The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 11, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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They're the kind you expect to
pay 2 and $4 for. Children, 2 to
5 years, the prices arc
&1 TO $2
Oae advantage of past week's
stormy weather was opportunity
to reinspeot departments. Where
stocks are great and assortments
varied, constant supervision is
necessary to present only the best
and newest. Those who visit us
this week will reap the benefit of
reduction in
Silks and Dress Goods,
Cloaks, Capes and Jackets,
Laces, Hosiery and Underwear,
Great Reductions in
The prices of some of the seas
on's most exquisitely Trimmed
Hats and Bonnets have just been
reduced one half to effect a prompt
distribution. The styles are many
and the prices, previously moder
ate, cannot tail to appeal strongly
now to the most economical.
Please remember the reductions
are most carefully stated.
Beginning today we shall sell
Trimmed II its Bonnets that were
-. AT 5,2.50.
Trimmed Huts -ind Bonnets that were
T AT S3.50.
Trimmed Hutu and Bonnets that wore
10 AT $5.
Trimm .t FJnN and Bonnets that were
$12 AT $6.
TriminH HalH uud Bonnets that were
?M AT $7.
On Wednesday "veiling last the resi
dence of Mr. ami Mrs. William II
R' vnoliis, of Miple street, Factory
villo, was the toene of ranch criiiety, It
being tlio occasion of a recvptiou Kiven
in honor of their daughter. Maple, to a
iiuuibt-r of her friends. Miss Reynolds
was nmistod in receiving by Miss Car.
rio Green iiml Stanley Ilynolda. At
0 30 the guests wre all present, from
which time until 2 'M they indulged in
various nmmemente, anch as gams,
ranjic, etc At 11 o'clock an elegant
repast was (erred, The parlors and
dining room were beautilully deco
rated with floral dedans, among
them a tiny fountain, with its silvery
spray springing forth from a mass of
ferii3 and evergreons, which added
much to the beauty of the occasion.
The veranda was illnninuted with
J.ip:inese lanterns.
Those present were: Misses Cora
It, 88, of Scranton; Amy Cnsuer.of E ist
Newton; Bertha, Minnie, Amy, Cleo
and Jennie Reynolds, Bertha Knapp,
Carrie (in-en, Nellie Green, Martha
Taylor, Helen WVhterby, Alliii Bliss.
Jennie Gardner, Veda Cramer, Edith
Miller, Fannie Coleman, Sadie Kline
felter. May HoCoonell.Sadle GUI more,
Hattie Gardner, Nettie Gardner, Lou
C. Gardner; Messrs Ciiarles Klinefel
ter, Bruce Reynolds, Stanley Rey
nolds, Leon Shelp. B. F. Thomiu, A.
H. SiosabaQgb, Lou Rifonbarry, Zina
Hindi, James B. Reynolds, Wihuin
M. Reynolds, Charles Tourpe, Stanley
Slmrell, Allie Van Fleet, Jesse Caryl,
Lenli Whitmarali, Dm win Gardner,
Vinnie Gardner.Ruell Capwell, Charles
Hunt, CharioH Ledynrd, Thomas Rey
nolds. JERMYN.
The ladies of tho Bniicopal ihurch
will hold a lawn social in the afternoon
and even of July 4 on the groui.di ad
joining the eh n r eh.
There will be a meeting of the hoard
of trade Tuesday evening in the Press
A meeting was held in tho Republi
can cinh rooms on Saturday evening
for the purpose of forming n lodge of
the Junior Order of United Mechanics.
Carbondalo lodge was represented by a
delegation, and promineut speakers
explained the object of the order.
Childrens Day was observed in the
Congregational church yesterday. A
VMry interesting programme was pre
sented by the Sunday school scholars.
The ladies of the Primitivo Metho
dist church will hold a bazaar Jane 18
mid 10, at which time many beautiful
articles will be disposed of. Refresh
ments will be served.
Frank Belcher, who Is superintend
ing the erection of a number of houses
for Contractor Tiffany, has moved to
Dyspepsia and Indigestion
In their worst forms arc cured by the
two of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and
run down, or If you need a tonio to regain
flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor,
tekf P. P. P., and you will be strong and
healthy. For shattered constitutions and
lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke
Boot and Potassium) is the king of all
medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood
purifier in the world. For sale by all
Highest of all in Leavening Pnv.-et. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Tho Democratic primaries of the
Fifth Lerlilstive district were held
Saturday and were the livliest in the
history of local rjolitics held in years
From tho opening of the polls at 1
o'clock until the close the contending
faction! fouuht desperately, particu
larly the supportrs of lion. J. 1.
