THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MOKPTING, JUNE 8, 1894. MATCHLESS SHAW PIANOS. STELLE & SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AV. PIANOS WEliKB. SHAW, KMI.KKON, NKW ENGLAND FINEST LINE IN THE CITY POR THE PRICED, NEW AMI) SECOND HAM) ALL FKICES GOOD BREAD USE THE- And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR BALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Co, tEWARE CP COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS B. & Co, Imnrlnfpd an Fnoh Clonr. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. OUItT 11(11 M. MJI ll.L DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALIST. EYE. EAB, NOSB AXD THROAT. OFFICE HOURS: lEftffifk 35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL Mm. Fred f-'tevens ic visiting her parents at Foster Elinv Cohen, of Wilkes-Burro, is visiting frioud-i in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cnigar, of Hump ton street, have returned homo from a week's visit with friends at Sayro, Wnverly and Elmira. N. Y. Dr. Walter Reedy, for some time past ono of the resident physicians at Blocklny taoppitnl, Philadelphia, has returned to his home in this city. He intends to begin the practice of medicine here. By orders of his medUjal adviser, Walter Tripp, of North Main avenue, has beon compelled to return to San Diego, Cal., and accompanied by Mrs. Tripp lie left tho city by the l.stf p. m. Delaware, Lackawniina and Western yesterday. The following gernntoniana attonded the convention of the Epworth League of the Wyoming district, at Wilkes-Barre as delegates: Hampton Street Church league H. C. Ilinmnnii, A. W. Cooper, Mrs. B. Y. Ktone. Cedar avenue Misn Mama Oodriurri, Mrs. L. Price. Asbnry Miss Bertha Day, Ella B-mey, Nelli (Jardner, Mattie Potter, L. Grew. Park Place Kale F. Hralor, Mrs Lizzie Mills, Clara M. Viire. Mrs. J. P. SimpUius. Elm Park D. T. Yost. Colonel William S. Simpson, superin tendent of tho police department of Scran ton, was at the Uirard House yesterday en route to New York city. He entered the Union Army when a mere boy as a drummer and was one of the youngest musicians on tho field. Through bravo conduct he worked himsolf up to higher rank and served durlog the entiro war. In speaking of the tolic force of his city, he said: ''Scranton proudly boasts of having the most efficient body of men in the state. The number is not as large us some would imagine, being but fifty nil told, but their vlgilence, very materially nided by the well lighted streets of our city, seems to be sufficient for all emergencies, Scrantou h.iving the host system of eloctrlc lighting in the country Philadelphia Press. a pigeon flying match. It Will Take Placs at Oly pliant on Sat urday Afternoon. The Grassy Island limning club will release about seventeen carrier pigeons at ) yphaiit on Saturday aftornoon at tin new Delaware and Hndsou depot at 1 o'clock. The club consists of fif teen persons and lome of the finest birds in the country are owned by tlia members. , Regular monthly racei aro held, of which this is the fourth this season. Frank Donnelly is the president and William Gardner, secretary. Ccranton'a Business Interests. Thk Tribune will soon publish a core fully compiled and classified list of tho leading wliolosnle, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our pnbllc build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of loading citizens, No piniiUr work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scrauton's many indm tiies. It will bo an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons ontside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plau that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as woll us the city at large. Representatives of The Tbibuni will call upon those whose names are desired in this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in this edition will please have notice at the