The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 09, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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It is not .orDrisingtliat n social strist
nation existed dnriuK the .net wm k nf
May. With cold, rainy nml iliRHureo
itlile woatlicr generally and a scarcity
of college nieii, tlio summer yirl was
not apparent; if she had emerged ubo
would have turned back in ilesimir, in
n uirusuro like the proverbial bruin on
Ciindletnas Day. HowiVrr, things
look different now, and, with no mat
tor how brief a spell of warm
weather, the spainn'a social whirl
pool will scon begin to foam
and swirl and set the ball n-rolliiitr
Already a few of the young ladieg have
appeared from the dry atmosphere of
the same old, old select school, more
will ruturn soon.tho college young man
resplendent with negligee attire and
an air of wisdom, but eTer ready for
the vacatiouV diversions, will be here
in nil his glory with all thiiBe fore
runners, will surely follow the pleas
ures ot the usual summer seasou.
To substantiate the fact that tho
coming of the young ladies p n tends u
budding of social matters, might be
mentioned the return of Miss AuyUtta
Archbuld, Miss Alice McLod, Miss
Ethel Boies and Mis Linen from Misi
Master's school at Doha's Ferry, N. Y.
Miss Archbald has with her a friend,
Miss Mabel Kmnvltorj, of Freeport,
111., and Mits Woolworth, of San
dusky, Ohio, accompanied Miss Mc
Li od. A luncheon was given by Miss
Archbald yesterday in honor otMUs
Knowlion. A smill comtvuiv was
given ly Colonel and Mrs. II. M.
lioii'8 last evening in honor of Miss
Boies' return.
The celebration of the first wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. L. S.
Barnes at their cozy residence on Mon
roe avenue, on Wednesday evening, was
among the pleasant social events of the
week. The house was ttutefully deco
rated with potted plants and blossoms
and prevented an inviting appearance
throughout. Members of the Lawrencu
orchestra were; stationed in the spacious
hall an 1 discoursed sweet tutuio dnriug
the evening for the editication of those
who deiired to enjoy the delights of the
in zy dance. Elegant relriahments
were served dnriug tho evening, The
list of guests incluJod many of the
Wedding party of a year ago, among
the number being Dr. Kolb, of Phila
delphia, who acted as groomsman nt
the marriage of Dr. and Mrs. Briies.
The iiffair was largely attended and
was enjiyublo in every uetail.
At Pittslon Thursday evening oc
curred the wedding of Miss Marv Elli
thcirp, of that place, to ii. V. Perrin,
of Philad lphia, Mr. Perrin is in the
coal trade and is well known in this
citv. The wedding was a quiet, home
affiir, an I was attended only by the
immediate friend and relatives. Hev.
M. B, Swan officiated. The brides
maids were Miss Gaines, ot Chicago,
and Miss Fenu, of Vi st Pittston. El
ward Carpenter, of Wilkea-Barre, was
best man. Mr. and Mrs. Perrin will
reside in Philadelphia Miss Clara
Simpson, C. D. Simpson and Harry P.
Simpson, of this city, were present.
To all nppearancs the Scranton
Lawn club has boon pulling wires with
Jupiter Pluvial ; at all events every
thing seems to indicate an agreeable
day lor tho 4 o'clock tennis Waut tho
Piatt court this afternoon Certainly
the rainmakers at Washington ought
to l e lenient with tbeelab this year,
after causing so many disappointments
last season.
A small dinner will be given this
evening by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kings
bury to Major and Mrs. Everett War
ren and Miss Alice Bella, who will soon
depart for Europe
The E M. D. Cooking club held ono
nf their delightful teas at the home of
Mrs. II. M. Btreetar, on Jackson street
last evening. The event was greatly
enjoyed by all.
PSBSONAIi Mention:
Jlr. and Mrs, E. D. IIu?!ies, of Dickson
avenue, left yesterday to attend tho re
union of the Sixth Pennsylvania Volunteer
cavalry at Philadelphia Tne reunion will
be beta tomorrow, on tho thirty-first an
niversary of the Battle of Beverly V rd,
Va., in whirl) Mr. Hughes was wounded.
From Philadelphia, Mr and .Mrs. Hughes
w ill go to New York, Atlantic City, up
the Hudson and various other points of
interest. They will bo absent about ten
Ex-Sheriff A. R. Stevons, of Scranton,
was in town today, a guest at the Hotel
Anthracite. He drove to Scranton with
Ids Hue mare which is a sister of Nancy
Hanks. lie is ou his war to Clifford to
look nt and probably purchase a mate for
the valuable animal. Carlnndalo Loader.
Henry C. Ilaak will leave on Wednes
day, dune HI, for his homo in Pino Grove,
Schuylkill county. On the twenty first ho
will attend II. H. Ilnrr, of Philadelphia, as
groomsman, the ceremony of Mr. liarr's
marriage occurring in the noxt town of
Charles Gelbort, of South Washington
avenue, tho noted all-around ninntour ath
lete, Is expected home dally from the Uni
versity ot Pennsylvania, where hois taking
a course in pharmacy, to spend his summer
Mr, and Mrs, H. M. Colo and daughter
will leave Monday for Albany. From
there they will enjoy a trip along the Hud
son and to various polntH of interest in
New Jersey, and will bo absent about ton
J. Ben Dimmick, for many years vico
presldent of tho Lucltawauna Trust and
Safe Deposit company, who has spent tho
past two years in Switzerland, bas again
occupied his residence on Sandorson ave
nue. A. F. Law left hero on the ,1 50 Lacka
wanna train yesterday afternoon for Now
York to emtmrk via. tho Cnnard line at 10
o'clock this morning for Europe. Ha will
bo absent six weeks.
