attempted to claim the lines of the singularly sweet Welsh verses, but this will bo impossible in the facn of the distinct and undoubted proof given by the bard of Providence. HugheB & Son, of Wrexham, North Wales, are the publishers, but by nil oversight omitted to print the author's name. NORTH END NOTES. The Scranton Uas company nro lsvina nuow mam to supply tho largo numbor of houses at present unconnected near the Bull's head. South Mam avonun. A popular railway for-mm will shortly take unto himself one of Providence's ohai mine daughters. His resignation was received with much regret ut, tho llach- elor's club on Saturday. F, B ival of Epworlb Liairun. Tho Epworth League of tho First Ger man Methodist church, in connection with the Ladies' society, will give a strawberry fest ival on Wednesday and Thursday even ings., June 18 and 14, in the church, at Vine stieet and Adams avonue. An excel lent programme has been prepared and a very plSMUnt evening will be enjoyed. A Pltt9t.cn Couple Hani d. Tl;,.l r,.Hni n.,.1 1,1a ......... I . .. . . ..i,..,...,t, ,,,.. , .ii . . Fiuncesco Zornili, b.ith of Pittston and - . ..,.ji,. i,,i a i,. ,.. . pilau milium ion icm in i u.s pitpurs OI the capable uiautier iii whii h Alderman . , ,i rn...,....l i i... m.mI ... JTeetorday they made an afternoon cull on the alderman and they left his office united lor oie. Enadle & Woeiz'a and Dalian tin-' Ales i re the bi st. E. J. Walsh, Agent, 112 Lackuwu i nu a venue. NOTES OF SOUTH IE Cenlral Pari the Scjue of Splendor Last Night at LiederkraDz Picnic. PROMINENT PEOPLE PRESENT Three Singing Societies Entertained the Pleasure Seekers with Several Splendid Choruses Death of Two Women Yesterday Whose Lives Vero Well Spent-Shorter Para graphs of Interest. Tim picnic of the Scranton Lietlor krauz at Central park yesterday was it gala affair. The fine gronn is were well lighted ami aglow with pleasure. The vast crowds inovod cheerfully to and fro, and Hie sweet utrains of music from !! niei 's band in the dancing pa vilion kept everybody happy. There was uot a ripple iu tne onj yuiont, the pre vailing sentiment of all so -in.. I to be an endeavor to extract as much fun out of the occasion as possible. An alert corps of waiters at each table attended to the picnicers' wants; and the result was un evening of rara pleasure to ali, and also a gratifying profit to the L dderkrtu.z society. Ttie Mozart y inrtette club led by Prof. Karl R Bait, entranced ttaaand ienue with their sweet chorus, "Wel come Home,' which was sung in griind style. Besides this at intervals the club sang other melodies with splendid i-fT-d. Tne Saengerrundn society was pres ent and their rendition of the two glees, "Wuldabhensoeln" and "Mac hrnnber" whs unsurpassed. The Arbi ter Singing society sang afterward and their choruses were so well received that prolonged applause followed each number, George Wt.hl was general manager of the picnic and City Controller Fred J. Widmayer, treasurer. It would be :. fair guess to state that upwards of 5,0110 peoplo thronged the park. A partial list of those of prominence in attendance is appended: 31ayor W. L Connell, ex Sheriff Charles Robin son, Prothonotary Clursnos E Pryor, Hon. William K. Beck, of 3loscow; Assistant Postmaster Herman Osthaus, ex-County Commissioner William Frui z, Register of Wills H T. K"oh ler. Clerk of the Courts J. H Thomas, William F. Kiesel, Conrad Schro-der, Chief of Police William T. Simpson, Sanitary (Ulcer W. J. Burke, Street Commissioner Philip Kirst, p. V. Gallagher, Councilman C. W. Wcst pfubl. William Craig, . Dr Wehlau, Christian Storr, Dr. A. J. Kolb, Km il SchimpfT, Leo Sciiimplf, THE GRIM REAPER. It VUits Twj Homw und Carrisa Away Two Who Spnt Their Llvs Well. Mrs. Henry Hener, of Pitt9ton avo nue, died yesterday nioruing after a lengthy illness. B'foro her death her health had been failing for nearly a year. She was n pious Catholio and regard, d with a large measure of re spect by all her neighbors. Sho was born in Germany and was 57 years old. The funeral will take place on Thurs day morning at 0 30 with a nquiom mass in St. John's church on Figs.reot. Interment will be mude in Hyde Park cemetery, Tile king of shadows swept without warning down upon the housshold of tho Steigerwald family at 031 Elm street, yesterduy morning nt ti o'clock, and carried away tho mother. 