Flannery. In the First, Fifth, Seventh,
Ninth and Eleventh the contest was
particularly bitter and in some in
stances lessons in physical culture were
resorted to. As foretold in these col
umns a few weeks ago, Mr. Flannery
carried a majority or the wards In the
borough und sufficient in tho outlying
districts to give him first hold on the
nomination. In the borough the fol
lowing Flannery dolegases were
elected; First ward, Charles Curry;
Fifth ward, Patrick Pender; Second
district, Sixth ward, Authony K-n-nedy
; Seventh ward, George F. Buss;
Eighth ward, John McGrath; Ninth
ward, Thomas Corcoran; Eleventh
ward, John Mallin; iu Pittston town
ship, '5; Jeukins township, 1; Avoca
borough, 1; Liili'i, 1; Minors Mills,
1; Plains, 1; Bear Creek, 2
Fn in tho foregoing it will be seen
that Flannery has carried 17 out of 86
districts. This is considerod all the
more remarkable as the whole tHd
was against him. The convention will
assemble iu Burke's at Port Griffith at
10 o'clock this morning and a lively
time is looked fcr. Flannery, it is safe
to say, will capture the nomination on
first ballot, theroby receiving a compli
ment seldom accorded a candidate; a
nomination for throe consocutive
Two youths named Walter Carpenter
and John Johnson had a narrow es
cape fri.m instant death Friday even
ing. The lads reside on the West Sid
and during the day broke open store
bouse owned by Lymington & Perrin
in which was stored all tueir appar
atus for the blasting of rock theriu and
ami ng the contents was u box of dyna
mite cartridges. They repaired to the
foot of the mountain the Forest Castle
brewery uud proceeded to make nn ex
amination. They placed the cartridge
on a stone and struck it with a ham
mer, The report was heard for eomo
distance. As the smoke cleared away,
loud cries of pain were heard, and
these caused some of the neighbors to
hasten to the spot. On tho ground
with his face covered with blood, and
his clothes torn in pieces lay the Car
penter boy. Johnson was also on the
ground, but it was seen that his Inju
ria were not of a serious nature. They
carried the boys to a houso and at
tended to their injuries. Carpenter
was unconscious. His face is badly
burned and torn, one of liiB eyes is al
most blown out of the socket. It is
thought that ho cannot recover. J.;lin
sou was burned about the legs an i
Pollcemnn William Kearney, who
conducts a store at the corner of Mill
and Searle streets, is loSeriog from
blood poisoning. In company with
another policeman on Friday he took
Paul Weiilzell, of this plaee. to
Danville. Wentzdl has ben tem
porarily unbalanced for sour time and
of late b came so violent that it was
necessary to remove him to tho asylum.
Tho officers with their charge had no
sooner reached their destination when
Wentzell, without notice, instantly
broke away and started for the river.
Kearney, the more athletic of the two,
succeeded in overtaking him when
the crszy man, with the ferocity
of a tiger at bay attacked him. He
dealt Kearney a kick in the abdomen.
Kearney becoming weak, let. go his
hold. Before having done so Wentzell
sank his teeth in his right arm. Be
coming free ho ran to the river and.
jumping into a boat, escaped by taking
to the woods on the opposite shore.
Kearney was removed to his home and
a physician summoned. Inilammution
has set in as a result of tne bite und
fears are entortained that ho will lose
his arm.
Right Rev. Monsiguor Patrick J.