Professor John P. Quinnan and M. J.
Donaboft, Councilman Morgan Sweeny ami
a numhor of their I'rieudH left on a fishing
looriion to Rattlesnake pond at 4 o'clock
this morning.
The Misses Ella Honey, Nellie Gardner,
Bertha Dony and Maltie Potter attended
the Epworih leagno convention in Wilkes
Harro on Tuesday and Wednesday of this
William Ingnlls, of the Hillside Coal and
Iron company, loaves this morning for
Princeton to see the Yale-Princeton ball
game and attend commencement exercises.
Colonel E. II. Holier, oditor and proprie
tor of the Ilulfalo News, left for New York
Monday morning, alter a two days' visit
with relatival in Groen Ridge.
.Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Warner, of Dickson
avenue, were called to 1)1 1 ghatnton on
Tuesday by tho death of Mrs. Warner's
brother, Mr. F. A. Warded,
Mrs. A. V. Bower and children, of New
Canaan, Conn., are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Garnoy, on Wash
ington avenue.
Secretary and Mrs. G, G, Mnhy, of San
0 on avenue, left yesterday for Now
York and Boston,
about a week.
Thoy will bj nbson
Mrs. D. T. Jayno, of Greon Ridge stroet,
returned yesterday from Dinghatnton,
where 6ho bas been attending the musical
John J. Murphy, of this city, will bo
graduated from tho law department of
tho University of Pennsylvania on Mon
day evening with degree of bachelor nt
Miss Clara Simpson, Miss Augusta Arch
bald and Miss Welles will attend tne Cor
nell commencement exercises next week.
E. C. Dimmick and fsniily, of Sander
son avenue, leave today for Four Winds
Farm, whero they will spend the summer.
Miss Katharine Stnnton, of Hooesdale,
and her friend, Miss Wright, of Newark,
aro spending today with Miss Hunt.
Mrs. A. ('. Falrchild, of Patterson, N. J.,
who una been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.
Pi Kingsbury, returns homo today.
Joseph Everett and Mrs. A. 1) Maze, of
Orange, H, J., are tho guests of Mrs,
Joseph P. Mills, of Ciipouseavenno.
.Miss Josephine Harbor, of Buffalo, spent
a part ol the week with her mother, Mrs.
II. F, Barbor, of Capons nvenue.
Secretary D. B. Atherton left for New
Work yesteulay afternoon on business con
nected with tho board of trade.
Miss M. Morrow, principal of No. 80
school, will spend tomorrow at her pa
rents' homo in Plymouth.
Mrs. C. A. Whoeler, of Honosdale, Is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. M. A. Good
win, of Monsey avonue.
Miss Edith Greelev. of Monsev nvenuo.
who is attending Vnssiir college, will re
turn Dome next ween.
Rev. A, F. Chnffoe, pnHtor of the Asbury
ueiuoam jgpMCOpai church spent Thurs
day in Wilkes-Barre.
a. c. Bailey, E. II. Bhnrtleff and C. A.
Wllcnx will spend today angling for trout
m ayne county.
Professor Karl B Saft left yotordav
afternoon for Baltimore, to be absent till
next ednesday.
Miss Mary Flaherty, of Cherry street,
returned last night from a week's visit in
Carb'.ndale. .
Mis Blanche Wood, of Honesdale, spent
iuesuay with .Miss .Hay Mason on Sander
sou avenue.
Miss Mollie Nonlc, of Moscow, has re
turned homo after a vory pleasant visit in
mis city
Jlr-. W. D. Kennedy and daughter, of
Washington avonue, spent Fiiday at King
ha i tou.
F. L. Phillips and family will soon take
up meir resiaouco nt Ualton ror the euui
mer. .ei!s riotenco umert, or Pittsburg, Is
visiting Mrs. E. R. Evans, of North Park
Jirs. it, A. Zimmerman was called to
l liilailelplua by tho sickness of her neice.
E. B. Sturges, of Washington avenue.
spent a portion of tho wtek iu New York.
Miss Clara B. Simpson returned yester
day from Miss Ely's New York school.
Mrs. W. L. Jones, of Sanderson avenue,
is visiting friends in Btnghamton,
L. B. Smith, C. M. (,'arr and E. T. Howe
retumea from Oneontn yesterday.
C r, Bellamy, Ol Delaware stroet, spent
me ween in southern ioik.
J. T. Blowers, of Dickson avenue, spent
luursuay in uinguamiou.
E. A. Atherton. of Glenburu, spout yes
terday in Green Ridgo.
v . D. ( arr, of Lapouse nvenue, was In
.Moscow on Thursday.
AUsS Welle is visiting Miss Swan at
Utica, fl. Y.
"FBA DlAVOlO" at the Frotliinganm this
aiiernoon. Prices in, )o and 20 cents,
n;.ws notes i-rom wales.