office. EendU & Wciii'i and Ballantine's Ales pre the b. nt. E. J. Walsh, Agent, 82 Lackawainau venue. ' organs e a A Foe to Dyspepsia O A FLOUR S OF WEST E Excursion of Robert Morris Lodge of Ivorites to Lake Ariel. VERY ENJOYABLE DAY SPENT William Hughes Burned and Injured by Flying Coal in the Hampton Mine Birthday Party of Frederick Boldry, of South Hyde ParkAvdnue. Thomas Watkins Had His Hand Crushed Other News Notes. The West Side office of the Scranton 1uiri:ne Is locatod at 1041) Jacksou street, where stihscriptious, advertisements ami communications will receive prompt at tention. Tho excursion of Robert Morris lodge, Older of American True Ivor ites, to Lake Arisl yesterday was a pro nounced snocess. At 8 3D o'clock a train of tiv cars bearing about 300 ex cursionists left the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad station and a success ful trip was made. The already beau tiful nnrroundings of tho lake have been greatly improved. The boat house, which before obstructed a full view of the lake, lias been rebuilt and placed wboro the marshes were on the western shore. Forty-eight new boats have been added as well as a handsomely bnilt steamer. The excursionists enjoyed themselves iniinousely. A uiise ball and alley bull game were played, which created much interest. In tho afternoon many of the men raced on foot. Two lur rely built meD, Patrick Taylor and Evan Williams, run a 100-yard dash, which Taylor won by about two feet. Hor atio T. Fellows, after winning races from Evuu Jones, Roger Davis and Gomer Jones, was beaten by Council man E. E. Robuthim, who proved him self the star runner of the occasion. Dr. 3. J. Roberts figured conspicu ously in the alley bill games. At C.30 o'clock the excursionists made the re turn trip, well satisfied with their day's enjoyment Hayes' orchestra furnished music for dancing. INJURED IN THE MINES. WillUm Hughes' Expxriono with a Prcmatur Explosion. William Hughes, a boarder at the home of Thomas Ltwil and family, of Academy street, was seriously injured y8terday mor:iiug wililo at work in the Hampton mines by a premature blast. Hughes bad lighted a fine, and be fore he had time to retire to a place of safety tho explosion occurred. His hands and face were badly burned and he also Buffers' from injuries received by being struck by pieces of living rock. A BIRTHDAY PARTY. Tendered to Frederick Boldry at Bis Home on Hyde Park Avenue. A very erj iviible event took place at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Boldry, on South Hyde Park avenue.on Wednesday, in houor of Mr. Bjldry's birthday. Many friends enjoyed a 5 o'clock tea followed by a progressivj euchre party of five tables. Much merriment was hud in tryiag to win the prizts. Refreshments were served and the party diip irted at a late hour wishing Mr. Boldry many happy returns of his birthday. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Dunlel William3, of North Sumnor avo nue, is ill. Mrs. William James, of Wilkes-Barre, wi s among friends on this side yesterduy. Miss Mudgo Wrigley, of Wyoming, is a guest at too noma or betu Wrigley, of Twelfth street. St. Dnvid's Episcopal church aud the Church of the Good Shepherd will run a joint excursion to Lake Ariol on June 9. Tho Scranton Field club has opened its tennis grounds on South Hyde Park ave nue. The grounds aro in fino condition. Thomss Watkins, of North Fillmore avenue, a young man employed at the Mt. Pleasant mines, was injured yestorday by having his hand crushed between cars. His injury is of a most painful nature. Tho newly organized Republican club Will meet this evening In the rooms of tho Hyde Park Free library when a name will be rhosen and reports of committees re ceived, An election of officers will take place. The Rov. J. C. Lescock, of Dunmore, will deliver an address upon "The Polity of the Methodist Episcopal Church" this evening before the Epworth league of the Hampton Street church. The business meeting of the league will begin at T.W) o'clock, the address at 8. All uro cordially invited to be preseut. Thero will be no admission fee. Gilt edged buttor. 20c. Clarke Bros. SHERIFF'S DEEDS ACKNOWLEDGED. Number of Property Conveyance Pro claimed in Court. Sheriff Fahey yesterday appeared in court and acknowledged tho following deeds: Lot in the Fifth ward in tho city of Scranton sold a tho property of Winnie Oleason to the West Side bank for $57.20. Lot In the Tenth ward of Scranton sold as the property of John Dieter to tho Lack awanna Building and Loan association for $01. Lot or land in tho Tenth ward, sold as the property of Jacob Hoffman to Horraau Osthuus tor $54. Lot iu the Fifteenth ward sold as the property of Moliuda V. House and E. H. Houso (or f(10. Lotiu the Eighteenth ward sold as prop, erty of Mariatua Dollmon, administratrix, to John 0. ZtirHieu for 87. Lot of land in the city of Scranton was sold as the property of James F. Foley to John P. Kelly tor $2,700. Lot in Carbondaie (Old as the property of Ann Jordan to Adilu E. Cutler for $40. Lot of land in Jefferson township sold us the property of L W. Stangenburg and George R. Doty to John T. Snook for $250. Land in North Abmgton sold as the property of John R. Bnggs to Nanoy It. Dean for $S3. Lot of land in Moyfield sold o-i tho prop erty of S. J. Matthews to William R. Mat thews for $101. Lot in Prioeburg sold ns the property of Michael Matyjewics to J. 8. Miller for $1,050. Lot in Pricuburg sold as the property of Marion L. Smith, administratrix, to tho German Building und Loan association for $60. Judge Archbald announced that oth er deeds would be acknowledged next Thursday. TRUCKS' QUIET TIME. Exoelslor Hook and Ladder Company Entertain Scranton Fireman. TheBinghamton Republican of Wed nesday says: "The members of the Ex celsior Hook and Ladder company en tertained twelve Scranton firemen with one of tbelr "quiet times" last evening. Tho guests were: Chief Engineer Fer ber, of. the Scranton fire department; Charles Miller, of the Scranton Hook and Ladder company; T. J. Jennings, James Moir, Peter Ross. Common Councllmen Robert Robinson and Pat rick Hickey, Clerk John P. Mabon of the common council, and Firemen J. Donnelly, J, F. Tavlor, J. J. Thomas, Philip Soanell and J. Durkin. President trunk Stewart presided over the "quiet time" witb his quiet smile which was apparently conta gious, for before they had been sitting there long every one was smiling. They seated themselves about tbe as sembly room on the second floor, aud l J. Jennings, of the Scranton Hook and Ladder company, presented the FAceUlors with a Handsome banner of blue and yellow silk. Th ground work of the front was blue und in the center was an oil painting of the Scranton Aerial truck. Au inscription denoting that the ban ner was the property of the Hook and Ladder company, No. 1. of Binglmm tou, N. Y , was on the frout io yellow letters. On the yellow drapery at the top was a group of ladders and hooks surmonnted by a fireman'? hat and ou the back was ''Presented to tha Ex celsior Hook and Ltdder company of Binglmmton on June 5, by the Scran ton Hook and Ladder company." Mr, Stewart replied and then they made a rule that every one must tell a story, sing n song or dance. That went all right for a little while bnt the minds of a few of those present soeni? d to be teeming over with stories. It was uu enjoyable evening for tho boys The guests from Scranton returned home on tlio 1 a. m. train. NORTH END. Death of Thomas Dunn, nf Rverson Avenue, at an Advance! Aire. Thomil II. Dunn diod at. his home on Ryerson avenue, Green Ridge, yester day morning ut the advanced u.;n of 75 years. Mr. Dunn was bom in England, but bad resided in tho United StAtes ever since he was 10 yenrs of age. Ho was engaged in farming at Dyberry. Wayne county, until last spring, when he cume to this city. He is survivud by n wife