TITfl SCKANTON TRTBTJ1TE SATURDAY MORTOTSrO, JtTfTB 9, 1894. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Two years bro, says the Record, the Tlnware, Laokawanna and Weatorn Railroad company made a tnrvey of he flats from the main lino abovo Forty Fort to a point near the Petit lone shaft of the Delaware. Lncka v.'anna and Western Coal cimpany, poing diagonally across the Kingston .Bats through the low.ir end of tiio West Side park, the section where the etablee now stand, still continning down the flits to the island in the river opposite tho Hilluian academy. This week a minor is current that the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Kailroad company intends carrying out this project at an early date of ex tending their line across the rivor, to Lave a freight depot on their property in South Wilkes-Barre and of having n new passencer depot erect ed across tho West Market street bridge, not far from the Wilkes Ilarre and E istern railroad. Thoy pro pose to bo cloe competitors for the passenger traffic and will niaun every effort to mako the line betwoen Wllkos Iinrra and New York equal to any route now existing, The new branch that crosses the Hats below Plymouth to their Auchincloss and Bliss slmftn, now sinking near Nanticoke, is almost completed and runs into Nanticoke borough to connect with tho main line. As yot the streets of tbo new town by t.'to sbai'ts are not opened, over tho hill from the Nauticoke cemoteiy. The new shafts when completed will have t'10 largest virgin coal nroa of any cor poration in Wyoming Valley. It will t ko two years longer to have both these mines in operation. A soone of activity wa9 prosented to Tun Tr.iBf.VE reporter yesterday when he visited the place of the disastrous fire, which occured at Nov i shaft in l'orest City a short time ago. The new t oiler room is nearly enclosed, the di moniiona of the building being oOVJi) fact. A. li. Wheeler has charge of the carpenter work. Two now buildinirs, ciih for the hoisting engines and the other for the electrical apparatus, will i wn be under construction. Tne size vill be respectively 45 feet square, ami 48x26. The re-timberiag of the shaft las iivRiin and will bt iinuhed us soon ts possible. Tiio extinsuishmont of the Tire at the Colorado colliery li considered by tho Mienandouh Herald as one of the great est achievements in tho annals of mine t res iu this country. Twenty years i-no, and perhaps more recently, tlii.i f re would have bo?n leolntod as much a possible and left to burn itself out. Tbja has been dono In many instances nnd many valuable coal properties have been destroyed. Some are 8tiil burn ing. In the Colorado case, immedi ri!y after the discovery of tlie fire, t!o (fficials resorted to different water lines and fought the tire uy and aero-n tho pitch, never yielding a foot of ground. The leaders and . men deter mined to fiht persistently and took every advantage presented to them in crier to save this large deposit of v.ilu nblo snthracito coal Now that tiiis method of putting ont mino 1 res has proved a complete suc cess it mav be the means of commend i.ig itseil in the future to tnoso who are mining coal unU vyiio mav be un fortunate enough to havo a mine lire, iieher s. Thompson, engineer at tiie Qirsrd estate, and William A. La t tirop, general superintendent for the Lthiitn Valley Coal company, spjnt all ay Tuesday at ti.e colliery and ex 1 reused, themselves satislied with the result The 1 Dsinesa depression of the past t :ti months bns been marked by the 1 ir;r (it export trade of American rana t:f ictures over recorded in the history c f the country. Tho largest export of Manufactured articles heretofore re ported was during ihe fiscal year end ed .tune oO, 1J-91, when the amount was (103,827,315. The figures for tan months of the present year have already reach ed 1188.805.804, which indicates a total lor twelve months of if 184,000.000 This will be more than SO per cnt. of our I 'it'll exports against " 10 percent, in 3803, less than 16 per cent, in 1803, vli''!i the lsrge crop movement in ( reused the aggregate volum of ex ports, and 19 per cant in 1801, The comparative ri,ure tor tho ten months e nded April 30, 1803, and April 30. 1804, show an Inorena in ngrioaltnral im plements from $3 213,401 to !.-3 ,038 431 ; in cars for steam railways, from -t94 to $1,612,809. in cotton cloths irorn t7. 806. 850 to $9,700 668; in scientific Mid elsotrloal apparatus, from $1,068, 8C5tO f1.2S3 OflO, in houhol. furni ture from $2 488.204 to $2,736,470; in liooke and pvintfd matter from $1,416 -836 to $.176,366: in stationary mid ntlier paper goods, from $1,210,323 to $1, 575 641, end in clocks and watches lrom $919,003 to $1,105,302. Minor Industrial Note;?: There is a general expectation that a Fettlement of the soft coal strike wilt be made today. 'ihe Delaware, Sufonehanna and Rchnyl i:ill railroad contemplates an extension of itn tracks into lirlfton proper. It is estimated that the rocent. washouts in Pennsylvania havo sensed a loss to tho nilroads amounting to $2, 100,000. The casualties on all American railroads n April, 1S91, wore less than in any cor responding month for twenty years. James McCrea, first vico president of tho J'onnsylvania company, is west, and will vMt Chicago, fit. Louis and Indianapolis before he returns to Pittebnrg. During the year 1693 tho railroads of the United States cared for 40,000 sick nnd injured, representing a system of surgery nnd medicine on 147,704 miles of lines. The Erio (Pa.) Car-Service association iian passed out of existence, the expense of traintaiuiug it being greater thau the rev enue. The Dethlohem Iron company has ship ped two armor tubes ond one thrnst shaft lor engine 147 to Cramp's yards. The tubes weigh fourteen tono3 and the shaft tens. Vice-President dell, of tho new Eng land. sayB: "We have arranged to bo i npplled with fuel to run the road until .inly 1 by tho uso of Nova Scotia and anthracite eoal." Tbo Reading Railroad company is taking active Bteps towards breaking up tho prac tice of Bteallug coal from cars while pass ing through Pottstowa. Several coal thieves havo just been arrosteil. The Nickle Plate management lias issnefl orders to tho effect that any engineer who doos not bring his train to a dead (top before crossing tho track of another road wjll be dismissed from tho company's nervice. The Cumberland Valley Traction com pany has purchased the franchise of the Hnrrlsburg nnd Movhauicaburg Electrlo Railway company, and will construct tho line whioh will connect Harrisbtirg with Carlisle. The steel mill of the Bethlehem Iron company on Wednosduy made Ml tons of the billet order for the Consolidated Stoal and Wire company, ef Allentown. This is the largest day's output since work on the order was begun. Tho Delaware, Rupqnehanna and Schuyl kill Railroad company turn bad a large plot of gronnd staked off below tho Drifton shops where a large depot, freight house and superintendent's office will bu oreeted during the coming rammer, Jumos L, Reuse, of Cohtrnlia, who re cently graduated from tho University of Pennsylvania, has been appointed assist ant suporiutvudetit of the colleries of Lentz, Lily & Co., and L. A. Reilly & Co., at Centralis and Park Place, of which his father Is superintendent. Euoklen'a Arnloa Salvo. Tho best salve in the world for (Tut e Cruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Totter. (Jbapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, am! posi tively cures Piles, or no pay tequlrod. It it guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prico to ceute per box. Por solo by Watthews Bros. BOME remarkable cures of doafness nro recorded of Dr. Thomas' Eleclrio Oil. Never fails to cure earache. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Storks and Bond. New Yor.K, June S. Stocks were lower at. the opening. Bogar fell from lOflJi to 1(M). There were realisations on a liberal scale is this specialty and in addition there was some Belling for the short account. In tho final transactions speculation was steady. .Not charges show gains of to 1 per cent. Sugar lost i7 . Manhattan, I. The total sales were lOflUOU shares. Tlie following complete taliis enowim tho duy n Bnetnatioas in sotive i"e!ta is uuppiied sail revised dally by LaBar & Fuller, stock brokers, 121 Wyoinlnz avouue: Opon- Hlah' Low clee- Inc. est. est. inir. Am. Cot. oil -iH -Mi Ki Am SuKar lev.., IUTM 10IU liuatg A.T.