31r.. Beiserwald was stricken a few hours before her death with paralysis, and Dr. J. B. Amman was summoned, but remedies were without avail. She was born iu Albany forty-nine years ' ago and came to the South Side when only 11 years old, aud was u resident here continuously till her death. A family of four children, and ha- husband sur vivo hor. The fuueral arraugeineuts are not yet completed. SOUTH SIDE J 1TTINGS. Dr. J. A. Stanley is confined to his room with a very paiurul sore on his foot. Tho funeral of Peter Higijins, of Miuooka, will take pluco this morning at 'J o'clock. Philip Bcheuer, a prominent Democrat of Cedar avenue, has announced himself ns a candidate for jury commissioner, Through an unintentional error Charles Iluester was mentioned iu this column as a candidate for register of wills. Recorder ot deeds is proper. About thirty prominent Germans whose names will be given when the list is com pleted are intending to go to Now Yoik to be present at the Baongerfesl, The school children of St. Mary's (lei man Catholic Parochial school will hold two entertainments this month on the evenings of the Juno 7 and 'gS. Conductor Phil Foy and Motormsn Wil liam M'.gns, of the South Side line, were laid oil for ten days ou account of the accident to their car iu running info the trip of empty coal cars. The base ball club of Columbus council, No. 1711, of the Voting Men's Institute challenges tho club of any other branch in Lackawanna county. Johu Haggerty is the inamiger. Two strangers Were driving along South Washington avenue la.-t evening In a car riage when a dog run ahead of the horse, Too dog was trampled upon, hut the noise in uomg ho stumbled mid fell.throw ing tho occupants out of tho vehicle. Aside from a few scratches sustained by tin uieu no other damage was done. TOO BIG TO SUIT THEM. Aiohbald Cltizone Want tho First Ward Divided Conrt yesterday appointed A B Dunning, jr., D C Phillips and James Pouman ouuiinisstoneri to examine Into thS propriety of a division of the First ward ol Arotibuld, The petition asking for the.annnlnt. mtnt of the commission is signed by a oumoer ot cillZ 'tis and sets forth that the division of tho ward is necaaaaev nn accounl ot its great 8z Caroy'x Circus Sold. Carey's en mis was sold yesterday morn ing at sheriff's sale for 993& The bnyor n Q, O. Brock. The sale was to satisfy two executions, one for lMi in fnvor of George W. Hall and the other for i'M in favor of Professor George E. Rich. Mtafortunoi Come Not Singly. Mr. and .Mrs. McMunus. or North Waali. ington avenue, have been very unfortunate during tho past week. Two of their clnl dred died of scarlet fever and now Mrs. McMnuusj is seriously ill. I s I fl lenea ' Gutral. t'o'ciyo Jharaot If President Cleveland 1ms anneal con cealed anywhere about his apparel he should discard it at once. His run of bud luck is injuring tho whole Country. V.ioni ton Khyme My little wife, a carpet bag, Bequtstercd farm, sans cure, A line, a worm, u brook, u trout, Then name mo millionaire. Boston J'oi(. MANY UNHAPPY HOMES, The Changeable Weather of Spring and Early Summer Has Serious Ef fects Upon Improperly Fed Babies. "Home, Sweet Home" Tiie author of the most touching linos ever written had no home, born in New York, he diwl iu Algiers. Many parents today who live iu fine houses ure homeless the baby bin gone. Tho changeable weather in spring and early summer brings desolation into many homes beeanso of mistakes in baby's food. Practical m u of science, physicians aud philanthropists, long couMdnrcd infunt feeding the greatest medical problem, nud tho most valuable Dric tical outcome of their mauy investiga tions was laotsted food. Lnctnlod food should b-s fed to babies in preleronee to anything elio but ab solutely wholesome breast milk. The most successful physicians use lactate 1 food exclusively. It is the purest, tne most iuitrious und the monl easily as similated infuut fojd. It is retained on the llomaoh when other food is re jected It builds np the strength when without it summer complaints bring dangerous weakness. Profound knowledge of infant di seases hns guided in the preparation of of Isolated food. It is the only safe substitute for natural mother's milk, It counteracts the weakness and result ing emaciation of diarrhoea. It hup tuins tho strength and supplies rich blood and solid bone. Lactuted food is n triumph of human intolligenco in successfully combatting infunt disor ders. Impovtiinh'd His i'ov.orlty. i'ncfV. Mowers That is u portrait of Mynheer Vanderbockbier, nn ancestor of mine on my mother's side. Powers-All! Knickerbocker stock, eh? I suppose you'ro proud of old Vanderbock bier!' Dowers Proud of him? Do you know what that old chump did? He had a torn on Broadway and he exohanged it for Jersey property, because he wanted to grow bigger cabbages. What's the use of trying to work against luck liko that? AMERICA ILLUSTRATED. By anew arrangement Tnn Trtb t'NK is onab'ed to offer its renders any one of the twenty parts of the "America" portfolio for ten cents. All parts are now ready. This is the finest collection o( popular idiotogra phic view.- in print. Scud stamps or ca-h. No coupon is necessary. mm We REDUCED prices on BABY CARRIAGES, as our stock is too large, Ym can buy a good Baby Carriage for tho price of a cheap ono. For Wedding Presents or Fi,r- nishing for Bummer Cottages, wc have a full and oomploto line. Lamps, Dinner and Toilet Sets, Etc. WEICHEL ct MILLAR 116 Wyoming Ave. Homestead CORN, PEAS, SUCCOTASH, LIMA BEANS, 81 .50 Per Dozen Ml mi CREAMER' BUTTER In 3 aad 5 lb. Palls. Eggs received Daily from the Home Poultry Farm. C DITOHBUBN, 41 A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BIOTOliHS ANI) SPOKTINO GOODS. Victor, Qendrnn. Eclipse, LovelL Dhunont slid Other lieels. Scientific Eye Testing Free CHINA mm 1 jplsjtjfl By Dr. Shifiaborg, Tim Bpeelahal on tno Eyo. Beadaehes nnf licrvousureia rcllevod. Latest and Improved Htylo of Ufa Olassas ana Bpeetaetssat tho Lowest Prices Best Arttnelat Kw uuMrteJ for R, 105 SPRUCE ST.. op. Old Post Offlcs. the: Hindoo Handle Now on sale for 25c. or given away with purchase of every suit. Handsome line of Spring Overcoats and the Nobby "Bell" Cutaway Snits artixx & IDelany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, Yyoming Avenue. THE i 1 Will offer for the Week nn 1 or as long as vrt i I One case of Dr. Strong's Health Corsets, regular price $1.25, for on M ss m THREE SPECIAL NUMBERS IN B mi Embroideries - 3,000 yards, were jr m I 2,000 yards, were 1,000 yards, were 40c, for - 25c. 8 lv SSM tar nn T:H!ll!i3HI!Ul1Cietitl!;3KHSE3SISU3!IBlflKSfiaiIi YOUR DERBY Heats Your Head Get one of our nice, cool Straw or Manilla Hats. FRENCH SPLIT STRAWS are Dunlap'3 latest Look them up. Christian, k Hatter 412 Spruce Street and 20o Lackawanna Avenue It's a Great Shock i; .1111. '. rotlip fcit:i n-iionv elalmtns they undersell ill nth -ri t' flii'l that wltlv nt Mie louBt funs or blunter ire are giving eii'-tora rs the bsn ;lltf hii-Ii op port, initios jih t'lwo. A much llii.-li (ii-adr Llcht-wetghf Hh.'.'i, 1804 p ittern, f -r mio eaah, tKvn puiti-rn, Sit '.ii Whci, for p. a. ISIM nnttern, t(o Whoel, for oah., rhosu prices mako thu bnnlr.oM at oar stores FLORE Y 2- HOLT Y. M. C A BUILDING. SAY ! YOU HEAVY WEIGHTS DO YOU KNOW THAT CONRAD, THE HATTER, HAS SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR YOUR SIZE? THE CELEBRATED ml f - If r L, IS PIANOS in nt I'rr-ont Um M.i.i PnTinlftr nnd referred ty ucailme Arium Wareronms : "pp iitte Columbus Mcnumrnt, or Wnahlnaton Av. Sc.-anton,Pn erchief Puzzle ashon they mav last: J J SM Dm Ul nu 17c, for - IPC 1 sisasm D Drs 25c, for - 15C. I Another Advocate of sitiene Ons. BKM1VOOO It WABIIKLL: OKNTt.EMKN-It offiirile me (reel pleMUre to state that j-oOt iwvprocoii of extracllnt; tooth was a ernad nuccew Is my cm', and I heartily reoonmend It t all. I sincerely hope that otbera WW tout its merits. Yiiiii-s respectfully, CAl'T. S. E. 1111 v A N'T. Scranton, P Henwocd & Wardell, DENTISTS 316 Lackawanna Ava Will on nnd aftor Mav 21 mplto a grest redao tlon in tin- prions of plates. All work guar antcoi :.;:!. ia ovorr particnlar. N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, WXOlOHa A'i'h , SOBAMXOBV 8TKTNWAT SO DKCXKIt UltOTIIKIlS KRAJaOH A BACH VSVLIZ A BAUKU an PIANOS Aim. a luge aloek ot gnt-ataa ORGANS MTJSIC.VI. MKKCHAN'DlSlSj Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed their office to their Warcrooms, numbers 141, 143,145, 147, 149, 15) MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 8634 Hotel Waverly Enroppnu Plan. Firnt-olaa liar attnoheS. Ui'pot for Brgner ogel'a Tanuhieiwor Beor. I i Cor, 15tti end Filbert to, Mik Uot di HiraMx for rentdouta of N.E. PonrQ iflvitijia. Alt sonvenlenees for travelers to aim from Broad Street atatlou and too XSrelftb anil Market Btrext station. D ' lrnliln for TlMting Horantonlana aad pj tie in the Authracltt) Hagloo. T. J VICTORY. PRor-niEToa 50c. I Aftffi THE BEST ? THE TRIBUNE H H