and the fol lowing children: B. F. Dunn, Fred H. Dunn, Jules A. Dunn and Mrs. Emma Godisli. Interment will be made at D berry ou Saturday. .RETURN OF DR. AND MRS. K4Y, Placss Which They Visited While in ths Old World Dr. Thomas W. Kay, who left Prov dence March 17, with Mrs. K ay, for a visit to Europo, was interviewed by a Tribune reporter soon after his return yesterday afternoon. The doctor sailed by tbe Kaiser Wilnelm II and visited the Azores, Ponta Delgardas, eaw tbe fortifications of Gibraltar, tbe Pillsr of Hercules, pussed through the lovely Riveriu in sight of Cannes, Nice and Modaco at G-onou. He visited the Cumpo Santa, tbe Holy bnriul ground which is covered with soil conveyed from Jerusulem, aud also saw there the birthplace of Columbus. At Pisa Dr. Kay saw the famous leuuiug tower. At Rome he uttendsd the griat medical congress attended by over 5,000 visiting physicians, and read a paper en titled. "Treatment of Throat in Diphtheria of Children." A gardeti party was given by tho king and quooti of Italy in honor of the members of the congress, and a reception in the even ing by the city authorities. Through Florence ho proceeded to Bologna and Venice and witnessed a celebration iu houor of the meeting of the king and queen of Italy und the Emperor and Empress of Germany. Proceeding on his tour Dr. Kay passed through Verona, which is famed tor its connection with the works of "the immorful bard,'' afterwurds to Milan, noted for its marble calhedr ;1 und the largest theater in tbe world, the Seeala. At Paris the grentest attraction was tbe Louvre the finest collection of art und untiqaitios iu tho world, and after a very pieasaut voyage across tbe chan nel oassed fourteen very enjoyable days in Loudon and much admirdd tbe rel ics of the British muieutn, especially the Portland vase, for which the Duke of Portland was off -red 1, 500,000. He returned ou the German vessel, the Spree, reaching Now York yesterday morning ut 8 a. m. ANOTHER LAND COMPANY. It Will Develop Territory Adjoining Ar lington Heights. The Anthracito Land company, with a capital of $30,000 has buen organize ! to develop that territory lying north and east of what is now known as Ar lington Heights. The now company has purchased eighteen acres of land from Jacob D.sitrick, which will be laid out in city lots and placed on the market. Iu conjunction with the adjoining terri tory, opened some time ago, it will be known as Arlington Heights. A meeting of the stockholders was held yesterday afternoon, but final steps toward electing a board of di rectors was deferred until today. Those interested in the n-w company aro J. W. Browning, J. George Ecsle, Spruks Brothers, L J. Siebecker, Mr. Woln shatik und others. NORTH END BRIEFS. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, of West Market s trout, are spending a few days in New York city. The annual moonlight excursion of H. A. Maco lodge, Brothorhoodof Locomotivo Engineors. of Ureeu Ridre, will be run to Lake Ariel ou Saturday evening, June 10. FORFEITED RECOGNIZANCES. Action to Recover Begun Yesterday In a Numbar of Oases. The countv solicitor. xJnda Kimnn yesterday begun actions to oollect fot- reneu recogtnz inces in me following cases: M il.-c I ,off im o.;anntf. nml hnffnrv surety; John Luckon. rraiiK morrow, larcony, $500, suroty; Mary Morrow. I'Ynnl; FIonrruhnnA mnliplnua $300, surety; George Yarns. renx oteintSKa, malicious mischief, $300, surety; Martin Woyshner. StHIlirilnil Kozol IlAiAilIt ami haltArv $100 surety, Martin Woyshnor. William watcnas, attempt at rape, $500 surety; John Luckon. Davnnoslcv. hnrnrlnrir ftqnn e,,i-A ety; Patrick Hunegan. ffTBUOU morrow, ourgiary, si, 000 surety: Mary Morrow. Bbadrack Lowis, desortion, $300 suroty; David iiowon. Frank Patonis, aggravated assault and battery, $200 surety; William Bronan. Powell Carpnlie, aggravated assault and battory, $200 surety; Joseph Hurlburt. Adam Pesko, sggrnvated assault and battery, $300 Btuoty: John D. Uboits. Charles Black, aggravert assault and battory, $300 surety; J. E. Ryad, security. Alexander Bromage, aggravated assault and battery, $200 surety; Adam Bpitzer. AMERICA ILLUSTRATED. By a new arrangement The Trib unk is enabiod to ofiV r its readers any one of tho twenty parts of the "America" portfolio for ten cents. All parts are i.ow ready. This is the finest collection of popular photogra phic views in print. Send stamps or cash. No coupon is necessary. NOTES SOUTH Little Child's Narrow Escape from Death on Cedar Avenue. LIFE SAVED BY THE ilTORlHAN Young Friends Celebrate the Birth day of Miss Lizzie McGill, of South Washington Avcnuo Those Who Were Present Scranton Athletic Club Will Parade on Saturday Night Minor Jottings of News. Yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock tho instant death of a little girl bv the streetcar on Cedar, near Alder street, was prevented only by the watchfulness ui tho motorman. The car was inward bound and moving tit about four miles an hour. There is a big lie ij) of building mutoriul close to the sidewalk on Cedar avenue in front of the now Robinson building. Several small uhildreu were at play behind the lumber, hid from the viwof the ap proaching car. Suddenly one of them sprang out und stood iu the middle of the track. She was so exalted in ber play that had the oar been going at even itn usual speed Bhe would not iiave noticed it aud her lira would huvo puld the psualty, The girl was not more than 0 years old. Fortunately Motorman Higgini applied the brakes with alacrity , and the child was ssve 1 from injnry. THEIR DAUGHT Si'5 BIRTHOAY. Mr. and Mrs. Meant Oive a Party in Honor cf tin Occaiios. List night there was assembled at tho home of Lizzie MaGill, of South Washington avenue, u merry group of young friends who came to spend t he evening iu honor of hr birthday. Miss McGill's parents provided u pleas ant manner of reception for their daughter's visitors. Many beautiful piesents wore bestowed, among which were a gold necklace ami a gold stick pin. The names nf those present aro: Misses Julia Gorman. Gnorgio Will iams, Mitmie ILffener, Mary Jovce, Lizzie Huissler, Mursella Cjr.-au, G.t tie Lee. Lena Kenny, Hannah Morris sey, Anna Fox, Mary Ganghau, Katie McGill, May McGill, E-isie McArthur, Katie Core, Annie RichardB, Sadie Morrissey, Lena Fox and Annie Tyr rell ; Charles Kramer, George Canning bam, John Henderson, Wiliie Poliskie, Jumes Kelley, Eugene Colemati, George McArthur, Willie McGill, Wulter Kramer. STREET PARADE OF ATELETES. Th Scranton Athljtio Club Will Adver tise Its Excursion In That Way. SaturJay evening, Juno 10, rain or shiue, with torchlights blazing nnd banners waving the Scranton Athletic club will parade tbe principal streets of tho South Side. Guth's full band will head the procession and there will be 100 members of tho club in line dressed out in white stove pipe hats and linen dnsters. The annual excursion nf the clnb will b run to Farview on Tuesday, June 19 Over a thousand tickets are sold and tho boys fuel satisfied that it the weather bureau deals kindly with them there will ho at least 5,000 on tho grounds on that date. SOUTH SIDE J UTINGS. Mrs. Coyno, of Minoonn, will be buried this afternoon at 3 o'clock iu Miuooka cemetery. John Hughes, of Cedar avenue, who was arrested for betraying Miss Mary McHule, of Pear street, yestorday made amends by marrying tho yonng lady. Tho Mozart yuartetto club held a moot ing last night and decided to attend the Leiderurauz picnic nt Coutral park next Monday. Tho club will sing some choice selections. Tho Contury Hose company's new team of blacltB are exercised ewry morning nlong Pittston avenue. Tho animals have already been trained to got under the har ness at the sound of tiio alarm. A. Mohr has yet no opposition for dole Riite to tho Republican couuty convention from the Second district of the