Toner, missionary apostolic and hon
orary clmpluin to his Holiness Pop"
Leo MIL preached an eloquent and
instructive senium at the lato mass In
St. John's beautiful now church nt
Pittston on "Charity as the greatest of
theological virtues." The right revoi-
nd speaker took his text trom the
Kith chapter of St. JPaul s hrst bplstle
to tho Corinthians. "And now there
remain faith, hope and chnritv, these
three, but tne greatest of tiiese is
charity." Munsignor Toiler said these
are throe virtues that regard God as
their immediate and pinary object,
and nre named theological because
they tend directly to the honor and
glory and worship of God. All other
virtues uro merely human virtues, but
these three are essontially divine. All
other virtues may be performed, an I
practiced by a pagan. Many of the
anciont pagan philosophers practiced
all the natural in nn eminent degree
but it is only a Christian who beliuvos
in the aacied deposit of divinely
revealed truth, as defined and
explained by nn infallible authority,
namely, the church of God upon earth,
who can pirform or practice these
three, faith, hope, charlte, but th
greatest of tlivse is oharity. Faith
without charity is dead as tho body is
dead without the soul. Hope without
it is merely presumption. Hope is the
root and the foundation of our justifi
cation, ns the council of Trent teaches
us, and without fnith there can be no
supernatural virtue or supernatural
reward; but charity Is greater than
faith, yes, than faith, that miracle
working virtue without which an in
spired apostle declares that it is impos
sible to please God. Charity is greater
than hope, which is the anchor of our
souls and holds us safely on the stormy
ocean of life from driftiug into
the gulf of despair ou the
one hand, or that of pre
sumption on the other. All our
natural good actions rauet be stamped
with tho iinpnss of divine faith in
order to rise from thn natural to tho
supernatural order. We might explain
this more f ally by tho following illus
tration: A piece of coin may be of
much value in itself, bnt if it haa not
on itself the impress of the sovereign
of the state it is of no value in the com
mon intercourse of trade. So In like
manner our natural good actions may
be excellent in themselves and may win
the world's applause, bnt If not stamped
with the impress of divine faith they
cannot pass from the natural to the
supernatnral ordor or merit eternal
life. And even when elevated to the
highest degree of perfection by faith,
yes even to the wondrous miraele
power of removing mountains, aa the
apostle says, ''Yet without charity we
could not lie saved." Faith points out
the way for us as did the pillar of liro
in the olden timo point out the way
to tho Isrnnlitns on their iournev
to the promised land. Hope sustains
and consoles us during our earthly pil
grimage as did the heavenly ui-tnna
sustain and console them during their
journey to the promised, but charity
alone entereth the true promised land,
the kingdom of heaven. Salvation is
shown to faith, prepared for hope, but
only given to charity. Our Holy
church defines oharity to be a divine
virtue, whoroby we love (tod above all
things and our neighbour us ourselves.
And by the word neighbor is meant
all mankind of overy croed, and of
every color and of every country, and
the proof that we keep the first part of
this definition tho love of God is that
wo observe with scrupulous tidelity the
8 cond part to love our neighbor as
ourselves. Monsignor Toner will
preuch next Sunday in St. Basil'e
church, Dushore, Sullivan county, of
which Father It lier is rector.
Burglars effeoted an entrance into
George Foster's office at Duryea imii
time Friday night, blew open the safe
and carried eif ull tho contents of
value. They gained an entrance by
prying opon a rear wiudow, and evi
dently were old hands at thor work.
They drilled a bole between the dial
and handle, and tilled it with dyna
mite, then exploded it. The report if
heard, was not noticed. The concus
sion tore tho safo to pieces, rendering
it entirely useless for future, use.
Within its confine was nearly $11)0 in
c ish, some jewelry,a revolver and some
stamps, ull of which were carried off.
There is no cluo to the thieves, but
suspicion points strongly to two char
acters who were observed alightiuu
from a train in tiie early part of the
evening of the day previous.
i -urge Tischonorick.who was burned
by molten iron at the Riverside foun
dry seven mutitha ago, and who has
been n patient at the hospital since
that time, was discharged Saturday.
Daniel D Jeukins, an old and re
spected citizens of Pittston, died at
his home on Welch Hill Saturday
moriiiug at 8 o'clock Ho has been a
resilient of this place since 1863, and
was 50 years of age. He has been
rickly forsoins time, but the immedi
ate cause of nis death was pueumonia.
He was a member of Thistle Lodge,
Independent Order Odd Fellows. The
funeral obsequies over tho remains
will be held at the Welsh Baptist
church tomorrow afternoon, Juris 12
The remains will be laid to rest in the
Pittston cemetery.
This evening the following dele
gates will leave via the Pennsylva
nia railroad for Pittsburg to attend
the convention of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians, Board of
Am-rica, which will be held there this
week: Division 22. John McGinley ;
division 4. Dolph Glennon and James
Hefferon; division 15, James Gibbous
and E. J. Burke; division 11, J. P.
Kearney; division 13, T, J. MileB, nnd
Captain J. F. Flannery, county dele
gate. Yesterday was "Children's day'' at
the West Side Presbyterian chnrcn nnd
special services prepared for the occa
sion were curried out. The church
was tusteftilly decorated with pretty
flowers und shrubbery tastefully ur-
The services being held on the West
Side under tho auspices of R-v. Moody
anil his corps of assistants continue to
grow in interest daily. The Increasing
interest manifested in the evangelistic
services at the large tent on the West
Side led the management to make a
uhang iu the proposed arrangement
for holding inoetiugs on the east side
this week and the work will continue
as heretofore.
The Methodist Ministerial nsisciation
of the Wyoming district will be held
iu the West Pittston Church today and
tomorrow. The programme will be as
Devotions V. H. Wilcox
Association Business, Election of Oflkors,
Prayer and Praise Service, Thirty Min
utes J. a, Sumner
Association Address W. M, Miller
Alternate J. V. Webb
Tl.'l- sDAY, MORNING, 8 30
Devotions li. M. Chamberlain
"The .Minister's Dutv to His Own Denomi
nation" E. L mutes)
"The Bpworth Ouards; Its Practical Util
ity" O. L. Stevens
Ministerial Health and Habits ol Study
U. A. Place
Tho Minister's telntivonud Social Life,
E. E. San l ord
Devotions G. N. Underwood
Does the Progress of Seienco Mako the
Restatement of Doctrine Neces-
"ury? J. W. Webb
The Sermon, lis Preparation and Delivery,
P. U. llawxhurst
Tho Progressive Features of the Tern
perance Reform L, O.Vitn Hoosen
What Advantages Aro to He Derived
from Wyoming Assembly?. .F.N Smith
Dovotione P. M. Furoy
Association Sermon A. F. Chaffee
Alternnto, J. B. Sweet.
All themes will bo followed by free
discussion, Committee Revs. J. G.
Eflkman, H. Q McDermott, J. B. Sum
ner. O. H. McAnulty, W. H. Miller.
"Duwdy" Walsh bad one of his peri
odical euconnters with the p dice late
Saturday night. He was arrested by
Officers Frank Pedrick and Jes-ie Phil
lips. Jeweler T. R. Staley went to
their assistance only to he u sadder hut
much wiser man today. The officers
succeeded in getting Walsh ns far us
the lockup when Iik let drive two or
three blows with such force as to com
pletely knock bis captors into a dHZed
condition. In the melee he mido his
escape and has not been captured up to
the present.
Foil earache, toothache, sro throat,
swelled neck and the results of colds uud
Inflammation, use Dr. Thomub' Eulectric
Oil the groat pain destroyer,
OTien r.nhy was rIcI:, wo (rave her Pantorta.
When she mm a Child, she cried fur Cantoris.
When she lier-sinn Miss, she clung to Caxtorta,
When she hail Children, she gave them Cantoris
Dr. J. A. Bnrhugion has removed
his offiuH to his nsidenco ou south
Main street,
Mr. Bryden has commenosd opera
tions for a dwelling house on Mary
The Marcy township school board
reorganized by the selection of the fol
lowing officer! President, James
O'Donnell; secretary, Michael Hley;
ireasurer, Henry Curlev. The audit
ing members are John Hustle and John
Connor, and the new ones are Thomas
Joyce and Thomas Cosgrove.
The Prt.nbyte.risn chapel will hold a
strawberry and Ice cream festival
Mondav nnd Tueadsy evenings, June
25 and 20
Tho Adgands Literary society held a
very interesting meeting nt their par
lors last Friday evening and discussed
a popular subject, it beini;: Rutolved,
that Coxey's army is a benefit to this
country. The iiffirmative was handled
ley Messrs. A. B. Richurds and P. H.
Kennedy, and Micuael Dixon in a very
able manner, while tho nagative was
discussed ny the Miss Anna and Ella
Welch and Miss M E Kennedy. After
a heatod discussion, in which Jacob
Coxey received some glowing tributes,
the debate wus finally awarded to the
ladies. Tho society announces the
following programme for a public
meeting to ou rendorod Friday even
ing, Juno 22: Opening address, Mr. M.
Dixon; instrumental music, Miss M.
Clenry; recitation, Miss Ella Walsh;
debate, Resolved, that monopoly is
detrimental to.our country, affirmative,
Mr. McGrow, Mi-is Annie Walsh; neg
ative, Frank Clark, Miss OTIara; vocal
duet, Miss While, Miss Webber; ora
tion, Thomas Curry ; comic paper, P.
11. Kennedy; instrumental music, Mies
Lizzie Kennedy; trio, P. J. Gilboy and
party; chorus bv tho society.
The Wayne Independent is authority
for tho statement that the Wells Fargo
Express company has issued a circular
stating that none hut married mn will
be employed by them for 1895, or at
least so far us positions can be tilled by
them, When interviewed b- The
TBIBUNH reporter, Wells Fargo & Co.'s
Hones iale agent stated that he would
endeavor to retain his position here.
Iu tho words of tho Independent, "A
word to the wise is sufficient."
Tho Erio railroad run an excursion to
Port Jervis from Honesdalo on Sunday
for the benefit of ttuse who desired to
witness the 1 lying of the corner stone
of the new St. Joseph's; chnrcn at M it
moms, Pa. There was a procession of
the various societies in the afternoon.
Music was furnished by the Emmett
A farce entitled "Rice Pudding" was
given by the Presbyterian clupl Fri
day night and wus witnessed by a large
audience. After the play icecream
and cake were served,
Horac Davis is culling on Honesdule
Tiik essential lung healing principlo of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
Separated and refined into a perfect eongti
medicine, 1'r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
Sold by all dealers ou a guarantee of satis
faction. HALLSTEAD.
Miss Susie Black, of Nioholsnn, who
has been visiting Mrs. Giles Carpenter,
has returned home.
Married At the Baptist parsonage in
Dingnnmton, by the Rtv. Mr. Mox
field, J. S. J.icnons, formerly of Great
Bend, to Mrs S. D. Ross, of this place.
Porter Chalkor, of Wilkes-Barre,
while moving from that pluck to Snake
('reek on Tuesday was taken suddenly
ill. He wna taken into the residenc of
Scott Ives, where he died yesterday.
Airs. Peter Ctirran and Mrs James
Fordyce, of Susquehanna, who have
been visiting at the residonce of C. H.
Curran, have returned home.
Mr. end Mrs, Will Barnes visited
Harford friends today.
SI r. and Mrs. C. H. Cnrran visited
friends in New Milford.
Mrs. H. 11, Millard, who
has been
visiting friends iu Hickory Grove,
returned home
A surprise party was held at the
home of William Shine on Wednesday
niht In honor of Mr. Shine's birthduv.
Cuite nn enjoyable time was had.
A receptiou was held on Wednesday
night at the home of the Rev. Mr. Ev
ans, who moved here with his family
to tak charge of tho Congregational
church iu this place.
Being tho lat day of school hero the
teachers nnd children enjoyed a ride to
Crystal lake in the afternoon ou Satur
day. John Ornther, butcher, will cccupy
his new store on Monday.
With new methods of treat
ment now at our command,
aided by strict observance of
appropriate diet (and in this
connection I strongly recom
mend the use of that great con
densed raw food extract,
its ability to restore waste and
make new blood is unequalled ;
it is a perfect nutrient in the
most condensed form, and
easily retainedby any stomach),
with all this at our command,
I say, very many cases of con
sumption may be cured.
BovtnlM satisfies the hunccrof cotmimn
livcs; it ! ...Li. muscle, bone, strength,
where everything c!ae fails.
Sold by all druggists.
What is More Attractive
Than a pretty fnco with a fresh, bright
complcxiont For It, uso Poironi's Powder.
The Original Raw Food
Acute Rfeuinafism '
Months of Suffering-Hood's
Sarsaparilla Cured
Mr. oah J. Horner
Btahlstown, l'enn.
"C. I. noort & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" Qentlsinem Pour years last January I was
taken Sown with lub-fteuts rheumatism which
located at the base ol tho brain. It was eight
weeks less one day heforo I was aide to walk
out Ol the house and alter months of suflerli.g
and much pain 1 feared
I Would Never Bo Well.
My physician advised me to use Hood's Sarsa
parilla. Alter taking It In half doses for two
weeks I felt hotter, so at different limes after
wards I used It awhile and during the last year
l hato again been restored to Invigorated health
by It. I attribute lay restoration to health to
tne use of Hood's Sarsaparllla. My son has had
catarrh llneo quite young and last summer
while attendinc school he used two buttles ol
Huod's Sarsaparllla and said It did hir.i more
mod than he realized from sine for prescrip
tions, etc," NOAH J, HoBNIB, Postmaster and
General Merchant, BtahlStOWU, 1'eimsylvunla.
Hood'o Pills cure liver Ills, constipation,
biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion,
Rd IFta Ft.
In using medicines to stop pain, we flhonld
nvoid sni-h i s inflict injury on th" nystem.
Opium, Morphine. Chloroform. Ethor. t o
eniiio n-irt hhiral stop pain by destroying
th" sense of perception, tho pati.nt losing
the power of f.-elinft Tina ia a most destruc
tive practioej It masks tho sytaptons 9hnts
up, and. instead f removing troblo, breaks
down thBS'omae', liver and I owed-,, and, if
eon tinned in (or a length of time, kills tho
nerves and produces local or general paraly
sis There Is no necessity for using thoso uncer
tain agents when a positive remedy like BAD
WAY'S HEADY RELIEF will stop tho m t
excrii'-iating pu n ejut'-ker, without entailing
the 1 h . i danger, in either infant or adult.
It Instantly srops the most excruciating
pains, allays inQtunnvitiim and OUros Oottget
tlons, whether of th , Lungs, Stomach, How
em. or other gl lids or m I UOUS mombranea
PAIN, a few applications a-t like maic, caus
ing tho pain to instantly htop.
Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat,
Inflammation, Bronchitis,
Pneumonia, Asthma,
Difficult Breathing,
Rhemnal Ism, Xeui-algla, Solution, Lam
hupi, Swelling of tho Joints, Pnlns
In Iluck, Chest or Liutbs.
Tho application ot tho READY RELIEF to
he part or parts whoro tho difficulty or pain
exists will afford ease and comfort.
are relieved Instantly and quickly cured by
taking bit -randy a half t" a teaspu uiful of
Ready Relief in half a tumbler of water.
Chills and Fever, Fever
and Ague Conquered.
Thorolsnot a romo dial ngent in tho world
thnt will cure Kovsr and Ague, and nil other
Malarious. Bdlous and other Fevors, aided by
Railway's Pills, SO quickly as Railway's Ready
Price 50c. per bottlo. Sold by Druggists.
For tho euro of nil dinoriloTt of tho Stom
ach, 1-lvor, Howdy Khlnoyft, ltlatlder,Ncr
vi un D.RoftM'K, llcitriitclii1, ConAtiput Inn,
Cunt 1 vriiov. 1 11 1 1 luTKsInn, Dj Bpcpsllt, 111 I-
lotUllflM, IVvt r, Inlluininfttloii of thn How-el-,
IMIrtt mil ull 1'rmi;omontn of the I n-
t'-rimi Vlieem, luriy Vegetable, on-
tainhic no mercury, niinoraln or DELH
PrlctSSo per box. Bold by ull druffglstB,
or on reoelpt of prlrn will bo sent by m ill.
Hv boxo for Onti Dollar.
RAT) WAY & CU, Warron St.. N. Y.
Maloney Oil and Manufac
turing Company
Have removed their ofltee to their
141, 143,145,147,149, 151
Hotel Wayerly
Enroponn Plan. First-class Bar stt'ieheO.
Depot tur Bercner & Kugel'a Tannhitnvoor
I E, Cor, 15th and Filbert Ptiilldi
Most dcairahl for reildonts cf N.)i Ponn';
lylvaiila. All eonTSOisnsss toe trnTeleri
to and from Broad Btrnot station and the
Twelfth and Market Strett station. Ul
airablofor Tinting Scran Ionian and poo
lie Id the Anthracite Keglou.
Ladies' Rid Gloves
5 and 7 Hooks,
Remember, The Fair
China. Florentine and
Never have goods of the same character been sold
as low as we will sell them now.
They are especially adapted for Pillows, Draperies
and Decorations, and many of the designs are suitable
for Evening Dresses and Tea Gowns.
The line comprises printed and plain China Silks,
Cheney Bros.' best quality plain and printed, change
able Brocades, armure printed and satin stripe Silks,
On sale in Drapery and Upholstery Department.
Something new, rustic
Complete with cord and pulley in the following sizes:
4x8, 6x8, 8x8 and 10x12 feet.
406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE.
One Hundred
and Fifty
Baby Carriages
Will be offered this week at
TION. After making your pur
chase, we will give TEN PER
CENT, of your purchase back.
Then, remember our Porch and
Lawn Rockers and Settees,
China, Japanese and Linen
Warp Mattings. Also, Re
frigerators and Ice Chests.
An Onyx Finishsd Clock with $50 pur
chases or ovsr.
A 100-picce Dinner fet with $75 purchases
or over,
Armnre Silks, 32 and 36 in, mk
and inexpensive for summer