The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 11, 1894, Image 1

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    I'Olt THE HKST
ich Day Brines IIw and More Determined
Mounted Patrols Are Stationed About
Coal Shafts at Pana, Illinois-Five
Companies of State Militia Will As
sist Moving Trains at Charleston,
West Virginia Battles Between
Strikers and Deputies at Mounds-
Uniontwn, Pa., Jnno 10.
H BATTLE between ieen armed
A d.DUtiea and n nob of 300 ntrik-
ers occurred tl morning t the
Li U Li'inont No. 3 forks of the Jle
Clure Coke cotnpanj striksr, a
Sluv, wai killed i tetantty and two
other Slav strik i wore fatally
wounded. The deputies were sur
rounded n i fired Upon oy the strikers
before tliey shot.
The inoi lunta lendiiu up to the bat
tie begun last evening when a uiob of
several h u nit re-i strikers, mostly from
tht Trottar works of the Frlok comp my
tmiberud at the Pennsylvania railroad
d'pot. at New II iveu nod took as pris
oners four workmen who are employed
tit the Vnlley works of the Frick com
pany and wore on their way home at
The lumies of the workmen are John
Dtlaney, uiiver Atleby, John Britt and
John Furlough, When they stepped
1 1 ft the train the mob surrounded them
and marched them away. The four
men wer covered over with cluilc an 1
big placard! with ''scab," 'bljickltfii''
und other epitaphs lettered thereon.
The men were then marched through
the streets between the company
houses. The strik-rs jeered them and
th" women spit upon them and hit them
with stones and olnbl, Thev were even
marched past their own homes and
th ir wives and children permitted to
vi. w i item in their helpless and die
graceful COIlditioD,
Sheriff Wiihelm dispatched Deputy
S leriff Allen with seveu deputies to
rescue the worknieu. At no tun1 was
he able to ovoruko thu mob Imvioa;
the men in charge. Allen finally
learned that the D n were being passed
liom mob to m . It wiis founii that
the lour men bail been taken to Morrel
and from there to Youngstown and
then to Lemont where the battle oc
enrred. Enrly this morning rafter
placing the deputies to prevent the
strikers from taking the prisoners else
where, Allen returned t U liontown
for further orders and was directed to
rescue the prisoners, li turning to
Lemont, he loundtwo deputies retreat
ing before a howling mob of Slavs.
As Allen rodo up a Slav fired his re
volver t Allen. The bullet passed
over bia head. Several of the mob
then began firing at the officers. Allen's
revolver was defective and only two
shots were tired by him. Five of his
us.dutants came up and began firing
with their Winchester About fifty
shots were exchanged, the mob slowly
advancing, the dermics retreating nu
ll! reinfotced by other deputies, when
a stand was made. The mob then be
gan to disperse. Sheriff Wiihelm was
again notified and sent tliirteeu more
deputies, An hour l iter twelvo of the
mo. i were arrested and brought to jail.
The Slav that was killed was found
lying in the road shot through the body
with a Winchester ball. The others
were found in bouses nearby, both said
to bo'mortally wounded, having been
shot, through the thighs. The strikers
refused to give tho name of the Slav
killed or of those injured. They wanted
the officers to take the dead striker
witii th;m when making the arrests. of th.e mi n arrested was shot in
the arm. At t o'clock a special train
brought ten more deputies to Letnonl
and then took the wounded men to the
hospital at Connellsville. Many others
ere b-linveil to have been wounded.
None of the deputies were injured.
At 5 o'clock u posse of tueritv-five
deputies in charge of Field Deputies
Allen, AltebaOgh anil Richards, armeo
with search warrants, left for Cool
Spring Hollow, after searching the
Lemont house. It is believed the four
workmen were taken away during the
trouble and are hiddou away in the
mountains The posse will rescue the
lour men at all hnzirds. Several linu
dre i strikers live in tho vicinity of
Cool Spring, and a conflict may occur.
They have not returned or been heard
Sheriff Wiihelm said tonight that, he
wonld not ask for the militia account
of today's trouble. He says he is grow
ing heartily tired of warfare, bnt so
long as his deputies are not overpow
ered will fight away in attempting to
maintain peace and order. Several
hundred arrests are expected to follow
for the kidnapping of the mon.
Pana, III.. Jane 10. The mining
lituattoo still remains in an unsettled
condition. Mounted patrols were
pieced aronnd tho city lust night and a
number of guards were stationed ateach
coal ahatt. One or two drunken out
aiders were arrested, but beyond this
no tronble occurred. A company of
strikers numbering 200 are en
camped on the Sibloy farm
about' two miles west of the city,
and it is reliably stated that
they are being furnished arms and
food by sympathizers in this city.
Svsral of the guards report local strik
ers trying to get out of the city during
tlto night with arms for the invaders.
About 500 members of the first regi
ment of Chicago, with a gatling gun.
ailivrd here this morning nnd were
followed by companies from Clinton
ami Dloomiogton, and they are all in
camp at the baso ball Dark. Crowds
of strikers are located in the timber
nnd near the railroad bildges all around
tho city.
It is variously estimated that there
is from 1.500 to 4,000 foreign strikers j
in oiose proximity to toe city, ami they
e. in be massed on short notice The
local minora vow they will not enter
the mines while the militia remains in
tho city. So no attempt will be made
to operate the shafts tomorrow A
meeting of the minors will be hold to
morrow, but what the result will he
no one seem to know. Coining in
inirn, fours and sixs, and about 200 iu
vaderi have entered the city and are
quietly working with the locil miners
who remain ut work. The saloons will
remain closed until further notice, and
the streets are kept clenr of loafors.
Scouts jut come in report a company
of strike! s numbering about 200 in
camp about two miles east of town
and about the sam number just south
of the fair grounds A working min
er's house in the northern pirtof the
city was stoned this morning about 3
o'clock, presumably by strikers.
they favor compromise.
Bkllairk, 0 June 10 There has
been nothing exciting iu the strike
situation on thisei'1-of the Ottio river
today. A largo number of op-rators
from Ohio, on their way to Columbus,
took in the situation here, and they,
from the seriousness of the situation iu
t .ij county, will b- largely in favor of
a Bompromlsj tomorrow. Everything
is quiet hero tonight.
Massillon, O. , June 10. In spite of
efforts to bum bridgas and destroy
trains, the Cleveland, Loraiue und
Wheeling raiiroad is still trans
acting business and the coal block
ado is broken. The military
have control of the southern division,
and anxiety now is for the territory
between Massillon and Ulirlosville.
Early this morning dynamite cart
ridges were exploded nudor one of the
coal trains, bu;. Hie fuses were too long
and the explosions did not take place
until the last car had passed. Links
and pius were found wedged at one of
the crossings. Uetwven Uhricsville
and Midvale, 300 miuers captured two
bridge watchmen ant burned the
stiucture, blocking the road four hours
Charleston, V. Va. June 10 Five
companies of state militia were last
night at Boggl linn and six more ar
rived this morning. The reports re
ceived by the governor indicate that
no serious difficulty has been mt with
in coping with the strikers, though a tel
egrum yesterday afternoon stat-d that
obstructions consisting of Btones nud
cro3S lies are being contantly placed on
the track. General W. 13. Spillman,
who is in command, had the plainest
orders from Governor McCorklo to
stand no resistance but to move out all
trains at whatever cost. In order to do
this it was (onnd necessary to put a
company on every train and keep It
there until Ohio soil was reached.
At 2 o'clock the governor was advised
that the sitnnU- i was growing more
grave. Over 300 men thronged the
yards which extend practically from
Uenwoo I to Wheeling, over three
miles. Th dispatch also stated that a
party of lot) sinkers had crossed the
mountnln to intercept tho west bound
trains hauling soldiers and coal.
RAILROAD bridges burned.
Birmingham, Ala.. June 10. This
morning it lunge on the Litlton branch
of tho L. & N. railroad was burned.
This is the third bridge that
hns been burned inside of four
days and all of which are sup
posed to have been incendiary.
Susiiicion points to the striking miners
bat so far nothing has been lnrned
that will warrant any ariests, Tester
lay morning on the Kansas City.
Memphis and Birmingham near Ad-
imsvilln in front of tho limited train
Iroin Memphis, a bridge was fired but
the fire whs discovered in time to pre
veut the train from running into it.
situation at ottirrLE creek
Denver, C.d,, June 10 Governor
Waits was op early this morning and
was very mad that the deputies in
Cripple Creek should continue to act
in such a manner as to provoke a row.
I his thing must be brought to a bead
pretty soon," ho declared.
At 10 o clock he received a telephone
message from Goneral Brooks, who
said: ''The sheriff telephones me that
1 misunderstood him. He did not state
that ho could not control them, Out
that the condition of affairs might
arise when he could not. I did not so
understand him, hut I am willing to
give him tho benefit of tho doubt. His
future conduct must decide my
con re. I go to the Independ
ence mine this morning as scon
as I can leave to meet Commissioner
B lonton, and the sheriff, and will ad
viio you of the result. There was des
u tory firing between a detachment of
deputies and eomo miners this morn
ing bnt it soon ceased. It was at long
range. If the initio owners do not take
action to make the compromise effect
ive, tho National guards will have to
stay here all summer, and a collision
can hardly be avoided.''
To this the governor replied: "lie
purt from Altnian or Victor as soon as
possible the result of the interview.
Lot Brooks nnd Tarnsney aiiviio to
gether and give me their opinion of the
necessity of declaring martial law.
Command the sheriff to move his
deputies to Cripple Creok.their position
before ho violated the ugreeinent."
At 4 o'clock General Tarnsney re
ported to the governor that the negot
iations were then in progress to have
the deputies withdrawn or disbanded.
Ho said tne mine owners only wanted
to be assured that they would work
their mines on the" agreement.
If these terms can bo made,
which Tarnsney thought certain, there
would be iu his opinion, no necessity
for a more stringent military interven
tion. Governor Waite readily con
sented to all this, hut added: "The
armed deputies must be removed or
disbanded. Do not slacken your viyil
anco one particle."
Philadelphia, June 10 The aid of
the United Labor league of this city
for tho striking miners was asked to
day by Luke Burns and James Smith,
bituminous coal miuers from the Clear
field region, who appeared before the
meeting of tho league and made a plea
for assistance to enable to men to con
tinue the etrike until their demauds
are conceded by the operators.
The league decided to vole $25 to
ward assisting the strikers and also
furnished the two delegates with the
names of the secretaries of the various
local organizations i leutified with the
league, so that they could extend their
appeal to them.
Hot Weather Opportunities for Cougressimii to
Earn Their Salaries.
Senators Jones and Harris Expect to
Collect Duty Under the New Law
with the Beginninn; of 1895 Sched
ule to bo Considered This Week.
Indian Appropriation Bill Consider
ed in the House
Washington, Jnno 10.
THE fourth dralt of tho pending
tariff bill which was laid before
tho senate for consideration on
April 2 last names June 30 ns the
timo wlien the law shall go into effect.
That day ends the fiscal year, and
throughout all the prolonged debate
which has since occupied the senate,
Mr Jones and Mr. Harris have con
tended that they would begin collect
ing duties Under the new law with the
beginning of the new year. Tho pros'
cut condition of things hardly supports
their belief. There are several very
important schedules yet to be con
sidered, to say nothing of matters that
have been left open ponding final ac
tion when the bill comss out of the
committee stage, and goos into tho sen
The spirit schedule will probably be
completed tomorrow and the debate on
the cotton schedule will then begin
Tho wool schedule an I the potting of
raw wool on the freo list questions
which will follow are bnnuU to call
out protracted debate, Prolific sub
jects of disenssiou will also bo found
in the rates fixed on siik, papers and in
the sundries schedule, where coal will
be found. Pearl buttons and gloves
Will be made the basis of considerable
tela nnd the free list can hnrdly be dis
posed of iu a day. Three great items
in the free list, agricultural imple
ments, lumber and raw wool, will bu
stubbornly fongnt for the purpose of
m iking a record, but without hope of
changing the result.
When the bill bus been finally con
sidered in the committee of tho whole
and reporlod to the senate, the struggle
over sugar will be renewed. Moan
while the condition of appropriation
bills is giving tho Democratic leaders
uneasiness, and if they da not gst
through by June SOtb, joint resolutions
extending the terms of tho present ap
propriation bills, will have to bo
The order of work for tho house this
week is pretty clearly blocked ont by
the managers, but that the house will
fill their desires is very uncertain.
Monday will bo devoted to the affairs
of the District of Columbia. The In
dinn appropriation bill, of which seven
pages wer.- considered lust week, will
again be taken up under the 5 min
ute rule. It is the hope of the leaders
that it will be out of the way by Wed
nesday night, but the outlook is not
Battering, If the bill shall dreg along
later in the week a summary end to
debate may be secured by means of an
order from the committee on rules.
Next in order will como the hill to
erect a government printing office on
onoftliH public reservations in the
city. Mr. Hatch's anti-options bill, or
Mr. Cooper's hill to lax greenbacks as
otliT money is taxed. These three
bills ar- marked for consideration af
ter i he Iudian bill is ont of the way
and before the general deficiency bill
shall be called up. The order in which
they will bo considered, howovor, will
depeud up the action of the house it
Moih'r GiVfin Lif Sentuno for Killing
Her Dauichtai'd Lovsr.
BAM Francisco. June 10 A sensa
tional snooting idlray that occurred in
a leading hotel of this city a few
months ago was recalled yesterday by
the conviction of Mrs. Jane Suattuck
on the charge of murdering Harry G.
I'oole, and her souteuce to prison for
Poole, who is a well known young
man, had besn paying attentions to
Miss Shattnck, a chorus girl and dsngh
ter of the prisoner, for some time.
Poolo called at the lady's apartmjnts
one day and wuh Bhot nnd iustnntiy
killed by the mother because he refused
to marry Miss Shattuck immediately.
Four Youne Peoplu Are Drowned at
BnF.WSTERS. N. Y.. Jllnn 1f Turn
sisters named Maggie anil Bessie
Blaney and and Ihomas Scanlon and
John McCluikey, all of Brewsters,
went boating this afternoon on South
cast lake, about two miles from here.
Tho boat upset and tho fonr were
drowned. One hoilv line Iioen f...i,..i
and a large iro.vd is looking for the
ottier turoo iiuaiss.
This eveninu the bodies of rtnasin
Blaurv and Scanlon were menvursH
but up to a late hour tonight the
bodies of the other had not been found.
Mrs. L'an Exppo IS to Btoalvo Indorse
ment for Cocirrismen-nt-Lrg'e.
Chicago, June 10. A special from
Topeka says: It is announced here thnt
.Mrs Mary Lease will be nominated bv
tho Prohibitionists for eougressmau-at-lsrge
from Kansas.
It is also rxpected thnt this nomina
tion will be indorsed by the Populists.
K. O. Busman Believed to Havo Beau
the Victim of Saadbtsg-nra.
Lafayette, Ind., June 10 The bodv
of E. C, Beeman, for a number of years
a pissenger conductor on tho Louis
ville, Now Albany and Chicago rail
road was found two miles north of the
city yesterday morning on the Monon
trades. Jtivery article of jewelry was
gone ai.U no money was found on tho
Deeman left Chicago at 8 30 Friday
night, and the last seen of him alive
was on the train about a mile north of
wh?re the body .was found. The nu
thorities beliSVB he was Rami bagged
and thrown from the train. Peeman
was once an officer in tho uuvy.
Thi Fuiriltiti Unub i tit Agreo Upon a
Placi of Meetlnir
Ni.w York, June 10 Joe Vendig, of
the Jacksonville. Fls., Athletio club,
was seen by a United Prose reporter
today and asked how tho negotia
tions of tho club for the Cor
bott Jackson fiiiht was progressing.
He said tho club had offered
Jackson every inducement to fight
ill Florida, but the negro hesitated be
fore givinir a final answer. His objec
tion that a man of hit race would not
got fair nlay in thu south was all non
sense. Vendig says he hus communi
caiod with Jackson, guaranteeing him
fair play if ho will light in Jackson
ville in case Jackson declines to meet
Corbett in Florida.