Nineteenth ward. In the Third district ot this ward several cauilidates have been mentioned, but friends of J. J. Chase claim he is in tho loud. COURT WAS LACHRYMOSE. Aff'O'.inff Scenes at the Sentencing? of a Bank President. Ildianapolis, Ind., June 7. Theo dore P. Huughey, the aged ex president of the wrecked Indianapolis National bnnk, was given six years in the peni tentiary this morniny. A few months ago he pleaded guilty to misapplying the funds of the bunk and thereby avoided a public trial. In passing sentence Judge Uakur broke down und cried like a child. He said that it was the most painful duty of his life. Tbe prisoner was taken to the north ern penitentiary at noon today. He will be assigned to the hospital depart ment, and will he granted every free dom possible nndvr tbe prison rules. Huughey was a member of ono of the prominent churches of this city and n well known Mason. His beautiful uburbun bum at Mapleton is all tbst has been saved. His mother, nr)y 1)0 years of age, knows nothing of her sou's downfall. STEPDAUGHTER AND SON ELOPE. Ths Young- Man' Fathir Wanta Tbrm Toth Arrested Lebanon. Fa., June 7 Warrants were issued today by Joseph Atper for the arrest of his son Dani;'l aud his B'epdaughWr Alice. The young man is 28 yars "Id. while the girl is but 14. On M iy 29 they disappeared and as they bad threatened to elope it is sup posed they did so. Alice is a large, well-developed girl for her ago. Hove Yen Seen ThemP No. 4 of the Art Students' Multichromes at The Thihunk busiuess oflicc. They m works of art. THE CELEBRATED IAKTOS ' it Prcicnt the M.v.t Popnlar nml 1'rcferrod by Luadmg A -ilsti Vt'nrcrooms: Opposite Columbus Konumont, HI ALEX, PHILLIPS Now has nf the KEYSTONE HO 'I EL, formerly cailoil the Cross Keys, corner Bromley ove. and Swetlknd. A full line of Liquors, Ileer, Alo ami Flno Clears will be kept In stock. Mr. Phillips will bo pleasadt o greet his many trlonds who will favor him with a c .11. BE ASHAMED OF SICKNESS ! There's No Virtue in Nonsensi cal Kind of Patience. DlieaM Is Not a Fututlty When Palne's Celery Compound Is Within the Reach of Every Nuflcror lu the Country It It Making Thousands of People Woll Tills .Month. Sickness is not a fatality. There is no virtue in patience with disease or weakness. "I always feel ashamed to be sick," says a famous preacher "In nine usscb out ol ten I know that it is due to citrtlisiiiess; I get woll as quickly as I can, almost ashamed, as if 1 had been caught in some culpable act." Think of it that wuy if you want to livo long. With the grout modem remedy, Palne's celery oomponnd, the remedy that makes people well, within the roach of every sufferer, there is no excuso lor moping around with n long face, easting a shadow over the bright liv h around oue. Psine'l celory compound cures spoed ily and thoroughly diseases directly traceable to unhealthy blood and a weak nervous s)ntem, it makes now life and courage and happiness, it has done this in thou sands of c.k-s. It will do so iu thou sands more. Try it. Musio li xi), Ezclusivsly. Best made. Play any dei-ired number of tunes, (inulschl it Hons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orcheatrial orgaus, only $5 and $10. Specialty: Old uiunic boxes carefully ro pairod aud improved with new tunos. Mothers! Mothrrell Mothsrsll! Mrs. Window's Soothiug Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions O mothers for their children whilo toethlng' with pi rfect success. It soothes tho child Bofteus the cums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, nnd is the best roniody for di arrbaa. Hold bydtuggists lu every part of tho world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and tako no no other kiud. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Pon't lose sight of the fact that we will sell you a good BABY CARRIAGE for less money than you can buy it elsewhere. jVVe have made many ad ditions to our LAMP STOCK They are choice and (make a beautiful present with a Silk or Lace Shade We NEVER allow our stock of Tea or Toilet Sets to run low. You know the quality. Come in and we will give you the prices. CHINA -MULL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenua. Homestead CORN, PEAS, SUCCOTASH, LIMA BEANS, $1.50 Tor Dozen HOME JERSEY CREAMERY BUTTER In 3 au d 5 lb. Pails. Eggs rcocivetl Dally from the Home Poultry Farm. C. DITCHBUBN, 437 Lackawanna Ave. A. W. Jurisch 435 SPRUCE STREET IlICYCLiiS AND MM K TING GOODS. Victor, Qondron, Eclipse, Lovell. Dlamont snd Other Whoela. Another Advocate of Anaesthene OKS. HENWOOD A WAIIDKIX: il M i i mi n it affords me great pleasure to state that your new procou ofextraatine tooth Was n grand euccess Is my oaie, and I lienrtlly rooommond It t 11. I slnooroly hope that others will test lis merits. Yours respectfully, Ai r. s. IC itKVAxr, Soraaton, Fa. Henwood & Wardell, DENTISTS, 816 Lackawanna Avo. WIU on and aftor Mav 21 mako a Rreat reduo tlon In tho prlcAs of plates. All work guur anteed flrst-clase la every particular. THE- Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle Now on sale for 25c. or Slven away with purchase of every suit. Handsome line of Spring Overcoats and the Nobby "Bell" Cutaway Suits Martin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, Wyoming Avenue. BiuiaEiiBBiiflsiEsiiiiiiBiBiiiiBiitiaismiiiiiiiaaHiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiBiiiii&ieiiieiiHifliitEa THE Will offer some Special Bargains for FRIDAY and SATURDAY I 100 dozen Children's HANDKERCHIEFS, colored borders, worth 5 cents, for - - - 3 CENTS I 200 dozen Ladies' Plain Hemstitched HANDKEB- chicft. worth 12 1.2 eonts for . . . n nVKTmca - 1 km mm I 100 dozen Ladies' Black HOSE, extra length, full regular, worth 45 cents, for 25 CENTS g I 50 dozen Ladies' Black Silk MITTS, fine quality, g worth 25 cents, for 19 CENTS 5 IN MILLINERY g We oiler all of our Ladies' Trimmed Hats that were $3. 50, $5, I $G, $8 and $10, for just HALF PBICE. .MSI A new lot of Children's Garments just received. 7Xit3BliaiIBilBBflBflBBBIflBBBIflBflflBflnBBDBIBaBflBiaBBBBBBBBBflBBfllBI3flB5BBBBIflflBBBflaflflBBBBBBBBBBsnq TALKING OF COOL WEATHER Reminds us that we have a lot of nice Spring Derbys in all the latest shades that we will let you have at at tractive figuras. Drop in at either store and see them. 205 Lackawanna Avenue and 412 Spruce Street Christian, the Hatter It's a Great Shock to tho folks who ro claiming they undersell ill nthcrs t find that without the least fuss or bluster we aro giving eustomrrs the ben flt of such opportunities as these. A Strict Iv High Grade Llght-welghf Wheel, 181)4 pattern, for Si 10 cash. 18U3 pattorn, S1AO Wheel, for S7S. 1H4 pattern, 100 Wheel, for BSeash rheso prices roako the business at our store. FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. SAY! YOU HEAVY WEIGHTS DOYOUKNC vV THAT CONRAD, THE HATTER, HAS SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR YOUR SIZE? "IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED," TRY SAPOLIO hbn SPECIAL A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for Only $9.90 Clothiers. liefiBalJijraisfe Seasonable Suggestions Atlantic White Lead. 1 he Old Kellable lucas Tintnd Gloss Paints. Economical. Durable, Beautiful U. S. Deck Paints. Very Host Thing for Floors. Campbell's Varnish Stains. 1 ho Great Furniture Hostoror. Johnson's Prepared Kalsomine, Decorates and disln fects your rooms. Alabastine. Alabastin. - Beautiful, hard finish for walU Reynolds' Eiamel Paints, The thing for a bath tub. London Purple, Keep.! your fruit trcos healthy. Paris 6raen. Paris I reen, '1 he old remedy for potato bags Genuina Dalmatian Powder and Magic Fluid, Relievos you of thai "cest," bed bugs. Fatal Food. Fatal FcoJ, The propor diet for roaches. Moth Camphor Balls, Moth Camphor Flakos, Tho name Indicates the use. Matthews Bros., 320 Lacka. Ave.