LONDON, Juno 1 Tho polilicnl atmop
phero ot Wales has been much disturbed
by a revolt of f. ur WeWi members, viz
Lloyd (ieorpe, D. A, Thomas, Prank Ed
wards ana Herbert Lewis, a quartette ot
luorougn gn-aueu'l T is UeshmoTi'
Briefly their ground for action is that!
'llie ministers utterly refused to giv.i us
any pledge that they mean to press the
flisehianlislimeut bill through this session."
As opposed to tins it is interesting to
quote Lord B Mbarjr'ii trenchant reply.
llie prime minister said: ".Ml lean say
is this, that if it is truo that thoy do not
trust our promises in the matter,
if they do not believe that, as 1
confidently assert ou this occa-ion and will
again, I hope, before wo meet the country,
that we shall njeet it with a measure of
Welsh disestablishment passed through
the house of Commons, 1 cannot control
its fato after it haves the house of com
mons, referring to the house of lordsi I say
if they don't believe in that pledge, it they
don't believe in our honor and our honosty,
the sooner they carry their threats inti
effect i he hotter I shall ho pleased." Mr.
Tom Ellis, M, K chief Libel al whip and
the most promioent Welsh member, has
also given most definite pledges on behalf
of tho government, that the measure wili
be pasted through the lowor houso. Wales
is, therefore, for the first time in the hls
torv of the Wtdsb Liberal party, witness
ing a spectsoleof division, which happen
ing at a critical period, may retard the
progress of the greatest Welsh measure of
modern times. The revolting members,
howevor, have enthusiastic supporters and
vehement opponents iu their protest
against tho ministers.
Tho death of the late John Roberts. Now
town, is announced. The celebrated harp
ist was well known at all eistuddfodau,
and upon I he queen's visit to Wales in
lt9 Mr. Roberts nnd his eleven sons
played selections on their harps before her
majesty, who wss delighted with tho ex
quisite Welsh music,
v.t. Gladstone is hotter. Tho Grand (Hd
Hani who is a resident of Wales of many
years' standing, has had his right eye suc
cessfully operated upon for cataract, and
his health is Well maintained.
The far fatnod Welsh Ladies' choir, led
by their talented conductress recently
sang at the Royal Albert hall. Madame
Pattl, of Craig y-nos, was lea ling artiste.
Mabel Cory, ot tho woalthy Cardiff fam
ily of that name, was unsuccessful in her
endenvois to procure a divorco of her mar
riage with Fred J. Smith, of Glasgow.
Elitalieth, JIarrtmn Co., huh
At the age of cl'nt
years I became nflliitid
with "Hip -Joint IMs
ease." Fore year I suf
fered as iniicli as It was
possible for a human be
Ing to suiter. My phy
sIclanB told me I would
have to wait patiently,
but my father procured
me some of Dr. Pierce's
flolilin Medical Hlscov-
y cry, and I found uiv fall-
F can cheerfully say
that I believe I owe my
life lo the use of that
valuable medicine.
EPW A III) J. ituan.
Your true friend,
A scrofulous statu of the system is the
frimal cnuso of Hip-joint Disoase. Dr.
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it's tho only (uaraafirti bloobVpttrtfltTi
Compendium of Iutellbncc Relating
Scranton's Religious Activities.
Some of the Appropriate Features of
tho Programmes Arranged for
Local Churches -- Personal and
Other Mention in Connection With
the Good Work of the Various
Church Auxiliary Societies What
the Pastors and Laymen are Plan
ning and Doine;,
Tomorrow thousands of churches In
our country will celebrate Children's
Day. Most churches in our citv have
prepared special services for the occa
sion. Souie organizations have so elab
orate u programme that it was impossi-
tne for tliein to got rjndy for tomorrow.
so they have postponed tho exercises
ono week. Tuis dav lus been cele-
brated for many voars. and is both in
spiring nnd instructive, The churches
are decorated with flowers and foliage
plains, and sometimes swoet singing
birds are brought into the sanctuary,
giving nil present a vivid impression
that the winter is past, the flowers ap
pear upon the earth, the time of the
singing of birds is come." The service
is wholly given to the children. They
recite, sing and pray. The churches
aro well filled on those occasions, which
aro signs of tho present activity of
Chris'.ion workers and n prophecy of
the fntnre,
The following is a partial list of tho
churches that will celebrate Floral
Sunday, or Children's Day, tomorrow:
In Providence Prsibyteriaa church nt
10 00 a.m., Christian church at 7 p.m..
Welsh Baptist church at 0 p. tn., Puri
tan Congregational church at 2 and 7
l . m , Methodist Episcopal church at
10 lit) a.m. In Oreen Ridge Presby
terian church at 7 p.m., address by E
IS Sturges; Baptist church at 7 p.m.,
Asbary Methodist Episcopal church at
i') p in. ; also in mrst Presbyterian
church at 10 80 a.m., in Cedar Avenno
Methodist Episcopal church nt 10.IIO a.
m,, Washburn Stroet Frosbyterinu
church at 10 DO a.m.
Special sorvieo of song at tho Providence
rresDyterian church tomorrow evomug.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Cedar
avenue Methodist Episcopal church will
rauau excursion to Lake Ariel ou the
Hod mst.
Next Friday the Ladies' Aid society of
tne rroviaence Presbyterian church will
hold a strawberry social iu tho parlor of
tne ciiurcn.
Rev. V. fl. Witchmore, D. D., modern-
tor of tho Presbyterian general assembly
win preacn on cne two nrst Sundays iu
July nt tho iust Presbyterian church.
j ho Sunday school of tho draco Re-
tormeil church will hold its annual picnic
ou the jnth inst. at Lake Ariel. Suporin
tendent V. T. llackett has the affair in
Preachers generally deliver Memorial
day sermons, but Rev. W. G. Watkins
preached last Sunday on "Echoes o Mem
orial Day," which delighted a largo aud
Rev. A. F. Chnffoe, of tho Asbury Moth
odist Episcopal church and R v. W. J
Ford, of tho Green Ridgo baptist church,
will preach to children at tomorrow
morning s service.
Rev. W. (. Watkins will preach, at to
morrow- mornings servic ', a sermon o,i
"Educational crk Among the Hapti
uenoroination m tne state." a collection
will bo tuken for the work nt tho same ser
A very beautiful stained glass wiudow,
containing a life size figure of St. Luke,
has been placed in Sc David's church, by
Walter Dawson, at a memorial (o his
wife, who died a few years ago in Lou
don, England.
Edward Jones and family, of Provi
dence, have resolved to move to Atlantic
CltV. Mr. Jones and family were active
workers in the Welsh Baptist church, and
tho pastor and nuinb rs are vorv sorrv to
lose such ellicieut. workers iu all Christian
Tho Sunday school of the Second Pres
Dyterian church, together with its two
mission schools ou Ad mis avenue nnd
West Lackau anna avenue, resnectivelv.
will hold its annual picnic at F.irview on
thuSi'rh inst. A. E. Williams is busy com
pletl ig arrangements.
who or tne rising singers of our citv is
Miss Plioohe Smith, who has been ongaired
tosingatlhe North .Main Avenue Baptist
cnurcn. sue is oniv IS vsars or ass bnt
nil who have heard her sinninir sav it is
wonderful; the compass of her voice and
Ita quality never cease to nrouso theadmi
ratlon of the hearer.
A self-supporting klndemartan will
soon be start. si m tho Siindsy school room
of the St. David's church. Many people
have already promised to send their child
ren. The location is good and tho West
Side will bo able to furnish more scholars
than the room can accommodate. The
work will soon be made known in all its
Last Wednesday oveninc the Puritan
church, of Providence, was crowded. The
attraction was a wedding, whenT, Foulltes
and Miss Maggie Thomas were married liv
Rev. D. A. Evans, and Miss Annie lliw
presided nt llie organ. Judcinir from tho
crowd, a marriage ceremony is more at-
1 1 active than theelcquonco of tho ordiunry
cxt Tuesday, tho Diocesan convention
of Central Pennsylvania, will convene at
St. James church, Lancaster, this state,
and i he clergy of tho Episcopal chnrche,
of tho city expect to attend. Bishop Howe
is 81 years old and has gono to his summor
home in Rhode bland and will not be
present. Assistant Bishop Rulisou will
1 i e.-ide.
The people of the Tark Place Methodist.
Episcopal church have expended hundreds
of dollars in renovating the parsonage.
Tho exterior Is being painted, tho interior
papered nnd varnished, new enroots laid
and two bedrooms nnd tho parlors Imve
been elegantly furnished. The expendit
ure l.ns made the Darsonace most comfort
able and inviting. We doubt not but this
enterprising congregation will also put in
a furnace to heat it before the winter
sets iu.
Rev. R. S. Jones. D. I)., of Providence.
and Rev. D. Jones, of Hyde Park, will ex
change pulpils tomorrow morning.
Rev. Riciiaid Hiorns will conduct ser
vices at the Brace Reformed Enisrtonal
church tomorrow, both morning aud even
ing. Rev. D. W. Skelllnger left yesterday
morning for Plainlield, N. J., to olliciato
at a friend's funeial. lie will return this
Rev. D. M. Kinder left last Mondnv for
Wayne county, where he spent the woelc
in fishing and preaching, lie will return
iiome lociay.
Rev. George E. Uuild. Rev. W. fi Par.
trldgo and Rev. Father Daw wont with
tho Homo of tho Fi iondloss oxenruion tn
Binghamton lat Thursday.
Rev. T. J. Collins and famllv will lonvn
Tuesday next for West Virginia. He
will be gono about two weoks, but his
family will remain there for about six
Rov. W. O. Watkins emoctR tn inum
next Thursday for Bucknell university, in
Lewinburg, to attend the commencement
exorcises, He will return to his charge the
following week.
Rev. P. R. IIawxIiurst,H.D., of the Park
Place Methodist Episcopal church, is ef
fecting mnnv rhnntTAB in tho Rurronndinfrn
of the church, which greatly improve the
niieruai appearance.
BOV. , L. Alricli and R. II. Frear left
lust Tuesday to attend the conference of
the Reformed Episcopal churches of the
i. lined States, held in Chicago. Both
gentlemen are oxpocted home noxt week
Kev. and .Mrs. M. D. Fuller have spent
tho woek in New York city, welcoming
home their son-in-law aud daughtor. Dr.
and Mrs. Kay, who have spent two months
m Europe. Mr. Fuller will occupy his
puipit tomorrow.
Rov. T. J. Collins, of tho Scranton Stroet
Baptist church, will proach a sermon to-
inoirow evening on Judsou, a missionary
or Lurmah. A collection for foreign mis
sions will be taken in the same service. Iu
uio evening he will give a talk ou tho Na
tioual Baptist convoutiou.
Rev. D. C. Hmhou D n wont tn Potto.
town last Monday to preach a sormon at
the twenty-fifth anniversary of the pnstor
of tho Baptist church, whom ho ordained
a quarter of a century ngo. Ho preached
on tho same text, but it was not the same
sermon. Tho doctor has no barrel.
Rov. D. G. Evans, of Glnntaf, South
Wales, spent this week visiting friends in
the city, lie bas visited the far west and
in very nivorably impressed with uur
country, and tuny like it so well as to ro
turu and take charge of a church here.
No ono objects to the importation of this
kiud of labor.
Tho young people of tho Jackson Street
Baptist church will run nn excursion to
Mountain Park on the loth inst.
Today tho Sabbath schools of both the
St. David's and Good Shepherd churches
are spending tho day at Lake Ariel.
A meeting was hold nt tho Elm Park
church last evening to organize a union of
tuo cpwortli leaguoj of tho city and vicin
ity. The Luther leeema. of thn HoK- Trinitv
chinch, will celebrate its anniversary Juno
si, K. . Mewbaur is chairman of tho
committee in chargo.
Tne I'.pwoi th loarue nided hv tho La
dies; Aid society, of tho First German
church, wili givo a strawberry social next
"cuuesuay and Thursday evenings.
The Simpson league will reneat. tho Old
Folks' concert for the benollt of the Hamp
ton Street church on Fridav oveninc.
Juno 15, In tho Hampton Street church.
Rev. J. C. Laycock. of Dunniore. cave
an excellent exposition last evening of the
policy of tho Methodist Episcopal church
neioie me Hampton street church Kp
worth Leuguo.
The young men of tho Welsh Baptist
church of Providence Will give a social on
July a next. Isaac Williams, William
Thomas and George Davies have the ar
rangements iu hand.
Those who attended the Ep worth League
convention at Wilkes-Barre last Tuesday
and Wednesday report that they never
saw young people more earnest and en
thusiastic in Christian work.
The Young People's Society ot Christian
Endeavor of tho Providence Christian
church will givo an entertainment and so
cial on June Itl, John Drowno is president
ot tho work nnd is very nctive.
Tho Chi Upsilon society of young men
of the Washburn Street Presbyterian
church will run an excursion to Wator
lap ou June 'Js. The arrangements aro in
the hands of Wators and Eshleniau.
The Christian Endeavor society of tho
Green Ridge Presbyterian church will hold
their meeting tomorrow afternoon at 4 p.
m. in conjunction with tho Juniors, ou ac
count of Children's Day exorcises in the
evening at 7 p. m.
The vested choir of tho St. David's
chinch, under the leadership of John
Morris, is Increasing In numbers and
growing iu efficiency. The excellent mu
sic rendered by thorn partially accounts
for the increased attendance at Sunday
evening services.
Thn young people of both tho Puritan
t'ongrogatioual church and the Welsh liap
list church of Providence will conjoiutiv
run an excursion to Faiviow on July 14, A
very pleasant excursion was enjoy. al by
both these churches last year, and they
hope to get the sumo this year.
The following officers wore elootod nt
the semi-annual business meeting of the
Young People's Society 'hrit ian Endeav or
of tho Green Ridge Presbyterian church,
last Monday evening: President, Charles
Carr; vice president, (1 A. BigeloWi treas
urer, Hohart Haydn; secretary. Miss Aluo
Active preparations are being made by
the Epwortn league of tho Elm Park
church to hold its monthly meeting ou
Jane 2$. This is the last before disband
ing lor the summer month-, and every ef
fort is being made to m e it tho b ist of
the year. The cadets will give an exhibi
tion drill.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew, of the
St. David s church, i doing excellent, work.
Frank O. Jone is president, James smith
secretary and W. H. Thomns treasurer.
They meet every Tuesday evening for Bi
ble study, under the leadership of William
Coney, a lay reader. All young men,
whether members of the church or not,
aro cordially invited to attend.
On Juno 25 nnd 20 the state convention
of Luther leagues will meet nt Harri-burg.
This is tho first convention ever held, ami
young Christian workers ot the Lutheran
faith aro very onthusiasiic and expect
meetings rich in spiritual blessings, ftjv,
E. L. Millar, of our city, has been ono of
the most nctive iu organizing the Luther
league movent nt. and Is looking forward
with sanguine hopes to the first stnto con
The members of tho Junior lenguo of
the Elm Park church are preparing one of
the prettiest drills ever piesootod to the
The Guild Missionary band of the Provi
dence Prosbvtoiinn church will irive a
Tokio tea a week from next Monday even
ing, Miss Jonuis Zeigler has charge of
the work.
The King's Daughters of the Green
Ridge 1'rtsbyterinu church will bold a
paper social on the llthinst. This has
been postponed from the Nth inst. Mrs.
M. R. Kays is tho guide and counsellor of
the young girls.
Two classes under tho tuition of Mln
Nichols and .Miss Campbell, iu the Wash
burn Street Presbyterian Sunday school,
gave a very interesting entertainment last
evening. 1 lie proo.eous aro to ho given to
the building fund, and is tho first fruits of
tho children of the church.
A Boys' brigade has been organized in
the Grace Reformed church which iiuui
Ders twenty-three members. H. it. Lnth
ropo is enptaiu. Colonel Ezra Ripplo Is
the father of tho movement, and tho boys
havo caught somo ot bis enthusiasm. Tim
brigade meets every Monday evouing for
drill in tho renr of tho chinch.
The Junior Luther league of the Holy
Trinity church is doine good work under
tho guidance of Rev. E. L. Miller. They
are from 8 to 12 years of age an 1 aro able
lo conduct a very interesting service nn
hour long with very little aid from their
instructor. The principle upon which Mr.
Miller works is division of labor aud giv
ing each ono something to do.
Ciiuncii of CintisT. Scientist Snoocoi-
building, 511) Adams avenue. Bible lesson
nt 10:30 a. m. and church service nt 7:30 p.
m. G. W. Delano, of New York, speaker.
All nro welcome. Seats free.
W, Williams, pastor. Mornluz service
ut 10.30, and at which an opportunity for
infant baptism will be given. Young Peo
ple's Society of Christian Endeavor at
0.H0. All strangers welcome.
Elm Pahk Metiioiist Episcopal
OhuboH Rev. W. H. Pearea. naatar
Preaching 10.311 a. m. and 7.45 n. m. Morn.
ing subjeot, "The Greater Beauty;" even
ing, "The Christ Problem." Sunday Bchool
at 2 p. m. Enworth league at 11.30 d. m.
Evangelical Luthkhan Cntinnn n
North Scrauton, Short street, opposite
Park place public school. Pastor. H.
Branson Richards. Services at 10.30 a tn.
and 8 p. m. Sunday Bchool nt 1S.U0 d. in.
Fiust Pmsbytibiah CRUBOB Waah-
ington nvenue. Children's day exercises In
the morning, the Sabbath school uniting
with the congregation at 10.30 a. m. Special
singing aud a short sermon to the children
by tho pnstor. Thore will bo no Sunday
school Iu the afternoon. Preaching by the
pastor, Rov. Jumei McLeod, D. D., iu the
evening as usual.
Fiust Baptist Church -Pastor Collins
will preaoh Sabbath at 10.30 a. m. and
at 7.30 p. m. Morning, theme lessons
rrora the lire of Judsou. Communion fol
lowing. Evoning discourse will be a con
tinuation of the discourses on the Baptist
National anniversaries. Seats froe. All
Gkack Refobmeo Episcopal Cnurtcn
Morning prayer and sermon, 10.30 a. m.
Subjoct, "Walking with God." Evening
prayer and sermon at 7.30 p. in. Subject,
' The Balances." Sabbath school at the
closo of the morning service. Young
Peoplo's Socloty of Christian Endeavor
prayer meeting every Sunday evoning
nt (I 30 p. m. The Rev. Richard Hiorns
will proach next Sabbath.
Grkkn Rmc.B Baptist Cnuncn. Sermon
to tho children nt 10.30 a. in. Regular Sun
day school lesson will be omited. Exor
cise by the Sunday school nt 7 p. m. Chris
tian Endeavor prayer meeting at 2.3 0pm
Jackson Stiiicict Baptist Church To
morrow tho pastor will preach in the morn
ing ou tho tiioino. "Tho place of tho Holy
Spirit in the Economy of Salvation;" In
the evening, "The Lord's Supper, Its
Warrant and Significance." Preaching
at10.3l) a. m. nnd 0 p. m.; Sunday school at
2p. in.; prayer meeting at 9.30 a. m.; holy
communion in tho evening.
LlNDIN Street Temple Pentecost sor
vieo this evening at 7.30; confirm ntionser
vico tomorrow will begin at 11.30 a. in.
Conflrmants aro Rose Gal len. Anna Roos,
Nellio Roos, Emanuel Goodman, Simon
Penn Avenue Baptist Cnuncn Rev.
Warren G. Partridge, pastor. Sei vices at
10.30 a. m. aud 7.30 p. m. Subject in tho
morning, "The Conscionce." Iu tho evon
ing, "The Resurrection Body," the fourth
in the sories on "The Future Life." All
nro welcomo.
Saint luke's Cnuncn Rov. Roeors
Isruel rector. Third Suuday after Trinity:
Holy Communion, 8 a. in.; sorvice and ser
mon, 10.30 a. m. : Sunday school and Biblo
class, 2 30 p. m.; evening prayr and
sermon, 7.30 p. m. Nursery open nt 10 a.
m. at 325 Washington avenue, whero chil
dren will be kindly cared for while oar-
ents attend service.
Saint Luke's Dunmorb Missiov-Rev.
A. L. Urban in charge. Sunday school 3 p.
m.; evening prayer and sormon. 4 n. m.
Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church
Preaching by the nastor. Rov. L. C.
Floyd, Morning topic, "Children Brought
Into tho Sanctuary." Evening topic, "Tho
vv oiship of Uod." All seats free. Strang
ers welcome.
Second PitEHnvTERi ax Church Rov.
Charles E. Robinson, D. D., pastor. Ser
vices 10.80 a. m. and 7.30 p. m, Tho Rev.
narry w. i,uce will preach m the morn
ing. Iho pastor will preach in tho even
ing on "Is Death King or Servant." All
seats froe iu the evening. All welcomo at
an services.
3t. David's Church Corner Jackson
street and Bromlev nvenue. Rev. M H.
Mills, rector. Third Sunday after Trinitv.
Morning prayer nnd sermon at 10.30; even
ing prayer and sermon at 7.30; Sunday
school nt 2.30. Friday oveninc service at
.30. Scuts free.
Trinity Lutheran Church Adami
ayeuuc, comor Mulberry street. Rev. E. L
.Miller, pastor. S-rvices nt 10.30 a. m. and
30 p. m Iho serins of addresses on "Tho
Life of Daniel" will be continued at the
evening services. The pews are freo nnd
visiting Worshippers aro always welcome.
England," Rev. .1. G, Whitemore, pastor.
Preaching nt 10.30 n. m. Sunday school, 2
m. Kevival services, 7.45 p. in.
The Goon Shepherd Groen Ridge
street. Servicos, 8, 10.30, 12, (1.45, 7.30.
The time of Sunday school has bei n
changed from 2.S0 to 12 noon. All sent.-!
free. All welcome to all services.
Bcecham's nills are fni
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biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
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pation is the most frequent
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Book free; pills - ?xc. At
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eeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
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Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Manufactured at tho Wapwallopon Mills, Lu
lorno county Pa., and at Wil
mington, Dolawaru.
Genornl Agent for tho Wyoming District.
118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa,
Third National Dank lluilding,
TlfOH. FOUD. Plttston, Pa
JOHN B SMITH & SON: Plymonth. Pa.
K. W. MULLIGAN, WIlkeH-lWro. Pa.
Agents for the Kopauuo Chemioal Com
pany's High Explosives.
In 30 lo N dun hj I
Maalo Rm I
eay, una.r Kn.rtnty, DMBM Dy W" am c...l. I
I P-nltivo ortHil. .nl IIKI-buh b.W . illlittint.d Irom I
Illf.fcom pcopl. by mail Wh.n HotHpringii I
nd HimiryiVri, Qu Mniiln Hometlv Mil
porftiMly rar.. COOK IBMT CII., Cklauto, III. I
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, $200,000
SURPLUS, $250,000
foTm". t"l"k olr,r" depilfltorf vr
.1. I IS ' war""'" bv tl.elr, bunt
neiw anil n,(, v
Special MlaiiUoa given to ImtlneM ao
cuuuU. InUreil paid OB time deposit
WII.iM.fONN,'XI- r"l.lnt.
"KO I,'TL,N' VUe-ITe.ldent.
William ConnalL Goorca H. Cntlin,
Alfred Hand Jatnea Archbald, Henry
Be! In, Jr.. William X K.U,, Luthar
DKiTKii nam; to., loc'p. i opitui, i,ooo,ooo.
"A dollar Bated (j a dollar earned." ,
Thti Ln.liiV Sollil franca Ilongnln Klrl Ttnf
touliont delivered freo unyyihi re In the U.S., on
roccipiui (Joan, Money (irlcr,
or Puaeil Noto for l.r.o.
Kntifiii evnrv wnv thn hirtf.
fold In nil retail ilorea for
J.r.'J. Wo raaka this boot
our.olvpfl, tborpfoio wo gur.r-
niitcc Iho fit. iitih unA hm.
and If any ono in not pjatjaflod
wo win ri'iunii ma money
ornenaanoinerriair. Unurn
o or 1 oiiuoon Hanap,
widths V, I, K, i: BE.
bIzch 1 to 8 and half
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Dexter Shoe GOosStt
1 . . "SV.jt.
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The above brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants,
who will accept The Tribune flour coupon of 25 on eaoh one hundred pounds
of flour or GO on each bnrrol of flour.
6crnnt(.n-F. P. Prira, Witshlnaton avenuj I
Gold Mortal Brand.
Duninoro-F. P. Pries, Gold Modal Brand.
liunuioro-F. D. Uanluy. Superlative Brand.
ilyde Purk-t'srson & Davla, Washburn St.
Gold Medal Brand; J eph A. Mears, Msiu
avenue, Suporlativo Brand.
Green Kidgo-A.USponcor.Gold MedalBrand.
J. T. McUalo, Supnrlatlvo.
lVovidenee l'ennnr & Chappell N1 Main avo
nue, Superlative llraud;C. J tJillo,pi, W.
Markot stroet, Gold Modal Brand.
Olyphant Jninos Jordan, Bupirlativo Br.mJ.
PockvlUo Shaffer & K. isir Huperlntlvo.
Jermyn-C, O. 'Wliiters Co tiunoralntivn
Arcnlndd Jonos, S mpsnn A Co.. It.ilil Mertal.
Cat bondale 11. S. Clark, Gold Medal Brand.
Honosdale -I N. Fostor Si Co. Gold Modal.
Minooka M. H. Luvolla
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight, ounne for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
utruntANUAFTtnlJSING.uooilier. Address XERVK NKKIM'U., Masonic louiplo, CuiCAGO.lLb.
For Snle in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druffffist, cor. Washington
and Snruco Btroots.
Tbo great reinodr
i P t , cu ,;r rnV
LliFOKE mu trim USING,
for MS.OO. 1IB.
i-oi-Miiia UyO H. HARttls, Urunltt,
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M.iarl stsrr W
Bsfotu .nd Qw Palagi
consumption or In.nidty,
order we uivo a written
m7 . y- .it
IT ... ZJtlVLiIA
PKALMKDICINE 00.. CleveUud, Ohio. C7, "lr '"
Foraale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and
Spvuce Street, Scranton, l?a. "H
m m no
A Wei-Known Physician.Who,
Among Other Things, la
Noted for His Frankness.
No one ever heard Dr. E. Grower nM
tho phraie "I think'' In bia practice. The
doctor la ono of those frnuk, fearless, hon
Bt, positive men who never hesitate to
say yes or no, as the case may require.
1 can euro yon" r "I cannot euro yon,
fl his Invariable decision after examina
lion, nnd to this fact faot Is attributnhlB
bis Kmarkable record without failures,
lut it would be strange Indeed if tbo doc
tor were not a moro tban usually succeRS
fu practitioner. He has been surgeon-in-
I ,i. fT0 than ono or tl10 largest hos
' ','" c",ntry. was lately Demon
m a, or ' Phvmolofjy and Surgery at th
Medico-Cbirurgical College iS Philndol"
ph a, ha, boon elected an honorary in, m
horor the Medico-Chlrurgical Association.
0 K"idu.ite of tne University of Penn
Hylvauia. etc., and is si ill a close student.
A man with sueh a record could not full
r;nmVUCCe''i,fuJ Vbyncan under nny
circumstances, but when backed by
cautious, conservatlum in expression or
to use n more popular phrase, the '"bol
sure-you're-right-then-go-ahead" system,
it would he more than Btrauge if failurs
vvertook him.
You can consult Dr. Grower any day at
Rooms 5 and 0,
Temple Court Building
from ! a.m. till 11p.m. Consultations froe.
Those suffering from Nervous Disease
are guaranteed a cure. Tor such tbero is
tho i huoring word "Yea," an failure is un
known in tho doctor's troattnenU
For Delicacy,
For purity, and for improvement of the corn
plcxion, nothing equals Pozzoni's Powder.
iom lJK 1. Tribune, Aou.l, WSJ.
The Flour
"Cihcaoo, Oct 31. Fhe first official
annonncement of World's Fair dU
plomas on flour bas been made. A
medal bas been awarded by the
World's Fair judces to the flour manu
factured by tho Washburn, Crosby Co,
in tho great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
the flour strong and pure, and entitles
it to nink as first-class patent flour foe
family and bakers' use."
Taylor Judgo & Co., Gold Medal; Athertos
& Co., Superlative.
Duryen Lawrouco Store Co.. Gold ModaL
Moosic John McOindln, Gold MedaL
Pittston- M. W. O'Boyle, Gold Modal.
Clin k's Green-Fraco & Parker, Suporlatlva.
Clark's Summit - F. M. Youuir, Gold Modal.
Dalton-S. E. Finn & Son, Gold Modal Brand.
NiehuUon-J. E. Hnrdinx.
Waverly-M. V . Bliss ii Son, Gold MednL
Fnetnryville Charles Gardner, Gold Medal.
Hopbottom N. M. Finn 4 Son, Gold Medal
Tobyhnnna-Tobyhauna & Lettlirh Lumbjr
Co.. Cold Modal Brand.
Oouldsborn-8 A. Adams. Gold Molal Brand,
Moseow Uule & Clnnients, Gold Medal.
Luke Ariel-James A. Bert rev. Gold Medal
Forest City-J. L. Morgan & Co., Gold Medl
& Connell
Thii waaaifffal trntdj
.nlCO'l lurura all n.rtnn. rila.
R 00.
pskos. such ss Weak Memory, Loss of II mln 1'uwpr. I leaitnclie, Wake fulness,
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lu lieiieratlvo organs of either sei pa nspil by nvureioriliiii.yonlhfiilrrrora.
eippsslvo mo of tobacco, opium arstimulnnts, wblcb lend to In lino it v. Con.
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. p- l ., ' -' """'''iii'ii aim nil nei vousi useases nf
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M Mpntal Worry.oicpssivo use of Tobacco orlbiluin nblV Ii ., SKSi
7 rami UOD uml InsanltT With every .i tmTaMriliaMa.
for nervous prostration and nil nervous diseases of
aIUT1"ii ilr.-M i.V a 1 . .7J. ... E!L I'M' ijyoa
l7 I'ano Avaaoa. wales
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' SSStJl 1 IS'l . ?" with Wr.ITTltN
T:.''fi?.75,?,iW' m .uhsi ,w.
.ih, per box 'by msll"f, be,, .'. f r' t .
auaiantee to nir..r r.,r.,.i .1.1.. Iln cT'.r.vW