Vendiv eonti mplates making an of
fer to Fitziitnmoul to m-tet th" cham
pion. He feels confi lent that Fitz will
accept. The Jacksonville club has not
yet decided the siz- of tho purso it will
offer for th" ni itch, but he believos it
will be $83,000, the same us that of
fer ed Jackson and Corbutt.
Coxey, Browne and Jones Released
from Jail nnd Driven to Camo
by Oklahoma Sam.
Washington, June 10. Coxey,
Browne and Jones, tho loaders of the
commonweal, were released from jail
this morning. No demonstration nt
teudod their depirture. They shook
hands with the deputy warden and
watch officers, thanked them for their
considerate treatment, and entered a
carriage driven by Oklohomo Sam,
drawn by fonr commonweal horses. At
the District lino the wealers from the
camp were drawn up in line to receive
the distinguished party.
Tiny nnbitcbed the horses and them
selves hanleil l ho liberated leadors to
the camp Coxey and Browne spoke
during the afternoon. Coxey sahl It
now looked as though the men might
extend their stay at the capltol into
winter. He said he was going to make
an address on the Fourth of July at
Knoxville, for which he would be paid
$' j0: He also had other engagements
to speak during the tiresont laouth. A
census of the camp today shows 018
men present.
In speaking of his chances for elec
tion lo congress, Mr. Coxey said that
ho was not acquainted with the situa
tion of nff iirs in the Massillon district,
us he bad not boen at home for about
three months. Advices received from
friends there, however, indicated that
he would be successful.
All the manuscript material of the
eleventh census, with tins exception of
three (leal volumes, has been completed,
and is in readiness for the government
printing office.
Representative Kiefer, of St. Paul, ex
pects that, during tho contest between
New York and Chicago, as the center of
Indian supplies, St. Paul will slip iu as a
compromise point.
Representative McCleary, or Minnesota,
has laid the foundation of n scheme to
connect the (lull of M xico with Hu ison
bay. Hp proposes that the United States
and Canada tnako a preliminary survoy.
John Powell, the retiring director of the
United States geological nirvey, has en
tirely recovered from tho effects of the
operation performed on him In Baltimore,
and has resumed charge of tho bureau of
Representative IJerry, of Kentucky, re
turned today from a trip through the Mluo
(irnss regions, where ho had Secretary
Morton and Senor Seballos, tho Argentine
minister, as guests. They vi-dted tho
noted stock farms, including Ashland, tho
old home of Honry Clay.
United States Consul Penfleld, at Cairo,
says that E.'ypt. is aggressively comparing
iu a smnll way with us, not only iu Europe,
but at homo, in supplying raw cotton, and
the consumption of Egyptian cotton by
New England spindles has grown from
nothing, ten years ngo, to more than 00,
000 bales and valued at 000,000.
Car robbers got drunk on whisky in a
car they bioko into at Riyersford.
Deputy Insurance Commissioner Brown
hn lesigned, to take rffect on July 1.
Franklin county wheat is infestod with
over 1,000,000 green lice to tho sipiaro yard
of grain.
ouuty srhool teachers' salaries are being
generally decreased throughout tho Schuyl
kill valley.
A slick stranger bos been swindling far
mers out of their best lumber trees near
Parke rford,
Jumping nff off n freight train at Nor
risville, William McDonald, of llagers
town, was killed.
Progressive Friends nro holding thoir
forty-second yearly meeting nt Longwood,
Chester county.
Willininsport'a crcatest sawmills will
soon resume operations with logs reclaimed
from down-river points.
Two lads at Pheuixville havo boen sell
ing flavored Schuylkill water for 25 conts
a bottle as a patent "blood remedy." They
were nrrestod.
The now stnte insane asylum at Wor
norsville hasalrendy received 150 inmatos,
20 oi them from Norristown. It will have
050 more when completed.
John Qnetoffeon, a lineman, whilo work
ing at the top of a polo at Wilkes-Barre
yesterday afternoon, fell forty foot to the
ground and was i.e. taut I v killod.
The oxecutivo coramitteo of tho State
Association of County Commissioners met
at Htirrisbaig and decided to hold thoir
next state convention at Pottsvillo in Sep
tember. Orand Army post In Pennsylvania have
been invited by the soldiers' orphans'
school coinmisiou to assist in prooariug
proper applicants for admission to the
III lee schools.
Pemion certificates havo been issued ns
follows: Issue of May 20 Pennsylvania
Increase, Patriok Cnrolan, Poyntelle,
Wayne couuty; James H. Ward, Nichol
son, Wyoming county.
It is now flvo months since Bontley
Sweltzor, of Blnndon, Harks county, drow
12,000 Irom a Roading bank and mysteri
ously disappeared; yet his family can't
find the slightest trace of him.
Serious Deadlock Occurs at Bangkok Over
the Phrayot Case.
The French Insist Upon Having; a
New Trial of the Siamese Mandarin
Telegraph in Asia Throe Thousand
Miles of Wire Constructed Across
Chinese Turkestan Other Notes of
Foreign Lands.
Bangkok, June 9.
fj SERIOUS deadlock, which has
Al arisen between the Siamese and
n tllB Fre"cl1' is causing considera
uu ble agitation. The Siamese gov
ernmont has refused to produce Phray
ot before the tribunal for judgment to
day in order toprevout the French from
seizing and convoying him to one of
their gunboats, Tho French insist on
his production nnd thoir attitude is
Prince Devawongso loft here today
to consult the king. The tribune is
dissolved, and now the preparations to
arrest Phrayot are an open assumption
of sezeranity.
The present trouble between the
French uud the Siamese is due to the
luct that France insists on a new trial
of the Siamese mandarin Phrayot, who
is accused of the murder of the French
agent, M. (iiosgurin, bnt who was ac
quitted of the charge at Bangkok.
France has tl.o right to appeal to a
court by its owu constitution in ac
cordance with the following provisions
iu the Franco-Siamese convention:
"The authors of the attacks made on
the French at Kengkhan and Kammouu
shall be tried by ine Siamese authori
ties, A representative of France will
he present at the trial and wilt see that
the sentences pronounced are carried
into elTect. The French government
reserves the right to decide whether
the punishments aro adequate,
and should they not be a new
trial will bo had before a mixed tri
bunal, whose composition that govern
ment shall itself determine. Siam is
to hand over to the Frenoh authorities
nil French sul ji-cts, whether Fronch
mon, Aunauiii'S, Cambodians or Lao
tians, on the left bank of the river, who
are at present undergoing imprison
ment, no matter what their offenceB
might bo."
This action on the part of the French
government is evidently calaulnted to
keep open certain old sores iu Bang
kok, where a general belief iu tho in
nouceof Phrayot prevails.
New YORK, June 10. A private let
ter received from Kashgar, Chinese
'1 urktstan, says thnt the tolejrrnph is
expected to reuch that place shortly.
The line has been nearly three years
uudor construction from Tientsin, near
Pekm, and traverses about three thou
sand miles of Central Aia. It has
boen bnilt by a youug Chinese engi
neer, Woo Hiwn Yung, who was edu
cated ut the Hopkins grammar school
at New Haven, Conn.
The line presented unusual difficul
ties, crossing vast waterless tracts in
tho Desert of (iohi. In places the poles
had to be hauled a distance of 500 to
COO inilos from tho forests iu the Thiau
Shau mountaius. In northeast China
the fanatical iuhal itants destroyed
200 miles of poles and wire after the
completion of the line. Thirteen of
the leading men of the district w 're
beheaded by order of the imperial gov
ernment as a punishment and warning.
Branch lines are building to Kiahtka,
III (Ealjs), and other points, nnitiug
with the Uussian system.
The rates are exceptionally low, con
sidering tho distance, being 0 conts for
a Chinese word from Kashgar to Pekin
nud double rates for toreign languages.
As the Chinese have no alphabet,
Morse characters are used corrospoud
ing to the codo.
Di'ULiN, June 10. An old woman
who owned half an ncrn of ground at
Mauagh, county of Tipperary, died
Friday without leaving a relative or
specifying an heir. Her neighbors
quarrelled over the possession of her
land yesterday. Some thirty men
fought with scythes and pitch forks
round her bouso. Eventually they
broke down the door, and upsot the
body. They beat sbcIi other with tho
candles which had stood round the
body. When tho fight was ended two
men lay dead nt tho doorstep uud five
others were loo severely wounded to
walk from the scene of the conflict.
Fartisa from Lnekawnnnit and L'jzorne
Will Go Tog.ttaer.
The delegate from tho various divi
sions of the Ancient Ordsr of Hiberni
ans, Board of America, of Lackawanna
and Luz-'mn counties will leave today
for the state convention at Pittsburg.
The Luzerne delogatiou will arrive
in this city ut 11.80 from Wilkes-Barre
and take dinner here. They will be
met and joined at the Delaware, Lack
awanna and Western dopot by the
delegates from this county and to
gether thoy will leave on a special car
attached to the train leaving this city
nt 1 24 for BufTiln.
They will visit Niagara foils on their
way to the convention.
Pittsburg Striken tfnek to Rtcjver TJn
dsr Law of 1801.
PiTTsiicitd, June 10 Two important
suits will be eutered tomorrow against
"company stores for the recovery of
money withheld to pay store bills.
ihey will be the lirst suiti brought un
der tho aot of the logislalure (ISO)) pro
viding for the semi-monthly payment
of miners iu lawful money One of tho
suits will be against the Robbies' Coal
o miuany, the other against W.P. Rend
& Co., coal nnd coke opsraters. The
plaint ills are both striking miners or
The suit against the Robbins comDany
is brought by Isaao Jones for $200, who
alleges that in 1893 he did not receive
one penny in cash. S. O. Scott sues
the Rend company for $225 withheld
during 1893-94 The criminal features
of the cases will be taken up later. In
the event of the miuers winning those
operators running company stores are
In for an immense nmount of litigation
lor mere aro hundreds of miners readv
to enter similar suits if they think they
can win.
Class BtOI.V'd at Linden Strt Temple
hi Rabbi J. Furllcht.
Miss Roe Gallen, Miss Anna Roos,
Miss Nellie Roos. Simon Nye nnd
Emnnnol Goodman wero confirmed
yesterday morning in tho Linden street
Jewish temple by Rabbi J. Feuerlicnt.
It was the day of Pentecost of Judaism,
ysnr .r)(ij4.
A special son? service, responsive
nnd Hebrew and Enelish readings were
held before the entry of th9 confirm
ants, when the Boruch Habu was sung
by the choir.
Following the prayer of Miss Nellie
Roos, an offering of flowers was made
by Miss Rose Gnllen. The scroll was
taken and rend by Emanuel Goodman,
after which Simon Nye read from the
Tne Musis fl service was read and a
German poem rccitod by Miss Anna
After an examination of the class in
the doctrines of Judaism, the third
prayer was offered by Simon Nye.
Rabbi Fuerlicht delivered a brief ad
monitory address to the confirmafits
and received their declaration of prin
ciples and blessed them. A concluding
prayer was olfered by Emanuel Good
man, and the class returned to their
parents and roceived the parental blesB
ings. The ssrvico, which lasted two and
one-half hours, was incessantly into
spersed with song, and included thirty
eight numbers or exercises.
A Big Animal at a Coney Island z.oo
Concludes to Eat a Young
Lady Tamer.
Coney Island, N. Y , June 10 Mile.
Beatrice, a Lion tamer at the London
Zoo, which is giving a wild animal
show at West Brignton, had a narrow
eecapo from being mangled to death
tonight, by a lion.
The Inst performance of the dry was
being given. There are two big Asi
atic lions iu the cage, a male and a fe
male. The former is a great pet of the
lion tamer and she plays with him for
fifteen minutes at every per
formance. Her aet with the
wild boast is closed by opening
his mouth and kissing him. While
she was making her bold attempt to
smscK tne npj or isrutns tonight the
man who feeus tho lions made his ap
pearanoe near the cage with a box of
raw meat. Brutus caught sight of the
beef and in a moment he unfastened
Beatrice's hold upon him and grabbed
the leftside of her face in his mouth.
The woman and children in the audi
ence screamed and the mnn rushed
around the hall looking for clubs and
sticks with which to beat the lion
iway from the woman. In a few min
utes attendants rushed iu with pitch
forks. After plunging the forks several
times in tho head and body of the
tioa they managed to make him loosen
his hold and got "the girl ont of tho
coge. I he lion had succeedol in stiek-
ug throe of his big teeth through the
woman's left jaw. Other parts of her
face wero also chewed. It took som"
time for the surgeon to stop the flow i f
blood. The woman is in a precarious
Mile. Beatrice is 20 years old. Her
father was a lion tnmer and she went
into the business when 12 years oil.
She came from London with tho show
three weeks ago.
Young Baher Commits Suicide Aftsr a
Danes at Nantiooks., June 10 John
Miller, a young baker of this city, at
tended a dance at Nanticoko, a mining
town eight miles south of this city, on
Saturday. While there he became en
gaged in a quarrel with a crowd of
young fellows oyer a girl and was
badly beaten.
fhis morning his dead body was
found hanging to a rafter in a bam
close by. It is believed that he be
came despondont and committed sui
Tho Flomings of the United State8will
hold a reunion at Muucie, Ind., August 22.
For alleged heresy, lie v. A. Truax. of
Courtlaud, Ont., has beou deposed by tho
Methodist conference.
The American Medical association, in
session at San Francisco, decided against
revising its constitution.
Without known reason E B. Kreischer.
a brick manufacturer at Kreischerville, S.
I., shot himself iu his office.
With a doso of morphine, Dr. J. B.
Ilunckle, an Atlanta murderer, tried to
kill himself in jail, but failed.
Tho mystery of Judge Kinnnird's di an-
pearanoe from Spokane is solved by the
finding of his body In the river.
Iu a row near Chihuahua, Mexico, Will.
Ism Flnloy, nn English prospector, shot
his Mexican servant aud is now in jail.
Only a leap from the carriage saved
Hafael Joneffy, the pianist, from serious
Injury in n runaway at larrytown, JN. Y.
&l simony City's best known hotel-keeper,
W. W. Lewis, slipped from tho Mnhanoy
depot platform and had a leg cut off by a
Leaving behind a 1.000 shortage. Don
ald B. McKnnzie, bookkeeper for Samuel
Bingham iv .Sous, or Chicago, has dian-
For 01)0, OiV) U, li. Lam-don - ('.. of
MinnenpollK, will build an irrigai inir canal
in Arizona, 110 miles long, to water 400,
000 acres.
W itn his head pounded to a Jell v. Qreolv
Douglass, an Indianapolis politician, was
found dead in bis kitchen, and Is believed
to have been slain by burglars.
Washinoton, Juno 10. Forn ant
far Monday: for tiastern l -.. .,.
sylvaitta, fair, probably slightly
u-mmrr, soiimwesl witntn. 'or
Western iVnnsuiania. aenerallu fair.
sliyhUu warmer, suuthwett wind.
Linen Sale
We still find our trade in House
keeping LinenB very active, and
we submit a few things for your
consideration. We will not tell
you they are worth 10 or 50 per
cent, more than we ask, but leave
their value to "YOUR JUDG
MENT" after an examination.
54 inoh Cream Damask 25o.
00-inch Cream Damask 31 to 87a
00- lnch Cream Damask 39 to 45c
64 and 06-in. Cream Damask, AH to O60.
72-inch, extra value C9 to 85
W-inoh Bleached Dsmask 45a
58 and GO-inch Bleached Damask.. 50o.
01- inch Bleached Damask 59.
GO inch Bleached Damask 09c.
72-inch Bleached Damask, 8oo. to $2 50
line of John S. Brown's, of Belfast.
Bleached Damask at 45c.
At $1.65, Sl.75 and $1.95
Those who have used these three
numbers kuow their value.
Wo are closing out a lot of TJand-
At Greatly Reduced Prices
Maltese Cross
And Oak-tanned Leather Belling,
H. A. Kingsbury
513 Spruce St., Scranton, Pi
Lewis, Reillyfl Davies
In. Russet Shoes.
114 Wyoming Avo.
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge. If a doctor
is needed you are promptly
told so. We also guarantee
a perfect fit.
All SILVERWARE and Damaged Good
at Arcade Fire will be aold at
SO Per Cent Below Coat
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
i. j. ram,