&H. P IN 7)J 8 Can. So Con. N.J 100M 107t4 10i KliVs Ohio N. w iuo iidhS ltM I00W Q., B. & Q 79 ;H 7KK C'hle. (JaF. 76M 7T 75Vf 7tl',(i C. .O.C. A8t. I KH IBM B7g 'Mi Col., Hock. Val. AT D. It H 1., 1. ft w u. s u. it mt i sria MM (i.'i3. Co IIT'j I.ako Shoro L. ft N IA)4 Manhattan 117 MM. l'ae VS Nat. Lead ! N. Y. A N. E N. Y. Central MM N. Y..O.& W I5ij N. Y.. S. Ac W l.'i'J P. S. ('. Co iI4?ii 'orth Pnc 4 North l'ae. pt HI Omaha Pae. Mail Itiartiti 17li Hoi k Island t'.i'.s K.T I1M fit. Paul Cej T., '. ft I IS Texas ft Par,.., ! I Dion Paelrlc 1.114 Wabash of 1012 v.'. si irn union W3 w.ft l. r li?, V,'. ft U E. rf 4 Pi !Mli 11V4 Ifl 148 Mj u l.Sivj S71i 'M m 117 m 7'M YXit mi 4u BUM DBM 08M UM 16M ISM I6M IBM 1114 MM aiii WA 4M, 14 1(4 17M in 17', 17(j i7V4 mi ma p,(4 UM 118 iiS DIM W'i SIM IBM " 14 D O M UM ISM ir,u iom isQ l Mii MM 11 ll Hs 4I7.J 41 MM Cbichco Gram and Provlloni. F'cnAKTOK, Juno 8. Tie followinst quota tions ar. snpiilinil and corrected dally by La Kar ft fuller, stock brokorll!l Wyouiln.' avc- WITKAT. Jalv. Bepi Bee Opealng .WW 0154 (i4:lh Ellgtteet mi iiU-4 1:114 Lowest 48 at .(if, Clesinir tOK 04 a.4 CORN, Oponlntr 4114 41'4 Hlghost 41?c .... Lowest lt.i 41:54 Closing 4is 4-' OATB, OpeninB ISM ! Hlghsst witj tOM Lowest Mi W'i .... Closina M)U auaj .... PORK, Opening 1202 mi Highest UM UU Lowest ind U1S Clcelnjr..... 13200 WJ .... LAUD. oj "Hiujf C7i m Highest 075 HS Lowest t'M eNi C'loiiiiB fc70 CS) 8H(JBT HI lis. Opening 122 fi"n illlfllest MS cn Lowest iiM (.17 Oidelng uw en flcranton 'Whcdisailo Market. SORAirrORj Juno 8. Fruit and P.o met: Dried apples per pound,fia7c. : evep orated applets iiaitc. per pound; Torkiih prunes, 5a.r'ac.; English cunauts. SoSJafc,; layer raisins. fl.T8al.80 muscatels, Jl.oila 1.40 per box; new Valencios, 7a74c. per pound. BlAin Marrowfats. ?2.7oa2.8b por bushel; mediums. 51.75al.!)0. i'HAH (ireen, 41. l.lal.aiptr bushel ;split, SS.fi0a2.60i lentelg,,1 tot'c. per pound. Potatoes 00ia?l per bushel. OniONS Bermudas, crates, $2.40n2.J0; Egyptians, ?2.7Ba,2.f;.'i bags. Boran 16a to lSlfe. por lb. HKitB HalOc!-;. per lb. ' Eotia Fresh, Via. 14J4& Povltry Chickens, drossod, 13 to 13c. : turkeys, 12 to 18c. MfcATS Hsms, lie.; small hams, lle,; skinned hams. I0K&I California hams, B$40.t shoulders,. ;b11ies, hc; smoked breakfast bacon, lie. tiMOKED Bur Outsldes, HKc-; sets, UMe.) tusides and Knuckles, 15o. Pobk Mess at 15: bhort cut, iio. Laud Loaf in tierses nt Co.; in tabs. P5fc.; In 10-pouad pails, in 5-ponnd palls, 0c; H-pound pails. 10. pr pound. iiKKF Choice snar cured, smoked beef, Mr. Flouk Minnesota patent, per barrel f4.-Oa4.40; Ohio and Indiana amber, at 48.60; Graham at ta.60; rye Hour, at tii.no. Fkb-Mixed, per cwt, at 95c. Or.Ais Kyo, use.,-corn, 60to51e.; oats, SO to 52c. pet bushel. ,mrTJII Rts Stiuw Per ton J'.lalS. , liAY-11.50 to 1. New York Prr.duce Marliat. Nitw York. Jnue 8, I'Loun-Fniilp r.r tive, held higher. Wheat Dull. IValUfl liltrlw.. ing firm; No. 2 red, store and eleva tor, 61 "ic: alloat. 62aflSVc .: f. o. b.. C.l.i 68n.; Nu. I northern. 70'n70c: options wer fairly sclivo, with tho eloo strong '"ialc. up; No.2, reil, June, UVai July, flSJiCi August, ()0c; Hcptumber, 5c.; December, ti8)ic. COUN Stronger, dull; No. 3, 41!c. ele vator; 4SJ0. ailout: options active, firm, at alc. advaufft; June,46X. .luly,45c; AtlRUSt, :i5c; fcioptemlm '7c. Oats Dull, firm; options less active, docidcdly hiahor, closing firm) June, 47o.: July, tSWo.: August H7ic., September, X-l.'fc. Boot prieps, No. 1 white, .18a4HXe.; No. 3whito. 474c; mixed woatern, white Uo. nnd white state, 40a52c. Bncr-Qulet, steady, TiKiicKD I'.Kiii.'-Inactivc, Ci;t Mkat Firm, UlDDLtS Nominal. IjAUU--Quiot, firmer; wnntcrn steam, closed at 17.001 city, Hytfr.0'c. ; July, 47.10; Hepteralicr, 7.20; leliuud, dull; continent, $7.6."; Hauth America, $7.80; compound, S'nOc. 1 POBK Quiet, Arm. llUTTKit Firm, fair demand; state dairy, 12J$al7r.; do. creamery, 15al8u.: Pennsyl vania, do. ISalSr.i western dairy, 10al4e do. veamery, MalSc; do., factory, !0a lH4c.: elgius, 18c.; imitation creamery. ItkalSo. ' ( HEKSK Fair demand, steady; atato targe, 7Ka9Me, Eoos Fairly nctlve, firmer; state and Pennsfrranta, I4iai7c; western freiih i!)ai4c; do. per east, $;..Ws$8.25. Philadelphia Tallow Uarknt. PHILAPII.mia. June 8, -Tallow ran dull nnd weak. Prices were: Prime city in hogsheads, 4c: prime country, in barrels, Sc; do. dark In barrele, 4c; cakes Sc.; grease, 4c. All Free. Tboso who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and tbeiss who have, not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist aud got a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your iiamn and address to li. E. Ilucklen ft Co. Chicago, and gel, a sample bos of Dr. King's New Life Pills, Free, as well an a ropy of Qnlde to Health and Houhold Instructor. Free. Alt of which is guaran teed to do you i;ood nnd cost you nothing. Matthowa Uros. Drugstore. Or don't you notico tho difference in our pricos, and the prices usually charged even by the stores that claim to sell very low. Why the simple fact is we are away below any store in this valley. Yes, we repeat we are away be low any concern in this valley or in the state in prices on first class goods so far a3 we can learn. We do not handle a large line of fancy goods, but we do have a big stock and full as sortment of strictly FIRST CLASS staple goods. Nor do we use any one or two articles as bait to draw trade. Oar plan is to cut the price on everything just as much as we possi bly can so that you will very seldom find a single article in our store that we are not sail ing for less than it can be bought anywhere else and furthermore while we are always do ing our best to get at and keep the prices clown we never for a moment loose sight of quality. No article can come into our store unless it is at least standard quality but is much oftener EXTRA than otherwise. We have a large trade and we often think when we put the selling price on an article and know what th9 same good3 are invariably sold at that it is strange why we do not sell all the goods in our line that is sold in the city and have to conclude that it certainly is not on ac count of quality or price, but must b3 for some other reason. While we did not intend to quota any prices in this article we will men tion a few just to prove what we say and see if you don't wonder also if what we say h cor rect why we do not sell all or nearly all of the goods sold. Of course each dealer has friends who trade with him for friendships sake know ing all the time that they are loosing money by so doing. Now while wo appreciate friend ship yet we want every person who buys good3 of us to be fully satisfied that they get good valua for their money or we would actually prefer to miSs the trade But here are soma prices as proof of our statements, wo avoid the large articles simply to show that we do not confine our low pricos to soma of the lead ing articles: Canned Tomatoes, extra quality, usually sold at 12c,, we are soiling for 8c. Bartlett's Shoo Blacking,larg box, regular price, 10c; we give 3 boxes for 10a Vienna Bread, large loaf, neve:- sold less than 10c; you can buy it from us 2 loaves for 15c, Fancy Table Butter, that sells for 20 to 25c, we offer at 17c Tea that brings 75c a pound and in some stores $1, we only ask 45c And Tea that sells for 40c. ou can buy from us at 19c, Gloss Starch, pound packages, worth 8c, we will sell at Corn Starch, also is usually sold at 8, we sell it at And a 3-pound can of G oss Starch that you wouid have to pay 25 for anywhere else, you can buy of us at 14c. Abie's Fie Preparation, always sold for 10c, or 3 for 25, we offer you at 5c, Cigars that could not bo bought elsewhere for less than $1.25 a box, we sell at 60c And aside from offering goods much lower than any other establishment in the state wo believe we have on8 of the most complete stocks of groceries in the state. Whenever anything new in our line comes on the market and has merit we add it to our stock. We wholesale a great many goods and at figures lower than exclusive wholesale houses. Our cigar and tobacco stock is complete. Our tea and coffee contains as fine a line of both as can be brought together. Our confectionary stock includes the fine grades in abundance as well as the more staple varieties of confection. We serve as fine Soda Water at 3c. a glass as can be had in the city at any price. In our butcher shop we handle as much and as line a grade of beef and other meats a3 any in Scranton and from 2 to 4 cents a pound lower than any shop in tho city. On Tuesdays', Thuus days' and Saturdays' we have a full assortment of green vegetables 26 per cent below market rates. Finally we think we are sofe in saying that wo give more and better goods for the money that any concern in Pennsylvania. Here are some of the reasons wa have for wondering why we do not sell all or nearly all of the groceries sold in Scranton. Come and see if you can fine us misrepresenting facts in any of the above assertions. We would like to have your trade or part of it and will make it worth your while to buy of us. THE) SCRANTON CASH F. P. PRICE, Agent.. J I Oil HEADACHE CURES HEADACHE HEADACHE Lomi CAiisoN.of Snr- iiniir, Mich., writes: "I hnvo been troubled with a tnrrihlo he&dfcche tor about two years ninl could not nt nnytliini;tu help me. hut at lust a frii'nil drleed mo to tnko yonr Bun DOCK llMion BlTTBHI, which 1 did, ami aftur tukinu two bottlei. 1 bftva nut hud tho hraducho aino'3." AT TIIE Scrantoi JULY 4th Application for privileges should be made to H. B. CHASE, 312 Lackawanna avenue. S. A KING, of Bingham- ton, has been engaged to take charge of the Score Card. ungham We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, Idore Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, ae what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOU PITTSTOH. PA. s Laqeb Beer Brewery Hejinfacturerg Of tho Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, Booms 1 and 2 Commonwsalth Bld'g, SCIIANTON. PA. MINING andBLASTINQ Undo at tbo JlOOKin nnd CUdil DALE WORKa Lafilin & Rand Powdor Co.' ORANGE GUN POWDEB Electrio Battcrlon, Fngoi for explod ing blasts, Ktfety Fuso and RcpaunoChcmicol Co. 's High Explosives MT. PLEASANT COAL AT UI.T.UIj. Pnalof the Herd quality fjr domestlo nse,aud OT Orders loft at my ofllco. M. 118, WYOJ1INO ATKNITK, lonr room, first lloor. Thirl Nntloual Bank or sent tiy m.ill or telephone to the mine, will icccivM jiroinpt nttontlon. Special coutrachi will be mado for the aud delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WML T. SMITH. Restores Lost Health CYCLE RACES Driving Park Spring Sons 10 POWDER POWDER BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL "T)R. O. KUQAK DEAN baa removed to Olfl iZltfSS!? i? Canton, U. (Juat op loalta cuurt-hou5o Square.) T)K. A. J. CON NULL, Office XII Wwdnau'oa crnor Spruce etreot oyer mMte a drue etore. Residence, 728 Vino at. tao to 7.80 p. m. 8uudayLto8j. m. T)I'.. W. E. ALLEN, Offloi cor. C . wanna ond Washington uvea.; oror Leon ard etiou store; office huura, 10 to 12 a. m. and eto I p m.; evenings at reetaeuce, WasliiiigtonaTo. 1 ) i . L. Smj, iraoUo limited to Dl m cate too No d Turoat; office, 141 Wyoming uvo. Rosidonoe, 6S Vina DU. L M. GATES. 1J Washington Avenue. Ofllco houra, B to I a.ui., l.iju to ii and 7 to 8 p.m. Residence HOP Madison avenue joHW L. WHNXZ, M."D.,"offlcM fcfund"ST (omiiionuealth building; residence 711 Mndtaonavn; office hours. 15 to 14, 3 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays 2.1)0 to 4. evenlngo at residenoo. A pecUIty made of dlroaaes of tho eye, ear. nose and throat and gyriooology. LAW VKUS. J JU. C. RANCH'S Law aud Collection of. . floe, No. 817 Bjpruco t, opimslto Koroat Iiouso. Scranton, Pa,; collections a specialty throughout 1'nnnsylvnnla; reliable correspond cuts In evory county. 1 IEHSUl'8 HAND, Attorney, and Counael O lois at Law. Couinionivoolth biUldiug, WashmgtoD avo. VV. H. Jissrp, iioiiACE E. Hand, v. ii. ji:k.sui, Jn. WU.UARO, WARREN & KN API', Attor oefiaod Counseldrs at Law, Republican ...muiuu, y unnniguin .ive.. nerantnu, 1'a. IJAlitltSoN js WILCOX, Attorneys aud X Counsellors at Law; offlcus U and 8 Library building, Bcrauu.ii, Pa. BOtWaU R PATTBRHOK ! 11.1.1 AM J. WILCUX. A LI-'RISD IIANU. WILLIAM J. HANI). At IX tonieya and Couusellors, Commonwealth building. Hmtnvl(. J) anil 21. VV 1,1-J'.)YLB' Aftorney-at-Law.Noii.lO and JJtJO, Hun- Imildluir, Wiishincton avenue. u ENh'V M. SKELY-Law offlcea In Prlea nu.ming, i; waenington aveiuto. L'HANK T. OK1.LL, Attorney at' Law. Room x i, coal j.iccliangii. Scranton, Pa. ;U,','T,0rW- '-"WKV. ( Atfys7"i'7 WaBhinn-O-n VON BTORCH. ftonuv . 1 II. s,,uL,o 1AMEBW. OAKPOHD, Attorney at Law. Sol, M' EOUAli, Attorney uC Law .in .-ni-ucent., scranton. J'n. I A. WATlUt Attorney at Law, I.'"i:vv ,.,. si ranUin. Pa. tJO J P. SMITH. CouiMillor at Law. Office, - rooms M, .. U C(,niinimv...iith 1. mi, ,,,. 14. PITCHER. Attorney at Law, Com nionwealtli hiillalng. BorMton. 1'n. U COMEOVB, ail Spruno st. Oil. REPLOOLB, Attorney-Loans noKO- Mated on r. :1 enti.tn securRMOB Spruce. 5 1 '' K! I.LA M, At tornev-oTt-Uw. W Wr omlngavenue. Scranton. 5JAVEYOUU pSpa ANU MOIITUAOK8 JJ.r,'.tu" ",ld acknowledged by J. W. HIUIWMMI. Attorney nnd Notary Public, as M lildlLV SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA. Srran U ton. Pa., preiar?a boys and girls lorcollcgi pr nubinura: thoroughly traina young clilldr.:n. i'aUktIM at rouuoat. Rf.v. Thomas M CA.v , Wam'kh 11. Hutu MISS WOHCEBTEB'S IClNDHBaAUtBif and School, 412 A dan..' avenue. PupiU r colvod i.t ail times, lext term will opeu nru V. " LAfJBACH, burgeon WontWI; Wo, "llj n yomiiur ave. Al. STKAITO nffjea i'oai ISgctatnire. l.tlAISS. T'HK RBPUpLlO BkVingi and Loan Ajoo i cmtion will loan you m .ncy on easier temn iii.l pay yon better on investment than ntiy tlier awodntiiKi. Call on S. N. CALL LN TORj Dime Phiih 1 d i ng 1 l.i:t).s. rj. K. CLARK CO., rVcdomen. HorlstJ vt and Nnnerymoni store iu Washlnctoa tr.witie; (TOGS h"iiflo,ial North Slain avenue; .fur - Ti leplniH 7S:.'. WAS. OgAKO UNION TEA CO.. .lones Bria Willi; HCBBRNt, OS. KUETTEL, 5i3 Lnckawauiu nvonu Hcranton. Pa., niatiuf r i f Wire Hi riiena HOTELS AM RESTAURANT. nu. aei MieiniL u-zni wvominir live. RooaU healed with Kteam: all m( : n lmprover.ionta C. M. Tiu iiAW. Prop. rpli: ELK CAPE, IK and 127 Franklin avo 1 nuo. ilater. rcu.ieuable. i', ZiEdi.En, PronrleUjr. w ESXMIJIOTKI: HOTEL v n lht' r?xr,-.T ?., ... v.. i V(J.,.J1, iBitiiAgor. Siiteonth rtreet, one block cast of Rroadwav. -, C- XT . t inuii omiuiu, aiow lora. Ariirlrau plan, jwai per dav and upward. (OYNE hOCSli European pLtnt 'gTiod J rooms. Opcu day and nlghC Bar ' sup. piled wltu tho ucst. 1' n. roVNR. rronrietor. (..'CRANTON HOUSE, near U & W. pa i I tcngor depot. Conductd on the European plan. Vkitoii Kock. Proprietor. ( ' It AND CENTRAL i he largest anil bait J nnulpie1 hotel In Allontown, Pa; ratal V- and J2.M per day. VIOVOS D, flAHNr.n, Proprietor. ARCH ITKOTS. AVIS HOU1T, Arehlteot, Rooms 21. I'll and ft) Commonwealth b'ld'g. Kcrantnn. L. WALTER, Architect. Library uuiid Ing. WyoinlnS avenue. Scranton. L BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price building. 120 Washington Ave.,!Acrnntoa Mlsri.'.LI.ANKOUH. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIC FOR i al! . picnics, partis, reeeptlona wed clings ami concert work furnished. For terms v.i'ii i". . 11. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave., over Hulbort's music storo. IT ORTON D. SWAUT3-WIIOLESALK JumlMir, Price tnuldlii. Scranton, Pa MKOAHUEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' fupphes, envelojina, papor bags, twiue. Wurohouso. UM Washtngtoa ave., Scranton. Ps. "IXKITE'S LIVERY. 1588 ( apouso avenue. J First claws MlttafM. O. L. FOOTB, Agt I-'unerul Hirector and Ernbulmer. nBAVK P. BROWN A CO.. WHOLF," J side rb alms in Wood Ware, Cordago and Cloth, 7"0 W. Luckawanna nveimo. EZRaVJnN 'STboNsT bldcrsdcWtmifr tora. Yards: Corner olive si. and Adaiot avo.; corner Ash et. aud Ponn ave.. Scranton THE IS THE BfST. Oet prlcei and fee the (uraace and be con vinced. A fftll line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Ranges. CONLAN'S HARDWARE riTTBTON VA. Thatcher ' THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO NWURUa AMI Vi II.K HAI'.RF. PA.. liANUFACTCiitliS ).' ij Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office. SCRANTON. PA, CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnsurlnj cleanliness aud comfort. TIMU CABU IN Bt'FLCT MAY 20, 1S0L Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, Wilkes. Barro, etc., at 8.31. 11.15, 11.30 a. m., 12.50. 2 0'J, W, 6.0(1, 7.25, 11. U5 p. m. Sundays, 0.00 a. m.. 1.00,2.15,7.10 p.m. For Ailantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.9) (express) a. m.. 12.50 (eipross with Buffet parlor car). li.UO (exprossj p. m. Sunday, 2.18 p. m. roit tuaucii cnuNK. Allentown, Betiilb bem, Eabtok and Pmiladklmiia, H.ai a. m.. 12..50.1SU, 5.00 (exoept Philadelphia) p. m. Buiiday, 2.15 p. m. For Loo BitARcn, Ocean Gkove, otc, at B.20 a. in., 12.50 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Hnrrlsburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. ni., 12.50, 6.00, p.m. Sunday, 2.16 p. m. i or l'ottsvnie, v:m a. m u.ffl p. m. BetOmiBB. leave Now York font- of t.lhnrtv Mroet, North river, at 1110 (express) a. m.. i.iu, i.ou, -..iio teaprea witii nuliet parlor ear) p. m. Sunday, 4.SI a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Rcadiiig Terminal, 0.03 . m., liOO snd 4.;n p. m. Sunday, (1.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rati may bo had on application In advance to the ticket agent nt tnj ttati n. H. P. BALDWIN, (ill. Aonn. J. n. OLHAUSEN. Uen. Sunt DELAWARE AND HUD SON UAIL.'IOAD. Commencing .May 20. Vm. trains will run as follows: Trains leavo Bridge Stroel Station, Beranton, (or Pitts- hill. Willri.u.l'srrr, nt,. M 1 10 ftll-07, tt7, 10.42 a. m., 12.10, ;S. 2..iS, 4.1ii. 5.15, 0.15, 0.15 and 11.115 p. m, For Now York nnd Philn deli.hia. KllUa. m 12.10. LU US, 4.1(1 nnd 11,80 p. m. For HouoHdals(troiu Delawiro.Lnokaw.inna and western depot), 7 00, 8.9), 10 10 a.m., 12.00 in.. 2.17, 5.10 p. m. For Carhonoale and intermediate stations. 6.40, 7.00. KM, 10.10 a. m 12.00 m.,2.17, 3.85,5.10, 8,9(1 and 0 35 p. m.; from Iirldgo Street Depot, 2.KI a. in., 2.17and 11 .".5 p, m. Fust oxpres-i to Albany, Saratoga, tho Adi rondack Mountains Ballon and New England points, 5.40 a in., arriving at Albany 12.-1.5. Saratoga 2.20 p. m., and luavlne Scranton nt i p. m., arriving at Albany nt8.6i.ip. m,, Sara toga. 12 55 a. tu , and U- siou. 1J03 a. m. Tiio only direct rout" betwoen the goal fields and Boston. "The Lending Tourists' Route of America1' to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lakes George and Cbatnplain, Montreal, etc. Tlmo tables showing local and through train service bo! ween stations 011 all division Dola whim and lludKou mtom, may be obtained at nil Delav.'iiru and Hudson ticket ofl.-ri'. H. U. VOUN(i. J. VV, BCIIDICK. -Second Vice Previdenl Gen. Paaa An II A V I t, 1XJ4. Train leaves Beranton for Philadelphia and New York via. D, A: 11. B 11. at 8 11.1:1.. 12.111, and 11,8ft p. m viaD.,L. &V. li. R., liom 8,(H,ll.20a. 111., and 1.80 p. mi. Leave Scranton for PiUstnn n;id Wilkos Barre via D.. L & W. B, It.. U.l, 8 08, 11 ) a. m.l.iW, 8.W (i.07. 8. " n, m. Loave Scrnnbin for White Haven, Hnzlotou, Pottaville ami all point ou tho Beaver Meadi.w and pottsvillo bnuiebej, via K. ,w W. V.. (i ill a.m., v. a !). & !L il. R. nt 8 a.m., 12.10. 4.1Gp.ia, vial)., L. & Y. U. L ... , 8.03, ll.'iu.m., 1.8B, :irip.m. Leave Beranton for Bethlehem, fatten, BeadluB, Hiirii.--lit-.ru and all Injkrmedlate points v,a D. & II. II. R., 8 a m .12.10. .:H. 11.8 tun , via D , L. ii W. li. R.. 11.20 a, m UKJ p.m. Loave Scranton for Tunkhniioek. Towail 1 S Blmlra, Ithaca, O-mevu and all latermedliH poinn via D. & H. K.H.,l.7 m., 12 pi and IIJU p, m.. via D. L. W. U It.. s.0 a m.,M p in. LsaT Bcranto 1 for ibwilustor, ButTtlo. SI agaru Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all point west via D. A It It. !!. !'.n: i-.m..)'.' ItvUUI 3i p. n., via V. L. A W. P.. It and PittatOt Junction, 8.08 am,, I JO, 8.AU p. m.. via E. Ss Wi H, it., 8-41 p. m. For Giotra and tni waet via Baltmtno x, vi D, 41 II. It. It. 0.7 a.m., 12 10,8.1', ;.. m . v a D . L. ite W. R. It.. ,8.0-S a.m.. I .-in and 0,07 p. m, Pullman parlor and a'.ooplug or I V- onalr cars on nil trains between ,t P.. Jnnatl m .r Wllkas-Rarre and New IforlS, l'nilad ly lla, B ilT.do nnd Susii -n-ion 'Inibro ROLLIN H. VVll.liUlt, Boa. Supt- F.istDiv. OHAB. S, LKB. (bin. Poaa. Ag't, Phila ,P. AW.NONNEMACHER.Aiis't O.'n.Poai Ag'fc l-uth Bethlehem. Pa. DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA A.D WEKTEBN RAH. ROAD Trains loave Scranton an follows: Express tor Now York and ah npinti Kait 1.40, tMk 6.11, Wm r.ad II an a. in. ; 12 5' and 3.50 p, m. Express for Baston, Trenton, I'hiladelphti aud tha Soutli, 5.15, 8.00 aud 0.5, a. in.; 12.51 and 3.50 p. tu. Washington and way station 8.68 p. m. Tubyhanna accommodation, 0.10 p. m. Ujir sm for Blugbar.iton, Oswego, Eiiulra, Corning, Bath, DaimvUla, Mount Morris a:id Buffalo. 12.10, 2 15 a. m. and 1 21 11. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points In th Wiut, Northwest and Southwes'. Bath acooiuuiodatlon, V a. m. Blnghaniton and way 3tnllon3, 12.37 p. m. Mienolion accommodation, at 4 p. nt and 6 H p. m. Binghsmton end Ebnlra Express. 0 05 p, m. Express (or Cprtlandj Syracuse, Oswe.r Ctica und RichllcU Springs, 2.15 a m. and 1.21 p. ni. Ithaca. 2-15 and Bath Ha. m. nnd 121 p. m For Northumberland.Plttstcn, YVIlkos-Barra, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Willlamsport, lltiri Isburg, Baltimore Wash ington and the South. Korthumb. rhiud snd Intermediate sUtlouj, 8 00. 0.55 a n. und 1.30 and 0 07 . m- Nanticoao ana intermediate stattona, 8.t aud 11.211 a. m Plymouth and lntormodlat stations, 3Alaud S.5i p. m- . ,, Pullman parlor una sleeping coacbeo on all express trains. ., , , ... For dotatlod Information, pocket tim tiibl,) etc., apply to M. L. Smith, ctty ticket , 52-1 LackawanuaavciiUJ. or dc;:ot ticket oltic S'"KATON tVI-ION. In KfllMt Jo r 2hili. 1RD4. Mortb Itnuml. much Oh nnd, ntMiffoa tan 200 207 203 Stations aillH M a ! 6 fcic &,!. M li rnins Ltanr, nx- ii I 11 'l Mllliue . j m Arrive lvhw 7!N. Y. Franklin s w I 788 750 8(0 7 10 west 42nd st.rci't TOO Weehawken r m Arrive beaTH A X1 M i 20s I H 2N 8 HOI 8 loj "ll.vilaucock Junction 0 mli . II C; , C 18 , 1 0H iiauuock BtarUgirt Preston park Collio PorntelM lUlmont Pleasant ML Unlotidalo Forsct city CarUmdaie White HrMo Mayneid rain Archibald Wlnton Peckvlllo ply punt Plckson 'i broop Providence park Iluce scranton 7 6 7 61 181 TH 12 -iT, 1888 10 '.'.I 12 IS tim : .... 241 64J .... 25.' ' .... t 7:;s 7 B if fa li 65 I 03 10 58, I 02 7 ON II M v io a mi r. ii 7 M I 4(1 8 84 7 :.T 0481881 0 61 148 6 .121 1 1 41 5 '27 III 10 ft) 481 BH .-.-I r w w u ra 4s 6-11 e as 5 SO 11 .11 r 81 0M1 .1 45 T 40 10 08j 8 81 7 13 III 05' 3 64 7 4S 1 iu 8 7 SI 10 15 4 04 T.V410Vf 4M 7 fifl 10 til 4 10 8oijKIS4 414 8 08)14 ST 4 f 8 0V10 r.O, 4 98 A MA If I II W 88 611 II'.'.'. 0 2. sen 1 6 26 r, ii' ll u. 8(1 f6 It II lW 16- !1 1 488 11 10 Hi ,.J 4 60 11 OS 6 15 f6 18 0 111 r m MUMTe Arrive All t rains run didly except Sunday. t Blsulllcs that trains stopou signal for pea. Bcngera. Aadlflonal trains leavo rnrbondale uv scran tan l.io aud 0.15 p. in., arriving at Scranton i.ol and 7.00. Leave Sernnton for Carbondale fi.60 and 8.88 arrlvtng at cartvindnln at 7.86 and 0.15 p. ra. secure raus via ontnrlo Wcalcrn beforj purchasing tickets and save money. Bay aud hUigi. Eiprchs to the Weal. J. C. Anderson, On. Pass. Ajft. V. mtoratt, Dir. Paw, Agt. Beranton, Pa. i.itii. and wkoMiNii valley rail LIj KOAO M'ralu. leavo Scranton for New York and in tfrmcdlato nolnts on the Erie railroad at 881 a. m. and 8.21 p m. Also for Homwdnle. Iiavley and local, points at 0115, 0.46 n.m . and 8 21 P in. Ail tho above aro through trains to and fi lm Honmvlalo. AU additional train leavos Sorantn for Late Ariel nt 6 25 p.m. and nrrlvos nt Reran lot from-the Like at 8 40 a m and 7.85 p.m. Troinii leave tor Wilkos-Barro at 8.411a, m. ml 0.41 r. tu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers