T1JJ5 BUBANTON lUEBUITB HATUBDAY MLMiJNlJVU. JUWJS , li4. BA STATE LEAGUf. The following tnble gives tha psr ci?ntiiKs of tho clubs, toaethsr with the nnmbor of ?amng won and lost by each, and their standing in the clmm piunship race: Won. Lost. Per Ct. I'nrrisburR SI T .750 Alleutown u U .OT Hsilstoo 15 10 .wo K-ntlint' U 14 -4lil Beranton 11 M .M .Itooua 10 10 .886 Pottsville M .:'- Eautou 0 14 ,800 BOBKDULB FOB TODAY, Beranton at Enstou. Harrisbarg at PottsvlHs, Altoooa nt Beading; Hasletonat Ailontown. OAMES PLAYED YKSTl'.ItDAY. At Allentown Alleutown. 1 0000100804 Uazl.iton.,.0 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 1-5 Hit Allentown, (i; HaalstOO, JO. Er rors Allentown, ."; Hasleton, 4. Batter in Kilroy, Douohuo and Kelly; Jordan and Hharp, At PottSVille- rottsvillo 1 112 0 10 10-7 linrribur. ..1 0000000 01 HittS Pottsville, 10) H'irrisburg, 3. Er-rorsr-Ppttsville, r; Harrisburg. :i. Jitter i":i Wilsou nud Digging; Bprogs) nd WVnte. At Heading Beading 0 o 3 o o 0 o o 1-4 Alt..onii 0 1000000 0-1 (IltS Btadlng, 4: Altoona, 4. Errors Beading, 2i Alumna, 4. Batterlss Bbosdi and Boodhark West and Cote. Umpire Mitcttall. NAllONfiL LEAGUE. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 1 0000000 12 Pittsburg 0 1 0 0 0 0 V 0 01 nita Brooklyn, fi;' Pittsburg, (I. Er rora Brooklyn, 1; Pittsburg, ;. Batteries Kennedy and Kinslow; EUret nud Mack. Umpire McQaald. At New York New York.,.,0 0300000 x-8 (Jbicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Hits New York, 0: Chicago, 3. Errors New York, ;i; Chicago, 1. Batteries liusie and Parrel); lIcQIU and Kltt roitgo. u mplre Swartwood. At Eootou Bo-ton 0 0 0 2 1 0 7 2 012 St. Louis 0 01008 2 0 00 Hits Boston, 17; Kt. Louis, 0. Errors Boston, 0: tit. Louia, 4. Batteries Btsvettft and Qanzel; Clurkson aud Buck ley. Umpire Einslle. At Philadelphia Philadelphia. .0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ,0 0- 1 Cleveland ... .1 o 1 0 0 0 0 2 x- I Hilt Philadelphia, 5; Cleveland, II. Errors-Philadelphia, 0; Cleveland, 3. Battorlea Weyning and Clements and Uradyi Young and Zimmer, Empire Wag'. At Baltimore Baltimore l 5 0 0 4 0 3 1 o-u I. nisvilla 0 0 0 0 l l o 0 o- 2 Hits Baltimore 17: Louisville, 11. Er rorsBaltimore, 2; Louisville, 2. Bat-teriea-Hawlta and Bobtnsoni Strnttua aud Carlo, Umpire Lynob, At a ihington v : shington ..0 0 8 8 0 8 0 0 19 Cincinnati 2 2000001 10 Elts Washington, 13; Cincinnati, 1-!. Errors Washington, 1; Cincinnati, o. Battcric3 Eiper and McGnlre; Dwyor, taurphyand Vaughn, Umpire Hurst, EASTERN LEAGUE. Wilkea-Barre. 10s Springfield, 7. 1'ioviJencc, 18) Biiignajnton, 2. 'J rev. 7; Buffalo, (I. ST. THOMAS' CLUB WON. D'leat'id High School Plavers In ar. In tertotlne Con-.ost. An interesting game of ball was rilayetl on tbe James Roys' grounds nt Trie Brook yesterday afternoon be tween the St Thomas college and Hiiro. Behool otabs of the city. Tho lorrae.r won hecir.se of snperior battery work nucl all 'round playing. Gibbon, of the college oinb, did some olover work 111 the box, and Hyron, of the Ili'u Behool team, laado a BeniA tiorml catch of a fonl fly that olectri fled th audience. The score: h:qh school. ii. ii. o a a. Kiplo, bf.,1 0 ii 0 Byrou, db.S '-' 3 0 1 Mu"or, e..U 1 ii n 0 ST. THOMAS. B II O. A. v.. Lynott.lb. 0 3 0 0 M'U.v'u.lfV; 2 0 0 0 Cnalck, is.8 laio Hart. O....S 0 2 0 lard. '.!1.0 It 5 2 I Vlor, it... I l o i o Ruddy, So.O 2 ) MITr.ifb.pi J :i n o iliijg.ui.il. 1 1 II 0 u 1. 1 BV8b,pl u 0 i o .:. ml 'n.lf.l o i u n Keiioy, lb. I U'n'u e.Ub l ii Wma'ro.O 1 n o Wtlk'r.rf.0 ii a BVi'kl.m.U 1) 1 i) Owens, p.. 0 0 l 2 a To ut..; a u iu ;l 1 1 rtrl...l2 8 If 7 1 ll gh BshcoL 2 l son-e Bl. ThohlM I 1 0 7 x-12 Two-raas hit-Ouslck. Stolen bases -Ly- nut. Hart 2, MoBowan 2, Cuatek. Double plays-Ouslck to Iifnott to Boland to hart. on Ufclll-By i.ilibons. mitm. 1; Oena, 3. Paasod balU-Hart, l; Uosar, :i. boft on baso Ooltece, 3; lliuh Ki'UodI, 8, niree-base hn Oibboaa SacrUlce h ta- Ly nott,Wier. Home runs Cnalclt Struck out OuraajLg. ii:ni, 1.00, Umpires-Fitagwald, JameraoUi TROUBLES MAY BE HEARD IN COURT. I'np'-rs Made Out lor a Writ of Quo Warranto. Today the internecine struggle going on in the .'jcranton Bao Hall asaocia tlon will lie brought to the attention of tho court by an apiilicatlon thnt will he made by Attorneys Watson and Zim merman for permission to file papers i.sking that a writ of quo warranto be issued to restrain the directors elected last Tuesday night from acting. On S-pt. 9 last the Scranton Base Hall aseociation met and elected a bord of directors for one year consist ing of W. A,, St. John, James H.Davitt, Martin J, Swift, A. L. Martin and W. ,T. Kobb. That board of directors con tinned to act until last Tuesday night when n meeting of the stockholders was held aud it was decided to aboliih the weekly moeting and vast the active control of the club in a board of man aging directors who should meet weekly, tho association thereafter to meet once n month, when tho board of directors would make a report to it. Tho new board of directors consists of W. A. St. John, 'William Bitts, E. Ii. Robinson, Patrick Jorduu, jr., uud Alexander McKee. A. L. Martin, one of the direotors whom tho uctiou Tuesday night left ont in the cold, was incensed when he learned what had been done and yester day be formally notified President St. John that he is a member of the legal ly elected board of directors and pro poses to vxeroise tha duties of his ufQce nntll his term expires, Sept. 9 next Mr. St. John told Mr. Martin that ho would recognize ns tho board id directors the gentlemen elected last Tu'sday, and Mr. Martin intimated that ho would not if law and justice t to be i'ouud on tap anywhere in the infant county of Lackawanna. He inimeiiiatoly held a conference with Attorney Watson & Zimmerman and papers asking that a writ of quo warranto issue wore drawn up und signed by Mr. Martin. They sot forth fhnt on June 5, nt a meeting illegally called, tun rights of the legal direotors were usurped and conlrol of the prop erly uud moneys of tho association Ittrmd over to r.n illegally elected board of directors, which still con tinues to Dxaralaa tho duties and Drivi- legei ot a board of directors. iuao papers it was the Intontlon to bring to the attention of tho court this morning, but late last night it was r ported luat auccssiul efforts had been m :de to cattle tho differences of tha stockholders. Mr. Martin said yesterday that tho new board of directors was the remit of adeslra on tho putt of President !-'t John to get a board of directors farorabla to Manager Sv.ift, who has not given ontire sMlsfautiou to all of the stockholders siuos the hu.isjii opened. EASTON IS IN SHAPE AGAIN. It Will Enirairo Scranton in a Game Th'.9 Aftomoon. The Enstou Bso Ball club has re organized, and a dispatch reosi ved in this city yesterdav from H. H. Diddlo btaJU notified the t5ranto:i club to re port at Eastou this aftoruoou for a gama, and to take Larry Ketriok along to umpiro tho game. The club did not return to this city from Allentown and will proceed to E'stou today. Hodson will pitch. Flanagban and Doran returned to tho city yeeterduy afternoon from Alleu town a;i their service will not be needed today. Doran has been unwell since he went away on the trip. - n OUR WHEELMEN WON. Whits Finishes Scoond and Oriaorv Third at the Oneontii Meat. TheNew York state oircuit meet of the League of American Wheelmen at Oneonta Thursday was interesting to Scrantoniaus because of the participa tion in it of two Clr'ion Ridge wheel men who aro well known because of their expert riding. One of theao was it. V. White, who came in second in tho half-mile novice; time, 1.21 4 5; and the other was It. A. Gregory, the champion of fsvo comities, with n reo ord oi 2 27, who finished third in atwo mile handicap; time, 5.30, White's prize was a handsome pair of j,-old cuff buttons and Gregory's a beautiful solid silver water pitc'ier, Gregory's failure to come in better was duo to the fact that in the handicap better racers than he were given an advantage in the start. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. 'iho Wilkea-Barra club objects to the nppila'.ion ''Babies" which the papers in the Kastern league cities apply to it. Little Potatoes Hard to Peel challenge any ball club under 13 years of a ge, F. Jiuutsnian. captain. Answer through Tiu Tbibdnb, The St. 'i'homas College club will play a league game with the club from Ko. 311 school at 10 o'clock thia moruiug, on the .lames Hoys' grounds. Beranton claims t have an eTr of fl.ilUU fur Bogan, their center holder. Hogan is sorely a prise for any team if be IS able to continue his good work In faster company. Ho has excellent j:iii- mout in picking out good bulls and then hits thorn hard, while there is no gainsay ing the fact that he i:i a strong outlioldor and covers lots of ground. Wilkes-Barre Record, The Wyoming Snminary and the Young Men's Christian Association teams will cicss bat-i today at the B.ir-o Lall park, i lame cidbd at 4 o"clotk. The players tot the wmiuary will ho QendelL b. ; Conlilin, 3b.: Dorris, c; Finn, ss.j Corcoran, lb.; McCarthy, p.; Doran, If.; Byioer. rf.; Doran, ci. Tho Young Men's Christian Association team Is Mylott. Hoffner, Hit ti nbender, Snrilam. Davin, Brooks, Owens, Allen, (lilleric, Keese. White, l'osner. Doth elnbt are among the strongest in tho statu aud a good game will be witnessed, Ladies will bo admitted free, A baseball nipper will bo served at the Yonng Men's Christian association iu the evening for 35 cents, proceeds to go toward getting new suits for the tenm. Tho Young Men's Christian Association team will play the Wyoming team a return game next Wed nesday iu Kingston; FOR THE BICYCLE RIDERS. tho Scranton Bicycle clnb and Vc9t Knd club, of W'ilkes-Uarre, believing that 1 ar inony means snccOHS, have combined their efforts to promote interest aud nttract wheelmen to their two great meets, and are working together tor mutual benefit, virtually consoUdating the two events. Wllkes-Bsrre will do the houorn on July 8 and 8, and the widespread hospitality that Scranton on joys will bo experiences on the plorioui Fourth. As WllKtS-BSTte boldl the stiito meet, Olnbs from all over will participate aud bpoud the Fourth at Scran ton. In f set several prominent clubi have made k:.ovn their intention to do this und arrangements are being made for their en tertaiumsnt The championship events have been decided between the two cities, u iikos-barra securing the quarter and half mile events anil Scranton the one mile. Tho interval will indeed bo a gala day for 'cyclists and all who have not for gotten the last btato meet will recollect what an enjoyable time was hud. Iutorvst in tho approaching tournament ot tu Beranton Bicycle club, to ha helu at thp I'rivii'g park on July 4, continues un abated. Tbis will bo tho twelfth annnul meet of the Scranton club, which is one of the most popular organizations iu the city. Since it wus formed it, has been foremoiit among those societies thut take prido in the progress of the Electric City. The club's hnudaomo houio on Washington avenue is a guarantto of what tho institu tion will do in its yearo of growing suc cess. The coming tournament will attract to the city some of the nest known knights of the Wbeel in the couutiy, aud Scranton W ill not ho behind iu tho mutter of rec ords, eithor. Evory evening tho park is rowded with 'member of the Green Ridge and Scranton cluh.i, who practice With tho hope of making their mark ou July 4. Lust evening Gardner, Oil more and W inaus of tho Scranton club and White of the Green Ridge club were out with their trainers aud made very creditable spurts. Some one of thciiu will be a credit to the city by winning ouo of more of the chief prtzen, which are diamonds. Another feature of the meet will be the tierforiu anco oi George Taylor, who is looked upon by many well posted wheelmen as a pos sible cbauipion. lie will ride a milo with pace maKers for a track record of 8:19 or uuder uud a special prize is offered in this case ot u ono huudred dollar diamond. SPORTS OF ALL KINDS. P. C. Connolly, of Greenwood, hai pur chased n new trotting mare of Haind toninn breed with a record of '1. 15. She will be shipped ilo tho Fleetwood park, New York, and entered iu the coming summer races. The Mlnooka 8norting clnb has about twenty new members to their club, which makes them about lifty strong. The race between Joyce, ot Miuooka, audJUcLough liu, of Taylor, will take place on July 4, at tho Driving park, for $100 a aide, Tho annual field day sports of tho Excel sior Athletic cluli of this city will take place on Aug. X8 in Central Park gardeu unless it should bo hereafter decided to abandon tho Hold day exercises this year and run an excursion to Now York city in stead. A rowing club has been organizod by a number of young meu of Ureeuwood. George Doud has been elected enptaio, Unvo Lovrlng is leading onrsuian and Fred ilolleuback is bout inspector. Tho club is making preparations to hold n regatta soou. a now 8:i-foot shell has been or dered for tho crew. The Wyanfldttn Gun club, of Bethlehem, and the John F.Weilor Gun club, of Allon town, linvo been iu conference with refer ence to stockiug Eehl(;hand Northampton counties with Euglish. pheasants. It wan decided to proceed aud to invito tho co operation of sportsmen iu Baston, C'nt"su qna, Btnaus, Hath Hanger, Wind Cp, DillingerbVille uud other local towns. OLD PEOPL OF Hi fllUC Streets of Scranton Show Many Examples. Aged Faces, Nervous Movements of Young Women, The Driving Pace of Work and Pleasure. Revival of the Old Idea! Health and Strength. of Vigor Thai Comes from the Proper Course. Yonng folks inusl have strength, above everything. This good, (dd-fushioned belief is taking arm hold. it ia no longer fashionable evon for "dudes" and 'avrells" to he pale, thin, sickly. Among young ladi, s, too, tho languor and nervous timiditv at one time thought "interestin;;" has givon place to a dfsire of ru Idy cheeks, strength of body, a firm, transparent skin, and clear, well opened eyes. Young men and young women in Scranton are taking Puine's celery com pound. Parents recommend it from long ex perience: physicians prescribe it where purer blood and stronger nerves are urjeutly needed. Growing girla, colorless, bloodless, nervous, thiu, lind a quick gain in weight, clearness of sliin.and strength. Tired, weak, sickly womon, who look like hospital phantoms, get rid of dis stn saing nervousness, neuralgia, rheu matism, and ' fagged out" feelings by taking this marvelous blood and nerve remedy in the oariy summer. Dyspeptics should now take courage. The achievements of modarn medical Bcitmoe have placed new and wonder ful resources in the hands of of medi cine and replaced the necessity for drugs. Paine celery compound makes j ure, sturdy blool that readies every liny muscle nnd nerve-fiber iu tho body, and builds up strong, healthy tissues and drives ont diseases from heart, kidneys and stomach. Tired women get strength from Paine's celery compound. Business men, brain worlcre, and coustant in-door dwellers gecuro in creased appetite and a more complete digestion and assimilation from this groat strengthener and invigorator. Paine's celery compound means n re turn to eound health, a tilling ont of the thin body with firm ihsb, bright oyos, red, pure blood, nnd quiet, healthy uervo to thousands of anxioti sickly men and womon, who are plaiuly losing strength aud hope every day. Paine's cslery compound cures di senses of the uervps nnd blood nnd the worst disorders of the liver, kidneys, nnd stomach, where everything else fails. Paiiii.'e celery compound is to the nick better than a vacation in June and both are good. An Tru at OonpiL Washington rost. The bo;t typo of Americnu citizocship is found iu the man who respects and obeys tho law. TUB nr.i.;Ku symptoms of dyspepsia, snob ns distress after eating, heartbnru nud occasional headaches, idiould not bo neglected. Take Hood's fcarsaparilla if you wioh to be cured. Hood's PILLS cure all liver ills, bilious ness, jaundice, indigeition, sick head ache. Han used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for croup nnd colds, and declare it a positive cure Contributed by Wm. Kay, 070 i'ly mouth avenue, Huffalo, N. Y. ee Two Lives Savod. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., wn9 told by her doctors she had Con sumption and tbat there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's Nesv Dis covery completely cured her and she savs it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Egnors, 11 Florida St., Snn Francisco, buffered from a dreadlul cold, approaching Consumption, tried Without re-alt everything else then nought oue bottle oi Dr. King's New Dis covery nnd in two weeks was cured, lie is naturally thankful. It is such results of which these are examples, that prove the wonderful efllcacyof this mediciue in Coughs and iColda. Free trial! bottlm at Matthew ! Bros,, Drug store. Regular size 50. und II, Special Notices. '1-0 W HO M IT iiAY'cO N (JEltNAI Jh J persona are warned that H. L. Morgan, who has been selling lots on what is com monly called 'Tin' Bwetawd Estate" in Hyde Park, has beon relieved of any and all author ity to act as selling agent from May Bl, 1884, From that date all persons are notified to do no business with him on our Rocount. ROBERT T. PETTEBONE, For the Owners, rpo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ASAIX I Hie available lota on the Hv. etlond estate, commonly known as ''Gammon BUI," huvo boanaold, I cannot afford to wia'ii any more valuable time looking after Robert Petto bone's property. If. U MORGAN. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHIiETa. MAUA nines, u!-., bound or rebound nt The TntnuNB oiilco. yuick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT lit, corner Spruce struct and Franklin avo nua. Twenty mual tickets tor t'ii.6U. Good table board. Business Opportunities. T1TANTED A BUSINESS OOMVERl-A-VV tion Willi a young man who w.mts tU.000 la the year mis. and will lay Ike foun dation of such a fortune now nt a cost of If it doesnt snit yon, yoa need not pay a dime; hut unless vou moan husfnesi. please don't write. Address li. t, Tribune OMets legal. HASTATE or Martha Taylor, lit' of tint Vj Borough of Olynnant, Pa, deocsasd. Loiters ot adtntiu-itratlon upon tho nb)vo named ostate having been gran ted to the ui.derslgned all persona having ela insordo m.".nlti Hgainst said estate will present them for payment and those Indebted thereto will pleas make lounedlats payment to WILLAUL), WAKHKN ft KNAPP, Attnrueys for Kslete. JOHN TAYLOR, Aflmr., Olynhant, Pa. Charter Application. NfOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN TiTaTAN I applieatioii will bo made to IheQovernor of Pennsylvania ou Slondav, the second day of July. int. by Watts 0. Van Blarcom, W. Howard Withers, Edmund A. Hirtl, David Siiruks and Louie J. Siebecker, under the Act of Anembly, entitled "An act to provide for tho incorporation and regulation of eortaln e.orp .rations," npprovod April LH, 1S7I, ami tbe supplements thereto, for tho eharterof an Intended corporation to be called tlm Crescent Coal Mining Coinpany. tho clinrac ter aud oVeot of whleb Is the mining;, prepar ing for market and selling iinthrHi ito coal, a:.d fer these pnrposes to have, possess ami enjoy all the rlghfs, benefits and prlVlloifei of said Act of Assenilily and supplements thereto. PATTERSON & WILCOX, Solicitors, Lost. Li sT r n KKTBOOK 'c6n'tainujoa tan of money, batween Eighth and Fourth streets. Finder will receive reward by returning to JOHN WALSH, S'.'u Eynon at. UllB, A Word. Ifantsof all Mads cor.t that much, ea ttpt Situations a)itcd,which art insert Situations ItVanted. VUANTEU-YOl'NO MAN, 88, WANTH it light positloai has a knowledge ol shorthand and beekkoepinai good references if recpiirod. Ad irons A. W , this offloo. UrANTEl)-A MlUDl-ii AIIEl) WOMAN wants washing or scrubbing by tho dav. Address !il4 Knnnett street. i iitiiatii iv u-iiliHV A YOIINII D man Is yrarsold, as clerk or bookkeeper; plain writer and accurste at ligures Address Iv. It. W No. it Halo struct. SITUATION WANTED t S NURSE HRL P or light bousSWork, Address K. E., 140 N . FUnioro avenue, POSITION WANTIiL) AS liROt'EHY 1 eterlf u ill, f li.. lc. no ,,f wnrklnff an; no bad habits; can lurnisii good reference. Ad ilieisF. .'... box S4, Montrose, Pa. (SITUATION WANTED liv ONE WELL r r .M i i ii c WHO i. ' ' 1 r i (; . Hum ttuu wl ling to do any kind of work. .i . n. I riouno oince. Wanted. rANTED A UOoD 8IZED, SECOND handed saftt Address Lock Pox 1,0, Beranton. 4' ANTED TO BUY COMMON PK4EONS; s ill give 85 cents a pair. Call at room r, Prion Mill 1,11 n n, ISO Washington avenue, or a Idress letters to Post Oftleo Box 'AH, crsn- ton, l'.v Agents Wanted. MINERAL AGENTS WANTED-BELL " J lug new artiolss to dealers! exclusive territory, no competition, no capital reQtdredl 3 lei ;!ID per ft ut. profit. Columbia enemi es! Co., 6U DosrlMjm st .. Chicago, ill. 1I7ANTKD ?OB BCBANTI N AND NEAR by t iwks two good solicitors. Good po sition upon to tbe right parties, Apply to MONIES - JACKSON. 4 It Spruce street. Y,r ANTED MAN WITH LIFE AND FIRE VV Insurance experience as solicitor in Lackawanna county; good Inducements to right man. Ai'.urcu Lutt4N Bets building, 1 hiladelphia, Pa, Help Wantcd-Male. TIT ANTED Men to dtslrll ute elr niarssnd VV collect, name i Highest prices paid, In vestliate. MERCHANT A: CO., Merchants' HI It,-., l'hila. anti:d-ik yof a:h: a catholic V nnemployed and will work for sis per week, write MacOonncl Bros., 11 FranKlin street, Boston, Msas, W ANTED AN ENERGETIC MAN WITH tbnutfieo. Can get an agency which will pay S'i'ia Week and expense. A. A. BARNES, Conway House. Heio Wanted Females. ANTED - CilHL FOR UKNERAL houuework, No. b'i'S Elm street, Dun- f ADIES WHO WILL Do V. KITINH FOR j in" at thoir homej will makcitood wages. Reply with self-aildressed, otamped envelope, MISS MILDRED MILLER, South Bend, lurl Boarding. 'PWU NICE ROOMS WITH BOARD: I private family; for two gentlemen: er.i Olive stivct. CUMMER BOAKDINI l'ont RESPECT I ' able lvrsons Pud Hist class board with smaO family in large, airy house. Hot end cold baths. Free carriage to depot and cnurcn Tnree-quarters r a mile rrom sta tion. Healthy locality. Audi', as box U).Clarl.s' Bununlt. for ftent. 'J'O LET FOR A TERM OP YEARS X Part or all of threo hundreil foot of yard loom along rsdroaiL Apply at 240 Fraiikllu 'PO RENT-STORE 23x00 OR FURNISHED J. hall on Greou Ridge street. Verydsslra ole location and on reasonable terms. Apply toF. E. NETTLETON or O. S. WOODRUFF, Republican building. Tor Sale. ITm."cobb a k i : i v m ' t1 us "it orn'ino withaoar lesd.of driving horses, msk iug Ih.ny tbi ce in all. including general pur pose horses. 1H4 Raymond court. POTATOES FOR SALE -A CAR OF 1'OTA- X toes for sale in job lots at Jersey Central yard. W. Lackawanna live, P. te l. C:r, No. Mil I. OR SALE NEW BL'Ut.lES, SCRR1ES, J Phaetons. Carts, Store and Biifinei.i Wagons, Lumber Wagons, also second hand Buggies and Wagons cheap at M. T. KELLER'S Lackawauna Carriage Works, T70R SALE- CHEAP FOR " CASH, ' ieli I srres farm land u-ar Lake Ariel, ,m Erie end Wyoming road, l ine trout -tream through it. (good pro; erty tot sportinc cluo. Address W. W. CO RUIN, Oweo, TioM Co., N. Y. TOR BALE ROLL Top DESK AND J type iter cabin it lor sale, Room 4, Price building. lXU! SALE - TiiPRi'UGHl.Y EQUPPED V Photograph QaUe.y, Will sell at me half tbe valno on a count ol' other binin. as. Apply to D. K BRA.MAN, Forest City, Pa. fJOR BALE-AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME F 7 acres of hind, lino large house, mod. rn hnprovenents Easy dutancs from scran ton. Alto 7 desir hi' imililing lots in ions try, D. W, brown. Attv. bus Bpmoe street L-UR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SORAN A ton property A bearing orange ;;rovo increasing in production and value yearly in tbe orango section in Florida. Addros F. E. NETTLETON. Lake Helen. Fiorina Strayed, FROM PAST IRE N.'AU iJ Moses Taylor hospital, two-year-old hiofor, black and white, smit cu shoulder, wliito on miller part of body and on end of tail Reward for return or information that will find her. ,1011 N A. MEARS, C' rn-r Washington and Vine. Personal. a PRETTY JAPANESE j't. with an income of S:i0-i GIRL, AUK SI, OT month, wants to mnrrv a white man H'nd Rtamn for do-. tails. Acme Marriage Bureau, San Frauclsco. Great Of the Pomphrey & Morton Stock Is Now Going On, Great Slaughter of Prices in all Departments. Millinery, Ladies' Hats, Gents' Straw and Fur Hats, Clothing, etc., Almost Given Away. Dress Goods, Silks, White Goods, Muslins, Curtains, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Cloaks, Suits and Capes, Children's Reefers, Shirt Waists and Blouses. At prices yon never heard of in your life. Come early, before assortment is broken. GROSS, " FOSTER Sl CO. W" s -u v -w x J JJ llo y0U Weaf Cloves? Do you have trouble with the finger tips wearing out? It can be avoided. By buying the IsT tra . Bi snraa a a mm ratent Mnger lapped iisoves Black, Modes, Tans, Slates and Greys. PRICE 75c. and $1 They are sold with a guarantee ticket in each pair, en titling the customer to another pair free of charge in any case where the tips wear out before the gloves. Furniture Upholstered By the most NO THE Banking. KBPOHT OP THE CONDITION OF THE LACKAWANNA TKl'ST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY of 40t Laekawanns svenu", JScranton, Laek awaana county, Pennsylvania, at tho close ol huslnoss, Way SI, lsilt: BB80UR0E& Cash on hand $ 2S.44D 8 Checks aud other cash items M Hue from hanks and bankers 6HS88 l'-1 Conuierolal and other paper owned 3ij-,:io7 I'd Call loans upon collaterals Tl'M m Tune loan? upon collaterals 190,013 H Loans upon bonds snd mortungoe... 18,118 Investment I St ocks.honds. ) nccurltios & 8391,180 Wv 803,898 K1 owned, viz : iM'toniges.. IU.1U 03 1 Keal estate, furniture and fixtures, 81,784 BS Safo deposit vaults 30,iH 01) Overdrafts 101 ot 8806,7-m i) LIABILITIES. Capi'jd stock paid In 5450,001) 00 BurplttS fund 60,00(1 IX) Undivided profits, lesn expenses and taxos paid 81,270 71 Deposits subject to chock 584,070 87 Deposits special JS),W. 'Si Due to banks and hankers ,7o-i 15 Commercial snd other paper or so- cuiities pledged Nono Iiills payable None jt(i:K7t:i n Amount Trust Funds Invested 8 4l;.Vl M Amount Trust Funds uuiuvosted.... 2,088 73 8 fl,8 0 Report in detail ot nbovn nocurities lias bwn made to 0. U. KRUMBHAAB, Buporin teudent of Mankinft. as called for. sitato of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, sfl.: I, Henry J, Ar.dorsoii,vice-prcfct.of the ahove n lined coinpany, do solcmiily Bwcar that tho a iovo stateinont is true to tho host of my knowledge and belief. (Hiirnod) H. J. ANDEHSON, Vico-Prost. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 5th dav of June, IBM. (Sliried) F L. BITOllCOCX, Notary Public. Correci Atte'-l : -(Sib-nod; W SI. T- SSIITH, ) R. T. HLACK. Directors. OEO. SANDERSON, 1 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE SCRANTON SAV1NCS HANK AND TRUST COMPANY OK SCRANTON, No. 488 Lackawanna aveuus, of Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, nt the close of business, Slay ill, UMl UESOUT.CE3. Cash on hand J 98,081 S9 Checks and other cash itomu H,T;; i Due from banks and bankers (W.hsk jti Loons and disooanti S088BQ ;i Invsetmont I S;';,k'" l"A . Ownul, m.... ( ,.1..,;tH..j(i4ii,).i1,,j Real estate, (urnituro and fixtures. . 1,000 0) Overdrafts W (1,1 8570,016 40 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid iu g SO.Oifl 00 Surplus fund tVK 00 I'naivideii profits, less expenoos and taxes paid 10.41(1 lfl Deposits subject to chock 4it',4'.w) oil Time certificates of deposit, l,lu;t o." Dividends unpaid o mi $570,010 40 A report in detail of above securities has heen made to V. H. Kruinlihaar, superinten dent of banking, us called for. Stoto of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, ss.:-- I, A. 11. Christy, cashier of the above named bsnk. do solemnly swear that tho alsivo statement is true to the best 'of my knowledge and belief. (Slgfiid) A. II. CHRIS 1Y, Cashier. Subscribe '. and S'.rorn to lwforo ine this 4th daynf Juua IBM, CStBned) O. B, PARTRlDtiE, Notary Public. Correct Attest: (Signed! AUGUST BOBTNSON, L. A. WATREB, M. J. WILSON, Dlroctors. 209 experienced workmen in the city. FANCY PRICES. COB. LACKAWANNA AND ADAMS WRY HOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAE Solid Oak Bedroom isct ? We sell Furniture a3 cheap as any house iu the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull h Co 205 AED 207 NORWAY IEON BliACK DIAMOND KIIiVKR KTRA SrKCIAIi SANDERSON'S ENGLISH JESSOP'S ENGLISH CAST STEEL HOUSE SHOES TOE CALK 'HUE MACHINE!;? Sl'UINO BOW STEEL ANVILS BKLLOWS HOUSE NAII9 WILEY & nUSSEJLL AND WELLS BEOS. CUTTING MACHINEHY. Bittenbender & Co., Scranton, Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wafronmakers' and Blacksmiths' SUPPLIES. LOUIS B. SMITH Dealer in Choice Confections and Frnits. BEBAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. mrimnm inn nnn i m KINHN I II iK IKK 0 III lliUIUl 1VU V11JJXJ.UA ll 1437 Capouse Avenue, Sale WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. EDOINC CO AVENUE. MGMiliG m. WAOON WHEELS AXLES sriUNGS Huns oroKBS Hi MS STEEL SKEINS R. It. sriKEd SCREW I PARLOUS OPEN FROM 7 A.M. TO 11 P.M. J I'I'i MAI. A TT PVTIlW Al' i. NT HH. Ofn special attention given to sup- IPLYINO FAMILIES WITH ICE CREAM. WE'VE BEEN IIOUSECLEANING Giro ns a call and tell ns what you think of tho many changes aud improvements. Paper and paint havo wrought wonders, but A Brand New Stock And our new Cash System a done much moro that IS,, perhaps, of greater interest to you. Prices have dropped and qualities have have gone up. That's tho case in a nutshell, but you may want 1 more tangiblo proof of this. If so, 1 you'll lind it at the store. Look in our windows. FREEMAN, Cssh Dealer In Diamonds, Watchoi, JsweliT, 10. Cor. Penn Ays. and fpruce St. A Handsome Complexion Is ono of t !i" ivrontm t charms a woman can possess Possum's Complsxion Powdbb gives it. I t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers