THE SCKAKTOK TI?iJHJJV.U-NGNiAY MOBNING, JUNE 11. 181)1. d FOR ONE WEEK We will sell our entire stock of Kew and Stylish TRIMMED HATS at GREAXLY REDUCED PRICES. Come and see them at II 303 SPRUCE STREET. DOM' Havo your COLLABB Marched In tlio old Ivay, wheu you oan hftvp tlioiu done with fcoft, tillable Buttonhole for TWO CENTS EACH. Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue New Line Cheney Bros. CHINA 415 LACKA. AVE. If you want Carpgts, Prape;rfes, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of goods, and our prices are very low. iiams 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. The opening of Preston Park lodge to members will occur on Friday next. No afternoon service w held in Yonncr Men's Christian Association hull yester day. On Thursday ovenlne an entertainment Will b Riven nt the Penu Avenue Baptist church by John Howard. A pleasant muiicale will bo slvcn at tho rectory of 8t Lnke'n chiy-ch next Thurs day evening by the (iuilJ of St. Hilda Ni-xt Sunday Secretary Maby, of tho Youujr Men's C'hrietinn association, will organize a Sunday alternoou liiblo stndv class. The nnlilary of the Mo All mission will hold a meeting this afternoon nt Hie resi dence of Mrs. James Archbald, Ml Jeffer son avenue. M. J. Ryan, tho distinguished Philadel phia orator will deliver an address at the entertainment to be given under the aus pices of the St. Vincent do Paul society at the Academy of Music on Jui: 1 1. The Babylonian chorus Will moot at the Young Men's Christian Association hall this afternoon at 2 o'clock and the Baby lonian Drill company will meet at the Thirteenth Kegiment armory at 4 o'clock. The exchangos at the .Seranton clearing hotipo during the were: Monday. $160.. WI5.72; Tucsdny, 1187,160 48; Wednesday 125, 709.7:2; Thursday, 880, AM 86; Friday J87,U7H.OO: Saturday, 978.764.Ui total" 8687,840.991 The production of the comic opera ''Die tor of Alcantara" at College hall by tho members of tho Eichberg Opera company lias been postponed from June 12 and 13 to Juno 19 ud 90 on account of illness of one of tbo members to whom was assigned one of tho important roles. A very enjoyable pnrty was tenderod Miss Laura Scott In honor of h-r thir teenth birthday at her home on Franklin avenue last Friday night, She received icany beautiful presents. Among those v.-ho attended were: Mr. ami Mrs. George Ziuk and Aire. W. H. Scboonover, Misses Matie Cornln, Edith Murphy, lionnie Smith, Nora Muiphy, Niels Nealon, Rota Williams, Mortrudu Taylor, Amy Lindner, Mary Scott, Carolina Scott; .Masters Frank Hollinhend, Harry Mnrpby. lVrt Cornin, Frank Koch, Fred Lindner, Rudolph liloser, John Uloser, Harry Taylor, Jenny Scott. Refreshments were served at u late hour. Opn All Night at Lohman'e Spruce street. HELD A JUBILEE SERVICE. Addruist Dellvarrd at Railroad Y. C. A. Hall. A jubilee service was condnoted in Railroad Young Men's Christian Asso ciation hall at o'clock yesterday afternoon. There was special Ringing by the choir ami the male quartette fang a selection in fine style. Snort addresses were made by Andrew Wei -enflae, Socrotary Peareull and Frank Oliver. The ovent ws in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of tho birth of the first Christian association, and Mr. Weltenflue, in hi remarks, dwelt npon the work of the past, while Secretary Poarsall spoke of the present and Mr. Glover of tho future. Tho addresses wore timely and of interest. M. J. Swtzye, Joseph L. Mann and Joseph Hornbaker also made remarks, Mr. Swuzye particularly speaking of the past hiftory of the Seranton Rail road Young Men's Christian association of S Tanton. MatciiMchs Shaw Piano?, Kvery cus tomer recommends them. Stello & Sec ley, 184 Wyoming avenue. no m aairaa are if I Hears & Hagen k MCiUltf PEN us m lucr: I; Ho Apparent Cbacge In Sabbath Observance. THRIVING SUNDAY DRUG TRADE The Saloon Door, Iho Soda Fountain and Cigar Trade Just as Activo a3 Evor-Mr. Phelps' Water Barrel a Boon to the Thirsty What the Druggists Say -Intention of Pastors to Hire DetocUvos. As far ns the Sunday closing move ment Is oonosrned partlealarly in its relation to druggists, the words "us usual" Seoul almost sufficient in reply id any who may nave wondered how the day was observed yesterday. The saloon side-loor swung as freU"tit!v us in the past, the fizz and sizz of the soda fountain was as Inoeisnnl an 1 In dependent as it was b'l'ors Mr. Donv iippeared on tho scene and neither the iroina nor briskness of tin cigar trade s "imd to Ug, n leaiuri' oi me days doings was a t :rge ice-water tank surrounded by u tmrsty crowd at Phelps' dru' atore, corner of Wyoming nveime and Spruoe street, It was only n larg.i ooek neatly painted and set upon a large box with a half-dozen cups, yot it cut qntta a flgbre In yesterdays discussions ofnon teenier bniloeia. Why tblt ireo ico water reservoir ilionla bear any relationship to the closing of worl lly bimiiies.t, does not appear, unlets it is Druggist Phelps' answer to Mr. Douy'l argument that the money spent to supply free drink Ing fountaiiH would ohviato th6 nuum siiy for telling sad.i water. Anyhow, notwithstanding bit ico water" tank. Mr. Phelpt did a rushing business nil day ; so ilid Druggist llyun, ut the coi nr of .sp'snc" street and Penn ivenne; McG.irrah & Thomas, t UOOLicU wniiiia avenue, and tho various other druggists and cigar dealers who have figured in the litigation of the past few week?. WHAT DRU0OHT8 SAY. Iu conversing with Mr. Poelpi and Mr. Ryan yesterday, neither iu t mated to a TbIBDNI reporter any intention of relinquishing Sun day tri.fiic. The former expressed ids disapprobation of Mr. Dony's iii"tl:ois and nl?o laid that the one-mau movement, as ho termed it, was responsible for the dmggiltl' an tagonism. His trade generally, he ihought, would graoafttily acquiesce to any inundates or outcome of Municipal or civil authority. During the inft week the pagtor's union and Mr. Dony have remained very much in the background; tint is, t::cre were no new proceeding! insti tuted nor did it appear on tho surface that any operation! of u particular na ture were in progress, It has been intimated that tho Sun day closing prosecutors have been hold ing back fur a new move. The Tub use it credibly informed that the addi tion of buelnsss men to ths executive Committee of the Pastor's union was lor the purposo of securing funds for poshing the work. The amount was s t at $2, 000 or more, and tlio purpose for which this large sum was to be usfd was for other than liti -gatiou. It was to defray the expenses an I pay the services of professional de tsrtlvcg, Prom this plan it is inferred that the dstectivet were at work yesterday and thtir engagement is the weapon up ths lleove of the Pastors' union executive committee. It cannot be announced positively that prolessional men were at work yesterday, nor that they con lined their operations to tho drug trade, hnt the fact remains that detoctives wore to be employed. FIERCE FIGHT AT PTOORG, A Numb r of fcranton Yiung Min Sua tain Sev iro I- jaiiaa. Yesterday afternoon a number of voung men fr'.m this city went to Pncobnri: and In Twiss' hotel engaged in a t:giit with several residents of Pricebnrg, It proved a bloody nflr iv, bottlot and clubs l-.eing used with great freedom ind vigor. Cnt heads and bmited limbs toon predomiuatod, Mrs. Twill and an employe of the hotel named Wuolkers being badly wounded while trying to s"p irate the combatants. Finally the Seranton contingent left the hotel and started in the direction of Oiyphant i ursued by their oppon ent!, L'iflt evening a half dozn of the Seranton parly were taken back to this city. Thoy were ali peverly injure 1. CATHOLIC PAhlSH fXCURSION. It Will Be Held Aup ist 14 at Mountain Park. A well attended meeting of thonieui' hers of tbe Cathedral parish assembled lust evening in College chnpel. The gathering was cnlled by the announce ment nt the different masses yesterday ly Iter. Father O'Reilly. John E Roche was chosen chairman of the meeting. Martin J. Flynn, suc retary, and If. E. Leonard, treasurer. After an introduction of tho enl ject by Father O'Reilly, a voto was taken us to whether a picnic or excursion should be held, It was decided to con duct an excursion. The date w,ts fixed for Monday, August 13, tod tho place Mountain Park. Afterward it was attempted by om of those present to havo a picnic at Laurel Iiiil park, but tho MOtlmint was in favor of the first action taken. An executive committee of liftoon was appointed, consisting at follows; J, J. O'Boyle, Vine street; T. J Mooro, li. E. Leonard, A J. Howlev, John E. Roche, Martin P. Fivnn, j. J. Mc Nalley. James J. O'Malley, W. J, Grady, John McLean, Billevatj Jl J. Kelly and E. P. 11 Hp till I, Pine Brook; John P. Qalnan, C. C Donovan, p, M, Messitt uiid John P. Uibsou. Soutli Bide. J. W. McLean, ,7. J. Magbnm, W, J. Bnrke, John Klloullin nnd j, J, Ifowloy, were eppointeil to comprise tho pnfohating committee, D j viiuijiurii. u. a. in i icuni i, j,tnes j Uou uor, R J. Beemkbj Patrick A. lisr rett, Thomas P. Dull'y and John Fiiz siinmous were announced us tho com mitleo on printing. The executive committeo vill miot Wednesday night. Tho next regular ineoting will be hidd in College clmp il Sunday evening, June 24. WILL BE RESUMED TODAY. Hand Cane Airtilnat Telephone Company Not Finished Saturday. The nclion iu lieippass of Dr. D. T5. Hand against the Central Telephone and Supply ciinpmy was on trial be foio Judge Arcbbald again Saturday morning. At noon court adjourned nmil this morning, when the trial will be resumed. Much expert testimony will be of fered on the part of the defendant om- WERE II piuiv. Among those who will be pnt on iho stand is T. D. Lockwook, of lioton, general oloetrlcian of tho Am neu L!oii Telephone company Mr. Lock WOOu is also the author of tovcral workl on electricity and is one i the rccofuizeii lantboritirs en that science, ANOTHER COMIC OPcRA WEEK. i.a mssootte, oni:ai of Noimandy and Oiivitii to Ba OIvjd. The second week of summer opera by the M.'icliay Konney aggregation at the trrotblngbain will witness tho prodoo Hon of "JLii MiiecoUa," "Chimoa of -Normandy" and "Olivette." The artistic work of tho company during last week was a revelation in showing what a goo I opora could bo presented for mob a low price of ad mission. If favorable weather charac terizes the present week, there will no doubt be a continuation of the Urge houses of tho initial performano 's. "La Uaieotte'1 will bo given Monday and Tuesday night a. "Chimes of Nor mandy" on Weifneiday and Thunday, end "Olivette" on Friday and Satur day. The low prices of lut week, 10, '-'5, 35 and OO cents, will prevail, Mat inee unnonuoemeutl will appear later. OF the Guard The following ordtrt were issued by Colonel Ripple the jmt week: HlADQOAKTIRI 1RTII RlOrttXHT. ) 1'Hinn Bbioadk, n. . p., BORARTOM, 1'iu. Juuo4. 1894. ) Special ciders No. S: L Corporal Peter Bobllng and Laytpn BhoemaKer having absented themselves from the oon-conmliiloned ofBcen' schonj,aiid having failed to Dresent them selves lor examination as provided in regi mental order No. fl, current series, ure hernby reduced to the rank. II. The commending officer of company O will tee tbls order carried into effect at or before the second company drill suc ceeding the date of t)iin order. By order of Colonel Ezra h. Rtpplb. v. s. Millar, Adjutant. BCADQUARTKBI 13T1I Hkc.IMKNT, 1 Titian BntOADB, N. Q. p. v BOBAHTOH, Pa., June i, 1S94. ( ) Regimental Ordera, No, 17: 1. In obedience to inecial order No. I. dated headnaarters Third Brigade, Na tional Guard "f Pennsylvania, Lebanon, Pa., Junu 1, 1SJI. there will be an election held In Company L', Thirteenth RaffimenL itiounl Qnard of Ponnsvlvania. on 'i'u. i- day evening, June 19, IW4, at 8 o'clock lor captain, to till tho vacancy causeJ by the expiratiou uf term of tervloe of Oaptaln Jamet Moir; and to till such otlier vacan cies that may occur bv sucu elections. II. Mej or C. O. Mattes is hereby detailed to U61d laid election, and will make prompt returns 'hereof direct to Third BrigaJe beadqaartera. liy order of CoiiOHIL E. H. Riri-LR, w. s. Millab, Adjotaut, HlADQOABTBBI 1STII RgOUIRNT i TBTRn BBIUADK. B. tt. P. V BoaaHTOir, Pa.. June 4, ism. j Regimental order, No. 18; I. Seigcant John W. Hutthea, Co. D. is hereby appointed regimental sergeant major, vice Sergeant Major Claud C. Couklin promoted to batallion adjutant. lie will be retpeeted and obeyed accord ingly. Be will be dropped from the rolls of Company D, and taken upon tho rolls of tho regimental Doncommlialoned slalY. Hy order of COL. K.itA H. Riii'LE. w. s. Millar, Ajntant. Captain Aiuey. Compmy G. has iat received a warrant from tno adjutant general for for eervic. l rend ired by bis company In taking down tho can vas at laat encaiupmfiit. The amount will be divi led between tue uieiabns of the cocipuny. Coionul Hippie, of tho Thirteenth. has bejn detailed to hold an election iu the Ninth rogiinut for colonel to (ill the vacancy canted by the resignation of Colonel Keck. The election will bi ludd at the Ninth regiment armory Friday evening, June 22. Ti e man Who punctured tho armory coal scuttle lull of holes has OOOfeilsd his deed (to Watkins), and has been forgiven, ns it was iu tho interest of military science. Sergeant John Hughes, Company D, has accepted tho appointment of ser geant major of the regiment There can be no doubt but what ho will fid the position with honor and credit Critic. S.TRIKE MAY TERMINATE TODAY. Bricklayers and Contractors to Hold a ronfrenc5 In Mr. Eohroeder! Offbe, A committee of eight of the striking bricklayers mot n number of the con tractors Saturday ut tho builders ex change, where a conference was held to arrange a settlement of the difficul ties existing between the builders and bricklayers, wblah will admit the Int bedy resuming work. There was a disposition on tho'purt of tho men to bold i nt for a slight in create over the old 88 cents per hour ratio, but tbl contractors intimated that they would ftaivl firm in adhering to tho old scale. No definite agree ment was made nnd tho meeting ter minated to llietnbll today in Conrad Schroeder's ofiice in tho Commonwealth building. It wos reported yesterday that st a Inter conference of the bricklayers it was decided to Inform tho bnildors that the men would resume work at the old rate. Messrs. Kchroeder, Colligan, Svkes and Schmidt comprise tho builders' committee which will meot the men today. GREAT MUSICAL EVifU. Elaborate Arrangement for the Claming- Ointorio at thi Frothinghnm, Tre most elaborate preinrations nr being made for the production of But (erfield'l groat dram ilin oratorio at tho Prothlnsoam on the eveniogi of Jooi 28 and 20, The entire cust will number over 600 singers and actors The work is In five acts nnd ear.h one of tho moat Intense interest. Tnoro will i a chorus of Jews, nom bsriug over 1W0 voices. Tho Babylon bin chorus will DQinber nearly 20). Tun young ladies of Btllhaiiar'l court will give the fineetfanoy drill evr wit nened In this city. This department of the work is under the direction of Profeiior Frank S'igel, and the num ber in tliu drill will be over 150. The stage manager Is Joint T. Wat kins, who is being ably assisted by John M. Harris and Dan Young, of the Mackay-Kinoy Optra ooiapany, which It now playing In th.'s city. Tallle Morgan is the director. It is Bafe to predict that the production of this work will bl tbe greatest musical and spectacular tffuir ever lesn in this city. T ) tho Fir Dp artment. Thooricors and mombers of the Scran, ton Fire Department are requested to mee!. at Franklin Engine bouse on Tuee day at 1.80 p. m. to attend the funeral of the lnt William Davit Of said company. R. BXTTDAK, Acting Chief, Creamery butter 20 ceuts, print 22 cents. Reiuhai t's market. Dr. Gibbon, of New York city, will bo in his Seranton office, 441 Wyoming avenue, every Mon day from 8 iu the morning until 0 in the evening. LATTER DAY ITS William Kelly Explains Wlio and What They Are. NOT SAME AS A 10R1AN SAINT Rest Thoir Faith Upon Old and New Teitamint and Book of Mormon. Polygamy is Objected to, but Thoy Believe in Direct Revelation Havj Gene Back to Purity and Belief ol Early Church Two miiilonarlaa of the Reorganised Church oi Jems Chrltt of Latter Dav S lints, William Kelly, of Kirtland, O., nnd II. II. Robiuion, of Iudepon l ence, Mo., ire in tbe city, and j-.-sti-r-day morning and evening conducted ineettuga in C operative bull on the Welt Side. J.'i.iteen persons, four of whom were children, attended the morning service, Mr. Kelly was tbe ipiakar. He is lomewhai palriarobial In appearance, but might be counted more than an ordinarily goo,', speaker w.n it not tltat tbe beauty of in inv of bli lentenci s is marred by the i'acf. thut ho fails to appreciate tha v line of ngreemtnt between the anhjcot aud the verb. He took for hit test theie words fruiu tha book of St. Matthew: "Hilt what think Yet A certain man bad two ions; and be cnnie to ;h; first an I laid; '8on, go work to lay in my vineyard.1 II. an- twered ami sai l: i win not; but aft erward he repented and went. And he o tine to the Hond and laid Itkewin. and he answered and said: 'I go, sir;' ind went not Wbother of them twain did tbe will of lili father? Then iv unto In iu the Brit. Jesus said unto them; 'Verily I say unto you, that tbe public ma and til bsrlotj go into tbe ingdom of (!i befors you.' " A LOKQ DISCOURSE. Mr. Kelly spoke for ever .u hour an I evidently could have kept right on all day, as he never seamed to lack for a word. Ho sai l he proposed to speak ot thoi things which relate to our present and eternal welfare. The ef fect of tho teaching of Christ upon iioso in His day, ho averred, was very much tbe same as tbat prodnosd by (her men divinely inspired. There was no wonderful power display d thai ompelled men to accept what Christ sai l na truth. His words wore directed to the intelligence of men ami thoy were left to CbOOII for tbemtelvel be tween the right and the wrong. In specking of John the Baptist, Mr. Kelly 'said that many accepted the message of the great forerunner. Yet nave very little soconnt of what John did. However, most people e- teemed him a prophet and the common people heard him gladly. There is an integrity in the common people, sai l the speaker, that is not alwari found in those whose stations are highor in life. In commenting upon tbe two sons referred to In tho test Mr. Kelly gave it ks his opinion that the first son had no to speak to his father as ho did, but tho fact that he after ward repented and did the work, fur nishes a good idea of tho nature of re- pentance, which is simply tho chang ing id' one's inin J. Tho speaker did not particularly as sail other churches, although, their points of disagreement were cou- loinucii, and wneu he told his hearers to bewaro of the leaven of the Phari- es, inference may have been that by Pharisees was meant those whoso re ligious code will allow no sanction of the doctrines uf the Latter Diy Saints. Tho points connoctod with tho practice and belief ot the saints that are most objectionable to the mass of Carislians were nut dwelt upon. WHAT Til!-; SAINTS ARE. After tho close of his discourse Mr. Kelly explained to Thi Tribdnb re porter that himself and colleague w.Te in tiie city to seo if they could not bring tog thor tho members of tho church here of whom tiler was at ono limn qui to a number. He gave the re porter to understand that the Latter I ) ly Saints are in no way connected with tho Silt Like Mormons, who uro improperly culled L itter Day Saints, The real saints, that is those who are represented by Mr. Kelly, rest their faith on the oi l and the new testament and the bunk of Mormon. They believe in tho laving on of hands and all the other practices of the apos tles, claim to be endowed with the gift of tongues at their gatherings, n jt-ct polygamy, but profesi to bellve in direct revelation from O id na In th days of old. In fact tney claim to have gone back to the belief, purity and practices of the church as ihey ex isted in the timo of the apostles. OPENING OF WOOD LAWN PARK. Delightful Ereadling Spit Donatod to the City of Seranton. Another delightful breathing spot for Sorantonlant, called Woodlawu park, will be opened today. Woodlnwu park, which has been ac cepted by tbe city and an annual ap propriation made to keep it in repair, is one of tbe most attractive spots im aginable and extendi from the Boule vard to Washington avenue, n short distance north of North park. It is n natural park, containing beautiful shade trees, a miniature lake nnd a pic turesque ravine. An immense fountain la to be erected in tho center of the park and thi gravelled walks, beside which rustic seals will bo placud, are no il ly completed. The beautiful park is a gift to the city by HaASOn Carpenter, (isorge W. Sidney, II. and Marian VV. Finn, ami (ieorge It. Clark, and is situated iu the o Titer of n tr:u!t of land owned by Full line, handsome col- ors (including collctre colors), from 98n aif 7t vjf a Mexican Sea Grass, Reduced Prices on Pillow Hammocks. L Li G. COURSER liJSlSlOCKS 429 Lacka. Ay; thote gentlemen, Which they have di vided into choice building lots which they are about to place upon the mar ket as sites for residences. The geii'Tous demurs of the park have nlready spent several thousand dollars in beautifying the spat. Orasj plots have been made, shrubbery and treas planted and flower bods will also be placed in the park Some of tbe trees iu the park sre seventy-five feet high an l thu tiuni;s are also sis foct 111 ciicnmforence. Other trees of smaller dimensions preieut a shield against tho rays of tho sun, and taken altogether, the spot whs amply endowed by nature and has all the r qalremontl necessary to a park, The cily lots in tho viciuily of the park are among tiio finest in Seranton, tho laud sloping gently toward tbe Lackawanna nv-r, thus affording ex eellent opportunities fur sewerage; and the finest view in the city can tie ob tained from iho plot Wood Lawn park seems deitinod to become tbe most popular resort in North Seranton. NORTH END. : Children's Tay Aiipreprlat.'Iy Ob'nv In Jinnv of iIt. Ohurehea. I i he ;..ri ii End office of tbe Bobaxtom TKtnUNaialueattuat tiie Lewis Drug btore, wlier,. Mibai.-riptiuiis advorthene n'y anil coin nunicationi will rooelve prompt attention. Children's Sunday was observed with great success at various Providsuoa church ei. At the Puritan Oongngttlonal church the docoratious were most artistically carried out and stiuwa great taste upon tbe ladies iu charge. In tbe aftirnoon responsive service! were U -1.1. in which Rev. 1). A. Evans and the lined ly icbool superintendent El ward Lewis, took part. Solos wore rendered with great tiisto by Murv Edwards, Elgar Woharda and Eba Henry, and an interesting nddreii was given by tho pastor. In (he evening the an (hems, "The Joyful" and ,:L!tt Up Your Heads" were rendered by tbe choir ami refl'dcd great credit upon the comiuctor, Qrifflth 11 D, ivies. Mlsa Annie Resit presided at the organ with her ocouitomad iklll, The service ware conducted by Edward L.'Wi. The reat of the t rograiume. which was ex- oellently reudsrel, wn as follow:;: Solos Mltses Mary Edwards, Emma Humphrey, Untie Elwardt, Miggle Uavis. lire. J, T. L v.i. 1, II. A Jones. The quartette of a. u. Davioi and party deserves special' mention, us also dues the trio bv l'rufuaor I'rothc- roo and party. At tbe Providence IVcabytrsrian onurcn tno aeoorations ware exquisite I a id showed excellent taste in their a; - ' rangemeat, under the supervision of upeniuendent II. H. M.Koau. JlL-.s Hum jacasou pretiaoa at the organ and Protestor J. J Duvies. mnsloul bachelor, conducted. Tiie chief mui. cal features were the anthems, "Praise the L.rd," by tho choir, which, us well as the anthem and quartette, ''In Humble Faith and Holv Live," wis exceedingly well rendered. Special mention should bo made uf the u'livtette. "The Kaehaul Morn," composed by the con ductor and sung by Miss s Livurna MitcLcll, Catherine Gabriel. T. J. Davies and i H. Warren. The onur tetto. "When I Can Make Mv Title Clear," was also ably rendered by the same party. The other chief numben Were iho solo, "O, Can the Eternal," by William Evans, nnd "The Promised Land," by Miss Mitch-11. The idf-r-mga lor tho day were 'T0, for Bandav school work in the and southern states. At the Welsh Baptist church the services last evening were carried out almost exclusively to the little ones. It is no exaggeration to itato that their work was perfect. Very careful and anxious work miiHt have been un dertaken to bring out the hignly cred itable results. ltcitationi were given given by Maggie P. Jones, Kora Rob erts, Lulu Sims, Lizzie Williams. Mag gie turning, Bertha alms, El Jones A. Morgan. In the musical nortioi. the solo ry a very litllo nlri. Lizzie Edmunds, "See Thoy Am Coming," was by a special re quest repeated; th.9 congregation stood to testify their appreciation. Th - following were excellently Sing by the oniiar-ns ciunr: "o Worship the Kin ir," "Blessed Creator," "Oor Diy of Plowert," "Room for the Flower." "Take Uj Gentle Saviour," "Lift Up Your Eyes Yo People," ''JesUI Kuu Most Wonderful." An Interestiog in terlude wat a colloquy between the pastor and various members as to tbe origin, biitory and ol j ict of the Child rens' Sunday. ThoRv. W. F. Daviei ctinilucted the services, and Miss Mag gie J. Jones was the accompanist. licnlo of Si. Leo'o Battalion. Tbe annual pionla of Bt. eo'a battilio of tho West bide was he! 1 at Laurel lull nark on Batm day afternoon nnd evening, It was attecded by several tbouwod pc -hoiip. During the afternoon th battalio i. under command of Captain McN'amara lnvu iiu cAuiuiiiHii m in. j'uv the Vibsr and get the best. At Guernsey En9. . RllIfBAHT'S market fur low prices. DIKIX BBOENER-At her father's reMilonce, 880 Hallstead court, -7mm pi, lS'.M, h'nlliii M, Hboener. nirodSl vearaand li tlavs: ssrvleet at tbe be day; friends of tb i - ii at 2 i family i clock, Tiioi iro invited. And Right Up to Date. . . . JUNE We have Artistic Designs in Wed ding Gifts and all the Latest Novel ties. W. W. BERRY Jeweler 417 LACKA, AVE. Best Sets of Teeth,3 00 Including the pehilens extracting tl tSeUl by on entirely liow pru-MH, Weddings S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. Kit. WVO.U1NU AVK, Haifa) Bcxm Exclusively. Post mitde. Piny any denired number of tunes. Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut Street) Philadelphia. Won derful crchestrial organs, only ta and 110, Specialty: Old ruusio boies carefully re paired and improved with new tuues. SISBIIIIIK08iaiaillBIIIIIBIHllllllIimfflli g 3 m I AND CAREFUL WORKMEN, PROMPT SERVICE, POPULAR PRICES. I Jl HENRY BATTIN L CO. II 186 PBKN ATBMDII, r ; GARBAGE CANS A ordered by Board of Hoalth. S HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES. B "A lilt of ev, rytliin( under the sun, From a tlsh liook tu a Qatllng xun." vmrmmmmmmimtuxtmuuirt D'S C0R8ST AMD GLOVE STORE, On Stin'uv. ,"u o 11, o wll havo an expirleiiei Oreetvemai frcni KMrTork wliu a 1 1 exb b t ai d at t It co tbrs ed P. D. CORSETS. Wo will plor.n d to 8t everV cna who cst.'H to nave a Porieei 1' t og orajt, Wn uro alio propartd to at uuy Ostset from 50c. lothetfjher prices. 128 Wyoming Ave. t i riumDing sinning OSLAN i That the natural outliucs of the foot should be preserved rather than interfered with; if you believe iu comfort and lit as well as style; if you believe In sh ipely shoe? for shape ly leet; if you want service, then put your money, as well as your feet, in our shoes. We show and sell the grandest and greatest lina of 1'ootwear that ever adorned and protected thi feminine or masculine foot. Ladies' Beautiful Russet Tipped Oxfords, all sizes, $1.00. l Ladies fixtra Quality Russet Bluoherettea, $2.00. blisses' Best Quality Basset Goat, spring heel, button, $1.35. Child's Extra Quality Patent Leather Tipped, button, 75c. I I k I Hi 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters, SCRANTOIM, PA. S. L. GALLEN. REMEMBER--Every purchaser of$l worth or over receives a chance on the Beautiful PARLOR SUIT. 0 v BUY THJ3 mm J PRICES: II TO 2 $1.25 VA TO 5! $1,50 gACH day this weok we will offer bargains appro priate to the weather. If rainy Umbrellas and Mackintoshes; and if clear weather, Straw Hats, Mil lmery, Shirt Waists, Ladies' Suits, Neckwear, &c. Special for MEN'S m m$ NECKWEAR, 17c. EACH AGENCY FOR DR. JAEGER'S WOOLEN GOODS BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LA0KA WANNA AVE CLEARINuSALE ff E will sell our en- tire stock of Mil- Ijlinery Goods, Ladies' I Coats, Capes and si Blazer Suits at 50c. on the Dollar i;f , f . I t0 make rm f0t B r li immense stocis ot m i Furs we are making. STORED and INSURED IF ALTERED BY US, FKEE OF CHARGE During tho Summer. 138 Wyoming; Ave. NEXT DIME BANK. BI HATS DUNN'S Men's best grade Casco Calf, lace and Congress, London and French loe, $1.90. Men's extra quality Russia Calf, hand welt, lace and Congress, $3.00. Youths' extra quality B Calf, tipped, btittvn aud bals, $1.00. Infants' best quality Tan and Red Goat, button, 50c. soy f Yours Wouldn't wear out so many Slioes if you bought him Try a pair next time. Our spe cialty is good-wearing and good looking Shoes for Children. Banister's Shoe House - . rhat I he Owl Shoe OR SHINE This Week: D